Share this article MARLBORO, Mass., May 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Baker-Polito Administration has proclaimed May 12 th to be MA School Nurse Day to honor the dedicated nurses who protect our children's health and safety by serving in Massachusetts' schools. MA School Nurse Day is a time to celebrate the specialty practice of school nursing, and comes to our state as a part of a national effort to recognize school nurses with a special day annually since 1972. Since its origin, School Nurse Day was established to foster a better understanding of the role of school nurse expertise in the educational setting. This year's MA School Nurse Day is especially relevant as parents, schools, and officials continue to ensure a healthy and safe return to school for children throughout the Commonwealth. While it has taken dedicated efforts on the parts of many to get this far, our school nurses have uniquely contributed to public health throughout the COVID-19 pandemic by serving on the frontlines to stop the spread in MA schools and keep students and staff healthy and safe.