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Salvage political cross on the sun systems. What a foot code, 19 vaccines. What is the nobel prize for me . Its the view and its Security Council has approve the resolution to authorize a Multinational Force to hate to, to help fund vondik guns. And one year deployments will be led by Kenyan Police haitian government has been courting for International Intervention for around a year. Now. Guns now control more than 80 percent of the capital for the prince. And answering the repeated calls of the member state, facing a multi dimensional crises amid alarming spiraling Gang Violence with participation from countries all over the world. And was much thanks to kenya for positively considering to lead the International Community can now move forward with a Multi National security support. Mission for katie. This Mission Comes at the request of the haitian government and Haitian Civil Society to address the insecurity in dire humanitarian crises the country has faced for far too long. Well, see, advertising joins as long as not from United Nations headquarters in new york. So she have, the big question is, what will this International Force actually be mandated to do . And we have a broad brush stroke set for momentum. Thats one of the reasons why russia and china stay one of the reasons why that still so many questions about this falls. But what we do to from the resolution is the, the, the, the police forces. The International Police forces will be or mentoring for Haitian National police and attempting to restore some security and protecting Critical Infrastructure but rusher and trying to abstain digital feature. But theyve stains that, like, given the history of foreign interventions, the disastrous for an intervention history front end dimension. And he shouldnt the rules of engagement be sorted out before the un Security Council gives this force any legitimacy be the be the compromise is okay. There will be more information about what exactly the mandate will be once hate and can you get further along the line our, the position to, to deploy. But weve had concerns from Civil Society groups. You point out that arial hundreds. The us about president has been putting off elections. Hes never been elected before. Hes been putting down demonstrations against his rule. Can you . I mean, while the foreign minister gave it ends you age, that they were going to be very gung ho and in trying to tackle the gangs and gang more fast. But then can you itself as a terrible human rights wrecked with rich police . What was an extra traditional kidding. So the Amnesty International amongst others, arrays that start a lot of questions now about that mandate, how far will go and the safeguards actually have you touched on this a little, the Foreign Forces that have a great history in a to do that to and thats why this is a Multi National security Sport Mission modeling. Un peacekeeping force impact because the last u. N. Stabilization force left in 2017 having been accused of widespread sexy or abuse. Im but havent brought cholera to haiti, which cool over 10000 people im view and still hasnt given full compensation departments compensation to take these. Are you as no, no, there credibility that thats one of the many far interventions we have go back to the us and friends, which is again what rusher was saying in the school to tell. So was look, its if that circle of Fine Dimensions of golf haiti into this position so, so we need to take some care. Having said that, we do have more nations now coming forward to say they will, they will add the troops. I Police Officers to the, to the force the right now we have jamaica bahamas, antique and by buddha. But according to the miami herald set with all the nations, have expressed some interest in something forces. Deployment. However, i still may take some time. Can you have to ratify it with us . I would call them and theyre still, you know, domestic issues, which in some ways he secured the Security Council resolutions with the help smooth over the canyon. Foreign minister saying he doesnt mix, expects troops to be on the ground by january at the, at the latest. Say advertising. Thanks paul. Thats up to. As the former us President Donald Trump has appeared in quotes on the opening day of a civil full truck from prolong with 2 of his sons and the Trump Organization. Accused of inflating the network by billions of dollars trunk faces hundreds of millions of dollars in fines. And the last of his business licenses. Gabriel, arizona. The reports not from new york. Donald trump again in a court room. But for the 1st time on trial, trump is adult sons and the Trump Organization are facing locations of intentionally inflating the value of trumps Real Estate Holdings by nearly 3000000000. 00 in order to gain more favorable loans. That is a crime one that could deal a major blow to trumps new York Business empire to which our trump is not obliged to attend the trial. But on the 1st day he did so voluntarily. This trial was railroaded, that fast, drag this truck and have been brought years ago. But they waited till i was right in the middle of the investigation was years in the making by new york, the attorney generals office, which brought the charges last year. Donald trump and the other defendants have been committed for assistance and repeated fraud. Last week, we prove that in our motion for summary judgement. Today, we will prove our of the claims. The case is simple and not criminal in nature. There is no jury. A judge will rule if trump is liable, if found liable, trump would have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in fines. The attorney general was also asking for a permanent ban on trump and his adult sons running businesses in new york and a 5 year ban on commercial real estate activities. Trump has said hes eager to testify in the case. Even volunteering to do so. Trump is already last part of this case when the judge last week ruled that he was liable for fraudulently inflating the value of his new york apartment. The trial now is dealing with 6 other allegations. This is the 1st of what will likely be several trials involving the former president over the next year. Hes facing criminal indictments in florida, georgia, washington dc, and another one in new york. But those trials will come later next year, right . In the middle of the republican primary where trump is leading the poles. As for this trial, there are more than a 100 people on the potential witness list, meaning it could go on for weeks or perhaps even months into december. Gabriel is on though. Ill just eat a new york in washington dc. One of trumps diehard supports is not gates, as hell try to oust a house speak of Kevin Mccarthy. This week, kate says he will be finding a motion to vacate the check off to mccarthy supported the last minute deal to the to government shut down. First thing, jordan has more from capital even though congress has passed a measure that will fund the federal government until the middle of november. The big drama here on capitol hill is whether the speaker of the house Kevin Mccarthy is going to be able to keep this job. Thats because a very conservative congressman from florida mat gates is trying to lead the charge to force mccarthy out of the position. He says that when mccarthy we case fee for back in january after that notorious 15. 00 rounds of voting to get this procedures leadership post, he says mccarthy made a promise that he would only push for legislation that would satisfy very conservative republicans and not the majority of republicans or Congressional Democrats for that matter. Gates says mccarthy broke a big promise that he must pay by losing his leadership position. Partly for his part says bring it says that he did what was right for the country and for the operation of the federal government by cutting a deal, a deal that most Congressional Democrats supported as well as some of the jordy republicans in the house that does not mean, however, that he can tell them those same to groups to support him to continue as speaker, but of course, it all comes down to numbers. Who has more people back in them. Parking or games . Was when jordan elders, era capitol hill. But one of the contentious issues of that spending was continued funding to ukraine. The stop gap measure to avoid a government shut down, didnt contain any new aid for keys. The wifes house is urging republicans to approve more funds. But i want to ask responded, kimberly how could, has worn off from washington dc in an effort to keep the Us Government open a stop gap measure was put in place past known as a continuing resolution. That funding would be in effect until november 17th. But absent from it was 6000000000. 00 in funding to allow ukraine to continue to defend itself from russias invasion. And the us president spoke harshly about the omission of that funding, saying that he is confident that there will be funding provided in the future. Ill be it from a different source. And that left reporters on monday questioning the White House Press secretary green john pierre, exactly how the president expects republicans on capitol hill to honor that deal. The speaker said himself yesterday that he wants to continue to support ukraine to make sure that they have the weapons that they need. He has said it multiple times even yesterday. We seemed by partisanship on this on this issue to continuing the funding for you. Grant, this is a, you know, the presence that the speaker in the overwhelming majority of the congress has steadfastly supported, supported. You create you as president , jo, by that has long maintained that it is not just the job of the United States to support ukraine financially. And its defense against russias invasion, but also the job of us allies is a point. He will reiterate as he phone calls on tuesday, us allies, as well as reassures them. But us president , you by didnt, does face challenges given the fact that a capitol hill. Republicans now see the priority of ukraine as being less important to domestic challenges, including what they call an invasion on the southern border of the United States and mexico. Kimberly help its l g 0, the white house. And meanwhile the pen union has promised continues and dont term support for you crate you farm. And as to as having meeting in teams the 1st time its outside the box, both is these Foreign Policy chief just that burrell describes, you create as a future member of the union. They said they were amazing and key show sort of dire to ukrainian people. Same as radi reports from living in you and perhaps one of the clear is signals from the e. U, about his commitment to ukraine. 27, you members, all countries represented, meeting in keep holding their 1st you Council Meeting outside of the European Union for the 1st time in key the capital of ukraine, a country that is currently at war, joseph burrell, the e. U Foreign Policy chief, making it clear, saying that once again, re committing a point that hes made before that ukraines future is in the e u. And that the russian war and ukraine is an existential threat. And not just the ukraine, but to all of europe. To be discussed at the meeting today, our plan is Going Forward for the new military aid commitments from the European Union to ukraine. Theyll be discussing everything from artillery. I munition air Defense Training of ukrainian forces, as well as developing ukraines Domestic Defense production infrastructure. Now this comes just a day after the United States removed ukraine from its latest spending bill, but it hasnt come since days after slovakia elected a pro russian government. And just a few weeks after a disagreement over ukraine green ending up on the market seem to cause fractures between ukraine and some of its closest allies, including poland. And if there was ever any question about ukraines allies and their support for the war in this meeting of sending a clear signal to ukrainians through the view as well as to moscow. So when it comes to ukraine, the majority of you countries that you use speaks in one voice, in terms of its long so Long Term Support for ukraine in this conflict. Thing the straw, the old is 0. Lovely. It says military leaders have accepted algeria is offer for mediation to help resolve its political crisis. Jerry has proposed a 6 month transition page from military to civilian route. They say the acceptance of this initiative pays the way towards a peaceful resolution. Members, all of this as president ial god ousted the countries democratically elected leader in july of last thing is the head of the hell up program at the cast foundation. He says hes confident about all jerrys ability to act as mediator and ease the political and such and see. The idea has a decent chance to work out a solution. Theyre much more credible than the west african brook e, cause because theyre not close to the fonts. And jerry, ive accident tyson didnt use an address to the current government to all parts of society. Its invested. Lloyd says sells on neighbors. So theyre really keen on is that something is the Ability India against the military intervention so that they have it and probably you know, be received well by the chair and government will notice that at some point they have to store, i gave you a call, was made the mistake of really raising the stakes by strengthening from day one minutes. Our reaction was all being able to pack it off. Is any, any thoughts on the ground . And that only, you know, go some to move on the ground. People are running behind to join time to lead to a desktop, so cetera. And so they bring a fresh payoff ice and the accepted by, you know, by the germans. And they also have good relations to most coal. So they might also work a bit because russia, whos trying to lose it, you know, what they have to purchase. So that really the most mutual and the most for 6 perspective, partnering with john. So for, for reaching a solution, its clear as easy. Allison president , as always gone, you wont be returning. He taught be, you know, restored by me to try and ration. So didnt know the focus has to have a relatively short transition, barely attend the elections, and then go back to, you know, some sort of no morality. So were heading for salt right now, but when we will touch on control, the northern costs of us, the Security Forces remain on file for the recent time. Reaching new heights. Other schools have climbing, opening a truck to young friends, to global competitions, asian and, and then the brought to you by visit capital. Hello. We have something of an east west split and the weather across north america at the moment was sunshine across the eastern side of the country. High pressure of insurance, most of the problems i came across the was new york. Now, as a thing of the past, the heavy right that wed say was sunshine has replaced that this, the frontier wriggling away. Well that mocks the boundary between that woman and the cooler up towards the northwest. So certainly on the chevy side here, but plenty of wolves across central and eastern parts minneapolis 28 a 25 in winnipeg. While the system does pop a little further east, which as we go through with the state. So just looking ahead on those type, which is the most sense, i move on fiber towards the east, have you guys quarterback to system, theyll be some heavy right across the plains, possibilities some localized flooding, pushing up into central positive kind of sounds all the way down into the deep south to good part of texas, which weather over the rockies the try with the right which was the west. But to pick some pieces of sherry or rain just coming in from time to time. Not just some what the weather is, oklahoma maybe towards the mississippi might be able to was the reason as we go on through the next couple of days. Its a pretty wet weather to coming into a cube. Arrived with the next style. So, and of course storm sleep, not too far away, of the quote to you by visit cuts on the the the, are you watching us here . Amanda . Ill top storage un Security Council has voted to authorize and Multinational Force to hate on the deployments for the deadline. Can you please look to help fight the guns are controlled knowledge pumps of the country. Former us President Donald Trump has wrapped up the 1st day of a civil row trying to prosecute to say in this company, whose Financial Statements rated network is submitted truly does have, except without serious offer mediation to help resolve its political costs. Jerry has proposed a 6 month transition military to civilian tension between ethics serves and customer, albanians and the north of cost of i remain high after gun buffalo last month between onto maintenance costs of those Police Officers. Era was shown around the village of the ben scott, the hot of that fight under the monks, not reports. Police are still investigating the incident in this thick forest, as of the cost of those mountainous north, there were few puffs. Even few of people. Okay, here we go, go. Riverside, Police Search teams here often struggling to seek a route through what started as a man hunt. You see, bullet holes is now one week later, a desperate quest for evidence weapons that we are finding all over. Yesterday we found more than 10 collection because left hand and kind of a victim that assigning is over seeing this effort. Perform a soldier now focused on finding facts and building a prosecution. Were not an army. We are police force. So basically we deal with this police force. The days this team is continued to uncover, discarded weapons, and military supplies, stretched out along several hill sides, the remnants of a raging gun fight that ravaged a Tiny Mountain community and shots, an entire region. These men didnt care. No, no. This is a life of no one is not be more than a week since the extraordinary, unprecedented a task on a village here in northern costs of o. As you can see, it is still a very heavy Police Presence here. A lot of questions remain on on said whats slid is there was a huge array of weaponry being brought to bed with ferocity raining down on police positions. Right here on the entrance to the village. It was showing, he says, despite the attack is powerful weapons, the training and tactic seemed weak, with none of his men seriously injured in the subsequent 5 fight. That last it was cost of what his government called the assault plots of a lodge, a plan to amex territory in the north where it predominantly ethics population is now placed by heavily on ethnic albanian offices. Not always, happily, people in general dont trust the police. And thats the problem that i have been a change, which is executive director of a non profit group. The advocates for the rights of ethnic subs in northern costs of, of the 1st barriers. Basically, you know, the energy to understand the local Community Unity to communicate in their native language and vice versa. And of course that even defend the mistrust, could you them all on the other side, the saying and vice versa. The clean up from the surprise, the time is now almost complete, but this investigation could continue for some time. A heavy Police Presence may remain half a month. The full out from this deadly incident could be felt for fall, fall longer than a month. Ill just say to bend sca costs of a so k as in terry minister has at least 20 saw specs have been arrested for the attack on its capital on sunday. The suicide bomber detonate to the device outside the ministry of interior in anchor. Because its done work as potty is claims responsibility for the attack hours off to the bombing to key car without s strikes targeting the pga in Northern Iraq or 10 people have died in northeastern mexico, off the roof of a church collapsed. It happens doing a baptism that the Santa Cruz Catholic church and see it out there of 60 others were injured. The close of the collapse is due and now lightning is believe to of his gas contains is now the british city of august with sparking a large fine oh my god. Like maybe the residence was shocked to see a huge fireball lights up the sky on monday. Night they say no one was hurt. The World Health Organization has approve the 2nd up malaria vaccine for children. Its cheaper and more effective than it previously recommended shots demand form of their vaccines is high. Mosquito Borne Disease claims half a 1000000 lives every yeah, mostly children on the age of 5. The son says so it has to be in that 3 co and 2 wiseman had been avoided. The 2023 nobel prize for medicine. They receive the award for, they were search that, thats the 1st m r and a vaccines to find cope with 19 hole. Race reports from stock. Good levels may be rising, but still comes rachelle. It looks very much like it did before the pandemic. That normal c, like in most cities around the world, is partly due to the global vaccination program. A program that received reflected glory in the swedish capital on monday. As to of his pine is were awarded the most prestigious prize in science, the Nobel Assembly apparently excuse to, to, to test today decided toward the 2023. And nobel prize seems fishy all of your mail this in jointly to captain and kerry co. Andrew weiss, man carry coat and weisman developed the m r and a vaccine thats allowed to roll out of an organizations against cobit 19 within a year of the disease emerging. But it had been a long struggle. We couldnt get funding, we couldnt get publications. We couldnt get you really people to notice jorge as Something Interesting is it failed clinical trials, and pretty much everybody gave up on that. But katie lit the match and, and we spent the rest of our 20 plus years working together, figuring out how to get it so far. I didnt know whether to disagree or, you know, me suspect is maybe some, you know, maybe i dont know. The present may not have been an unrealistic assumption given the relative speed with which the power has been awarded. That 1000000. 00 prize. It counts like very many years, sometimes decades for the Nobel Committee to recognize the work of a scientist. In the case of coupling to rico, Andrew Weisman is just on the 3 years since that breakthrough made a decisive impact in the fight against carpet. 19, it is the respite, but the effects it thats whats so important to say like, whats actually ground. They have the on of basic findings and Basics Research 15 to 20 years. And that, i think you important to people to understand that is very important to have the tools in the tool box when something unexpected happens as the print them m r and i allowed a vaccine to be developed that didnt need a week and division of the current of ours to be injected into patients, it could now be used to fight other diseases such as cancer. Its also given its probably it is a place in medical history. Pull rece out is there still okay. The south korean road escapes, it has apologize to his team, often early celebration cost his country, the gold gentle one, the east up and set a break to the cross, the line and amends the 3000 be to read a final but he didnt realize that says live often times my pay a caught up at madison lunches, leg line beach. So 3 as one goes been exempted from performing military service. What kind of remains . What ahead in the middle table with 147 goals, japan and south korea, then there was challenges with 33 and 31 gold medals respectively. And on tuesday, this 4th a climbing i will begin in hunger. Ive only once before has the event featured at the asian games. Oh, so the next is power. So the mix. So when i was talking to young audiences, i knew interesting. The poets from 101. 00 of hung joes most spectacular then use will be hosting a sick typically on catching events. A scroll climbing has been included in the agent game schedule for just the 2nd time. Its a sport that takes the great town tools to of an indo census all over the world. Sure wasting the whole timing is a sport for everyone. People of any age or agenda or a welcome plus the skill threshold to get started is not too high. I think its a physical and mental challenge, so its easy for people to get addicted as a major championship, events for harming is still finding estates emeritus w the olympics. Its hope care with just to metal events. I dont know, but as being coming to school next is iris games and the amount of competitors will also go up by around 50 percent. There were 3 disciplines within the schools. Speed climbing is a one on one race against the clock. Here we are thinking about Something Different in bouldering athletes take on a small rules which contains a series of climbing challenges. This is a real far from jesse and then the lead events, athletes climb as high as they can in 6 minutes without having seen the war ahead of time. Very impressive. Therefore, youd always hear when see if you meet problems in your life, youre happy to try and a soft them. Oh, its the same with climate. You need to think along and come up with solutions with different groups go when feel support is like life. You should never develop so many climbing is a means to escape and insights, appealing to individuals who are only with making up their own rules. But even some of these crime is accept the competing for metals, kind of have a value. Basically my crime and experience is better if there are other cameras around. And so were like in a broad sense because, you know, i do often seek out sort of new routes and that, you know, far phones, firefly climbing areas. But, but in general, the, the bigger the climbing community is, the better it is for me. And so, you know, im, im, im all, for the growth of this for the average age of lead competitors is just 21. This is a young sports with athletes to match a perfect fit for events like the asian games aiming to attract a new audience. And the richardson l g 0, hung joe the headlines for you down here and ill just share with you and Security Council has voted to authorize a Multinational Force to haiti

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