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Devastation. We speak to a scientist who says there may be a new way to stop locusts. Swarming in sport has been buried in tributes. Continue to roll in from around the world, including former club of current argentina. Yes, we begin with breaking news in irans accusing israel of being behind the killing of a prominent nuclear scientist. Most in fact reside it was, had played a pivotal role in irans controversial Nuclear Program and was also associated with the Iranian Revolutionary guard corps. Iranian foreign minister and jeffords are the 1st described. The killing is murder and said, terrorists are responsible. The revolutionary guard has vowed to avenge his death. Israel has refused to comment. Lets go straight to our said, break in terror on. Tell us more about this and how its the kind of anger its elicited in iran itself. Well, the defense minister ahmed, had to me has been speaking just just moments ago, giving more detail as to what took place now. He says was in fact result there was a nice car that there was an exchange of gunfire. 10 to 15 seconds later, a bomb on the back of a truck exploded and then the gunfire continued. Now hes a true of the guards were also injured. Most in fact, as other was taken to hospital and medics were unable to save him, and he died. The defense minister offered condolences to the supreme leader, ayatollah khomeini. And the nation, as you said, is a great deal of anger and fingers are already been pointed. Now the head of the armed forces here said that affiliates of the zionist regime are responsible, pointing the finger at israel. The foreign minister zarif, again, he said hes also blaming israel, but yet any evidence is to be provided to be presented. We havent seen or heard anything to say that israel behind this, but there is a great deal of anger at this was a very Senior Scientist at the Defense Ministry say that he was the head of innovation and research at the Defense Ministry. And they are officials admitting that this is a blow to iran Defense Program because he had been targeted previously in assassination attempts. And he has survived those. He had been on the list of u. N. Security Council Sanctions us way back as 2007. And hes worried about its had been kept secret. And again, this is a blow to iran and there are officials now to respond. But we dont know what that response will be. So tell us more about this man and why he might be targeted. Why he was targeted this way . Well, he was involved in irans Nuclear Program with irans missile program. In fact, in 2018, israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu named him saying that he was the director of Irans Nuclear weapons program. Now the defense minister today said that he had also been involved, it headed irans response to the krona virus. So is a well respected scientist, but Nuclear Scientists have been targeted before in iran. And he was very close to deepika establishment or to the supreme leader, ayatollah khomeini. Lets not forget the context of all of this and we had, this is all taken place. This happens us the reformists in this country, president Hassan Rouhani and his reformists are looking to president elect u. S. , president elect joe biden, to return to that 2015 nuclear deal. And lift sanctions. That very same deal that donald trump put in ited states out of impose sanctions. On iran and irans been reducing its commitments. Now this assassination assassination could complicate matters greatly because the reforms in the country are looking to talk and negotiate with the United States. Conservatives have always been saying that you cannot trust the west. So theres an internal debate thats taking place and incidents like this. Further complicate matters and lets not forget, it was only back in january this year that the United States assassinated general kassam. So the money, the head of the oil could force, which is a part of irans revolutionary guard. So this is all taking place was this was the increase of tensions, not only inside the country, but in the region. And also, whilst iran is looking to the United States, president , president elect joe biden, to return to that nuclear deal. I said, thanks very much indeed for that bag there. And as i said, was alluding to between 2012012, tehran accused israel and the United States of carrying out targeted killings of 4. Iranian scientists. 1st up, renowned a physicist, mess sued, havent i, was killed when a remote controlled bomb went off outside his home in january 2010. There on the hanged, 24 year old arabian, for the killing, accusing him of being an Israeli Intelligence agent. In november of that year, the Nuclear Scientists and engineers, majeed, shari, was killed her attackers on motorbikes, attach bombs to his car as he drove to work. Then in july 2011, Nuclear Scientists resign a jet, was killed in front of his home in the capital. Thats after 2 gunmen on motorcycles opened fire. And then in january of 2012, mr. Might be a russian was killed after a bomb was attached to his car. He supervised a department of a tense uranium enrichment facility. Lets bring in our body whos an International Humanitarian law expert at the university of tehran. Iran, he joins us live by skype from tehran, mysie a very 1st stop it. As weve just seen, these kind of incidents have happened before. Tell us more about your reaction to whats happened. Nice to be with you nic, best. Actually, according to the international law, these assassination is considered while ation of International Human rights law. Irrespective of the targets, it sees an extra judicial killing and it is always condemned by the International Community and international law. And mr. Factorys other was a highly respected in gene youre and scientist, a University Professor working with both civil and military industries. As many other scientists are doing the same around the world, so hes assassination or to so called targeted killing cannot be considered as a defensive action, as he did not hold any active operational military commands. Therefore, it is an act of terror and it is condemned. Obviously, the Iranian Foreign minister has pointed the finger at israel. He has no direct evidence at this point. Does that suggestion have residents to you actually cannot speculate and its as though we did not snow to intelligence, we did not know the information, no group or no organization has claimed responsibility for deaths and them to we do not know who has carried out the attack the assassination, we cannot, you know, i have any final say on that. However, the foreign minister absolutely has access to intelligence and information that we do not have access to that given, given that on and appreciate that. But to what extent do you think that this could complicate iran, forging a relationship with a new and incoming president , the u. S. President joe biden . Thats. Thats a very good question. You know, some countries in the region may try to push iran towards a military confrontation with at bursaries and further a skillet, detentions, so that iran and the United States cannot find a common ground. But however, iran has proved to act cleverly in these kind of situations and its with the dependents, you know, to respond in spite of iran would be dependent on who has carried out the assassination. If it has been carried out by some terrorist organizations in neighboring countries like him or send a raise, that there is a possibility that we see some Strong Military actions by iran against those terrorist organizations. As we experienced adding 2 and 17 against the ice use in day restore. And, but if it turns out to be an act of foreign intelligence services, then the situation would become to gauge that further of the case that as you just mentioned, and we may see it would not be unlikely to me. Dear might be a proportional military response as we saw that against angle asset. And we cannot speculate on anything. However, there is a possibility off, some proportional, military sponsors about. But it depends on iran has carried out these cessation obsoleted not in fact farmers, not his death has been received with great anger in iran. But what about the impact of his death on irans Nuclear Program and what effect will it be that you know, to the radiant people . Hes known as a scientist and engineer and many people, you know, among the people. He was not well known as much as generous soleimani was vote. So despite the fact that many journalists and politicians know mr. Factories out there as head of state, you ross Nuclear Program, but to the people, he was just a scientist and a University Professor. And you know, we cannot say what kind of impact it may have, you know, and you know, iran can continue its Scientific Research on Nuclear Issues as there are lots of scientists in the country. And this is what is claimed by most of to foreign politicians. However, in iran, hes known as a scientist and engineer and a University Professor. However, as a youve already appreciate your perspective on this. Thanks very much for joining us. Nice to meet you, dick. On t. V. Theatre now where the government has denied claims that the Prime Minister is rejecting tools with the grand leaders that says, visiting peace envoy has pushed for a resolution to the weeks long conflict to the north of the region. 3 African Union, special envoys met Prime Minister i have meant and he told them hed only speak to representatives operating legally in the region that the army was ordered to carry out the final phase of its offensive. I moved in on to graze regional capital. Well, thousands of people are fleeing the fighting, integrating into camps in neighboring sudan, and off to days of walking. Many are exhausted and sick, but struggling to get access to health care. Have a morgan has more now from my gut, that if near the border with ethiopia, this is the only Health Facility at village a refugee camp near sudans border with dozens come here for medical assistance each day. Techno will die says he was went by doctors back in his home country that he was developing cardiac problems. Now he says, days of walking, to flee from fighting in ethiopia, region, and standing in line for aid and for treatment is making him feel worse. I was told to be careful not to exhaust myself to take care of my diet, but since i had to flee my chest pains have been increasing. And when i come here, theres often a long line or no doctor, for hundreds of patients in the camp that hosts more than 15000. The center is the 1st and sometimes the only place to seek treatment. Despite that, it has little to offer to patients, all fled to escape fighting from to grey. I wasnt suffering from anything when i was back at my ive been struggling to get medication since i got here, and the treatment is very poor. More than 45000 refugees have been displaced by the fighting integrate. Its thought of 3 weeks ago following a government offensive on the to great Peoples Liberation front. The offensive was a response to an attack by the front on a military base and came after months of tension between the Regional Government and the federal government. 2 camps have been opened in sudan to cope with the influx of refugees. But providing services, especially health services, is challenging as more and more refugees continue to arrive. The camp here has 3 doctors who are also refugees to tend to the sick. We dont even we cannot. We dont you know, that could be of some benefit. There are many here that we need to be that if they are going to be this, but we dont have that. And we dont obviously i think we think about sudans commission of refugees says its trying to assist the refugees with access to health care, but need support from organizations to be able to help the sick develop needed is for Health Organizations to provide emergency medication and the Refugee Community is no mingling with the local community and some turn to look all Health Facilities to get treatment. Health organizations need to step up to ensure that refugees have Proper Health care. Most refugees here state, they dont know how long they remain in this camp, or if they will be relocated to places with better facilities. But they say they hope their calls for assistance will be listened to before a medical crisis. Of course, he will morgan aljazeera of out of state whose horn of africa, who joins us live by skype from santa monica. California you have is welcome to the program. We clearly know very little about whats going on in tikrit province. We do know lots of people have fled. What do you know whats happening there . Well, tanks have said around the city are not badly. Thats what were hearing. And the 72 hours that was given by Prime Minister has been gone. And mediators have talked to him. They were not allowed mander standing, they were not allowed to go past. And so its looking a very ominous kind of situation where to see, you know, im in that entire people who surrounded it. Absolutely, and many, many have fled, including children that had been some talk that there are fears that the children might be forcibly drafted into any fighting. I think the worst fear is out of area water. And because this is a struggle, its not a bible that he had a right now you know, the looking out doing anything they can. And its also really not so much that he has i think the entire people into the guy out of cheating on their feet. And there is a, there is this discourse that separates that he had left them to people, looked at i understand. Sure, there is no separation. It is peoples wardak autograph. It was a kind of thing that they are transitioning to. And whats going to be happening in l. A. Is really wanting to show us what the future of course shes going to be. I think on ivys bought it to gamble on a military solution to this is surely just the biggest mistake, a strategic mistake he made. Let me just jump in there for a 2nd because it, were getting a little bit of a tiny bit of information which you can probably just expand on force if you would, a hearing for me here. If you state broadcaster the, which is reporting that the military has now taken control of, we crow tell which is 50 kilometers north of whats the relevance of that do you think . And how important is, is that offensive . I think, i think from the governments point of view, it is trying to show but really result because into and out of the cities. I think people left might even tactically, withdrawal from these places without much resistance. But its another thing to control these places and controlling them and administering them, especially when people are thinking of you as an occupation army, its doesnt make any sense. I mean, the saudis went to yemen, thinking being they can solve that problem in a very short. They succeed, i mean, even much stronger countries have tried to intervene in other countries and they have not invaded. So finally, just doesnt make sense. No fun. And you know, whats your assessment given that of where things are heading if, if doesnt reverse his plan. Well, this is it, this is about a tragic situation that is inviting in that place both on a humanitarian level. And i mean its so on a scale that i cannot even, you know, i mean i am too depressed to even think about because this is a very serious situation. Not just for the guy in ethiopia, but for the entire region. And i just hope that sanity prevails because a lot of people are suffering right now. And refugees, i mean, children and mothers, evident to you and already, you know, those testimonies that you want to broadcast about, sudan and those refugees there in that i dont like in something because i am what i do not live for medicare and that i had 100800 refugees into that i who protected by that to gram people. Now they have completely exposed no food. Its just a humanitarian tragedy that is unfolding and not even attention and not big on taishan is being paid to it. Because, you know, i cant be speaking african issues that are not that bad at united now. Thats sad, you know its, its very troubling situation. Whichever way you look at it, tell you how many is welcome out and we appreciate things a lot of thank you. Thank you so much. Pretty morson, i dont use our including the show strength in the iraqi capital by supporters of the cleric muntadhar also die, but romneys turn violent in the south are not such a popular in paris where shocking video is fueling debates about Police Violence. And from playing on the streets to international competitions, we meet the young filipino chess player, making big moves in the game. That thousands of farmers in india have marched on the capital, new delhi, after 3 days of breaking through Police Barricades on state borders. They want the government to repeal laws, which could and guaranteed prices for their produce something they fear, could put them out of business as withdrawn and reports now from new delhi. Using their tractors to remove Police Barricades pharmacy voyde victoriously on their way to the Capital Region of delhi for 3 days, tens of thousands of farmers from the states of punjab and haryana pushed barricades, shipping containers and even trucks out of the way. Tear gas water cannon and being hit by police batons, didnt stop the farmers from continuing on their march court. Lets go to delhi, but the comic farmers across the country want these black laws brought by the government to be repealed. This is on demand. Farmers are against 3 new laws which allow private companies to buy directly from them. They say the changes will see the end of the governments county minimum price for their progeny was, and leave them at the mercy of large corporations. Around half of indias 1300000000 people work in the agriculture sector. Many agree that it needs reforms, but they say these laws wont benefit farmers. After trying to stop the march for days, delhi police made a concession. After discussion with farmer leaders, delhi police had allowed them to hold peaceful protest and even got a good omen, but already they are. We appealed to them to maintain peace, but most fondness didnt take up that offer. Are not that it will block the highway until the government comes to talk to us. We will block the highway here who will listen to us there in new delhi. Theyll make us sit somewhere and know what will come to talk to us. Aliza off to delhi police assigned an area for protests on the outskirts of the city. Few farmers showed up, even as the supporters set up a food store to feed them. There was a Large Police Presence here waiting for the farmers. And just as large a presence beyond this area, to stop the farmers from reaching Central Delhi in what have been the biggest protests since. The onset of the coronavirus pandemic Elizabeth Piron of aljazeera east delhi 3 people have been killed in protests in southern iraq, supporters of an Influential Shiite cleric of clash with antigovernment protesters. And those are via the 2 sides. A type each other using sticks and rocks, at least one person died of gunshot wounds, around 50 people have been injured. But in the capital, baghdad, demonstrations were peaceful as tens of thousands of people turned out to show support from the tartar. Also to the head of parliamentary elections. So manifold reports now from baghdad on friday, followers of powerful shia cleric took over baghdad starting square in the, in moms words, the goal of this friday prayer was to defend their religion and homeland in the face of immorality. And nonbelievers, a criticism of the secular leaning antiestablishment protesters who until recently occupied the square in the lot of baba yaga, the october protests had positive and negative sides. As for the negative sides of these protests at the hands of the american occupiers spread the obscenity into a square. The prayers also aims to shore up political support. Yes, yes, to our leader, they proclaimed their support for sutter after he and his aim to secure a majority in the forthcoming parliamentary elections, which would allow him to nominate the Prime Minister. Tartar, all solders, a patriotic leader for all iraqis, the sunnis, the shia and the kurds. Hes considered a shepherd for all iraqis. He will not run for himself, but for these people, his constituents, he represents all iraqis, but many disagree. The prayer took place in the same square where just weeks ago, Security Forces cleared remnants of iraqs beleaguered protest movement, which had aims to topple the ruling class, including the sudras who won the last elections. Activists say the protests gradually lost steam due to violence. And because Political Parties including the sudras pts hijacked, their cause, they infiltrate the demonstrators, demonstrations squares, and in every city wherever they can. And they tried to manipulate the process, try to get to some of that. Sutter has long tried to brand himself a reformist, and initially supported the protests. But india and he is seen as having chosen to protect the system. They have lost a lot of grounds, political grounds, social grounds, people who have doubted them as being a pharmacist. But they found out they are not just part of the political regime which runs the country since 2003. So they are now trying to gain back some of that ground and indeed thousands turned out to show their loyalty for solder. Fridays prayer was a display of power on the part of the saddest moment i heard was of the elections. But antigovernment protesters had struggled to organize politically to put up a serious challenge to incumbent party, is like the sudras herder aiding their prospects for a car success. So wonderful to aljazeera that thats what will stay in iraq as families forced to flee years of fighting in the country or returning home to find dead bodies rubble and unexploded bombs. Yes, hundreds of thousands of people are going back after iraqs government suddenly shut down. Camps for internally displaced people. Many had been living in them since i saw expansion in 2014. But lots of people have gone home to find things are no better than the camps in mosul. For example, some families are living in ruin. Buildings among human remains and unexploded bombs, the charity save the children, is calling on the Iraqi Government to provide housing. Well, lets explore this further. We can speak to my man who save the childrens country director in iraq and he joins us live by skype from erbil 1st up. The you know, this is just terrible as it is not a homecoming that anybody deserves awful scenes. Just tell us more about the kind of things that are being reported. Yeah, thank you very much for having me. And this is really a dire situation. d here in iraq, whats happening but legally in the last 3, poor weeks since mid october. I mean since i made between the 19 camps, closed it up, the government has taken a step or 2 blows the camps. But recently what we have seen that they are premature, forced endorsed closer all of these camps, where the internally displaced people have been there for years since the fight against niosh still and beats closures have been done in a bit short notice. So now what we call 8 years of origin, actually when the internally displaced people were leaving before the fighting and dying. Were supposed to be, are supposed to go back to those places, but also places have nothing to have them there. Their houses that are destroyed, they are our source for the security problems. They have not accepted by the community. In many cases, theyre not Services Like simple water or electricity or Healthcare Services not to talk about indication. And it is not protection but then so that they can, will. d back and there the current, sustainable so many of these families, more than 45 percent of the, the diaries, it isnt. He, we have not been able to go back to the a place of the morning to write to prison. There has to find a land mines and unexploded bombs on that human remains as well. Its like these areas should have been cleared before theyre allowed to return to how has this been allowed to happen . No, not at all. I mean this as you know that because of the huge bombings and their ideas, its activities, their base needs a huge, concerted, highly skilled technological operation to be sure that the rubble is clear. And this is not where there, i mean these are unexploded bombs at different actual ordnance at the air, even bullets at beach 3 in many places where these families that have only back and children. I mean, hobby time is that children. So these children are barely in bits, and we have seen that children coming with it coming back to be appearing in a case where what is the point of something. And there are governments of the will. Of course, this remains of a bit bodies. So this is a hard line situation from a perspective. Its just terrible is that as you say, maybe Health Attorneys and children winter is coming as well. What about the shelter . What kind of shelter there literally nothing. I mean, most of these families when theyre going back at different parts of the day, this is not all so bland. When you are family, several families who returned to india like california are in mosul in the war. So they where to draw not in the area that was easy enough somewhere nearby town. And then from back down the high passages that stuff like that ended up in the around midnight. And there was no one to receive them. Their houses were completely destroyed that they have no seeing that now i guess theyre looking for someone who owes them for the lights or they have to get 10 streets. Theyre trying to. d put on and you know, with winter heating already that started their reign and these tents are not close. I mean cant protect them from raids. So it is, theyre trying to negotiate with the or try to manage with the neighbors as many as 30 to 5 people stay in one room want to room. Literally there is no house or and no, ive been having civil infrastructure for them to be in the safe. And most of these households are actually premade has an idea and how long with young adolescent girls and women alone. So theyre really fit to be on stage, but they live in the night to stay there, not only the physical safety of it, but also the overall protection. The risk of being kidnapped and abused is its very much in there yet, but it certainly is a very troubling picture that you paint. And we wish you well in your efforts to help these people and these hundreds of children that are struggling, that is checking in on from save the children in iraq. Thank you. Thank you very much. Still ahead here on aljazeera. Hundreds dead families destroyed, pressure mounts on bangladesh to account for a number of killings by now and the police, you know, hospitals are the pressure of mexico seeing a rapid rise in cases of cope with 19 coming up to people will be hit with action from the asian champions league. This comes, begin to close in on places for the knockout stages. The recent very obvious change of season levant on recently the Arabian Peninsula is left this sort of zigs, northwestern syria typical refugee camp, which of course wet and red mud underfoot in saudi arabia. These flash floods from sunday storms. Just one example is jetta from yesterday . This is typical of most cities in the Arabian Peninsula where you get a big downpour briefly. Flash floods that eventually clears away, but the concentration on the heavy and the more persistent rain is usually somewhere in iraq. All the western side of iran, where the land starts. To get harder, of course, and of course at heart you tend to get snow or to that. Now even during saturday, youve got that potential line of thunderstorms across saudi down towards the red sea coast across into djibouti or to showers. Might even show up to the south of that back. Rain or qatar for example. But lets take a couple of forecast baghdad, showers on saturday, very little wind drives in through the northwest. It picks up on sunday for a fun day. You got right to showers all monday, q 8. Likewise, such the looks shower in the but was here on monday. As the wind just turns around to a lightish northwesterly for the rest of us well, to the west, its fine again. The sun is art. Its quite warm by day, but theres still showers in bahrain kuwait. From the out london broke out then tack to special, get in conversation. When you say i lie a 1000000 times, that becomes the fact. You then can create whatever narrative you want, unprompted uninterrupted, and i realized i was working for tony. No evil, you know, being a part of that recreating at maria red meat. Christopher, why . The death of journalism is only the 1st thing we know for the death of democracy, a studio to be unscripted on aljazeera. The latest news, while not all of those displaced, have witnessed the effects of the recount. They say that there was a per family members, relatives were enough to make them come here rather than think that detail covering challenge the Government Faces is a way that you can persuade people to keep abiding by restrictions when they need to work from around the world. The socalled swedish model may be under some pressure, but a full lockdown is unlikely, and perhaps even impossible. But again, youre watching aljazeera among the top stories and iran is vowing revenge on to one of its most prominent scientists was killed in an attack east of the capital. The government says the motion affected as it is. Death was a terror attack and says that israel is trying to provoke a war if you know peace Prime Minister has met with African Union envoys who are trying to mediate the conflict in the Northern Region of tikrit. The same time the government has denied claims. Hes rejecting talks with regional leaders. Thousands of farmers have gathered in indias capital to demand the government scrap new laws, which they say could damage their livelihoods. Some have much for hundreds of kilometers to find police bands and state board approaches. A u. S. Federal court has rejected a request by Donald Trumps president ial campaign to block joe biden from being declared winner of pennsylvania. It is the latest setback in the president s bid to overturn the results of the election through legal appeals. Trumps lawyer, Rudy Giuliani argued there was widespread fraud during the votes, but the court says that claim has no merit. His campaign is likely to appeal against the case in the supremes court. And that lead to police units in bangladesh is being accused of hundreds of extra judicial killings. During several years. Its drawn International Concern including calls from u. S. Senators for sanctions, people who say their loved ones are missing, tortured or killed. At this point, frances tanveer challenger reports now from dhaka, the 10 senators, both republicans and democrats, say u. N. Experts, journalists and human rights group. That document activity is bangladeshs rapid action battalion. In a letter to the trump administration, they say there were cases of extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances and widespread torture. In june 2018, jump surely watched helplessly as several men in plain clothes, identifying themselves as detectives and members. Up, rob picked up his 30 year old son from outside his home in the capital dhaka. He also saw 2 motorcycles with many from red members as seen, caught on Security Camera at a nearby shop. Police and robbed, denied involvement. Ali hasnt seen his son again. I mean, im not saying i want justice to be delivered for my son, whether its done internationally locally or by the Prime Minister. If they have killed my son, then they should return the dead body if hes detained, then release him. If he has committed any crime, then there is a court and law, they can just kill him. Can the human Rights Groups say a Law Enforcement agencies are often used by the ruling parties to repress opposition and dissent . Rights groups have criticised Bangladesh Government for hundreds of extra judicial killings. As part of their socalled entered drug and guitar playing down, Amnesty International has accused officials there of fabricating evidence to support their statements of gunfights and crossfire that instead of launching proper investigations. Ill just serious request for an interview was declined by the Bangladesh Home Ministry and the rapid action battalion. But the state minister for Foreign Affairs responded to the senators letter at a news briefing that envelops. It was within their jurisdiction to make such comments. But until and unless a state or an international denies ation convey this directly to us only then can we react in 2017, who snared as a husband abdul cook those and 2 other men were picked up from russias bottom, are area by plainclothes members of the Law Enforcement agencies a week later who snared i was told by a source close to rob that our husband was in custody at a secret location. There has been no sign of the 3 men since i still dont know letters or you dont know who recently knows. Its been a very difficult struggle for me and my children, the future looks bleak for them without him. I want him to return home. Whoever might be detaining him, keys returned him. I want justice for him and a proper investigation. In july, this year, the killing of a retired Army Special Forces officer by police sparked protests across the country. Several Police Officers are not behind bars, but no ones been held to account for the disappearance or deaths of hundreds of others. And the body count continues to grow old reality as it dhaka bangladesh. Thousands of antigovernment protesters have been continuing their calls for political change in thailand. They rallied in bangkok demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister. Prayuth try not to, they want to new constitution and reforms that would limit the pounds of the king. That includes reversing changes that give him personal control over a royal fortune worth tens of billions of dollars. French president , tomorrow micro said hes shocked by a video appearing to show paris Police Beating up a black music producer. An investigation is underway and 4 officers have been detained. The incident has increased outrage towards a force already under scrutiny for its tactics that i should, but the reports now from paris. A shocking video Police Officers brutally beating a man in a music studio in paris. Images captured on c. C. T. V. Record producer michelle seculars says police force their way into his studio physically and racially abused him without telling him why. And then arrested him. If there was a policeman pointing a gun at me hiding, why did they think i was armed . Were they going to shoot if they could find the angle . Of course i was afraid. Im a person. I was scared. The people who are supposed to protect me were pointing their guns at me. French news organization, loop sider, published the footage alongside pictures of michelles injuries. The video sparked anger from some politicians and french world cup stars, who denounced racism, prosecutors throughout the case against the producer, and opened an investigation into 4 Police Officers. Under pressure to react, frances interior minister condemned the violence as measures like in the pictures are unspeakable. Extremely shocking, and as soon as i found out about them about what happened, i asked for the Police Officers to be suspended. All 4 Police Officers have since been arrested. The video of michelle has been highly publicized in france. This is the front page of one of the countrys main newspapers. It also comes there just a few days after some people say the Police Used Excessive force. While clearing a migrant camp from the square, a Police Inquiry was ordered after Police Officers were filmed, beating migrants, and journalists, as a true way, is one of frances best known campaigners against Police Brutality. She accuses police of causing her brother adamas death in 2016, while he was in custody. We see these images now, but can you imagine all the people that have suffered Police Violence that have died because of Police Brutality in cases where there were no videos and thats why families like continue to shout. So everyone knows that Police Violence and racism exist. The focus on Police Violence in france comes as pressure mounts on the government to scrap parts of a controversial new law that would crack down on peoples freedom to film and publish images of police on duty. The government says its necessary to protect offices, but opponents say its an erosion of rights and the without images like these Police Officers wont be able to be held accountable for their actions. Natasha bottler aljazeera, paris. The japanese capital of tokyo has reported a Record Number of daily coded 1000 interactions with 570 on friday. A drinking venues and karaoke bars are being asked to close by 10 pm for the next 3 weeks. Residents are being urged to avoid nonessential travel and to work from home. In mexico city is on alert after resurgence of covert 1000 infections, there are concerns the citys hospitals could be overwhelmed by an increase in cases. John heilemann has more now from mexico city. New mexico citys latest effort to stop a still rampaging coated 19 Rapid Testing to set up in points around the capitol like this one outside the famous host. Take a football stadium if free. Although the results take about 5 days to arrive. Chef manuel lopez wishes theyd been available much earlier. They would be able to mount us. Maybe, you know, its being done, but perhaps we should have come sooner. It would have helped to prevent this pandemic because we needed this many months before. That way we would have voided a lot more infections. The city governments also introduced these q. R. Codes, which registered the phone numbers of customers at shops and restaurants. So they can be told if they come into contact with anyone infected, this is the way to stop the virus. The capsules authorities have finally concluded, testing in tracing, just like the World Health Organization said months ago. But outside of mexico city, the federal government still isnt convinced the countrys got one of the lowest testing rates in the world. And the coronavirus says that after a certain point tracing doesnt really work. Meanwhile, the mets can death rate is one of the highest in the world. 800. 00 more fatalities were announced just on wednesday, a more than 100000. 00. People have died in total and things are getting worse, not better, but it pertains here, but president and that is manuel lopez. Obrador is still not convinced that a police lockdown is the answer. Noise down there will stand as a doll. So i think its effectiveness has some being fully the most rated. Many times look dolls are carried out to exalt her attire, not to chew with of an official. You have to trust the people. Many in the informal sector, which makes up more than half of mexicos workforce. I would agree with him. They have no safety net if theyre forced to stay home. And the government hasnt brought out a wide ranging aid package to help them. They have to go out and work but the government has put money into these hospital beds so far hasnt run out of those. There are, however, a lot of questions over the quality of equipment and the service, the overstretch medical staff are able to provide. And the infections go on. John homan city denmarks Prime Minister has broken down in tears while apologizing for government ordered to kill millions of mink. In an effort to curb the spread of corona virus, many frederickson was visiting a farmer whose entire herd of meat was euthanized. The order came after 11 people became ill with a mutated version of the virus discovered in a meek fredricka. And now the plan had no legal basis in is facing calls from the opposition to resign. And now it seems, some of the dead mink have risen from the shallow graves after gases built up inside their bodies. And these are aerial shots of a military Training Field where the mics were buried. The gases cause their bodies to expand and push them out of the ground or out crop ravaging locus of never, being good for farmers. But a team of researchers in the United Kingdom says it may have found a solution. Researchers say theyre looking into the genetic coding of Desert Locusts in order to find a pesticide that can kill them or stop them from swarming. But one that doesnt harm crops. The insects a name for being destructive and have contributed to a hunger crisis in developing nations. And this year theyve ravaged crops across yemen, egypt, sudan, somalia, kenya, ethiopia, and pakistan among lots of other countries and get this. The u. N. Says a small crowd of about 40000000 locusts can eat the same amount of food in a day. As 35000 people talk about the sun is an associate professor of neurobiology at the university of leicester. He was part of the team carrying out the study. Any hopes it will lead to a pesticide that can control the insect population without eradicating what weve attempted to do. And what weve succeeded in doing now is to for the 1st time sequence, the entire genome of the desert locus, just the circuit. And it turns out the genomes about 3 times bigger than the human genome. So its quite been quite a massive undertaking and cause lots of problems that the side is doing the coding. But weve been able to do this and now that information as its deposited, where its freely available to anyone who wants to go and dig into it and start looking for keys and all that information that we can use to target these animals much better than we can at the moment, once youve got a genome, you can do all sorts of Different Things with that. Clearly controlling locus is one of the things that we would like to tackle. And when i say we are, and this is anyone who wants to get involved in doing this, essentially. So this is not just our program of work. Were trying to provide a resource for people across the globe. Because one of the big problems with controlling low, this is simply the infrastructure on the ground when we spray pesticides on an animal. So in the current pesticides certainly kill the the locus, but they have a huge amount who consequences as well. They mostly toxic that the operators and so are using them. So the idea that once youve got the genome you can start trying to design has decide which target things which are specific to the genome of this particular organism. And dont have the terrible knock on effects for other insects. For example, in the environment. Still ahead here on aljazeera, mike tyson will be returning to the ring this saturday. But not everybody thinks its a good idea. Peter will explain all in sport. Its going to sport is peter. Thank you very much. World cup winner donna has been buried in a private ceremony in bow and outsiders, but tributes continue to come in from all over the world, including former clubs. This was barcelona, and limo messi the current argentina captain, so often compared with merit on a holding in minutes. Island in the Training Session on friday, donna who died from a heart attack on wednesday, played for part of the 2 years in the early eightys. Madonna was also remembered in cover before fridays games in the asian champions league. The remaining matches of the tournament all being staged in the gulf country in a bio secure bubble after the coronavirus all hold to play earlier in the year. In the scruby match, beijing go on, overcame melbourne, victory to no, to qualify for the last 16. And it was a great day for thailands chunk of the united. Just 3 days ago, they were hammered. 5 though by f. C. Sol. But on this occasion, it turned out to be a 21 win for the tykerb. Its their 1st win of the seasons champions league. Tokyo olympics organizers will hold 18 test events ahead of the delayed games which are set to begin next july. This follows a successful gymnastics, meet in tokyo earlier this month. Some events will include athletes from abroad, but no foreign fans will be allowed any. And some wont even have athletes as they look to test operations only in these test events wont be the same as the ones that we had planned before. The perspiring meant we reexamined what would be needed. We want to properly test the coronavirus measures that the Operations Department will brush up on at the beginning of the new year. Young chess players from around the world are preparing to compete in an International Online championship. And one player making big moves is a 10 year old prodigy from the philippines. Joe miller, allan dogan reports from manila, al bashir bhutto may seem like a typical young boy, but at the age of 10, he is already the philippines chess, prodigy. He improves his skills on manila sidewalks, mostly in the streets of kapil, were older avid chess players like a meet to pass the time. Here he beat veteran players with the mastery and position where you least seen from Young Players like him. Even pulling a jaw with master player chukar want to go far. If he gets the right support, the support from the government is crucial. He needs to be exposed more. The get better was 6 when he started competing internationally. He has played in iran, china, and malaysia, and for so many muslims here of long felt discriminated against in a country where they are. A minority alba share is a source of pride. People here tell us their own aspirations, our young filipino muslim, making it to the global stage because of shared talent and determination. In competitions, i always work hard to make it worthwhile for my parents, and those who supported me. The best part about chess is winning, but losing is good too because you learn more. But there are struggles. Back home. Al bashir comes from a poor family who moved from around the city in the southern philippines, a place held back by war and displacement. His parents have often struggled to make ends meet, so paying for alba shares training has proven to be difficult. Despite his classes and online competition, he still has to share a laptop with 5 other siblings. Nation level, no one invited him updates my home. I have but they both restraining. Its not easy but so we have to support he said to compete in the online world cadets and youth rapid championship this week. And although hes weak Internet Connection to tell me cost him critical minutes in the game, and pushchair remains confident, like so many prodigies before him. He says his chess pieces have given you a sense of purpose and hopefully l. We out of poverty. Dugan aljazeera manila, there has been a huge surge of interest in chess around the world. Thats largely because of people being locked out by the pandemic. And also because of the huge leap popular fixture, the queens gambit. Chess isnt always competitive. Just skin off. It is about a young female chess prodigy and is netflixs most watched limited series ever. Google has also reported searches for the word highest level in 14 years. Really is a woman, grandmaster chess commentator. Shes excited the show is helping attract more women to the game. She says mans armitage, worried its so large a good positive steps to develop out of this part 4 of even if theres an International Chess federation eliminating planned turn to the projects last years and mostly written by a pro by now ill be their prize fund for a few, not just what you also own or be that is are they interested . Just place is like an Apple Shanghai only design. So just players are i am interested, beatrice, not just your studio. We are springsteen. Angry. Ill not poncy unpleasant experiences. Problem up, member distinction, and i mean thats what makes us at least a bit stronger today, and we can be a bit competent even more or as former undisputed heavyweight boxing world champion, mike tyson will return to the ring on saturday for the 1st time in more than 15 years. Tyson miller 54 years old will fight roy jones jr, in an exhibition match in las vegas, turns is also in his fiftys and a leading neuroscientist has warned that both men risk serious brain injury as the brain gets older, tissue is not quite as pliable as it was before so i think they probably are at at greater risk of more serious injury like brain bleeds. Its, you know, its just, its just not something that im a big fan of. And that is where were going to leave this great peter. Thank you very much. Thank you. That is if this music will be joining in a couple minutes from london for me to talk over things. But weve never had a president who has literally for 4 or 5 years repeatedly attacked our democracy, you know, closely related to complaints. I dont have a narrative, i have a question. Youre hitting there really where people can get treated and just feel so even through their join me Richelle Carey and up front is my guest from around the world. Take a hot seat and we debate the weeks top stories in pressing issues here on aljazeera, on the deserted streets of. Theyve become familiar figures, careerism bicycles, delivering food and medicine to lock down colombians. Most of them here are venezuelan migrants. They might go in with some mother of 4 says, contagion is always on her mind. None of them receive Health Insurance for their work and exposing themselves in very few seem to have it yet. There may be a bright side people who look down on them as a skilled migrants. Now say theyre essential to control the virus and receive messages on the scene that we are. You know, as i was a nurse back, what i am doing is not all that different from my passion, helping others a key figure of the early 20th century arab literary scene. d and a feminist right time and time. So why did this story and in such tragedy is there wont expose the life and why of maisie arda on aljazeera. Irans Top Nuclear Scientist is shot and killed in an attack by gunmen in the attack. Iran, one official calls it an act of state, tara hello, im maryam, namazie, and london. Youre watching aljazeera also coming up on the program. Growing anger in india, tens of thousands of farmers descend on the capital to protest against a law of a say will slash the incomes. A new drive to resolve the weeks long conflict in northern ethiopia, but hopes fade after

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