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Sends police teams to senegal to tackle criminal gangs behind an upsurge in illegal migration prodemocracy activists. Joshua wang could be facing more jail time after plea pleading guilty at a trial in hong kong. Hes accused along with fellow activists, activists, child, ivan lamb, of his involvement in a protest there Police Headquarters last year. It was part of demonstrations against a controversial extradition bill. Im a prayer for the fin chance of walking free this case would troll the world attention to the arbitrary power of the criminal justice system. Impartially is the man to play by paging crackdown and justice to make the filings in pray that the, you know, this is to be upon this following of and some to cause in hong kong. At the moment the prosecutor is laying out the evidence against joshua long and the other 2. Theyre playing footage of that night on june 21st of the protesters around the Police Headquarters blockading those building. They say joshua war and the other 2 were incited the protests. They charged them with illegal assembly. They the video that theyre showing is of them chanting slogans and calling on the police commanded to come out and face the public. Now, as you said, that joshua law has pleaded guilty to 2 of those charges, which includes organizing and inciting on lawful assembly. Before going into court, he spoke to the media saying he would not be surprised if he is sent to jail right after the session. He says the charges he faces are relatively mild compared to the thousands of protesters and activists who have been arrested in recent months. Its worth noting that this will be joshua longs 4th time in prison. The 1st time was in 2017 when he was just a teenager. When he was a, once again, those are related to previous protests at the time his arrest and a jail term elicited shock waves across hong kong. He was seen as one of his concerts political prisoners, but now seeing activists and protesters going through the courts has become a very frequent occurrence. Ethiopias Prime Minister has given rebels in the old integrated region, 72 hours to surrender. Government forces plan to end suckle, the regional capital mccully. The city is under the control of the team. Great peoples liberation. Front of voices. News Agency Reports that its forces have destroyed roads and bridges. In order to slow the government advance, mohammad is in out of sight of a describes the governments plans to advance on the city. The Government Forces i do yet to reach the outskirts of the city of mccullough couple of the to grow region. But they are already talking about how they are planning on how they want to see start city, which is not only the biggest city in the to great region, but also the stronghold of the t. P. A. Leaders. Prime minister government does spirit to see that cup should. Now theyre saying to finish the wall that is going to happen in the mountainous area surrounding the killing. There will be needing tunks and also to living fired into this city, targeting military installations there on the defenses of the t. P. S. Theyre saying that we also use our strengths and drone attacks against defenses on its outskirts before. If you appear National Defense forces can advance towards the field fields on the outskirts of the city. They have been dropping overnight and lift lots of warning civilians not to go anywhere near military installations and to stay at home. But its not known what the civilians who are already facing, shortage of food and every other basic essential they can do other than flee at least 30000 refugees have fled, fighting in ethiopia to neighboring sudan. And the u. N. Has warned the number is likely to increase. Its also warned that 2000000 people in t. Graves are in urgent need of food, medical supplies, and fuel. The European Union has pledged nearly 5000000. 00 in aid. The monday had my yamaha had a system ahead of it in the past, the war was for the sake of power. But this war is civil and tribal. The um, how to tribe does not want us to live. They do not accept us, young or old is to grans. They dont even want the children to live as i dont now what we came on foot. We were walking for 3 days. We did not eat and we had little water play arrived at the camp. Now, 8 days after we arrived, we have food to eat and water to drink. Yemens who 3 rebels say that theyve launched a missile at an iran co fuel distribution station in saudi arabias western port city of jeddah, saudi arabia hasnt confirmed or denied the claims. The Spokesman Says that Foreign Companies operating in the area should exercise caution warning that their military operations will continue. The u. S. Says that its hoping to begin a program of vaccinations against covert 19 as early as december 11th. The head of the White House Vaccine Task force plans to vaccinate 20000000 people before the end of the year. The announcement comes during a surge of new infections across the u. S. Are serious mike, hanna reports from washington. Hundreds of thousands of americans are heading home for the thanksgiving holiday. And Health Officials view these long lines in the airports as ominous predicting that the already calamitous coated figures could rise even further. As the consequences of this mass travel of measured despite an urgent call from the centers for Disease Control for all americans to stay at home. More than a 1000000 passengers traveled on friday alone. And now i am nervous. But i want to be with my babies. I feel safe to fly. I think. I think we should all 5, the nations top Infectious Disease expert at the round of sunday talk shows right now. The curve is like that. Its going up at a very rapid rate and you look at almost every single day. In fact, gives you another record. The long lines at persistent testing stations around the country are tangible evidence of the absence of any federally controlled testing program. Just one of the reasons, say, health experts, why the virus has not been brought under control. The only ray of hope in a bleak winter, the possibility of new vaccines show is on the way. Traditionally, historically, the wreck scenes have crushed epidemics like smallpox and polio, and measles. We can do that with the scenes that are going to be coming online. Experts from the food and Drug Administration are reviewing the data from what the makers claim are highly successful vaccine trials. The f. D. A. Will meet with independent experts next month. And if its decided to grant an emergency use authorization, its possible doses of the vaccine could begin to be distributed within days. Our plan is to be able to ship vaccines to the immunization sites within 24 hours from the approval. So i would expect maybe on day 2, after approval on the 11th or on the 12th of december, hopefully the 1st people who would be immunized across the United States across all states. President trump has claimed the unprecedented speed of that Scene Development as a personal triumph. But while continuing to play golf for the 2nd week in a row, he still refuses to accept the outcome of the election. And with no formal transition and place, there is the real danger of the pandemic continuing to bloom in a vacuum of national leadership. Mike hanna aljazeera, washington, governments across latin america and the caribbean are among those putting their faith in corona virus. Vaccines as deaths and infections continue to rise across the region. Daniel shriner reports now from one of the number of People Killed in infected by the corona virus. Across latin america in the caribbean continues to rise so too does anger at the way governments have been handling the pandemic. Protests in mexico with more than 1000000, people infected to brazil with more than 6 and a half 1000000 hopes rest on a vaccine. We know that theyre leaving a vaccine in fact, late the thing, but i was actually from blocking the american recovery. If you make the vaccination, i want to do it better for all of the population. We want the 1000000000. 00. But already weak economies have been devastated by the pandemic with businesses closed thousands losing their homes and Health Service is stretched to breaking point. All are impatient to see an effective vaccine introduced that then show me the medical care. But scenes of medicines must be free and universally available. A few others are expecting the vaccine to be free, but affordable and easily available. Argentina has already bought 9000000. 00 doses to cover 10 percent of its population corporation in solidarity of a key elements in the fight against the pandemic. This fight is not just a task for governments. Its a collective responsibility for the International Community thats acquires a great Global Solidarity pact, International Health bodies, pharmaceutical companies, banks, donors, and governments are working together to ensure that when the vaccines already theyll be available and affordable to wall in america. And you know, in latin america, the exact same pattern has been followed as in the United States. There are some countries that have a regulatory authorization for use in emergency situations and it others were working to make this happen. 23000000, people across latin america have been infected by the coded 1000 virus. Nearly 700000 have died. Several countries including argentina, mexico, peru, and chile are in the gauche ations to ensure they dont miss out on a vaccine is ready. Trying to fathom the hopes and expectations of an imminent enter the nightmare against growing impatience at the measures imposed to try to control the pandemic. The news from the aljazeera, one of cyrus, an experimental treatment given to donald trump when he contracts it covert has been cleared for wider use. The us food and Drug Administration has approved emergency use of, or general covert 19 treatments. And the u. K. Will be the 1st country to begin Clinical Trials for a new antibody treatment developed by astra zeneca. Its designed to treat people with a weakened immune system who cant be vaccinated. Meanwhile, the British Government has confirmed what most already know. It wont be a normal christmas this year, and thats mr. Ritchie soon. Arc says the doing what they can to help families get together. England is back in lockdown. And Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to outline his winter virus strategy. Place on monday. With regard to christmas and i think frustrating as it is for all of us christmas is not going to be normal. But that said the Prime Minister. And i will also looking at ways to see how families can spend some time with each other over christmas period. Obviously thats something that we would like to do. Health authorities in the gaza strip say the recent rise in corona virus infections could overwhelm the medical system. There within a week, they warned that critical patients will soon be turned away as intensive care units, a near capacity. Gaza has a population of 2000000. People has medical system has suffered from an israeli and egyptian imposed blockade. Its recorded more than 14000 infections and 65 deaths a weather update next here on syria, then planning for a post covert world, the worlds richest nations, and the g. 20 summit. With a commitment for a new era on the former french president Nicolas Sarkozy is to stand trial corruption charges. Well look ahead to the 1st of 3 cases against the hello. The last storm system has just gone through even iraq is leaving, but its now in an afghanistan thats setting up a strong northwest blowdown after it. It might be a bit dusty. The biggest thing in a leader is drop the temps across the considering places like the hof and re every into the twentys. Not the thirtys for cross that there are wind, but the wind does ease, the temps dont recover very much, but it will fail. I think rather warm and 26. 00 just because the southeast liza humid direction. At the moment, liking making landfall is a tropical cycle, which by the end of cheese day, probably wont be recognizable. Somewhere in the gulf of aden, him up, use a few showers in djibouti. It will produce flooding in the horn of africa. But apart from that, its a dry picture tell you get down to places like uganda, rwanda and beyond is not your recent town today, which means rain here. And kerry is going to be running further west. But does it go further . Sex would like some in, for example, mozambique in malawi, theres precious little of the satellite evidence. But a lot of weakness is fairly obvious. So from there, congo and ngo assayas, this was towards johannesburg. It seems quite like to be sheriff for the next couple of days if youre further west, but enjoy the sunshine. The b. B. C. s journalism is revered around the world, but its close. Relationship with the British State has always place limits on its independence. I love the fact that i exist at a time of things in those flow. Phillips explores the little known central long tussle between the b. B. C. In the u. K. Government and considers the current threats to its future. If the government has it in the lead to see what charge they deceive, the enemies on the movers battle for the b. B. C. , a listening post special on aljazeera. And again, this is of 0 loss. Roger, the main news this hour, prodemocracy activist, joshua warmness pleaded guilty in his trial in hong kong. Hes accuse the 2 other dissidents of involvement in a protest there Police Headquarters last year, and could face up to 5 years in prison. Ethiopias Prime Minister has given rebels in the more than 2 grey region until weapons state to surrender. Government forces are threatening an all out assault on the regional capital. Kelly on the head of the u. S. Vaccine program says the 1st shots could be rolled out as soon as december 11th. Thats a day after regulators meet to decide on the emergency use of a vaccine produced by pfizer. And its german part of bio and tech plan is to vaccinate 20000000. 00 people by the end of the year. Dr. Massey, psuedo davis is an Infectious Disease physician of Washington University school of medicine. She says that distributing the vaccine will be difficult, but convincing people to take it will be an even greater challenge. Speaking of sounding, but it can be done and need to know that these are raccoons and lord grey areas, very severe, call temperatures with negative 94. 00 degrees fahrenheit. And that requires a lot of infrastructure, a lot of planning, they can all the same things that, you know, refrigerators aside saying, but what is it like a resort in the us that time the i think that the challenge lies beyond that and getting it out for public that is already quite skeptical of the raising of vaccine. Serving justice in each of the 42 percent of americans would not want to think the vaccine and 67 percent of africanamericans who are disappointed in the affected vote and faces m. And s. So that is rather a challenge lies and where my concern is greatest. We only expected were only looking for 50 to 60 percent advocacy. And yet many about 90 percent in both the fines are in the government far and those that just the 1st through very, very reassuring. And they see they dont, will be reviewed by an external Advisory Board prior to this actually being distributed. Theres no way to know im not exactly when things will be saying yes from now, but i do trust the science g 20 leaders have wrapped up their Virtual Summit hosted by saudi arabia, where the global fight against covert dime team dominated the agenda. Discussions focused on helping poor nations to recover from the economic damage inflicted by the pandemic. Our diplomatic editor james bay is reports that saudi arabias king solomon concluded this 2 day summit, conducted by Video Conference and handed over to the g. 20 presidency to the italian Prime Minister, it just pick content. But then in a previously unannounced appearance, the kings son, crown Prince Mohammed bin sound man, made his own address to a man whos in day to day charge in saudi arabia. And whose human rights campaigners blame for the continued repression in the kingdom, said the g 20 is actions greatly help the world deal with the pandemic of the fish in light of the outbreak of causes 19 with a and its health, economic and social repercussions that of the one a, our coverage tonight has been important more than ever, to have been about how that together we have addressed this challenge with seriousness necessitated by the responsibility to preserve human lives, going to protect livelihoods, mitigate the ensuing damage, and demick, and raise revenues to face anything that youre crises, god forbid, but compare that with the demands of the International Medical and humanitarian community. The u. N. Secretary general, who is one of those who taught in the g. 20, made it clear. Its a News Conference on friday. How much money was needed to get the vaccine to the poorest parts of the world. But 28000000000 more needed, including 4200000000 before the end of the this funding is critical for mass manufacturing, procurement, and delivery of new coffee, 1000. 00 vaccines and tools around the worlds that funding was one of 2 main asks by the secretary general, but it is not here in the final declaration by g. 20 leaders, he also lost that debt relief offered by the g. 20 earlier in the year to some of the poorest countries on earth be extended to middle Income Countries who need it. Again, its not here, and the g. 20 have fallen short. James plays aljazeera the United Nations u. S. President. Donald trumps legal team is appealing a Pennsylvania Court ruling which dismissed an attempt to invalidate millions of malin votes. A federal judge said the Trump Campaign lawsuit was without merit. It was yet another legal setback in trumps bid to overturn the results of the u. S. President ial election. Trumps lawyer, Rudy Giuliani says the ruling actually helps to bring their case closer to the supreme court. The former governor of new jersey, fellow republican, chris christie, says the Legal Campaign has become a fast. The president s legal team has been a national embarrassment. They wont do it inside the courtroom. They allege fraud outside the courtroom, but when they go inside the courtroom, they dont put fraud and they dont argue fraud. This is what i was concerned about at 2. 30 in the morning on wednesday night. Listen, ive been a supporter of the president. I voted for him twice, but elections have consequences and we cannot continue to act as if something happened here that didnt happen. Authorities in colombia, say the most attack that killed at least 8 people on saturday is linked to drug trafficking. Police say that a group of heavily armed men opened fire in a dormitory at a Coffee Plantation in the northwest and talk region, a separate attack on sunday in the Southwest Region of kouka. As left at least 5 people, dead, colombia has seen a rise in attacks as rival gangs battle over control of the countrys lucrative cocaine trade. More details have been released about the discovery of a mass grave in mexico. The state prosecutor in jail isco has confirmed 113 bodies have been found. 30, have been identified so far, 28 men and 2 women, 2 other mass graves are being excavated, stays at its capital. What are known for high levels of Drug Cartel Violence . Spain is to send extra police to target human traffickers in senegal. This year, more than 18000. 00. People have left senegal by boat to seek asylum in Spains Canary islands. Thats a 10 fold increase on last year. More than 500 people have died, making the journey around half of those arrivals. And most of the deaths have been in the past 30 days. Spains foreign minister met with some goals president in dhaka to discuss the migrations from the beginning of code. We know that one of the risks during covidien postcode is immigration because covert is destroying african economies, as it is also had a huge impact on european economies. We knew that one of the consequences of this pandemic was going to be an increase in migration. There is also a great concern in this country from the president of cynical for all these Human Trafficking networks that thurston rich, very few and sick and put at risk a large part of the young population who leave this country. A large part of them die on the journey she europe imagining in a rival of a place where theyll be welcomed with open arms. Vote counting is under way in the kenya, fast president ial and parliamentary elections. Millions of voters turned out despite fears of attacks, the country had seen a spike in violence ahead of the polling president is seeking another term, but hes being challenged by 12 candidates on our address is monitoring the election from a bhutto. Watched by observers in journalists president mark kristin kapoor, it goes to cast his ballot, hoping it will help keep him in power for another 5 years. The source term has been overshadowed by attacks by armed groups that have killed more than 2000 people and taken over large areas of land. Believe this is about between a fast as democracy. It is also about the development of aquino, faster, but it is also about peace in iraq country. So it is important for everybody to go and vote and choose the one who will lead this country tomorrow. That is all that we are asked. Their talks are forced more than a 1000000 people from their homes and the opposition hope the insecurity will work against boris efforts to be reelected. One of his main challenges and the man he defeated in 2015 is different jobbery. He also voted in the capital, he repeated his accusation. The vote has been bricked. All these facts of alleged fraud are before us. This is why we decided yesterday to file a complaint with the prosecutor of the king of fossil. Were well aware of the slowness of our own judicial institutions. What we want is not to wait 2 or 3 weeks after the elections for a decision. We want it to be decided now. In our press pause the Election Commission called a press conference halfway through the voting process. Everything went well, even in areas we suspected there would be trouble. There was no voter fraud or irregularities, but election to hold in other areas. Despite the allegations is excited. I am so happy to vote for the 1st time. I feel like my ballot will help to change something in this country. Initially i didnt want to vote, but the election in the us motivated me. This is a 2nd election since former president blaise comported was toppled from power in 24. After weeks of street protests, his party said its ready to return to government. But the opposition is seen as divided and that could hand victory to cobourg. Analysts say the oppositions best hope is a 2nd round that will give time to present a united front supporters of the government and the opposition agree. This poor, landlocked country needs peace and security. The question of who is best qualified to achieve that could be determined in the next few days. And although many here are relieved, the election has been free of violence. There are no guarantees it types would come in the days and weeks ahead. Comedy algis, iraq, a Memorial Ceremony has been held in armenia to commemorate those killed during the conflict in the going to a cutback Prime Minister nickel pushing in, attended the service alongside religious leaders fighting between armenia and azerbaijan over the disputed region. Led to the deaths of hundreds of civilians and soldiers. 2 sides signed a russia brokered ceasefire agreement last week to end 6 weeks of fighting or Ethnic Armenians in the going to cut about also held religious services to commemorate the victims of morals took place across the disputed region to mark the fighting that began in september. Former french president Nicolas Sarkozy is due to stand trial in paris in the coming hours on corruption charges. So of course, he has hinted at a political comeback for the 2022 president ial election, but any conviction would end those hopes, reports from paris. During his 5 years in the lease a palace, Nicolas Sarkozy gained a reputation as a tough talking conservative french president with a taste for luxury. But since leaving office and 2012 sarkozys been dogged by legal woes in 2014, police questioned him for alleged corruption. He was accused of trying to influence a magistrate to obtain information about a legal case against him. He denied the accusations i set in the chair that was in front of these 2 ladies judges, without even asking me a single question. They gave me 3 reasons, food item, and before i had responded 20 things on examiner sarkozys alleged attempts to influence the magistrate were uncovered by police who tapped his phones. Theyve been investigating accusations that sarkozy had received illegal funds for his 2007 campaign from former libyan leader. Mohammed gadhafi soccer, the trial in paris for corruption in the phone, tapping case is the 1st to release 3 other corruption trials that he faces. But this point is legal problems and a failed the 2017 president ial bid. So our currency seems determined for a political comeback. And ambition, boyd earlier this month, when in a surprise you turned a key witness in the campaign funding. Casey attack again withdrew his accusations against sarkozy reacting in a tweet. Sarkozy said the main accuser admits his lies. He never gave me money. There was no illegal funding of my 2007 campaign. Political commentator pierre haski says that although frances political right is seeking leadership, its unlikely that sarkozy would be the answer. You have probably the same for them in that you had with donald trump, where they were, is failures or east is a fragile peace. He had supporters who were with him until the end, so that will remain in his cap. Then he convinced the rest of the country that hes really harnessed. Im not sure. Im not sure. France is ready for a 2nd. Because the period, sarkozy will hope that he can clear his name during this trial and future ones that he faces and relaunch his political career. For now though, his immediate battle will be to avoid jail, he faces up to 10 years if found guilty of influence peddling. Its all just 0. Paris. It is good to have you with us. Hello adrian. So they can hear in the headlines and i was 0. Prodemocracy activists, joshua was pleaded guilty at his trial in hong kong, is accused along with 2 other activists of involvement in a protest there Police Headquarters last year

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