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In an historic ruling, Kenyas Supreme Court has overturned the result of last months election, and ordered a re run. President Uhuru Kenyatta says the decision is political, but he will accept the judgement. Its the first time a legal challenge to a president ial vote has been successful anywhere in africa. Anne soy reports from nairobi. Celebrating a new lease of life. Veteran politician raila odinga gets one more chance to run for president. A last minute decision to challenge the result of the president ial election paid off. The president ial election held on 8 august 2017 was not conducted in accordance with the constitution under the applicable law, rendering the declared result invalid, null and void. A shocking and rare judgment. The judges did not limit themselves to what happened on election day until the results were announced. Rather they looked at the electoral process in its totality from Voter Registration to Civic Education as well as the campaigning and procurement of election materials. And so, in a sense, thisjudgment sets a strong precedent for election disputes globally and a high threshold for the conduct of elections. Outside the court, celebrations erupted among opposition supporters. Its now back to the drawing board for president ial candidates. As much as i disagree with it, i respect it. I disagree with it, because, as i have said, millions of kenyans queued, made their choice, and six people have decided that they will go against the will of the people. The court directed the Electoral Commission to organise a fresh election. But the opposition says it has no confidence in the current commission. They have committed criminal acts. Most of them actually belong injail. And therefore we are going to ask for prosecution, of all the Electoral Commission officers who have caused this monstrous crime against the people of kenya. The constitution states that a new election must be held within 60 days. For now, though, opposition supporters across the country are basking in the glory of the court victory. A little earlier, anne explained why the International Election monitors, who declared the vote to be free and fair have come under fire after todays ruling. The International Observers were criticised for rushing to endorse a process, even before the final result was announced. But they did also emphasise the importance of seeking legal means of dispute resolution and we believe that that pressure is what led to the petition that was decided today. Thejudges made a radical decision. It goes against the norm even in the commonwealth where judges generally tend to show restraint. But then by so doing they have demonstrated their independence. Anne soy there. You can get much more on this story on our website including this piece by our correspondent alastair leithead, looking at whats next for kenya. Just go to bbc. Com news. More than moo people are now known to have died after the catastrophic flooding across several south asian countries. This years monsoon season has been particularly heavy affecting tens of millions of people in bangladesh, nepaland india. Many left homeless are now sleeping on roadsides and in makeshift shelters short of food and clean drinking water. The bbcsjustin rowlatt reports from bihar in northeastern india. Those least able to cope are the hardest hit by the floods. Villages and fields were transformed into great lakes here in bihar, one of the poorest states in india. Budhia devi says her life has been ruined. Translation i have lost everything. I had a cow and a goat. They were both killed. My house is totally broken and im just left sitting here by the side of the road. I have nothing left. I just dont know what to do. The people here are subsistence farmers, some of the poorest and most Vulnerable People on earth. The floodwaters have begun to drain back. Only to reveal the wreckage of homes and of lives. More than 500 people have died just in this one indian state, 17 million affected, and now there are new concerns houses, schools, roads they all need to be rebuilt and then of course there is the danger of disease. Filthy water, hot weather, and the lack of basic sanitation can be a deadly combination. People remained in water three days, four days. Their homes were submerged in the water. They remained in the water but, due to waterborne diseases, they were drinking contaminated water, so its a huge risk. And this is a snapshot from just one tiny part of a catastrophe that is unfolding across much of south asia. The region floods every year, but this is different. Exceptional rains have brought devastation right across the foothills of the himalayas, from bangladesh in the east, across northern india and nepal, and now up into pakistan. The death toll from the collapse of a single building in the indian financial capital, mumbai, rose to 33 today. Police suspect it was weakened by the torrential rains. And 16 people have died in flash floods in karachi, pakistans largest city. But the monsoons fury is not spent yet. More rain is forecast across the region. In the past hour, plumes of thick black smoke have been seen rising from a Chemical Plant in texas which was hit by severe flooding from Tropical Storm harvey earlier this week. The plants owners have warned that its cooling systems have failed and its impossible to stop it catching fire. The authorities have evacuated residents in a two and and a half kilometre radius around the plant. Its located north east of houston. Overall, 1 Million People have been displaced as a result of storm harvey. President trump will head back to the area on saturday. At his weekly address, the president outlined his relief plans. At the request of governor abbott, i declared a major disaster in the state of texas to ensure that federal aid is available for state and local recovery efforts. I also approved a disaster declaration for louisiana. 0rganisations like the red cross, the Salvation Army and faith based organisations are actively assisting on the ground and they are doing a fantasticjob. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news. The speaker of the us house of representatives has urged President Trump not to scrap a programme that protects young undocumented migrants, known as dreamers, from deportation. Hundreds of people gathered in los angeles on friday to rally against the roll back. The white house says the president will announce his decision on tuesday. A us backed alliance of kurdish and arab fighters in syria which is battling Islamic State militants says it has captured the last districts of the old quarter of the groups main stronghold, raqqa. There has been no independent confirmation of the Syrian Democratic forces claim. The former archbishop of westminster, Cardinal Cormac murphy oconnor, has died. He was 85. The former british Prime Minister tony blair called him a wonderful advertisement for christianity and the Catholic Church. The British Security company gas, has suspended nine workers at an Immigration Removal Centre for allegedly abusing detainees. It follows a bbc investigation claiming officers mocked and assaulted people. Its alleged there was widespread self harm and attempted suicides at the centre which houses migrants who are about to be expelled. Alison holt has more. Brook house Immigration Removal Centre sits a couple of hundred metres from the runway at gatwick airport. Its run by the Global Security firm gas. Here, Foreign National prisoners facing deportation at the end of their sentence are detained alongside asylum seekers, Illegal Migrants and those whove overstayed their visas. Covert filming by the bbcs Panorama Programme shows a chaotic place awash with drugs, with self harm commonplace amongst the men held there. There are officers doing their best, but the undercover investigation alleges some staff mock, abuse or even assault detainees. The incidents picked up by the hidden camera worn by another officer. Callum tully has worked at brook house for two years. Theres a culture of violence at brook house. When i started working there i was just. Quite quickly became just disturbed by what i was seeing and hearing about. Its the latest scandal to hit gas. Last year, another panorama investigation at Medway Secure Training Centre in kent led to allegations of the mistreatment of some teenagers held there. The company says its waiting to see the brook house footage, but has suspended nine staff and put five others on restricted duties. My initial reaction is im absolutely disgusted by the alleged behaviour. Its totally unacceptable to me, to the organisation, to anybody else who would work in this kind of vocation. What does that tell you about the culture of brook house, but also the culture of gas . Because culture comes from on high. My expectations are very clear. That we care for people, we look after people. On occasion we challenge people. And we do that in a way that is accepted, that is clearly laid down. Its understood an ex gas officer who now works for the home office has also been suspended. The home office decides who is detained in centres like brook house. It says it condemns any actions that put the safety or dignity of detainees at risk, adding that gas needs to ensure there is a thorough investigation into the allegations. The company says it has alerted the police. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come what happened at this hospital in utah went a disagreement over a blood sample spiralled out of control. She received the Nobel Peace Prize for her work with the poor and dying in indias slums. The head of the Catholic Church said Mother Teresa was a wonderful example of how to help people in need. We have to identify the bodies, then arrange the coffins and take them back home. Parents are waiting and wives are waiting. Welcome back you are watching bbc news. The latest headlines kenyas Electoral Commission has come under heavy criticism after the Supreme Court annulled the results of last months president ial election, citing irregularities. The devastating floods across large parts of South East Asia have killed at least 1a00 people. Well its notjust south asia thats suffered extreme weather this year. Chris fawkes from the bbc Weather Centre explains whats been happening across the globe. The monsoon season brings rains vital to the well being of over 1 billion people. But the rains can also bring misery. Floods this year have been particularly bad in north india, bangladesh and nepal, but it is not the only part of the world hit by severe flooding this summer. In earlyjuly, unprecedented rain hit southern japan, with an astonishing 77 centimetres of rain falling injust nine hours. Floods and landslides killed over 30 people, with over 500,000 advised to evacuate. Africas sierra leone was hit by torrential rain on the night of 1a august, with the ensuing mudslides killing over 1,000 people in the capital, freetown. Then Tropical Storm harvey dumped the largest amount of rain ever seen from a single storm in mainland united states, with a record smashing one metre, 30 centimetres of rain seen in houston, an unprecedented amount of rain. Are there any links with these floods around the world . Well, they all involve storms fed by rich, tropical, moist air, which in all cases came over oceans which are unusually warm, with temperatures in the indian ocean, the east china sea, the Tropical Atlantic and the gulf of mexico all warmer than normal. Convergent winds locked the storms into the same location, and concentrated the extreme rainfall over just that area. Then, of course, there is Climate Change. This graph of rain in the united states, using American Weather service data, shows that extreme rainfall has become more common since the 1960s. The International Panel on Climate Change expect such events to become more common in a warmer world. It is well known that warmer air holds more water, so as the planet warms up, these extreme events have the potential to give even more rain than they would have done in previous decades. Chris fawkes on the floods of 2017. A nurse at a hospital in the us state of utah has said she was assaulted by police after refusing to give officers a blood sample from one of her patients. Alex wubbels declined the request, because the police didnt have a warrant or the patients consent. The citys mayor has now apologised, saying it was completely unacceptable. The bbcs tim allman has more. The university of utah hospital in Salt Lake City and a nurse alex wohl is talking to police officers. They wa nt is talking to police officers. They want a sample of blood from one of her patients. Alex wubbels. The driver of a lorry that was involved ina driver of a lorry that was involved in a crash and is now in a coma. He cannot give consent and please dont have a warrant. So the nurse says they cant have a sample. Have a warrant. So the nurse says they cant have a samplelj have a warrant. So the nurse says they cant have a sample. Ijust tried to do what i am supposed to do. That is all. In the end, one of the end, one of the officers, detective jeff payne, the end, one of the officers, detectivejeff payne, takes a hold of the nurse and takes into custody. Visibly upset, she is taken outside and put in handcuffs were arrested, she believes, visibly doing the jobs. The only job i have is a nurse is to keep my patients say. A blood draw gets thrown around like it is a simple thing. But it is blood. It is your property. Now, the citys mayor has waded in, saying it was unacceptable, and that she has apologised to alex wubbels. The chief of police was similarly contrite. I am sad at the rift that this is this has caused between nurses and police. I want to be clear we take this very seriously. It has been reported that the others has now been stopped from taking bloods, but has not been otherwise discipline. Press has been given to the nurse for her care of patients are part of the well being. The British Government minister leading negotiations on leaving praise has been given to the nurse for her care of patients well being. The British Government minister leading negotiations on leaving the European Union has defended free trade, and argued against economic isolationism in a speech to us Business Leaders. David davis flew to washington following brexit negotiations in brussels. He acknowledged that difficult discussions lay ahead but said he remained optimistic. Heres our political correspondent, eleanor garnier. The Prime Minister showing how its done. At a meeting with the emperor of japan, a lesson in delicate diplomacy. But it seems her trade secretary hadnt got the memo. Speaking injapan, he accused the eu of bullying the uk into agreeing a brexit divorce bill before itll start negotiating any future trade relationship. We cant be blackmailed into paying a price on the first part. We think that we should begin discussions on the final settlement because that is good for business. Its no surprise there is a bit of rough and tumble at this stage in the talks and its significant liam fox didnt repeat the word blackmail when asked exactly what he meant. A moment perhaps when frustration got the better of him. But its certainly not a phrase you can expect the Prime Minister to be uttering. Fresh from his talks in brussels this week, the brexit secretary gave a speech to Business Leaders in washington today and tried to laugh away his colleagues controversial comments. I never comment, i know what youre doing, i never comment on other ministers views on these things. Look, we are in a difficult, tough, complicated negotiation. I have said from the beginning it will be turbulent. What were having at the moment is the first ripple. And there will be many more ripples along the way. Critics here claim liam foxs talk of blackmail will only make matters worse. His language is intensely unhelpful. This is sabre rattling from a trade secretary who is twiddling his thumbs. Because he cant do anything until the trade position of the uk has been resolved with the eu. The Prime Minister rounded off her trip cheering on the gb wheelchair basketball team. But when it comes to brexit the government is still searching for some big points, and will be hoping for more winning ways to come. Eleanor garnier, bbc news, westminster. The plight of Myanmars Rohingya minority risks becoming a humanitarian catastrophe, according to un secretary general antonio guterres. He is urging the countrys Security Forces to exercise restraint and says he is concerned by reports of what he called excesses during Security Operations in Rakhine State. Heres the bbcs South East Asia correspondent, jonathan head. This is the naf river, dividing bangladesh from myanmar. It is two days ago, and people are swarming across, wading, swimming, carrying what they can. This dramatic exodus of ethnic rohingyas, continuing even now, speaks of a terrible conflict on the other side. Inside Rakhine State, rohingyas are watching, and recording from a safe distance, the destruction of village after village. It is a scorched Earth Campaign by myanmars Security Forces, as they wipe out the communities which they believe harbour rohingya militants who, last week, launched a series of armed attacks on the police. Bangladesh doesnt want them, but the rohingyas havent stopped coming. A stream of humanity, all telling the same terrible stories, of homes burnt, husbands shot dead and of flight on foot to the border. But, where the river is widest, some of the boats floundered. Men, women and children drowned. The death toll in six days of violence right across northern Rakhine State can only be guessed at. Years of repression and discrimination have led to this. Public sentiment inside myanmar towards the rohingyas is almost universally hostile. Now, a new generation of militants have armed themselves, and attacked the myanmar Security Forces in multiple locations. And the civilian population is feeling the backlash. Over the river, the smoke from wrecked communities sends an ominous warning, that this conflict isnt over, that it might get a lot worse. One of the most powerful x ray machines ever built has been unveiled in the german city of hamburg. The billion dollar facility will be used to study the structure of matter, atom by atom. David campanale explains. Hidden nearly a0 metres beneath german cornfields in hamburgs residential areas is one of europes most ambitious, Cutting Edge Research projects. It will allow researchers for the first time to look deep inside matter. The xfel, as it is known, has been ten years in development, and is housed in a tunnel 3,500 metres long. The machine is a particle accelerator that, 27,000 times a second, can produce a brilliant and extremely short flash of x rays. Translation the light flashes we generate are about 100 femtoseconds long, which is more or less the light needed to cross a human hair. Reaching the moon takes about a second, so we generate extremely short light pulses, which allow us to freeze extremely quick reactions, for example, in biological material. What Scientists Say really sets the xfel apart is its super fast time structure in the flashes, which will catch proteins and catalysts in the very moment they are made or broken, and even make a film of that change. But the projects head is not driven by questions of immediate use. Translation im curious in what i may see in five or ten years. Today, i would say, not for all the will in the world can i imagine the specific use of it. But, from the history of science, we see that often someone said there is no utilisation. What is the need of electromagnetic waves . That is the way it is looking. Do stay with us here on bbc world news. Hi there. Weve got some decent weather coming up to start the weekend. With High Pressure in charge, well have some sunshine to start the day on saturday. Mind you, some of you might have been woken in the night by the odd rumble of thunder. A few storms from lincolnshire, down through cambridgeshire, hertfordshire and essex, as well, all clearing out of away, and starting off then on saturday with relatively cool air in place. Temperatures 10 12 degrees in the towns and cities, but cooler than that out in the countryside, so certainly a chill in the air. Will be fine start to the day, though, on saturday. I mentioned the High Pressure with us, that is going to bring some sunny spells. But the second half of the weekend will bring a change in the weather. Well have a bright start for many, but outbreaks of rain will work in from the west. Ok, here is saturdays weather forecast, and it should be a glorious start to the day, with clear blue skies for many of us first thing saturday morning. Into the early stage of the afternoon, there will be a little bit of cloud bubbling up, particularly across parts of southern and eastern scotland, eastern areas of england, and that cloud could bring one or two very isolated, light showers. But the vast majority will enjoy fine and dry weather. It will tend to cloud over, though, for western counties of Northern Ireland as we go through saturday afternoon, the breeze picking up here ahead of a weather front. But for england and wales, plenty of sunshine around, and in the sunshine, widely, well see temperatures climbing into the high teens to low 20s. The highest temperatures probably around london and the south east of england, at around 22 celsius, so very similar to what we had yesterday. It will feel pleasantly warm in that sunshine, but there are those isolated showers towards the coastline of essex and into parts of east anglia. Here is the charts from saturday into sunday. We lose this area of High Pressure. These weather fronts on the way. They will begin to show their hand as we go through the night time, with an area of rain working into Northern Ireland first, and then later in the night well start to see the cloud thicken, and outbreaks of rain arrive on strengthening winds across the south west, wales, the north west of england, and western parts of scotland, too. It will be a relatively mild night, though, as the clouds continue to work in, 12 to 15 degrees for saturday night. Here is the chart for sunday well, quite a different day. A bright start, yes, for eastern scotland and central and eastern england, but the brightness will not last. We will see the cloud thicken up, as this band of rain pushes its way east, with with one or two heavier bursts around. Even behind that rain, at will probably stay cloudy at times, before brighter spells come in. Temperatures between 15 and 19 celsius, so a cooler day. Monday will have a few spots of light rain and drizzle across western coasts and hills, and more persistent rain working into the north west. Despite the cloudy conditions, temperatures are not doing too badly, highs again about 22. Thats your weather. Who this is bbc news, the headlines. There have been celebrations in kenya after the Supreme Court annulled last months president ial election and ordered a re run. President Uhuru Kenyatta said the decision is political, but hell accept the ruling. Hed won byjust over a million votes the opposition claimed there were widespread irregularities. Fire is burning out of control at a Chemical Plant in texas which flooded in the wake of Hurricane Harvey the area has been evacuated the plants owners have warned that its cooling systems have failed. President trump will head back to the area affected by flooding on saturday. Its now believed more than 1a00 people have died, after catastrophic flooding across several south asian countries. This years annual monsoon season has been particularly heavy. Now on bbc news, its click. This week robot nurses

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