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Completely dumbfounded. In the last few minutes, President Trump has led a minutes silence in honour of the victims. Also in the next hour, the biggest Peacetime Operation to bring british citizens home is under way. Monarch Airlines Goes into administration, seeing 100,000 customers repatriated by british authorities. 1,800 employees are being made redundant. At the conservative conference, the chancellor, Philip Hammond, strikes a note of caution about brexit, saying britain needs to proceed with care. And after the disputed referendum and the violent scenes in catalonia, the regions leader says hes not seeking an abrupt break from spain. Good evening and welcome to bbc news. At least 58 people have been killed and some 500 and 15 wounded in a mass shooting in las vegas. The gunman, Stephen Paddock, was a 64 year old white man living living in a retirement village and unknown to the police. The shooting broke out during an open air Music Festival attended by thousands of people. Shortly after 10pm local time, hundreds of bullets rained down on the festivalgoers from the Mandalay Bay Hotel as paddock opened fire from his room on the 32nd floor. People ran for cover in panic, some were crushed in the stampede. By the time the police managed to work out where the gunfire was coming from, paddock had shot himself. The police say they found in excess of ten rifles in his room. So far, nothing has been said about a possible motive. This report from james cook, whos in las vegas. It contains scenes you might find upsetting. In the cold nevada desert, Country Music is warming the crowd. The time is 10 08pm. Gunfire. The crowd, 22,000 strong, is uncertain. It takes a moment, a deadly moment, before they realise they are under attack. Gunfire. By now, a second round of bullets is raining down. There is a pause. The gunman is reloading again. He is high above them in a hotel. Panic follows, a scramble to live. So we hit the ground and just lay there and hung onto each other. It was quiet then he fired another 30 rounds. Every time he stopped, he was reloading, we got up and made our way towards the fence. Then hed start shooting again, and wed hit the ground. Gunfire. By now, the scenes that are at once urgent and familiar. They are americans, and they know the drill run. One woman found refuge behind some vending machines. We were sitting ducks. You could hear the bullets coming closer. Then it would get quiet, and he would reload. And then they would start going again. There was a girl standing right behind me, about two feet, she got shot in the stomach. Behind me, about two feet, everybody thought at first it was just firecrackers. And then everybody. It kept going more and more. We felt the shots and then we ran to the hangar, to the airport. And we just kept running. It was. Once we got out the back, we started seeing the people that were shot and the people that were dead. And thats when it hit me, that this was real. Police now know the gunman is in the hotel. Explosives ready, they prepare to go in. He is dead, apparently having taken his own life. And he has left a city in chaos. The hospitals are overwhelmed. There are not enough ambulances. We need to get people to the hospital, 0k . With hundreds wounded, a desperate call rings across the airwaves please donate blood. There were people hiding underneath my car for cover. There was a gentleman that was shot, and he said, can you help me . I put him in my car. I had six people in my car. People without shoes, running just to get away. There is other urgent work identifying the gunman. There is other urgent work too identifying the gunman. He was Stephen Paddock, a 64 year old man from mesquite, an hours drive from the las vegas strip. He checked into the hotel on thursday. As far as his history and background, we havent completed that part of the investigation yet, but we located numerous firearms in the room he occupied. The president has been in office for less than a year, but he knows the drill as well. It was an act of pure evil. The fbi and the department of Homeland Security are working closely with local authorities to assist with the investigation, and they will provide updates as to the investigation and how it develops. For a western democracy, the United States has seen an astonishing amount of horror like this. But even here, this is carnage on a different scale. Americas mass shooting disease now feels like a plague. James cook, bbc news, las vegas. The shooting, in a state with some of the most relaxed gun ownership laws in the us, is likely to re open the debate about gun control in america. There have been more than 270 Mass Shootings this year, according to the gun violence archive. Todays will go down as one of the bloodiest in recent history. In 1991, more than 20 people were killed and 27 were injured after a gunman drove his vehicle through the window of a texas canteen and opened fire. In a shooting at Virginia Tech university in 2007, seung hui cho, a senior year student, killed 32 people and wounded more than a dozen others in two separate gun attacks. 20 children and six adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 when a former student, 20 year old adam lanza, opened fire on them with a semi automatic rifle. A gunman carrying an Assault Rifle opened fire at a gay nightclub in orlando last december, killing at least 49 people and injuring dozens before being shot dead by police. But with at least 58 people being killed today in las vegas, its become the worst mass shooting in nearly 70 years. This report is from our north america editor, jon sopel. America has been on alert for an act of terror, but not from someone like this. A 64 year old white man living in a Retirement Community, who liked to gamble and enjoyed Country Music. But what turned Stephen Paddock into americas deadliest mass killer is still a mystery. There is not even anything i can say. Imean. How do you. I mean, my brother did this. This is like it was done, like he shot us. If he had killed my kids, i couldnt be more dumbfounded. From the white house this morning, the president sought to bind the wounds of a nation. In moments of tragedy and horror, america comes together as one. And it always has. Until now, the worst shooting was at a nightclub attack in orlando, where 0mar mateen killed 49 people in an act inspired by so called Islamic State. Before that were the killings at Virginia Tech university, when 32 people were killed. But in terms of shock, surely nothing eclipses sandy hook in connecticut, when six and seven year olds were killed at their elementary school. An act of brutality so shocking that it moved the then president to tears. They had their entire lives ahead of them. Birthdays, graduations, weddings. Kids of their own. Today, the two senators from connecticut sought to reopen the age old debate on gun control. The gun industry in america is huge. But so are the numbers of deaths. Some 30,000 die each year from gunshot wounds. Yes, some are accidental, many are suicide, but a large number are homicides, too. However, the all powerful gun lobby, the National Rifle association, has been successful in warding off moves to tighten gun ownership laws. And in President Trump, they have a true friend. As your president , i will never ever infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Never ever. Cheering and applause in his address to the nation, donald trump said the American People would be seeking explanations. But the one issue he didnt touch upon was whether gun control could have played a part. The nra believes the way you stop a bad man with a gun is to have a good man with a gun. But how that would have helped in the circumstances of las vegas last night is anyones guess. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. Earlier, james cook spoke to us from las vegas. It was a terrifying attack which went on and on, people spoke of the gunman reloading time and again. He has been identified as Stephen Paddock, a 64 year old man who lived about an hour from las vegas, and the police seem to be baffled as to why he would have done this. The fbi say there is no direct link between him and any terrorist group, he seems to have had no previous brushes with the law, he seems to have lived out a relatively quiet life, so no one seems to have any idea what was behind this. President trump says this is evil, 58 dead, and more than 500 injured. Even by the scale of atrocities here in the United States, this is breathtaking in its horror. We heard a little in jon sopels report from the brother of the gunman, Stephen Paddock. Lets hear more of what he had to say when he was questioned earlier by reporters. This is like you called me up, and you said, your next door neighbour did this, and i would go, he did that . All ive ever seen him do is mow his yard. The fact that my brother did this is. There is no. Theres nothing. There is absolutely no. I dont understand. Did he have kids . No, once again, it is simple Public Record stuff. And your message to these people, these families. Theres not even anything i can say. Imean. How do you. . I mean, my brother did this. This is like it was done. Like he shot us. I mean, if he had killed my kids, i couldnt be more dumbfounded. I mean, it doesnt. Theres nothing. Your last communications. Theres nothing, i can show you the text. He said, how is mom . Did you get power . That was it. There is absolutely. We have nothing. Like i said, we have nothing for you. I mean, i hope someone finds out, figures out. Because wed like to know. Were you a close family . Its a good sign if he is checking on your mom. I live here, and he lives in mesquite. Public record stuff you will find out. We are not that close. We talk on the phone occasionally. He calls my mom and talks to her. Theres no. No Mental Health issues . Not that we know of. Imean. Did you know about his friends . Was he an avid shooter . No, not an avid gun guy at all. The fact he had those kinds of weapons is just. Where the hell did he get automatic weapons . He has no military background or anything like that. I mean, when you find out about it, like i said, hes just a guy who lived in a house in mesquite. He drove down and gambled in las vegas. He did stuff. Ate burritos. Imean. Well, a short time ago, the White House Press secretary, Sarah Huckabee sanders, told journalists how the administration was reacting to the tragedy in nevada. The president will go to las vegas on wednesday to offer his support to those recovering from their wounds and to thank the courageous First Responders. In the coming days, this attack will directly Impact Communities all over our country whose residents were visiting the entertainment capital of the world to attend a concert. 0ne entertainment capital of the world to attend a concert. One man, a 29 year old from tennessee, travelled for the concert with his wife. When the bullets began raining down from above, he shouldered her from danger, selflessly giving up is life to savers. They have been married for just over life to savers. They have been married forjust over a year. 0thers risked their own life to save people they had never met. Mike from philadelphia lay on top of students to protect them from gunfire. They are 20,i to protect them from gunfire. They are 20, iam to protect them from gunfire. They are 20, i am 53, he said, i have lived a good light. Lindsay and mike fled for cover but returned to the scene with their pick up truck to transport the wounded to nearby hospitals. Gail davis, attending the concert with her husband, says she owes her life to a brave Police Officer who instinctively served as a human shield, protecting herfrom harm. Sadly, multiple Police Officers, on duty and off duty, were among those killed or injured. But what these people did for each other says far more about who we are as americans than the cowardly acts of a killer ever could. The gospel of john reminds us that there is no greater love than to lay down whats life for a friend. The memory of those who display this love in the midst ofan those who display this love in the midst of an unimaginable activate will neverfade. There midst of an unimaginable activate will never fade. There are examples will never fade. There are examples will serve as an eternal reminder that the american spirit cannot and will not ever be broken. In the days at it, we will grieve as a nation, we will honour the memory of those lost as a nation, and we will come together, united as one nation under god and indivisible. Sarah huckabee sanders, clearly struggling with the emotions of this event, this terrible event in las vegas, as im sure many people are in the United States and around the world. Although hospitals in las vegas say they are coping well with the number of casualties, doctors are still battling to save lives. 0ne surgeon told our correspondent dave lee it was one of the biggest mass events he had worked on. We had all hands on deck, we had eight or nine trauma surgeons alone in the facility, we had eight operating rooms rolling simultaneously, operating on patients through what in trauma we refer to as damage control. So it was a matter of getting these patients onto the table, stopping the process of them dying, stabilising them, getting them off the table, the next one in the operating room. We pretty much did that all night. About 11 30, 5 00, things started to slow down a little bit for us, and this morning we are actually starting to take some of those patients back and do definitive repairs and closures on them. Just describe to us how difficult it is to deal with such a huge number of patients all at once, or late at night on a sunday evening. Well, you know, its always difficult, but on the other hand that what this Trauma Centre is designed for. We do nothing but take care of injured patients, and the response from the staff and the physicians was overwhelming. At no point in time were we turning any patients away. We were able to take everyone they needed to bring to us and process them, operate them, and get them into beds in our hospital. It was absolutely chaotic, as you can imagine, with the overwhelming number of patients throughout the city, but the other hospitals in this community really stepped up. They did a greatjob of absorbing the walking wounded, processing, stabilising those patients. About 11 30, 5 00 is when we started seeing those wave of patients coming that were a little bit beyond what they could take care of. They started transferring them in, so were still doing surgery, still taking care of patients, and well probably be doing that for the next few days. I was at the university of pennsylvania for 9 11, which was relatively close, and you know, there was a lot of mobilisation and a lot of preparing for everything. But you know, we wound up just where we were full, we didnt see anywhere near the number of patients we saw here in this community, so no, this is about the biggest mass casualty event ive been involved with. 0ur correspondent dave lee is at a hospital in las vegas. What have you learned about the conditions of those being treated today . Well, that the debt is at 58 at the moment. They are expecting that to rise. The death toll. I think the sense here is that although this has been an enormous tragedy, the good work of the people in that building behind me, and we just heard from one of those people, there is a sense that had it not been for such a good job, the death toll could have been even higher. But as i say, we are expecting that number to rise over the coming hours and maps days. It was clear in the immediate apparat of the shooting that there is simply were not the resources to cope with that number of casualties in one go. How big a logistical operation have the medical authorities had to undertake . Absolutely enormous. To have that many casualties in a fairly concentrated area down one end of the las vegas strip, which is already a hugely busy place. At any time of day, any day of the week, an enormously busy. And so what has happened is we have seen, and we have heard repeated story today about members of the community putting injured people in the back of pick up trucks, getting them to places like this, and just helping people get the care they need. And so people get the care they need. And so while there is a huge logistical challenge, they have managed to spread that responsibility between this hospital and several others in the area. 0k, dave, thank you very much, david lea key the area. 0k, dave, thank you very much, david leakey at the University Hospital in las vegas. We are going to find out how this story is covered on tomorrows front pages later. 0ur guestsjoining me tonight are josie cox, Business Editor at the independent, and michael booker, Deputy Editor of the daily express. Stay with us for that. Lets take a look at the sporting prospects, here is holly. 0ur you . Very well, thank you, good evening. Some england squad news, and harry winks has been called up for thursdays world cup qualifier against slovenia. This will be his first senior call up from the under 21 squad, drafted in at the fabian delph and philjones were forced to return to their clubs with injuries. Meanwhile, scotland manager Gordon Strachan says there is no better position in football than to be in charge of your own destiny. He and his players know that if they beat slovakia and slovenia, they are guaranteed second place in a world cup qualifying group. But there are opponents are also trying to reach the play offs, as alisdair lamont reports. Back at the National Stadium ahead of the final home match in this world cup qualifying campaign, slovakia, the opponents, as the squad continues their quest for second place. It is not as tense as it can be sometimes. In this position, this group of lads and a couple who are not here put us in a position where we can. We have to decide what we do with the future. There is Nothing Better in football, and you can decide how yourfuture is going to be. Since the draw against england injune, the scenario for the scotland players could not be more clear. Win the remaining four games, and you finish second. With lithuania and malta done, they are halfway towards the target but the remaining games are more awkward. Especially when you look at the absentees. But there are in form alternatives. It is a chance for people like myself in the squad to make a name for ourselves and be heroes. They have been big players for us in the campaign. We do have a really good midfield. I have been doing is training hard, and putting myself in the managers thoughts. He and Callum Mcgregor have played their way into contention, but scotland face a strong slovakia side, and a draw should be enough for them to finish second. I do not think that slovakia comes only to defence, because they played very well against england, a very strong team. The first 20 minutes keep very well the ball, score goals, and i think that is the way to come to scotland, play this football. Slovakia, like scotland, could do with a favour from england. If they beat scotlands final opponent, slovenia, it all but removes the slovenians in the race for second place. British javelin throwerjoanna blair has been provisionally suspended after failing a drugs test. Earlier this year, she competed for Great Britain at the European Team champions in lille, and just last year set a near three metre personal best at the british athletics championships. Uk athletics says she will have the opportunity to respond to the charge. Mark wood and keatonjennings have been named in the squad for the lions tour which will shadow the ashes squad. They will play three twe nty20 ashes squad. They will play three twenty20 matches against a big bash side. That is all we have got time forjust now, more on sportsday right after the ten oclock news. Polly hamilton, thank you very much indeed. The uks fifth biggest airline, monarch, has collapsed, and all its future flights and holidays have been cancelled. More than 750,000 people have lost bookings, and over 100,000 customers overseas are being flown home in what the government is calling the uks biggest peacetime repatriation. Richard westcott has more. Grounded for good. After 50 years, one of britains Oldest Airlines has collapsed, its customers flown home on borrowed planes in the biggest repatriation since the war. Well, these passengers havejust got off what was the first rescue flight to land back here at luton. Theyve just come in from menorca. They were organised, prepared, and had all the planes coming in from qatar and from greece. We came back on a greek charter, a brand new plane. Everything worked very well. We was panicking a little bit, wondering. I wasnt worried so much for myself, but for the little uns. Its too much of a stay in the airport and all that, wondering how long we were going to stay there. Anyway, it worked out quite well. Im sad, because ive always flown with monarch, for the last 37 years, going to mahon and back. And i feel absolutely choked, to the point that i got a little bit emotional this morning at the desk. Its been a different story for those trying to fly out today, like the passenger who was taking 29 friends to his wedding in gran canaria. If we dont get out there properly and we lose all the wedding, im looking at losing probably £15,000. And theyre not going to pay that back. The government and the regulator have effectively set up a temporary airline to get people back. I know this is really tough for people who were hoping to travel. My heart goes out to them today. Weve talked to other airlines, two other tour operators. Theyve already started trying to rebook and reorganise peoples trips. Rescue flights will ferry people home over the next two weeks. 110,000 customers are currently abroad. They will get alternative flights at no extra cost. An additional 750,000 people have just lost future flights and holidays, although most should get their money back. 2100 staff will lose theirjobs. Some of them met up in the pub after getting the bad news. There were a lot of tears this morning. It was very emotional at the administrators meeting this morning, but yes, it is one very big family. Security problems in egypt, tunisia and turkey have cut demand for three of monarchs most popular destinations. A weaker pound and tougher market have made things worse. As fares were coming irrevocably down by as much as 20 this year, there was simply nowhere for monarch to go. It couldnt cut its costs, it couldnt increase its fleet, and unfortunately the end that weve seen today was practically almost inevitable. Monarchs rivals will now decide if they want to buy out whats left of the business. Theres been International Condemnation of the violence shown by Spanish Police yesterday against voters and demonstrators in catalonias controversial independence referendum. Nearly 900 people were injured as the Spanish Government attempted to prevent the vote going ahead. Provisional results indicate that 90 of those who voted in catalonia want independence from spain, though less than half those eligible to vote did so. 0ur correspondent tom burridge reports from barcelona. In a school where people voted, they were repairing the damage where Police Officers forced their way in. This woman played us the screams of those inside when Spanish National police tried to drag her and others out. You feel completely helpless, she says, still in shock that the police could carry out such violence. Yesterday, across this region, the Spanish State moved in to disrupt catalonias disputed referendum. National Police Officers fighting localfiremen. For madrid, a bid to disrupt an illegal vote with violence. This morning, those who want independence took to the streets. Theres no doubt that the violence by Police Yesterday has made these people more determined that their region can break away from spain. But the more important question is what impact those images will have on wider catalan society, and Public Opinion across spain. Digesting the news in hospitalet on the edge of barcelona many here originally from other parts of spain, like manuel, opposed to independence. He says yesterdays referendum was illegal. We all lose after yesterday, Andres Martinez told us, but he would be happy with a vote if madrid agreed. But watch her determination, early yesterday, when the local police allowed these people to vote, people whove lived through troubled times in spain before. Many savoured a controversial but historic moment. Time for the weather with ben rich. It has been a blustery start to the week and for many of us an area of low pressure in charge of the weather, still as we go through the evening, some tightly squeezed isobars across northern parts of scotla nd isobars across northern parts of scotland where we could see wind gusts of up to 60 and possibly 70 mph during the night. There will be showers in North Western areas and a bit of rain flirting with southern england for a time which will clear away to leave clear spells across many areas and particularly where the winds fall light across the south it will be quite a chilly night, and could be a touch of ground frost. Tomorrow not a bad looking day. The winds will be lighter than they were today, still breezy across northern areas, a scattering of showers but many places will avoid these and stay com pletely places will avoid these and stay completely dry. Temperature is nothing to write home about, 13 17d but then again we are in october now. Further ahead on wednesday we will see some bricks of rain in western areas, wet and windy weather on wednesday night, thursday will be drier and brighter. You are watching bbc news. Lets look at the headlines at 8 30pm. A mass shooting at a Las Vegas Concert has left at least 58 dead and more than 500 injured. All of a sudden we heard pop, pop, pop, pop, countless times and we thought it was firecrackers but then it kept going and then he fired another 15 or 20 rounds and thats when we realised it was a fully automatic, it sounded like a high powered rifle. It was a fully automatic, it sounded like a highpowered rifle. Stephen paddock, also from nevada was responsible. President rob condemned the attack. He brutally murdered more than 50 people and wounded hundreds more. It was an act of pure evil. Stephen paddock fired from his room on the 32nd floor of a hotel overlooking the Country Music concert killing himself before officers burst into his room. President trump. Monarch airlines, the uks fifth largest collapsed. All of its flights have been cancelled. The Civil Aviation authority says it will fly home 110,000 customers currently abroad. As we have been hearing throughout the day, a gunman has killed 58 people at a country Music Festival in las vegas. More than 500 others we re in las vegas. More than 500 others were wounded. The attacker fired from the window of a room on the 32nd floor of a hotel before killing himself. Police have identified him as Stephen Paddock, if all my a ccou nta nt as Stephen Paddock, if all my accountant aged 64, who lived in a Retirement Community in nevada. President donald trump gave a statement this afternoon in which he described the attack as pure evil. My my fellow americans, we are joined together today in sadness, shock and grief. Last night a gunman opened fire ona grief. Last night a gunman opened fire on a large crowd at a Country Music concert in las vegas, nevada. He brutally murdered more than 50 people and wounded hundreds more. It was an act of pure evil. The fbi and the department of Homeland Security are working closely with local authorities to assist with the investigation. And they will provide updates as to the investigation and how it develops. I want to thank the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police department and all of the First Responders for their courageous effo rts responders for their courageous efforts and for helping to save the lives of so many. The speed with which they acted is miraculous and prevented further loss of life. To have found the shooters so quickly after the first shots were fired is something for which we will always be thankful and grateful. It shows what true professionalism is all about. President trump talking a little earlier. The Prime Minister described it as it cowardly attack. Ive just it cowardly attack. Ivejust spoken to it cowardly attack. Ive just spoken to President Trump to pass on my condolences and those of the whole country upon this appalling attack that has taken place in las vegas. This was an individual shooting randomly, a com pletely individual shooting randomly, a completely senseless cowardly attack, and so many people have been killed and injured. 0ur attack, and so many people have been killed and injured. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those who have been victims of this terrible attack. It seems as if this was not terrorist related. The investigations are continuing at the moment. I have offered the United States every assistance that we can to support them in their investigation and obviously we wait to hear what their verdict from that investigation is. Do we know anything about british casualties . The Foreign Office is working actively through its consumer general with the las vegas authorities to ascertain whether there are any british nationals involved in this, and of course we will provide every support possible to the las vegas authorities and to any families, if there are any british nationals involved. I would urge british nationals in the area to listen to the advice of the las vegas authorities. The Prime Minister talking from manchester where she is attending the conservative Party Conference. Robin thomas, executive director at the law centre to prevent gun violence which tracks and analyses firearms legislation across the United States joins us live from san francisco. Thank you for being with us on francisco. Thank you for being with us on bbc news. We know the United States is a country with high gun ownership. What is its record on gun violence . Its abysmal. On a day like today you cant help but realise the cowardice of our government in legislating guns better and be stark scope of gun violence. We have about 115,000 americans every year who are shot with firearms and more than 30,000 die. While Mass Shootings get the most attention, there are 250 300 people who are shot every single day in america. That is the actual truth. In terms of how controls work, though, because america is a federal system so there is a National Government and then individual state governments, what differences does that create . For example, what are the differences between nevada in terms of gun controls and the states that surround it . We actually can have federal Gun Legislation in the United States. We have one strong federal law which requires background checks for the sale of guns bya background checks for the sale of guns by a federally licensed firearms dealer, that is it as far as federal law goes but that could easily be expanded, there is no provision on that. In the absence of federal action for so many years, states have the right to create their own state gun laws. In a state like california which has Strong Political will we have dozens and dozens political will we have dozens and d oze ns of political will we have dozens and dozens of gun laws which have reduced gun death in california by almost 16 . Estate like nevada has basically no gun laws on the books at all, so other than the federal law which requires background checks by licensed dealers, there is no restrictions on assault weapons being bought by civilians, there is no restriction on large capacity ammunition magazines like the kind we believe were used in this horrific tragedy. There is no restrictions of any kind on 50 calibre sniper rifles or private sales of firearms. There was an associative past in nevada last year but it is not being enforced initiative. Which would require background checks on private sales of firearms although i dont believe thats the situation we are in today. This particular man, though, it is possible, he wasnt known to the police before this terrible incident, its quite possible that background checks could have been carried out and they would have thrown up nothing to cause concern. Thats correct. Background checks are not a panacea for all prevention of gun violence in this country. Background checks are simply a baseline or starting point by which we can try and keep guns out of the hands of obviously dangerous people. There is a lot of other things that can be done to reduce gun violence, many of which we have done in california, which includes restrictions on things like assault weapons and large capacity ammunition, which are almost always used in these horrific Mass Shootings. Bagram checks are certainly incredibly important as a baseline background checks. We need to have a conversation about the type of restrictions prevent to save lives. Nevada has the ninth highest rate of crime gun exports from the state. Not only is nevada a high gun death state, the 12 highest state of gun death in the United States with its weaker laws it is exporting crime guns out of nevada into other states with crimes are being committed, so it is creating problems across the board to have such weak laws in a state like that. How do you deal with the sincere argument put forward by many people who either have guns would regard it asa who either have guns would regard it as a basic freedom in the United States that it is part of the us identity . It is something enshrined in the Second Amendment of the constitution, i have printed out here to write dummett remind myself, well regimented militia being necessary to the free state, the right of people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It is only nine years ago the Us Supreme Court confirmed that that was an individuals right. Court confirmed that that was an individuals right. Well, the irony of what you are saying is that for over 200 years the Supreme Court did not believe it was an individual right, it was considered to be a militia related right and if you studied us history there was no standing army, militias were how we defend ourselves, so its only since 2008 the Second Amendment means anything even close to what gun rights activists would have you believe. That being said. Sorry to interrupt but for decades before the particularjudgment people were still having guns, it is not something that happened in the last nine years. Absolutely true, we have a lwa ys nine years. Absolutely true, we have always been very much awash with guns in this country do not something thats doing us any good at this point, but it is certainly the truth. The question of the Second Amendment and whether we can protect basic rights to own firearms in your home for self defence, which is exactly what the Supreme Court said, coupled with smart, thoughtful, problem solving regulations, which will serve to reduce gun violence and gun death in this country, Smart Solutions that keep guns out of the wrong hands, backy children from accidentally harming themselves, that protect americans from gun suicides, two thirds of the gun problem, there are so thirds of the gun problem, there are so Many Potential Solutions to this problem, that we could be talking about if we were going to have a thoughtful solution about solving the problem but instead we get wedged into this all guns or no guns suggestion that is not helping us move the needle forward on making americans safer. Its time for us to get beyond that. The Supreme Court has spoken, you can have a gun in your home for self defence, that is what the court said, now winnie did talk about how to protect people from harm while still having fundamental rights to guns. This is not a problem without solutions we need to talk. We know there are solutions but we dont have that type of conversation at any level on this country. Konjuh, thank you for speaking to us on this very sad day. The chancellor Phillip Hammond attacked Jeremy Corbyn at the conservative Party Conference saying he would destroy economic progress and freedom and described the labour party as having been taken hostage bya party as having been taken hostage by a clique of hard left infiltrators. He called for a careful and cautious negotiation of britains withdrawal from the European Union and warned it will not be easy. Laura kuenssberg reports from manchester. You might not have thought they would need the extra champagne this year. The fizz went flat for the tories after the election. Before then they hardly knew they would have to really take their enemies on. Now if they are sure of one thing its that, withJeremy Corbyn in the ascendancy, they need to fight. He is a clear and present danger to our prosperity. By abandoning market economics, Jeremy Corbyns labour has abandoned the aspirations of ordinary working people. We must be the party which picks them up and delivers on them. Attack after attack on labour, and pushback to those who suggest the way the country does business is done. Our economy is not broken, it is fundamentally strong. And while no one suggests a market economy is perfect, it is the best system yet designed for making people steadily better off over time, and underpinning strong and Sustainable Public services for everyone. And with the governments differences over how we leave the eu, a barely masked plea. We must not downplay the difficulty, nor underestimate the complexities. This will be one of the most challenging tasks ever undertaken by a peacetime government in this country. But with focus and determination and unity, we will succeed. Who could he have been talking about . The man who is the talk of the conference. Of the conference bars. The foreign secretary, who whether he means it or not, after sharing rather too many of his views, is making his colleagues cross. My predecessorjust needs to keep his mouth shut. Would you have sacked him . I think he will be sacked by the public. But is the tories politicaljoker that funny any more . Is he a good comedian . He is funnier than me, but thats not hard the foreign secretary will be on the main stage here tomorrow, but today three of his cabinet colleagues have told me he cannot keep behaving as he is. But nor does number ten want to get rid of him. Its a problem for theresa may without an easy solution, and that is the mood right across this conference, the tories know broadly something is wrong, but they dont agree on how to fix it. And even the natural supporters fear something is missing. And even their natural supporters fear something is missing. Strong on diagnosis but rather less strong on action, and what we need now, given the challenges faced in the economy, is a realfocus on big ideas for the future direction of the economy. And long time tories say the party has to get its act together now. The need to completely review how they do business. Get behind theresa may, certainly through all the brexit negotiations. Its not easy. Its a bit like you saying to me, can you run 100 metres in ten seconds . I say yes, and when i get there in 18 seconds you, tell me i am a failure. Politics is a race, if a long one. Its a competition of ideas. But there is a sense here this week the big conversations are happening elsewhere. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, manchester. 0ur political correspondentjoins us from manchester now, ben wright. Let me ask you first of all about today. What would you say is the key message the party is trying to get across . I think hold its nerve really. Hold its nerve notjust in the fortunes of the tory party but in the whole economic system. That was what was extraordinary about Philip Hammonds speech today and it shows the extent to whichJeremy Corbyns labour party has rattled them. They looked at the election result, they look at the atmosphere at labour Party Conference last week and all the young people joining that party and voting labour at the moment and im not sure how to respond. At a fringe event this evening Philip Hammond said he was baffled why people would want to joina baffled why people would want to join a party that believes in an economic credo that he says would be against their interest and star Public Services of money, tank the economy, he would say that, wouldnt he . They are dealing with the fundamentals of tory philosophy here, trying to work out how to respond to this challenge and understand what this challenge is. That was my takeaway from what Philip Hammond has saying today. Tomorrow will be watched with great interest, not least because perhaps it could be seen as a bit of a beauty parade for a possible future leadership election, we have the home secretary, the brexit secretary, and the foreign secretary. Everybody is presumably in manchester talking about boris. It is quite a line up, at the moment we know nothing of the content of Boris Johnsons speech, we know nothing of the content of borisjohnsons speech, its being kept close to his chest at the moment. It will be a fascinating afternoon of speeches, both in terms of what it says if anything new about the governments brexit strategy, so far we havent had any more details about what it plans for the long term relationship between the long term relationship between the eu and uk but it will obviously be seen through the prism of Boris Johnsons leadership ambitions. It isa johnsons leadership ambitions. It is a rather extraordinary situation and has been for weeks, that you have a foreign secretary sort of operating outside the normal bounds of collective cabinet responsibility, making his own views about the way brexit should go quite clear by writing newspaper articles, and as laura said there, that is causing a huge amount of, i think, anger among the Tory Parliament ra nks anger among the Tory Parliament ranks here. Boris johnson anger among the Tory Parliament ranks here. Borisjohnson has lots of fa ns ranks here. Borisjohnson has lots offans in ranks here. Borisjohnson has lots of fans in the wider tory membership, clearly, but his activities have caused a great deal of unhappiness in Tory Parliamentary ranks. I talked to a minister earlier and he said theresa may should decapitate the foreign secretary and send a lesson that you can do this but the debate is raging, as laura said, what should theresa may do about borisjohnson . Keep him in the tent or cast him out . It will be fascinating to see how he pitches it tomorrow. |j out . It will be fascinating to see how he pitches it tomorrow. I wonder if he is a fan of lyndonjohnson. Ben wright, thank you. The government says it hopes to give the go ahead to the third runway at heathrow in the third half of last year first half of next year. Theresa may approved plans for the expansion last october but the government is still formally consulting on the impact of air quality and demand for aviation. Making small changes such as dimming lights and turning down the sound in shops could make a big difference to people on the autistic spectrum. For many the prospect of a visit to a Shopping Centre can leave them feeling very anxious but as brea kfasts feeling very anxious but as breakfasts tim feeling very anxious but as brea kfasts tim muffett feeling very anxious but as breakfasts tim muffett has been finding out noises and bright lights being reduced could make the experience easier. Shopping is something this family dread. With an autistic child it is very difficult. 0scar was seven when he was diagnosed with autism. It was a busy shop with lots of people, lots and lots of heightened noise and the lights are very, very bright. That can trigger a meltdown. The family often avoid shops altogether. He would probably throw things, shout, and generally draw attention to us. That can cause quite a lot of embarrassment. Its too noisy. Noisy and what do you see . Is it too bright . They are too bright. They are too bright. How does it make you feel . Cross. But its hoped this trip to manchesters Trafford Centre will be less stressful than usual. Across the uk 4500 stores are preparing for autism our. The 60 minutes this week they will be quieter, darker and calmer than usual. They are getting a preview of what shoppers can expect. Screens and music are switched off, lights are dimmed. What we are looking to do with the autism hour is to make sure the sensory overload is calmed down slightly, so for 60 minutes ta ke down slightly, so for 60 minutes take down the visual stimulus and the noise, and anything that an autistic shopper might feel slightly uncomfortable with. Autism is a lifelong disability that affects the way people perceive the world and interact with others. What do you think about the tv . Unfamiliar lights, sounds and smells can be stressful. Social situations challenging. A National Autistic Society Survey found that over 60 of autistic people avoided shops altogether. More than a quarter said they have been asked to leave a public place because of behaviour associated with their autism. Its all about increasing public understanding and making things such as a shop, which is an everyday necessity become accessible for an autistic person just as it is for everybody else. How does the Shopping Experience compare to some others you have had . Much better, much better. Far more relaxed and calm. Oscar, what is it like shopping here . Better. I like it turned. Really quiet, i like it. Very quiet. It is hoped autism hour will bring similar benefits to thousands of others. Tim muffett, bbc news. That was tim muffett reporting on autism and some attempts to improve prospects for those affected by it. Lets return to the main story of the day, the mass shooting in las vegas which left more than 50 people dead and over 500 wounded. Its the latest in a long series of incidents. Crystal Woodman Miller survived the massacre in columbine, colorado. I said every time something happens like what has happened in las vegas, it brings back very bad memories for you of that day in 1999. You know, it does. Of course i go back immediately to what i experienced at my school. But even more than being upset or zandvoort reliving those, my heart just absolutely upset or zandvoort reliving those, my heartjust absolutely breaks upset or zandvoort reliving those, my heart just absolutely breaks for the people who now have an incredibly long road ahead of them, road of recovery upset or sad for reliving. We all belong to a club that we wish we were not a part of. U nfortu nately that we wish we were not a part of. Unfortunately my heart just that we wish we were not a part of. Unfortunately my heartjust breaks because i know whats ahead of them andi because i know whats ahead of them and i know in some way what they are dealing with now. Crystal, it is now, what, 18 years since those terrible events at columbine . It is a name that will unfortunately a lwa ys a name that will unfortunately always be associated, whatever the nice things about that part of colorado, will always be associated with what happened that day. Are there any lessons from then that 18 yea rs there any lessons from then that 18 years on you feel your country still hasnt learned . Well, yes. Im absolutely shocked that we are still witnessing such mass tragedies happening around our country due to gun violence because ijust feel as though we havent learned anything since 1999, as these continue to happen more frequently, but also with such. They just happen more frequently, but also with such. Theyjust feel like they are getting bigger and bigger and more frequent. What do you say to friends, relatives, there must be many people you know who are gun owners and who feel very strongly about that right to bear arms, that might ultimately to protect themselves, as they presumably see it, as much as to have something that might threaten someone else . You know, it is such a hard, such a hot topic here in the United States. Its obviously one we clearly have a problem. It is so hard because i do know people who own guns who are responsible citizens, who are using them for hunting and other such things. But then i also believe that we do have a problem and something needs to happen in our legislation, something needs to happen on a governmental level to see these things change. And so i believe that we need to come together on both sides. We need to have a conversation on both sides and there has got to be give and take on both sides for any action, for any progress to be made in this area. Crystal Woodman Miller, thank you for speaking to us today on bbc news. You bet, thank you for having me. Time for a look at the weather prospects, then rich has the prospects. It has been an autumnal feel today and we will stick with that over the next few days but at least we will lose the area of low pressure. It is still close enough to northern scotla nd still close enough to northern scotland particularly to brings strong winds for a time this evening and tonight, could see wind gusts of 60, 70 and tonight, could see wind gusts of 60,70 mph, particularly and tonight, could see wind gusts of 60, 70 mph, particularly across the northern isles. The wind will slowly ease down for many of the night, continuing disease and showers feeding into the northwest, largely drive towards the end of the night in the south, lower temperatures in the countryside towards the south. Tomorrow, a decent day, long spells of sunshine, more cloud in the afternoon, scattering of showers for Northern Ireland and ireland and northern and western scotland but even here many areas will stay dry, the wind is starting to ease down slowly, temperatures 13 17d. 0n wednesday we will see rain in the north west, could be wet and windy in places on wednesday night, we will keep you posted on that, thursday night should bring bright spells and sunny skies. Hello, im ros atkins, this is 0utside source. On sunday night in las vegas, a man on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel began shooting. Gunfire when the gunfire stopped, at least 58 people at a music concert had been fatally wounded. America had witnessed its deadliest mass shooting in decades. Well hear from those who survived. We started seeing the people who we re we started seeing the people who were shot and the people who were dead, and that is when it hit me that it was real. The gunman was Stephen Paddock. He killed himself before police reached him. The Islamic State says its behind the killings. This is the fbis response to that. As this event unfolds, we have determined to this point no connection with

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