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This is alda 0 at life from the 2nd 23 children have now died of starvation and casa, as the us says, it will take up to 2 months to build a temporary pool to bring in a and would involve coordination of Gang Violence and political instability, and hateful tens of thousands of people to neighboring Dominican Republic. Concentra from the meditative guys in savannah is reaching kolosso purpose. You and Security Council pos as a resolution, quoting for us to spot. And to don had the upside and cynical thats how top you an expert, has described us plans to build a temporary port for garza and the ongoing, at drops by western nations expense say these efforts will do nothing to reduce the risk of sounding as long as the israel continues to block the entry if your monitoring age through land crossings, more than 2000000 palestinians, all starving, and at least 23 children have not died of hunger since this war began. As out of here is on a socially, for points from jamalia enrolled and also the aide thats been and dropped just simply not enough to meet the staggering needs of the people know that the shadow alba. How about how to jump value on a we here on beach street jabante in northern you guys. A short while ago planes dropped aid in this area, and the locals have gave it in large numbers. But what was dropped from these planes is not enough for the citizens that it consists of daily meals and reading to 800. 00, which is that the only yellow as you bed j is uh, the bottom floor. I wish i could, well, i have 7 children with these means im lucky enough. How can i get one of the one of these, the nothing we are hungry about stopping him. Just audio job. Whats being it runs does not help us, but we want everything back to how it was before the judges. I know what to do about it. I know i kind of do anything else and i tried my best. We dont even have enough bread. My son has moved, my wife is pregnant, my heart is breaking. I called do anything so my children. 7 7 got the dimensions on the wall is we can see now and you plane is approaching and dropping a new batch of a to the aide is most likely not enough to meet the needs of a team of assistance. So a charging here, citizens are requesting the delivery of a through trucks to northern gone. So we are currently know basic necessities. It is very difficult to find food also. And people are now rushing and gathering in large numbers to get just some of the hopefully at the study of deal shamella as well. And also city and ad drop has killed at least 5 palestinians. Power streets carrying aid failed to open on the supplies that crushed people, waiting now and the ground. Several countries are dropping humanitarian agent to the strip. As israel continues to restrict convoys carrying life, saving supplies for stopping civilians, israel as an occupying power, has a legal obligation to allows humanitarian aid into gaza. And to provide basic needs such as food and water. So much the, its a tragedy added to the ongoing tragedies experienced by our Palestinian People in the cause of stress. Im, its this bloody one civilian at croft dropped 8 supplies to sit in the move in areas of strip. But unfortunately, thats a piece of power sheets fell directly on the heads of civilian the mobile dyslexia the best. So 5 individual, im the injury of more than 10 people comes from ruffin out of here as tar couple as there are reports on how a deliveries have been celtic. And then also need adding to the desperation. Within the course of the past few weeks there, there are more restrictions and made deliveries given to them. Talent have gone. So this is why the majority of countries have been contributing to increasing efforts to make different corporations of speeds dropping to the territory, which consider it to be from dependence team perspective. Not really sufficient. As we have been talking today to a number of residents in the north ping describing the situation being really can you take, im catastrophic because not all the majority of people can really help and access to these aides and the out force to chase it in being an own areas in locations or its landing, which means that the sometimes did not really get lucky enough in order to get to these aids. And they have been also singing and expressing that without an unconditional clue that needs to be because they know that part of the calendar situation within the coming days, we get much more desperate specifically that we are just always, far away. 2 days from the month of ramadan and people that have nothing really enough to feed on and this is complete, you get a stroke, he can be happy in warning from completely serious consequences. Good, good result. It if there is no need for the flow became at a turn supplies for people the as who are waiting for very critical days of the fighting will continue with the reaching ceasefire as old house to new side of just heading to only go. Sions and jokes for us, hes quiet that have been healed, entire row that we uh, between how much i use the. Meanwhile, the us has released more details of its plans to set up a temporary portion, garza to increase to monitor and a to the strip. It could take up to 2 months to complete and lead around a 1000 troops to build it posted inside the port is an attempt to divert attention from israels was starvation and americas inability to end the brocade of casa, my kind of reports now from washington, dc in the us has had a lot of experience in building floating close ways. The tried to peer has the bolts of several coasts, including dental south korea, and the u. A. E. The facility of casa will take around 2 months to build as far as timeframe, as i mentioned, several weeks likely up to 60 days in order to deploy the forces and construct the the causeway in the end appear. In recent days, the us and some other countries have put in place and it drop operation of supplies into gaza. This resulting in a tragedy on friday, when a parachute did not open properly killing at least 5 people and injuring a number more. Highlighting the criticism that it drop operations and maritime is impatient of last resort. Are expensive and an effective and run the risk of creating chaos on the ground. The measures, in this case, a United Nation 6, but that appear to be more for domestic political benefit than real humanitarian relief. This my best educated guess is probably a performance to try and meet a domestic audience with elections around the corner, a temporary peer to enable a massive increase the amount of mandatory assistance getting you guys every day. The fact that President Biden announce the new mission is state of the union speech. One normally scented on domestic issues as fuel to the claim of political cynicism. These us meshes could also serve to prop up the nearly to decade long is really located of gaza. Another consequence of the by did administrations apparent reluctance to fully confront the netanyahu government, and its unbridled will. The United States needs to use other tools in our tool box. To not just insist, but to say if you continue to ignore us. If you continue to rub off these requests, there will be consequences posted us intention to help the people of gaza could have the opposite effect. In reality, it could bolster and effectively endorse the illegal is really located by kinda o g 0 washington. Meanwhile, European Commission president , i still have underlines, has a maritime car it or from cyprus to gauze. That is to open this weekend. I mean, so fast. Shipment could depart as early as saturday, but its still up to how the aid will be collected or distributed. A group called wealth central kitchen is said to be providing food on the ship is meant to arrive at an undisclosed location. And when calling reports not from the port city of la mancha in cyprus, the cooling it, the maritime colorado announced by the you with his partners. Its supposed to be one solution to leave yet what can only be described as a looming famine. We are launching this cypress, mary tim corey debt, to get the cyprus to europe in union, the united arab emirates. And thank you and i did states and it is your relentless work to get this call your up and running despite all the challenges. And this is truly inspiring, but its not enough. And nowhere near officiant enough to get the massive amounts of a need. You put 2300000 palestinians trapped on the strip. Hundreds of trucks carrying crucial aid remain stranded in egypt. But israel is ignoring coals to reopen line crossings into the strip. Do you an agency for Palestinian Refugees says moving 8 by land is the most effective root is so easy, less subtle fussing points, but to make the list that as well with a balance of strict, this is what we use before the worst part is on the 7th of october, when there was a regular flow of about 500. 00 trips every day into the commotion supplies. So it shouldnt be complicated, it totally. Well there is a political the way there was a way the maritime ricardo is far from easy is going to get the i need off the boat. Now theres no functioning port in garza. So thats another logistical challenge is thing going to get on to trucks and into distribution sensors that wont happen overnight to something the British Foreign minister referenced in a comment is going to take time to build to the crucial thing is today, these really supposed to confirm that theyll open the pool to ashton, that is in israel, but thats a working part. It could take a no that would increase the amount of age and that ache and then be driven into goals and that would make a real difference. And we need to make a real difference right now. That comment raised eyebrows as the whole point to the maritime coil is to get a directly into the straight. For now, pod with his hand put the boat from sailing from monaco. The remains impulse very much a symbol of vital a stock. But even when it sells, it wouldnt be enough. And even if its successful, scaling up to meet the needs of people who are facing a man made famine is highly unlikely. And wrong come out is there a lot of of course caught us as a full, unreal spokesman. You says she welcomes any initiative aimed at increasing age into gaza. Pardon . Says that israel cannot be relied upon and to effectively facilitate 8th and every weve now got the situation where ramadan is coming and the people crying out for food, there are children and babies dying. So ive warmly welcomed any initiative that can see a huge rum ping out of food, a medical aid and all the supplies into garza. So yes, i welcome this. Now we saw with the file in mexico on the 29th to separate just last week. The israel is actually incapable of doing this. We sold the is way to use the bus routes. The truck drivers, bring in the the, the, the come volley, pop me and is where the checkpoint that were shooting, that was panic. That was a food drive, which is what you get when populations of solving a 112 people killed. 750 people were injured as well. Cannot be trusted to do this. Only unreal once the 8 arrives in most of the companies and i think the ships can bring the food a in, in massive constants. As the americans come to port ships for military purposes. They can do it in large quantities. For humanitarian purposes, it has 13000 and stuff. Its got. Its got hundreds of vehicles of trucks to distribute the aid in scope warehouses in the south. In cod units in the center garza city up in jamalia, its got Food Distribution Centers Across the gaza strip. This is unreal moments of cruise, they can step up to the plate, they can take the say if i give them the opportunity and of course as well as cover at least bombing the gaza strip. So clearly that has to be secuity, but im rather can step up to the plate. They are the only organization. I think you an agencies they have just a 100, a couple of 100 workers in the gaza strip on the ground and draws ideas where the minute treat is continuing to attack the strip from all corners. Can i get these 26 palestinians on friday is rarely strikes. Killed several people including children in the southern city, a rough and neighboring con eunice. At least 12 people also count on farther north from rough on central gauze that dozens of palestinian women were injured. And an attack on del bala, they were taken to the opposite hospital from way. Ill just a risk and put diary reports from where it can be in the hospital where the ambulance is dozens of women. And we see women are laying on the floor because theres a lot of beds and they do not have space. The hospital tax with patients and injuries. This woman beside me is pregnant and she was insured during the last air strikes that happened on as the light that area in the middle area of the gaza strip. Every women in palestine have been sacrificing a lot since the worst started on the god was true. They have been killed. They have been injured. They lost their husbands, they lost their sons. They lost their loved ones. And not only that, theyre also being injured in killed, losing their privacy, losing their houses, moving their spaces. How does it even women have been witnessing very harsh things since october 7, and even Unlimited International day, they have been killed and also injured. This is in the theater, up to the hospital saturday, but all from the ballot to northern garza, with strikes, killed 3 members of the same family and the jamalia refuge account. Heres the story of an 11 year old gown who survives that attack. The the, the the in the field, im all done for the that i want. So the incentive, i gave her shift to services all the stuff. I still havent been to the name of the for me i have a look a similar type box and pulled it off. So we just need to select the box. The one of the rooms thats the ad bid was done the oh, big mean home. Tell us what i dont know if, if they had to tell you. And when did you say that the old one someone from the one. But you know, with that the normal, dont know, you as a side of the attack or how you lose the mass, your feet, a missile. Ill spell ahead here on, ill just its the most important months and based on the calendar. Not for people and also ramadan, this team will be there, the, lets get going with your weather update across the americas. Glad to see you and weve got a familiar weather pattern here at the store and its marching across the river, play doh. C. Montevideo. Once again, just a few days ago, we saw some flooding in uruguay as capital. And certainly we could see a repeat over the course of the weekend. Those storms then locked into the eastern side of paraguay up with some pretty active weather here. Some jolts and bolts completely different story though, for central america. Very quiet here. Plenty of fun to go around, but were seeing is breeze pump in that warm moist and humid air off the gulf of mexico that sparking storms for the southeast corner of the us. We have seen some flooding in atlanta and certainly for any of the risk of seeing a bit more over the next 24 hours or so. Thats why theyre moving up through the mid atlantic into us northeast. So its going to be their dep day others. So here we can for new york at 9 degrees to the west, we go a warm breeze off the mountains means the temperature in calgary is at 8. Got some weather alerts in play across Vancouver Island for just how much rain were going to see over the next little bit. And things have certainly dried off straight across california. I mean, look at los angeles. Plenty of sun is a forecast with a 521. 00 degrees. Few spits of rain to be expected in ss though, on saturday. Thats true. Weather updates. Yeah. The, in an increasingly complex world, its paramount to be direct capture water should moment internet. So the law is vehicle leads this model. So the discussions, the customer with the noise, israel operates under climate of absolute infinity. We challenge conventional wisdom. How does it affect you . How does that affect the community . A sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. Yeah. But these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront, without just here. The, [000 00 00;00] the fucking batch of watching l. G 0. Just remind you about top stories. The salon. A top you want to expand. It has described us plans to build a temporary report for garza and the ongoing and drops by western nations. Is absurd and cynical. Hold on to mindy and palestinians. On stopping in the spring. At least 23. 00 children have now died of hung up and do the migration success both accounts and at least 5 products students have been killed and gaza when they were hit by age boxes being dropped by faulty power sheets. Several countries of an ad dropping age as the last name commission. President s has a maritime cartilage spring age and cypress console. Open this weekend. Congress vessel was expected to test the route on friday for you. And those says its not a substitute for simpler lines. And if the switch was still being blocked by is the last one is around the wild, are preparing for the holy month of ramadan butts and garza customs and rituals of being overshadowed by the struggle to simply survive. Israels ongoing war that many g reports and unusual crowd in the ruins of gaza, where indiscriminate is really bombardment has killed more than 30000 people since october 7. Palestinians walk you through the ravaged streets, looking at what vendors have to sell for the holy month of ramadan. But this year, there are barely any decorations on sale, and little money to spare to buy them all out of my garage, i come here to buy some items for rama, done anything that may help us revive the religious spear in the tent. We now live in anything that may bring joy to little children. Just yesterday i received the bad news that all my uncles were killed along with many of their children. Their homes were leveled. Im trying to get at least some toys for the family surviving children. Something to lift up their spirits. Muslims worldwide will begin observing the holy months in a few days, despite ongoing war around 2 and a half 1000000 palestinians will follow tradition while displaced from their homes. And many have been doing what they can to decorate the streets and tents but its proving to be difficult. Busy so a lot of, i would say, ive had a hold of you from it and its only days away and ive come here to help my children and it the spirit of the month. But everything is insanely expensive. For example, this costs 25 shackles. They used to sell for only 7, need us to say that we run for allied, some guys that and that everything behind. Were doing our best to bring joy to our children. And i pray this most will bring us in peace of mind to solve these are the things that the students, i know that im of the ive come here to get a lantern for the holy month of ramadan. Yeah, most fear is in good this year because of the war we are living in fear. Theres no joy in life. Im getting the lantern, but do not feel any joy. Muslims refrain from eating or drinking from dawn to sunset during the month of ramadan in gaza. For some the restriction will offer respite due to dwindling food resources. While mediators were hoping for a ceasefire, no break through has come so far, leaving many palestinians to face what they say will be the hardest ever ramadan said that in the history of a 0 or higher, the moving on to hasty now with Gang Violence has intensified on friday, have you gone 5 is being reported the the National Palace and the capital to print is used to be the official residence of the president of how this was heavily damaged and the devastating as quite in 2010, hazy, hasnt had a president since the assassination of driven on weighs 3 years ago. The United Nations meanwhile, is wanting thousands of pregnant women and he art risk. The un office and hazy said at least 3000 of them dont have access to health care. The country is in a state of emergency as gang speaking to alice to Prime Minister ariel rehab shop, the Main International apple schools and businesses also remain closed. Im a mother of 6 and i have to feed them every day. Give them food and water. But since i had to leave my home, i just sit here with nothing to cook. Live is very bad. I hold the kids in my on for i have nothing to give to them. For me, it was even when a family send us 30 or 50. 00, we comp get the money. All bank offices are closed, nothing is functioning so we cant get food or water. Oh joseph, how piazza haitian economist and physical scientists. He says the gangs important prince wants to capture the National Palace because its a symbol of political power. A wife no. In for a place there is a huge, carols. Well, a member of the game are trying to getting to the matching it to the, to the loss. And uh, while the Police Officers are trying to stop them to prevent they can prevent them from doing so. Even though the Prime Minister of his office is not in the national above us. Uh, there are people they asked, did people call the government build the in the, in the but us that thats why the trying to get it is be, its also the symbol of the fall. And he, thats why they have tried to get into it to, to get i think its possible to want to know if its possible to how its one to certain government. The valid environment is that uh the but the, because the, the, from the Administrative Community normally all tried to be some want to put in the fall. Id be sometimes these happen, well, no, i see the haitian, what do you people, glass has all the possibilities to the government. But unfortunately, they are highly by need. They tend to now uh, freeze that show it displayed. If they got a med, lets say, an option to the publisher and didnt leave the company, the novice, most offer all the offer to do a draft. And he chose which is uh, causing thousands of patients to travel for hours to the board. It was neighboring Dominican Republic to buy basic supplies, to raise a boat report from the board, a ton of to have them. As it happens twice a week, thousands of haitians cross the border with a domine can republic to a free trade soon to buy food and other items to take back to haiti. But because of the ongoing crisis, those arriving are desperate to take back whatever they can. 6 janet says she buys beef to resetting hating, theres no food in haiti, and there are too many problems. Patients are facing the calamity right now. I take this back instead of 2 other cities. It is the only thing i can do right now. People buy beef sausages in any protein, they can afford people here, however, theres almost no food in many areas in haiti because of the ongoing situation. And thats why they come here to buy these vegetables and anything else they can find. A fluid is in the Dominican Republic refers to places such as this one as that survival market because its meant to cover people most basic needs. There is another market at the border where people buy ex medicines in other goods. Patients are not allowed to stay in the Dominican Republic, in spite of the violence on the streets in hating where the government has extended a state of emergency Prime Minister area. Henry is still abroad, and gangs on the street say his return will cost more kills. But its the civilians who are suffering the most because of the ongoing violence is with just to just what the outcome could see. The situation in the country is critical. People can no longer go about their business. Our children can no longer go to school. Merchants can go to the market and no one can move around the country. We have a Prime Minister, but we dont know whether hes dead or alive because hes lost in the wild. And thats why theyre growing calls to force Prime Minister and re to facilitate that transition that also calls to deploy Hamilton National Security Mission to help restore stability. He gave me, i had earlier agreed to deeply 400 a lead to Police Forces to assist the Haitian Police because the police says the mission is unique and crucial. We may have difficulty. You look into that for you, i, you know, the biggest challenge right now is getting support from the countries you not to send troops, but Police Forces to support the Haitian Police. This is not a traditional peacekeeping operation. It is a mandate by the un Security Council to deploy a mission led by kenya. Thats a different architecture that needs to be funds that need to be more forces fully put into a bad happens. Haitians continue to struggle to survive traveling for hours to find food in another country city. So well just see, to have on the one Security Council has called for an immediate cease fund. And to don for the muslim holy month of ramadan, the resolution was drafted by the United Kingdom and passed with the 14 votes in favor and russia of staining the battle for control between the sudanese on the unrivalled Power Military forces. Since last april has now killed at least 14000 people, millions had been forced from their homes and all facing leaving. Simon kristin, 3 me reports from the us. The u. K only announced it was for closing a resolution calling for a cessation of hostilities and sudan on thursday. By friday it was a done deal past just in time for the ramadan holiday. We urge to see these on forces and Rapid Support forces to act on this united, international, cold for peace and to silence the guns. It passed with 14 votes in favor, but it was not unanimous russia abstained from the vote. They said the resolution had noval ends de escalation of the conflict and getting more aid to those in need. But the question the need for it given recent developments, namely the opening of an aide route and they choose the United States of acting in their own political interests. Well, nothing yet easy. We have no illusions as to the true intentions of western countries is not great. However, the double standards look particularly glaring,

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