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Government more giving conditional immunity. The crimes committed during the cycle troubles era and moving islands is ruled unlawful in support for my tennis world level one, im the marine loses in divine admits his career is coming to an end, the 3 on grand a, some champions thing. Hes on likely to play the on the issues are so in the we begin in dallas are with, is no less off in the is ready me latrice bombing campaign. Dival has now killed nearly 50000. 00 palestinians since october, and most of them women and children. Now base the pictures from kamala, as one hospital in northern garza where an incense has died from inhaling talks a gas caused by his ready bombardments within the past hour. The hospital has announced it is no longer functioning after running out of fuel. No nurse children were seeking treatment at the facility and for have dies in gallons of cities, thousands of people have been scrambling for bags of flour as a hunger crosses on falls cutoff has cooled in the International Community to stand against for the cause, the deliberate starvation of the Palestinian People buy as ro you in agencies in a group say is rarely a tax and a collapse of lower order and making it more difficult to get into the strip. And didnt profit in the south. Hundreds of people are protesting against soaring costs and the few stores and markets that are still open. The price of goods has risen far above what people can afford. 1. 5000000 displays palestinians, a crowded into rasa, speaking refuge from is ready attack. So following forced evacuation orders, they are tramped to the bottom of this trip with no, were left to go and nothing to eat or drink. Highmark mood is in Southern Gaza with an update on as well as like the strikes across the street. The latest updates within the past 24 hours and looking at 70 people have been killed, mostly women and children and find the residential homes. Or do you work in groups either in the, on the course of or in god, the city, not the southern part of the city, or here in rough, our defense from area there are 100 injury. So 5 critical injuries. Some of them are in hospice where there is some medical attention being given to the injury or the others are just waiting on the floor, the non operational hospital without any medical intervention whatsoever, just resting their lives in the possibilities of this number at the increase within the coming hours is very likely to happen, given the Health Facilities across the gaza strip, with the exception of a city that they are completely out of service. But that includes the pack them the central area. And thats the power weve been seeing so far as early hours of the morning, and a late hours of the night attack are intensified in areas like the central part of the guthrie, including dinner by the day on all the records you cancelled. If were talking about at least 7 people so far have been killed, including 2 children inside residential homes, as well as a group of people who work on one of the main roads a very but waiting for a truck a to try and get in as though they are able to get the supplies for the, for their families and their vi to you in agencies have repeatedly want of increasing starvation and hung up among causes 2300000 people. Now they say 1. 00 and 4. 00 people is on the brink of semen. The trickle, alright, entering the strip is largely to blame and even before the war, most of the population depended on humanitarian assistance. Michael apple has more n t bones and mt stomach in northern gaza. About one in 6 children younger than 2 is male. Nourished in the 600000 palestinians all with the World Food Program says is one step away from the progress that you that we need food. We are sick. We have children, we suffer a lot. We are deprived of everything. Even if the palestinians dont a little food to us, we still have to queue to get it. Ive been here since 8 oclock in the morning waiting for this meal. The you, an agency for Palestinian Refugees on ry says the number of humanitarian aid convoys entering. Garza has dropped 50 percent compared with january. Thats an average 98 trucks a day in february, fall below the 500 that into daily before the war. But that aid isnt reaching the north of the strip thing garza city attempts to get your hands on. What little age you can find can cost to your life. I dont understand. Ive been here since the early morning. I need food. I have a 40 year old son and a 40 year old daughter would kind of go out who will take care of them. We dont have rice and we dont have flour. My children are sick. I told the soup will likely be the only thing that many of these families will eat in the day. Its a hot meal, but it isnt enough. Its the ive come to get something to keep myself alive. Its only soup. We need bread with salt and pepper to eat and to give us some energy. For gods sake, we need help. I hate agency say they are ready to ramp up operations. As soon as the cease fire is in place, the cautious optimism of a breakthrough, however, is tempted by months of suffering and displays a salmon on the horizon. Might level of desert media is, is uh were going to try to secure so useful deal between them. Awesome is right, this week the u. S. President suggested an agreement was imminent, but him, us downplayed his optimism, saying it had yet to receive a proposal. The us side department, how we that remains hurtful to our goal is to achieve a deal to reach a humanitarian pause and the release of hostages as soon as possible. Certainly wed welcome getting one by this weekend. So what i can say about the overall progress is that we made significant progress towards an agreement last week. When we had officials of United States government in gauging in the region, we continue to pursue further progress this week. American officials across the government continue to be engaged on this question. We are trying to push this deal over the finish line. We do think its possible really unlikely called methods and spoke to the best them name the head of political and International Relations for him. Us, he says washingtons words and actions contradictory. This is the cuz i want to be really optimistic. They have to end this the sound of games. They took a long time for something that im gonna shut off for the, for the, for our team to get the trail. Im wondering broadening the, the conflict in to the region, but at the same time theyre using the v time. The security crossing for police are these, well, they are approving for Team Building blocks for so heres the thing executing inside with more munition, i think the wireless item see the is not related to the big loss of. It is more of the things, and i, you know, as i mentioned, um, i know thats how my son said that it has yet to receive any sort of proposal for a cease fire. There have of course being a lot of leak details upon him. Play about some sort of ceasefire given for you know, about the possibility of what might be out there. Is there anything that harmless route to be prepared to be flexible on . I must have told from the beginning, good flexibility to achieve that seed films because we lie or integrate into this lot of use 10150 uh new civilians but i see no good people on in the northern but the bank because the vision we knew exactly what was being uh, permanent to them in the augusta, the 50 and then the bulk of the guys. But at the same time this flexibility or cannot be of the cost of oh man. So what is your goal for government . We are looking not for a human opinion, bose or human tendencies for we are looking for a final thoughts on comprehensive seats for we are looking for a daughter, withdrawals. The we are looking for a loan or a theme really, to move from the south to the north and vice vista. We kind of extend it keeping on a b 11500000. 00 of cds in the salt about the dentist is under the policy or within both of those really intentional wanting to kind of games between the therefore this is the best line. Why dont we come this long . Can i just bring in elders are a senior political analyst tomorrow and the shower . Now im to help out and unpack a lot of this mean, it seems like joe biden is the only one that is confident that any deal is going to be done by next week. Do you think that button has jumped the gun here . Well, thats quite a bit dr. Its even more than a tactic. Its the optimism thats strategic its strategy by optimism, right . Because when you are the super power and youve been trying to mediate this thing for a while, and you come to a point where there are a number, a good number of factors. One, we are fortunate, almost done to me. We are approaching the end of the 5th month of war and some National Means is getting fed up. There is a bit of a fatigue on both sides. So once you launch into optimism or whoever is not responding with you, is the party pooper is responsible for suddenly turning this uh, you know, christmas uh, its christmas every day and to have in garza, not that we have on site, but also nothing you know, and thats why i think im us was basically squeezed by that kind of tactic on the part of the, of the trump white house, where to buy this it what it seems like the point is ive agreed we probably could start on monday. Lets go for it. What if, how much that says . No, wait a minute, i didnt get that if they knew it sounds like its the outside, but this also puts pressure on this rail as well that it does. And thats also should give us a pause about the growing tension between by the internet and you know, not by israel, under United States or by the United States. And it is. But clearly by then at least in private, its getting fed up with nothing yall and because nothing now has been humiliating and like theres no tomorrow. So i think both men are sort of different calendars. I think you have to know once to run the clock on by then so he can make whatever arrangements with his potential success. How strong he prefers tom divided by didnt. Whats been a fair to somehow that gordons actually gets, it does not any a whole i get in someone like guns or, or whoever that is more amenable to american ideas. So theres kind of a move, right, that could stay go through after im, im done with the, with the ceasefire, but this could lead to the implosion of the government. And if such that definitely, and if any of those out thats not necessarily to the disliking of by the, you know, can we just talk about the optics of all this because we can find them was talking, he was explaining all of this on the light, not comedy talk show, which is quite unusual place for these remarks to be, to be put out there as well as we saw and eating an ice cream while he was talking about famine and the plight of the palestinians. What do you make of just the look the optics of this we didnt really figured out what kind of ice cream it is. Right . Um, but my sense is that hes been doing god for a while instead of making sort of a grand stick to the union type statements where, you know, he signs behinds that and if this doesnt work out, then hes totally embarrassed to do it on a casual on the stops im doing, but i drove away cold. Come in to isnt this . Yeah. Yeah. So if it doesnt work, it doesnt sound like you know, he got out of the lame and made a major talk to the speech of destructive jewels, some sort. Hes basically on the go, you think on ice cream. White people are starving, then guys all. But what the heck, you know, he is trying to end the humanitarian situation. If it works, its great if it doesnt work well. So now that ice cream. Yeah. And a well, hopefully with the amount of that well be talking to you over the next few hours now and to show our senior political analyst. Thank you. The sounds of gunfire had been reported in chads capital. In jermaine, they come only out was off the several people were killed in an attack on the offices of the National Security agency. The army has been deployed and over roads leading to the headquarters have been blocked. And the government says the attack happens after the arrest of an opposition member who is accused of and assess nation to attempt on the president s monitors reported incident disruptions followed the attack on the interest joins us now. Uh, from a pretty sure, and i know this is a really developing story. Can you just give us an idea on the latest and regardless of the situation, what, what were hearing still is that the internet or communications in the child uncomfortable is out. I was able to talk to someone more than a 1000 kilometers away from china, and they have no information whatsoever. How about whats going on, but they know the situation days tends, but what we werent able to gather over the past 35 or 40 minutes, is that more troops off on the streets in the capital. People who are audio trapped around 2 oclock local time by the gun fine and the capital around the president ial follows as well as the center of the city. What able to move back home and we so some few images people are driving on almost empty streets trying to reach home in safety. So communications have been shot. And this is the 2nd attack, by the way, all the tags left to the killing of several people up to the office or authority because. Busy it is in german, not understanding how many people have died, but its expected that with the right reasons or that the violence that erupt it around 2 oclock. Look at the time they see you must have gone up tremendously. We spoke to an aide workout. We also spoke to some few individuals who was able to access the Internet Services by alternative means that they were really pinned down by gun fight in the offices and some of the office as life goes through the president ial policy. Thats what were doing right now. But the 1st official casualty, we understand is the deputy finance secretary who was fatally shot in the early skirmishes in the day. The government varies. I choosing the position of trying to stage a mutiny in the capital i. Its not exactly what it is right now. Maybe a mutiny or a cool attempt in the capital. But one of the most important thing to note is that there is a large french presence in chad republican. The false cosigner charge of betty strategic life called mean to sound, but then the rest of the african region wide stated, has a strong foot hole in charge. And it would be in that interest in practice to pro up preston debbies administration. I mean, my debbies administration as much as they can. So theres 2 choices. Youve still incoming nice fluid at the moment. Okay. Thanks so much for that update on the just for us the, in a boucher overturning to the war on guys of the may of cutoffs is the International Community is failing to in the suffering of palestinians and protect civilians and gowns. A check to me been model funny, was speaking, sharing a site visit to bronze president s and menu of mccomb. Welcome to paris on choose the now the visit, follow the discussions in the french capital last week on a put a 65 proposal. And then in the hospital, how do you allow me in a walk to them over the counter and risk a high . I didnt either before, as the world continues to witness the genocide being waged against the brotherly Palestinian People using starvation force displacement, indiscriminate selling is that in the meanwhile, the International Community is still unable to adopt the unified stance that puts an into the war and the gaza strip. It provides a minimum level of protection of children, women and civilians. A little in gaza has the shadow of the us president ial primaries in the battleground side of michigan. Donald trump defeated mickey highly in the republican primary. Well, joe biden easily won the democratic one, but more than 100000 people caused a protest vote against binding of his support as rabbits. 13 percent of the total and 10 times a target set by campaign, as well as spring and john 100 now who joins us live from detroit and michigan. And john, whats been the reaction from biden and the democrats, that just how can certain data well, i think theyre very concerned. Democrats here in michigan have expressed that concern, but oddly present, inviting in a note last night, then you sent out, did not mention this powerful uncommitted vote. And it put this in perspective. Joe biden hasnt had a significant contender against the many. Any of these primaries up till now . Theres been a couple of people whove gotten a couple of percentage points. This one committed vote got 13 percent. And as you pointed out, theres about 10 times the amount that they were expecting. They were expecting, perhaps 10000. 00 people would vote uncommitted, so they got as powerful vote. I awoke to a text from a county commissioner who said this was a far bigger result than they had expected. This is our story. Take a look in michigan, the message to President Joe Biden has been delivered to the 10s of thousands of arab and Muslim Americans voted for uncommitted in the states democratic president ial primary, a protest vote against president bite and support of the war and gaza from the community the over whelming lead voted for him last time in the majority air of American City of dearborn voter after voter told us which box they checked. Did you vote on committed . Yeah, im committed as of right now, as im coming to you, why do you want the no president . Because was because of the way even worse because it was to and they one of the stuff that was there was little doubt that donald trump would when the republican primary in michigan for the bible would come in 1st and the democratic campaign. And they have their supporters, i voted for donald j. Trump. I know the way the surprise of the night was the 10s of thousands of democrats who cast a vote of no confidence in the man most supported 4 years ago. Biden is clearly been listening, saying he hopes for a ceasefire by next week dearborn mer abdullah. Her mood was not impressed. And i simply cant look past the genocide where theres been the killing theres been over 100000 now. Weve been killed wounded or who are missing, so you cant really, really just right off for genocide. Uncommitted motors havent come close to the leading joe biden in the michigan primary, but they dont have to be one by just 850000 votes. Here in 2020 and 4 years earlier, donald trump won this date by just 10000 votes. And the young committed campaign believes it has the votes, didnt i buy it . And a key swing state that he is holding on to win in november. His biden edges ever closer to amassing the delegates to win his partys nomination. The uncommitted vote marks a warning sign to the president. Many of these voters help put into office that vote may be unrepresented. We talked to a number of people who said that they knew of voters who were not voting for president biden, but they were just sitting on their hands, remaining home, not boating, uncommitted. And this is a number of voters that could make the difference in this very narrowly divided swing state. As i said, trump one here by 10000 votes in 20164 years later by and one it by a 150000 votes. This is 800000 votes against byte, and he is much weaker now in polls than he was 4 years ago. This is definitely trouble for joe biden. Good day. Thanks so much john, john, henry, and for us there in dearborn, detroit, michigan. As a hundreds, all the employees have rallied in the capital and to show solidarity with palestinians and 1000 protesters and who to support those months through the streets of sana cities have been attacking International Shipping in the grid. So you move, they say, is aimed at pressure as well to end its war on the strip are a friends and activists have been paying tribute to the American Indian who set himself on fire and protest against israels war on cancer to the 5 year old aaron bush now died from the bins he sustained outside these ready embassy in the us capital on sunday. Christian salumi has moved from new york to active is aaron bush, now is a he has shown the ultimate sacrifice and took the ultimate form of protest. They held a vigil for the 25 year old here in new york. As well as in washington dc, renewing his call for a cease fire and gaza. It was in the us capital outside the is really embassy on sunday, that bush now wearing his air force uniform, recorded what he calmly described as an act of protest. And i will no longer be complicit in genocide. Setting himself a blaze shouting the air force as is investigating bush now, was a Cyber Defense operation specialist stationed in ohio since late last year. And due to end his service in may, the white house had this reaction. The president is aware and we can, i can say that it is obviously is a, its a, a horrible tragedy. And our thoughts are with the family loop. A bar both met bush now doing Community Service work. When he was stationed in san antonio, texas. She says he grew up on the east coast and a very religious family. I dont think he was mentally ill. And she probably thought that as other people have said that the society is it would be allow whats going on. And god, they have to be funded with their own tax dollars. Thats payments and thats, thats ill. And he was outraged by it and he could see that it politicians werent acting. They ignore the protesters that are out there every weekend. Cease fire demonstrations are now weekly events in many us cities. So many are small and no longer make the news unless protesters block traffic or engage and other acts of civil disobedience that need to arrest california to texas tech here in new york Memorial Services have been organized like this 1. 00 to pay tribute to aaron bush now with more than a half 1000000 people in gaza now at risk of starvation act, credit him with putting their back in the spotlight present, telling me id 0 the shortage of stuff and the lack of fuel. The medical supplies have forced another Health Facility and goes out of service to, to my home. And so how is the acting director of all the hospital near jamalia in the north of district . Hes given us a tour of the complex chemist. Lot house, calling them and williams, and i would like to come in and i would that be sure my laptop i was on the him and had them at the the said the not so id had see and says im looking for b o a d a and ones that it could be the last night, you know, i dumped off for a slot and now you will get a yeah. It this a lot because she gave me because she gave him assessment and, and what are you calling about . Yeah, i saw here and with all, and im putting it on the deck, it could be a while and dont want that something the one that comes in. What if its good, you know what i have done more than that. I certainly dont have to look up. I didnt, i didnt, i meant that. Yeah, they put them in that level of feedback and has the whole 7 something on it. So, you know how many yet . Because many, how many yet some of the people who believe camerons to go about almost like a how many yet not the do you have to, obviously it doesnt solve it. Why it said that inside the map and it doesnt need to work, but there are many yes, theres nothing that the anybody in the near cause may not be. Let me know how to model the once again, im ready at the mac. The met that g and the autopay and how many im looking at the one i dont have to play study yet. So you that separate the walk off . What have that sheet copy . Gives you then you i did had i did, you know . So you death and let the, the hydrogen on how many at the you have to because im in the background when we thought we had the say that you dont have a digital if it was to ship a couple me yeah, yeah. And then at the end that i was with me at the im what i think that would be id have them at a 100. My thing is that what would add to the say you that the, how many at the top you should pick cameron, set up knoxville enough to hold the, the upside refund . Somebody to pop on because of the us film. Sorry, the magnet, then it looks different. Did you know how many yet do you like that or long . What . Go ahead. Im but it off and i dont have to buy. Sorry. Yeah. One more on it. Im not in the large. Im in the vision you i left you had to eat at a but by the im a do you have to let you pack it through the whole that and i have to, yeah, find a home visit on how many f, as we dont have to let them but the off the job now youll get a but you push them up as the one if he does a hyper on the b b, im going to use the shape of me at that, but it was, that was a how well that can kind of how, especially when you teach them up as them with a hospice, but you dont have any at yahoo theres, im with them. Thats how heavy and did a hot say it, and uh that the pay it is it the be in money of it was still a hit here on alexs era, we looked at the point itself, chris population is declining at one of the fastest rights in the wells and, and support this japanese bicycles. And so she makes an instant impact with his new team. And he will have that story later in the program. The hello will pick chavez to come from northern parts of option t not pushing out the power requires southeast in areas of brazil seeing some very wet weather weather stay see. So what the weather is actually to the north of addison, c, a t 8 degrees celsius. Who stays home as we go through the 1st day that whatsoever just sliding a little further east, which as we go on through the day just to the south of re i re over the top temperature of 29, sales is c. M as in price and we will drive them. It has been recently Northern Areas will still see live the showers right up to was that the southern areas of venezuela future i was to into the eastern side of the carrier being over the next day or so. I think thats why its great to be access with this type of tools. A great tragedy should be somewhat dry, little bit of weather at times, but then not too much to speak of central america. Ive seen a few more showers coming into them to corrupt you might even say some much needed rightful, making his way towards mexico. The water crisis continues here with the ongoing drought. Meanwhile, whether its making his way across that age to side of us just around the appellation severe storms have come in. Big types of contrast here because we told him about that over the last few days, temperatures in chicago and kansas, theyve dropped by around 20 degrees. That cooler where it basically makes its way into the eastern seaboard by 1st i the generation football focuses on the french captain. Teresa brought the content to j. C, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for an opportunity to open conversation. 3rd, very simple forward is that facing about child abuse. As you have done, i am a u. N. B and i think we need to help each other. And also showcase is the incredible story of the footfall. This is the fluff dennis done to escape the time of the generation for episode one of the latest news, as it breaks, ukraine has made vast improvements to the defenses around its major cities with detailed coverage. The former president is expected to appeal this decision, but its just one of many legal issues hes facing in the run up to the november election from around the world. The rising ground water is contaminated with sewage, less than 6 percent of the homes and suite them are connected to the government Sewage Network and the, [000 00 00;00] the, youre watching else is there a reminder of how top stories the ssl is rose for on cause that has now kills nearly 50000. 00 palestinians. Most of them women and children are these uh pictures from small off on hospital in the north where an infant is dying from an hyperlink to pumps of gas pools by is riley from 5 minutes. The hospital is no longer functioning after running out of fuel. In kansas city, thousands of people have been scrambling to bags of flour as a 100 crosses on phones. Cutoff has cooled on the International Community to stand against protocols with deliberate starvation of the Palestinian People. But it is right, it didnt proffer in the south, hundreds of protesting against silver and costs. And the few stores and markets that are still up in the price of goods has risen far above what people can afford. 1. 5000000 displace palestinians are crowded into rafa speaking. Rick, huge from is riley attacks. The high court in belfast has ruled a u. K. Lowell covering the conflicts in northern on an breaches human rights. The Northern Ireland troubles act was challenged by relatives of victims of crimes. The crimes were committed during 3 decades of conflicts between mostly catholic republicans and mostly protestant loyalists, as well as the british army, beginning in the late 19 sixtys. But the legislation ends all investigations into the crimes and Office Conditional amnesty. The sum involved with the court found the grunting of immunity by lights, the rights of victims under the European Convention on human rights. Larry faucet is following these developments in belfast. Well, the key part of the ruling here in a high court in bell sauce, was the stripping out essentially of a key part of the legislation, which would have allowed people to come to a new independent panel and talk about the involvement in crimes during the troubles without being prosecuted for them, it was a conditional immunity attached. And the judges rule that that breach is the human rights under european legislation of the victims. Im here with the deputy director. Know the non for im the states is a national ground. Your ticket. Thank you. Very much for joining us. Whats your reaction to what happened in the code today . Well, we welcome to the findings of the court and respective strike united key aspects of this law, which is the immunity from prosecution. And the immediate bond on civil claims that was instituted. Those are very welcome and Significant Developments here today. The court has also raised that its too soon to tell in terms of the new body, the i, c, r i are. Whether or not thats human rights compatible, but of course it remains open to victims to continue to challenge and the course the particular point will kind of operate. I mean, the whole point of this act was that that would really take over from civil proceedings, criminal prosecutions. And it would be a way of being close to the government, a body which would assist reconciliation and draw a line onto what it happened. And the trouble is kind of in this kind of legally dubious environment operate. I mean, the immunity from prosecution is walk. This law is built around, its what the i, c, r i, r is dependent on and of course not about to construct guide. So there are Big Questions here for the secretary of state of, for northern, out into on cert. Hi, he told us to proceed as im to say, we would urge and tonight go back to the drawing board to think again, to repeat this legislation and replace it with something that actually prioritizes and respects victims, right . I mean, when it comes to victims, people looking at this from outside might think, well, this is a long time ago that has been the belt cost agreement that has been power sharing recently re instituted. Is it not time to draw a line in to try to, to reconcile in, in a way that doesnt involve prosecutions and drudging up so many ills of the past. Thanks for maddie from these, you know, what they want is faith and justice. They want the truth of what happened to their loved one. Theyre entitled to that truth. We have feels victims for successive kids in Northern Ireland to have been fighting for the truth and justice to which they are entitled to pass for me into the presence for victims. And it will continue to do so until they get the truth. And just as they are entitled to, so their concerns were me and with the i a ryan the i c r i are on i think yours is right here today today was always going to be right. One, it will be under the court of appeals and then on to the u. K. Supreme court. Right. Gotcha, thank you very much for that. And that is a key points to take away from today. There is potentials for the action in the courts. There is another action being brought in europe by the Irish Government as well. So this is not over yet, but the judge did induce that view. That by not addressing the claims for justice from victims, that itself could inhibit reconciliation going forward. How do you suppose that ill just here go fast. You questions present below them is the landscape has been meeting south Eastern European latest to secure with more weapons and supporting the vote against russia. Savanski and al dining and prime minister, easy from co hosting it to the summit. And now i need to encourage through the aid for cave, its a landscape business trip to toronto since rush it invited 2 years ago of more on this. Yeah, yeah, im a seller which is a political analyst on the both ends and the middle east. He joins us from the post named capital. Sorry, ive, i thank you very much for being with us here on to 0. As i mentioned, this is zalinski is 1st visit. Why now, why do you think its taking so long . And what do you think hes hoping to get out of this . As well as the is requiring such a visit . Because the problem was conscious. Supporters limiting process. Once you read we, we should know that resumes. What else is especially that was specifically i mentioned give you the ball because russian stories be where it is. Why should be able to possibly switch a nation stays before the balls. So you cannot go to any other property, the western balls at the moment because of the distributive most. So the logical solution will be with the strongest boss just, you know, to member of the either you or so i go to being here because im also side finding that person by x one series of egypt. I the trying to find that gays to certain buy because you know, way certainly is asking for the last they too also as only to run the region. Russians are using the serbian naturalist networks. So in order to project its power, steering the balls and just to remind you that the t not few occasions that he said that he might use on is that the stabilizing region to be in order to find that data. So they just expansion for the ease. So he is using boss, you know, way as a backup plan. And the, i believe they are displayed are welcome to the journal citation by august, once russia and the russian properties, especially in service. How do you think is evidence he needs to go about trying to downtown this russian influence, especially when it does come to serve you on the side. Oh, how bad it is to man rushing proxy said the rushing networks. I believe paula sees the right that i just talked about that because i forget to diffuse a few years ago. Uh, russian choose sprout cause as most of that is very proxy here in the bottom house, especially as a button up. So rush, i was willing to show you, show it to me. So see were in the region of send a message to the web, is willing to stay my only ukraine boulevard, georgia or the just going to the same light roll. So either way, the skis, visit all the time that you teach, and im probably used to support the western baldwin fancies the capacity since there is all very small frontier agent. But theyre going to be the loving part of the vacant place in continuing their arguments. Most of the reasons because of the last few sending power plants basically uh, shes not, shes not getting enough support from the west. Mine is for, i think hes probably just on that point we, i mean, as you mentioned, you kind of zip is in desperate need of more immunization and within so many so landscape promotion. The idea of the joint production at the summit will reaction to to get to that as well. The problem is that a lot of the ship is doing would still ship now is to, to got in kind of spawn very low. So let me think this priorities again is the most the people and designs to spending products will be selling more products to drive the patient. Reading from the people. Is there any domains . Uh, basically uh, put in was, i was praying for Something Like this depends on the do you live. So i, russian, i, in order to, to just push the site, then the other problem because i just key in the rush i standing pretty good on the ground. So they are easy because some of the other positions on the brand new product and service. Hes not using just before mattick network to madison brands. I normally get more attention to bobby and then to get to get more support. So he, before i process, i believe, well start supporting the agreement with the, with the, with this board. And we might have serious charles here in the vocals and i see exhaust people. Okay, thank you. Well have to leave a day, but we really do appreciate your time and your insight. Thank you. With the funeral of russian Opposition Leader lexie. Now, honey is to be held in moscow on friday and i was on the spokeswoman says they moved to burial to the capitol office. Several locations declined to host the service. The kremlin critics died early of this month in a remote optic penal colony prussian authorize. The sign of honey died of cycled natural, diss and drawn the many who blamed president s letting me put in for his death. Meanwhile, now find his widow has addressed the European Parliament in strasbourg, an emotional speech, she urged you up to confront russian prisons, letting me a person, as you and all of was, was slide the cream and no gang. And the political innovation here is to plot the mess. Thats all for team organize crime, not but lead to go competition, no diplomatic notes, but investigations into the financial make 2 nations, not statements of concern, but the source of mazda associates in your countries would excrete long. 2 ours in finance or towards helping woodson and his friends to whites money in this what you cuz the reliable allies, there are bands of millions directions who against war it gives fortune. It gives the e will he brings the not, were not the much north. Theres a few of them on the contrary, and you must have worked with them with us. The United Nations is handed over one of its basis to government officials and the democratic republic of congo. Its part of a withdrawal of its Peace Keeping forces situated in the east, the demand of the withdrawal of 15000. 00 soldiers and Police Officers despite concerns of abundance in the area. The Un Peacekeeping mission has been ordered to vacate of 14 vices in the east before my un estimates more than a 1000 children in the democratic republic of congo, abducted and forced to become child soldiers. Last year, catherine source spoke to some who managed to escape and belinda in the east and the c of this use are all under 18 years old. They say they were adapted from the villages that are now under the control of m. 5035. 00 to is well used as labor as for the escape of heat in the identity for security reasons. Well call this point on. He says on demand, a talk to his village in january was separated from his finally managed runaway and ended up at this comp circle b. My mind, you know, like im, you know, i was not fine. My family is still back there. I keep thinking it back then i tried to call them on the telephone, but the numbers dont go through. Sometimes i want to go back home to see if theyre okay. Youngest here is 11 years old. The wine known to each other and did not separately, but they found comfort in the shed experience. You dont have to go very far to find such stories of children, abducted, some of them are very traumatized. They say they cannot find help. To florence, before youtube is trying to support them, one of her sides was killed. The other is in the hands of the fighters. She does what she can, but shes also taking care of 17 other family members of my house is not com. I think about my boys all the time. And so the u. M. S m, i sat around 12000 sugar and support with im actually number. We also supporting 3 release from here. Very terrible stories on a daily basis. These boys still not say, not easy pray for on group locking and surrounding areas. Catherine, sorry, level. Com, democratic republicans in mexico. The 2 candidates hoping to stand permit in the same town have been shot dead days before an official Election Campaign was due to stop. The shootings took place within hours of each other and a lot of people in the state of the show a com elections are held across mexico in june. But experience for misuse campaign is likely to be the most violent in the countrys history. Of fighting and bolivia has killed at least 40 people. The flank board is image large parts of the city could be high on the border with presented up to the ok river that best its banks. The rainy season is expected to continue until next month and has been made worse by the im nino, with a passive volcanic eruption has forced the airlines to cancel some flights in and out of the mexico city. To buffalo, capital volcano, live 60 kilometers from the mexican capital, and has been a rough thing for several weeks with r and hes at mexico city if would say safety checks are being conducted off the plans and counted volcanic ash from south curious population has been declining for use one of the fastest rights in the world, thats a result of a promising for tennessee rise. Years of financial incentives have fails to encourage couples to have babies. And to reset the central bank for ports such as the pressure on young people to competes is to blame. And its kim, proponents from song todd t. Hey, is a mother to quadruple its. Shes on extended leave from her career in Nuclear Power plants to raise her toddlers with the help of her mother. While her husband is working overseas. And they, they really need. Im done. Ive, ive used a babysitter before because theres 4 of them. I hired to a 2700. 00 each, so we spent 5400. 00 per month on baby sitters alone. What family can spend that kind of money to raise children to the child and her husband decided to try for a baby after he moved to a company with generous child care benefits. Typically one is only going to the biggest plus in my job. So which was the culture of the company they considered my participation in Family Affairs built us in the rotation, but its something completely natural. Such, Workplace Culture is rare in a country infamous for fostering workaholics. In fact, Government Data shows only 6 percent of fathers employed by Large Companies and 2. 3 percent of fathers and small to medium sized businesses use their paternity leave. In 2021 been used parents of a much lower compared to woman. But the thing is that we shouldnt blame men for not trying to use this benefit because theres lot of empirical evidence that if menus parents and theyve compared to woman, they experience greater penalty. For years, the government has invested hundreds of billions of dollars to try to reverse the the population trend, including 750. 00 monthly parent pay for couples with newborns. But with little success. A recent Central Bank Report found that a root cause of south koreas ultra low birth rate was the competitive pressure, young people face, and all aspects of life, including anxieties linked to employment, housing, and health care. The bank suggest using competition by encouraging the use of parental leave programs providing more incentives for people to relocate out of the Capital Region or half the population lives and increasing the number and quality of jobs for young people. All tall challenges in a swiftly Green Country with a number of koreans and theyre a seventys, exceeds those in their twentys unit skim algebra. So well still head here on the l just here, the worlds funds to strong camera films, the worlds best formula, one driver thats coming up in schools within the the business latest sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the progress. So at this point now his and a thank you so much tom. Well, an investigation into rentals for minute one samples, christine holder has cleared him off misconduct. The reading will champions insist, the process has been fat and impartial. Internal investigation took place after a female employee made allegations of inappropriate, uncontrolled, and behavior against total allegations which he has always denied victuals full. And it is the longest serving f one seen principal. And hes overseen at 7 at drive. It will tonsils victories the 1st growing prey. The new season is coming in bahrain on a saturday in a Statement Read the book just said the independent investigation in c allegations made against mister horner is complete. And rebel con, confirm that the grievance has been dismissed. The complainant has a right of appeal. Rental is confident, the investigation has been fair, rigorous and impartial in a way from that investigation. Rentals 3 time World Champion max to stop and has been helping out to test the worlds fastest drone camera which has the potential to revolutionize the sports. As david start triples. Not many people can keep up with max to step in, but this drug and camera, it has no issue. Its capable of accelerating 2 times faster than these red bull car with a top speed of 350 kilometers an hour to stabilize. My 1st impressions was just when it boss me like when the show me how quick it would go on on the straight. Yeah, its crazy. I never thought you know, to say drawing going thats quick. You know, just for the for camera associates. I didnt recognize the drawing, i didnt know it was following me while driving in in the web. So it was very close to me in some places. Busy squared c backed by red bull, the camera was custom built over to you is by the company dot strong gods. It can reach 300 kilometers an hour in just full seconds. Is the only drone we know that has a film and camera in it that goes this past 350 kilometers an hour. Its fully custom built around it. So theres no curren drone has been modified as one of the kind of thing that we developed ourselves. Its not clear if the drain will ever be used during live, right, seems given safety concerns. But the 3 time World Champion misstep, it seems keen. Weve had a lot of the same shots in over the last 3 years. So i think now with these drones coming in and especially this one being so fast as well, being able to, to keep up with the car. I think you know, some particular corners as well, and it will be so cool that the drawing is actually following the car as close as possible. Um, so for sure, you know, its going to be very interesting. Um, you know, its funny to be able to show that lived into a lot of people with the battery like 233 minutes. Theres a long road ahead in terms of development. But this technology has potential to open up a new era in sports broadcasting. Theyve been stokes, out a 0 or for the tennis woman. Born on the memory has just been knocked out of the divide tennis championships admits his career is coming to an end. The threats on the grounds from champion saying hes unlikely to play beyond this is power selling. Our did share a few glimpses of his best foam and his ground see match against francis. You go on bath memory went on solution and sprint sits. 36. 00 rolls was one, just 2 is 8 matches this year. Once i re blevins to the point quarter finals for 5th straight year, the will of a 5 over coming french qualify officer because 0 in straight sets the russian. And so when its time for for a 2nd, somebody acapulco daniel while i pulled off a major upset against the gym and its upset, i sent his bare up and round one of the mexican wife. And this the 1st time youve ever beat since theyre in the world and 57. 00, theyre getting just thought of a 2 and a half hours. Im not chris womens Football Team that might have ran a trip to japan for new and pre qualify with the time for is that no middle of the 1st likely to kind of one the place of the 1st days to the c one victory . Instruct you straight, it will be a just other represents visit the lympics. This is the 1st visit to, to come by and look for in somebody 2017 early home and says if it was great to be back to his best that the pairing months, just the cities of the quarter finals of the english f. I come a scroll saw these goals, and this 60 victor evolution did miss move in a month between december and january through injury. But this time is taking these types of 27. 00 goals and also positions after school in 52. 00 and his 1st year at the club to 800. 00 for the city and the last 2 seasons. Victory also keep city on shirts. Repeat why seizes trouble of trophies when they, when we come from the lead champions makes us links, have been 2 months stopped and i believe but not was not make anything. So when, when you lose to mom, thats the reason for hotel. It is just not easy to get back and every game is getting better, its getting better. So and kevin as well so. So thats why thats where the please. As a step by step is coming back new castle, avoid it, a potential upset against 2nd se blackstone again finish 11. 00 after extra sonya once a panel saves the council, winning the sheets out full free to send consumption for that 1st major domestic trophy. Since cleaning this cut back in 1955 less the citizens, the quotas. So after studying, go here and extra time to be bowman. Until its all way. Was the money school. Its less the only if i took in 2021 license being relegated to the championship of the county. 6 boys cleared the top of the table on costs for promotion. Food will fit from size coming up later on. This one is that including months, 5090 versus nothing. And far as the 90 pulse erickson hawk unhappy without his team performed incentives primarily defeat against full and that has to do everything with building this ad and spirit and oppression. And so that, that was in the previous beach was very good from misty and therefore we won football games. So yeah, its i know for bundled robots sometimes you bet these so that it can be an acceptable show. Hey, our tony has made an instant impact. Certainly los angeles dodges i, tony assigned to record 700000000. 00 data with the judges. He had a to run home run and his 1st balancing with the team came in the spring training against the Chicago White sox. The 29 year old japanese fly wont be pitching the season because of an injury. The regular season begins late next month. Alright, move for me in a couple of hours time, but that is how were looking for that. So pretty and thanks so much jenny. Look forward to it, but so for me to him the cry for this news out, but i will be back in just a moment with much more of todays news. To stay with us. The a unique perspective, desktop plays inception does. They told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. I try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed. Landscape. Connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. This is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone. About whats happening because of the tasks and Media Attention to the stream on out just the are the us is always of inside 54. 00, right . The world people Pay Attention to this 1. 00 here. And ill just see this very good. Theyre bringing the news to the world from here, discussing the defining issues about times, what military, what government, what Multi National doesnt want access to this hyper hyper, hyper powerful. They are exploring the very real dangerous unchecked artificial intelligence. How does a i shape the laws of the war . Were talking about a technology that is built on the basis of concentrated surveillance. Power, like the world has never seen the studio b, p a. I series on a just a, you know, what constitutes exempt. So we just talk to a, see, i want you to start with just the fact whether as to what happened as independent, we wont be, we want the education my want to, we dont have lead them in Different Countries in the policy im, its asking for women to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit no 1000. 00 service. This claimant reports that i should just trust the community often as the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness. And ill just the integrity in the pursuit of the, of the dogs is most desperate fighting for life with more hospitals across this trip, running out of fuel and supplies, the ultimate cry decision, which is their life from the hot and so coming up hundreds of thousands on the brink of stuff, ocean is riley attacks and withholding of it forces palestinians across the strip

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