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Anniversary of large Anti Government demonstrations. U. S. President elect joe bidens once again, chris sighs, the current president for denying his victory. He branded donald trump obstruction to transition during a worsening pandemic as totally irresponsible and debilitating. The incoming leader made the comments after a meeting with state governors from both parties to discuss how to tackle the crime of virus plant pandemic once hes in power. Biden was asked what trumps actions display to the american people. I think there were credible irresponsibility. Credibly damaging messages being sent to the rest world about how democracy functions. I think it is. Well, i dont know its murder. I just think its totally spot. Fisher is live for us at the white house and you heard the sound bite. There are strong words, but its a combination of frustration and anger or something else. Or theres certainly a change in tone from joe biden, who, a few days ago was saying, look, its ok, everythings going to sort itself out. I dont quite understand what donald trump is doing. No, you can hear there is slightly more anger. There are there was their own joe biden, who suggested she go to court and challenge the trumpet ministration to make sure that the transition starts. Theres a couple of reasons why its not keen on the 1st of all. Hes painted himself as the man who can what with republicans. So he really doesnt want to go to court before hes even enter the oval office. The other reason is a legal reason because the law is written in such a way that its a bit woolly. Theres no exact date of when the transition should start. Of course you go back to 2000 and it was more than 30 days before any transition started there. So theres already precedent. So he would be reluctant to do that because you really dont want a legal defeat before youre even in the oval office there. But he is getting support the chamber of commerce very probusiness organization in the United States has said the transition has to start the manufacturing, your sewer. Ca should, it tends to support republican candidates. It says that damage is being done by delaying the transition. Theres planning to be done for the economy and also corporate vaccines will be released that sort of thing. So you can understand that he is trying to put political pressure and also move Public Opinion to get the trumpet ministration, to start moving towards that transition. Now allan, the president s donald trump, his legal team, have been speaking now im struggling to come up with a the appropriate questions to ask you. So im just going to ask you to explain it for us. Well, its difficult to try and explain it to an International Audience when a lot of the allegations that are made simply dont stand up. In fact, Rudy Giuliani claimed that joe biden said a couple of days ago that he dissembled the best election stealing organization in the world. Thats actually a manipulated video that you can find in the internet. He claimed that there was widespread voter fraud. He has appeared in court and said that they were not making the claim of widespread voter fraud. And then one of the other lawyers involved in the campaign suggested that this was an international conspiracy. But the democrats were happy to go along with, i guess, the dominion voting systems, the Smartmatic Technology software, and the software that goes in other computer us to voting systems here as well. Not just a minion were created in zillions of inventive way, a law at the direction of hugo chavez to make sure he never lost an election. After one constitutional referendum came out the way he did not want it to come out. We have one very strong witness who has explained how it all works. So lets just fact check a couple of things there. Hugo chavez died in 2013. The dominion voting systems that theyre talking about were actually developed in canada. Suggesting that there was any problem with the dominion systems that were used for donald trump won the election. And also the none of the cases have really stood up in court. This point, i think read Something Like 25 legal actions in states across the country. And theyve lost 24 of them. What is interesting is that donald trump is no inviting. 2 lawmakers. 2 republicans from michigan to the white house on friday. That is a suggestion that he might try to get republican states to send a pro, trump delegations to the electoral college, ignoring the popular vote. But that is a legally dubious move, but we should find out more after that meeting on friday. Version of their emotions in d. C. Thank you very much. The u. S. Saying the u. S. Has seen disappointing unemployment numbers as numbers this week indicating that the economy still has far to go. And its recovering from code 19. California has just imposed a curfew and in new york city, the Financial Impact is becoming clearer as thousands of lost their job. Christine suddenly, now reports, americans are lining up for food from california to the midwest to new york. With the National Thanksgiving holiday, approaching demand for Food Assistance is increasing, along with new filings for Unemployment Benefits. The Labor Department says they increased by 742000 in the last week, reversing recent games. Since i dont think its going on alone, you dont even know the duty of the thing that happened. New york has been hit particularly hard. Its one of 15 states placing new restrictions on businesses and 80 percent increase in new coven infections nationwide. Over the past 2 weeks, is keeping tourism down broadway closed and restaurants at limited capacity. Experts warn it is likely to be a difficult winter in new york state as a whole, was regaining payroll jobs at a slower rate than any state other than hawaii through september on a year to year basis. So the recovery was already slow and not quite steady. And these most recent developments have knocked us for a loop. And any reversal of the reopening is going to cause even greater decline in new york subway and bus service could see drastic cuts along with the layoffs of 9000 transit workers. Ridership unfair income has fallen in the pandemic, exacerbating prior budget shortfalls. The metropolitan Transportation Authority is asking congress for 12000000000. 00. We know that any reduction in service will hurt the city in the region, including customers who need us most. But without the certainty of substantial federal dollars, there is no recourse. And we must plan for the worst while hoping for the best in the wake of a crisis that has done more damage to our finances than even the Great Depression in the thirtys. But republicans have been reluctant to put aid to state and local governments in any federal relief package. Aid to states like new york could come down to which party wins the senate and 2 contested seats in georgia up for a Runoff Election in january. If you know a deal is reached, millions of americans are due to lose their Unemployment Benefits by the end of the year prison salumi al jazeera new york has become the 1st u. S. Secretary of states visit, an illegal settlement in the occupied west bank. Hes also become the 1st to set foot in the occupied golan heights. Its the latest and most controversial leg of his 10 day tour of the middle east and europe. Getting ready for the 1st visit by u. S. Secretary of state to an illegal israeli settlement. The sod winery had named a blend for my pump. He declared a year ago, a change in american policy no longer viewing israeli settlements as contrary to international law. Its a strong statement. All of those there we have arrived to state department was announcing new policy requiring all settlement made goods to be labeled as israeli when entering the us market. The declaration of sorts that annexed or not, the u. S. See settlements as israeli territory. U. S. Administration is not biased towards the occupation. Its a partner weve seen before. He didnt surprises at all. Posted photos of his tour on his twitter feed, saying he hoped not to be the last u. S. Secretary of state to make such a visit. The view from the palestinian side very different. The city of albury is home to a large number of jewel us palestinian citizens, whom the settlement of sangatte is their stolen land. I cant even get close to the settlement. Ill be putting myself and anybody around me and physical harm, since the seventys is about to visit their own land for all the controversy attached to this visit by my pompei to the settlement. And for all this, talk about a possible 2nd trump administration. This visit to israel has had the atmosphere of something of a goodbye tour and that was detectable in the statement that he and the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave in jerusalem. The 2 men went over a litany of trumpet. Chief ments on behalf of israel was eager to show that the world had not yet dried up the globe, or any israel b. D. S. Campaign is anti sematic. I know this sounds simple to you, mr. Prime minister. It seems like a statement of fact, but i want you know, that we will immediately take steps to identify organizations that engage in hateful b. D. S. Gondor can withdraw our Us Government support. The boycott divestment and sanctions movement rebutted the accusation saying it rejected anti jewish racism, ended his tour in the golan heights, considered occupied land under international law, but sovereign israeli territory by a u. S. Administration. That continues to make radical shifts on mideast policy with just 2 months left in its term for sit in the occupied west bank. At least 16 people have been killed in uganda during protests sparked by the arrest of opposition. Politician bobby wine Security Forces, shot supporters of the pop star turned politician as they demonstrated after one was detained on wednesday. Officials have accused him of violating coronavirus restrictions while campaigning for the upcoming president ial election. The un has called Immediate Release not come web as the latest from nairobi. His Spokesman Says hes in a high Security Police facility, which is in the eastern city of ginger. Thats not that far from where he was arrested when he was campaigning. Police havent confirmed where he is, but lawyers and the spokesman of complaining as im being given access to legal representation or to his medical team. Theyre worried that he might be injured. Theyre waiting to see if or when he might be produced in front of a court. Yesterdays wife shared on social media media want to appear to be a charge sheet saying that hed be charged with offenses relating to spread of causing the spread of disease. That refers to the rallies that have been holding which visibly have much larger crowds than the ministry of health, the limit of 200. 00, which is ostensibly to prevent transmission. All the other thing that might happen is that probably one might be taken back to his home discretely. Hes been arrested several times before. And often the Security Services in with bobby wine and with other prominent opposition, politicians in an attempt to quell the unrest. Try to just take those people home maybe late in the night so that people dont continue protesting on the streets. But they certainly face between with a couple of tough options. Now theres nearly 2 months to go before this election. And if they allow these rallies to continue, that says well local calling to the government will be problematic for covert 19, although his supporters believe these restrictions are simply to stop people seeing how popular a years so i heard on aljazeera, ethiopia says his forces are closing in on the capital of tikrit region and pledges to bring back the people who fled to saddam Mexicos Senate approves a cannabis legalization bill. But the pending law faces hurdles. Before doors are fully open for business. Hello, winter is coming. Its already arrived in harbin. The temp has dropped below freezing. Its about to arrive in beijing. Thats the 1st winter storm. This snow, very obviously it will probably miss most japan, but it might show itself briefly dark rider on friday night. The suns out behind it was not very warm sun now and the snow gathering here, which will make its way through beijing in the northeast of chinas has a light covering during saturday. This rain to the south that the temp soccer into an 11100 in beijing is still find it 26 degrees. And heres the good news. Where is the cloud in sas, china sea, and the Philippine Sea . There isnt teddy. Its gone no more tropical cycles, the least for the next few days. Hopefully for longer. Now the rainy season, which is for the science is showing itself, there was obvious big showers from malaysia, possibly south and thailand for the southwest, and a potential development in the bay of bengal. A small circulation, which at the moment is taking away the focus of rain away from Southern India too, like a circulation. So then by a bang go another one in the arabian sea between the 2. Not much, but maybe a few showers up in sri lanka. Unfortunately, there is very still in the north indian plane and pakistan returning to how it was a few days ago. Quality, there are unhealthy or worse, but how does one forgave after losing 32 family members in a heinous massacre . A survivor of one of colombias 50 year long conflicts, worst atrocities dedicates his life to reconciliation. But his peace falters around him. Naina palace yos, life and mission, are in jeopardy. Witness buckeye and caught in the crossfire on al jazeera. , youre watching out, is there a reminder of our top stories this hour . U. S. , president elect joe biden has again chris sighs, the current president for denying his victory. He branded dont trump obstruction to the transition. Joining a worsening pandemic is totally irresponsible and debilitating has become the 1st u. S. Secretary of state to visit an illegal israeli settlement in the occupied west bank and the occupied golan heights. Its the latest and most controversial leg of his 10 day tour of the middle east and europe. At least 16 people have been killed in uganda during protests, sparked by the rest of opposition leader. But we won. 35050 people were arrested Security Forces shot supporters of the pop star turned politician the fight faith. You know, piers Northern Region is moving ever closer to the capital. The countrys Prime Minister says his forces are closing in on but an official of the citys University Says a number of students have already been injured in a government strike. The government has previously denied targeting civilians. Its also promised to bring back more than 30000 refugees who fled to neighboring sudan mohammed reports from addis ababa. I dont think, given the government knows the true extent of the humanitarian situation on the ground. Thats why they said today that they are sending a task force to look into the gravity of the situation on the ground. Even before the war started, there were hundreds of thousands of people who depended on food aid into region. They had to be fed by the charities. The charities have been unable to replenish their talk of relief, food in the past 2 weeks. Vehicles laden with relief and food supplies. Us talk at the border. The ticket a region has with them how to region. Weve been informed of long queues for bread, not just mckenna, but all the other towns in the to grey region. There are also of the thousands upon thousands of refugees from at a trail who live within the ticket, a region, and humanitarian sources. Tell us that this is, this has gotten worse. The peter, the fighting has been going on and its only bound to get worse. And then that call of people to the ton, i dont know how theyre going to cut it out, but these people fresh out of their homes. Theyve seen the amount of, you know, impunity and a toxic out of the gate is their neighbors. The must like of people, particularly in small towns like my country, where hundreds of people were beheaded with knives and machetes. So its highly unlikely that those people of the trucking all the way to saddam would be able to the ton soon as the government is putting it. As a boy, jones government says it will be inviting International Experts to assess damages in the town of new before going to International Courts against what it calls on money and war crimes. As ery forces captured the town in recent fighting, been given rare access to. The Iranian Border from the somme in germany has the latest this is a plume of white phosphorus, a banned chemical which burns human skin as the forces allege this was fired on a civilian area by armenia. Both countries accuse each other of using the illegal munition, but deny using it themselves. Its the 1st Time International media has been allowed into territory taken by a very forces destroyed tanks and unexploded rockets everywhere. The gorgon village post, where the strategic importance for the bunkers and supply routes. Retreating armenian troops left these shells and thousands of rounds. Helmets, boots, sleeping bags in uniforms littered the field on the way to for the loot. The town was captured by the Armenian Military in 1903, and most of it is in ruins. Now, among the people taken to the town for a tour arranged by the very government where some homeowners from physically, these are the entrance to my house was from the other side. But now bushes and trees have overtaken my 3 bedroom house with a kitchen and a big yard. Im very sad was the reason why did they grow up and destroy all these houses . What youve also lost his home, and he says he used to be the head of the theater in physically 27 years ago. In the sugar that got the oldest building officially was a theater. It was an architectural marvel, and a 100 years old. Its not far from here, but now its damaged beyond recognition, where we stand now used to be a busy street and a luxury is part of the city. Now its just hurtful and upsetting. This right here about its territorial, physically has largely remained a ghost town. I mean, you captured it in 1903, but the 100000 plus population in iran physically was never replaced. Its not clear whether it was systematically damaged or just neglected for nearly 3 decades. As any president says, shortly after the deal that ended the conflict in forced armenia to hand over territory to other very John Construction is set to begin on the 29000000 dollar highway. That will link visually to the 2nd largest city in nagornokarabakh. And according to him, the enemy will be held to account armenia as a state bears the responsibility for such an actions of war crimes, crimes against humanity, encodings, and a policy of vandalism. And based on that assessments, of course, we will continue to build International Institutions including the International Courts. So over to hugh armenia, those displaced from physically see their mosques have been destroyed in graves of their ancestors desecrated. This is what gives them strength is knowing they are no longer displaced and will be able to rebuild their homes, looking at the destruction, its hard to imagine how this was once a bustling city with tens of thousands of people. People here say theyre emotional when theyve come back and theyre ready to rebuild their lives. As soon as they get the go ahead. Physically, a number of workers in swedens mink industry have tested positive for coated 19, leading to fears that the animals could be spreading. A new tape strain of the virus neighboring denmark says a mutated strain of coded 19 from its farms is now likely to be extinct and made the announcement after all, during a nationwide cull of the animals, leaders are locked in a budget standoff, putting a multibillion dollar Coronavirus Relief package in jeopardy cross told to take in place a Virtual Summit after both poland and hungary vetoed the budget. Earlier this week, Natasha Butler has more from powers. Leaders have been hoping to finalize this budget really and get it ready to be up and running. Its the budget for the next 7 years, including this huge coronavirus, a recovery fund, more than 800000000000. 00, but it is being held out by poland and hungary who have vetoed it at the last minute. Now the reason these 2 countries have done this is they say they do not like the fact that within this budget or is a plan for a mechanism which would allow the e. U. To withdraw any future funds from any member state. If those Member States were deemed to violated the socalled rule of law, and i want the rule of law is basically the use values and democratic principles. And over the past few years, the right wing governments in both opponents and hungry have been repeatedly criticized by the e. U. Who said to those countries, governments are violating the rule of law. Theyre violating things like freedom of the press. Freedom of the judiciary womens rights. And therefore poland and hungary are worried, of course, that theyre going to have funds withheld from them. They say this is simply unfair because they use acting against other Member States because of political and ideological differences. So they want that mechanism with all the problem. It is, it is holding up this huge coronavirus budget, which is absolutely essential. Right now. Protesters have been gathering in colombias capital to mark one year since massive antigovernment demonstrations. Theyre being led by unionists, students, teachers, and members of colombias indigenous communities. Last year, plans for a labor strike escalated into widespread protests against president yvonne do kays policies. Alessandra m. P. s, he is in bogota, and says, concerns over the pandemic have meant a smaller crowd compared to last years demonstrations by the navy and proud that we have not number of other cities across a decent crowd by general colombian standards when it comes to demonstrations and protests, but were clearly not even close to what weve seen. Obviously a lot of that had to do with the fact that me not everybody wants to throw good news, this context and that, but it might be that it will be difficult for these people. She managed to do for over a year, which is just down to the start of the formal negotiations that they got serious social and economic so to speak on the government. When it comes to these 3. Feel that they think rebel reality has been that the government cannot keep pace with the kind of reforms that and also the fact that there has been a lot of violence here because the Country Senate has voted to legalize marijuana throughout the country. The bill now has a pulse through congress, but its being seen as the 1st serious attempt to legalize kind of this in a country thats become the tories for a struggle. John holeman has been grappling for years with house regular. This its been illegal for decades while the war against drugs has raged. Now, a new tool approved by the senate, which still has to go through congress, proposes legalizing production and consumption with quite a lot of restrictions. I dont be able to by up to 28 grams of pole and cultivate food plants for personal use. He could also be imported an export to with a license. This grower, now producing illegally is cool to mystic. If you happen to have a book here. So i decided to grow because im a consumer 1st, and i think that right now the conditions in which marijuana is produced and distributed in our country is very violent and very corrupt. And thats the key question. Legalizing marijuana, if it makes kids cartels and gangs who currently run the business. The common consensus is no kind of his production is just a small part of their portfolio, which also includes meth tend to new cocaine and other rackets like extol should have a look at this. These kind of these plants are actually being grown right in front of make scary senate by marijuana activists who are trying to raise awareness with whats going on. And they have another big question. And its this core of communities in the rural hills of mexico. They currently grow their crop for the narcos. Now get the chance to go legal. And on paper under this law, it seems like they will because 40 percent of the licenses to grow marijuana in the 1st 5 years of legalization are reserved for them. But in practice, things could work differently in the mountains and the risk that if you, as a local peasant, princeton say i will only produce legally. Now i want to make a living and listen to legal terms that you will not get away with. Because there is frank power off organized crime with groups in those areas. And the most likely scenario is unfortunately, that if you have a new market coming into play, that they will try and probably succeed in getting their hands on. The new proceeds on the new profits the fear of marijuana service is that the law will actually only help International Corporations get into the mix, can market. And so to richer urban consumers. While elsewhere the street could have business continues as normal. But in a socially conservative country, really talk of drug legalization is deeply controversial. Both senators and advocates hope this could be the start of change, john home and how does it or mexico city this is our desire and these other top stories, u. S. President elect joe biden has again chris sighs, the current president for denying his victory. He branded Donald Trumps of structure into the transition jury in a worsening pandemic is totally irresponsible and debilitating

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