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that is all from the world of sport for now. thanks for watching. hello. so far this month, the weather's been drier, sunny and warmer than average in scotland. and certainly for tuesday, there was loads more sunshine. look at this stunning weather watcher picture for the second day on the run, highland scotland had the day's highest temperature, up to 21 degrees. why is it so warm here at the moment? well, it's down to the scottish mountains. you see, it's quite windy for most parts of the uk, but those mountains high enough to block the winds. and so, with lighter winds here, more of the sun's energy is used to boost temperatures, whereas in those places where it's quite windy, some of that sun's heat get mixed through a larger depth of the atmosphere, so it never gets quite so warm. overnight tonight, we do have cloudy skies for england and wales, developing with an odd shower in the southwest. the clearer skies in scotland, that's where we'll see the lowest temperatures heading into wednesday. now, on the face of it, high pressure stays in charge for at least the next couple of days. still, with the winds coming in from an easterly direction, however, there will be more

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