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America and the caribbean brush to help those made homeless by a tropical storm. Us president elect joe biden is moving forward with transition plans as the congratulations at home and abroad continue to come in on sunday even if it is Church Cemetery where family members are buried including his late son this week he will meet with his advisors to build a plan for combating coronavirus in the u. S. And reviving the economy donald trump golfing outside of washington is refusing to concede defeat tweeting about legal challenges a vote recounts final tallies is still being done in several states and he insists without evidence the election was fraudulent the bottom was congratulated by a former president turned republican where is he george w. Bush on sunday he says that the vote was fair and its outcome was a clear. Heres more of what george w. Bush said to the notes posted on instagram he thanked biden for the patriotic message that he delivered on saturday night adding that he had also called komla harris to congratulate her on her historic election to the mice presidency he goes on though we have political differences i know joe biden to be a good man who has won his opportunity to lead and unify our country and i offered in the same thing i offered president s trump and obama my prayers for his success and pledged to help when other republicans that is a mitt romney believes trump will accept the results if his legal challenges fail but he cautions trump on the language that hes using i think one has to be careful in the choice of words i think i think would you say that the election was corrupt or stolen or rigged but thats unfortunately rather rhetoric that gets picked up by authoritarians around the world and i think it also discourages confidence that our democratic process here at home and and with the battle going on right now between authoritarianism and freedom why i think i think its very important that we not use language which which can encourage. A course in history which would be very very unfortunate one of the challenges biden is facing is the crowed virus the u. S. Is seen 4 Straight Days of new infections while the 126000 cases and about a 1000 deaths were reported on saturday at least 230000 people are known to have died from cope at 19 in the u. S. Total infection count is nearing 10000000. Our reynolds looks at how biden will tackle the pandemic and other pressing issues when he deals with whats likely to be divided congress. Once the celebrations by joe biden and kumble harriss supporters have faded the enormity of the task facing the president elect and his deputy looms ahead and im hard on quite a trust and confidence you placed in me. Biden has pointed to the covert 19 pandemic now rampaging virtually unchecked throughout the country as his most urgent priority our work every gadget getting covered under control by the time he takes the oath of office the situation may be far worse than it is now there are several months between now and when i actually takes control if the Current Administration doesnt do an about face we will see much more misery much more unnecessary deaths Infectious Disease specialists say biden must work hard to convince the millions of people swayed by trumps rejection of science and math swearing to change their behavior needs to gather the right people around him. Which i know he will do he needs to get rid of those individuals who have been voicing nonscientific and unsound. Bad advice some things will be relatively easy for biden to accomplish by executive action rejoining the paris climate accords reinstating Environmental Protection rules eliminated under trump and reversing the socalled muslim ban but if the senate stays under republican control biden may be forced to compromise on vital matters like the size of an economic stimulus and relief legislation even more difficult to get through the senate will be bidens plans to increase taxes on high earners extend Health Care Insurance to more americans and overhaul immigration laws we know one thing about president elect biden its that hes somebody who has that instead of getting things done reaching across the aisle especially in a place like the senate and i think thats going to be exactly the set of attributes will be so important to getting anything done at all its an old cliche to say after an election victory now comes the hard part but for joe biden and Campbell Harris the path ahead is as steep and as difficult as that of any Incoming Administration in u. S. History rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles. All is fine and looks ahead to President Donald Trump and his lawyers are not admitting defeat heres some of the legal maneuvering theyre working on at the moment they have requested a recount of votes in places like wisconsin one of the states job out of step from the publican to democrat and possibly also georgia where biden is narrowly ahead theyre also filing various lawsuits in other battleground states such as pennsylvania nevada and arizona their main allegations are that mail in ballots which leans towards biden have been subject to widespread fraud and that Republican Campaign observers were not given sufficient access to vote counting centers there were no evidence has been provided to support these claims were going to cali is the dean of the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University she joins us now from durham in North Carolina thank you for your time people may be surprised to learn that there were for these elections and has been for decades in the u. S. International election observers tell us about their role and also their findings this time around so the organization for security and cooperation in europe has been visiting the United States since 2002 and they have been observing the elections in force but this time around they couldnt come in as big a contingent and they normally do because of the coronavirus still they put out an assessment. That they after the election and it was somewhat sobering i have to say after the United States has been a beacon of democracy around the world and indeed a pioneer in creating Election Observation around the world to read what was probably the most critical critical records that theyre always see thats ever done that u. S. Election critical of what. So you know i think they were very clear and i think we here in the United States are also very clear about the fact that in terms of the polling itself. Things went well they were well managed we had a record turnout and it was peaceful it was orderly the bearing process was secure or and we have strong tracking systems and all these sorts of things. What was more concerning however was those things that we saw are leading up to the election things that were not used to seeing in american democracy is you know never before have we had a sitting president that sort of undermine the confidence in the election or accused of can and such trying to steal the election before the the following had even started or suggested that the election should be to write or tackle me are used administratively resources to campaign and these are the kinds of things that the observers called out in their report directly pointing to the president and having undermined the confidence in democracy in the United States itself. It was pretty incredible as an International Leader somebody overseas looking in on the us and seeing businesses being boarded up in anticipation of possible violence ahead of an election that was quite something you said that the that the International Observers found that the balloting process was secure so therefore should these International Observers becoming out more forcefully in defense of these elections given the allegations by the team trump. I think that you know we will let this process play out you know this is we have a democratic machinery and it is functioning it is working and so if there are allegations you know its up to the president to to bring that evidence out weve not seen that yet and im sure that that or see another circus will stand by and let that process play out without commenting on it until there is more evidence on the t. V. Up but right now theres not a lot of evidence on that of but i do think whats become of us now is in the in this process here its just a tragic out of the institution of democracy as it doesnt just move will rest on a lot of rules then and larson we rest on trust between citizens and in the United States is that all of this democracy in the world but that also means that some of our who are also very old you know if it president cant had managed to win this election by these some of the margins in the senate some would have been the sort of. In just 6 elections that we would have seen a president win an election without actually having the popular majority the popular vote but winning it through those arcane thing that we have called the Electoral College you know and things like that United States democracy will use do for for some renovations to to catch up with many other democracies around the world that have never processes in place now that what was left of the voters ok thank you so much kelly there from the whos the dean of the senates goal of Public Policy at Duke University. My question. Well as we mentioned earlier International Reaction to bidens when is still coming in saudi arabias king samana and crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon have joined World Leaders congratulating biden and carmel her as they were the last of the gulf leaders to do so ties between riyadh and washington have been exceptionally close on to tromp chose riyadh as his 1st overseas destination as president palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas pictured here with biden in 2016 says he looks forward to working with the new administration abbas has refused to deal with the white house since trumps decision to recognize drusillas the israeli capital and to move the u. S. Embassy there and israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his message to biden also paid tribute to donald trump. For myself and for all citizens of the state of israel i again func President Trump for the great friendship is shown to the state of israel and to me personally i congratulate him for recognizing jerusalem and the golan for standing up to run for the historic peace accords and for bringing the American Israeli Alliance to unprecedented heights thank you President Trump and the head of the World Health Organization has tweeted saying that he and his colleagues look forward to working with the president elect who has pledged to rejoin the w. H. O. Want to stay in office he went on to say that crises like the pandemic show the importance of Global Solidarity and protecting lives and livelihoods together. Still to come here on aljazeera fears of hospital shortages again in europe dr iris cases across the continent. And the crown jewel of produce it to us cites rio. Hello weve got something of a north south split in the weather across the middle east where you are surprised because im right in the forecast here that is the case across northern parts of the region a fair amount of cloud actually just spilling across the caucasus between the black sea the caspian sea and we could see some right grassy pushing in across the levant syria lebanon maybe seeing some showers here possibly down into jordan how wetter weather eking its way across into iraq northern parts of saudi arabia yeah that could be some rain here as well and that will continue to drive its way further east which iran could come into the picture with some wet weather as we go through chews day and even a chance of a shower 2 in kuwait south of that it is generally fine in trial lovely weather here in doha temperatures getting up to 29 degrees celsius in the sunshine might catch the odd shower just around the southern end of the red sea great to south of seeing showers across central parts of africa could see some showers anywhere from central and southern parts of somalia through ethiopia pushing a rod across the rift valley all the way across into the gulf of guinea some larvae downpours and youre possibility into uganda love the possibility of showers to just pushing across into that eastern side of tanzania to the south of that it is generate dry wind by the end of the way well see some heavy rain for the east and south africa. In part 2 of a special investigation one o one ace visits west in a strong. He is only used to Tension Center and travels to the remote outback towns with many inmates come from. 0. Join me Richelle Carey is at the front questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate. From britain and spun out his era. Youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this sell us president elect joe biden has outlined his administrations 4 big priorities including the coronavirus and then he and the Vice President elect pushing ahead with transition plans. Donald trump is still refusing to concede defeat his team is preparing legal challenges to some of the counts. But biden has been congratulated by former president and republican george w. Bush he says the vote was fair and its all to come here. Joe walsh is a former republican congressman and was a 2020 president ial hopeful he believes the Republican Party is now irreversibly tied to trump and its in serious trouble. Look donald trump has been attacking our democracy for months hes been telling his supporters not to accept the results of the election and i can tell oh you most of his supporters will not accept his loss and i think thats going to lead to ugliness in america and thats on donald trump these are people who for a long time i have felt ignored by our politics for years to go along came in ugly down like i said im going to build the wall and keep brown people out of this country and that was horrible but decent people believed it and now theyve clung to him and theyre not going to let go of him because they now believe he won and it was stolen from him this is a scary time in america. So hot as these is a professor of law reckons university she says trumps legal challenges dont have the potential to change the outcome of the election. So most of his challengers are alleging that either ballots shouldnt be counted after the elections when in fact the law does provide for that and hes particular states or that some ballots were not counted that were in his favor and ultimately what hes going to be demanding is a recount and in some states that recount could be automatic if its a very narrow margin like in arizona point 25 percent other states if its point 5 percent then the candidate can ask for a while so it depends on the state but most of the analysts that have been looking very closely at the voting counts have concluded that even if there is a recount which could be a result of a lawsuit that there will be no there will not be a significant difference in the outcome because they usually produce 8002000 difference of votes and right now hes behind in georgia hes behind 510000 votes and pennsylvania 545000 votes and 17000 in arizona so not enough that a recount would make that big of a difference its yet to be seen whether if trump loses in the courts which is likely will he then have surrogates or he himself try to mobilize people to go out to the streets and produce some form of violent reaction which even if you still lose the presidency he gives or he gives to biden a gift which is that he inherits instability and thats going to be very difficult to govern under and its going to be a real political challenge for violin harris. The 2nd wave of crime and a virus is pushing the pandemic the global epicenter back toward europe several countries have imposed various lockdowns fairing that their hospitals could once again become overwhelmed and the reports from london. With covered 19 infection surging these are worrying times for hospital staff around europe here in france the death toll from the virus is now more than 40000 at this private hospital in the city of santa t. N. They have prepared for a 2nd wave but theyre still nervous on that. Weve managed to order equipment weve requested some stuff which is very important in terms of organization and things are going better at the moment but it is nevertheless more stressful because we know that we are going to reach a level that we didnt reach during the past wave. Front is currently a week into one of europes tightest lock downs and police have been stepping up checks on the roads people can only venture one kilometer from where they live thats unless they have a permit to travel for work that can be done from home family obligations or medical visits greece has become the latest european country to enter lockdown for the next 3 weeks people can only leave home if they make a request via mobile phone and get approval nonessential shops have to close the move will be on the market i believe people understand the urgency of the moment and will respond to the situation from the very 1st day they have been moving around the city i hope this will continue britain has imposed a ban on non u. K. Citizens coming from denmark because of concerns over a new coronavirus strain linked to main mutations of the virus that causes the covered 19 disease have been detected in more than 200 people in denmark most cases were connected to mink farms in the countrys north days or thora teas avoided the cull of all mink thought to number around 70000000. In like in neighboring germany thousands of people demonstrated over the weekend against the current 4 week partial lockdown its aimed at fighting a rise in. Factions some protesters ignored in order to disperse scuffling with police and attacking journalists a reminder of the challenges much of europe faces as it tries to avoid reaching the death tolls back in the spring the aljazeera. Tropical storm ida has made landfall in the u. S. State of florida to cause a widespread damage in parts of Central America dozens of people have died and more than a 1000000 displaced in honduras alone a tale of as hadiya reports. This is where rescue teams are searching for survivors. Water mollusca have villages one of many hit by a series of landslides caused by storm edda an Indigenous Community of about a 1000 people live in this area and authorities fear many may have been buried alive across the country more than 60000 people have been evacuated and more could follow. Its a similar scene across southern mexico and Central America the storm has displaced around a 1000000 people and on douras. This u. S. Army Helicopter Rescue some flood victims whove lost everything floodwaters have left dozens dead and scores homeless. For now entire communities will have to call shelters like these home their only personal spaces outlined by 4 mattresses that lay next to one another. And i will come whenever we need help because were left on the street everything is flooded people are asking to be taken out of their houses because they were trapped on a real sweetheart deal the river overflowed and water washed into the homes of dozens of families we lost all of our belongings in the flood weve been left with nothing. In the u. S. State of florida the storm could bring more chaos in nearby cuba tens of thousands of people have evacuated their homes and many are bracing for the worse. It. Got. In my house we are ready we filled our water tanks including one on our roof my sister went to look for bread and i bought butter weve been searching for things in preparing ourselves. Is being described as one of the fiercest storms to hit the region in here. Governments and rescue teams in several countries fear this may very well be the beginning. Of the young aljazeera. Turkeys finance minister says hes resigning due to Health Problems but out to who is the son in law of president reza type one baby at all spent on his Instagram Account theres been no comment yet from the president the resignation comes just 2 days after the Central Bank Governor was sacked turkeys been trying to shore up its currency the lira which is lost 30 percent of its value against the dollar as the beginning of the year. Turkey has congratulated azerbaijans president who says his forces have seized a key city in a disputed region shusha is one of the most important cities in the uk where azerbaijan is fighting with armenia a suburb in debate reports from bucko. So they came out in their thousands. Quickly turned into a Big Street Party after the countrys president said the strategic city of who was once again under their control. Dear brothers and sisters it is with great pride that the city of fuchsia has been liberated from occupation is ours. Is ours. Limited to the. People came out of the much anticipated announcement. In armenia is the 2nd largest city in the disputed region the Mountain Town occupies a key location. With armenia the claims of victory were dismissed by the going to administration. Continues and its not surprising to hear that no they are not accepting a liberation. Army but as it has been stated by the head of the states. Even today just to sit behind the negotiations table and start political settlement but for this. Commitment on the withdrawal of all its forces from. Both sides. Civilians in indiscriminate attacks no letup in fighting despite several cease fire agreements brokered by the minsk group which include russia france and the United States. Celebrations continued in the night despite restrictions such people also waved. To of azerbaijan. In 1902 tens of thousands of people have been displaced from the city and have dreamed home. Of the city of. It is emotional they know the war is over but theyre hoping that this announcement moves them closer to victory in the whole disputed region with all of the garbage out there. If youre here as Prime Minister has sacked his army chief and 2 others at the top of his government as casualties mount from conflicts in the north the foreign minister the head of intelligence and the armys Top Commander were removed 5 days ago be ordered a military operation against separatists in the Northern Region of taking it cues is them of trying to break up the country the main opponent in guineas disputed president ial poll has called for a general strike after the incumbent was declared the winner of the Constitutional Court ruled on saturday that of a honda had won observers from african countries are back to the official result but the e. U. In the us of both. Parties name rival. Says he won the election he says data gathered by his supporters show was frayed thought its polling stations. My dear fellow countrymen the union of guineas Democratic Forces and the National Alliance for change and democracy invites you to take part in a dead city operation on november 9th in the conakry region to protest against the electoral hold up and demand respect for the truth of the ballot box. After a year in exile bolivias former president evo morales is on his way home to 61 year old was greeted by supporters at an airport on sunday events to find to a border town and then drive into bolivia left by livia last november amid violent protests and accusations of electoral fraud. Handfuls of tourists are trickling back into much of picchu after the heritage site finally reopened perus government made it off limits in march to 2 the coronavirus its all about reports. Much of picchu is not like any other place in the world as global covert 1000 cases surge and lockdowns cascade into effect its in can ruins have reopened. Much a big tournament but the 1st to enter much of peter really is a thrill all i can tell all peruvians and all the world is to come we have all the security measures it is very safe to be here and you will be well received. The units go World Heritage sites closed in march because of coronavirus restrictions it officially reopened to this week but with Health Checks and capacity limited to 30 percent or 680. 00 terrorists a day the 1st visit was just the yama in october the japanese tourist received a special exemption to into early after waiting for 7 months in a nearby town much you picchu sits 2400 meters above sea level where the peruvian andes meet the amazon basin archaeologists believe it was built in the 15th century as a century front in can empower it remains one of the most significant portals into inconsiderate eyes ation as perus top tourist attraction the local economy relies on the travellers it draws especially foreigners its closure affected nearly a quarter of a 1000000 workers shopkeepers in nearby cusco say they lost more than 2 thirds of their income and yet it has been super terrible because there were no tourists you can only see resident tourists who live here who live nearby and nothing else. Peru is closing in on 1000000. 00 cases of covert 19 with nearly 35000. 00 deaths for a country of 32000000. 00 people thats the highest per capita mortality rates. In the world but cases are now decreasing and restrictions easing. Its been quite complicated for all of us who work in tourism the city basically lives off it and its been a very hard blow many shops are closed many people lost their jobs now the gates have reopened proving once a hopeful price a day or hed shell a bellus aljazeera. Can validate the headlines on aljazeera u. S. President elect joe biden has outlined his administrations priorities including the coronavirus had to make he and the Vice President to exit pushing ahead with transition plans biden has named 2 members of a covert 19 working group he is expected to announce the others on monday for a 4th day the u. S. Reported a Record Number of infections pres

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