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Conflicted zone theyve tried to capture areas village after village settlement after Settlement City after city trying to clear them off of the people and majority of the areas that weve seen in this conflict have been devoid of any civilian population because as the by jenny forces were advancing forward they were using artillery and drone strikes to try and clear the areas from fighters to civilians had been stepping back and weve been seeing those civilians fleeing those areas in the last 48 hours as well especially in the or step on a kurd as its known by armenia lot of people have been fleeing those areas as well and this is going to be a major setback for the armenian Prime Minister its not clear how politically any leader could survive such a major deal since 1902 we were speaking to as a burgeoning officials who say that per capita perhaps they have one of the worlds highest. Refugee pop pop relations the people whove been displaced from the region i make about a 1000000 and theres 10000000 people who live in azerbaijan so every one in 10 people is an internally displaced person people whove been displaced for the last 28 years have been telling telling us about how they yearn to go back how they missed their own areas and how this is going to be an opportunity and this is something extraordinary that weve been seeing in the people and the soldiers who have been saying that this is an opportunity for them to take back all of those areas that they have not been able to in nearly 3 decades and it appears that they were on the right trajectory and. Why did president announcing that finally the war is over in some time after the details are settled down there might be able to go back to their homes ok osama bin speaking to us there from baku in azerbaijan on that breaking news story armenia azerbaijan and russia say theyve signed a deal to end the nagornokarabakh conflict. American drug maker pfizer has released an interim results which show its vaccine is clearly effective in preventing kovan 19 has been welcomed by scientists and World Leaders and triggered a surge on Global Markets the vaccine developed by pfizer and the german startup biotech was found to be more than 90 percent effective in preventing covert 19 among the study participants no serious safety concerns were observed among the more than 43000. 00 participants across the globe the study showed just 94 confirmed cases a coven 1000 among the participants the news has been called a great day for science and humanity and while the w. H. O. Says the results are very positive it has added that there is still a lot of work to be done charlie and the reports. 1300000000. 00 doses by the end of the year thats the claim from drug makers pfizer and biotech after announcing their vaccine is more than 90 percent effective theirs is the 1st successful data from a large scale Clinical Trial and widespread vaccinations could roll out by the end of december following an application for an emergency use approval from regulators within weeks German Company biotech admit theyre still waiting on more results to further prove its safety. Its true that this type of medication has no approval yet which is why we are carrying out this compatibility study with more than 40000 test persons to find out if there is any intolerance even a rare one what we can prove with this study is that the vaccine is compatible and that side effects are mild to moderate and that there are no severe side effects the news of the vaccine sent Global Stock Markets soaring scientists welcome the news of the 90 percent effectiveness much higher than been expected but also raised questions we have to know who received your vaccine in this 1st trial and. Evaluate if this sometimes tick results could be extended also to add the populations which are matched more than in needs from relaxing the to the i mean all the people the people we really. Who are at risk of severe infections and probably were not included in the 1st trial you know as the World Health Organizations Decision Making body met in a largely Virtual Conference questions were already being raised about how any vaccine would be distributed especially to developing countries the world has come together as never before to usually slice same into result of denial or fraud and im not going to be fairly as lot with. Not private communities that people why and what reasons im p. Left behind 1200000 people have now died of the virus and more than 50000000 people have courted 10000000 of them in the u. S. But the pandemic shows no signs of abating with hungry in portugal the latest countries in europe to reimpose strict measures the assembly did have one reason to celebrate the victory of joe biden means the u. S. Will be reestablishing its relationship with the w. H. O. After trouble for many began withdrawing in july the funding the u. S. Brings is key as the organization revealed although the worlds expectations of the w. H. O. Have grown dramatically the budget hasnt charlie and. President elect joe biden is urging americans to put partisan politics aside and when moss the u. S. Recorded more than 10000000 corona virus infections biden has unveiled a task force to combat the outbreak and it includes doctors Public Health experts and scientists he says the nation is edging towards a very dark winter this group. And detailed plans built on a bedrock of science and we keep compassion empathy and care for every american added score this election is over time to put aside the part of the forest and share and the rhetoric designed to demonize one. This time to end the politicization of basic responsible probably kill steps like mask social distance. Jamal sheil is live for us and wilmington delaware which is of course joe bidens home state and still very much pushing ahead with his plans to tackle the coded. Pandemic. Indeed hes named those who are going to be heading this covert task force they include the former top surgeon of the United States as well as other medical experts its always been his Campaign Promise true essentially listen to the scientists rather than politicize the pandemic as he had accused donald trump of doing obviously significant that this comes after the number of people suppose its a for the virus in the United States has reached more than 10000000 that means one out of every 5 around the world who have had the virus are american and that actually includes the latest cabinet minister or member of cabinet rather of the trumpet ministration dr Ben Carlson Carson rather who is the housing minister who was actually at one of those events at the white house a couple of days ago where the chief of staff of donald trump also got it so by the ins limits it in terms of what you can do right now obviously because he doesnt have in your thirtys still just the president elect but thats not stopping him from putting together a plan that he hopes hell be able to execute the moment he gets into office on january the 20th on the top of that list is trying to ensure that people wear masks as much as possible in as many places as possible so how difficult is it to plan a transition given the circumstances that were in. Well in theory its meant to be pretty easy if youve won the election you know that youve got a couple of months the whole point of this transition period in the american political system is to allow for the incoming president drew put together that plan so that they can actually come in and start working straight away unfortunately what the United States finds itself in with this standoff between the current President Donald Trump and the winner or projected winner of the elections is that trump is refusing to acknowledge defeat not only that the General Services administration which is essentially the Human Resources department if you will of the u. S. Governments its head she is refusing to release funds for the Transitional Team of joe biden thats millions of dollars that would otherwise be made available for by them and his team to start you know hiring offices hiring people to stop putting plans that they can implement the moment they come in obviously the head of the General Services administration is a political appointee so she was actually appointed by donald trump when he became president therefore its no real surprise that she is rejecting this but she is coming under criticism for doing so how much longer she can actually withhold those funds from the. Transitional team were not quite sure but definitely there are challenges for the by then her wrists team in terms of putting together their plans as the run up to john or you 20th gets closer and closer. Jamal there for us live in wilmington delaware many thanks. Eva and u. K. Negotiators are trying again to get a post trade deal and the election for j. Biden in the u. S. Is adding another significant aspect to this talks anderson explains why from london. Michel barnier the hughes chief negotiator on the post trade deal has a spring in his step now he has a new bargaining chip the views of joe biden the president elect thinks brecks it was a mistake and the u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson who had counted on the support of donald trump as a weaker hand like johnson trump has no liking for the e. U. Biden will follow policies that embrace the e. U. France and germany may well become more influential allies of the us than the u. K. The u. K. Being outside the e. U. Is no longer the main interlock for washington in the e. U. It is outside so the special relationship is not what it used to be and people that think that it is for you so how salvage their relationship i basically believe all ahead of the u. S. Election joe biden had already sent a warning shot and johnson who hes never met it was over the possibility of a hard border between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland the e. U. Warns that could be the outcome if the u. K. Government presses ahead with a plan that breaches International Law it would contravene part of the e. U. Withdrawal agreement the u. K. Could change or ignore export rules on goods moving from the u. K. To Northern Ireland biden who has irish roots believes like the e. U. The good friday agreement of 1998 which brought peace to Northern Ireland would be endangered by a hard border. Another issue at stake is johnsons plan for a trade agreement with the u. S. Under biden that could all go up in smoke if theres a no deal brechts it all revisit a distant prospect of a hard irish border. Some analysts believe a u. S. Trade deal has been overhyped by the british they seem to want that to prove that rex it has worked in some way and i guess maybe they can have that impact in domestic politics but from an economic standpoint what what the u. K. Needs is an effective deal with the e. U. And where its Economic Future lies cam there be a wind of change in u. K. Policy on brics it with biden as u. S. President right now theres no sign of it but it could well be that the u. K. Government is pondering its position Andrew Symonds out 0 london forces loyal to libyas u. N. Backed government have condemned talks about their countrys future which are going on in neighboring tunisia they were protests in the capital tripoli supporters of the government of the National Accord say their leaders are not being properly represented at the tunis negotiations just last month military representatives from libyas 2 warring sides signed a permanent ceasefire claire harriets reports on the talks from tunis. The native nations has invited 75 delegates from libya chosen to represent an array of political viewpoints regional interests and social groups theyve gathered here in tunis to find a way forward. Acting un envoy Stephanie Williams is clear on the aim of the talks in tunis so. We are going to work with the 75 participants on our on the road map Going Forward the political roadmap Going Forward with the key objective being the scheduling of national elections. Cycles of violence for nearly a decade after the tribes and groups brought dont market afy turn on each other. And it has morphed into a conflict in which regional and global rivalries are being played 8 libya has had 2 rival administrations for years with the un recognizing the government in tripoli and the warlord Khalifa Haftar are leading his forces in the east last month libyas domestic warning sides agreed to a permanent cease fire such deals have failed in the past to stop the fighting but the u. N. Says the military officers have shown a sense of duty and responsibility and so it hopes for the same from the 75 delegates involved in the political talks here in tunis their host president case saved said it was imperative libya remain a unified nation. Libyas unified nation some people talk of western and Eastern Libya but we told them that libyans are one people this kind of rhetorical could lead to the division of libyas the tunisian people refuse this because they know that all libyans refuse it to us its a danger on the region as a whole as it could open the door to division in other neighboring nations with libya already desperate for normalcy the Global Pandemic has made worse the situation in the words of the u. N. Envoy covered in 1000 has colluded with conflict. Libya is geographically nearby but a world away from the grandeur of this luxury hotel in tunis where in the next sixtys 75 delegates will attempt to chart its political future clearheaded it algis eda tunis. The United States has imposed sanctions on 4 more chinese officials over the crackdown in hong kong the move comes as hong kongs prodemocracy politicians say they will all saw him from the citys Legislative Council if beijing disqualifies any of them there are reports that chinas leaders are considering removing at least 4 legislators for violating its. In myanmar g. s National League for Democracy Party says its won enough seats to form the next government although official results have yet to be released the n l d says its own numbers point to another landslide victory early reports from young on. Myanmars governing National League for Democracy Party led by un santucci has claimed another landslide victory in general elections. Official results are yet to be released but the n l d says its confident it has won enough seats to be able to form a new government. But im so happy and thrilled that in the old he has won i believe our mother soon will make the best situation for our country we know that was the man when i voted for an oldie because i want the best for my country and. I hope all newly elected candidates will listen to the ordinary citizens who voted for him. The celebrations began soon after polls closed despite pleas from the government to return home a sea of supporters clad in red put aside their fears about the pandemic and gather to show support for the governing party. Despite widespread vote cancellation in ethnic areas and speculation that coded 19 would keep people away from the polls the turnout on election day was high voting is still new in myanmar for most voters this is only the 2nd time in their lives that theyve had a chance to vote for the party of their choice and so people dont take this for granted even if they feel that the end of the is going to win in their constituency they still want to get out there to demonstrate their support to do their civic duty and i think there was an overwhelming sense of love. And to the n l d it looks like in the vote has been reflected in the result 25 percent of the seats in mammals parliament are reserved for the military so that means that we are now the needed 2 thirds of the seats being contested in this election in order to gain enough power d to choose the president who then in 10 will form the government although the n l d was widely expected to win there was a question about whether it would gain enough seats to meet that threshold but it seems the party has exceeded expectations early file aljazeera younger. Perus president is facing his 2nd impeachment trial in less than 2 months martin vist karo is accused of accepting bribes with hundreds of thousands of dollars from companies that won public work contracts as car survive similar congressional proceedings in september he denies the allegations. Libyas exile former president evo morales is back home he fled a year ago after violent protests and accusations of electoral fraud but now with his prostate je in charge morales felt safe enough to go back to reza by reports. World triumphant thats how it will more than his return to libya on monday after a year read exile in argentina he traveled to the city of like yakka right at the border between the 2 south american nations so. I always knew i was going to return but not as fast something historical thanks to the unity of the bolivian people my brothers and sisters history repeats itself a fight for life dignity peace and dignity. When ellis was forced to live bolivia last year after violence followed a president ial election that according to the organization of american states were filled with irregularities. The armed forces asked him to resign morales fled 1st to mexico and then came to argentina. Once here he became the Campaign Manager of Bolivias Movement Towards Socialism party that won the elections last month believe us new press and we sadducee was inaugurated on sunday. I more or less cross the border with argentinas precedent of the forum and this he said more or less return is an example to latin america. Thats what evil was the real president that represented the heart of bolivia when these things in bolivia were not allowed as president he didnt impressive job if there is one place in latin america where the social and economic structures have changed that place is bolivia they did take care of the deficit development equality and justice. Will be traveling with an 800. 00 vehicle caravan around bolivias coca growing regions in the next few days it would. Figure in bolivia and while there are millions who love him and are thankful for the right thing gained while he was in office there are others who claim he was a. And criticize his attempt to hold on to power despite a referendum that prevented him from seeking a 4th term. For the election of his shows millions who believe it will want a list changed to bolivia for the good. Rule role an indigenous population started to have a say in the countrys future while he was in office their vote is what allowed to come back. When a site is. Lets get a little bit of sports news with peter. Thank you very much 2017 masters golf champion Sergio Garcia will not play in this years event of the testing positive for coronavirus the masters usually takes place around april but was moved after the disease false to global shutdown of sporting events garcia revealed on his twitter page that he felt unwell over the weekend and decided to get tested for the virus along with his wife who tested negative earlier this year world number one Dustin Johnson and former masters champion adam scott were among those who tested positive it is terrible timing and this is. Now the Silver Lining for myself and i was talking about it with us tomorrow. We got it at a time when. We werent going to mr masters. It seems like almost one guy a week or maybe just a bit more test positive theres going to be a couple here garcia was playing at the houston open in texas just in the last few days and that is where carlos ortiz has become the 1st mexican play to win on the p. G. A. Tour in 42 years he produced some fantastic shots in the final round on sunday to clinch victory a 20 foot putt at the last hole generated the biggest cheer on tour since march of this was the 1st event to allow up to 2000 fans on calls per day here it is will not play in this weeks masters though but his victory doesnt have a place in the tournament next year. Dont really have to have been hearing heres how i said texas like my 2nd home state there is a bunch of people here cheering for me bunch of latinos mexicans and nervously people from texas cheer for me to say it was saw something in front of them and. Star striker neymar is a dancer hit a 5 times world champions brazils a World Cup Qualifiers against venezuela and europe go i am south America World cup qualifying is behind schedule of the coronavirus for to hold today proceedings neymar is in the brazil squad despite suffering from a gruelling generate the brazilians are hopeful their star man can play against uruguay even though his club paris and your man have said it is impossible. Meanwhile brazils old furrows argentina will have their star manly and al messi available for their World Cup Qualifiers like the brazilians argentina have won both their opening 2 games in qualifying the argentines host paraguayan before travelling to peru in this round of matches and in europe the u. S. The Nations League continues 3 times european champions spain have 3 matches to play during this International Window 1st up they play a friendly against the netherlands that would be a repeat of the 2010 World Cup Final and then in the Nations League itself they will face switzerland and germany. Over in portugal 37. 00 times League Champions been fico are under investigation on allegations of corruption the clubs offices were raided on monday by portuguese authorities some of been top officials that have been accused of unlawful player transfers and Money Laundering in feet of chief Legal Adviser was detained by local police of the being accused of obstructing justice. Not much better on the field of play for been feet as they lost ground in the premier league when they go keep this idea of the c. S. For the more so i came out of this area against braga but missed time the bouncers francisco got past him and scored the 2nd and braga 3rd in a 32 victory. Is going to italy with anybody him of it is showing no signs of slowing down the 39 year old ac milan striker who recently recovered from coronavirus has just become the top scorer in the season said he our men were up against. And it was a great start for the rest into a 2 goal lead of the 19 minutes in the 2nd half of each had a chance to equalise from the penalty spot but instead he missed his 3rd spot kick of the season revenge in stoppage time for him of each school the equaliser to rescue millen from defeat to to keep them at the top of the standings and that puts even him a bitch on 8 golds at 2 ahead of events as christiane i remember. 2 Major League Soccer and syrian reason montreal impact produced comeback victory against d. C. United to clinch a place in the playoffs montreal had been behind twice in the game but levelled out both sides and romauld hero to the winner in the 88 minute free to the final score and in the 3 game losing streak for the impact it will be the number 9 seed in the eastern conference. Motor sport now and chase any it is following in his fathers footsteps by winning the nascar championship erected up at the phoenix raceway in arizona at 24 years old the chase is the 3rd youngest champion in nascar 72 year history and it comes 32 years of believe it won the title he was one of nascars most popular drivers known as also bo from dawsonville but now its the sun is the new face of the sport. Now weve already heard that u. S. President elect joe biden has been invited to throw out the 1st pitch at the 1st home game of the Washington Nationals next year and on monday the 1st pitch in a south korean baseball game was thrown out by liron also known as the purple boy he became very popular on the opening day of the season but he also threw out the 1st pitch he stressed in a bubble to promote social distancing to this group of 19. Thats what the sport needs for now well see you again a little later for another update. Many thanks for that lots more on our breaking news coming out a deal to end the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan. The u. S. Is deeply divided millions of americans feel disaffected and ignored by both Political Parties and the Political Class is point scoring the game is a dangerous game but its a game of the sick list for kleins examines the political currents ripping through American Society in a description for a novel the publisher would send it back and say its too unbelievable trump versus biden the race to the white house on a just you know. Rewind returns with updates on the best of out is here is documentaries. The moving story of 2 young tuchman girls in afghanistan. At last able to get an education after use of oppressive taliban occupation. But what has become of their trees. Rewind pencils and bullets. On aljazeera. Frank assessments if American Public opinion feels betrayed by social media platforms after november what would be the cautious if you believe that there corrosive to our democracy one obvious solution is to break them up informed opinions lucas said his dont go any way the protesters arent going anywhere either its ability with a revolution people all call indepth analysis of the days global headlines because it gets really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. They stick it to be use and abuse across the globe on aljazeera. A deal has been signed to end manias war with azerbaijan in the disputed region of nickel macau to back comes into force right now. In armenia thats the deal russia is already sending peacekeepers to make sure the guns stay silent. My money inside this is al jazeera

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