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A final assault on the city of mechanic. To grant forces refused to step aside. Joe bidens transition to the white house can now begin in earnest until now hes been doing it without the support of the federal office, which is tasked with overseeing the transfer of paul. But more than 2 weeks after his victory speech, the head of the General Services administration has finally told the president elect that the transition can formally begin means bidens new administration can meet with federal officials to work on the Pandemic Response. The National Security front tweeted that he is ready for the transition. He thanks the g. S. A. Administrator and liberty for her dedication and loyalty to the country. He also went on to say that shes been harassed and abused. He didnt want the same thing to happen to her family. He says that his case will continue. Hes going to keep up the good fight, as he says, and believes that he will prevail. But that he has recommended that emily and her team do what needs to be dollar, as he says, with regard to initial protocols, and hasnt instructed his to do the same. Well, joe bidens Transition Team has welcomed the move. It issued a statement saying, todays decision is a needed step to begin tackling the challenges facing our nation. In the days ahead, transition officials will begin meeting with federal officials to discuss the Pandemic Response. Have a full accounting of our National Security interests and gain complete understanding of the Trump Administrations efforts to holo out government agencies. We have 2 correspondents across the story. In a few moments well speak to. She have written the whos in joe bidens, home state of delaware, but 1st, lets go to pedicle hayne, who is in washington. D. C. Patty. So this is not an official determination of the winner, right. But still a very significant development, especially when we consider Donald Trumps response. And that is what is so significant here it is important, the joe biden can move forward. But keep in mind what weve heard from u. S. President donald trump, since the election he has said, i won, theres fraud, were going to win. Im still going to be president. This is the 1st time. Hes given an indication by tweet that a transition might in fact be something thats possible. And its interesting because we heard from in the letter too, from emily murphy saying, i made this decision on my own. Everyone in my family was threatened, my pets were threatened. I was threatened, but still i made the decision without interference from the white house, and the president , tweets out i told are going to go ahead and do this. So it is interesting because it is the 1st indication, the president , even though he said the fight continues, that he may be coming around to the idea that on january 20th, at noon, hes going to have a change of address, most likely to florida. Stop going to 600 pennsylvania avenue. Well see what happens in the coming days. But as for what the president could do now, really theres very little momentum is going against him. It was going to be pretty, pretty much as long shot anyway. But he has had dozens of cases in the courts. The judges have routinely except in a couple of very minor cases, thrown that out. Many cases with prejudice, say to the lawyers, are you alleging fraud . Because when theyre in front of the cameras, they say theres this, could vast conspiracy, theres hundreds of thousands of votes. We have the proof, and then they go before the judge and the judge says, ok, whats the proof . They say, well, were not alleging fraud, because if you lie to a judge you can lose your license. So hes not winning in the courts. He tried to stop the states from certifying the election that its not happening in michigan today. The important critical state of michigan certify the election for joe biden. So really every day the Trump Administration has got to be realizing that the election is basically slipping away from them that theyre for so few past. Now that they were likely, but theyre no longer even remotely possible. And as once it gets the electoral college, they vote and it goes to congress that its over. And so this is the reason why this is a significant deal that she have disk for you. Why it matters so much the biden campaign, and it really does. But from this perspective, from this part of the story, its the 1st time donald trump has even admitted that theres a possibility that hes not going to be president , come january 20th at noon to see republicans coming out and encouraging trump to surely can see to give up the legal challenges perhaps even invite joe biden 50 and by dividing for tea, well, you know, hes supposed to be having tea here on january 20th. I dont think the odds of that happening again are pretty good. As far as one of the republicans going to do, they are in, by heres their problem. They like to stay in office. They dont know if donald trump is going to be able to maintain the loyalty of the 70 plus 1000000 americans who voted for him over the next 2 to 4 years where hes indicated that he may run again. So theyve already seen this win or seen republicans come out like the ohio governor, come out and say its over, youve lost concede, move on to the transition from tweets out whos going to run against him for the republican primary. And they realize that if hes still a force, then they can easily not get the nomination if they try to go for reelection. The other concern they have is really what is the biggest concern for joe biden, is coming from the state of georgia. They have very unusual election laws, so theyve had to do their 2 senate races over again, and whoever wins those 2 senate races, it will determine much of what joe biden can do in office. It will determine who controls the senate. So the republicans are going to be living in fear, and were already starting to see back to us from Republican Trump supporters in georgia saying, look, republicans, you control the state and georgia went to the biden. Why couldnt you do something to keep it from going to biden . So adult term comes out with a tweet and says to the people in georgia. Hey, thanks so much. Stay home, that could doom their prospects of state in power and stay relevant. And it be very unusual, its been decades and decades since a democrat took office and didnt have control of both the house and the senate. So this matters. So this is the calculus republicans are going with. Theyre also looking at more National Security officials for the Republican Party of come out and said, this is dangerous. This needs to end. And perhaps more importantly, dozens, and dozens and dozens of really powerful republican donors, Business Leaders from all over the country, clued in some very close to President Trump have put out a letter saying this has to stop. Acknowledge that biden has won. And so theyre worried about losing their money, their lose it will worried about losing trump support. So thats where theyre at right now to condemn to. Now whats going to interesting is did trump leave just enough of a crack open to this tweet, saying that maybe theres going to be a transition that they feel emboldened to come out and say, yes, there will be a transition. Itll be interesting to see, but the pressure is mounting in the past for the president trying to stay in that house. They were always going to be slim, but now they appear almost nonexistent. With this tweet that maybe hes realizing. Ok, thank you for that pentagon there live for us in washington d. C. Lets go over to shihab rattansi, who is an wilmington delaware, as she have. I mean, this must be welcome news, obviously for joe biden. How important is it for his, you know, Pandemic Response and for as, as one of our analysts pointed out earlier for keeping an eye on any, maybe last minute, moves by the trombetta ministration. Right. And you read out that statement from the Transition Team, outlining the 3 priorities, pandemic, foreign policy. And then this one to gain complete understanding that they will gain complete understanding of the trumpet. But history shows efforts to hollow out government agencies. Thats really interesting that that was mentioned in the Transition Teams response to this news. You know, you often ask and you have also the last few hours. Why do republicans support trump even tacitly, perhaps thats not overtly, but i do keep on lending him of support. Its because this was one of the republicans long held gains, long held goals to hollow out government and trump went beyond the wildest dreams of the Republican Party in train, dismantling government agencies. Much of what donald trump achieved was very much mainstream republican deregulatory thoughts and trump was able to do that while there was all this distraction with trump, the man himself. So thats why joe biden and his Transition Team that acknowledging that 1st of all, they need to see how much of government is left, having the trouble in a certain, havent been able to dismantle so much of government, potentially, that we have the pandemic. Clearly that is the number one priority we keep on being told by the by did ministration, have very ambitious plans which broadly follows 3 different areas. One flooding the nation with personal protective equipment by invoking the defense production act, centralizing, manufacture and distribution of people also flooding america with testing. They say that this is going to be the key plank of the coronavirus strategy, is to try and go off to a symptomatic spreaders that needs enormous testing. Everyone should be able to get testing. So they want to use the d. P. A. Again to try and get the manufacture the means for all that testing and then vaccine distribution. And theyre very worried that they just are out of the loop basically on what is being planned by operation will speed by the trumpet, ministration, when it comes to a vaccine distribute, they know that they have to get moving on this quickly as possible. Now they can, they can begin with that and then on foreign policy, as you mentioned, there has been some of these weve had various leaks or stories in the New York Times about how donald trump may have been moving the idea of attacking iran, for example, in this final days in office. Now the trump Transition Team will be in all the called the station with federal officials, with National Security officials and be having classified briefings to find out what has been going on. What may or may not be being planned and whats to come. Ok, thank you so much for that. She have a ton say there live from wilmington, delaware. Well, Hillary Mann Leverett is a former state department National Security and white house official. She says the move to begin, the transition should be taken as an important signal from u. S. President donald trump. Even though trump probably will never get a concession, i think it is imply that he is finally conceding in a defacto sense of not of his jury sense because hes allowing the transition to go forward. You will allow president elect biden, for example, to get the highest level of classified security briefings and Vice President elect harris as well. He will how many of the Staff Members that biden has appointed just today . And yesterday, secretary of state National Security advisor, secretary of treasury, you allow all of their teams to get classified information and understand the inner workings of the u. S. Government. So it really is all but a concession, and its incredibly important a policy sense because while the world is fixated on kobe 19, rightfully so. There are many things that theyre trying to ministration maybe planning, you know, in its last days we saw these very strange appointments, for example, to the pentagon to the department of defense. A lot of things that could have to do with a potential, you know, a military strike in the middle east. There are many Different Things that this is ministration could be doing and planning on its way out the door. So its tremendously important that bidens team gets in there and understands what is being planned and whats happening even beyond the crisis of covert. 19. Still ahead on aljazeera reports of a secret meeting between the israeli Prime Minister, the saudi Prince Development that could strangle croces green lungs. We look at anger against plans to build a mangrove forest. As breaks from america, when people need to be heard and the story needs to be told, thats why we think in areas with a high infection rate, with exclusive interviews and indepth reports, people here tell us they are desperate. Here at home. Aljazeera has teams on the ground kind of love to impart the 2nd lockdown with to bring new moon goldwing documentaries and life news. Rumania, ancient forests. Some of europes most pristine. There are crucial for our society. A crucial fall battle against the climate crisis, but illegal logging by a ruthless to the mafia is destroying both the landscape and peoples lives. Being in the main areas are what our young violence with the goals, amidst claims of corruption and the role of powerful multinationals. People in power investigates rumania of the forest on aljazeera. d held for over 3 years in an egyptian prison cell, denied the right to a fair trial. No charges have been brought against al jazeera correspondent, mahmud hussein, his crime journalist, to demand more neutral links and voice, solidarity with all detained journalists. Sign the petition. d free news saying from the outset, there are london bureau, catherine t. V. , special guest in conversation. When you say a lie, a 1000000 times, that becomes the fact. You then can create whatever narrative you want. Unprompted, uninterrupted, and i realized i was working for something i was evil. You know, being a part of our creating our maria ressa meets christopher, why they, the death of journalism is only the 1st signal for the death of the mocker state studio. To be unscripted on aljazeera. Youre watching aljazeera reminder of our top stories this hour. The u. S. Federal office that oversees the transfer of power has told joe biden, his transition to the white house can formally begin. It means the new administration could meet with federal officials to work on the Pandemic Response and National Security. Donald trump is still refusing to concede, tweeted that his campaign will continue its efforts to overturn the election result. Trumpets fall dozens of lawsuit seeking to throw out votes in key states, all of which of so far failed. The makers of a 3rd major covert 19 experimental vaccine have revealed the results of late stage tests, Oxford University and drug company astra. Zeneca say it could be up to 90 percent effective and cheaper than 2 u. S. Vaccines. The drug company is not to make a profit from the vaccine during the pandemic raising hopes it could be distributed widely across the world. Almost suitable firms followers and the have reported about 95 percent efficacy from late stage trials of their experimental vaccines. John hall reports from london. Its being hailed as a vaccine for the World Pharmaceuticals firm astra zeneca in partnership with the university of oxford says interim trial results will be sent to regulators immediately in the hope their product is approved for rollout. Before the end of the year, we got a vaccine, which is a fact it prevents severe disease. Intriguingly in result of a headline is that we do have as are our own and then have all those of the back. And i guess where we saw 90 percent or more data may be needed to confirm the 90 percent subgroup results, but cheaper to mass produce, easier to distribute, to more moderate temperatures than its competitors. The british vaccine is good news for poorer parts of the world. In time, the Astra Zeneca Oxford vaccine could lead to an end to the pandemic world wide reaching parts of the world. The other vaccines on offer simply cant, but on a much shorter time scale, its already being projected by the government here. That Vaccine Technology may lead to a resumption of normal life by easter for sure students in england was on the 2nd of december, addressing parliament remotely while serving a period of isolation himself. Prime minister Morris Johnson outlined a post lockdown plan for england, a return to the regional system of tiered restrictions introduced in october, but strengthened this time to guard against a further surge 1st. We must get through winter without the virus really out of control. Very hard by the gate at exactly the time when the burden on the n. H. S. Is always great. The plan is designed to carry out safely just so from december, the 2nd until april shops will reopen, parts of the economy will be allowed to breathe again and the government has promised to try malays can meet up over the christmas period. There is more than cautious optimism the didnt and to all of this is insight. Jonah, how aljazeera a spiraling number of cases is causing alarm as the u. S. Approaches one of its busiest travel days of the year. Millions of americans have already started family and friends for the thanksgiving weekend holiday, despite warnings to stay at home. Christensen reports from new york getting together for a big meal in person with loved ones is what the thanksgiving holiday is usually about. But given, traveling and eating together are considered high risk activities in a pandemic. Public officials are encouraging people to play it safe. But Public Service announcements like this one. Why dont hear and warnings like this one. This is not a normal. Nationwide, daily coronavirus hospitalizations are at record highs in the United States and deaths continue to climb. You put that rate of increase together with an additional increase from the high level of social activity. That is a dangerous situation even in new york with one of the lowest infection rates in the country. Private gatherings are being officially limited to 10 people, amid reports of large forbid, in events like this orthodox wedding, attended by thousands. But restrictions vary from state to state are clear, Public Health is to see this thing to do is is not to travel. And that is also a very Important Message along with our message to get travel is being strongly discouraged, but if you must fly, the c. D. C. Recommends covert testing 1. 00 to 3. 00 days before Airline Passengers are required to wear masks and airports are supposed to enforce social distancing no one and 6 feet apart, like everyone kind of 3 feet apart. Are, you know, part its more and more, but with no end to the pandemic in sight, many travelers appear willing to risk. It just felt like ok, it doesnt seem like its getting any better. I mean, mines relative, chided and have a little bit of fun without getting sick. Transmission concerns are likely to drive some to travel by car, but with intensive care units becoming overwhelmed in many parts of the country and the bodies of the dead still unclaimed from new york surge in the spring. Officials are hoping many americans, especially those most at risk, will just stay home. Christian salumi al jazeera, new york media is in ethiopias to grave region. The design government claims that the military is surrounding the regional capital mechanic minister abi ahmed has given the great Peoples Liberation front until wednesday to surrender, or face an assault from the city. Its home to around half a 1000000 people. The t. P. M. That has so far refused to stand aside saying its people are ready to die in defense of their land. So the horrors of open 2 camps to cope with the influx of refugees from ethiopia, and many have been displaced before refugee camp in sudans got out of state is need too many refugees, but not it has this fight. Her parents fled to the camp in 1085 to escape war and famine back in their home country. Shes back to the same old camp. This time with her 10 day old child who she gave birth to while fleeing conflict in ethiopias degree region. The more leader i went to america to give birth to my child, but then the fighting started and you had to flee. I gave birth to my child while i was running away to come here. He was born on the road. Now im back to the camp where i was born as a refugee and my new born is at the same camp. Also, refugio was closed in the year 2000, following the return of most of the refugees who once lived in the capital back to ethiopia. But 20 years later, the camp is open again to cope with an influx of ethiopian refugees who started arriving to sudan. 2 weeks ago. All here have escaped from various parts of degree. Nearly 40000 refugees have fled to sudan altogether, following a government offensive on the to great Peoples Liberation front. The offensive was a response to an attack by the front on a military base, which came after months of tension between the Regional Government and the federal government. Had hoped not to come back to the camp when he left here, 2 years before it was closed. But he says the fighting has left him with no option has a home and how to theyre killing us. Integrate. There are people being killed, our own children, bombs are being dropped on buildings. Its sad that many of us are displaced again, but we want to live. We dont want to die in war. More than 6000 refugees now live in the camp. Its opened less than 2 weeks ago. Even though receiving refugees isnt new for the owner of the number of those arriving here has been increasing so fast that many of them are still without shelter. Access to basic services such as clean water, food and healthcare is also challenging. For many, this place is once again providing them with a refuge to the United Nations says it expects 200000 refugees to arrive to sudan in the coming months if fighting, integrate along with lack of humanitarian access continues. So these Authorities Say the camp has a limited capacity and more camps need to be established. And were urging donors and International Organizations to help us cope with the situation because its very dire. Some organizations are provided aid, but theres too many people for the state, and for a few were going to zation. They need services and they need care, which we cant provide alone. Sudan already has its economic problems. So we need the International Community to help us with this crisis that has says, she took to children would never live the life she had left. But with 3 generations of refugees in her family, she wonders when the search for a permanent refuge and stability will and people morgan aljazeera get out of state. The Saudi Foreign minister has denied reports of a secret meeting between the kingdoms crown prince and the israeli Prime Minister. According to israeli media, Benjamin Netanyahu flew to the saudi city of new home on sunday for talks 100 bin salman, and us secretary of state might. Pompei a foreign minister, prince says only americans and saudis were present at the meeting. And yahoo has refused to comment. But a number of his waiting ministers appear to have confirmed the visit as high force that explains from ramallah in the occupied west bank. The Education Minister said it was a great achievement, despite the semi official way in which it had come out. Netanyahu rival and alternate Prime Minister and defense minister benny gantz was criticizing as you know, for having this meeting leaked out in such a way. The israeli Prime Minister himself was asked about it during that appearance of the israeli parliament, the knesset, during which he said that for many years he had never publicly commented on such things that he wouldnt start now. But that he continued to work to expand the circle of peace. So i think the preponderance of evidence, certainly from the israeli side is that this meeting did take place. It was 1st seen in a flight path of a business jet which has been used by netanyahu in the past, which left israel on sunday evening, went to this future would be hightech resort town that the crown prince of saudi arabia had been. Someone wants to establish on the red sea coast, we know that he was there with the u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei o. And if israel had wanted to totally shut this down, it has very powerful censorship laws with which to do so as it was pretty clear that the Israeli Government wanted this to come out. Presumably, had, there had been some kind of code nation with the other parties involved as well. Despite this denial coming from the Saudi Foreign minister, israels cabinet has approved a mutual reser exemption agreement with the united arab emirates. But it does ratify the treaty, which was signed in tel aviv last. Mr. Benjamin netanyahu says he hopes the development will strengthen economic ties with the u. A. E. The emirates normalize relations with israel and just views. Political rivals have begun. A 2nd round of un backs talks following up on last weeks meeting in tunisia where they agreed to hold president ial and parliamentary elections late next year. So a fall failed to point to unity government. Turkey has stopped german forces, searching one of its cargo ships suspected of bringing weapons to libya. The turkish cargo vessel was boarded in the mediterranean, but the inspection was abandoned when turkey protested to the european union. The germans are operating as part of an emission which aims to stop arms reaching the warring factions in libya. There are mentalists in pakistan are warning that a government plan to develop 2 islands in the arabian sea could lead to an environmental disaster. The islands there karate and known for their mangrove forests, which provide metal cover from storms and pollution. The reports they are known as karachi screen lungs. But these mangrove forests on the shores of one of the most polluted cities on earth, washington fast. And now environmentalists say they will also try to end by a 50000000000. 00 Housing Project plant by the government. I think if youre going to do Land Reclamation and phyllis with sand and miles that its nothing short of. Thats the mangrove forests that form a protective barrier. Its the mangrove that protect us from the storm. That is like the ecosystem is essential for the livelihood of the fishermen become. Illegal. Logging and pollution have already damaged the smog rules and their diverse ecosystem. Tens of thousands of people depend on them. For commercial fishing. They see they now risk losing everything. The allotments on the look of the sea will be spoiled. There will be a lot of pollution at the construction of the city. Hundreds of thousands of our fishermen will become unemployed. Prime minister imran khans government says the project to create thousands of jobs and ease pressure on karachi, a city of 20000000 people, but it has put Prime Minister iran consequent at old speed. Provincial leaders, government believe that yes, development has to be there. But the development not at the cost of your property market, the cost of your people and market the cost of your environment. Monsoon floods this year have caused damage in many areas of karachi and environmental, say, if the natural protection by the islands, its all too rooted the city could face and environmental. Disaster struck a good go. Aljazeera, china has launched a probe to the moon to bring back the lunar rocks. The 1st such attempt by any nation more than 40 is blasted off from the wing tank space center in southern china. Beijing is spending billions of dollars on its military run Space Program and hopes to launch a manned mission to the moon before 2030 dissolves there, and these are the top stories, the u. S. Federal office that oversees the transfer of power has told joe biden, his transition to the white house can formally begin, it means the new administration can meet with federal officials to work on the Pandemic Response and National Security. But although he instructed the office to axe donald trump is still refusing to concede, tweeted that his campaign will continue its efforts to overturn the election results. Trump has followed dozens of lawsuit seeking to throw out votes in king states, all of which have so far failed to call him has more from washington. This is the 1st time the president is even given an indication that there could be a transition that its possible not just that its likely going to happen, but hes indicating that he now thinks its possible that come january 20th at noon he will no longer call the building behind me home, he said hes going to continue the fight, but lets look at where that fight is. He tried to get states to try and get rid of the electors, especially when it came to places like michigan, the lawmaker said, no, were not going to do that. That vote has been certified. The vote in georgia has been certified the vote in pennsylvania is in the process of being certified so that that strategy is going to happen. He has to realize that now his legal team has filed dozens of lawsuits and really pretty much been laughed out of court. British drug company, astra, zeneca, and oaks for the universities say, late stage testing of a covert, 19 bank scene shows its highly effective and say it could be stored at french temperature, making it cheaper and easier to distribute. The reason ethiopias to grave region of denying government claims that the military is surrounding the regional capital mechanic. Prime minister ahmed has given the 2 great Peoples Liberation front until wednesday to surrender, or face an assault on the city. Its home to around half a 1000000 people at t. P. M. If it so far, refused to stand aside. The Saudi Foreign minister has denied reports of a secret meeting between the kingdoms crown prince and the israeli Prime Minister. Israeli media reports that Benjamin Netanyahu flew to the saudi city of no. Mon sunday for talks with mohamed bin. So mom and the u. S. Secretary of state, my pompei. Oh, and you know its not a comment. Its well, those, the headlines dont go away though much more to come care on aljazeera off the inside story, which is coming up next. If you want to help save the world and euro, the g. 20 summit has ended with a promise of fag Global Distribution of vaccines, but no specifics on where the money will come from. And no 1. 00 know what the major initiatives announced with the u. N. Disengaged out of the rest of the world. Set an agenda. This is inside story. Hello, welcome to the program. Im burnitz. Were closing statement emphasizing the important mandates of the United Nations systems. But with a little in the way of a breakthrough announcement, the g 20 has wrapped up its annual summit. It was hosted by saudi arabia this year. Virtually there was a call to ensure fair access for all of the vaccines for covert 19 and developing nations. Want a plan for extending debt relief. But there was no Firm Commitment to that in the final communique. Or donald trump missed part of the summit to play golf. Our diplomatic editor james base reports saudi arabias king solomon concluded this 2 day summit, conducted by Video Conference and handed over to the g. 20 presidency to the italian Prime Minister just pick on target. But then in a previously unannounced appearance, the kings son, crown Prince Mohammed bin sound man, made his own address to a man whos in day to day charge in saudi arabia and who human rights campaigners blame for the continued repression in the kingdom. Said the g 20 is actions to greatly help the world deal with the pandemic of the fish in light of the outbreak of causes 19 whatever and its health, economic and social repercussions that a tower in a Recovery Center has been important more than ever or to have been about how together we have addressed this challenge with seriousness necessitated by the responsibility to preserve human liable to protect livelihoods. Mitigate the ensuing damage, demick and raise revenues to face any which are crises, god forbid. But compare that with the demands of the International Medical and humanitarian community. The u. N. Secretary general, who is one of those who do any part in the g. 20, made it clear to News Conference on friday. How much money was needed to get the vaccine to the poorest parts of the world. But 28000000000. 00 more needed, including 4200000000. 00 before the end of the this funding is critical for mass manufacturing, procurement, and delivery of new government 1000 vaccines and tools around the world. That funding was one of 2 main asks why the secretary general, but it is not here in the final declaration by g. 20 leaders. He also asked that debt relief offered by the g. 20 earlier in the year to some of the poorest countries on earth. Be extended to middle Income Countries who need it. Again, its not here. And the g. 20 have fallen short. James aljazeera of the United Nations. The g 20 or group of 28 was set up in 1999 as a leading form for Global Economic cooperation. It consists of 19 countries of some of the Worlds Largest economies, plus the european union. Its members collectively represent around 80 percent of the worlds economic output. Several developing nations including brazil, china, india, and indonesia belong to the group. Its leaders meet annually to discuss mainly the most challenging economic issues, but they also tackle other pressing problems. The group has been criticized for involving only a small number of nations in important decisions. And lets bring in our guests on pettifer is a global economist, and she joins us from suffolk in the United Kingdom in from morocco. We have an exam, a sari, an associate professor of International Studies at university. And joining us from, washington, d. C. Is hillary mann, leverett c. E. O. , of the Political Risk Consulting Firm strategic, and a former u. S. Diplomat. Welcome to you all, hillary. Ill start with you. If i may, did you think this summit achieved anything concrete it . Well, of course, there was the usual communique and thats a good thing. And i have to say with just a light hearted the sense that Something Like this achieving a communique in the last days of a trumpet. Ministration is actually an achievement. It shows that possibly the United States could stay involved in multilateral institutions. And as we transition to another administration, i would expect the new administration will be much more involved in summits like this and in multilateral institutions. Overall, i was struck in to strike a seemingly positive note to do you go along without using the summit achieve anything. Im not sure that it did and model of the reasons for that is of a back who was at the table. And the question is, you know, the United States was only at the table for some of the time. And many of those low Income Countries that so desperately needed a vaccine. And that is suffering, the consequences, the pandemic on when ted the table. And so we can expect that the communique would be black and it would not really contain any real commitments and nor has it. Having said that, i have to say that this must have been enormously challenging to have to hold a global summit digitally. It must have been really, really difficult for all the latest tonight and i suppose insofar as they did manage something that is commendable. But on. 1 the whole, its disappointing, given the scale of the crisis faced by lowering can come. Hes your in one of those countries that would need help distributing a vaccine. Did you see the summit as achieving anything concrete from your perspective . I think that dreamed in bringing up the issue of covert level is an achievement on its own. We know that there are president s mongers who met like President Trump like persons pulsar naral, who were always suspicious, who have always suspected of 2nd intentions or conspiracy theories with covert. So the folks that disgusted that this caused that accident that they agreed on this supports to countries who cannot afford it is an achievement for say, i agree with my colleagues that this is a minor achievement. Its an achievement. Percent, hillary, the u. S. Wasnt really at the table if you like. Its disengaged from these sorts of forums. Was that really obvious here that without the u. S. That there was nobody else to lead . Well, its hard to say, i mean the g 20 is an interesting institution in of itself. Its just the top 20 economies in the world. So it doesnt include the vast majority of countries and a significant number of peoples around the world. So for the United States to be at the table at the g 20 is, its an interesting aspect from the washington perspective in that someone like President Trump, who believes very much in america 1st, are really america alone, pursuing its interests. The g. 20 is a useful instrument because the other countries in the g 20 are also there just basically to pursue their own interests. Its not a broad based institution like the world health organization, for example, to deal with coded or the World Trade Organization to deal with trade and other issues. So for trying and for washington, where it is now that he 20 is a somewhat useful instrument, but to really go beyond that, were going to have to wait for the next administration. The trouble ministration is really not interested in using multilateral institutions, to pursue multilateral global objectives to help people, its really just focused on it. And institution like the g. 20 to pursue u. S. Interests alone will have to wait for the next administration to see whether it reengages more broadly in not just the g. 20, but more importantly, these other institutions that are much more representative of the global population. Did you think that the g 20 really locked americas presence a summit . Why was it so . Are they able to come up with any other sort of coalesce around any other organization or group to lead you through it needed the u. S. To . Well, the point is that the e. U. Or 2 have really taken the lead into an extent, mrs. Merkel and president micron have but its a real problem. Its a real problem. I think my of my fellow panelists have set a very low bar for the achievement of the summit. The fact of the matter is that the value of the summit of the summit is that, that is, is when my facing global crises, thats when we need a Global Leadership and b. Global coordination and cooperation. And unfortunately, and its not just United States, many countries are opting out of the global system indeed globalizing. And that of course is reflected in the weakness of the g 20. But can i just also say there is a deep hypocrisy about the rich countries saying theyre going to do something about covert when theyve already bought up all the existing vaccines for themselves, for their own countries. You know, yes it is definitely my interest focused as far as the g. 20 is that and so, but if thats the case, were going to be honest about it instead of pretending which about the rest of the world. But the fact of the matter is, this is a global pandemic, and the rest of the world matters to the rich world. And yet theres no real indication in that statement that theyre going to do anything about ms. Are there was just this commitment in the g 20 communique to try and ensure equal access for all the covert 1000 vaccines, but there was no money up front for it was there was a lot of disappointment for you. Well, it is a disappointment, but i think again, as it was said previously, its not so that we expected far more than this, that the g. 20 is an attempt to go beyond what used to happen and is an improvement to with whats used to happen with the g. 7 or 8, but its still not true as speaking here or were still not getting here with. d a wide representation from all the economies of the war that were not even speaking here about the 20 biggest economies in the world. These countries where jews and in a way to be a representative, but where is the african continent, for instance, its only represented by south africa. Where are the other contenders on the african continent . So its the nature of the g 20. Its been operate in that somehow limits its expectations and limits the achievements its going to have on all different topics and even when it is the it in with the crisis. So this is, i think that the problem that the g. 20 face is this time and the to be face in, in, in other opportunities until it becomes a real representation of, of what is happening around us. And when i speak about what is happening around us, its the words not make made only of the state. It is made of manure, different kinds of actors. A lot of organizations are starting to include n. G. O. S for instance, in their, in their meetings and in their summits. And this is not what the g 20 is trying to do when it is held, even virtually in saudi arabia. One cannot expect a treaty to be breached in n. G. O. S and the peoples fault. So, well, every critics of the, of the g. 7, the g. , 8 minus russia. Theyd argue that it no longer represents the worlds most powerful economies, especially with the rise of china. So would the g. 20 be a more important body as opposed to the g 7 become a more important body . Well, again, it depends really and i think, you know, i dont say this in any kind of proud way. Percent say that the United States really is, if not the sole superpower in terms of exerting its power in various institutions and trying to assert itself around the world. It really matters what role the United States takes in these types of institutions. And i think the g 20 has perhaps seen the highlight of its day and maybe even the g. 7 itself under trub, i think with an incoming biden administration, you will see an administration more interested and more involved in broader multilateral institutions. Institutions that are knit together by the tenants and pillars of democracy and, and human rights that its going to be a very big change in terms of how the United States exerts itself on the world stage. So both the g 7 and the g 20, i think were remnants of United States trying to hold on to economic power. That it had almost solely to itself in the wake of the collapse of the soviet union. But today, economic power is not something that the United States can soley control. And so it will seek to have broader control and other institutions that are not based purely on economic power were china is the main competitor of the United States. And china has just as much, if not more, say over leadership in Global Economic affairs. Ok. There was also hope to maybe there been more commitment in terms of debt relief for middle income as well as low Income Countries. Again, theres nothing further apart from the pov in this new framework with how important is that going to be next year as we try and come out of the coronavirus. So i think youve hit the nail on the head they have, because the point is that we dont just have a pandemic. We dont just have a minute microbe an invisible storing all of our economies. We are also facing entrenched 21. 00, a year of massive unemployment. And of business failures, bankruptcies and of further collapsing income. And thats, thats the challenge that the g 20 or should be addressing. And, and we have to understand this, that in order to address that challenge, we have to work together. We have to coordinate internationally and its that failure, thats so sad really because the crisis were walking into which will be a crisis of unemployment, of economic failure, is the one that we are rarely where we are, where we were ready when, when we faced these crises, before, if you look back in history, countries have come together. They came together under the Bretton Woods system. They came together and you know what is already striking to me and i agree entirely with the point about, you know, the United States is no longer that interested governments are no longer g 20 doesnt really matter very much. Whats very interesting to me is that the world is capable of coordinating at an International Level to rescue wall street, the city of london and frankfurt, basically, in other words, the financial system. So we watched Central Bank Governors from the Federal Reserve to the bank of england to the bank of japan, to the bank of the e. C. B. Were together, coordinate and help each other to tackle the problems faced by the finance sector. And its deeply ironic that the leaders who are leaders con, do the same thing to tackle the problems facing on the one hand, the ecosystem. And on the other hand, millions and millions of the worlds people. Thats a really, thats this bizarre. Whats the word malfunction with whereby technocrats can get together and fix the financials . Financial sector, the politicians come to fix the economy. Does the challenge that developing come to developing countries have been having his voice that at somewhere like the g 20 mean that the very important issue of debt relief wasnt fully addressed at the summit meeting . Oh, yes, absolutely. In the sense that to have been speaking about reforming the institutions of president hu, for a couple of decades now, or even more than that. So many countries, many other sets have been speaking about reform in the, the situations of britain woods to give voice to the is to the rest of the world. And this has failed. So i wouldnt, the g 20 is certainly not the reform of the institutions of political woops, but it is a place where from south africa to indonesia, to india, all Different Countries of the argentina, brazil, all these countries have a voice at the table in deciding and discuss in issues of war, the interest and kept relief. Is there truly for is one of those issues, but again, very little has been achieved so that it is a achievement for said to have these states sitting at the table and defended this point of view. Im not, but its another issue whether they have to concrete results have been achieved. So we are still, we still need really to, to reform the situations, opportunities. And when one remembers, for instance, that the i. M. F. Sits at the g. 20. So not too much can be expected from the, from reforming the situations of the institutions of present moods and bringing more legitimacy. Not to even speaking about efficiency, but more news, its a must see to the world financial system. Hillary wants to ask you in an absence of sort of the u. S. Is leadership at events like the g 20. Why doesnt russia or china want to fill a void on my own . No, china might not want tough scrutiny of its how it works out its debt. Repayments, but why no one else tries to fill a void . I think uniquely the United States has looked to and helped build these International Institutions with a very particular, very selfish motive, which is for the United States to exert its power around the world through these multi institutions, to legitimize the exertion of u. S. Power through multilateral institutions. Institutions including the g 20 but including lots of other multilateral institutions. That essentially the basis of u. S. Interest in these institutions is to legitimize American Power. China and russia. They, they, of course, are interested in power, but they do not have the same interests or have not shown the same interest in that kind of global exertion of power in the way the United States has since world war 2. Some people think that china may get there, and thats one of the reasons why china is increasingly interested itself in these incidents, International Institutions in a way that it wasnt for prior decades. But that remains to be seen to date is still the United States in the wake of broad were 2 that sees and uses these International Institutions uniquely to exert American Power and legitimize it around the world. Russia and china have just not shown that interest or capability yet. Theres some here in washington. Fear thats precisely what china wants to do. You see you have a china role would like to try and fill, a void blow by the presidency next year. Recover the u. S. , his position there are concerns here in washington that its not just the china wants to fill the void, but that china is on this, this trajectory inevitably to pursue the same path to power a global power that the United States has. And the United States has to do all it can to prevent china from doing so. And so i think it will see the biden administration. Similarly, try to use International Institutions. But in a way that blocks chinas participation, for example, focused on democracy. They will focus on institutions for democracy and human rights, not so much because they care all that much about those issues. But it is a way to prevent chinas inclusion and chinas continued rise to global power. And can i ask you, is that something you see, do you see a biden presidency presidency trying to gain, take back the u. S. Position, always china, going to try and fill a void. So i think thats a very frank and correct and right analysis of, of the United States has position. But i will say one thing more, which is that the United States seeks to exert not just its own legitimacy, but wall street that just innocent. And wall street is the powerhouse his that drives this. Essentially, china doesnt have a wall street. It doesnt have a currency, which is the worlds reserve currency. Europe doesnt have a wall street, and it doesnt have a currency that is the worlds reserve currency. So what were seeing here is the legitimizing of the power of the Financial Sector of wall street. And until those countries can develop power equivalent power, theyre not going to be able to challenge the United States and what United States is still doing. Despite the weakness of its president and its leader, its still protecting those financial interests and its still asserting its power across the world to ensure that those financial interests take priority. And of course, this is why we have a world divided between creditors and debtors. Wall street to the world of creditors, and the debtors, many of whom are sovereign countries, poor countries have no voice in all of this and have virtually no power. That system is deeply, deeply unjust, and internationally. And just in the United States is going to have to do something about wall street before we can do something about rebalancing power across the world. Ok. And is, id like to ask you what if anything, saudi arabia managed to get out of this summit. Of course, on the one hand it wants to highlight its changing society and on the other, how to hopes people, dozen people forget about the war in yemen. And the murder of a prominent journalist did saudi arabia get having i got to get anything out of this. No one boycotted it after all. Well, nobody boycotts of that. But i think were pretty sure that saudi arabia expected something far bigger. Expected all these World Leaders to be, to be visited in saudi arabia to be in place to see and to showcase is supposed to advance is that so theyre saying to peace. But the covert did not allow it to take place that it is, it is a frustration, certainly for saudi leaders, that things that not happened the way they were expecting that to happen. And everyone was online on the do, in the forum, into where it took place. And so the saudi arabia did not get all it wanted from this summit. And this parent, this is, is certainly a frustration to sell the leaders, folks. There are so many more questions i want to ask, but unfortunately we are out of time. So thanks to augusts to ann pettifor, to newsarama, sorry. And to Hillary Mann Leverett, and to thank you to watching, you can see the problem again. Any time by visiting our website, aljazeera dot com, more debate, go to our facebook page. Thats facebook dot com, forward slash a. J. Inside story. You can also join the conversation on twitter. We are a. J. Inside story and i am up to 0 from a 3rd. Its me and a whole scene here by fire. Because some rather wet weather, pulling away from the eastern side of the u. S. At the moment. Eastern parts of canada say lots of cloud showing up here behind our cold front, just tucking in behind. Big area 5, preciousness keeping things settled for the time. Being the west, the weather, the wind there weather, the wintry weather. Thats going to be the one that wins out over the next day also. And thats going to sweep down off the rockies. Some snow coming in here. Heavy rain through the great plains, pushing up towards the midwest where we have some snow, some lake effect snow. And that pushes up into one teria maybe manitoba, seeing some of that wetter weather wintry weather too. As we go through choosing thats all and continue driving further east, which as we go on through wednesday, some heavy rain rights the way down into the deep south. New orleans could see some of that western weather while at the appalachians ahead of that theyre getting squeezed out of the way. Make the most of that dry weather that you have as we go on into the middle of the week. Itll let what hit the thanksgiving. Meanwhile, still rather wet across central america, im afraid big, massive cloud still in play just around the caracas, around guatemala, that wetter weather. Still fading, quite a few showers in across the region. It links with another system which pushes out into the atlantic and more rain here for wednesday. U. S. President elect joe biden gets the green light to begin his transition to the white house. Donald trump used to the transition but insists hell keep up his fight to overturn the election result of them can be held. This is al jazeera live from doha. Also coming up astra zeneca says its covert 90 vaccine is 90 percent effective and cheaper than making it affordable for the developing world. And the standoff in northern ethiopia government

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