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It took 16 years but eventually deep in the forest discovery was made. Found here what were believed to be the remains of Emperor Nicholas ii and his family. The word of the year . A hint it has something to do with the man on your screen. Get in touch with us using the hashtag. beyond one hundred days. Hello and welcome im katty kay in washington and Christian Fraser is in london. From today there will be more security on the streets of new york but the city will not stop thats the message from the governor, the mayor and the head of the police. The famous marathon will go ahead this weekend and new yorkers got their candy fix at the halloween parade last night. As investigators look for clue as to the motivation manhattan is determined to show resilience. President trump says this is a reminder that americas immigration system is too lax and the Justice System too slow. Nick bryant has the latest from new york. This is a scene that new yorkers have dreaded for years, one that brings back the trauma of 9 11, one that shows how this city is vulnerable to new forms of terror. A rented pick up truck that became weaponised. A mode of attack that is common in europe. Now it has been used to deadly effect on american soil, and just yards from ground zero, the site of the september 11 attacks. The antenna on the new world trade ccenter bathed in red, white and blue, to honour the eight people killed. This is the suspected attacker, Sayfullo Saipov, a 29 year old who reportedly shouted allahu akbar, god is great, as he left his truck. He was brandishing fake weapons, and was shot by the police and taken into custody. Moments earlier, he had driven at high speed along a riverside bypass, targeting cyclists and pedestrians. This was an attack on the United States and an attack on new york city, an attack on our people, and it was the definition of terrorism. An effort to take away peoples hope and spirit, and to make them change, and what new yorkers showed already is we will not change. Saipov is an uzbek immigrant who came to the United States in 2010. He is believed to have been radicalised in america, and told the police he was very pleased with the success of the attack. One of the early clues investigators found at the scene were hand written notes in arabic pledging allegiance to the Group Calling itself Islamic State. But there is no evidence yet of a direct link to that group. You got kids in there . Hold on. His attack came to an end when he crashed into a school bus. Oh my god. 0k. I need an ambulance right here. That was an accident, the suspect has reportedly told investigators, because he wanted to continue down the road. Police found knives in his vehicle. Oh my god. Based on the investigation overnight it appears that mr saipov had been planning this for a number of weeks. He did this in the name of isis, and along with the other items, recovered at the scene, was some notes that further indicate that. He appears to have followed, almost exactly to a t, the instructions that isis has put out in its social Media Channels before, with instructions to their followers on how to carry out such an attack. Among those killed, five friends from argentina. Men in their late 40s, in new york to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their graduation from college. Two americans and a belgian were victims. President trump has demanded tough justice and tighter immigration measures. We need quick justice and we need strong justice. Much quicker and much stronger than we have right now. Because what we have right now is a joke, and it is a laughing stock, and no wonder so much of this stuff takes place. In his home town, this tower was erected in defiance of terror, a symbol of a resurgent city that refused after 9 11 to be cowed, and at the ground level this morning that spirit was very much in evidence. Joggers following their normal routes. Even a cyclist berating a pedestrian for getting in her way, a scene that speaks of new york. The city has experienced much worse dawns than this, and waking up to the threat of terror has become part of daily life. Nick bryant, bbc news, manhattan. The main suspect in this attack Sayfullo Saipov came to the us through the green card lottery system, which grants permanent us residency to around 50,000 immigrants every year. Today mr trump called for that system to be scrapped and seems to be at least partly blaming the democratic new york senator Chuck Schumer. He tweeted. The terrorist came into our country through what is called the diversity visa lottery program, a Chuck Schumer beauty. I want merit based. Well, heres what mr schumer has had to say in response to the president today. The president should stop tweeting and start living, the American People long thought leadership, not devices and finger pointing or name calling. This is a tragedy, less tha n name calling. This is a tragedy, less than a day after it occurred and he cannot refrain from his nasty divisive habits. He ought to lead and the best way to do that is to increase Anti Terrorism funding. And joining us now from capitol hill is the democratic congressman for new york city, gregory meeks. Do you think the Justice System in america is a joke at punishing terrorists . I absolutely do not think it is a joke. I do not understand the president making these statements but he made what these statements but he made what the tweet he made which is trying to divide people rather than bring us together. So i disagree with the president 100 . Well today mr schumer made comments to the proposed cut in the budget of new york city policing, can you talk to us york city policing, can you talk to us about that . Well we would hope, and would have thought coming from new york President Trump would understand the importance of terrorist funding and the greatjob that our Law Enforcement dials on a continued basis to prevent the kind of attacks that took place yesterday. And i applaud the activities and responsiveness of our Law Enforcement officers. The ever present has been talking about cutting some of the terrorist funding that we see. The president has been talking about it. That will be counter productive to preventing these kind of acts from taking place. So im puzzled at times by the kind of tweeting that the president utilises as im sure that others are puzzled. It is not the values that i think we have here. It is amazing and a tribute to new york city that this is the biggest attack, it is terrible but the biggest attack in the city since september the 11th in 2001. What is new york doing that perhaps other cities could look at that has managed to keep a record so low, it has been until now, this has been a kind of remarkable tribute to your police forces. It is still a remarkable tribute to the police forces. Understanding and learning from what took place in september the 11th, communicating with one another, making sure there are intelligence sharing taking place and working with Law Enforcement agencies weather here domestically 01 even agencies weather here domestically or even internationally because when we look at what youre doing in the uk, some of our other allies in europe, it is sharing of information and moving back and forward that can make all of us safer. Im concerned when there is a terrorist attack in new york city or in the uk or france 01 new york city or in the uk or france or anyplace else, we are in this together and we need to make sure oui together and we need to make sure our values are those that stand up. That is how we will defeat the terrorists, collectively together and that is what new york city Law Enforcement is doing, working collectively together and we must continue to do that. The more we show that in spite of the individual that sneaks through, that theyre not going to divide us, were going to get stronger together. The United States, the uk and our allies, that is how we defeat Islamic State and stop terrorism. We heard Law Enforcement officials saying there will now be more police on the streets of new york ahead of the marathon of course this weekend. Is that largely just to make marathon of course this weekend. Is that largelyjust to make the public feel safe, do you think . Know i think there would have been a large contingency just as you think there would have been a large contingencyjust as you have indicated in the past, we have been successful since september the 11th and there will be policed their bet you do not know either. I think it isa you do not know either. I think it is a greatjob that the Police Department are doing. They know how to do it better than most. And it is a collaborative effort. So just as you saw last night, right after the event, the halloween parade continued. Children were going to school in the area this morning, people riding bikes again. We will not allow terrorism to change our values and the way that we live. Thank you very much. Joining me now is our political analyst ron christie who served as an advisor to president george w. Bush. You have an apartment in new york and you have lived there for a long time. You know the area well and you know the city well. Are you impressed with the way new york is responding . It seems to be a marked difference to the response to this and that some previous attacks with the city much more resilient. Yes, this is just blocks away from where my apartment is and this is a bicycle path that will walk on every weekend. So not some abstract notion ofa weekend. So not some abstract notion of a terrorist attack in new york city, that is the neighbourhood where everyone goes to run, to cycle, just to enjoy themselves with beautiful scenery. What struck me is the fact that this morning we had people back out there, they are resilient, running, cycling, and refusing to back down in the face of this horrific terrorist attack. They are new yorkers and will not be cowed. Something else that you deal with all the time is the political response to this, coming from the president. Coming back to september the 11th, and George W Bush standing on the rubble of those buildings. The 11th, and George W Bush standing on the rubble of those buildingslj can on the rubble of those buildings. can hear you on the rubble of those buildings. can hearyou i can on the rubble of those buildings. can hear you i can hear you and the re st of can hear you i can hear you and the rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon. We have now had terror attacks in the us under president bush, president 0bama and President Trump. The response from President Trump seemed to be markedly different than the response from the previous two president s . I think so and especially looking at the clip that we just especially looking at the clip that wejust all, it especially looking at the clip that we just all, it is one of the most iconic moments of the 21st century, the president rallying democrats, republicans, independents. Americans. To stand shoulder to shoulder. And some of the rhetoric we have from President Trump this morning about how the democrats need to stop obstruction, it is not about the democrats today but about the country and finding a way to heal and to move on and making sure as congressmen mixed told us a few minutes ago, the real enforcement officials have all the resources necessary to prevent another horrific event that we had yesterday. I looked at the lottery system today that he is talking about and when you look at figures for 2015 there are some interesting numbers. Bear in mind over 9 Million People worldwide entered the lottery and every year 50,000 get a green ca rd and every year 50,000 get a green card from that number. Looking at the seven countries now on the banned list, they count for 8658 immigrants who got a green card. If you put was pakistan to that you get just over 13,000 people who came through the system in 2015. That is around a quarter coming from countries that the United States is concerned about. So maybe he has a point question mark he has a point, and this is what i believe, i believe that anyone coming to this country, it is not a right to come here but a privilege for top and it should not just be here but a privilege for top and it should notjust be a lottery system based on diversity. This was a programme that the president has criticised, he criticised mr schumer for this. It was designed by the senator for massachusetts ted kennedy when he was in the senate and he was seeking to get more immigrants infrom and he was seeking to get more immigrants in from ireland and he was seeking to get more immigrants infrom ireland into and he was seeking to get more immigrants in from ireland into the United States when the programme was first initiated. So i do believe that we must have robust immigration in the United States but i do not believe in a system where you put your name on a list, submitted and do not have any vetting or other mechanisms to determine whether or not youre coming here for good put up not youre coming here for good put up those days i believe are over. America of course is not the only country to have a lottery system, several other western nations also have them as well. And for more on the suspect and his potential ties to Islamic State a short while ago we were joined by the former cia counterterrorism analyst, aki peritz. This man was living here legally, radicalised it would seem while living in the us. Code intelligence have done anything to stop the attack . We know he had some kind of runin attack . We know he had some kind of run in with local Law Enforcement. But according to what we know so far he had almost no relationship to terrorist organisations. He might have been looking at propaganda online but that is not illegal. It is difficult to stop a lone wolf attack if that is what this is. From actually happening until it actually happens. This person was taken alive and that is quite interesting because normally Islamic State likes its killers to be killed in the attack and we will get a lot of good intelligence from this individual if he is willing to talk to federal authorities. Theres a huge investigation on this attack but realistically can we say we can prevent all future lone attacks like this . Unfortunately it is difficult to stop these high impact low attacks especially the individual is willing to die in the process. So renting a vehicle, smashing into pedestrians, is something u nfortu nately pedestrians, is something unfortunately that is easy to happen. And very difficult to stop. So unfortunately our western societies will have to get used to set level of terrorist mayhem in order to be resilient to these things in the broader scheme of things. Many of the attacks in europe have been confidently identified as lone wolf attacks and then they turn out to be nothing of then they turn out to be nothing of the sort. Very often there is something in the background where either they are talking to people who share the same ideology or in cahoots with the group overseas. It is likely there will be something in the background of this man . The chances are he had something, some kind of relationship to some organisation or individual and this is what the investigation is going to try to determine. 0ne one issue is how did one become radicalised online, everyone is online, and weve all seen terrible propaganda. So how to get this individual who might have seen this document first place to get to the next level to commit an attack is something the investigators will try to unravel in the coming days and weeks. And when donald trump talks about tighter regulations on immigration, a merit based system, do you think it would do anything to stop people like this . Remember 100 of the 144 or so individuals who have some kind of, who have been charged with something Islamic State related, overwhelmingly these are us citizens or permanent residents and so tightening up the fact that you might tighten up on the various countries as he talks about at great length is not going to stop an attack by a us citizen or permanent resident and that is the best majority of these attacks. Thank you very much. Looking at this from in europe, the president has weighed in with policy ina way president has weighed in with policy in a way that he did not weigh in after the attack in las vegas. Yes it has been picked on over here as well, it is noticeable, people compared his response and the response clearly from the white house after the Las Vegas Attack when people raised the issue of gun control, the white house firmly saying that now is not the time to talk about policy issues like that. But straightaway within hours of this attack in new york you had the president talking about policy issues, around immigration and the merit based lottery system. The random lottery system. So there is a disconnect there, it has been noticed over here and of course it is political, the president to some extent is playing to his base. By talking about immigration and being tough on immigration, that is what his base wants to hear right now. You made an important point, you must put this into perspective comparing it to how many attacks we have had recently in europe, new york has come. Amazing that there has not been a much bigger one since september the 11th. It is an impressive record. American senators are not happy with social media. Facebook, twitter and google got a round ticking off today at a Senate Hearing for failing to do enough to stop russia from meddling in us elections. Ahead of these hearings facebook revealed that many more americans than previously disclosed had seen russian ads in the run up to the 2016 vote. The social media giants insist they do take the threat seriously and will do more to regulate themselves. Democratic senator Diane Feinstein clearly wasnt buying it. I must say i do not think you get it. I think the fact that your general councils, you defend your company, that what were about is a cataclysmic change, what were talking about is the beginning of cyber warfare. Joining us now is laura rosenberger, director of the alliance for securing democracy. Thank you for coming in. Do you think that facebook, twitter and google could be doing more than they are doing to protect americans from foreign interference in their elections question were absolutely, as we here in these hearings, this is an enormous problem, these companies are still trying to get their arms around it. We are all still trying to get our arms around. Russia basically has taken this technology and exploited it to turn it against us. And really attack the co re it against us. And really attack the core of our democratic institutions. That is a huge deal, it is a sophisticated effort, it is multifaceted and it is going to take an enormous amount of work to get on top of and eventually ahead. Conflict of interest for these companies, they Business Models which depend on things being distributed by rally which is exactly what happened with these russian ads and the lucrative income from advertising. Yes and these companies i think are wrestling with where they need to come down at the end of the day. Either wrestling or trying to do as little as possible to keep lawmakers happy . Trying to do as little as possible to keep lawmakers happy7m trying to do as little as possible to keep lawmakers happy . It is hard to keep lawmakers happy . It is hard to give an across the board answer. We have seen different steps by different companies, i think theyre all are having internal conversations about the issues. But the bottom line is the bottom line and yes there are wrestling with this question of their business model. And if that comes into conflict with the model that is actually what is going to be allowing their platforms to do what they were intended to do which was to bea they were intended to do which was to be a democratising force and provide greater open access to information and what were seeing is thatis information and what were seeing is that is being turned on its head. The bottom line is the bottom line, i love that. Well what i heard today from the hearing, with talk about this sometimes in the past tense but it is going on today. I know that your organisation tracks some of these spurious twitter accounts for these spurious twitter accounts for the tellers about your website, what is it actually doing . That is exactly right, these efforts are continuing and today they will continue into the future. Theyre happening not just here continue into the future. Theyre happening notjust here in the us but across europe and elsewhere. It is an important effort for us to get on top. Our website is an important effort for us to get on top. 0urwebsite hamilton is an important effort for us to get on top. Our website hamilton 68 is a dashboard that tracks a sampling of 600 kremlin or enters twitter accounts that basically pushing up the messaging that the kremlin wants americans to be talking about. And what we largely a thing is that they wa nt what we largely a thing is that they want americans to be talking about divisive issues, they want us to be arguing with one another, they want to be telling us against each other. And they play to a lot of racial issues, societal divisions, religious issues. We also see a lot of classic deflection tactics basically trying to make everything relative as if there is no truth. So when you have stories in the media that they do not want people to Pay Attention to, they throw up deflectors and basically attract people to an alternative story. Thank you forjoining us. One of the things the social media giants were asked today by senators was you have all this data, you can tell who was paying for these ads in rubles. And they said even if we clamp down on that this is a globalised economy and they could just switch currencies. It is complicated for them but there is a clear feeling among senators that they could be doing more. The message from facebook had changed as we said yesterday and the numbers as well, honey people have access to some of these tweets. I think a rude awakening for all three companies in the past few months. And also showing when you talk about 126 Million People getting access to some of this stuff, just how successful this russian operation has been. It looks ever more successful. This is beyond 100 days from the bbc. Coming up for viewers on the bbc news channel and bbc world news weve more on the manhattan attack suspect and report from tampa, florida, where hes said to have lived before heading to newjersey and new york. And well be asking if theres a more regular role for the military to play in helping to keep our streets and cities safe . Well be getting the thoughts of the former head of the British Army General sir mike jackson. Thats still to come. The first day of november was mild but over the next few days things turn cooler. We had rain today in scotla nd turn cooler. We had rain today in scotland and this is all but is left of it this evening. Just a bit of rain or drizzle moving south. I decided that some clearer skies and turning quite chilly especially in the countryside. To the south of that we may get some fog. Some fog possible through the central bank of scotland. But it should not last for long. Bank. Showers retreating back into the north sea. This is the main band of cloud north of london into south wales. But south of that watch out for some fog in the rush hourfor watch out for some fog in the rush hour for the watch out for some fog in the rush hourfor the morning. It could be quite dense in places. It should clear away by late morning. The band of cloud pretty much stuck in the same kind of place throughout the day. I decide we get some sunshine. Suffer many parts of the uk a lovely day. Cold across many northern areas. The cloud is on the week weather front and that tends to pull away. Things coming down again moving into friday. Were waiting on this weather front to push into the north west, a of low pressure that could come into play by the weekend. 0therwise could come into play by the weekend. Otherwise a little dry weather, some sunshine at times but fair amount of cloud developing through the day and some showers breaking out around some showers breaking out around some of the irish sea coast. Most of the rainfall in the North West North West of scotland. But somewhat whether developing into the evening and overnight. The weather systems combining and moving east across england and wales. A bit slow to clear away and then north westerly winds dragging in some colder air. We have some rain in the morning across central and Eastern England which will take some time to clear away. 0therwise sunshine and some showers coming down in the brisk north westerly wind. Probably fewer showers for the second at the weekend. Pressure starting to build a little and many places dry with a bit more sunshine. Temperatures eight, 211 celsius. This is beyond 100 days, with me katty kay in washington Christian Frasers in london. Police in new york say the man who used a truck to kill eight people had been planning it for weeks in the name of so called Islamic State. Sayfullo saipov had been living in america for seven years and wasnt known to the authorities. President trump calls immigration controls a joke. 0ne senior democrat gave us his response. I dont understand the president picking the statements that he made, which tends to try to divide people as opposed to bring us together. Brutalised by the bolsheviks, revered by modern russians we remember the last tsar as our special series on the revolution continues. How has donald trump influenced our everyday vocabulary . Well finding out as one dictionary releases its word, or words, of the year. Let us know your thoughts by using the hashtag beyond100days. Breaking news in the last few minutes, we are being told that the defence secretary has resigned, following allegations of past behaviour. You made snow that has named did appear on the list that has been circulated, circulated on twitter but it became Public Knowledge that he was on this list and of course he has been under pressure in recent days. We understand that in the last few minutes, it has been announced that sir Michael Fallon has resigned from his position. What does speak to alex forsyth, at westminster. This is very much breaking news, in the last few minutes, that the defence secretary, sir Michael Fallon has resigned from his position in the government. We know it is in regards to allegations of past behaviour. The allegations in question, but we know, some 15 years ago that he repeatedly punched and journalists need dinner at the conservative party conference. The journalist in question said she found the incident amusing, she didnt take offence by it and that sir Michael Fallon had apologised at the time. Now we have this statement saying he is leaving his position, as defence secretary, which he has held since 2014, and we know is that it is to do with allegations of bv. Very quickly, alex, two senior people close to the Prime Minister, sir Michael Fallon and the damian green, both in the headlines today. Do we know anything about him . He is the de facto Prime Minister in the uk, a close ally to theresa may. He has been referred for an investigation, again allegations that he fully truly touched someones knee and said a text message asking somebody out for a drink. He said that any allegations that amounted to misconduct of any sexual nature false and an true but nonetheless he was referred for an investigation over that. We have had these allegations swirling around westminster in recent days and some we re westminster in recent days and some were wondering what the consequences would be. At the moment, as far as far as we would be. At the moment, as far as faras we are would be. At the moment, as far as far as we are aware, damian green has been referred for investigation and sir Michael Fallon has chosen to resign his position in the government. Heres what we know so far about the suspect in the new york attacks. He moved to the us in 2010 from his native uzbekistan. Hes married with three children. He worked as an uber driver and passed the companys background checks. He has a string of traffic offences but nothing more than that. Since being in the us hes lived in newjersey, ohio and in tampa, florida. Its from tampa that Rajini Vaidyanathan has this report on his time in america. A man said to have noticed remorse. Police said he became radicalised in america. He arrived here from uzbekistan on a green card or today in 2010. He settled in all heil, where she got married. 0ne mind the new deer said he was exposed to extremist ideology online. He always looked as a liberal muslim, Something Like that, you know. He always like, saying, you know, youre doing not right this one, doing this one like islam does. That was very minor signs of radicalising. From ohio, he moved to florida, living at this apartment complex in tampa. Neighbours say they remember seeing him by the pool with his wife and children, but that he wasnt particularly friendly. Although he was a practising muslim, Sayfullo Saipov wasnt seen at mosques in the area. This lawyer who speaks for the Islamic Community in tampa says there may be a reason why. Weve worked with the fbi on a number of cases of trying to protect youth from being targeted by groups like is, and the first tactic is does is try to get them away from the mosques, because they know the messaging of the mosques undermine the deviant extremist heretical message of groups like isis. 0ne resident says Sayfullo Saipov and his family packed up from here earlier this year, and that before he left, he gave her his computer and printer, which she donated to charity. She also said he told her he was moving to newjersey. And it was in paterson, a city with a large muslim community, that he worked as an uber driver. Close to here he rented the truck he used in the attack. Sayfullo saipov is still in hospital. The focus for authorities is how did an immigrant who wasnt on their radar commit a deadly terror attack in the country he made his home . 0ur correspondent, michelle fleury, is outside the house in which the suspect was reportedly staying at recently, in paterson, newjersey. What are his neighbours they are saying . This small residential streets suddenly got some unwelcome attention yesterday evening when the fbi and police descended on this small street and the set offences because we understand that number nine, p hain to me, is where the suspect lived with his wife and children. Apparently, it is hard to piece the exact time when together, but we think he might have come here in march, with his wife, and police cornered at cordoned off this area, went for the house, trying to find clues as to what might have motivated him, what alliances he may have, who, if any, motivated him, what alliances he may have, who, ifany, might motivated him, what alliances he may have, who, if any, might have been his influences, but for the community, it is a largely muslim one and there will be concerns about the knock on effect. People have already started asking if he attended the local mosque and locals here say that they have not seen them there. One local who spoke to them there. One local who spoke to the bbc expressed shock seeing that he would never have expected of him and that he had known him for a while. To rajini who as we saw is in tampa, florida where he was living. What is interesting, as i said in my report, the fbi did not have him directly on the radar and spending some time here, you do get the impression that it was not someone who truly interacted at all with the Community Around him. We spent some time at the apartment complex where he spent some time living with his family and most people say that they saw her murder and the Swimming Pool saw her murder and the Swimming Pool, as i mentioned, but they do not have stories about him. Some said he wasnt particularly friendly. He did not interact with those around him. When i went to meet the head of the local Islamic Centre here, he said that he had never seen or centre here, he said that he had never seen or heard from him until he was in the news. Even though he was a devout moslem, he did not attend mosques in the idiot, at least to a level that people would remember him. What we had from ohio was thats the belief he was radicalised online. That may be why it is so difficult to paint a clear picture of his actions before the attack. Thank you for that. Lets get more on this. John thomas tomarchio is a former Deputy Assistant secretary with Homeland Security. What are you looking at, what do you know so far, that might have raised a red flag in his background . We look at what indicia of terrorism or terrorist intent that this individual might portray . He was involved in the muslim air are Good Community in tampa, florida. He was unemployed, a sporty work record. He moved to all heil, again, not really radicalised but seem to be some individuals that met with him, describing him as an angry individual. They often expressed displeasure with us Foreign Policy, or us Foreign Policy to the muslim world, maybe not uncommon among some people, but no indication that he would do anything violent. That is a lwa ys would do anything violent. That is always the thing, when the call from an angry guy with the grape to doing something that this guy dead in a new york. It seems that you can only wear an unlimited new york. It seems that you can only wearan unlimited amount new york. It seems that you can only wear an unlimited amount from the people attended these suspects. Most of them said he was a friendly guy. Does that mean you have to look online, is that where the clues will increasingly be found . Online, is that where the clues will increasingly be found . That is where investigators are looking at. What was his online persona . Where was he going, who was he talking to . What site was the visiting . Was he self radicalised . How did he go from being a person with anger or a person with aspirations of the jihad or violence, to a person that became operational . You make that nexus from aspiration to operational . Did he have help . Did he have an individual who was teaching or mentoring him or it is something they did on his own . Those are the things i want to know about right now. As you say, terrorism is not something you do by yourself. It is highly social. It has been a lot of work done here in europe on who these people are talking to online. They thing that has been enough work donein they thing that has been enough work done in congress here in the United States . Done in congress here in the United States . I think it is an ongoing process. We are always interested in motivations. We are always interested in support groups. We are a lwa ys interested in support groups. We are always interested in financing. Looking at an individual online is very important. This particular person, he was below the radar screen, if he didnt have an online persona and he was Just Cruising but did not leave any markers behind, did not leave any markers behind, did not leave any markers behind, did not leave any online pranks or tired legs or did not go to places that would raise red flags, these people are very, very hard to find and the predicted that they are going to do something. That is the real challenge. Because the president has raised the issue of immigration today and that the lottery system, i want to ask if you think clamping down on the lottery system, doing away with that would help from a Homeland Security point of view . that would help from a Homeland Security point of view . I would not say that we have to do away with that, i think with any system, there should be visited, seven with like to what has happened in the new york city, whether we have two making the changes, that is to be determined. Asa changes, that is to be determined. As a prudent measure, we should look at how many people are coming in, when they are coming in and what the buttons are, but there is a lot to see what comes out in the wash. Thank you forjoining us. Breaking news in the last few minutes, the defence secretary has resigned from his position. He has given a brief statement to the bbc. He says that he thinks it the right thing to do to resign. He says his behaviour in the past has fallen short of the standards expected by the military. The bbc understands his resignation is not in response to any new or specific allegations. He went on to say that the Prime Minister and parliament are taking this issue seriously and that is the right thing to do. So Michael Fallon holding himself to the same standards as the military and taking the decision that it is better if you are a science. He was the last tsar of russia tortured and murdered, along with his family, by the bolsheviks during the revolution a hundred years ago. A defining period for russia, and the rest of the world, as beginnings of what would be the soviet union came to be. And to help us understand what happened during this tumultuous time, our correspondent Steve Rosenberg is travelling through russia, bringing to life events which took place a century ago. Steves been in St Petersberg and moscow already, and today he reports from yekaterinburg, and the Russian Orthodox church on the blood, where the romanov dynasty was brought to a brutal end. If there is one place where heaven meets hell, its here. This is known as the church on the blood. Murder was committed here, the victims now elevated to saints. Tsar nicholas ii and his family. This church marks the spot where they and their servants were executed by the bolsheviks. They were shot and bayoneted. A bloody and brutal end to russias last tsar. Having murdered the tsar, the bolsheviks tried to bury all memory of the monarchy. They failed. It took 60 years, but eventually a discovery was made here near ekaterinburg. The remains of nicholas ii and his family. In 1988, the russian government confirmed their authenticity. Nicholas ii, his wife alexandra, and their three daughters were laid to rest. Later, more bones were found in the same forest, believed to be the tsars two missing children. The church has not recognised the remains, but that may change. There are new investigations, using more advanced methods. The church participates in these investigations. There is a strong chance that the church will recognise the remains as the bones of the royal family. Nicholas ii was a flawed leader an inflexible autocrat with poorjudgment. Communists painted him as a bloody tyrant. Todays Russia Strikes a different note. Back at the church they have a rose tinted view of saint nicholas. I always compare him with captain of a big ship called russia, and he was on this ship to the end. And it is from tsarist russia that this ekaterinburg school draws its inspiration. But would they like a tsar running russia today . Times change. We cant speak about the monarchy as it was earlier, but i suppose that our president is a kind of man who governs the way the tsar tried to govern, in a way. He is a real ruler, a real patriot. Russia is trying to remember its past, not recreate it. Pa rt part of the battle is snapping at the ideology and getting rid of an Islamic State in syria and iraq is fundamental. But what more do we need to do . General sir mike jackson is the former head of the british army a man with huge experience tackling and 80s. Terror threat on the streets of Northern Ireland in the 70s and 80s. He led the uk army during the iraq invasion of 2003. And hejoins me now. I must ask you first of sir Michael Fallon. I think the armed forces will be sad to see him go. It is clearly a personal decision he has come to and so personal decision he has come to and so be it. Lets talk about the terror issue. I mentioned in the outset the fear that you have this huge experience of dealing, blue with the macro level, tackling Islamic State in the track and wherever they are around the world but also in the micro level were you dealt with the ira in Northern Ireland. Theres something in your experience in the 70s and 80s that could apply to the thread we now face in our cities . I think my first point of analysis and we cant put up point of analysis and we cant put up too many parallels comedy ira we re very up too many parallels comedy ira were very careful not to be killed in the operations. Islamic state, we know they are very different. The problem, which led to the troubles in Northern Ireland was political. At its base rate, political. What Security Forces were able to do was keep space open for a political state settlement to emerge, the good friday agreement. I have to say that that Panel Builders work, largely when it comes to Islamic State. At a Political Movement and the answer at the end of the day has to be political. Do you think the war on terror has made it worse . The so called war on terror, i dont know. It would take, i think, a historian in due course to come to whatever conclusion. I dont think nothing could have been done. Dont think doing nothing was an option. That is the argument that by putting, even alan hardy, the stick into the ants nest of the middle east, it brought domestic terrorism as we have seen that, so tragically, evenin as we have seen that, so tragically, even in the very recent past, im not sure about that. There is an ideology shear which basically doesnt like people who are not like them and is prepared to kill them. What do you make of the fact that the suspect came from uzbekistan, not a country where western nations are involved militarily, c wouldnt think that the there would be an obvious grape that is becks would have on that front. Youre saying we are involved in uzbekistan. I beg your pardon. Now, i am are involved in uzbekistan. I beg your pardon. Now, iam not. Indeed, we have seen Islamic State attacks in countries that have not been directly, some not at all, in operations in the middle east. The two do not necessarily go hand in hand. Two do not necessarily go handinhand. Let me change directions. I will ask you about russia, something that has been commented on today by the us commanding general in europe, who has been speaking to our defence correspondent. I will play your cup of what he had to say. We have been focused on so long on the middle east for so long, in the meanwhile, russia have continued to develop capabilities and the remainders of who they always have been. About three years ago, the last American Tank went back to the states. Rush was posted be our partners to weave a shrug that is what we hoped for and now it is coming back. For centuries of history and the russian tendency, we ignored that. But were recovering quickly and the alliance is adapting, certainly my country has invested, bringing the ability back over here to europe. Sir michael, do you agree that in focusing on the middle east and the threat of terrorism, whether its to do with defence spending budgets, nato s defence budget, there has bid and neglect of the russia threat, from european and counties in the west and america . threat, from european and counties in the west and america . I very much agree with what we just heard from general hodges, we did not handle russia very well, as it came out of the cold war but now is not the moment perhaps to see where it went wrong. We are now facing a resurgent and adventurous, risk taking russia. The only proper deterrent to that is the military alliance that we know as nato, which it has been doing since 1947 or 1948. That is key to show that adventurism, coming back towards the west, is not on offer. wish we had more time to talk but we are out of time. It was good to have you in the studio. Thank you for your reaction to the sir Michael Fallon study as well. I am going to give you three words and i want you to guess what they mean. Hygge . Dude food, sharenting. This is like one of those radio colin quizzes. Radio call an quizzes. They were all words that found their way last year into the new collins dictionary. But can you guess what was top of the list last year . It was brexit. There is a clue to what is the most popular word this year. I will give you a clue it is tremendous, really really great. It has never happened before. And its a term that describes us perfectly. It must be real news, if it describes us. It is fake news. Im looking forward to see how they define it. Clearly, we have spent a lot of time on this programme talking about the threat from russia, we had a congenital fallon there and we had from Rosa Luxemburg earlier in this programme. Really, it is the dissemination of fa ke really, it is the dissemination of fake news. It is not what the president calls fake news, which is cnn and they would probably throw in the bbc, and all Cable Television outlets and the dues television outlets and the dues television outlets and the dues television outlets and print outlets that are not fox news in the us, but is but thats not what the users. The news is a real problem. Its the problem that comes from people disseminating misinformation and trying to influence elections because of bad or political processes because of that, and i dont now how we will carry on conducting elections in democratic societies are people get their news from the new site and think that it is real. Soon you will be able to make people say what everyone spent to say because of artificial intelligence. That would really be fa ke intelligence. That would really be fake news and it will change the political game. You know that when you walk up fake news in the dictionary you only get two lanes . Go on. Not as long as you have just defended. Thats an whole encyclopaedia entry. Before we go, the breaking news and the last half hour. Sir Michael Fallon has resigned. He said in recent days allegations have been made about mps conduct including my own and many of these have been false. In the past, i have the high standards we require of the armed forces which i had the privilege to represent. I have therefore reflected on the position in government and amber saint resigning as defence secretary. That Statement Reads a lot of questions and that hopefully will get the answers in the next few hours. We will bring them to you on the bbc news. The first day of november was a mildone but it will turn more cold. A small band of cloud this evening, rain and drizzle sinking settlers. 0n either side of that, we will find clearer skies. We may well find some fog across southern england. In the cold air, it will be shallow fog and it wont last long. Showers, retreating back into the north sea. Huge as the main band of clouds, probably north of london in the south wales, south of that, look out for some fog in the rush hour in the morning. It will thicken up about that time and it could be dense in somerset and wiltshire. Should be clearing away by late morning. The band of rain stuck in place for much of the day. 0n either side, we get some sunshine. It will be cold across many northern areas, and this is where we will see the best of the sunshine. The weatherfront does tend to pull away and things calm down as we move into the day. We are waiting for this weather front pushing in from the the northwest and is a big that could come into play by the weekend. 0therwise quite a lot of dry weather. A fair bit of cloud developing through the day. One of the showers picking out and most of the rain in the north west of scotland, temperatures again, 12 or 14 celsius. Pretty normal for this time of year. Wet weather will develop into the evening and overnight. These two systems will combine and drive eastwards across england and wales. Then we get a north westerly wind, dragging down cold air, which you will feel more at night than during the day because we will have sunshine and showers. Some of rain across the morning. It will take a way, finally leaving the south east and the afternoon. 0therwise sunshine and showers coming down. Fewer showers from the second half of the weekend. Pressure starts to build and many places will be dry with a bit more sunshine. Temperatures, 8 11 celsius. This is bbc news. Im rebecca jones. The headlines at 8pm. Sir Michael Fallon resigns as defence secretary, admitting his behaviour in the past may have fallen short. It follows theresa mays invitation to Party Leaders to a special meeting next week to discuss the Sexual Harassment claims that westminster. Police in new york say the man suspected of killing eight people in Lower Manhattan was inspired by the Islamic State group. The suffering of the hillsborough victims families. Calls for a cultural change in the way relatives are treated after a public tragedy. And Council Spending on temporary social workers has doubled in the past four years. Staff shortages mean more than £350 million was spent

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