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After how to can iota, the storm weakens after causing major devastation in parts of central america. The eye says its pulling out additional troops to afghanistan and iraq by mid january. Thats going to leave around 2 and a half 1000 soldiers in each country just before President Trump leaves office. But say your figures in the military and trumps republican party, say its a mistake and a risky move. Aljazeera is an official reports from the white house. Donald trump campaigned in 2016 and ending americas wars abroad. In the final days of his presidency, hes acting to cut numbers in both iraq and afghanistan. From 4500 in afghanistan, the number will drop to 2500. It will be the same number in iraq where there are currently more than 3000 terror. So now this is can see stint with our established plans and strategic objectives supported by the american people. And does not equate to a change in u. S. Policy or objectives. In the stern is the us, is longest war. Its lasted 1000 years, more than 2300. 00 soldiers have died. Its cost more than 193000000000. 00. Earlier this year, the u. S. With the help of qatar, negotiated a deal with the Afghan Taliban to bring a permanent cease fire and remove all Foreign Forces out of the country by mean next year. In october, donald trump tweeted he wanted all u. S. Service personnel home by Christmas December 25th when hes leaving biden is something that again, in the long run is probably where we would have ended up with eventually anyway. But the timing is seen as very rash and dangerous. Donald trump has a nice troop withdrawals in the past. Famously tweeting in 2018 that he wanted all u. S. Service personnel out of syria. That announcement led in part to the resignation of then defense secretary jim mattis. The military slow roll of that idea then, but its clear that donald trump wants the troops out. And on the timetable, hes unknowns. But the decision has brought criticism, even from his own side. President barack obama pull troops out of iraq just before the end of his time in office, ordering an agreement and a deadline set by his republican predecessor. But republicans claim that move led to the growth of eisel, a risk one senator says, trump is taking no other to extremely important here in the next couple of months. Not to have any earth shaking changes with regard to the fountain of foreign policy. Think up or ship it is. Draw down a new there. Afghanistan or iraq would be a mistake. The head of need to has warned of a quick, uncoordinated withdrawal. Seeing it risks lives. But its clear donald trump wants to leave office, claiming another Campaign Promise has been delivered. Alan fischer aljazeera at the white house is someone who has reaction from baghdad. The office of the Prime Minister here in iraq published a statement saying that the Prime Minister spoke to secretary of state mike pompei o over the phone and that the 2 sides continued to cooperate in the future. But that the troops were being reduced in light of the growing capabilities of Iraqi Security forces to address terrorism in the country. And of course, eisel was officially declared seated in 2017. But the coalition has still been engaged in fighting an insurgency and trying to contain sleeper cells that remain operational in that country. But of course, its much more complicated than that. If we go back to earlier this year, there was this Parliament Vote to oust all foreign troops. And that vote came in response to the u. S. Killing of iranian general customs from the money and other iraqi officials here in baghdad. And weve also seen a surge in rocket attacks on u. S. Interests, and it was in that context that the 2 sides renegotiated u. S. Military presence, beginning the drawdown from 1st 5000. 00 troops earlier this year to 3000. 00 troops as of september. So this additional drawdown is not that significant in light of the reductions that have already taken place. But what remains to be seen is the impact on the u. S. Led coalition here because the u. S. It provides the logistical backbone. It provides the force protection to other Coalition Countries and it may lead other coalition members, for example, from European Countries to reconsider their presence here in country. And it also may prompt a further transfer of responsibilities to the nato mission here, which has already taken on some institutional capability building. Irans foreign minister says turkey, iran is ready to fully return to its commitments under the 2050 nuclear deal. If, u. S. President elect joe biden, lift sanctions told a really immediate boyden could swiftly lift sanctions by sight, 3 executive orders. He also says tehran is ready to discuss a u. S. Return to the landmark accord, which donald trump withdrew from 2 years ago, automatic and just one thing can be done automatically. America will implement its commitments as part of the Un Security Council resolution. And we would fulfill our commitments in the j. C. This needs no negotiation or conditions, and its feasible. I got a strong if mr. Biden becomes president hed be capable of lifting all sanctions. If he doesnt, it means he doesnt want to. Assad begs in tehran with more on settings commons. Well for mr. Divides. Raef gave an interview to an iranian newspaper, and his message is both to a domestic audience and an international one. He said that the United States must return to the deal and lift those sanctions. In fact, he said it would only take president elect joe biden, 3 executive orders to revoke everything. Donald trump has done. Now that shows that the iranians are paying attention to whats taking place in america, and also trying to understand the political system thats after president elect. Joe biden expressed his willingness to rejoin that 2015 nuclear deal. But he had some caveats. He wants iran to return to their commitments, which iran has been reducing since donald trump removed the United States from that deal and imposed sanctions for has also been speaking this morning and he spoke about those sanctions. He said that the country had been under sanctions for a very long time, but the specific ones imposed by the u. S. President donald trump had, has a particularly difficult impact on iran and its economy, especially during the covert pandemic. This is president , hasnt rouhani, and trying to salvage their political reputation, trying to salvage that deal, looking forward to the president ial elections set to take place here in iran next year in june. Now the reformists have been doing well in the polls. In fact, in the parliamentary elections, they really lost out. We have the most conservative parliament, the country has seen since 1989. And the hope is from president hasnt rouhani, that if the United States returns to that deal, that the reformists could do much better in the president ial election next year. Trump has fired his chief of cybersecurity just days after weve projected the president s claims of electoral fraud. Chris krebs and his Agency Responsible for election security. He said the poll was the most secure in american history, accused of making inaccurate statements. Perus interim president has called for calm. Ornon francisco, gusti is the countrys 3rd leader in more than a week. The former official of the world bank will serve until elections are held in april, perus been in turmoil since congress voted president martin. This got out of office last week, accusing him of corruption, but his replacement resigned after only 5 days, but sanchez has more from lima on the challenges. Francisco some gusty faces. Hes only going to take the government through these a last few months into elections on a, on april next year, and turning the government over to a newly elected government in july. But he has many challenges ahead for these past few. For them, for the next few days of what for the next few months, i think the most important is to bring back stability in the country. That has been in turmoil for the past week. He understands this very well 24 hours before having been sworn in. He already spoke in congress saying that these protests have been a call, a serious call of attention to legislators and politicians from the people. And he also understood that he had to get close to the people. He went out. He walked out and waved at protesters outside of congress. And then last night he went to hospital to visit those wounded in the protests. One very important thing he needs to tackle the pandemic crew had one of the worst outbreaks in the world, and he needs to tackle the economy because of the pandemic. Millions of jobs have been lost. So he has a lot on the agenda now. And he has said, its going to be brief and its going to be hard, but they are going to be very focused, as he said, has weakened to a Tropical Storm as it pushes across central america, nicaragua, as a category 4 with holly winds and big forcing tens of thousands of people have their homes reports. This is what a of hurricane looked like from the sky, but on the ground it brought more devastation to central america, already battered by a major hurricane 2 weeks ago. When unleashed flooding in winter of 250 kilometers an hour before reaching honduras on tuesday, he left a trail of destruction as the military struggled to bring people to safety. 40000 were evacuated from their homes in the 80000. You do with us not, not the number, but we have nowhere to go. We can only hope that god will have mercy on us landfall. Just 25 kilometers from where hurricane hedo hit 2 weeks ago, killing more than 120 people. This time the death toll might be considerably lower after i was downgraded to a Tropical Storm. The preliminary report we were given deals with toppled trees, light poles, and electrical lines. Also roofs of destroyed homes and businesses are 1st, pushed over to colombian islands of san andres, simply monday. It is the strongest storm to hit colombian territory on record. I spoke with the mayor of providencia. He gave me information about the damage, which we were able to see from the flight up to 99 percent of our infrastructure has been damaged. Theres been an unprecedented number of storms and hurricanes this season. It is turned out to be even west, and we thought it started earlier and is going to end even late. For example, continued flooding in countries like it is going to affect the incoming halfassed. And this will really strain subsistence farmers and already, whilst its still early days, it is quite, it is quite clear that this will extend even into, into 2021. But for now, the attention remains on the still heavy rains that could bring more flooding and deadly landslides, in the regions already saturated soil. Still ahead on aljazeera, detained for causing a stink. Well have more on the arrests of former opposition, politicians and home call. And sharing the economic pie will argentinas richest citizens, help it manage its financial problems. But the weathers quieted down nicely. Now, across a good part of the philippines and in sea, where much of india, china certainly therefore vietnam, where we have seen the flooding. In a recent days and weeks around the mill, a potential some lively downpour. Say this little clutch of storms brought some very heavy rain in the states little sister. 2 years ago on through the next few days. Thats where the wetter weather is going to be. Could see the northeast, we feed on our wind, so theyre driving down towards the bill. A potentially much of malaysia will see some heavy showers there into west sumatra. Some heavy showers, too. Just lurking there around borneo. Notice the heat of the day, showers that are too far away form in the nation. Its a similar picture. As we go on through friday by friday, maybe southern parts of vietnam. Well see more showers pushing across towards cambodia. And we have seen some showers recently into the eastern side of australia, things quietening down here. Story really is about the changing temperatures. We have got lost the satellite, weather High Pressure down towards the southeast now. So things in lossy settled, were seeing temperatures around 33. 00 celsius, there for melbourne, a 36. 00 in adelaide, and 44. 00 alice as we go on and see friday, much colder down towards the southeast talk temperature in melbourne of 21. 00 or 23 years mustnt, has collected objects, the kinds on the coast, enough to fill his museum enough to break a Guinness World record. With a story for every object, hes become an environmental activist and inspired artist and a voice for the plight of countless migrants. My choosing such on aljazeera or room for her. For oral youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour. The u. S. Confirmed it will reduce the number of troops in afghanistan and iraq by mid january. The silly both countries with around 2500 soldiers, senior officials, expressed concerns about the plans. Irans foreign minister says tehran is ready to return to its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal. If the president elect joe biden joins the agreement and lift sanctions from, withdrew from it. 2 years ago, out of an iota has weakened to a Tropical Storm as it pushes across central america. It hit nicaragua as a category 4 with winds of up to 250 kilometers an hour interventional floods and forcing tens of thousands of people from their homes. To the state of South Australia is going into lockdown for 6 days to stop the spread of covert 1922, new cases of whats been described as a highly contagious strain of the virus have been detected. Schools and nonessential businesses will be closed to people have to stay home. The states premier is described it as a Circuit Breaker locked on to control and community infections. With south korea is tightening its social distancing measures after its all the highest daily rising coronavirus cases. It has been praised for its handling of the pandemic, but as winter approaches that are worries about a possible new wave, the latest restrictions are due to begin on thursday, rather bright as more. South korea has been keeping the number of new infections down to around 100 per day for the past few weeks. But in recent days its seen the number stay stubbornly above 200 per day and its now topped 300, hence these new measures. Now these numbers might not seem large compared to the spikes that were seeing in the rest of the world. But south korea, like its east asian neighbors, is determined to keep on top of this pandemic because we get into these colder winter months of the northern hemisphere. Until we can reach that all important vaccine. South korea has a 5 here social distancing system and this raises the level from one to 1. 00. It will mean slightly tighter restrictions on things like nonessential gatherings or run the numbers of people allowed into restaurants and bars. And it affects the sole metropolitan area which is home to around half the countrys population, but significant leaderboards, the kinds of lockdowns that we are seeing elsewhere throughout this pandemic, south korea has been determined to keep its economy moving. And it believes it has in place. The kind of accurate and efficient test and trace system that with a few adjustments here and there will allow it to stay on top of any new clusters or outbreaks. Certainly that could still be dark days ahead, but certainly not as dark as in other parts of the world. The democratic republic of congo has announced the end to the countrys latest epidemic that is killed 55 people and infected 130 others. The World Health Organization praised those involved in tackling the epidemic. Imagine june, just before the end of a separate table, the epidemic in the eastern congo killed over 2000 people. 3 former prodemocracy legislators have been arrested in hong kong. But these are questioning territory as he choose. Those suspected it was a legislative meeting held in june to discuss a bill which criminalize any insult to the Chinese National anthem. Sarah clarke has the latest from hong kong. Theyve been arrested for their role in a particular incident where theyre being accused of trying a liquid. The president said he was distressed at this particular incident, and it was during the 2nd reading of the National Anthem bill, which was very controversial at the time. All 3 should have been charged with other offenses prior to wednesdays arrest. Hes been arrested previously for charges theyve been arrested in the past for a similar charge which is disrupt the lives of council process. Now, i should say down by beijing and hong kong to try and get any dissent on november 1st and 2nd, we saw 8 politicians. They were also arrested and charged in the chamber where they were fighting each other battle to get the control over particular position on the committee meeting. So its a widespread clampdown by hong kong and beijing to gag the protests. And its a campaign by china to install them to the motherland. So we also expect further arrests to come in coming of the coming months. Bahrains 1st official government delegation to visit israel has arrived in tel aviv comes along to do it, to establish ties with israel has also signed that agreement, which the u. S. Brokered. The palestinians have condemned it calling it a stab in the back. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to meets u. S. Secretary of state, my pompei. Oh, when he arrives in israel in a few hours. Pompei is also expected to visit an israeli settlement in the occupied west bank on wednesday, but bail is currently in georgia. Premeds with the president and other politicians is also due to visit saudi arabia, the u. A. E. And qatar. The trip follows a recent push by the trumpet, ministration for peace between israel and other middle eastern countries. If youre his government says to Ground Forces are destroying bridges in an attempt to stop. The militarys advance to their main city is the main base for the tikrit Peoples Liberation front or t p l f. A to say Primus Ariana denounced what he called the final offensive to end. The conflict in the region to green fighters have refused to comply with government demands to put down their weapons. Or both sides are ignoring calls for mediation from the un and foreign leaders. And as the conflict goes on, more civilians are fleeing around 27000. 00. People have crossed the border into sudan. Refugees who are now arriving. And the piece of 4000. 00 per day are coming out of if you release kids of raid or with the stories saying that they have been fleeing heavy fighting. And theres not sign of the fighting to stop right now. The fear is, as the fighting continues, we could see more refugees arriving the number of 27000 or more than that is what we have read just yet. It will reach 30000 and beyond. Our visitors who are more than spoke to some of those refugees at a camp in ga there if any other so than if the o. P. O. Border. Were here at Limerick Ober refugee camp, a camp that is about 85 kilometers away from the nearest sudan. Its g. O. P. Border. Now the camp started receiving refugees less than a week ago, but it already hosts nearly 3000 its european refugees. Most of them arrived at the border reception areas in the states of casella and a lot of where we are right now. They received by sudanese authorities and the Sudanese Commission for refugees who registered them with some of them on buses and brought them here to this camp. Now this camp itself is not new. It was 1st established in the year in 1805. 00 for its european fleeing famine from their region back home, who came to sudan seeking basic services. It was then shut down in the year 2000. Now 20 years later, its once again open, once again receiving its european refugees, this time refugees who are fleeing conflict in the northern to grow region. Most of those weve spoken to say theyve witnessed atrocities that forced them to flee their homes. They say they witnessed family members being slaughtered, that they witnessed aerial bombardment that made them fear that their homes would be the next target. Therefore, they had to leave their properties behind and come here seeking refuge. But this camp was not prepared to receive refugees. Now most of them are still out in the open. They say they still lack proper food, proper water and proper sanitation. And that theyre worried. There will be a health crisis. So these Authorities Say more than 25000. 00 have crossed into its borders over the past 2 weeks. But they expect that number to go up to 250000 in the coming weeks and have been urging International Organizations to help them to respond to what they say is a growing refugee crisis. That they alone could not manage and need help from International Partners and International Organizations. To be able to provide basic necessities to those refugees. The refugees themselves say theyre not sure how long they will be here. But until its safe to go back home, they will continue seeking refuge, even if there is a shortage in basic commodities, because they say theyd rather be here, rather than plays danger back home. The u. S. Has agreed to drop the drug charges against mexicos former defense minister salvador soon for ghosts was arrested in those angeles last month. Its now up to mexico to investigate and possibly prosecute him on home reports from mexico city. It was a bombshell precedented when the former head of the mets knaan forces, general salvador see him for a girls was arrested by u. S. Authorities in los angeles airport. Again as thats all theyre saying. But now theres been a bigger shock in extremely unusual u. Turn. The u. S. Has decided not to prosecute him and to send him back to his homeland. See him for a girls was accused of trafficking drugs to the u. S. And protecting a cartel from mexican and u. S. Law enforcement. Prosecutors said one of his nicknames was the reno the godfather. The mets can, foreign minister must sell or are brought. Welcome the move to return him. Its a decision that we look at kindly and we think is positive. We dont see this as part of the road to impunity, but as an act of respect towards mexico and its armed forces. He said to see him for eagles will now be investigated in mexico, incorporating the u. S. Evidence. But he didnt say hed be put on trial. My ass that i will kill the president under his manual opens up the door. This is a question of sovereignty. He sees dealing with same for eagles as his administrations purgative, the decision to get their former chief, but will also help strengthen the president s relationship with the military, whos come to rely on for policing and infrastructure projects. The move was announced in a joint statement from the u. S. Mexican attorney generals that talked about the strong Law Enforcement partnership between the countries and the united front. Those words, when suv an important bilateral relationship, but they raise questions. If there is such trust in the relationship, why didnt the u. S. Authorities tell the mexican ones about the investigation in the 14 months that they were conducting it . And whats going to happen now when the general returns to a country with rampant impunity . John home and how does it or mexico city argentina, once its super rich to help support families whove been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. As congress has begun debating a bill to impose a wealth tax to raise billions of dollars. That is about the ports we want to service argentinas tax by and how it should be sliced and made. An economic crisis has become food for lively discussion when a site is and now for the 1st time deputies are set to debate imposing a wealth tax on arjun tines, who have over 2000000. 00 in assets. On tuesday, thousands took to the streets outside congress to show support for the new tax and the government of the farm. And this, it wasnt as if we are seeing a very delicate situation in argentina with people struggling to find food, people who have lost their jobs. So opposing a tax on wealth is necessary to the tax under discussion would amount to 2 percent for individuals with assets worth more than 2500000. 00 and scale up to us much as 5. 00 for all trial wealthy Citizens Holding their fortunes outside country. Argentina is desperate for funds as a coronavirus than democrats had a devastated impact in the economy. Poverty rates are close to 50 percent, but commercial chambres in the country warning that a wealth tax in this context could have an impact on potential. Investors already see the country as a negative for business. Several multinationals are fleeing the south american nation, claiming that doing business in argentina is complicated and unprofitable. Volatile politics, price and currency controls and state interventionism are part of doing business. Here. The law is being debated as argentina begins discussing with the i. M. F. How to pay over 40000000000. 00 in debt. Latter says the opposition will vote against along. d with the people this kind of taxes per recessional, its not a tax that will promote investment. On the contrary, the problem is how this tax is being discussed and the public protests by the government that generates a climate against business. There was no discussion. The only intention is to show that their champions of the poor, when they are giving into the austerity measures demanded by the i. M. F. But president of the for member said the new tax is meant to aid public coffers to cope with a pandemic. We are living in terms of where solidarity years to be the role in congress. We see the debate on world what is being debated is whether those who have more can express in terms of emergency in solidarity with the rest of the country. These are difficult times for argentina, years of recession and inflation, and the impact of the pandemic have left millions in need finding balance between providing aid and stabilizing the economy is seen as crucial to help the country leave its economic troubles behind. Ladies, how will i do when a scientists this is all just 0. These are the top stories. The u. S. Has confirmed. Itll reduce the number of troops in afghanistan and iraq by mid january. And so leave both countries with around 20

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