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Was and supporters of u. S. President , donald trump, who still refuses to concede the election, hold a demonstration in washington. We begin with an escalation in the ethiopian conflict. The leader of the to gray region has confirmed that his forces have launched attacks across the border targeting the eritrean capital. At least 3 rockets have been fired. 2 of them hit the main airport in the capital as mara. It follows earlier, threats by the great Peoples Liberation front. And im going to mr. We will conduct missile attacks to foil military movements in misawa and a smile on rwandas. Take every other kind of message of full efforts to subjugate the take rate people inside say gray or other places with the the tea p. L. F. Is also locked in fighting with the Ethiopian Government forces. Ethiopias Prime Minister abi ahmed launched a military campaign in the restive t. Grain. Northern region 11 days ago. To great leaders have admitted that they initiated the offensive. The fighting has now led to the deaths of hundreds of people on both sides of the sent thousands of civilians fleeing into neighboring sudan. There are reports of massacres and ethnic profiling. Both sides are accused of atrocities. Out on the line from the city of gonda on the border of the to greater region. Why mohammad is eritrea being drawn into this conflict. Yes it is. But if you ask the people of good will tell you that we appear to be having technical troubles getting hold of it. Well, well try to come back to my have a little later. In the meantime, lets move on. Thousands of refugees have crossed into sudan over the past week. Morgan has more now from the sudan, ethiopia border. Hundreds of refugees continue to arrive here at the Reception Center. Now the center is just about 2 kilometers away from the sudan. If you appear border in sudan and hundreds of refugees have been pouring in here in 200, a Perception Center with the number reaching up to 9000 just over the past few days alone. Now most of them live in conditions like this out in the open with no shelter and no proper sanitation. And this is raising concerns among aid organizations here, especially medics. That this would create a health crisis. Medics say that most of the people who are arriving from chest infections as well as their infections due to exhaustion from traveling for days, skipping the fighting in the tigra region. Most of the refugees will speak of the same horror saying that they have seen people being slaughtered, that theyve seen aerial bombardment, which has made them fear for their lives here to sudan seeking safety and seeking humanitarian aid. Now they say that they are quite concerned about the number of refugees and influx. They say that theyre expecting more than 1000 over the coming days. And thats just here. And what a Reception Center sudan says that its expected to live up to 200000 in the coming week between here in the state and out of state with both border. And its calling out for the International Aid organizations to help respond to what its calling a refugee crisis. The 1st transfer of land in the disputed region of the go to cutback is taking place as part of a deal to end 6 weeks of fighting between armenia and azerbaijan. Armenia is handing over the district to cull the jaw anger. Among People Living there is so deep that many of them set fire to their homes as they prepared to leave. When the delist and celebrated by those in azerbaijan did start to protest against armenian Prime Minister, and they called posh indian media. And state security says that its followed an assassination attempt on bush Indian Police of the rest of the former head of state security and 2 others should be and is refusing to step down despite growing criticism. Well, heres a closer look at the regions being handed over as part of this deal. The go to cover back in red is internationally recognized as very terror territory that has been armenian held since 1994. Its surrounded by disputed territories. Over 6 weeks of fighting is areas picked up the territories in yellow, including theyre going to kind of box 2nd biggest city shusha as part of a cease fire deal. Armenia must hand over the cowbirds are region to these areas today. Then the region and guns are district on friday. Finally, on december 1st, the armenians will hand over Election District keeping only the latch in colorado or a Mountain Pass that connects the going to a kind of back and armenia. Russian peacekeepers will be deployed along the socalled line of control contacts for at least 5 years. On a 0 sum of been job, it is to garner azerbaijan. Whats happening there, where you are some which is one of the villages very close to the military is not allowing any media to go close by because there is some military movement that is taking place. Also the road that connects to from here, has been in disrepair for the last 30 years, so they are trying to develop the road link as well. There has been anger and frustration that weve seen in other by john and they thought the images of people burning their homes. Many people in other by a gun that these werent their homes to begin with. They occupied them, and now theyre leaving them and burning them. Speaking to various actors involved in this diplomatic wrangling continues between azerbaijan, armenia, to media, reason, russia, and turkey. And weve been asking the military, what will happen . How will that actually take place . Are they going to go in . And heres one of the leading generals told us they have to make sure that all of the pine forces there are moving out from reason and region. And the next stage, it will be decided around the negotiation table at the next stage, 1st of all our state border troops, they have to move in, and they have to provide security all International Border in this region between armenia and azerbaijan. Right now it is not our task to force a 1000000 to leave all of this. You know, the sri regions. Thats the task of peacekeeping troops. Thats why they moved in, and it is, their task will ask them. Thats our backup plan. Thats in our front meters on the border of the culbut, our district which is being handed over today. Whats the mood there and where are people going once theyve left . Well, you can see just behind me. I mean the road is deserted. Just 24 hours ago. This was, this was completely shocked, a block packed with people, leaving with all their belongings. You seen cattle on the road and weve seen also the Armenian Forces retreating on mass. And we also see in the other direction the russian peacekeepers going in now the road remains open because at the moment it is the only link between armenia and step on a kurd, to d. Cell from the city. The main city in the selfproclaimed republic of arts act where the armenians are still in control and that i think will not change until the election. Kori door opens again and there are plans to actually build another road along that lurching kori door that would avoid bypassing the town of shushan. So youre going to see a little bit of movement on this road for a little while more now people where theyre going, well, theyre going to armenia. What are they going to do . They dont know. Thats what they told us, where theyre going to put their children at school. They dont know where or how theyre going to live. They dont know. But you know, as you said, the a lot of people have burnt their homes here, but those are homes that they have built themselves. We went to village after village. We so homes that were that belonged to the families. People told us that a few people who are still there told us at those were as area houses. They are completely destroyed. Theyre not in a good shape, but the houses are. 2 being bird, the armenian houses the newly built armenian houses. So now people have no house anymore. Neither on this side of the border or in armenia itself. Its a very complicated situation for them. Reporting live from the edge of the district many thanks. Indeed hoarder. Some thousands of supporters of us President Donald Trump of held a demonstration in washington. Trump encouraged the protests and he echoed his claims of fraud during the president ial election boss. The sounds as if this was winchell reports, now its unlikely their enthusiasm will impact the result. The briefest glimpse of u. S. President donald trump just blocks from the white house props motorcade drove past thousands of people gathered on pennsylvania avenue on saturday morning for what they called their 1000000 magnum. R r r. The protesters goal overturn the result of the november 3rd president ial election and give tromp a 2nd, 4 years in office. These demonstrators believe the media, the democratic party, and other Sinister Forces conspired to steal the vote from trump. My mission is to let the pretty country and especially for people to we have not given up on the fact that theres irregularities in voting, in their being picked every patriot who can hear my voice. Its a conspiracy being spread by some of the president s closest allies and lapped up by millions who have no control over our own destiny anymore. And so if theres a big corruption by fine, but cant own media when i say, oh, i mean that literally on a. B. C. N. B. C. C. B. S. You know, going down the line. And just as quickly, being denied by a watch insufficient from coast to coast in georgia, Officials Say theyve already reviewed about 20 percent of the ballots and have yet to uncover any evidence of voting fraud in pennsylvania. No plans to hold a recount because joe bidens victory is wide enough to avoid one. It may have felt good for Trump Supporters to rally for an end to the vote, counting, butt with 51 percent of the popular vote and at least 306. 00 Electoral College votes. Its going to be joe biden, takes the oath of office at noon on january 20th. Whether or not Trump Supporters like it. Rosalyn jordan aljazeera, the white house will get a weather update next here on aljazeera then also now or on the ballot. Even if his name isnt there. Every syrians head to the polls in municipal elections that are considered to be a test of the president s appeal. Just pandemic, its symbolic, we assume with a struggling economy will take a look at how the people there are helping each other on the front. I once more as a huge area of low pressure for me, of the british isles, druggy in more than to cancer. That means weston and old in europe is at the moment. Still, wet, windy, and mild, and thats shown as the rain significant rain on the frontal system goes through france, belgium and low countries. Today was significant rain once again for western norway re not snow on the eightys, and it tells than it is north of spain. Now ahead of it all, it has been focused on many days before warnings every morning from slovakia down through the balkans. But for gary is going to be slowly diminished. Im still damp shows the current weather on the front itself. My old wet and windy. This is on sunday today. And then as the front goes through, the temps drop down to nearer the normal, which at this time the year is 9 degrees. The process continues during monday a week looking frontal system, enough to disturb the air and get rid of any fog or place it in slovenia as an example. Was right, but bug area might still show that slow, slow change. Its cloudy, its cold in the morning. This morning, fog in the sun comes out of the top and then things clear up, come wednesday throughout the mediterranean and most of north korea. North africa, things occur quite if you ignore the eastern med, but there is still showers on the western side of north africa. As there are, we realistically, how can you deal with institutionalized corruption in this country . We listen. If this breaks up and real conflict between august on and india, this has implications for the rest of the world. We meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter is there are, we know one thing i, we can, we know how to get there. They feel that others cannot fires, are still going on. The way they can tell the story is what can make a difference. And again, this is our facility for measure of the main news this hour. The 1st transfer of land in the disputed region of the goa cutback is taking place as part of a deal to end fighting between armenia and azerbaijan. Many People Living in calcutta set fire to their homes as they left. The leader of the tigre, a region in northern ethiopia, says his forces are in conflict with eritrea on several fronts. Hes confirmed a rocket attack on the airport in eritreas capital. As mara Ethiopian Government forces launched an offensive in the region 11 days ago. The fighting has now led to the deaths of hundreds of people on both sides and sent thousands of civilians fleeing its neighboring sudan over the past week. Both sides are accused of atrocities, but joins us now live from the city of gonda on the border of the tigre, a region. Why is eritrea mohammed being drawn into this conflict . Well, if you ask the t. P. S. Leadership in the ticket, a region they will say trained forces are already involved in the fighting according to the t. V. 11 leader mikhail, hes 16 divisions of the editorial forces are already fighting in the on the border with a trainer and he says they are part and parcel of the conflict already in support of Prime Minister after that. Of course, those strikes those missile strikes. Sorry. That struck us mara came just hours after they threatened to carry out attacks against us. Mara saying that it was a legitimate target. Of course, theres no love lost between for want to kill and the t. P. S. Is either she or nearly 2 decades. They have not seen eye to eye. Thats of the war in 2000, from 1902000, which eritrea and ethiopia hold. They have always called it Prime Minister before what they called a quick agreement with the trail when it comes to ending the situation of no war, no peace between at a trail. And if your people and they always criticized him for what they called principled friendship with a science a forward, a key is just a matter of time. Now before eritrea fully gets involved in this conflict, according to diplomats. And what does that mean for the conflict with the fighting on 2 fronts . Well, its going to be quite a difficult one for that. If you have leadership on one side, you have thousands of Ethiopian Forces already gaining ground on taking over some of the major cities in the region according to government claims of victories. And then on the other side, is the editorial forces of battle hardened, conscripted and recruited over a long period of time that he says that would give the president of a trailer was anticipating another war with your korea. I mean, its, it would be very hard for the p. L. F. , but again, with an estimated 250000 troops of their own and having stashed a lot of weapons throughout the time they want in power. And also the 2 years that Prime Minister was in power. They cannot be ruled out, and many people here are predicting a protracted conflict. Thats something thats not going to be good for the people of ethiopia and the entire whole of africa region. As Mohammed Atta reporting live there from 15 nations in asia and the pacific have agreed to create the Worlds Largest free trade bloc. Its been signed at the assy end summers in a noisy regional comprehensive economic partnership. Includes china, japan, south korea, strayer, new zealand, and 10, Southeast Asian nations. Together, they represent 2200000000. 00 people, a 29 percent of Global Economic output deal, lower tariffs sets, common trade rules among members, which is a slow and slow is in kuala lumpur. She says that many see the deal as a way for china to increase its influence. Trade deal has been described as a china backed deal, and china did push hard for it. It or china when the idea was 1st mooted in 20128 years ago. It was observer, saw the trade agreement as a way for china to counter u. S. Influence and then u. S. President barack obama. Now in the last 4 years, china has had very little competition in this region, especially after the us President Donald Trump pulled out of the Transpacific Partnership known as the t. P. And that agreement went ahead without the u. S. Under different names. So now there are 2 trade deals, including this one, where the u. S. Is not a part of it, and it service say this allows china to solidify its broader and bishan in the region. Now, china is already a main trade partner for most of the Member States of this trade deal, whether its as an export destination or a source of imports. So that this trade deal, were allowed china to set trade rules and expand its influence in the region. Now, when can we expect this deal to be ratified while it needs at least half of those Member States in the trading block to ratify it and that process can take up to 2 years. Having said that, mrs van Member States have said they want to see this deal been ratified as soon as possible because they want to signal that this region is open for trade and investment. Especially given the economic downturn caused by the pandemic. The United States has set yet another record for new code 19 cases, reporting more than 180000 infections in 24 hours. Dirts also rising fast. Hospital admissions are at the highest level yet. Some states of imposing the a complete shutdown of a major holiday. The u. S. Centers for Disease Control is forecast that the death toll could jump by another 36000. Over the next 4 weeks, mexico has become the latest countries a register 1000000 corona virus infections on saturday reported more than 5800 new cases, and 635 deaths. Officials in mexico city have imposed 15 days of ties or restrictions on bars and restaurants, reports in mexico, the staggering numbers. A reminder of the human cost of the pandemic. More than 1000000 people have now been infected with the culprit 19 virus. Official figures say nearly 100000, people have died the 4th highest in the world after the United States india, brazil. Im angry that after all weve lived through in this world, some still dont accept the reality. This really exists or not actors and the patients here are dying. Having partially lifted restrictions, the authorities in mexico city have come down again, closing bars and restaurants for 15 days. The measures come off the hospital admissions in the capital and surrounding areas rose from 20 to more than 100 a day. Because its important that everyone knows that the measures were working with are vital in stopping this outbreak from growing in the the battle against the pandemic. Is being fought in the context of continuing violence across mexico, both criminal and political, these residents in better crews demanding justice after their mayor was kidnapped and killed. Because as in this, the, were asking that they investigate this terrible murder, the murder of our colleague, which should not go unpunished. We hold the National Government directly responsible for this well, in the Southern State of tabasco, theyre clearing up and trying to rebuild their lives after being hit by hurricane eta. Why should i go to the shelter so i can get infected . No, it doesnt make sense. They dont think about that about the coed infections. Many of us just want to stay with our family. However, some institutions are still open to the public, albeit in a limited way. They include mexico citys famous anthropology museum. We have to get used to the new norm and we cant think things are like they used to be and getting used to it means that we should be very respectful of the right of others to be healthy. Its world renowned collection of ancient art and artifacts providing a poignant reminder of life as it was long before the pandemic struck. Aljazeera, brazils president jaya balsam hour is about to face his 1st political test since coming to power 2 years ago. The country will vote and municipal elections on sunday. Also, noras been criticized for his response to the pandemic. His candidates are expected to do badly, but a chaotic have reports now from rio. Even brazilians have a difficult time keeping track of so many means. 19000 candidates are running for mayor and half a 1000000 for city council in more than 5000 cities. Thats why some have adopted monikers to help them stand out. Like john kelly some pena. In admirer of u. S. President , donald trump, in brazils president jade wilson, otto, he took on both their names. Well, ill sort them out of the bozo that will come to that. The also not a trump and both an auto defend the values that i believe in church, family and country. For the 1st time in history, more than half of the candidates are black. More than 30 percent are women, and there are 3 times more transsexuals running for office in 3 years ago. Like a son that i distance the rights of that is opportunism center in whites misquoted me as not leading to a reaction by women by people of color. The people who are feeling threatened or to bring down our laws and political ground to these new bobbins movements in so we can also see these new generation of activists in brazil going to point to last. Recent polls show bolsa, not as popularity declining, mainly because the government reduced by half the 110 dollars monthly emergency aid, which is being distributed since the beginning of the pandemic. Oh show that both are not as candidates in brazils main cities like british and natal bellowed his own ship in sao paulo could lose in the 1st or 2nd round that will be held on november 29th. But whatever the outcome, brazil still faces major problems. Unemployment is at a record 14 percent. Most schools are closed and there are fears of a 2nd wave of the pandemic, which has already killed more than 164000, brazilians. Meineke an i. Q. Of rio de janeiro. Thousands of people have been protesting again in peru over the dismissal of former president was in this car. Demonstrations have been going on for days now are among the largest in 2 decades, at least one person has died in the latest on the rest. As qana has been banned from leaving the country just days after being impeached about allegations of corruption, our correspondent money, and sanchez in lima has more now on whats behind the rest of this is really about the legitimacy of this new interim government led by man led me to know who is technically still the Congress President and who is now leading the country and who has now named a new cabinet, a very conservative cabinet, just that people feel that it does not represent them. And people feel that this group of legislators, 105 who voted for the impeachment of discover have really stolen the presidency. They say that they did not vote for this new interim government. And people are very angry also because a lot of these congressmen, 68 of them are facing criminal investigations that go from homicide to abuse, to fraud, to money laundering. So people think that theres a group of off drugs really that have taken over the government, that there is no independence of powers between the executive and legislative and that democracy is on the line. The coronavirus pandemic has led to job losses and reduced wages for millions of people around the world. But in zimbabwe, its also led to a wise in savings clubs explains from every morning everyone in this Group Contributes to the kitty 1. 00 or the equivalent in the local currency. The money is given to 1. 00 person to buy whatever he or she needs. These macand or savings clubs, work as community loans with no interest. The next day is a barber turn to spin the cash for own personal use. Shes bought, braid to sell is a corner store in the local market. The mother of 3 has been selling on the street for 25 years and says, im already struggling. Economy isnt improving. Look at today that were dads house me a lot. Have children to send to school and my husband. I can pay rent with the money i get from the savings club. That extra money keeps me going. And its how millions across the country are trying to make ends meet. The government is cast as some vulnerable families, but everyone is getting assistance. Even those with jobs, nurses, doctors, teachers, and engineers say they are struggling to pay their bills. Moses bongani teaches at a state run school. He also belongs to a savings club. Some of his colleagues are on strike over pay, but he still goes to work saying the little hes earning still goes a long way. When hes not teaching, he sells soya chunks from his car to supplement. His income is impossible to survive with. Difficult to pay 50 used to so with his flat is not far from way. He and his neighbors sell their goods in zimbabwe. Any extra money beyond one salary is called a side hustle. And as the Economic Future looks bleak, especially for the poorest, more and more people in the country are doing it. Algis are its good to have you with us. Hello, adrian finnegan, here in doha. The headlines allows us here at the leader of the to green region in northern ethiopia. Says his forces are in conflict with eritrea on several fronts. Hes confirmed the firing of missiles at the airport in eritrea. As capitalist marra, Ethiopian Government forces launched an offensive in the region 11 days ago. Ahmed out o. Has been from kaunda on the border of the to greater region. According to the

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