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An nation defined by its people. And disneys donald if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we wonder what the president makes of this . Get in touch with us using the hashtag beyond 0ne hundred days. Hello and welcome im katty kay in new york and Christian Fraser is in london. Donald trump has secured the first big legislative achievement of his presidency. For the First Time Since Ronald Reagan was in Office America has overhauled its wildly complicated tax system. But its a triumph republicans secured without any buy in from democrats and with a plan that polls suggest is historically unpopular. Critics say this bill will increase inequality in america and expand the us debt. Mr trump says it will boost growth and benefit everybody. An historic victory for the American People. It will go through the final passage today in the house. And the congressmen and women and the senate will be coming over the republican senate. Unfortunately, the democrats dont like to see tax cutting. They like to see tax increases. We can now speak to democratic congressman Joaquin Castro who joins us live from capitol hill. Democrats voted, all of you, against the tax reform bill but President Trump says that democrats always vote against tax cuts. Well like the American People, and you mentioned the opinion polls showing the American People are mostly against this tax bill, we realised it is a sham. That 83 of the benefits on this tax cut goes to the top 1 in this tax cut goes to the top 1 in this country. To the very wealthy. Most of the benefits also go to corporations, the Corporate Tax cuts are permanent, tax cuts for individual americans are not. So for many reasons this is just a very raw deal and a bad dealfor the American People. So under this tax plan Corporate Tax is brought more in line with Corporate Tax rates in other western countries. American companies will bring a lot of money back on shore to the us and may invest that injobs, back on shore to the us and may invest that in jobs, capital infrastructure, that would be a good thing for American Workers . That is the theory and the hope but at the same time right now the United States corporations basically are doing better than ever before. The stock market is higher than ever. And so would question the timing and the wisdom of such a steep Corporate Tax cut right now. That with this bill overall would add summer between 145 trillion and 2 trillion to the deficit, which is already at 20 trillion of debt. So again it was a poorly planned and poorly executed tax bill. Incorporated in this is the repeal of the 0bamacare individual mandate. Does that mean 0bamacare individual mandate. Does that mean 0bamaca re practically speaking individual mandate. Does that mean 0bamacare practically speaking is 110w 0bamacare practically speaking is now dead . I would not say 0bamacare is dead, but certainly it strikes a blow to the Affordable Care act but most importantly a blow to the American People because this will likely lead to an increase in premiums, individual premiums for americans. So that will hurt eve ryo ne americans. So that will hurt everyone at every economic class. Thank you very much indeed. Lets get reaction from Grover Norquist hes the president of the Advocacy Group americans for tax reform and joins me now. Is this bill going to make President Trump richer . Well it is going to make the American Economy stronger and the good news is it cuts taxes on all americans, every income group will see a lower tax rate. You asked about the tax that 0bamacare has on people who do not want 0bamacare, 6. 6 million americans in 2015 were penalised, a 700 tax, penalising them because they did not want to buy 0bamacare. And all of those people will no longer be assaulted by the government every year, and penalised because they do not buy 0bamacare. 80 of people hit by the 0bamacare. 80 of people hit by the 0bamaca re tax 0bamacare. 80 of people hit by the 0bamacare tax burden less than 50,000 a year so that is one of the taxes that 0bama put in that hurt politically lower income people. We have not got rid of all of them but this we did get rid of and we also double the individual and couples standard deduction, the first 24,000 and buy a couple has a 0 tax rate. I know the democrats say it is all about millionaires but the problem is every two weeks for the rest of this year americans will see more money in their pay cheques and they will get tired of that untruth. Let me ask about the prospects for American Growth under this tax plan because one of the big premises of the tax plan is that by cutting taxes on corporations they will bring the money back to the United States and the Economic Growth rate will increase. But there are several surveys suggesting that American Workers will only feel about 20 of that tax cut to corporations and the rest will go to shareholders in a Share Buy Back and dividends to their shareholders and they will not actually investing capital or by increasing wages. They willjust keep it for the corporation, for their shareholders. Well half of americans are in the stock market so with individual retirement accounts, pensions, even people with governmentjobs, their pensions are backed up by the stock market. But half of americans directly in the stock market have direct ownership through their retirement plans that they own. And they will see every month, they will get a letter saying that your life savings have just increased. And because capital is so fluid it goes to where it is treated best. Where it is not taxed as heavily. We used to scare capital away from the us, we have a largely free economy but we will be attracting a lot more investment not just from American Companies overseas but from around the world. Because if you are a dollar in the us you get to keep 79 cents and not 65 as we do now. One of the 12 republicans who voted against the bill yesterday was the chair of the House Appropriations committee, an influential committee on the hill. He said the people of newjersey already carry an extremely heavy tax burden, they need and deserve tax cuts and this will lead to tax increases for far too many hard working new increases for far too many ha rd working new jersey increases for far too many hard working newjersey families. How do you respond . Well he has it backwards, a number of states have abusively high income taxes, state income taxes and property taxes. New jersey is the poster child for that problem, newjersey, new york city, some cities in california. Well were no longer having other states subsidise your high income taxes on property taxes. Almost all americans are property taxes. Almost all americans a re covered property taxes. Almost all americans are covered but maybe 5 of the population live in very high tax districts. What is going to happen is people in newjersey said going to start caring how the city spends its money and that is why the Public Sector unions are not happy, why the liberal democrats are not happy and it is incompetent governors and corrupt mayors who are going to have to change their ways or get voted out of office. Thank you very much. This has caused a lot of controversy, youve seen it here in the us and is all centres on the fundamental issue of income inequality. This is a time when richer people are taking a bigger share of wealth and poorer people are getting left all across the western world. And there has been criticism yesterday from the United Nations saying that the american tax bill will increase that divide between rich and poor. Half of americans have their money in the stock market as we had but have to not. And which health does not have Pension Plans invested in the stock market, that is poorer americans and critics of the bill say they will suffer underneath it. Conservatives in this country would save the rich have never paid more tax than now. But that aside how either democrats going to see this, see this as a win win . That is what theyve said what theyve said to me but they said if republicans had not passed the bill it wouldve been a win because President Trump would have not had any major legislation but because the bill is polling so badly amongst people at the moment they feel it will galvanise voters as pa rt feel it will galvanise voters as part of the trump agenda and again they will keep pressing for the next eight months that this is a bill that increases inequality for middle class families. Lets move onto other news. The polish president has signed into lawjudicial reforms which the eu believes will undermine the independence of the countrys judiciary. Earlier in the day the European Commission threatened to strip poland of its Voting Rights within the eu. The reforms in poland sparked widescale protest. They hand control of the Judicial Council that nominates judges in poland to the governing law and justice party. They also strengthen the president s influence over the supreme court. Catalans will go to the polls on thursday in regional elections. The vote will determine whether the majority want to stay part of spain or be independent. The crisis was triggered by an unauthorised referendum in october after which, the Catalan Government declared independence. Spain dissolved the Regional Government and imposed direct rule. The European Court ofjustice has ruled that uber, is a transport firm and should be regulated like any other taxi company. The Company Maintains its a Digital Information provider that connects passengers with drivers. Experts say the judgement could have implications for other firms in whats known as the gig economy. President trump has threatened to cut off Financial Aid to countries that go against the us in a United Nations vote onjerusalem. The Un General Assembly will on thursday consider a resolution. Earlier, Us Ambassador to the United Nations, nikki haley, said she will be taking names of countries that vote to reject Donald Trumps recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel. Then the president reiterated it. They take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars, and then they vote against us. Well, were watching those votes. Let them vote against us. Well save a lot. We dont care. 24 carat trump the issue of Financial Aid is complicated, something that the president does not like something many republicans think should be smaller. Most Financial Aid goes through congress through the Appropriations Committee and is not actually in the remit of the president to wipe it out at the stroke of a pen. Do you think this will make suddenly people who are going to vote against the american position at the un tomorrow say ok, we will vote with President Trump . No, he wants to be seen to be backing down in the face of bullying which essentially it is, in the face of us strength. Certainly countries in the middle east will not back down or stop they did not back down earlier in the week in the Security Council with the us will the vote. 190 odd countries tomorrow will have the vote because the palestinians saw the us veto i want to vote in the general assembly. Some smaller countries are supposed to bend on us aid and maybe will think twice but the bigger countries, i do not think so. The bigger countries, i do not think so. I would not be surprised that if they voted against america President Trump would say the world does not like my position, it must be the right one. The eus chief negotiator Michel Barnier says a transition after brexit will help both europe and the uk adjust to the new relationship. But mr barnier stressed the transition should be time limited ending in december 2020. The deadline set by the commission is shorter than the two years the british Prime Minister had initially envisaged. Mr barnier said he expected the uk would eventually move to a deal similar to that signed by canada. But not with a Free Trade Agreement in financial services. In response mrs may said mr barnier was setting out his opening position. Heres the uks Political Editor laura kuenssberg. She made it this far. The Prime Minister leaving her house today for work. Still in number ten after a year when that did not always looks certain. Are you looking forward to a break, Prime Minister . No easy answers on how governments biggestjob, how we leave the eu. Can the government have the trade deal ready before we leave . That is what we are working to and that is what i believe we can do. Everybody wants to know on what basis they are going to be operating in the future. There are big doubts in brussels about that, and the tories expectation that it will take about two years to make the changes we need after brexit, a transition, and there is nothing surprising about the European Union getting its arguments in early. The chief negotiator saying today we would have to stick to all of the rules during transition and that period would have to be over by the end of 2020, earlier than she believes. It is notjust the government, labour thinks two years is about right. We need at least two years. We need clarity about what that transition deal means and i think membership of the Customs Union and Single Market for that period but there needs to be more flexibility. But dont be fooled, there is no real outbreak of christmas cheer between the two main parties. Last year the Prime Minister told the radio times that on Christmas Day she likes to prepare and cook her own goose. Laughter. In the spirit of christmas, can i suggest you heard that in order to extract the maximum pleasure from the messyjob of stuffing her goose that she names it either michael or boris. The applause gave the chancellor time to help out the Prime Minister with her own punch line. I think i will have to resist the temptation to call the goosejeremy. It was Prime Ministers questions, not the christmas panto. But for theresa mays party at least, the end of the year has brought a little cheer. Joining us now is our favourite brexit duo, the conservative nigel evans who voted for brexit, and the labour mp Seema Malhotra who voted remain. Good tidings to you both, lovely to see you. As you head off into the christmas recess, honestly did you think that the first phase would be done and dusted by now and did you expect theresa may to be sitting on the front bench today . Well as we approach the season of goodwill, we re approach the season of goodwill, were not quite out of this place yet, we have boats taking a slate into the night tonight. And i think there has been strong debate today in parliament. It is something that im struck by today, theresa may is getting a big law more for all the long grass she would have to deal with next year because it is clear that shes managed to kick a lot of stuff into the long grass. Were not clear what will happen with the Customs Union, with ireland, whether the agreement last week, the joint report, is going to be legally binding. Because david davis seemed to change his mind after the agreement was reached. So theresa may i think i stumbled to the end of the year but the idea that she goes out on a high is i think something to be believed. It is not where theresa may is and i think that she wishes she was in a very different place and probably is quite grateful that christmas is coming. There was an audible sigh of relief in brussels last week when the first phase was completed. But today we heard from Michel Barnier that he wa nts to heard from Michel Barnier that he wants to cut short the transition to december 2020. Can we get everything donein december 2020. Can we get everything done in that amount of time . M december 2020. Can we get everything done in that amount of time . It will give us focus at least. Im just hoping that if he wants to cut short the transition period to the end of 2020, that that will mean we cut the amount of money that we were paying to stay in the Single Market and Customs Union. So we might save a few billions of pounds. But the problem is we still have a few people, who still do not believe were going to leave the eu. I have got to tell you i went to last month andi got to tell you i went to last month and i bought this wonderful eu tie. Ido and i bought this wonderful eu tie. I do not know if you can get to see it. It is brilliant and i bought it because the gift shop in brussels is now selling merchandise without the unionjack now selling merchandise without the union jack on it. Now selling merchandise without the unionjack on it. Replaced with the eu flag. I thought of the gift shop in brussels can get it why can people here are not get that were leaving the eu. I think the reality is, the sounds the transition period is not something that you leave unwanted. But it will be essential for getting us into the right place. We do not have a big crash risk of a crashed to the economy. So i think it will be a challenge from Michel Barnier to stay challenge from Michel Barnier to stay to challenge from Michel Barnier to stay to say stop procrastinating. Because the uk has handled the last 18 months through procrastination. The 1922 committee was held to might come committee were all mps and ministers listen to the Prime Ministers speaking in the conservative party. And they banged ta bles to conservative party. And they banged tables to the rafters when she came m, tables to the rafters when she came in, she spoke about brexit, they said we would not get past the first phase and she has achieved that. And we will achieve a good brexit and i believe by march 2019, she left two people banging the tables again. So i think that she is going to have a very good christmas. Let me jump in. Last week as we know there was quite a significant defeat for the government in parliament and theresa may is doing her best to roll back on that. I think if he continues if she continues into the new year saying that parliament should not have a voice there will be more rebellion to come. It is christmas, you both mentioned that and my request from you is that you both Say Something nice about the others position. Nigel, Say Something good that you like about remainders. It reminds me of a christmas carol, silent night. I find it incredibly difficult. I guess it is because they believe, i do genuinely relieved this, she does believe the future of the uk is best handcuffed to 27 other countries who are going down the plug hole quickly. I do genuinely believe that she believes it is in the best interests of the uk. Which it is. I could easily Say Something nice about those who voted leave, i think people who want things to be different, who want new ideas and change, are those who can drive positive change. The difference between us is really the reality of what the change is going to bring andl what the change is going to bring and i think of issues we will see next year be very important. But for something that has shaken up british politics and forced us to rethink many fundamentals, that has some positives. And next year is the last full year will remain in the eu, that has cheered me up no end. Merry christmas a fine example of how the debate should be conducted at the disney hall of president s yes such a thing really does exist there is a new installation. Announcer ladies and gentlemen, the president s of the United States of america. Trump from the beginning, america has been a nation defined by its people. It is of course donald trump, with a message he recorded specially for the attraction. But does it really look like him . . The response on social media is not unanimously positive. Some think he looks little bit like mrs doubtfire. And others think maybe they started with Hillary Clinton and changed halfway through and made it into donald trump. Like and made it into donald trump. Like a hybrid of them. But it reminded me, last week this was the waxwork model of borisjohnson me, last week this was the waxwork model of Boris Johnson and me, last week this was the waxwork model of borisjohnson and again not a shining example of how to replicate our leaders. So the thing is if you are ever put into the presenters hall of fame, you need to ring me and i will make sure the likeness is good. I thinkjust taught me down from it. I saw that photograph this morning and i thought it looked like margaret thatcher, oddly. Lets have a quick look. The other one. Viewers, go to your phones, look up donald trump at the disney hall president s. I did not even know that they had won. 0nly not even know that they had won. Only in america. This is beyond 100 days from the bbc. Coming up for viewers on the bbc news channel and bbc world news they fought for america, now theyre forced to live in mexico why these veterans dont have the same rights as their us born comrades. And the president , the Prime Minister and the people watching their every move. The tra ns atla ntic year that was for our north america and uk Political Editors. Thats still to come. Good evening. Murky weather continues to be a feature for the next few days. There was some brightness around today, this was the scene in the scottish highlands. Even hear some mist and fog to contend with earlier. Misty conditions in cumbria courtesy of some low cloud which has been coming in from the west. We have a weather front underneath this shield of cloud, if we look at the forecast through tonight you can see the position of that front which will be a focus for some spots of rain. To the south of that particularly very misty and murky conditions. To the north some clear spells and turning a bit chilly. Don towards the south west temperatures back in double digits or might long. Tomorrow the weather front moves north and east again bringing some outbreaks of rain, mostly light and patchy. To the south of that cloudy but largely dry and to the north again the best of the sunshine across the northern half of scotland. But a little on the chilly side. 0utbreaks half of scotland. But a little on the chilly side. Outbreaks of rain moving across Northern Ireland into parts of Northern England and to the south of that a lot of dry weather but some hill fog around and some drizzle. But double digit temperatures. Into friday similar in many respects, against them cloudy conditions but a better chance of some brightness across north east scotla nd some brightness across north east scotland perhaps filtering down into north east england at times. For the most pa rt north east england at times. For the most part it is mild, up to 13 degrees. 0n most part it is mild, up to 13 degrees. On saturday again eastern scotla nd degrees. On saturday again eastern scotland best favoured for some brightness and sunshine. That could lift temperatures towards 14 degrees. Some rain into the north west which will continue to fall on Christmas Eve. 0nly moving south east. Then once we move out of Christmas Eve into Christmas Day is all about this weather front which brings outbreaks of rain to the south of that. But to the north some cold air is lacking and there is uncertainty about the timing but it looks like rain will move south and then things start to turn colder from the north. Versus beyond 100 days. Guesses. The motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The us house of representatives gives its final approval to the biggest changes to the countrys techsystems since the 19805. The countrys techsystems since the 1980s. President trump calls it a historic victory for the American People. Be used in the uk must go it alone from december 2020, sooner than the British Government expected. Still coming up in the next half an hour. I was born on the 4th ofjuly, still a firecracker. Keeps my brain working. Helps my memory. Americas sun city pommes, and the secret to a longer healthily live. 0ur series on longevity continues. The headline says it all. We have the contest in virginia where every single vote counts, so much it flipped the outcome. This week we have run a brilliant series of special reports on super ages, People Living longer and healthier than many others in the same health group. With Life Expectancy continuing to rise, it is forcing scientists to ask how long will be live in the future. Anti ageing drugs could allow people to live for centuries, is that the staff of Science Fiction . 0ur medical correspondent travels to arizona to find out. I like to do things, i dont want to sit in the background. Enthusiastic, engaged, optimistic. Hes 101, background. Enthusiastic, engaged, optimistic. Hes101, the oldest resident of retirement village in sun city arizona. You will be missing something if you moan and groan about how horrible life is. Show me your tea. Do you hear the sound . He gets a regular checks, as pa rt sound . He gets a regular checks, as part of a study into longevity. It is an issue attracting interest from unusual quarters. In silicon valley, california, some of the biggest names, from google to facebook are investing hundreds of millions of dollars into defeating the diseases of ageing. So why are tech entrepreneurs suddenly interested in human health . Silicon valley is driven by curiosity. The same curiosity that drives a 14 year old to programme computers in the bedroom. Tries to put in their 20s and 30s to apply their cash and mind to the problem. It is why this british scientist set up in silicon valley. Aubrey is the worlds leading advocate of life extension. The idea that humans can and will live in good health for hundreds of yea rs. Live in good health for hundreds of years. There will certainly be no limit how long people can live once we bring ageing under control. People will still die. The fact is, people were live on average live a lot longer. Unless we get hit by an asteroid. That is a minority view. Although extending life is possible in the lab. With fruit flies yeast and worms. He gets more difficult higher up the evolutionary ladder. In simple Laboratory Animals we can increase life span by 100 , 200, 500 . Extraordinary differences in lice than. Age is plastic and simple lab animals. More complex as they go mammal. Mice, it we have been able to increase it 20, 30 . We dont know what is possible with humans. We know exercise is a magic formula that can keep us healthy longer. There are no drugs yet to match it. There are no drugs yet to match it. There is probably an upper limit expectancy, of around 115 years. The quest for immortality is still the stuff of Science Fiction. Increasing our health span, the number of years we spend free of chronic diseases, that really could be a reality. Finding something you enjoy, staying socially engaged are key elements of healthy ageing. Like these sun city poms. Many of which are in 70s and 80s. Poms. Many of which are in 70s and 805. I poms. Many of which are in 70s and 80s. I was born on the 4th ofjuly, still a firecracker. Keeps my brain going. Helps my memory. We get out there, do we need to do, enjoy. We cannot slow time. We can put more life in early years. And hopefully become super agers. I had been wondering what about the series has captivated people. Many people telling us that they love the series. Were not there yet. We are all aware the ageing process is starting to happen, even see you. We have pa rents happen, even see you. We have parents in that age bracket. 84, 80 seven. You see how much activity my mum walks every day. She is not a cheerleader. She does walk every day. Makes a huge difference. If we could make those older years better for our parents. How great would that be. I have met shirley, a force of nature. Another firecracker. That be. I have met shirley, a force of nature. Anotherfirecracker. Not quite doing the splits. I would not think so. The statistic of the day. 0ne think so. The statistic of the day. One in eight of us will live to the age of 100. A third of our life will be left in later life, with old age. The problem is, a laughter that time is spent with lots of conditions, that facts of outfits. The idea you could take drugs, surgery advancing or improving the quality of life as they get older, probably while people are talking about this. The overriding message, you can do a lot of it yourself. Get out there and exercise, exercise your mind. A lot of it comes from your mind. Big economic issue. Exponentially large pa rt economic issue. Exponentially large part of the American Health budget is spent on the last years of life. If we give the healthier, drugs mean we dont need surgery, we can get to the stage where we not disproportionately putting health costs on all people at the expense of younger people. Great series. Lets move onto other stories. The range human rights envoy to myanmar suggest the governments decision to ban her to the country suggest something happening to the lindren muslims. She the Roman Catholic archbishop of boston knew that to resign over a child abuse scandal has died in rome. He was accused of protecting paedophile priests for yea rs by protecting paedophile priests for years by transferring them to new parishes. He was 86. There has been a very interesting recount in virginia. The race i went down and follow. If you need proof that every single human vote counts, take a quick look at this. The front page of the daily press. 0n the left democrats shelley symons, who won with 11,608 for its, to 11,000 607. That single vote in virginia flipped a house in the house of delegates from republican to democrat. Leaving the Lower Chamber evenly split. Have you ever thought, i would rather walk the dog, watch another episode of seinfeld. To the knitting, clean the dishes, not gone out and vote . That story is for you. Lots of sowing seeds in our election this year. Just a few hundred. 0ne sowing seeds in our election this year. Just a few hundred. One in my local area. I year. Just a few hundred. One in my localarea. Iam year. Just a few hundred. One in my local area. I am in the richmond constituency, came down to a couple of hundred votes. It does count. The extraordinary thing, he was ten votes a hea d extraordinary thing, he was ten votes ahead until the recount. She was one ahead. A lot of spit and lick to make sure they get every single one. What happens when she goes around the town. All the time, i was on the show with her, shelley symons. For the next to years, every Single Person will come me, saying i was that one vote, the reason you are delegates. Great story. Go out and vote, it matters. More than 12,000 foreign nationals on active duty in the us military. Even though they serve the country, theyre not entitled to the same privileges as other veterans. If one of them commits a crime, however minor, they are deported. Campaigners say the rules need to change. The border is the closest richard kemp get to america. I cannot believe it, does not make any sense. Especially since ifought to not make any sense. Especially since i fought to defend that country. Mexican citizen, richardson in the us militarily under a programme which allows green card holders to enlist. I spent three years during the vietnam war, in vietnam. An hour. Philippines. Iwas the vietnam war, in vietnam. An hour. Philippines. I was discharged a year earlier under undesirable conditions. It had to do my drug addiction. Years after he left the marines he was involved in the robbery. After serving time he was deported back to mexico. Robbery. After serving time he was deported back to mexicolj understand, we are convicted of a crime. Serving in the us military in combat should count for something. Home for richard is tijuana. He has found a group of people who share his story. More than 200 foreign vetera ns his story. More than 200 foreign veterans have been deported from the us. Last, first. We call this affectionately the funkasaurus resource centre, shelter, housing for deported us military veterans. Hector runs the centre. Former paratrooper, he spent time in prison after shooting at a car. Obviously, i thoughts life, her mother has multiple sclerosis. I am not doing anything for them. It is hurtful. Many people think committing a crime is enough to be fought foreign vetera ns. Is enough to be fought foreign veterans. I will take responsibility for the fact i got myself in this situation where i went to prison. I do think it is right to do for people who served in the military. Just because we made mistakes commission not find the rest of our lives. Hector is taking his case of the federal courts. He says hes not giving up its fight to return to america, the country he risked his life for. The actress heather north, better known as the voice of daphne in the scooby doo cartoons in the 19705 in the scooby doo cartoons in the 1970s and 80s has died. She was 74. Whats that . That must be the creeper. For years, she voiced the intrepid teenage detective, who kept getting herself into trouble, only to be rescued by herfriends and their dog. This is beyond 100 days. Still to come, they watched president s and Prime Ministers probably more than we do. The year that was for our Political Editors, and looking ahead to the year to come. Here in england homelessness is a National Crisis according to a group of mps who say efforts to tackle it oran of mps who say efforts to tackle it or an abject failure. More than 9000 people are sleeping rough 78,000 families in temporary accommodation. The government says it is providing more than £1 billion to reduce homelessness. Just go through this. When his dad was made homeless, seven year old billy lived part time with him in one room of this emergency shelter. Billy had his own bed, his dad used a folding bed. So how does it work, he has to fold it out every night . Yes, just like this. It is tough enough for an adult to be here, but to be here with a child and remain strong is difficult. He should not be here. He shouldnt be here at all. Im doing what i can do to be a parent to him, under these circumstances. This report says the problem of homelessness has been growing for years, with the number of people in short Term Accommodation up by 60 since 2010. The mps said there is an unacceptable shortage of realistic housing options. There are estimated to be 9000 people sleeping rough on the streets every night, more than double the number in 2011. There are a further 78,000 families living in temporary accommodation, often of a poor standard and that includes 120,000 children. The committee has described the situation as shameful. It has called on the government to focus on the supply and affordability of decent housing. You need to stop being complacent about this. Labour said this report showed that the conservatives had caused the crisis of rapidly rising homelessness, but had no plans to fix it. Billy and his dad have now found somewhere permanent to live. But there are many others who wont have a place they can call home over christmas. Andy moore, bbc news. Youre watching beyond 100 days. We have been taken you look back at 2017 in the company about bbc editors. Today the tone of political correspondentjelinek editor, laura greensburg. And our north american editorjohn sobel. The realities with general kelly in charge still bea with general kelly in charge still be a change how this place operates, disciplined, united and working. 0nly disciplined, united and working. Only time will tell. In the meantime the late night comedians are making hay. This is the first time theresa may will meet european leaders in this building. The last time the Prime Minister will come here before she pushes the bottom on brexit. Just as she started to grapple with all the complexities in brussels. The scale of the potential implications of leaving the eu are coming everclear at home. They are to of the hardest working people in news. We were standing in the room on thursday when the Prime Minister arrived in brussels. I said on the show on thursday night, i thought she looked a different person. There was some relief, a lot of confidence. She looked as if she was really in her stride in this negotiation. A couple months ago someone negotiation. A couple months ago someone inside government crucial to theresa may said to me i think we are going to be weak and stable. That is our advantage. That was after the disastrous election disappointment for the tories. Her statement was strong and stable, she lost the majority. A personal humiliation. Why are the biggest miscalculations and political history. We joked about week and stable. I said you were pushing it if you are looking for that kind of silver lining. When that comes to the close this year, we can stable does not look too bad. She has managed to close off phase one of the brexit negotiations. In a couple of hours time she will have got the first piece of brexit legislation through the house of commons. There was banging on the tables, and cheering this afternoon. She ends this Political Year in a place lots political supporters fought there was no way she would get back to this kind of place. We can stable feels like not a bad Christmas Present for theresa may. Feels like not a bad Christmas Present for theresa maym feels like not a bad Christmas Present for theresa may. If someone went to President Trump, we think you well we can stable, he may throw the window. That is a total anathema. Strong and unpredictable fevered love. Yeah, we can stable, he would pay for. The twitter storm that would erupt on the east coast at 6am on the morning. He seems to thrive on the chaos theresa may would absolutely detest. She once calm and serenity and order. Trying to achieve that. Donald trump seems to achieve that. Donald trump seems to love the fact that everything is a fight. If you are finding two days when hes not in the headlines, you find he will manufacture a fight. The tweet of the former chief of staff, chaos seem to rain. He said im going to award this white house for a tony award for most drama. Not best drama, just most drama. It seemed to be absolutely bang on, what we have witnessed. A dizzying array of stories that come and go. Some out of nowhere. 0ut array of stories that come and go. Some out of nowhere. Out of a tweet. You are thinking to days looking quite. Here comes donald trump, and everything changes. One heck of the year. Laura, i have not had a chance to ask you this. That sounds terrifying. What do brits makers theresa may fuzz my handling of donald trump . I think on balance, something seems pretty negative. Of course, around the time of the First White House visit, anxiety about how it would play. A lot of logic, he was the most powerful man in the western world in politics. It made sense to cosy up to the us. As we have seen previously, the idea and the optics of british Prime Ministers cosying up to any president has to be handled with care. It can be very toxic. Throw in the characteristics for many brits are donald trump, it is an anathema. A lot of the focus on whether he will come on a visit. If he does, will come on a visit. If he does, will he get the bells and whistles. Will he get the golden carriage down whitehall . Number ten doing anything to distance themselves from this idea. Kind of like you invite this person you have just met over the sunday lunch. You get to know them a bit better, and have it better. You say, sure well do it sometime. No problem, maybe after easter. Youre busy, so i . We will fit it in. On vital things, like decision on jerusalem, theresa may did make clear her displeasure. She did raise it in clear her displeasure. She did raise itina clear her displeasure. She did raise it in a phone call with donald trump. Quite a long time after the decision. What we have seen is a change in her initial reluctance to go anywhere near something that might sound by criticism of him. At the close of the year, much more on the close of the year, much more on the front that saying i dont like that. You are still a friend, i dont like that. We are quite used to the cynicism in the uk about the so called special relationship. Many british voters are not comfortable with the optics, but the fact of the relationship. Remind me never to try and schedule lunch review the rebus will be too bad. Can we pause for a second, and played the moment when you met donald, john . Where are you from . The bbc. Another good line. Impartial, free and fair. Just like cnn. We can go back and forth. 0nly travel ban, was that a good example . I know who you are, just wait. When he was talking about another beauty, why did you instinctively think he was talking about the bbc, might be talking about you. I think i heard you say earlier, not being pretty. Anything that. He has got there. Got his tax reform, repealing the individual mandate on 0bama care. Many people say, he has done it in an unorthodox way. I dont nephew played football, and those people used to come off the pitch after 90 minutes, and they did not have any modern day kit. Absolutely spotless. Hes covered in mud, grazes, and bruises from the year that was passed. A lot of people said he would fail, to a lot of people who voted for him to become the president. They look at the fact the stock market is soaring. The tax reform measures, the supreme court, the change in regulation. They are starting to think 0k, not a pretty picture. He is delivering on what he said he would do for us. That means people who start making calculations saying trumps has peaked. His Approval Ratings are rock bottom. The core base. The core constituency that voted for him last november are Still Holding up surprisingly well. Laura, i suspect the british leader would never call a bbc correspondent another beauty. Whichever party they are from. I dont know, these days. These days it is tricky to do. I wa nt to these days it is tricky to do. I want to ask you a question i am often asked by people in washington. Whether theresa may will be Prime Minister of britain this Time Next Year . Listening to john from a funny thing ina year . Listening to john from a funny thing in a way to finger leaders are telling you have common. They are both governing in times of volatility, that they have that ability to keep going in different ways. After the election, the former chancellor George Osborne said she was a dead woman walking. 0ne chancellor George Osborne said she was a dead woman walking. One of her collea g u es was a dead woman walking. One of her colleagues said privately she was wounded antelope. Suggesting there was no way she could get one. There was no way she could get one. There was a coup attempt against after the party speech. Im sure youll ewers would remember if they have the awkward displeasure of watching some of the clips. Yet here we are, she is still in charge. Not necessarily with enormous amounts of political authority. Doing the most important thing, showing up in klingon. The reason shes still there is the same reason shes still there is the same reason shes still there is the same reason she stayed on the 9th of june. The fundamental here is that the tory party do not agree on who the tory party do not agree on who the best person would be to take over from her. The best person would be to take overfrom her. Notjust that, they dont agree on the details of how they should approach the future relationship with the European Union. And therefore they look at theresa may, and they think right now, in this difficult position, she is probably just about the only person who can kind of keep it all together. Does that mean soaring visions of the future . Political inspiration, the kind of Leader People would follow to the end of the world. It does not. But for now, it does mean she seems to be in a relatively safe position. Of course, things being volatile. It could change, and change very fast. As she gets to the end of the year, does not seem like shes going anywhere. Thank you very much. That is my favourite phrase of the whole programme. We can stable. Week and stable. Coming up next, 0utside source. Also the view is in the uk, all the latest headlines. Good evening, murky weather will continue to be a feature of our forecast for the next few days. Some practice today. This was a scene for the weather watcher in the scottish highlands. Even here in mist and fog. Missed the murky conditions in cumbria came courtesy of low cloud. Streaming in from the west. Whether from underneath the shield of flour. Cannot really pick it out. Looking through the forecast, you can see the position of the front. A focus for skits and spots of rain. To the south of that, missed the mod conditions. Still to the north, if you clear spells. A bit on the chilly site, down to the south west, temperatures in double digits all night long. Into tomorrow, take our whether from drifting southwards, moving northwards and eastwards. 0utbreaks moving northwards and eastwards. Outbreaks of rain. Mostly light and patchy rain to the south, very cloudy. Largely dry. To the north, the best of the sunshine across the northern half of scotland. 0nly chilly sagna 5 degrees for aberdeen. 0utbreaks chilly sagna 5 degrees for aberdeen. Outbreaks of rain across Northern Ireland in to parts of northern india. To the south, dry weather, missed, a default. Spots and drizzle especially the high ground. Double digit temperatures, 11 or 12 degrees. Friday, similar in many respects. Misty and murky and cloudy conditions. Better chance of seeing some brightness across north east scotland. Filtering down to north east england at times. For the most far milder, 11, 12, 13 degrees. 0n most far milder, 11, 12, 13 degrees. On saturday from eastern scotland, north east england favoured for brightness and sunshine. Temperatures towards 14 degrees. Generally cloud around. Rain to the north west, continuing to fall on Christmas Eve. 0nly sliding slowly south eastwards. Anyway to the south, mostly dry, cloudy, and mild. Moving out of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. All about a wriggling weather front. 0utbreaks Christmas Day. All about a wriggling weather front. 0utbrea ks of Christmas Day. All about a wriggling weather front. Outbreaks of rain, to the south, mild air. To the north, cold air lurking. Uncertainty about the tiling. Looks like rain will move southwards. Starting to turn colder in the north. This is bbc news. Im julian worricker. The headlines at 8pm. Scotland yard is to review dozens of sex offence cases after the collapse of two prosecutions because police failed to hand over evidence helpful to their defence. The danger here is that people will lose years of their lives locked up in prison for crimes they havent committed, evidence that could have revealed this being suppressed, and not disclosed to their lawyers, and years of their lives wasted. Theresa may plays down the eus calls for a shorter transition period after brexit. She claims its open to negotiation. We will obviously need to discuss because this is a practical issue about how long certain changes need to take to be put in place. The International Monetary fund downgrades its forecast for britains Economic Growth, blaming uncertainly over brexit

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