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Against their government protesters in pakistan demand the Prime Minister and his cabinet step down. But it should be e. U. Leaders say breaks it talks will go on abandoning a selfimposed deadline for a trade deal ahead of the e. U. Commission us live on the lane says both sides agreed in a crisis call to go the extra mile saying some topics deserve more discussion. Despite the exhaustion after almost one year of negotiations and despite the fact that that lines have been missed over and over we both think that it is responsible at this point in time to go the extra mile. We have accordingly mandated our negotiators to continue the taffs and to see whether no reach an agreement can be reached even at this late stage. Well there have been several sticking points including access by french fishing boats to british waters theres also the socalled level Playing Field which is ensuring fair and open competition now if the 2 sides dont reach an agreement by december 31st there will be border checks and taxes for goods traveling between the u. K. And the e. U. Paul brennan is in brussels for us paul just talk of the biggest concerns are for the e. U. In all of this. The biggest lets start by remembering that according to both sides 97 percent of this delays already agreed so its only about 3 percent but its a fundamental matters of principle that are entailed in those 3 percent and what were talking about is britains expressed desire to diverged from the European Union regulations and rules that was at the very essence of what britain feels the brics it was all about to escape from underneath as it sees it european rules from the european side they also insistent that the integrity of the Single Market this bloc of 27. 00 countries trading freely with exactly the same rules and regulations among all 27. 00 the integrity of that Single Market has to be protected and they dont want britain as a near neighbor diverging from those rules perhaps undercutting introducing state. Changing environmental and labor restrictions or rules and thereby gaining an unfair advantage on the near neighbors the european competitors theres a lot of money at stake the u. K. For example exports some 400000000000. 00 worth of trade to the European Union the e. U. Exports to the u. K. Around 500000000000. 00 worth of trade so theres a lot of money at stake and a lot of pressure to get this solved however they seem to be breaking down on this fundamental principle of how to. Manage the divergence as britain goes one way on the European Union protected Single Market depending on who you talk to paul it does seem some people think that the 2 sides are closer than theyre giving the impression that but we did hear a couple of hours ago from the u. K. Prime minister who really seem to be setting people up for a no break no deal braggs it well things have certainly moved certainly at least in the last week we saw Cabinet Office minister michael gove saying that they would accept a kind of non regression type of mechanism where britain would pledge not to water down its environmental protections and its rules and regulations from where they are at the moment closely aligned with the European Union and we also live on the land at the end of the european summit that ended on friday saying that they wouldnt necessarily expect britain to increase or upgrade its rules and regulations to match increases in european rules and regulations but if there was a divergence there would have to be changes to the way britain accessed the Single Market so there has been some movement its just that there hasnt been enough movement for both sides to sign off on Boris Johnson in london after having spoken on the telephone to us live on the land today was pretty bleak as to how he sees the prospects of success lets have a listen. We are always happy to talk make progress where we can i do think as i say there is a deal to be done if our partners want to do it but we remain very far apart on these key issues and they are u. K. Cant be locked into the e. U. Regulatory albeit weve obviously got to take back control of our fisheries full of years after people voted for it. We had it theyre locked into a regulator orbit of the European Union im not sure if thats a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation the fact is though that we have no deadline now is set apart from the deadline that is presented by december the 31st when the transition period ends and what were hearing across europe from businesses from exports from paul is is that they are totally uncertain as to what kind of trading conditions they are going to have to face and prepare for in the intervening weeks while these talks seem to go on and on paul thanks very much indeed paul brennan in brussels for us. Well alan later as a Research Fellow at u. K. In a changing europe he says the pressure will continue to build on the british Prime Minister over the next 2 weeks the odds of a deal still to be in the balance probably more likely than not that there will be a deal because of the political tradeoffs that are going to be necessary bars johnson to sign up to the sort of deal that the e. U. Is is offering even if there is. A lot of fear about no deal in the in the u. K. The sort of level of. Of alignment that the eve is asking for and the and the legal to discern and see that it wants that the u. K. Wont diverged from the means that its going to very hard sell the course johnson mr bracks if you like to sign up to something which is obviously you know that inevitably as with any trade deal going to sort of reduce the u. K. s ptolemy and sovereignty like if theres no deal theyll be a huge amount of destruction on day one huge you know an inability for all basic goods to get in and out of the u. K. Any sort of speed to the going to be sort of real difficulty and the manufacturing as well as in sort of the supply of basic goods like food so thats the real potential short term destruction of a new deal for peoples day to day lives the victims of them significant evidence of economic and economic hit will come just as where moving out of the recovery from from cave at 19 so thats why as as as as the possibility of an idea of direct approaches d over the next few weeks the political pressure on Boris Johnson to sign up to something which may be set up tomorrow in his view in terms of his position to regulate on regulation or sovereignty will increase. The 1st doses of pfizers Coronavirus Vaccine theyre being delivered in the u. S. Its hoping to immunize 100000000. 00 people by april pfizers using containers with dry eyes and g. P. S. Enabled sensors to ensure each shipments room remains at minus 70 celsius workers in michigan who are preparing more containers for the next shipment the elderly and Health Care Workers will be the 1st to get the vaccine john hendren has been following developments from washington d. C. This is an Immunization Program unlike any weve ever seen not just in our lifetimes but in the recent in the past century or so logistically it is challenging with the keeping everything its negative 70 degrees centigrade also just the massive scale of the distribution we heard today from an official from operation warp speed that is the program to develop vaccines here in the u. S. Who said they expect 40000000. 00 doses to be delivered by the end of the year and possibly 50 to 80000000 more doses in january joe biden the incoming president of the United States says he wants 100000000 doses delivered in this country of a little more than 300000000 in his 1st 100 days in office so you can understand why employees it finds are applauded when the 1st trucks left that facility went out to fed ex in u. P. S. Hubs in order to distribute for the 1st doses of that vaccine 145. 00 locations are expected to receive them on monday and by ones day 636. 00 locations will have received them if everything goes to plan will come and when it is if it all exists at Lancaster University he explains the challenges of distributing the vaccine. If we look on to the vaccine efficacy of course the fight and they are close to 90 to 95 percent which is certainly beyond our expectation but when we go on to the next generation of vaccines for example talking about the spinal farm in the u. A. E. That as a 92 percent i think its you thats what they proposed at least sputnik 5 is almost at the same that last year to be 70 percent so once the 1st. Front runner vaccines will be taken up by most of the nations we were left with the vaccine those are probably at least demand in these countries that would be posing and other challenge to distribute because even for example if we teach to 50 percent of the population in the developing were correct and that is 50 percent effective basically we are covering only 25 percent of the population which isnt sufficient enough to establish your immunity and it has been a certain level of vaccine it has a chance even before the close of 19th and but it has intensified because primarily the rumors and the speed of the Vaccine Development and probably more importantly their trust and this is even more penetrated into the black. Minorities i mean if we talk about the u. K. Itself i mean in london one of the sort of indicated that only 40 percent of the black people will take the vaccine compared to 70 percent in the. English white so that is really a big difference and that is going to be one of the major challenges how to build trust and that has to be trained really by the government to bring all the stakeholders on board because until we dont really immunized 75 percent of the population we are not achieving the herd immunity and we wouldnt be breaking the transmission chain of this infection and germany is going back into lockdown chancellor Angela Merkel says action must be taken to stop the spread of the virus the Prime Minister very is warning the situation in his state is out of control measures include scoffing shops and schools and limiting the social contacts until the middle of january. When the reading. Of we will be closing the shops from ones day the 16th of december and will only keep open those that sell essential daily products we will also take care not to extend the sale of nonfood products in the shops that remain open and the seal fireworks will be prohibited before new years eve. Still had an aljazeera and fears for missing students after gunmen attacked a school in Northern Nigeria while the families blame the Government Plus why often christians in iraq say theyre being pushed out. Of. The next door was already churning in the eastern med its brought snow way across turkey it will bring rain to a good deal of west and central in sunday and monday i think with snow inland lindys big showers in syria and eventually a frontal system will come out of that and drift dancers saudi and iraq which tends to prompt showers as well possibly flash flooding most likely i think in iraq oh once again maybe Northern Syria every elses car the mo attempt is in the twentys rather than the thirtys which is normal for this time the seasonal rays re picked up now in Southern Africa and particularly in south africa around joburg greece and since a huge thunderstorm if you notice that botswana zambia zimbabwe and beyond of the areas where you get big damp was this time the year blown away represents one example sunder storms forecasts of earth monday and tuesday and then carry on into wednesday temperatures in very is just the amount of rain that falls from malawi a long way represents sunday for monday chews day and wednesday this rain likely in the northern part of madagascar as well but this is all seas know all welcome cos it does tend to use flash floods anyway. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such to moms as a global power develop into the Basement Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the state we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and viral mentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breastpin pioneering future energy. Boom. Watch out is it out of the mind of our top stories this hour british an e. U. Leaders have agreed to keep trade talks going even though negotiators failed to reach a deal head of the e. U. Commission says there are still unsolved issues and are all parties to go the extra mile. The 1st doses of pfizers Coronavirus Vaccine are being delivered in the u. S. Its all going to immunize 100000000 people by april the elderly and Health Care Workers will be the 1st to be inoculated. Germanys tightening coronavirus restrictions as infections surge its reporting about 20000. 00 new cases a day schools and all but essential shops will be closed for nearly a month from one state. South korea has reported a Record Number of infections for a 2nd day more than a 1000 new cases were confirmed on sunday mainly in the capital seoul earlier this year south korea was hailed as a successful stabilising the virus without having to shut down its economy but infections are now rising sharply the governments warning they may have to increase restrictions. Or just hang on its a very serious and urgent situation we cannot back down these are desperate times and we must devote all it 1st to stopping the spread of corona virus by focusing all our quarantine capabilities and administer to power unless the outbreak can be contained now we have come to a critical point of considering grazing restrictions to deliver 3. Brazil is one of the many countries across latin america pinning their hopes on the corona virus vaccine but as people wait the number of deaths and infections is rising reports from going to service. The vaccines are coming thats the reassuring message from leaders across latin america this from the chilean president after meeting regional heads of state in santiago to discuss ensuring comprehensive Vaccination Coverage that no one is left out. Of up and with this will allow us to better control the coronavirus pandemic which also allows us to recover our freedoms and recover the capacity of all people to fulfill and to take forward their dreams and projects mexico is the 4th country in the world to approve the use of the Pfizer Vaccine it comes as the number of infections and deaths in mexico continue to rise more than 11000 new daily infections in mexico city has declared a culvert emergency call feeling us having them does unless youre there i trust to the residents of this city we are on alert because of co the 19 hospitalisations are on the rise and are only only if we all comply will we be able to reduce contagions in the city. A similar grim picture is reported across the region more than 90 percent of intensive care beds in the brazilian cities of Rio De Janeiro and go to cuba are occupied this is a 1st the population needs to do its part as tired as we might be it is important that our Health Professionals are exhausted after all these months in this war against the current virus in this battle for life amid latin american economies being hit hard by the pandemic christmas this year is unlikely to bring much rest bite. Them im not going to buy anything because i cant im unemployed and receiving the governments aid its peanuts and i cant do much with it so there will be no gifts. No christmas. Will spend less because the future is so unclear its not easy what we really want is that the vaccine arrives as soon as possible. The vaccines are that light at the end of a long tunnel but it will take time to see there are effects and precautions still need to be taken thats proving a difficult message to draw. When osiris algerias president s made his 1st public appearance since testing positive for covert 19 nearly 2 months ago other much has been receiving treatment in germany since the end of october theres been widespread speculation about his condition as Little Information has been released the 75 year old appeared in a video posted on twitter saying he was recovering and will spend another 3 weeks in germany supporters of pakistans opposition parties are protesting despite coronavirus restrictions theyre demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister theyre accusing iran of mishandling the pandemic and also say hes incompetent and they said the 2018 elections were manipulated by the military the opposition are planning a larger protest and aim to march to the capital in 2021 has more from islamabad. They must not forget that. And although they were to be claiming that. We have not seen more of a crowd than 50 maximum 55. 00 when you go of course they will be taught to claim from the opposition one must not forget that on the other hand the government. Signed according to some analysts that the economy recovering and. Trying to add pressure and perhaps try. To galvanize. The government more. So that corruption can be dropped it must not be forgotten that. The Prime Minister heading one of the large parties had an august on it and. A war of words between the government and the opposition. From. Day have been members of the men for over 2 years now and threatening a long march on. The fact that the country is in the grip of a 2nd wave of. Companies say 3 people have been killed in attacks in the capital a prosecutors been shot dead in the east of kabul in a separate attack 2 people have been killed in a bomb blast targeting a member of parliament no group has claimed responsibility all boarding schools in nigerias Northern State of kut sina have been ordered to close off the gunmen stormed a secondary school it happened in come caught a district on friday the attackers arrived on motorbikes and several students are still missing but on global reports. These are some of the boys relieved to be going home after the school raid in which many of their friends were taken hostage there leaving behind parents anxiously waiting for the return of their missing children. Sincerely speaking we here in Katsina State are in a terrifying condition we dont see the value of the government i have a younger brother and a child taken by the kidnappers im from dan jack Katsina State and ive been here in the school since dawn and yet there is no update. Its not clear how many children have been abducted from the all Boys Boarding School Nigerian Police say they forced the gunmen to retreat after engaging them in a shootout for more than one hour but this anger that 6 years up to more than 270. 00 girls were kidnapped by the armed Group Boko Haram at chip uk Nigerian Security forces appear to have once again failed to keep School Children safe for rates to be that we have him a joe tragedy off abduction of hundreds and hundreds of students once again in the country is an indication that we learned no lessons from the previous tragedy there is something called the Cisco Initiative this government should ask itself how seriously it has taken that initiative abductions have become increasingly common in nigeria just 2 days before the School Abduction a village elder along with 20 others was kidnapped in the same state the governor has ordered the immediate closure of all boarding schools while investigations are under way barbara and get her out as sarah. I think way ago a who analyzes geopolitics and security for africa politically its a think tank focusing on security on the continent he says many accuse the government of failing to crack down on criminal groups very likely that these are bonded not not because like we saw happen in 2 in 2040 that is because the era of oppression here its. Not with an engine particularly causing us to this this disgusting nasm for us that in north west and europe is known to have serious. Attacks from from bandits on courtney to groups that dont really have any any my line intention against it or trying to impose any policy on the state or institutions understood that we have a book or a criminal element operating freely i would see in northwest and. Balaji government has made efforts efforts are not in of are you counting is the discontent indeed in the voice of the people when the government of course enough it went to describe yesterday following that the attack on concord in concord a local government the parents actually booed him so that doesnt tell you the deep rooted. Approve of how people feel they are not represented by his government that their interest on their lives on the property is not is not proud for the government asking people happening and we always get reaction i responses and president we just see hes condemning the attack but it doesnt stop the attack from happening and people are getting fed up the u. S. Governments adopted a new map of morocco that includes the disputed territory of Western Sahara the decision to recognize or about sovereignty over the region came as part of a washington brokered deal in which morocco normalize relations with israel the Pro Independence policy front and algeria as Prime Minister have condemned the move. Buton has established diplomatic relations with israel the himalayan kingdom only maintains ties with about 50 countries due to its isolationist policies the deal did not appear linked to recent u. S. Brokered deals with arab nations israel and bhutan say they hope to cooperate further in agriculture and Health Pope Francis will make his 1st ever papal visit to iraq in march the announcements been welcomed as a sign of hope for the countrys Orthodox Christian community thats gone from 1000000 to about 300000 small or 14 reports from the christian town of the teller. In iraqs town of but the christian orthodox march many church has reopened its doors it was partly destroyed by eisel as the Group Launched its offensive still in Northern Iraq in 2014 but there are few worshippers to fill its restored nave that with superman has been a pastor here for 24 years and has gradually watched his congregation shrink subj then you will miss him if this hard situation continues it will be difficult for christians to stay in iraq maybe we will persist but the next generation know we cannot force them to stay. But tele used to be a christian majority town but over the past 4 decades the number of muslims here has steadily grown in the 1980 s. Then president Saddam Hussein nationalized farm lands belonging to christians and gave it to families of soldiers killed in the iran iraq war in 2014 eisel took over forcing the christian population to flee almost half emigrated abroad about a quarter have returned while another quarter remain in the semi autonomous kurdish region. Members of this family in that abuse christian quarter of say the reason they dont feel safe to go back is the Security Force that controls the town they want to remain anonymous for security reasons. Of course safety is the most important thing weve had enough of the infringements on our lands there is should be controlled by the sons of the area why did they bring strangers to rule the area. That group is the 30th brigade of the shia led Popular Mobilization forces which helped retake but eisel the brigade is composed of ethnic shabaka just like most of the Muslim Population that lives here last year its leader though was placed under u. S. Sanctions for alledged human rights abuses against christians other was forced to step down 2 months ago he denies the charges against him and at the edge. I believe theres no control of one function over another we should back on the christians have been residents of the area for a long time the christians are welcome to return back to live in their homes and we support these returns theres complete stability and security. The majority of the town is now shut buck many shopkeepers in this market who have bought or rented shops that used to be run by christians one of them mohammed of nun who recently returned belief such changes are a Natural Development its the purchasing power that is ruling the situation the christians dont have money to buy but the muslims conboy but many christians say they are being pushed out and that much of the construction in but tel is funded by people in power who want to accelerate the demographic change the vaticans announcement of pope francis visit to iraq has given many christians hope that what is left of their heritage can be preserved but the demographic changes here are so extensive that few believe they can be reversed simona felt in aljazeera but. Americas 1st Black Country music superstar charlie pride has died from coronavirus that the age of 86. Privateers supreme at a time of heightened racial tensions in the u. S. He started out picking cotton in his native mississippi and then served in the army and played professional baseball before moving to nashville he composed dozens of top Country Music hits and won 3 grammy awards. This is all just 0 these are the top stories british and e. U. Leaders have agreed to keep trade talks going even though negotiators failed to reach a deal the head of the European Union Commission Says there are still unsolved issues and urged all parties to go the extra mile despite the exhaustion after almost one. And despite the fact that deadlines have been missed over and over we both think

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