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A coronavirus. Vaccine is a final stretch, but will people in developing countries get a fair shot with your school . Lympics chief thomas buses, athletes at the tokyo games should get vaccinated against covert 19, but they wont be forced to welcome to the program, our top story, the u. S. President , donald trump, will reduce the number of u. S. Forces in afghanistan from 4 and a half 100228 half 1000 before he leaves office, but it wont be the complete withdrawal by christmas. He promised the announcement on tuesday was anticipated, and it was preceded by warnings from military officials. There any significant changes in those troop levels could potentially undermined security in afghanistan and threaten peace talks with the taliban. The number of troops in iraq will be cut by 500. The announcement was made by the acting defense secretary, christopher miller, who was installed in the post last week by january 15th, 2021, our forces, their size in afghanistan will be 2500 troops, or 4 sides in iraq will also be 2500 by that same date. This is consistent with our established plans and strategic objectives supported by the American People and does not equate to a change in u. S. Policy or objectives. So lets get more now from alan fischer is following this in washington. Tell us more about reaction to this announcement. Even though it was anticipated, alan indeed it was, i mean, it was predicted the donald trump would want to do Something Like this. He promised when he was elected in 2016, he wants to leave office clearly. By meeting another, one of his promises, he talked about reducing the number of u. S. Troops who are involved in endless wars. He, of course claims he was against the war in iraq, which he wasnt. But he says that the time has come for america to walk away from afghanistan, simply because it is no longer there fighting against its enemies. But is, i think, is a Police Officer. And its really not a rule that american troops should be fulfilling. He has, of course, talked about reducing the numbers in the past. He said that even in 20000 about the number of american troops in syria knows that there were killing everyone. I know that led in part to the resignation of his then defense secretary jim mattis. So this is something that donald trump has been wanting to do for a while, but there are a number of republicans who are concerned that this is being rushed. January 15th is too soon that this hasnt been thought through the trumpet. Ministration will tell you that this is been an ongoing discussion for several months. Its not something that donald trump has done in the last few weeks because of the election result. Its not something he was planning to do simply to scupper the next president. Its something that they have been talking about for some while, but those republican senators believe that this could cause america problems in the long run. They point to the time when barack obama was coming to the end of his term in office. And when he decided that he would pull troops out of iraq, they believe him for that was of course him meeting and the agreement that was made by george w. Bush and also a deadline set by george w. Bush. But in fairness, barack obama didnt fight the idea, didnt negotiate with iraqis to try and keep american troops and there for longer and walked away. So what the senators are saying that by doing this, you could the, those who wish america harm, you could give enemies new courage to fight americans and to create new atrocities. And so theyre very much against this idea. But its clear that donald trump has decided that hes going to leave with another box take this far as hes concerned another promise mitt. And so he believes that this is the right thing to do for himself, for the United States. And of course, for the military personnel that hes no planning to bring home. All right, thanks very much. Alan fischer in washington. Well, lets now speak to julie norman. Shes a lecturer in politics and International Relations at University College london joins us by skype. So what do you make of the way in which this has been done, and of course, the timing after an election in which the president has been defeated and before the inauguration of president elect, joe biden, the sort of the way in which the political calendar is shaping u. S. Policy and military posturing in iraq and afghanistan. Well, mary, and again, this was something that we expected both from what weve heard from trump over the last several months. And indeed, what has been part of the plan throughout the year since the u. S. And u. S. Taliban peace treaty back in february. But the key to that treaty was that any kind of withdrawal would be based on the cessation of violence from the taliban. And so instead we have seen really the opposite. Weve seen an increase of taliban attacks, especially against Afghan Government targets, but also affecting civilians with. d over 1000 civilian casualties and just these last 3 months. And so thats one reason why we saw a shift even from within those from the, from trumps own pentagon, within the chain of command saying yes, of course Everyone Wants the troops to come home. No one wants forever wars, but the timing is just not right at this point. In terms of the political timing, again, we know that trump is trying to get some political gains right now to bolster and perhaps propel his future political trajectory after the election. But what hes leaving biden is something that, again, in the long run, is probably where we would have ended up with eventually anyway. But the timing is seen as very rational, dangerous. I ask you, given that this decision has gone against the advice of senior military leaders and officials lie to president elect biden tried to reverse it . Well, thats certainly one of the questions. And again, for biden, he wont really be able to have a say in this, of course, until he takes office in january points. I believe that biden will go with the Foreign Policy philosophy that weve seen him projects in that he would be working much more closely with military advisers on the ground, as well as quite crucially nato allies who are also working alongside american troops in afghanistan to make that decision, who are the main beneficiaries of this move . Well again, for trump right now, a lot of trauma policy decisions are about himself and kind of bolstering his own political image. So i do think that is where his motivation is coming from. Of course again in the long run, this is something that many would like to see, but on the ground right now, this is really just going to advantage the taliban. They have wanted a quick u. S. Troop withdrawal. Again, that was something that was hoped could happen by next year, but only predicated on a reduction of violence. And instead this will probably just embolden the taliban to continue those attacks that we have not seen. Let up. We know the president has lashed out at it a multilateral approach and institutions over the past few years. And of course the u. S. Does have partners in iraq and afghanistan. So how i mean, how is this . And what weve seen over the past year is likely to affect americas ability to build alliances in the future. Well, this is certainly been a concern for the, for the biden administration, coming in based on a lot of trumps actions throughout the past 4 years. Now only in afghanistan, but also in the, syria and iraq, with again having decisions that are made it somewhat rashly. And that really undermined relationships with allies in the region as well as european and nato allies who are there as well. So i do think with a new administration, there will be a pretty quick mending of some of those relations, but others will take a bit more time to prepare and kind of rebuild that trust and in the u. S. Policy. Thank you, is good to get your thoughts on this story. Appreciate it. Julie norman from University College london. Thank you. Thank you. And shortly after the announcement about the troop withdrawals was made, several katyusha rockets landed in baghdads heavily fortified green zone. At least 7 rockets were fired, some of them landing at the u. S. Embassy. The u. S. Air Defense System crown was deployed to intercept and destroy the rockets. One child was killed is much more still ahead for you on this news hour from london. The u. N. Warns its agency for Palestinian Refugees is facing a financial crisis after its biggest fund. The u. S. Cut all funding in 2018. People in the philippines take stock of the death and devastation caused by typhoon. And then later in sport, new data confirmed from the public, well come in, caps out. Now if you know of his government says troops have achieved significant victories in its conflict with forces in the northern 10 region. And National Army is carried out as strikes near the regions main city of mccalla. A is the primary base for the 10 great Peoples Liberation front or t. P. S. Left, which governs that to grind. Rebels have refused to give in to government demands to put down their weapons. The un and foreign leaders have called for mediation, a request which has been largely ignored by both sides. And as more soldiers move in civilians off fleeing an estimated 27000, people have crossed the border into neighboring sit on the refugees who are no arriving at the peace of 4000. 00 per day. Are coming out of if you release of crude or with the stories saying that there have been fleeing heavy fighting and that is not sign of the fight to stop right . Mow or so the fear is as the fighting continues. Recruits the more refugees arriving the number of 307000 or more than that is what ridges tip it could reach. 30000 and beyond. There is mohammed does been monitoring developments from the capital, addis ababa. They feel to have a Prime Minister that is promising a crucial and decisive face in the fighting that to get a regional mall from ethiopia. He says, these forces are now were ready to take the city of mechanic up with all of the to get a region. He made that announcement of to the expiry of a 30 day deadline here, given to degree, fight us to surrender themselves to the Ethiopian National defense forces. Security sources have told and visit of the next 48 hours will be questioned as the forces launch a tux on mechanic from multiple fronts. The sources say that the fighting is expected to get more intense. That if European Forces near the mountainous areas with a couple of the to go to a region, may kill it. That degrade Peoples Liberation front leadership. In the conflict with the government in every suburb say that they had a very to defend their positions to the last month. Have been complaining about civilians getting hot in aesthetics carried out by Government Forces in mckennitt. Something that has been rejected and refuted by the government in the disability. Late last week, the t. P. A. Left fight to send up to 3 missiles across the border to us. Mara, a couple of at a trailer, something diplomats say, could bring in a trailer into the fighting. But the tibial of later should maintain, is that they are already fighting at a tree and forces on the ground and say that up to 16 divisions of the trim forces present and helping Prime Minister its forces. Something that is of a body of nice. Well, the Northern Region is a semi autonomous area, governed by Peoples Liberation front, which has an estimated 250000. 00 fighters to cry was the front line for ethiopia during its 2 year conflict with eritrea and large amounts of military equipment. A still stalled there, despite ethnic to grind only waking up about 5 percent of the population. They control the National Government for nearly 3 decades. Thats before the current Prime Minister, ahmed came to power in 2018. Well that shift in power tend to tension after to grow as leaders defied its government twice. Once in refusing to join his coalition party. And then in september, they held elections against the order of the Central Government. Ethiopian government minister abroad has said the t. P. S. Had forced the government into military action. The government has no problem with mediation, but you know, the detail is short and the footage of all this is forces are stored is who we are, our desire to do so to get people through any possible for you know, issues who want to go. That would possibly know who shoot where you store yourself under the horses. You have to go where our to do is only hand of. So if you just got out of began to think how Little People it is in the mass killing with as it is done so. But there are conditions, you know, there are conditions of the bill. It has to be there are 200. 00 over those top leadership was it evaded that are involved in that profession of these grown oh, residue should be handed over to us are sort of just what under the people who go, it should be should also be freed. And be allowed to be members of fountain, england, of all defense forces. A number of things can, can do this, that we cannot know, which is with all these things out. And the subtle way our soldiers under that got people to do with who are out of there is all them to defend it. Again, people from any possible for innovation. So there has to be condition all i can now speak to your highness, all the merriam. He is an expert focusing on the horn of africa, joins us live now from los angeles and of course information and has been very limited from the northern take my region as you know because of the way telecommunications, or cut after the fighting started. So can i then ask you what information you have been receiving about the situation inside to cry . Just from alternative media, like ethiopian media, mostly in the bath. And in to bring out a big i followed. And what im hearing is that because to me, i mean the mobilization is very intense and the Central Government is claiming that they have to like one guy and those kinds of places like to put it to the guy who was kind of like a dispute, disputed territory between the on how to use it and this is right. And so, but, you know, i mean, not, i think what the government is like, were going to finish this very soon. But, you know, i mean, i think, i mean thats the suggestion from the government, isnt it that theyve made progress and that theyre going to, the military operation is in its final stages. But do you, i mean, do you buy that given to grace security for the Great Security forces are also quite well organized, right . Not only are they very well organized, they have experience of 17 years of whatever war against the dust of the time, the president organization, he led the People Liberation front and the sort of allies against the dug. So they know each other very well. Part of the problem with these guys is they know each other really well, you know, and so they are very well over the last 27 years when they were in power. There were times for the weapons to the guy. Not only that, but the more than 2 man that was in between the border and the European Border that was got to be put 20 years under the no peace, no war kind of situation, was abundantly from what they are claiming that it was attacked by whats interesting to gray has a Strong Military force that has, as you say, experience and in fighting what it does. The leadership also have the support of the people in this. It doesnt really matter because then right now its so any there is that sense of a siege mentality. And so they look at that as a protection. Its like a stockholm syndrome because you know, these are things, you know, these are a lot of kids. These are the ones that we know and theyre protecting us and theyre look, you know, what, i know their fate is so intertwined that they very much, you know, into dependent even if the government manages to conclude some continued fighting in the coming days, is it on a matter of time before tensions erupt and less, there is some kind of move towards mediation and dialogue which sides appear to be rejecting right now what is really perplexing and what is extremely confusing about what this war. The situation is. If youre already in talk of the ethnic issues and Economic Issues demanded unemployment of use and its population over 100000000 people. And so you have this situation and then you add this. What im thinking right now is, is this, you know, kind of like the 1994, because obviously the Prime Minister im talking about i dont think will have much control if he hasnt lost it already. So hes not going to have, he wont have control over the troops or its not sustainable to keep the fighting going, if they have extended themselves. Absolutely, and, you know, the left has plan a plan b. Plan c. , or we would retreat from the cities. Well go to the mountains, one of the exactly, what would it look 70 years ago, is that then . So army and so that they have mobilized this workplace and for that they were prepared. So its not like they were caught by as of you. So they have the very well laid out thanks martin. Thank you very much for your highness. Wildomar joining us there from los angeles. Thank you for the opportunity. Well, in all the stories were following, at least 80 migrants have been killed and Dozens Injured when the engine of a boat exploded in the north Atlantic City happened near cape verde, off the western coast of africa about 150. 00. People were thought to be on board at the time, mainly from senegal and the gambia. Its believed the vessel is making its way to spain. Nicholas acas been following the story from dakar in senegal and says spanish authorities a struggling to cope with the influx of migrants. Early this morning, the burden coast guard were alerted by fishermen that there was a fishing vessel that exploded on board were not fish. But schumanns that were on their way to the Canary Islands. When the riot on the scene, they saw men, women, children holding on to plastic barrels normally used to contain food. Now the vessel exploded, in, obviously, made to carry humans. It has happened before the vessels Fishing Vessels explode because they dont have enough fuel to travel for such long distances. It was on its way to the Canary Island, where this year alone, 17000. 00, african, west, african migrants have come to the Canary Islands seeking asylum. These are not migrants fleeing war, but looking for economic opportunities. Many of them come from senegal, gambia or even morocco, and the mayor of this town. Our green green on the Canary Island says that they are held in camps because in camps of shame because they have little access to running water. There rats, he says that are, there are cases of coronavirus. Now the spanish authorities are not allowing the media to enter those camps. There are so many migrants in his town. Thats normally a resort town for tourists that hotels normally filled by tourists are now being used by migrants that are waiting for their papers to be processed. Now americas top diplomat is in turkey as part of a 10 day tour of the region, but my pump a wont be meeting politicians or officials. Hes spending the day instead in talks with religious leaders. So now, because you know reports now from istanbul, the u. S. Secretary of state came to turkey for a brief visit, but he did not meet any government leaders for politicians. Instead he held talks with the had a few Orthodox Church on issues of religious freedom here. And the middle east, as the secretary of state, of a very frankly, i think United States president very important for all. And also we are very hard to give all of those were very happy to receive this sort of very straight and threw her out of her or in our discussion exchange of heroes regarding questions or religious freedom of fundamental rights are sort of guarding all for the president of christians in the middle east when it was announced, bump airstrip will highlight religious issues. Turkeys Foreign Ministry responded with a written statement, saying the visit should instead focus on enhanced think, cooperation on regional and International Issues between turkey and the United States. And you know, hes doing, i mean, his position is not to stand up for something im out of my sights because this was last july, when the turkish government decided to convert to how gas Sophia Museum back to a mosque urged to continue to maintain the building as a museum, the hagia sophia, had been an Important Church for hundreds of years before being turned to a mosque. The turkish government dismissed those concerns saying its an internal issue. But take medical patriarca has expressed his sorrow about this decision. Just ahead of his visit to his stumble, pompeo told the french press he agreed with french president imran macron. That turkeys recent actions have been aggressive. He cited turkeys support for us our brave john and did not or no kind of a conflict with our mania. As well as its military moves in libya and the Eastern Mediterranean close last official visit to the turkish capital. Ankara was late last year, but he didnt go this time while ancora says this as a snob, his office explains it as a simple scheduling issue, but pompous earlier statements in france that the u. S. And europe working together to counter turkeys recent actions may hint at a different reason, see now, because aljazeera stumble as much more still ahead on the program. Going to bring you all the latest from thailand. Dozens have been injured as prime on a key, and antigovernment protesters clashed in front of the parliament. Also i was home of a job, we had close to the border with little or no car about it and ill tell you how learned millions are being cleared by other by joining forces before civilians could move in. And well tell you about the take away man hoping to deliver success in pics in tokyo. How the weather is looking pretty cautious. A good parts of europe at the moment because we have a nice big area of High Pressure across spain, imports go and a good parts of france pushing over towards the house that so were going to chinese now around i rarely have High Pressure which dragging in a warm amal, south westerly wind. As we go on through the next couple of days, will see these temperatures come crashing down, say, 15 souses for london in paris as we go through. Why the state blustery conditions . Fred, thats the payoff you get wet and windy weather when it turns mild like this. The cloud in the right now to stream its way towards scandinavia, some snow there over the high ground when she makes to into that eastern side. If you have just minus one celsius there from moscow to centralise, as you can see, it is generally settled and sunny. Although we got some rather lively, shall, is still rumbling away around that eastern side of the med, over towards the great collins in particular push on into thursday that watch the weather slides its way over towards cypress western parts of turkey. The cloud on the right thats tumbling in across the hot if youre not his attempt just behind just 10 celsius in london, a 12 there for power, some snow there coming in over the alps. Some of the weather we have across central parts of the met that will leak its way into the far north of africa. So theres rain there for northern libya and for a good part of tunisia. In under a year cope with 19 has altered our societies and exposed deficiencies in political, social, and economic structure of capitalism is the pandemic. Is the root cause of so much of the suffering. And big data were told could literally save our lives, or you can be the one has the pandemic given us the chance to reevaluate our own. Hey, look down coming soon on al jazeera, for 23. You mustnt has collected objects the kinds of enough to fill his museum enough to break a Guinness World record with the story for every object. Hes become an environmental activist, uninspired artist, and a voice for the plight of countless markets. Much music, such as aljazeera or louer force. Just a quick recap of the headlines now. The new u. S. Defense secretary has announced a slashing of the countrys troops in afghanistan and iraq. Christopher miller said, the number of u. S. Troops in afghanistan will be cut from 4 and a half to 2 and a half hours and all the number in iraq will be cut by 500. 00. Shortly after the announcement was made, several katyusha rockets landed in baghdads green zone. At least 7 rockets were fired. Some of them landing near the u. S. Embassy. One child was killed and 5 other civilians injured. And our other headline ethiopias government says troops have achieved significant victories in the conflict with forces in the Northern Tier guy region. National army is carried out as strikes near the regions main city of mccully. To grind, rebels have refused to give in to government demands to lay down their weapons. Now in other news, the chief executives of facebook and twitter of appeared before members of the u. S. Senate Judiciary Committee to answer questions about social media. And the election is the 2nd hearing now in 2 months, and it was called by republican senator Lindsey Graham in october when the social Networks Limited the reach of a New York Post article that was critical of u. S. President elect joe biden. Both Companies Say they restricted the article because it contained false and leaked material. Mark zuckerberg and jack dorsey is being questioned on how their companies handled misinformation and election related posts. Interpretation using no other of the materials in new york who were and according to a lot done some further consideration. Little destruction was wrong and was an open source foods. The rush now demonstrate to me and the changes all turns very well to overlook. I believe this was the largest Election Integrity effort by any private company in recent times. This is what people expect of us, and im glad that from what weve seen so far. Our systems performed well. Election interference remains an ongoing threat that will never fully be solved. So we continue to improve with each a watch. But our integrity work is really only half the story. We also ran an unprecedented silicon gaijin program to encourage people to take part in our democracy. Now the French Parliament has been debating a controversial bill that could ban the broadcast of images showing Police Offices faces. Critics say its an attack on free speech that could lead to impunity for Police Violence and fashion, but reports from the capital, paris, french documentary, the monopoly of violence, exposes and examines Police Brutality in france, focusing on recent yellow face protests, but also taking in the suburbs the hiring watch, it uses footage shot by journalists, all members of the public showing clips like this though, may not be possible in the future. The french government has proposed a new security law, part of which would crack down on the broadcast all sharing of images of Police Officers. Filmmaker david, you train says the bill destroys basic freedoms. That over the lawmakers want to stop the free circulation of information and knowledge because in the last few years, france has discovered Police Violence. Its something that, in reality, has existed for a very long time in the suburbs, but was not documented in this way. Video has been used in several high profile cases of alleged Police Violence in the country, the death of delivery man, cedric should via, during a police check in paris and generally was filmed by a possible by footage the lead to an inquiry in parliament m. P. s debated the bill if passed, a person could be jailed for up to a year and find more than 50000. 00 for broadcasting sharing identifiable images of a Police Officer with the intention of harming them out. So i journalists and opponents, the law gathered to protest. Campaigners fear that if jonathan citizens are dissuaded from filming the police, it will make it harder to hold some officers accountable for their actions, and some may act with impunity. But the government says the law is necessary to protect the safety of Police Officers. You say its not about stopping journalists from working. The law doesnt impact the right to inform for journalists or citizens. But it prevents Police Officers from having their identities put online with cost of violence or to be subject to reprisals. They can have grave consequences. Protect being the police for violence. One on duty is essential, says this police union spokesperson, but he says the new law is not the will. Of course you dont want to be involved. And if the government would clear on the role of the police, what they can and cannot do in the schools would not be necessary. Only wrested demonstrations and recent attacks have prompted the government to take a tougher line on security. But instead of working on building more trust between Police Officers and the public, some say the new law threatens to erode it. Natasha butler, aljazeera paris. Pharmaceutical giant pfizer is exaggerating plans to distribute its Coronavirus Vaccine off there. Its approved. The drug makers picked rhode island, texas, new mexico and tennessee to participate in a pilot pilot delivery program. If i was an announcement by Biotech Company mcdonough, its a vaccine candidate is almost 95 percent effective. That is, according to the results or medina says its supply of coven 1000. 00 vaccines to the u. K. Will start in watch, as long as it gains local regulatory approval. Its partnered with swiss and spanish manufacturers to supply the job to europe and some countries outside of the United States. The company has warned delivery to the e. U. Might be delayed as the block has not signed a contract. And that nations with a signed deal will get priority. Well, even before any 1000. 00 vaccines have been approved for use, wealthy countries have been spending billions of dollars buying them up. So whats being done then to ensure the developing countries will get equal Access Campaign Group Global Justice now says more than 80 percent of the pfizer vaccine, more than a 1000000000 doses has been bought by rich governments representing only 14 percent of the global population. One of the experts behind south africas vaccine trial warns that 87 percent of the worlds population will have limited supply at least until 2022. And that Subsaharan Africa will not get any access to the vaccines until after the pandemic has passed. A group of developing countries will the World Trade Organization to make over 1000 vaccines, free from patent protections. So that more accessible for poorer nations will, would not joined by dr. Mess fien to sima the head of the International Rescue committee. S health unit. What can you tell us about efforts to try and ensure equal distribution equal and Fair Distribution of the coated in 1000 vaccine . I just want to start, you know, copy the pilot because there go about problem which are quotes, not global sort of shit in solidarity. So the protein must be to bring this find a mic to an end everywhere. So as you say it upset about sceneries countries would not solve the problem. So no one would be set until everyone is it. So, you know, could be both seen as one of the 2 of them. Permission thats coming from, but soon is promising boxing are in the pipeline. But we want to make sure that you know everyone, including people in prague, john humanitarian said in the place that you mentioned, you know, i would, you know, yemen and yet to see who may not necessarily be in our private eyes for, but soon we want to make sure that they are obsessed to democracy and so they are not in a manner of how difficult is that going to be because it looks as though you mention that yemen, the d r c l b other developing countries. Also it everywhere in need of this, but theyre not going to be going to be possibly the last to get it because the richer countries are buying them up already. Well, there are also our own natives thats been established. You may know that, you know, the big bucks in facility which is called cots established by a Quality Partners including, you know, developed countries, the World Health Organization that Global Alliance for that scene in civil society. Really to make sure that, you know, hes pretty sure about, since you know about the poor, low income countries. So this is, you know, some of the initiatives that is needed to ensure as there is equitable access. So the courts facility and i, its not hard as more than 180 countries signed up for to buy votes in collectively and distribute it really to particular population. So that, thats an important as you, as you say, thats an Important Program to make sure that developing countries have, have access to the vaccine. But as youre hearing, which countries are spending billions of dollars already can pour a countries afford the vaccine . Well, our countrys made with our port a king, so as far as the only team there are gone, its worth putting money so far. You know, gabi has raised quite significant money to advance purchase. Of course, there is a nearly 5000000000. 00 funding gap in order to American Idol is 2000000000. 00 available by its end of 2 into one. So if you see what i see, Global Solidarity is needed. And i think, you know, the countries that are the buying vaccine for their opulent population should contribute to that facility so that you know that the virus can be controlled everywhere. Because, you know, a pandemic that is raging in yemen would be able to cross the border and reach to the u. S. If theyre sponsored in yemen. So we are appealing actually, to donors that they should provide resources needed for low income countries. Parts as it was, he smokes it, so its important for them to have the resources. And then even if that happens, you mentioned yemen. There. What about the logistics of, of actually delivering and administering the vaccine with travel restrictions that are in place and obviously Health Systems that are suffering. So perhaps when it comes to things like fridges and storage of the vaccine, one of developing countries will struggle with that. You know, that would be a challenge, but its also sort of a challenge. I think one of the challenge, the 1st one is make sure that we have enough doors for everyone. That means, you know, increasing the manufacturing capacity everywhere in order. So introduction of your vaccine also requires, so porting houser care workers, you know, bringing up to deliver for the port chain equipment. It also Training Health care workers. I think that has to happen. Its already happening as assume. You know, us about some development to do invite some development. So really, you know, there are hundreds of 100 kind of it about scenes. And we do think that, you know, we need different types of vaccines attitude for context. Of course, weve seen good. Those might seem so that we can make, you know, Administration Quite easier and more sort, but things that can be stored in just a river. So it out or chain equipment which doesnt require, you know, you know, pollution equipment sourced kind of innovation are already happening. So we shoot about seen because the finish line and those which meets their requirements for the low income countries. I believe those who would be suitable for the context. I am very proud of when your money and dont you know, conflict. Its thank you for explaining that to us dr. Meskin technique to sam ahead of the International Rescue Committee Health unit. Thank you very much for having me now the palestinian authority, if a is ready to resume security coordination with israel, it cut ties in may of israels now frozen plans to annex more parts. A occupied west bank when you ties could allow the payment of hundreds of millions of dollars in tax transfers that israel has been withholding from the authority. But the decision jeopardizes some efforts towards reconciliation with other palestinian factions to masses. Criticize them, theyre saying its a step backwards. Well now to developments in thailand, leopard have been rallying in front of the parliament in bangkok as it has considered changes to the constitution. Demonstrations calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister and the reformation. The countrys mauna kea have been going on since july on tuesday, protest as supporting the king cash with the antigovernment demonstrators. Scott has more now from outside thailands parliament. On this main avenue right in front of parliament here in bangkok now is flooded with antigovernment protesters, but just a few hours before they came in here, there were rows and rows of riot police as well as water cannons. Thats because the antigovernment protesters came here to parliament as there are draft to the constitution being read today and on wednesday. So they staged protests on this side as well as the other side of parliament. But just before sunset, the police again, the rows and rows of riot police were treated down that street. Now what made it interesting is it . Promonarchy is the yellow shirts and had a rally earlier in the day because they were the constitution to stay as it is. They were down this street now there was a barricade and right, we separated them. But once there was that retreat, they confronted each other, both sides of this divide if you will. Thats the 1st time weve really seen kind of a face to face pretty violent confrontation bottles were thrown stones and bricks were thrown. Since this protest Movement Really kind of mushroom in july, thats the 1st time we saw that. But luckily it only lasted about 1015 minutes and now the protesters are accurate. Fine. The street right in front of parliament over here another reality. Another day of session of reviewing these drafts to the constitution again, they want deep changes the antigovernment protesters, but the demonic is they want things to stay the way they are. Now, 3 decades before the current conflict, nagornokarabakh was mired in another war. It left a deadly legacy as a by john estimates 14000 square kilometers and around the region, a contaminated with mines and unexploded munitions. Some of the reports now from tata car buck the real mama dog is a veteran of the car about war. Now, his son fights on the front lines in the latest crisis between armenia and azerbaijan has destroyed his home in 1904. He stepped on an empty personal landmine. Kids later, he still struggles with his prosthetic leg. Yes, you are them. If i didnt step on that mine, i would have had very different ambitions and another future every time i think about it, the negative impact on my life fills me with sorrow and grief. Decontamination operations are continuing in a very terms hit by armenian rockets. I mean another by john never signed their mind back. And thousands of people have been wounded by landmines and explosives since the 1990 s. Grad and smirch rockets, litter boarded. And these men were put out there by Johns National agency for mine action funded with the help of the United Nations development program. And they have their work cut out for them. 14 sollars and square kilometers. Its a dangerous area near their 7 cells and square kilometers. Were expecting that its will be mined areas near the 4 sols and square kilometers will be aware that its will be contaminated with unexploded ordinance. And were estimating to fully clear all the areas from the mines and unexploded ordinances from the fire for up to 80 years. Our stuff now is 409 to one person, and were expecting to increase that staff up to 15000 person. Now the areas retaken by other right, john, after 6 weeks of fighting must be cleared, says during the latest conflict, its been nearly 500 and exploded ordinances. And more than 1520 personnel minds about do 150 metres obeyed. The search for land mines continues as disorder was an act of frontline for nearly 3 decades. It is ever present danger from unexploded bombs and mortar shells. After a package was cleared, we asked them to shores how they find mind. Its a painstaking process. And much of it is still manual one wrong move and they can lose their lives. The supervisor told us how his colleague was killed when he stepped on a mine while trying to save an injured landmine victim. The priority now is to clear us for security forces, after that civilian buildings and Agricultural Land to help displaced people, eager to return. Animal says its reaching out to International Agencies for assistance. And until that help arrives, these men say they will continue to diffuse, learn minds one at a time of a big job without the fear a part are going to go on the number of casualties from typhoon vanco continues to climb in the philippines with more than 60 people confirmed dead storm caused devastation across the main island of luzon, including the capital, manila, and reports from k. And province. One of the worst affected areas. People here in alkali say they are burying a hero. Larry died while rescuing these neighbors from floodwaters using his own food. You dont mind if you put his daughter angela is angry and is calling for justice. She says her father didnt have to die from electrocution. If only power lines were disconnected, early enough, while i was hitting the entire philippine region of loose on tuesday, shot mom with the suddenly just this just this, there was a village captain. Where was the police . My father wasnt any of those, but why did it had to be him to rescue the residents . None of them showed up. They found this body through these lethal type one bomb call was not meant to be this devastating. Now, days after the typhoon struck, the government is facing widespread criticism from people here. They say the tragedy could have been contained with more able leadership and was not even and very typhoon warning when the vanco hit the capital region. It was only experiencing once and brains at the time. More than 80000. 00, people had to be rescued in this town alone. Widespread deforestation has long been blamed for constant flooding here to makeshift shelters like this one are now visible along the highways of alkali and nearby towns, civilians who have lost nearly everything and during desperate need of aid. Inside this small tent, there are 5 families who have to endure nights sleeping on the ground with their children. And jennifer livingston, our house is still under water, so we just have to stay here in cramped under the tent. Were grateful for any help. They once said the rice fields and comfortable homes. Now this is all they have left all the hit, the region of luzon for a few hours, but it left a trail of destruction and suffering. Jim duggan al jazeera canadian province northern philippines. Coming up on the news hour, well tell you what happened when the 2 most recent tennis major champions faced off at the a. T. P. Finals and ondon. Thats on the way in sport with peta time now for sports, pete and marion. Thank you so much. The head of the International Olympic committee has encouraged the worlds athletes to get vaccinated against covert 19, thomas past finish these 2 day visit to turkey with the national stadium, which is one of the main venues for the games delayed by a year. Because of the pandemic, 11000. 00 athletes are expected to compete in tokyo, but stressed that they would not be forced to get a vaccination when one is available. But he suggested that they should take it for the sake of the. Well encourage that when our forces have a vaccination because for all their health its all for anyone. They want straight enough solidarity with their fellow athletes. Tripolis people. A small group of anti emetics protesters gathered outside the stadium during past vs. Many in the country are concerned by the spiraling costs of Health Risks Involved in holding such a huge event during a pandemic where the games delayed to next year in the coronavirus pandemic dragging on many athletes events or find extra jobs to support themselves and their families while they train one of those is venezuelan fencer ruben li model. Back home means hailed as a national hero, having won gold at the 2012 olympics in london. Now hes living in poland and working as a food delivery man to support his family. Though he still training for the tokyo game says the job allows him time to practice. I want to see ive had a lot of reactions from people asking me why an olympic champion has to work for when you should be training in the best conditions. Well, unfortunately it is what it is, and its not just me, but other athletes to have found themselves in the same situation. You just have to adapt to the change. I know it is not going to last forever. Its a really tough year because they are no competition. We just keep working and training and i know that next year will be very productive because the sponsors book comeback and so will the income. And well be able to look ahead to tokyo 2021 with peace of mind now to spain, where some of the worlds best footballers are facing a big wage gap because of the Financial Impact of covered 19th thats after the Spanish League league released each teams salary cap for next season, barcelona have been hit the hardest of the cut of 341000000. 00, while real madrid drop by 204000000. 00. The limit is based on several factors, including a teams expected income. Overall league clubs, wage limit is down, 724000000. 00. League is biggest star, messi is with argentina, right . Now preparing for the a world cup qualifier against peru, theyre going to tuesdays match, show off the back of a frustrating 11 draw with paraguay last week. Argentina are currently 2nd in south america with the top 4 to medal, be qualifying for cotter 2022. But security at the game movie ties as hosts through are in the middle of a political crisis. On monday, the country got a 3rd president in the space of a week following protests. The peruvian f. A. Has guaranteed the safety of the teams during the match and both sides one piece to be restored. If you dont mind the military. Yes, we are aware, but were distant and one never really knows whats going on. The pictures are not pleasant. I want to take this opportunity to give a strong hug to all peruvian people. Nobody wants this, especially in south america. We hope normalcy is restored and life returns to peace. You know, we wish the best for peru, we stand in solidarity with the families who lost members with the people suffering the inconvenience. I am interested above all to focus on the match and not get involved in political topics like we just stand in solidarity let you know that we are aware and we wish that everything is solved as soon as possible. And thats what the people want that people need and what the country needs is. One of the taste of ends for cutterhead of 2022 is the Club World Cup between the 6 continental champions. The terminal was originally planned for december, but its now been confirmed and we played from february 1st to february 11th. Still in cutter. European champions by munich are the 1st of qualified. 5 have not said if fans will be able to attend the games. U. S. Open champion dominant team has beaten french open winner refound the del of the a. T. P. Finals in london team as the man who held these nerve battering to tie breakers in this battle between tennysons 2. Most recent major Champions Team would win 7676 the austrian will next face the russians on the eve, probably of any final Group Stage Match pretty lucky to get that 1st said there was, i think 25 down in the tiebreaker against rafa. I mean its nice to do in the 1st set, obviously, but still hes there really 100 percent from the 1st to the last point. So i knew that maybe slighted when when the train, when i won the 1st set, but still had to stay super focused. Will finish with a sport that produces its fair share of broken ribs. The professional bull riders circuit now has a new world champion. This was jersey veto of brazil delivering a near Perfect Performance in texas to change the tide of the 1st time a career best score that is the 4th highest in the history of the event. No, to walk away with a 1000000. 00 winning back seat. And thats where well leave it, mary, back to you in london. Thanks round up the news out. Back in a moment more the days news top stories coming up very shortly. Also in the company covert. 19 is indiscriminate, but it quickly found the racial divisions in american society. The cold, the pandemic is the rufio lurk of americas true ugly, in the racially segregated city of chicago. The majority of deaths have been black and latino residents. Faultlines asks why i think its becoming tally clear, and if there is such a thing as structural racism, the great divide 1000 and race in chicago on aljazeera getting close to the people most affected by those in power is often dangerous. But its absolutely vital that the stories to be told thoughts of suicide. If this area we post is fall forward as we can to the frontline. Now the smell of day is overpowering. A lot of the stories that we cover all high the conflicts, so its very important that we make them as understandable as we can to as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given crisis or issue. As aljazeera correspondents, thats what we strive to. Some have been sung that simply disappeared. Been found. One i want to investigate the plight of thailands decide on how to steer the kenya fast. So is heading toward elections, but spiraling insecurity is overshadowing the vote. Hundreds of thousands can register and much of the country is off limits, thanks to roaming armed groups. So what real change can these elections bring . Join us as we assess the outlook for want to africas most troubled states. The pentagon confirms thousands of u. S. Troops will leave afghanistan, hundreds more will also be brought home from iraq. Well, i Maryam Namazie in london. Youre watching aljazeera also coming up on the program. International condemnation, after ethiopias government targets rebels with it as strikes in the north of the country, protection for police or an attack on free speech, the controversial french law that could ban the broadcast of images showing officers

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