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Get in touch with us using the hashtag beyond100days. Im katty kay in washington. Christian frasers in london. On both sides of the atlantic they are talking about russian meddling in western democracies, but listen to the tone from 10 downing street and the white house, it could not be more different. Donald trump says he believes Vladimir Putin is sincere in his denials of russian interference and suggests moscow should be given the benefit of the doubt. Here in london, theresa may is much more suspicious. At a speech last night, she accused moscow of using social media to undermine the international order, promising to do whatever it takes to protect future british elections. In a significant escalation of the rhetoric, the Prime Minister listed a string of other russian aggressions, including crimea and the middle east. It is seeking to weaponise information and plant fake stories and photosshop images in an attempt to show discord in the west and undermine institutions. I have a very simple message for russia. We know what you are doing and you will not succeed. For the first time, today facebook conceded that russian operatives may have used its site to influence the brexit referendum. Damian collins is the chair of the digital, culture, media and sport committee. He has written to facebook and twitter and is investigating how far russian interference in the uk goes. What is it you are seeking to get from facebook and twitter . We want to know what activity took place in the uk around the brexit referendum in particular that was linked to russian backed organisations. We have seen evidence of this in america and a growing amount of evidence that in the uk, but we want to know facts. Buzzfeed is reporting tonight that they have obtained the statement from facebook in which they admit for the first time that there were some russian linked accou nts there were some russian linked accounts that may have used its platform to interfere in the referendum vote. Thats right. I have written to Mark Zuckerberg asking him to release to the community all the evidence they have of russia backed activity promoting messaging around the time of the referendum and general election on their site. This is information that is held within the company and they should provide it to parliament. The big three have been hauled before congress to account for what happened in the us election. Their message seems to be, listen, we can handle this ourselves. Are you satisfied that they can . No, im not. Unless there is evidence of russian activity had been requested from them we would not know about it now. We are having to request the same information about the uk, too. This is information they could find themselves presented a voluntarily, but they havent done it. They are cooperating with the hearings we are holding and they will be giving evidence to our committee aurally i hope as they have done in america, but i feel they could be doing more to voluntarily look for and release the information. What happened here in the United States is that they played into existing political and social divisions, the russians, through social media platforms. Are they the same kind of divisions have played into in the uk, as far as you understand . I think that is exactly right. They are looking to divide communities, undermined institutions. From a russian backed account we saw a fake image link to the Westminster Bridge attack which tried to suggest a muslim woman was indifferent to the suffering of people on the bridge. That was designed to divide communities and incite hatred. Is there any Information Exchange between the house of commons and congress and doesnt undermine the investigation when the american president is saying he believes what the russian president is telling him . There is no formal link between the parliaments but as part of our select Committee Enquiry into fake news we will visit washington in the early new year, seeking to gain inside information from people involved in these investigations and i think that is an important part of oui i think that is an important part of our work. We are interesting in learning from other parliaments around the world as we look to deal with this issue. This is one of the biggest threats that democracy faces and we need to get it right. Mr collins, thank you for being with us. There seems to be a pattern emerging, doesnt bear . The russians are trying to prove that they have a sense of humour because theyjust sent out this tweet from the ministry of Foreign Affairs. I think that is called geopolitical trawling of the first order, since crimea under International Law does not belong to russia. That wine was made by the ukrainians before russia took over the crimea. The timing is interesting because borisjohnson goes to russia before the end of the year and the rhetoric has been stepped up. Downing street is saying they are not reacting in relation to any specific piece of news, there has been a revelation, but there is a growing body of evidence and perhaps she putting down a marker. In downing street they are saying look, when it always as we have a lwa ys look, when it always as we have always said when it comes to russia, be aware but engage. Downing street today said that they had no evidence that they have successfully interfered, but that doesnt mean that they did not. For some reason, the us attorney general has a problem with his memory. He just cant seem to remember key events concerning russias contacts for some reason, the us attorney general has with the Trump Campaign. I lost count of the number of times Jeff Sessions used the words i dont recall in a hearing in congress today, but it was a lot. Mr sessions couldnt really deny he had met George Popadolous, the Trump Campaign staffer whos cooperating with the mueller investigation, because there is a photograph of him sitting in his company. The president at one end of the table, Jeff Sessions at the other. He was asked about his memory of that meeting today by democratic congressman jerry nadler. Lets try and correct the earlier testimony for the record. Yes no, digi chair the march 31 meeting of the National Security advisory meeting . Yes i did. Yes or no. Was George Popadolous at that meeting . I asked for yes or no. There are reports that you shut george dying when he proposed that meeting with Vladimir Putin, is this correct . Yes, i pushed back. Your answer is yes. So you are obviously concerned by George Popadolouss connections and his possibly arranging a meeting with Vladimir Putin. So he did remember pushing back and suggesting to George Popadolous that meeting with Vladimir Putin was not a great idea for donald trump. After that, he basically couldnt remember very much at all. For more on mr sessions testimony, we are joined now from capitol hill by democrat karen bass, who serves on the Housejudiciary Committee and was in that hearing. How do you account for the fact that temp one doesnt remember very much about contacts that they have been made by the Trump Campaign with russians . I absolutely think it is very disingenuous. I could understand that many months ago the first time he was asked this, but you would think somebody of his stature would really have ta ken you would think somebody of his stature would really have taken time to re examine everything in his calendar, the meeting, talking to other people, so i dont accept his notion that he does not recollect what went on. That was far too significant for him not to remember. His only excuse today seem to have been that the campaign was very chaotic. Well, there is nothing new about that, but like i said he was asked these questions many months ago so he has had plenty of time to examine what happened in the past. I think saying that he doesnt recollect, the campaign is very strenuous, they are excuse excuse is that i think are very tenuous. How much pressure are you under from your republican colleagues to wrap up your republican colleagues to wrap up the committees investigation and russian links . I dont necessarily feel any pressure specifically on my committee. We need to do far more investigating. I am glad that we had Jeff Sessions today, but this is one of the first hearings we have had. I dont think there is pressure from my committee, but the republicans clearly ca n my committee, but the republicans clearly can go so much further in their investigation. It is nowhere near over. The republican chair of your committee will be pleased to hear that the attorney general has directed prosecutors to look into the Clinton Foundation and their links to uranium. I think it is a com plete links to uranium. I think it is a complete their version. The attorney general will be under pressure to please the president he has clearly expressed on many occasions his displeasure with him, so everyone knows that if you want to please President Trump just focus on the clintons, barack 0bama. It is absurd to have an investigation like that but i cant see him doing it so he can keep his job. I am digging out a coat that he gave to a committee on the 13th of june. Coat that he gave to a committee on the 13th ofjune. He said i have never met with any russians were foreign officials. I have no knowledge of any such conversations with anybody connected to the tramp campaign, but he did admit today that George Popadolous did discuss it with him. Isnt the sailing tours to perjury . That is why i said it was disingenuous. He was sworn in to tell the truth to the congressional committee. And he didnt. What are you going to do about it . We will have to see how it proceeds. Im sure my republican colleagues will not want to press the situation, but on our side we will. Talking about the facebook hearings, to what extent the facebook hearings, to what exte nt d oes the facebook hearings, to what extent does it make it difficult to have these investigation when the president of the United States seems to be saying when he is abroad that he accepts russias defence of itself that it never interfered in the american elections. Itself that it never interfered in the american electionslj itself that it never interfered in the american elections. Ijust consider it an embarrassment. I also serve on the Foreign Affairs committee and they know people around the world must be looking at us around the world must be looking at us and laughing. It is clear to any head of state around the world that if you want to have the president changes mind, just invite into your country, have a lot of pomp and circumstance, have all the bells and whistles and he was essentially agree with anybody. I think it is barras and for him to be overseas and say that he had a five minute conversation with Vladimir Putin and that has more credibility than the 17 separate intelligence agencies as a part of his United States government, and he takes a five minute conversation with the enemy above that. It makes us look silly. Thank you very much for joining us. The iranian president has promised government help to all those left homeless by sundays powerful earthquake which struck the mountainous border region between iran and iraq. Hassan rouhani was visiting the area today hit by earthquake. More than 460 people were killed. Thousands more have been injured. The ruling party in zimbabwe has accused the countrys army chief of treason after he challenged president Robert Mugabe over the sacking of the vice president. Armed vehicles have been seen on the streets of harare, though their presence is low key. The Zanu Pf Party said in a statement that general constantino chiwengas criticism was calculated to disturb national peace. The lebanese politician saad al hariri, who resigned as Prime Minister while in saudi arabia, says he will return to beirut in the next two days. Mr hariri stunned lebanon when he stepped down in riyadh. Many believed the saudis might be manipulating and detaining him as they try to re shape lebanese politics. Here in london, the house of commons has begun eight marathon days of debate on the eu withdrawal bill a crucial piece of legislation that will end the supremacy of eu law in the uk after brexit. Nearly 500 amendments have been put forward to the delayed bill, just a handful of those will be selected for votes. If 20 tory mps were to rebel, the Prime Minister would be defeated, which some say is a possibility. 0ne contentious amendment put forward by the government would enshrine the brexit date and time in law, at 23 00 gmt on 29th march, 2019. Labourand a number of tory mps are demanding the government withdraws it. Vicki young is in westminster for us now. Vicki, any chance of that amendment being withdrawn . I think there is a possibility of the government being defeated on this, but confusingly, although it is being debated today, the vote will come until dates and this is only day one. The tone of the debate today, listening to several conservatives, they are not happy about this idea of putting up brexit date in law in legislation. They feel that it boxes in the negotiators, the british government, and you need to have a bit of wriggle room. What do we get up to that date and no deal has been done but it is looking like it could be on the cards. That would require all 27 of the other eu countries to agree to it, but nevertheless they feel it will let that it will limit the government too much. There is some anger here on all of that. Tonight, i think it is unlikely to be any difficulty for the government. Eight days of this detailed debate. At this moment they are voting on whether to repeal the 1972 european communities act. That is that tipped the uk into what was the european community. Still a pretty significant moment. When you strip it down to the bare essentials, this is about the mandate of parliament. What is the timetable, the difficulties, the practicalities . That is what they are concerned about. And it is a very contentious thing. The british people have voted to leave, but the point being made by someone like kenneth clarke, who all his life has been very pro european, his point is that the referendum said the leaving the eu. 0k, he will accept that relu cta ntly. The eu. 0k, he will accept that reluctantly. His point is the practicalities, even when we do it, all of that detail, he said that is up all of that detail, he said that is up to this place, up to mps and peers to decide. They need to go through that kind of detail because frankly it wasnt discussed during the referendum. Some of these issues we re the referendum. Some of these issues were touched upon by promises were made by people not in government 110w. Made by people not in government now. The details of how we leave still has to be thrashed out and parliament really want to have a say on all about, particularly on any final deal that theresa may comes back with from brussels. A rather the potters character was going back and forwards behind you and bobby running after her. Someone in fancy dress . Running after her. Someone in fancy dress . There are all sorts of people who come to speak to their mps. It is democracy in action, christian had no idea that the houses of parliament to be so much fun this is the scene now in the house of commons where the debate is underway and well be back at westminster later in the programme to our brexit duo, the mps nigel evans and Seema Malhotra, on todays events. So, try figuring this out. Five women accuse a us politician of sexual harassment, one of whom says she was just 1a at the time, and the politician is still ten points ahead in the polls. 50 pastors have signed a letter supporting him and an official from his local Republican Party says that even if the allegations are true hed vote for him anyway. Welcome to the extraordinary story ofjudge roy moore, who could well be the next us senator for the state of alabama. A woman went on tv yesterday with a detailed account of how mr moore locked her in a car and molested her. The accusations have appalled many republicans in washington who want him to step down, but he does still have the support of his famous backer steve bannon. Temp three reached over and began groping me. Im putting his hand on my breasts. I tried fighting him off while i yelled at him to stop. But instead of stopping he began squeezing my neck, attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I thought that he was going to rip me. He said, you arejust thought that he was going to rip me. He said, you are just a thought that he was going to rip me. He said, you arejust a child and he saidi he said, you arejust a child and he said i have the District Attorney and if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you. This is absolutely false. I never did what you said i did. I dont even know the woman, know anything about. This race just being 28 days off, this isjust political manoeuvre. We are looking at whether there is someone who could run a writing campaign successfully. He should step aside. These allegations are credible. If he cares about the values and people he claims to care about, then he should step aside. Im joined now by our political analyst ron christie a former advisor to president George W Bush. You have a host of republicans in washington saying that roy moore has to go. The Washington Post has its allegations. It seems that a lot of republicans in the state of alabama believe roy moore over the Washington Post and republicans in washington. I think that is all that counts, the people of alabama will decide this case. What we should haveis decide this case. What we should have is roy moore for the better pa rt have is roy moore for the better part of his country, state and party should step down, but he will do that. Republicans are in a lose lose situation. If the goes on to win this, you have the senator in charge of the campaign arm of the Republican Party saying he should be expelled. If he loses, the democrats have won more steep one more seat in the senate. In neither case, the republicans are in a bad spot. We are not here to passjudgment republicans are in a bad spot. We are not here to pass judgment on whether these allegations are right, but im sure how this looks around the world. Why are people circling the world. Why are people circling the wagons and saying, we are going to support our guide. It is a very conservative, religious state. When he was expelled from being a Supreme Court justice, he he was expelled from being a Supreme Courtjustice, he said i am Standing Firm for the ten commandments, i will not remove this memorial. People loved him for that. The think he isa people loved him for that. The think he is a folk hero dined there he is standing for religion and conservative principles. Ordinarily you would expect the president to speak about this, because he has compromised because they will say if you believe that people who are accusing him, why shouldnt we believe the 13 women accusing you, mrtrump . Believe the 13 women accusing you, mr trump . No question about that. The white house doesnt want to wade into this. He has focused all of his time, attention and tweets to what has gone on in his shirt. He has deliberately avoided what is a political landmine that we can expect mr trump to see when he gets back. The last thing he wants to talk about his allegations of Sexual Misconduct given some that were lodged against him in the past. This roy moore situation is a lose lose for republicans and i dont see the situation Getting Better whether he stays in this race for drop side. Thank you forjoining us. And number of the far right groups have gone down to alabama to dig around. Iam hearing down to alabama to dig around. I am hearing this is going to get more ugly. Breitbart, the far right news organisation, headed by steve bannon, has sent to reporters dined there to try to dig up dirt on these women who have accused him of sexual harassment. There are other groups that are also trying to dig up dirt on these women, the marital history, the boyfriends they have had, trying to discredit the story. A story has been running in the new yorker saying that roy moore was barred from a Shopping Mall because he was harassing teenagers. So, both sides investigating this story and we will see where it goes. And we will be there for the boat when it happens. Todayis there for the boat when it happens. Today is the 14th of november, an important date because it is your birthday have you still got ron christie with you . Still here he did send me very kind birthday wishes yesterday. Did you know it was here he did send me very kind birthday wishes yesterday. But day to day . And look, she even has the cards that they gave her. Yours is in the post ron christie has given me a birthday card. well, yours might be in the post, well see. Yours might be in the post sounds like the kind of things that Jeff Sessions might have said at the congressional hearing today. Im so sorry this isnt something i recollected, i feel to remember. Hgppy recollected, i feel to remember. Happy birthday to you. Christian, happy birthday to you. Thank you, my good friend. Team the scorpio on this programme. A sting in the tail. A sting in the tail. This is beyond 100 days from the bbc. Coming up for viewers on the bbc news channel and bbc world news donald trumpjunior releases his Twitter Exchange with wikileaks well look at just how damaging they are. Swedens footballers celebrate in style as they make it to the world cup, but ive spent the morning with devastated italians. Thats still to come. Well, it has turned a little bit mile right there. We have had a lot of moisture and cloud that has been drifting off the atlantic and with that comes a lot of damp weather for tonight and into tomorrow. Mist and fog could be a problem as well anywhere across england and wales, so if youre travelling early in the morning in england and wales could be tricky in some areas. It will not be tricky in some areas. It will not be so foggy in scotland. Here the skies will be clearer tonight. There will be some patches of barbecue and there but i think a chilly, clear night overall in the north whereas in england and wales, milder air and the butchers of 10 degrees. Lets have a look at this gloomy mark first thing in the morning. This is what it looks like around seven oclock. You can see bits of drizzle in the site, drizzle in lincolnshire as well. This isjust in the site, drizzle in lincolnshire as well. This is just generally grey skies with a bit of mist and fog. Similar picture in northern ireland, also a chance of fog patches. But in scotla nd also a chance of fog patches. But in scotland it should be a clear start of the day and we have a beautiful sunrise on the way, as well. Not much changes across the bulk of the country tomorrow. There will be more brightness developing in the afternoon, but some of the grey skies and missed to persist into the afternoon. Temperatures getting up to 13 degrees with a bit of sunshine. In the north out of the calder starred in scotland it will get higher than 8 degrees in the lowlands. For weapons in identifiers to, change on the way. This low pressure will send a weather front racing across the uk and could be heavy rain for a time. A brief burst of heavy rain, then it clears up across scotland, Northern England and the cloud. Breaking up on the site before that weather fronts tweets southwards. Then this clearer, fresher air mass out of the north. So at crisp day. This calder error behind the front will not stick around for very long because them out there will move back in again and low pressure will be marching in, so the weekend will eventually turn unsettled. The country as a cold front sweeps through the uk. This is beyond one hundred days, with me katty kay in washington Christian Fraser is in london. Our top stories. Theresa may accuses moscow of meddling in elections to sow discord in the west. Russian officials hit back saying she is making of a fool of herself. Us attorney generalJeff Sessions gets a grilling before lawmakers and what contacts the Trump Campaign had with any russian operatives. Coming up in the next half hour. Contacts are revealed between Donald Trump Jr and wikileaks. We speak to the journalist who brought the story to light. Plus, sweden celebrate in style as they make next years world cup but italy is in mourning as they miss out for the first time in 60 years. Let us know your thoughts by using the hashtag beyond 0ne hundred days. New evidence has emerged that donald trumpjunior was in touch with wikileaks during the campaign an organisation Us Intelligence believes disseminated material hacked by moscow. Congressional investigators already knew of donjr. s correspondence with wikileaks. But now he himself has published them. The tweeted communications add insight into the web of communications linking the Trump Campaign, russia, and intermediaries like wikileaks. Its worth looking at the timeline to see how this may have affected the election. 0n 3 october 2016, wikileaks writes to donald trump junior, attaching a link of Hillary Clinton criticising wikileaks founderjulian assange. Hiya, itd be great if you guys could comment on push this story, wikileaks suggest. Trump junior responds within an hour and a half. Already did that earlier today. Its amazing what she can get away with. A week later, wikileaks gets in contact again. Hey donald, great to see you and your dad talking about our publications. Strongly suggest your dad tweets this link if he mentions us there was no response to that message, but. Just 15 minutes after the message was sent, donald trump tweeted this very little pick up by the Dishonest Media of incredible information provided by wikileaks. So dishonest rigged system . And two days on from that on the 14th october trumpjunior tweets out the very link hed been sent. Donaldjnr could maintain he didnt know that wikileaks was offering. But this was two months after the fbi alleged in july 2016 that they believe russian had hacked the dnc computers. Heres cia director mike pompeo on that in april this year. It is time to call out wikileaks for what it is, a non state Hostile Intelligence Service often abetted by actors like russia. A short while ago we spoke tojulia ioffe from the atlantic magazine the journalist who first broke the story on donald trumpjuniors correspondence with wikileaks. The big question is how much closer to these revelations that donald trump junior was in contact to these revelations that donald trumpjunior was in contact with wikileaks trumpjunior was in contact with wikilea ks ta ke us trumpjunior was in contact with wikileaks take us to any sense of whether the Trump Campaign colluded with russia during the campaign . think that is a question for a lawyer to answer, i do not want to venture into that territory or speculate as to whether collusion occurred. But we see wikileaks actively trying to solicit the help of the Trump Campaign and asking them for increasingly bold favours. At the time as we know it was working closely with russian intelligence. That is what is interesting, not just intelligence. That is what is interesting, notjust that intelligence. That is what is interesting, not just that wikileaks was suggesting to donald trump junior that he disseminate information and giving him steers but also that wikileaks was making asks of the campaign. That is right and later the administration asking him to press for this training government to make julian him to press for this training government to makejulian assange the australian ambassador to washington, asking them to release the trump tax returns, release e mails about the meeting that happened in june 2000 e mails about the meeting that happened injune 200016. Sojust increasingly, first they start with little things, have you seen this story, take a look into this and thenit story, take a look into this and then it is can give us the tax returns, can you make are gueye the australian ambassador, can you get as these e mails. Australian ambassador, can you get as these emails. So kind of escalating. And what is interesting is the response of the president around the time when these sweet m essa g es we re around the time when these sweet messages were hitting the account of donald junior. That is right, on 0ctober donald junior. That is right, on october 12 you have wikileaks writing to donald trumpjunior saying if youre, if your followers have any time here is a link for a search in all the documents pilfered from, through russian government hackers. If your followers have time to ta ke hackers. If your followers have time to take a look at this. And by the way weve just released the fourth pa rt way weve just released the fourth part of the e mails ofjohn podesta, who was of Course Campaign editor. This message was five days after the American Department of Homeland Security and office of the director of National Intelligence said this is all part of a criminal orchestrated campaign to influence the president ial election. Nevertheless within 15 minutes of receiving the message donald trump, then the republican candidate, tweeted out something about the john podesta e mails. And two days later donald trump junior tweeted out the search link, which is not a straightforward link at all but it seems pretty clear where we got that. Thank you very much for your reporting. Moving from coordination, there appears to be some that all the way to collusion, that for Robert Mueller to decide. But looking at this, and all the things that we have been talking about, the campaign was open for business. Yes andi campaign was open for business. Yes and i think that is where the goalposts have shifted. When the Trump Administration was first inaugurated way back injanuary the idea that someone might donald trump junior may have had a meeting in order to get dirt on Hillary Clinton order to get dirt on Hillary Clinton or Better Campaign operative may have had a meeting and suggested that he could get something on Hillary Clinton or in this case wikileaks wishing out directly to donald trump junior and saying we have got stuff on Hillary Clinton. I think we all would have said that kind of structure the realm of fragility and that possibly we would have said that definitely would be a definition of collusion. But this is the new normal, an indication of how things have shifted since the Trump Administration has been inaugurated and now we define things differently and now we define things differently and go getting more indications but as you said it is up to lawyers to decide whether this is any breach of american law and whether this actually is a quid pro bowl which would be collusion. Back to british politics. Mps today began their line by line scrutiny of the eu withdrawal bill, the central piece of brexit legislation. Hundreds of amendments have been put forward by mps who want changes to the bill before it becomes law. Remember the aim of the eu withdrawal bill is to bring all existing eu law into domestic uk law, to try to ensure a smooth transition on the day after brexit. Yesterday, brexit secretary david davis made a surprise concession, promising mps would be given a take it or leave it vote on the final brexit deal. Some tory rebels say that could mean a chaotic exit from the eu if a deal was reached at the last minute or if there was no deal. Heres a reminder of what the withdrawal bill intends to do. To help us pick our way through that and to for a catch up because its been a while were joined now from westminster by two familiar faces Seema Malhotra and nigel evans. Great to see you both. Lets talk about the amendment which would set the date and time of departure. Take it from me, someone who has sat through all these brussels meetings in the past, if you give the eu time they will fill it. So why notjust give them a deadline . It is not about the eu actually, it is about the uk and about how we make sure we have the best chance of the best deal and orderly brexit. I think the best quote today came from a senior conservative mp who said he was voting against own side if it came to vote and said it was mad amendment and done without collective authority. Pretty staggering from a former attorney general. The reason being we want to make sure when we have a deal, when we finally leave the eu that we do so with the security about what comes next and not but would fall offa comes next and not but would fall off a cliff edge or that we challenge the legal basis on which we continue to transact. What he said today was important, that putting that date on the face of the bill in this way would actually challenge all the transition deal arrangements that have also been talked about by the prime minster so that we continue to trade when we leave, but the key thing is if it jeopardises that it could lead to a ha rd jeopardises that it could lead to a hard brexit which will be would be devastating and semi catastrophic as one leading car manufacturer said today. Nigel, anna soubry told us it was a stormy meeting last night when they got together with the party whips. If 20 defect to the labour side doesnt mean the Prime Minister might be brought down . side doesnt mean the Prime Minister might be brought down . I have got the scars of the maastricht treaty still on my back in 1992 and remember. Ido still on my back in 1992 and remember. I do not take my shirt off a ny remember. I do not take my shirt off any more i remember being dragooned at three oclock in the morning and five oclock in the morning and five oclock in the morning to vote for aspects which i did not think win the best interests of the country. But overall i supported john major and that is what i would hope that anna soubry will do in supporting theresa may as well. Unless we set the date then all of a sudden people in the Chamber Still talk about if we leave the eu but you know what we are leaving because over 70 million british people voted to leave. But the confusing thing is we are already living on that date according to article 50 so the question is why the government wants to do this now, what game are displaying and who it is doing it for. It is not the british people. The brexit minister talked about us becoming a third country on the day we leave. So theres not going to be an extension so brussels can still pad out the discussions and negotiations that are happening. David davis is going in there and negotiating, preparing to concede on the rights of eu nationals living in the rights of eu nationals living in the uk and even on the transit period that we could have another two years before we leave. And yet Michel Barnier says it is not enough. Sick and tired of it is not enough. Sick and tired of it is not enough. I do not think that is the reality of how things are going on. I think reality of how things are going on. Ithink in reality of how things are going on. I think in fact people are starting to realise that it is this government mishandling the negotiations. I think i understood most of the process, or some of it, but you voted remain, is there any way you would vote to support the eu withdrawal bill whatever it ends up as, however the amendments go down, youre going to say no . as, however the amendments go down, youre going to say no . I think it depends on what was safeguards are that are put in place. Im not on my own in that, you can see on the government side. So you could vote yes to it. I could if i thought safeguards were there on the powers that ministers are giving themselves. Do not hold your breath if they changed the way they sidelined parliament all through the process. The amendment again was about making sure that the government has the right to proceed to no deal without having to come back to parliament. And Parliament Standing at the ground today, i was proud to be in the chamber. But what is important as well is that we have a vote in parliament, say about how to move forward and also the risks of us leaving and the way we leave, making sure we safeguard british businesses, jobs. That is what this is really all about. Im with james dyson on that. We have to leave it there. I will leave it to you to continue this because i think your colleague has just accused you of being disingenuous colleague has just accused you of being disingenuous i do not think so. And we have got a long night to go and another seven sessions lucky you this weekend the New York Times reported the state department is offering twenty five thousand dollars in redundancy money, to any Staff Members who want to move on. All part of secretary tillersons plans to streamline the way the state department operates. But is it root and Branch Reform or is it more something akin to corporate vandalism . There are plenty who are connected with the state department who say its role is being sorely undermined, and its expertise ignored by the white house. I am joined by david rank who spent 27 years at the state department as a Foreign Service officer. You five american president is republican and democrat but roger letter saying you would resign from the state department. Why would you not serve under donald trump . It was not serve under donald trump . It was not but i would not serve under donald trump but the policies that he was implementing i think were bad for the us, bad for my kids and kind of bad for myself. Which policies in particular pushed you out the door . It was the decision to leave the paris minor change agreement. I think if you look at what happened this week in germany, 200 countries on one side and the United States on the other. It used to be that people would look to washington for guidance. Climate change agreement. And now we are the subject of derision if you look at what happened. You served 25 years but you think this is quantified be different . Absolutely, what we had in leaving the paris agreement, i think the one agreement that unifies the rest of the world and literally unifies the rest of the world and unifies the rest of the world and unifies the rest of the world and unifies the partners, the eu, japan, australia, really the backbone of american diplomacy for the last 70 yea rs. American diplomacy for the last 70 years. I thinkjust a terrible decision. How is morale in the state department when you talk to your colleagues . Well it is pretty bad. Just like anywhere else, you want to work for you feel youre on the asset side of the ledger, these are people who have devoted their lives in many cases, spent years and years away from family and in really tough situations. They have spent a lot of time developing expertise in areas and it is difficult not to not get the final say but not even have a voice as policies are being developed, not being listened to. Voice as policies are being developed, not being listened tom isa developed, not being listened tom is a tough environment. We spoke to people on the first part of the asia trip this week and the feeling was there were some big deals in the pipeline but they had been side ahead of time anyway. There was no real strategy over what the president wanted to achieve in china . I will try to. President wanted to achieve in china . I will try to. I president wanted to achieve in china . Iwill try to. I assume president wanted to achieve in china . I will try to. I assume the white house will put forward a strategy but if you look at the deals, we sell a lot of boeing aeroplanes most years, there was the language of as much as, im sceptical having use that language myself in a previous career when you set up to, there is the possibility of not up to. You served six times when you are in the Foreign Service in china and you write in your letter that there is a risk that if America Withdraws its Global Leadership other countries will step in. If you look at what happened in the asia trip have already got evidence that china is taking americas place in the world . To some degree, china of course delighted to have the chance without really having to raise its game or put more on the table, to step forward as a Global Leader but on the other hand i think theres not a substitute for American Leadership out there. I think china does not have the instincts to be a Global Leader, i do not think they have the experience to be a Global Leader. And i think certainly countries in the region, and many around the world look at what chinese leadership might look like and i do not think they are comfortable with that either. Do you think it is generally a suspicion about Civil Servants, conservative politicians do not believe that Civil Servants are acting in their interests and they see them as part of the establishment . Civil servants are pa rt establishment . Civil servants are part of a political establishment in the sense that they work from one administration to the next. When i left i was accused of being an 0bama administration holdover but you could call me of George W Bush holdover, i began my career more than two decades prior. We are in institution, that works for the American People or the british people or the people of the country, the countries they represent. Thank you very much. This is beyond one hundred days. Still to come. Mamma mia italian football fans are drowning their sorrows after their team misses out on the world cup. Christian goes to find out how. Motorists should be forced to have their eyes tested every ten years according to the association of optometrists. They say too many people with poor eyesight are still driving. Their campaign is backed by the family of natalie wade, who was killed by a partially sighted driver. Ali fortescue reports. If she walked into a room, as the saying goes, she lit it up. She enjoyed every moment and was so looking forward to getting married. 28 year old natalie wade died on her way to buy a wedding dress. She was hit by a 78 year old driver with poor eyesight. Theres always an empty chair, and christmas, birthdays, the day she would have been married, they are still very painful. The driver who killed natalie was blind in one eye and partially sighted in the other, but he died before being tried for dangerous driving. But natalie is just one of 70 people who are killed or seriously injured in similar incidents involving bad eyesight last year. The Legal Standard for eyesight involves being able to read a number plate from 20 metres, but thats something thats only tested when you first take your test. At the moment, Everyone Needs to fill out a form like this every ten years to renew their driving license and that involves answering a question about their eyesight and if youre over the age of 70, you have to fill out a slightly more comprehensive form every three years, but its still a question ofjust putting a tick in a box, theres no requirement to take an actual eye test. The mechanism of Self Reporting isnt always reliable. We know that vision can change gradually over time, so drivers might not be aware of a deterioration to their vision. The association of optometrists dont have a legal requirement to do anything if theyre concerned about a patients driving its down to the driver. More than one in three of their optometrists surveyed have seen a driver in the last month who continues to drive despite being told their vision is below the Legal Standard. Nine in ten of them believe the current sight tests are insufficient and they want to see a change in the law. The department for transport say that all drivers are required by law to make sure their eyesight is good enough to drive. They also say that if a driver experiences any changes to their eyesight or has a condition that could affect their driving they must notify the dvla and speak to an optician. Ali fortescue, bbc news. Youre watching beyond one hundred days. Italy is in a state of shock. For the first time in 60 years the National Team will not be at the world cup finals. Last night they lost a play off to sweden 1 0 over two legs. And if youve ever sat in an Italian Restaurant when the azzuri are playing, you will know this matters a lot. The country is in mourning. Six times the finalists, four times the champions. World cup without italy is unthinkable, like a cappuccino without the sprinkles or an opera without the genie. The last time this happened was 1958, Harold Mcmillan was the Prime Minister in the uk and eisenhower was the president in the us. So bad that it was said this morning that it was an apocalypse. If you want to talk to italians today youre going to need one of these. My husband cried. I am wearing my black tie. Is this the worst thing that has happened . It is, yes. You are italian. Half italian. But also scottish. From glasgow. So you watch scotland get knocked out and now italy. You will have to watch england. I will watch and see how it goes, if they win i will be english for the next couple of weeks. How are italians consoling themselves . Pizza . A good soup and nothing else i have a quiz for you, which is the only country in the world ever to have been in every single world cup tournament . world ever to have been in every single world cup tournament . I do not know. Who is it . Brazil. They won five times and been in every single tournament. I did not know that. I feel bad single tournament. I did not know that. Ifeel bad not single tournament. I did not know that. I feel bad not to send you a ca rd that. I feel bad not to send you a card but i got in touch with the Washington Team and they said can you go and give me some reaction. You feel strongly about what you bring to this programme and local wa nted bring to this programme and local wanted to get involved. A total star. Done an incredible job thus far. Respected by everyone. Great, great company. That is so nice. This moment is your moment, it belongs to you. It belongs to you and not only does he feel that way but you know what, i said listen it would be great if you could give us a card so he took some time out. And look at this. Happy birthday. Now i had my eye on something for your birthday of the in fact i had a bid on this. Take a look at this. Producers tell me that this is going to a higher bidder. I was going to put in a bid for you today. We have the pictures. Here it comes. Here it is. This is what i was going to bid for. This is the largest flawless diamond that has ever come to market and it was on auction tonight in geneva. It is a necklace hanging on 59119 emeralds, 160 odd carrots and expected to sell tonight in geneva for more than £23 million. 30 million. So you know they say it is the thought that counts . They say it is the thought that cou nts . Exactly, they say it is the thought that counts . Exactly, the thought that counts. In the case of that particular necklace, notjust having the thought would have counted for even more just one of those roles 0r even more just one of those roles or even the little clasp on the back well it is very pretty and im so happy you have chosen to give me that for my birthday. Thank you. Have a good evening in washington wherever youre going. We have got rid of all the birthdays for the year, thank goodness for that. See you tomorrow at the same time. Well, it has turned a little bit mild right there. We have had a lot of moisture and cloud that has been drifting off the atlantic and with that comes a lot of damp weather for tonight and into tomorrow. Mist and fog could be a problem as well anywhere across england and wales, so if youre travelling early in the morning in england and wales could be tricky in some areas. It will not be so foggy in scotland. Here the skies will be clearer tonight. There will be some patches of fog here and there but i think a chilly, clear night overall in the north whereas in england and wales, milder air and temperatures of 10 degrees. Lets have a look at this gloomy murk first thing in the morning. This is what it looks like around seven oclock. You can see bits of drizzle. This is just generally grey skies with a bit of mist and fog. Similar picture in northern ireland, also a chance of fog patches. But in scotland it should be a clear start to the day and we have a beautiful sunrise on the way, as well. Not much changes across the bulk of the country tomorrow. There will be more brightness developing in the afternoon, but some of the grey skies and mist to persist into the afternoon. Temperatures getting up to 13 degrees with a bit of sunshine. In the north it will not get higher than 8 degrees in the lowlands. This low pressure will send a weather front racing across the uk and could be heavy rain for a time. A brief burst of heavy rain, then it clears up across scotland, Northern England. Then this clearer, fresher air mass out of the north. So a crisp day. This colder air behind the front will not stick around for very long because milder air is back in again and low pressure will be marching in. The weekend eventually turning more u nsettled. This is bbc news. Im reeta chakrabarti. The headlines at 8pm a Firearms Dealer is found guilty of supplying illegal vote being starts on amendments to the uk brexit bill as mps debate the nuts and bolts of britains exit from the eu. A Firearms Dealer is found guilty of supplying illegal handguns and bullets linked to more than 100 crimes, including three murders in iran, the death toll in the earthquake rises to 460, thousands of people are without shelter. The Us Ambassador backs theresa mays accusations of Cyber Espionage and meddling in elections. She made that point last night. I was there. Soi that point last night. I was there. So i heard it. No, thats her every right to do that. And record numbers of illegal puppies are being smuggled into the uk. A dog Welfare Charity says it seized 100 animals ready

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