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Of overcharging the nhs by tens of millions of pounds. And less than 48 hours until the start of the ashes, and so the sledging begins, with the aussies delivering theirfirst round of pom bashing. And coming up in the sport on bbc news, australia may have retained the womens ashes but england level the series with a record run chase in canberra. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. Zimbabwes governing party, zanu pf, has started impeachment proceedings against Robert Mugabe. The motion accuses mr mugabe of failing to uphold the constitution and of giving his wife, grace, too much power. Zimbabwes former Vice President , who was sacked by president mugabe, has warned him to resign immediately orface humiliation. Ben brown is in the capital, harare, this lunchtime. Can you hear us . We will try to come back to ben brown. He is there. President mugabe has so far stubbornly resisted. No, i cannot hear anything. We have to apologise, hear anything. We have to apologise, he has lost his communications. Lets move to our next story. An investigation now into. Tom burridges package now from zimbabwe. They gathered near zimba bwes parliament, where a move to impeach their leader of nearly four decades is under way. The army, overseeing the process, but still no sign from Robert Mugabe himself that hes ready to resign. The thing in a way it isa ready to resign. The thing in a way it is a very painful process. Zimbabwe was mugabe, mugabe was zimbabwe. Now a remarkable claim from the man once his deputy, the former Vice President here being sworn in but sacked two weeks ago, a move that precipitated the current crisis. In a statement sent from an undisclosed location, Emmerson Mnangagwa accused mugabe of planning to have him killed. He said he would not return until mugabe was out of power because he did not trust his life in president mugabes hands. In rural zimbabwe where Robert Mugabes controversial land reform is hit productivity, there also seems to be a consensus that it is time for the president to step down. That call, mirrored by veterans. Once his allies in war against colonial rule. We are saying to mugabe smell the coffee, your time is gone. Use your dignity, you have ruled long enough. Throw in the towel, let the country be given a clear signal that it can start on a new page. You are the biggest hindrance to the country moving on. Inside the Parliament Motion now under way to unseat the president. Outside and across this country people wait. They have the army and all main political groups on their side. Robert mugabes days feel numbered but for now at least still no recognition from the man himself that his time is up. As you rejoin us live now in harare, Parliament Sitting to consider that the motion of impeachment. Some mps say it could be voted on quickly, maybe as soon as tomorrow. Others are saying mps need to take their time and give this process due care and legitimacy and it might take several weeks. Meantime there are activists demonstrating outside parliament with a carnival atmosphere there. Lets talk to one of those protesters who has come up here to talk to me. Do you think you will be impeached now, and how important is that . I think he will be impeached, a motion has been approved by parliament and we are here protesting and demanding our members of parliament to impeach mugabe because there is no other option. And really amazing that you have the freedom now to demonstrate like this. In the past you would have been arrested or even beaten. Yes, we are actually calling it an Impeachment Party today. It has turned into Freedom Square today. For the past few days, president mugabe has been stubbornly resisting increasing pressure on him to resign from the people, from his own party, zanu pf, and from the army. He is refusing to resign, now parliament is going to try to push him out of office constitutionally with the impeachment process. It needs a two thirds vote from both houses, that could come soon in the next couple of days. We will bring you the latest as it happens on bbc news. An investigation into alleged data manipulation at a Forensics Laboratory used by Police Across the country has uncovered 10,000 cases which may have been affected. The problem has already led to about 50 prosecutions being ended, but there are fears there could be many more. The suspected manipulation by employees emerged earlier this year when a data anomaly in a drug driving case was reported. Lets speak to our Home Affairs Correspondent daniel sandford. Tell us more. As many people know, Forensic Science is at the heart of the criminal justice system. Science is at the heart of the criminaljustice system. Many cases rely on the decisions made by forensic scientists in order to decide whether somebody is guilty or innocent of crime and this is perhaps the most damaging example of that system being undermined, certainly in terms of the number of cases that have been affected. Around 10,000 cases of drug testing are now regarded as unreliable. The good news is that as the system has worked through those cases and tried to work out where there may be the most serious incidences of miscarriages ofjustice, theyre actually havent been many cases that have come to light. Around 50 live cases which were due to come to the courts have now been discontinued. The Crown Prosecution Service has decided not to continue with those and there are two cases where people have been convicted of death by careless driving which are now going back to the court of appeal, but certainly this has been something that has severely undermined confidence in the system and that will take some rebuilding. Daniel, thank you. Senior cabinet ministers have agreed that britain should increase its financial offer to the eu the so called brexit divorce bill, but the offer will stand only if Member States agree next month to move on to talks about trade and an implementation period. This morning, the brexit secretary repeated his intention to reach a deal but said ministers were also prepared for no deal. Our Political Correspondent alex forsyth reports from westminster. How much is what you want worth . The uk is preparing to increase the amount it will pay to the eu to settle its accounts but only if in return brexit talks move on to trade. We are ready to move on phase two, to see those talks about a deep and special partnership with the eu for the future, a comprehensive trade agreement with the eu for the future which is in the interests of the uk and the remaining eu 27. While there is no officialfigure, it is thought senior ministers agreed to increase the offer last night, including some brexiteers in the cabinet although some on the backbenchers warned agreeing too much too early would give the eu an advantage. Its as if they want us to pay the ransom money but still be hostage to the European Union. Michel barnier must recognise we are leaving the European Union and will only pay what we are jukes. Leaving the European Union and will only pay what we are jukes. For others, the priority is getting things moving. You dont go into a pub, order a round things moving. You dont go into a pub, ordera round of things moving. You dont go into a pub, order a round of drinks, things moving. You dont go into a pub, ordera round of drinks, decide you dont want them, walk out and not pay for it so its important we accept that as a principal, hopefully get a formula to express that but then move on. Eu leaders wa nted that but then move on. Eu leaders wanted sufficient progress in three areas before agreeing to talk trade. The so called divorce bill, the question of the irish border, and citizen s rights. It remains to be seen whether any offer number ten has on payment will be enough but the government is clear it is prepared to move but only if the eu does too. The brexit secretary said todayit does too. The brexit secretary said today it is not possible to agree all aspects of the so called separation without discussing future relations. The Northern Irish border cannot be addressed if we cannot ta ke cannot be addressed if we cannot take into account the shape of our future partnership with the European Union. Financial settlement depends on it because nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. The way forward is still uncertain and today there was a warning to some not to use the delicate issue of the irish border as a negotiating tool. You dont play around with Northern Ireland to effect change in other places, and actually i would like to see the Irish Government working with Northern Ireland and the westminster government to bring about a brexit that works for Northern Ireland but also for the republic of ireland. Getting a deal is what all sides want. It seems someone is going to have to give a little but no one is prepared to pay any price. Lets speak to our our assistant Political Editor norman smith. Norman, how is all of this being received . So far, there have been no cries of betrayal or treachery directed at borisjohnson betrayal or treachery directed at Boris Johnson and michael gove, betrayal or treachery directed at borisjohnson and michael gove, the brexiteers in the cabinet, but there isa brexiteers in the cabinet, but there is a clear contrast between their sta nce is a clear contrast between their stance and the views of brexiteers on backbenchers where many are up in arms at the idea of paying billions more to the eu as part of these divorce negotiations. Won this morning saying we need to be able to look our constituents in the eye at the time of tight public spending constraints. Others take the view of the eu is in turmoil because of the uncertainty surrounding the german chancellors position and she is central to agreeing any progress in talks so better to sit back and let the eu sweat it out. Borisjohnson and michael gove however have decided more cash has to be put on the table if we are to press on to trade talks, even though no figure is likely to be unveiled until the very last moment. As for mrs may, i think she can probably talk this one down as a bit of a win because she has bounced the brexiteers in the cabinet into backing her, when they could have sided with their backbenchers and torpedoed any deal. Whether the eu negotiators will be similarly accommodating, we will find out soon enough. Norman, thank you. A Drugs Company has been accused of overcharging the nhs by millions of pounds a year for a key thyroid treatment. The competition and markets authority claims that concordia abused its position. It says the nhs spent £34 million on a thyroid drug last year, up from around £600,000 in 2006. Concordia says it does not believe competition law has been infringed. Our Health Editor hugh pym is here. Thats an enormous leap in price for the same drug. Hows that happened . The way the Drugs Industry works is that if you have the patent to a drug it is your exclusive product and you can set the price although patent it drugs, the price is capped in an agreement with the government here in the uk. When it goes generic as its known, in other words anyone can make that drug, its assumed the price will fall. What seems to have happened in a number of cases for niche drugs like this one is a Company Comes in, buys the right to market it, no one else bothers to compete so it pushes up the price and but allegedly is whats happened here. The views of the regulator are that concordia abused its position, and a 6000 increase over ten years to the nhs. One consultant i spoke to earlier explained the big difference in prices when he went elsewhere in the European Union. Historically liothyronine was probably a cost to the nhs of about £20 to £30 a month. The new cost was over £300 a month. The patients were telling me they could go to a foreign capital and buy it for £5 a month, so there was a massive difference in what the nhs was being charged versus what people were accessing at a european level. What concordia, the Company Involved says, is it doesnt believe there was any breach of competition law, that its been open in its transactions with the department of health and points out it only bought the rights to this drug two years ago. There were other Companies Involved before. The competition and markets authority says its looking ata number of markets authority says its looking at a number of cases like this the sector. The time is 13 16. Our top story this lunchtime impeachment proceedings are under way against zimbabwes leader, Robert Mugabe, whos still refusing to stand down. And coming up. A voyage to a new life a Dance Company dramatises the journey of the ss windrush, nearly 70 years ago. And coming up in the sport in the next 15 minutes on bbc news. One of great britains best female divers, tonia couch, calls it a day. The former european champion is going to move into coaching. For the first time in 12 years, bbc news has been granted permission to report from inside uzbekistan. The country has been in the spotlight after several terror acts around the world were committed by its citizens. Sayfullo saipov, who killed eight people in new york last month, is the most recent uzbek thought to be behind an attack. In january, a shooting at a nightclub in istanbul left 39 people dead. The gunman was from uzbekistan. In april, a vehicle was driven into shoppers at a Department Store in stockholm. Four people were killed. Uzbek national Rakhmat Akilov confessed to the attack. The former soviet state, in central asia, tightly controls the media. But now the bbc has been able to visit the neighbourhood the new york attacker came from. Will vernon reports. Its one of the most secretive nations in the world. Uzbekistan, famous for its ancient islamic architecture. But this country is also the home of several men involved in terrorist attacks in the west in recent years. It was the deadliest attack targeting new york since 9 11. Eight people died when a truck was driven into a crowd on a cycle path in manhattan. Us Authorities Say that 29 year old sayfullo saipov, from uzbekistan, carried out the attack in the name of the Islamic State group. We travelled to uzbekistan and tracked down those who knew saipov. We found his mother at the family home in a middle class neighbourhood in the capital, tashkent. She didnt want to be filmed. But away from the camera, she told me saipov was a kind young man who loved his family. Saipovs mother cant accept her son is a terrorist and says she wants to believe that what happened was an accident. Translation we were shocked and anxious when we heard that he was involved in this business because, before he left uzbekistan, he was a completely different person. So i cant imagine what could have influenced him so much. At the local school, saipov is remembered fondly. He stayed after classes and he had extra lessons, maybe sometimes english lessons, but never he spoke about the religious things, that hes trying to go to some place because of religious purposes, i have never heard about it. The bbc was given permission to report from uzbekistan for the first time in 12 years. After decades of repressive rule, the country appears to be opening up. The vast majority of uzbeks are muslim. The government tightly controls religious life and all clerics must be registered with the authorities. Terrorist attacks committed within uzbekistan are almost unheard of. But thousands of uzbeks are in prison for extremism. Human Rights Groups say many are simply political opponents. But uzbek migrants have been responsible for several deadly terrorist attacks in the west in the last few years. Officials in tashkent tell us the men involved in these killings were all radicalised abroad. Translation uzbek migrants living abroad still feel like strangers in a foreign land. Here, we have strong traditions of community. In the case of saipov, someone must have approached him and told him what to do. The Authorities Say that theyre working with uzbeks abroad in order to combat those feelings of alienation. In the hope that others will not succumb to extremism. With often tragic consequences. Will vernon, bbc news, uzbekistan. President trump has declared north korea a state sponsor of terrorism, nine years after it was removed from the list. Mr trump said the move would trigger very large additional sanctions, and blamed the countrys nuclear programme, and support for what he called International Acts of terrorism. Today, the United States is designating north korea as a state sponsor of terrorism. Should have happened a long time ago. Should have happened years ago. In addition to threatening the world by nuclear devastation, north korea has repeatedly supported acts of international terrorism, including assassinations on foreign soil. Paul adams is in seoul. China, japan and south korea have all given their reactions. What have they said in response . The first thing to say is this is not a great surprise. Donald trump said he would do it and he put it offa said he would do it and he put it off a couple of times so people were ready for this move. And his allies in the region, shinzo abe was very supportive. The government in south korea was more nuanced and they said it what hope to promote the denuclearisation of the peninsular and was clinging to the idea of dialogue with north korea, hinting at the tensions that exist between the implacable approach of donald trump and slightly more softly softly approach of the south korean government. China, it sounded a bit ofa warning, government. China, it sounded a bit of a warning, saying the country should avoid doing things that raise tensions in the region. And from north korea, we had colourful rhetoric. Those who working to thwart north korean progress, it said, was simply making north korea stronger. And the result would be a great miracle that would the world. It has been a couple of months and the world was last startled by a north Korean Missile test and people have begun to wonder whether we might be moving into a phase of dialogue. And all eyes over the weekend were on a chinese envoy who went to north korea for four days of talks and he seems to have left yesterday without meeting a north Korean Leader kim jong un and most people in the region took that to be a rather negative sign. 0k, thank you. Well, donald trump will later speak with the russian president on the issue of syria, after Vladimir Putin said the defeat of the so called Islamic State group there is close. The russian president was speaking in sochi, where he met syrias president assad, who was on an unannounced visit. Mr putin said he wanted to hear the syrian leaders views on the peace process. Workers at the university of london, including porters and receptionists, the first ashes test starts in australia on thursday and, already, theres some tough sporting talk from the players. England will be without their all rounder ben stokes for the first test, following his arrest in september after an incident outside a bristol nightclub. Our sports correspondent, andy swiss, is in brisbane. Yes, welcome to brisbane, where thousands of england fans are currently descending on the city. Just 36 hours now until the start of the ashes and already, no shortage of fighting talk. Especially from australia. Their spin bowler make them lie they want to end the careers of some good players. He is also accusing england of being scared last time they played in australia four years ago. Alastair cook was the england captain back then and he is playing again in this series and he saw the funny side. Its really strange, you know. I had a nice ten minute chat with nathan, as he was the first person i saw when i got to the ground. He asked me how my kids were, how his kids were and stuff, so its quite funny, isnt it . Itjust makes me chuckle, i suppose. It makes everyone chuckle. Do you think it is out of character, then . Is it put on . I dont know, youre going to have to ask him. Its not that, it is what it is, isnt it . All the talking stops very quickly and the series becomes a normal series after the first two hours, i think, you know. Its all the. Suddenly, you talk about the cricket again, rather than the off field stuff. Yes, england hoping to do rather better than the last time they were in australia, when they were beaten 50. But in australia, when they were beaten 5 0. But they have not had an easy build up with the controversy surrounding their star all rounder ben stokes who is back in the uk under Police Investigation after an incident outside a nightclub act in september. His absence here had been very much the big talking point. Australias vice captain is david warner and he says he would like to see ben stokes play some part in this series, but he was critical of his behaviour. I think its probably disappointing for the england team and the country, i think. You know, hes let a lot of people down. I would have loved for him to be out here because i know what a competitor he is on the field and hes a world class player. But at the end of the day, weve got, you know, another 11 guys that will take the field on thursday. And were excited. We obviously respect our opposition. Theyve picked the best team that they feel is going to be here to try and beat us. Yes, david warner is a key player for australia, although there is a question over his fitness after he injured his neck during training this morning. But whoever plays, it isa this morning. But whoever plays, it is a daunting prospect for england. Australia have an incredible record here in brisbane. In fact, they have not lost a test match here in nearly 30 years. They will be the red hot favourites when the first migratory gets under way here on thursday morning. We shall look forward to that, thank you very much. And an exciting finish for englands women down under, as they chased down a record 179 to beat australia in the final t20 match in the ashes series. It is in the air it is through a win for england, the highest ever. Danni wyatt scored a century. It means the teams ended with eight points each, but australia keep the ashes as theyre the holders. The Security Company gas has commissioned an independent inquiry into the attitude and behaviour of staff at one of its immigration removal centres. Detainees at brook house, near gatwick airport, were filmed by the bbcs Panorama Programme apparently being mocked, abused and assaulted. Railcards offering discounted train travel are to be extended to people up to 30 years old. The chancellor, philip hammond, is expected to announce the extension in tomorrows budget. At the moment, the Young Persons railcard is only available to people between the ages of 16 and 25. Its thought the so called millennials card will be available in the spring next year. Next year marks the 70th anniversary of the ss empire windrush, which brought the first major wave of post war caribbean immigrants to the uk. To mark the occasion, a Dance Company in leeds is turning the voyage into a show. Theyve enlisted the help of someone who was on the ship in 19118, to help to tell the story. Our entertainment correspondent, colin paterson, has been to rehearsals to find out more. The empire windrush brings to britain 500 jamaicans. Many are ex servicemen who know england. They served this country well. History being turned into dance. Next year is the 70th anniversary of the empire windrush bringing the first large group of post war caribbean immigrants to the uk. Swing, swing. Dont go too soon. Sharon watson is the artistic director of phoenix Dance Company, in leeds. She was inspired by her own mothers journey from jamaica in the 60s and decided to create a piece all about windrush. It really does resonate with our family, in terms of having to leave a home, a place, where youve got all your family. Relocating somewhere new, somewhere different. So ive picked her brain considerably. Her mum had come along to see the work in progress, and it was bringing back memories of her own arrival in the uk. You could see icicles hanging down from the windows, which you dont see now. I didnt think i could manage the big coat and the big boots. Wed never seen them before. So it was a bit unusual for me. Members of leeds Caribbean Community had also been invited, so they could give feedback based on their own voyages. That windrush there, it reminds me so much. Like sardines packed in that boat and they are thrilled the story will be on stage next february. When the younger people come and see whats going on, they understand what we, the old ladies and old gentlemen, had to go through. So this is leeds, 1940. 1948. Phoenix Dance Company has also made a discovery they hope will help the show. Alford gardiner is 91, lives in leeds, and actually came over on windrush. Hes agreed to share his memories, to help shape the production. He was a mechanic in the raf in britain during the Second World War and a lack of work at home made him want to come back. The thing is, injamaica at the time, if you havent got a job, youre a nobody. What was it like on windrush . We had six ex army boys who wanted to commandeer our money. Between us, we got them on the boat. So, we were busy hiding them when theyre checking up. So, three men in a toilet hiding well, thats it, its part of history now. It is history. And 70 years on, alford, who worked in factories and had nine children, thinks getting on windrush was a great decision. You strike me as a man who has enjoyed life. And im still enjoying it. And i will always enjoy it. Colin paterson, bbc news, leeds. Beautiful. Time for a look at the weather. Thank you, good afternoon. Changeable weather over the next few days and we started with mild temperatures as well. Yesterday, we recorded 17 degrees celsius in nantwich, cheshire. The average is nine celsius. We have cloud

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