BISHOPS HULL 05/21/0008: Application for approval of all reserved matters following outline application 05/18/0057 for the erection of 2 No. dwellings with associated works in the garden to the side of Brant House, Roughmoor Lane, Bishops Hull 05/21/0009/T: Notification to fell two Coniferous trees within Bishops Hull Conservation Area at Devonia, Bishops Hull Road, Bishops Hull 05/21/0010: Erection of a single storey extension to the side and rear with partial conversion of garage to ancillary accommodation at Penchurian, 3 Orchard Drive, Bishops Hull BISHOPS LYDEARD 06/21/0015/LB: Re-thatching of dwelling and summer house at Warre House, 2 Mount Street, Bishops Lydeard 06/21/0016: Replacement of single storey extension with the erection of a two storey extension and relocation of vehicular access at 4 Mount Street, Bishops Lydeard