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Catastrophic. The un once against the disability. As soon as on the city were over 1500000 palestinians, or sheltering, the more chaos in haiti as its most powerful gang leader tells alger 0. He is stepping up his fight against the countries, institutions and setting goals, opposition leader, it was months. Sancho celebrates his release from jail and says he is certain his party will win the upcoming president ial election. The so were beginning garza where at least 36. 00 palestinians have been killed in another is really striking cost. As Health Ministry says, be attack destroyed to a family home west of an estate out the refugee camp. Children and pregnant women are reported to be among the victims elsewhere in central gods and is really strength has destroyed a 7 Story Building. And the district of our mo, people are believed to be trapped under the rubble of the building, which was housing palestinians, forced out of their homes by is really a tax. These latest strikes come as is really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approves the armies plan for an operation in russia, where 1500000 palestinians are sheltering than yeah, who has also dismissed the latest east by a proposal by a mouse. But his office, as a delegation, will still visit guitar to continue negotiations for the release of is really captives. Heres what im us is proposing there would be 3 stages. Each stage would last 42. 00 days. And the 1st stage from us says, is really troops should withdraw the on. So out of the in road which ones down the middle of the strip. It says that would allow people to return home from us as it once a permanent ceasefire to be announced before it releases any captured soldiers. After that, im us, as it is ready to release female is really reservists held captive in gaza and exchange the palestinian prisoners 50 inmates for each captive. In the final stage, the Group Proposes the end of israel siege and the beginning of reconstruction efforts in gaza. Alpha 0 is honda, so whos reports from occupied East Jerusalem as israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announcing that israel will in fact send a delegation to the Party Capital in order to meet with mediators to try and finalize deal for the release of is really captive. Now the negotiations have been sold until this point a couple of weeks ago in cairo, these relatives did not even send a delegation. So those talks were not fruitful whatsoever. Now, these really Prime Minister has also said that how massive demands are quote absurd. Having us releasing a framework for what they would like as a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning a complete and to the war. But these really say that that is simply not going to happen. Now with the same time friday morning, both israels war and security cabinet have approved plans for the invasion, entered up off as well as the evacuation of nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians. It comes amid wide spread criticism from across the globe, including israels biggest ally, the United States who says that an invasion instead of law would be a red line given how many civilians are there. Additionally, these really is have not presented those plans to the americans. You a secretary of state anthony blinking saying that he hasnt heard anything from these really about these plans and these really have not made anything public just yet. Im the son whos a jersey to occupied East Jerusalem. She hubbard, tennessee has more on the us response from washington dc warehouse National Security advisor, drum covey said the us would not be sending any delegation to cops out for this latest round of tools when he said that shouldnt be assigned, but the us isnt involved in the negotiations, he also said how mazda is proposal was a step forward. The proposal that was put forward is certainly within the bounds of in broad brush drugs within the bounds of the deal that weve been working on. Now for several months, i dont want to go into more detail than that, nancy, because i dont want to negotiate here in public. The fact that there is another delegation now heading to the fact that this proposals out there that there are conversations about it. Thats all good, thats all to the good was for chuck. Sure. The democrats, Senate Majority leader as comments on thursday, criticizing benjamin espanol and cooling for new is really elections. Kirby said that the president recognized those comments or did resonate with many americans. But at the white house would continue supporting israel and its fight against how much sir. Recognition of the discontent in the base of the democratic party. But once again, a statement of full support for his route and whatever it is doing she ever time see out a 0 at washington. The United Nations has warned against any is really military offensive in rasa. Sanders at lake is the spokesman for the un secretary general. He says he is hopeful that ongoing negotiations will result in a ceasefire. I think the consequences of a ground operation in rough in the current circumstances will be catastrophic of for the people as of gaza. For the palestinians, it would be catastrophic for the humanitarian situation. It would be catastrophic all around. We very much hope that all of this can be avoided. We understand theres negotiations are still going on. And we continue to hope that we will find that the parties will find a way to a cease fire in to ensure the greatest humanitarian access to ensure the release of all the hostages held by hamas and others in gaza. And frankly, to open up a way forward for the people of palestine. The people of israel, the hunting, not mood is in vasa, and he explains what the mood is like there in the face of these really governments plans to conduct operations inside the city. This is exactly whats going on right now and the next not to just the been going on for quite some time, the parks and the ongoing, the tract of expanding the Ground Invasion into upon the ongoing talk the entire for potential speed fire. And right now weve seen, ive responded to direct responses from the very the Prime Minister office. Do im not that the quarterback for a lot of people here. Never thought it was, it was pretty concrete. And im pretty good. As far as for the person whos fired be and the 5 did the time any such very interesting as one person. Describe it a, just a way to do the menu, the my, the how my position and it pulled up for the fire and the same time pending a delegation to comply with 8 to continue to talk about it. But if i get up with a lot of question, mark might be the timing of this statement. As the absence of detailed in the statement nixon, very suspicious right now. As it only be viewed as the tool pressure pressure tool to dictate the course of the talk, but to find the ordinary palestinians display pallets the end of the suffering, it suddenly and then barely big enough activity. Be one to get to the point where there is a solid if statement about a feed fire deal that we. Busy really happy days and how many of the 10 by these really military as well as an end to the work. So the can gradually get back to what is left of their life as the noise that wouldnt be been dominating. Hearing right now, the spanish aid ship has arrived off the coast of gaza. It is the 1st to sail along was being called a maritime car door from cyprus is towing a barge carrying desperately needed aid and supplies to people on the gauze, a coast. The crew on board the vessel or off loading 200. 00 tons of food and other essentials. The aid represents only a fraction of whats needed in gaza every day. The United Nations says the humanity are in situation and gaza is beyond catastrophic. The representative for the human Population Fund has just ended a week long visit to gaza. He highlighted the impact of the conflict on pregnant women and babies. Gabriel elizondo reports from you in headquarters in new york. The u. N. Team that recently visited guys a was focused on the effects of israels bombardment of gaza on hospitals for dominic alan from the human Population Fund. He was particularly focused on maternity wards and he told us what he saw at the m a rock. The hospital was deeply disturbing. The doctors reporting that they no longer see normal size baby noble this theyve not seen a normal size video stephen. What they do see though, tragically small, still bump this most still born babies. And mon, neo natal, thats alan said there is clear evidence of babies being born, malnourished, emergency cases that theyre dealing with are overburdened. They, there are 5 delivery rooms in the amount of the hospital and the mid one of the midwife that we might use to grab 2 minutes of a time because the staff is so overwhelmed with these many 70 bucks a somebody, somebody regular bonus and 10. 00 to 12. 00 c sections, they are so overburdened by the, the delivery rooms and the rotations that they have with the, with the womens who are in the women who are in the last stages of a book. And then when midwife will probably want me to give them both on the floor gabriels onto, ill just see it at the United Nations in new york. A cross border sliding between israel and the Lebanese Armed group has belies now and its 6 months triggered by israels war on gaza. What began as a low key concept is gradually escalating st. Ahold or has more from 711 on isabel and has the law are at war villages and southern up and on. Within 4 kilometers of the border have become closed. Military zones, neighborhoods have been destroyed. The conflict began when the Lebanese Armed group opened the front to help garza but his most beyond the border region. We are in forbid send him around 12 kilometers north of the battlefield. People still live here, even though the area has been hit by is really fire as well, has intensified. It strikes against what it says are, has the assets. Quite often they are homes. The number is one community above 150 families displaced from the border areas move to all village. Now theyre all 120 because some are worried and move the knowles. And while attacks by both sides have largely been confined to military targets, civilians have also been killed as well. Strategy here is similar to its military campaign against the run in neighboring syria. It involves targeted strikes to we can in this case has the law and d grades its capabilities. Isabelle strikes have reached as far as baltic in Eastern Europe and on 100 kilometers from the border. Fighters and commanders have also been killed in pinpoint operations. Most of the fighting as a set 70 percent is along the line. But recently we have seen the development of this uh of this uh, still it is that thatd be moving further and more targeted, more 80. So moving to level 3. 6 6 yeah, we have to go to the bunker stating this the 1st time in, in a couple of months the, the Un Peacekeeping force in southern lebanon doesnt have the power to stop this conflict. Hezbollah has said it wont stop firing until the war on gaza ends. Okay, so this is a short video of what happened a just a few minutes ago. Its really war planes just hit, not far from the u. N. Base. It is trying to push the arms group away from the border. The conflict has so far spared population centers, but mediation efforts are at a standstill, and the trajectory is on an unpredictable task center for the lc to southern lip. And on the point of hades, most powerful gang leaders has toll down to 0. That he is ready to escalate his fight against the countries institutions. This follows weeks of violence which will trigger the humanitarian crisis. John hold and reports from Santo Domingo in neighboring dominican republic. I hate see of the use of relative calm looting. This is the guatemalan and so with building conflicts being run sacked, hospitals have been to it most of the kept to its not the police in control but hates his own troop violent games. This is the most visible leader, jimmy chevy. Ca, nick named bobby cute, a former Police Officer whose coalition bruce boss, why you support the prince. Its a tech police stations in government buildings to successfully our Prime Minister audio on right. Now the United States and countries in the caribbean, kelly comb, trading book, a pushing for Transitional Council made up with the countrys political policies to appoint a new intern, Prime Minister, and the roadmap for elections. But should easy a token 12. 00 to 0, rejected that council will clear out because of were not going to recognize the decisions that carol contacts going to say to the traditional politicians that are sitting down with carol. Com. Since they went with the families abroad. We who stayed in hygiene have to take the decisions. Its not just people with guns who have damage to the country, but politicians too. Well some political groups of putting names fluid for the council seeing is a way outs, hates his current power. Vacuum should easy. I says he wants revolution. Let me know if youve got some now find people into another phase to over throw the whole system. The system that is 5 percent of people who control 95 percent of the countrys wealth. And thats no idle threat. Gains control more than 80 percent pull to print right now. Once the Transitional Government is in place that could paved the way for a Multinational Police force on the ground in haiti, funded by the us and canada, can use president william brutal. I said that hes country will lead to easy on surprisingly, projects that to it gives us the can the one i see the presence of menus. And heidi will be an irony because of the same people who gave weapons to people and pulled neighborhoods to rise up against the form of government, the loss control of those groups and, and now appealing to a Foreign Force to save things. It does a mission thats filed in advance. Its a shame that william brutal has to go in that direction with the gains and never the less scared of it. The 2 main rival gang bolts in haiti, the g 9 and the g pet of actually comes together in an Alliance School vba on some late to try and prevent this forum. Police force coming into the country. They know it would challenge the patients of suffolk immensely at the games. Hines for the power that theyve accrued mean that they have to be taken into account. And what is a largely lula state joan home. And i would just say to the dominican republic, still ed on, elsie are fleeing for survival in sedan. We report from an overcrowded camps for people trying to escape months of conflict. And russians vote for president s, but there is little doubt about whos going to wind flooding. Evolution is running in the 1st election since the invasion of you. The, however you got some really of the full gospel, the middle east, over the next couple of days, like this area class, we think its way across saudi arabia and open palm. So the goal, so if youre writing that into a q weights beating across into iran, heavy or snow showers up to was a cool cuz sees as we go on into some day, we could get up to 31 celsius here in the 1st time in a long time with a company for those cooled off attached in riyadh, while the mole cloud coming in at this stage, a little bit of cloud 2. 00 and 2. 00 eastern parts of the mediterranean. Where to weather, when few weather, still affecting pots of ducky a. That so drifting, so the east was but youll see how the cloud its also the shackles to use the met as we go through specify add on into sunday. And its a site barrier of west the weather, affecting the northeast of libya that will grassy drift. Its way across into northern parts of egypt. So some Winter Weather coming for hip price. Gwen dustin sat, hama, time wind continuing to feed his way and across the sahara through this a how . Sorry hall. Its across the west africa and cold enough for some live establishment motion. I was do breakout, could cause some localized flooding. Finally, a shout was to across tropical parts of africa. They run down the eastern side of the continent all the way to that eastern side of south africa. The human appeal. We know just how precious every moment of remington is. Every 2nd of these beautiful months brings you the opportunity to embrace the spirit and blessings of mercy. Your 13 knights is a human appeal platform that enables you to ultimate you with the nations on every night to permit done hoping to make the most of this beautiful month. Trust us with your messy this ramadan the the watching else was 0 reminder of our headlines this hour. At least 36 palestinians have been killed in and is really striking central, gaza children and pregnant women are among the victims of the attack west. Its on the say that in our mile district, and its really straight destroyed a 7 Story Building housing display span that is really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. I was dismissed the latest ceasefire proposal by em us, but his office says a delegation will visit guitar to continue negotiations for the release of is really can yeah, who is also approved. The armies plan for an operation and rasa and Southern Gaza were a 1500000. 00 palestinians. Sheltering the u. N. Is warning against any offensive in the city saying the consequences would be catastrophic. Instead of goal is opposition leader. It was meant sancho in his partys president ial candidates bessy old fy. Have kicked off their Election Campaign after being released from prison. Hundreds of people have taken part. It was hack reports from the car. After months in jail opposition leader, we spend sancho finally free and on the campaign trail, the moment his supporters were waiting for we have lost too much time. We have an election to win after sancho was disqualified from running in the race. His deputy bus, you jeremiah fi was chosen as a stand in candidate. The former tax inspector is relatively unknown to the public. He has been in jail for over a year. I would like to spare thoughts of the brothers that were locked up in jail. Some for months, others for years under weathered with dignity, this challenge late into the night. Crowds gathered outside, so it goes home, hoping to catch a glimpse of the opposition figure sancho and his deputy were released from jail as part of an amnesty law suggested by president , make yourself the easy political pension and pre m street protest was the stage a violent clash is now the scene of jubilation. Fear over the delayed election is making way to hope. We feel like the election has begun and mont and now that the opposition is out of prison, the campaign will change in dimension. But absent in the race is all positioned leader kareem wad his supporters fault with Security Forces outside the supreme court. After he longed other displaced candidates had their appeal to cancel. The election rejected the following week. 7 certainty, the elections will take place on march 24th. After a lack luster star to the president ial campaign, the presence of bessie with him, i fi and the opposition leader. It was mind sancho has brought new energy to this president ial election. The focus is no longer on the electoral process, but on the candidates manifesto. And what most people here want to know is who will bring jobs to young senegalese, the opposition to argues that it goes booming. Economy has failed to bring employment to many young people. How young people need to stop thinking of crossing the ocean for work, and they need to see that there are opportunities here in synagogue a we need profound change in a solver and just and prosperous set. A goal more than a campaign slogan, bus huge. You might find so cool, well now have to convince that they can deliver where others have failed. Nicholas hawk alger 0, the car more than a half a 1000000 people have cross from sedan into south sedan, to flee conflict between the army and paramilitary rapids and board forces. They have arrived in the board of the town of rank where you end run transit camps are struggling to accommodate you arrivals. Thousands of people have been killed in millions displaced since the baffled control of sedan began 11 months ago. Now from web a census, this report from rick many of the people here about to run for their lives several times since the dawn civil broke out to most a year ago. Some of them originate from c dons capital cost to more of the cities where the fighting began. Theres lots of sleep time and time again. Any of the people arriving here before that in many process, the don conditions have to come on livable either that running from violence found themselves trying to survive in places which would be also from Food Supplies and medical supplies. So they made the difficult decision to head south via the rank in south sea, dont arriving at this transit center, which the moment has 5 times the number of people staying as its capacity and the people here were joining more than half a 1000000 of arrived in south see don in the last 11 months, some of them to see the needs of the south sea denise. He said come here and previous yes, theyve become positive. What the un says is now the Worlds Largest displacement crisis. And malcolm web out as the rest rang, this was the only the only was the photos across russia had been casting ballots in the 1st president ial election since the invasion of ukraine. 2 years ago. It is being held over 3 days from friday to sunday. President vladimir puts in, voted online from his office. He is all but certain to win another term that would last until 2030. Youre shopping valid reports from the russian capital. The 1st day of vice hanging the president ial election has ended, went relatively smoothly throughout the country, but it was moms by number of incidents like of types one. So im Service Disruptions and online closing systems and several attempts by dumping green dia on to bonded books is by trying to set some bonded books on fun and even slowly molten cocktails at a couple of putting stations on, lets say, divide to 10 out for the size of the day of buzzing was very high, legitimate reasons. Why was it online or funny that evening a promising that particular type of housing and assessing an example for the rest of the country to florida. And with many say that online voting is not true, as far as, as can be used to rig the Election Results. And the legend piercing accuse key of, of trying to disrupt the president ial election in russia and intimidate people can made that statement. Its amazing with members of the security council. Also the election is continue in full so called russias New Territories and next from ukraine. Despite all the security concerns, there were pools of shunning the public stations in the here soon, region 2 people were injured. So we have 2 more days of voting ahead is finishing on sunday evening. Students should put all of a oh, just the right mistake. At least one person has been killed and to enter it in the russian city of belgrade, near the border with ukraine. That is, after keep launched, another wave of attacks on the city. The kremlin said ukraines attacks are aimed at disrupting the president ial elections. President put in said that they will not go unpunished. A Russian Missile strike on the ukrainian port city of odessa is killed at least 20 people in wounded. More than 70 emergency workers are reported to be among the dead president followed the mirror zaleski has promised what he called a fair response. So us prosecutor nathan wade has resigned from the election interference case against donald trump. A georgia judge ruled that either he or the top prosecutor must step down because of their past romantic relationship trumps lawyers. Had tried to get district attorney, fanny willis removed, citing a conflict of interest. She brought the charges against the former president s accusing him of illegally pressuring officials to overturn jo bidens 2020 victory in georgia. I do show castro reports from washington dc. A sort of special prosecutor nathan wade has resigned from the racketeering case that charges former president donald trump, of trying to overturn the Election Results in georgia. And as reasons for his resignation weighed that it was in the interest of democracy and to move the case forward as quickly as possible. But really he quit due to a judges ultimatum issued earlier friday, that either way goes or his boss, fulton county, district attorney, Bonnie Willis goes the Office Romance that the 2 states developed only after willis hired way to prosecute trump as nearly the rail. This case, a trump co defendant brought it to lights in january, accusing the 2 prosecutors of having a plan. The scene relationship that amounted to a conflict of interest will listen way to deny there was any financial gain were involved in their relationship, which they say ended before the public attention. And willis accused Defense Attorneys of trying to distract from the trump case, and hinted that she and wade were cast because theyre black. In the end, the judge ruled that there was not enough evidence of a conflict of interest, but he reviewed willis for what he called a tremendous lapse in judgment and for an appearance of impropriety. He ruled the case could move forward only if one of the 2 prosecutors. Now trump has responded on social media friday after you say that wave resign and race, he repeated claims that the prosecutions against him politically motivated, comes attorney. His vow to continue fighting the georgia case, likely signaling that he will appeal this judges decision to allow the case to go forward. And any appeal could force the trial to pass the november election, which trump is the Presumptive Republican nominator. Heidi joe castro, out to 0 washington so powerful storms have had 3 central us states causing huge tornadoes that killed at least 3 people. That confirmed deaths were all in the state of ohio, where tornadoes shredded houses and down trees. Storms also produced foresters in the states of indiana and kentucky forecasters in indonesia say more extreme weather is expected in the coming days. Several parts of the country experienced natural disasters this week. Jessica washington reports from jakarta, the aftermath of days of to intervene in with just a mattress flash floods, implants lives damaged, thousands of houses only of this week. Dozens of people died. I have to the media that the worst that came. So to me at 4 am, it came off to know why all my belongings were swept away. Weve had floats before, but not like this. Extreme weather event. So taking hold of many parts of the engine asia as a transitions from the month to into the dry season. It probably go in east java heavy rains cause a reset to overflow flooding. Hundreds of houses authorities move defected families to, to

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