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Partners we have six fire units embedded with them to do their searches in case there are any Fire Suppression needs. The cooler fire, Fire Suppression needs. The coolerfire, the Fire Suppression needs. The cooler fire, the fire that went into another area, it still has many hot spots and fire does have a long perimeter and it is in a lot of inaccessible areas and forests as well as cultures. We have had Fire Resources on that nearly every day, since day one including the last several days multiple helicopters. In the evenings we will patrol the area with resources, at least one resources, at least one resource to be out at that fire at all times as well as two stations in the communities and ready to respond. The fire In The Valley has no active fire right now and is contained, we have no resources on that file as it provides the least amount of threat to our community at this time. We have Additional Fire resources that may become available soon with a team from the National Guard ready for us in case we have Additional Needs and Additional Fires. We have been supported by 37 firefighters who came with various capabilities from Incident Management Team to firefighting as well. They are embedded with our teams for the last few days and that has been a great help to us to allow some of our locals rest a little and rotate them back into Firefighting Assignments that we have for them. Lastly the north side there is a point of distribution that there are dozens and dozens of retired and active firefighters who are assisting getting supplies to the community that have been brought over from all over the amazing and generous donors from the island and they are getting to People In Need at the moment. Thank you. Maha low. The moment. Thank you. Maha low next. The moment. Thank you. Maha low. Next, john the moment. Thank you. Maha low. Next, john pelletier. Low. Next, john pelletier. Aloha low. Next, john pelletier. Aloha. Patients, prayers, perseverance. That is what we need. I stayed every time i come up because if i do not say it, will you get tired of hearing it . The people get tired of understanding it means we have lost our patients and lost our faith and lost our will. This island in this state will. This island in this state will never, never lose faith and will never lose their will. Period. There are 99, so far and i think it was said eloquently by the mayor that our deepest condolences, we will be pushing out partnership with the county the names of those who have been identified and notified starting tomorrow. If you have not been notified because of the weather still lauries on the are going to do this. Notification has to take place and then if we have identified them but not got a notification will put something in a state identified notification pending. I understand that people want numbers, this is not a numbers game. Right now we are at 99 souls and families and we will continue to do that. To date, 25 of the area has been searched. We started with one dog and now we are at 20. We are going as fast as we can but we have the right amount of workers and the right amount of teams. Just so you guys know about the search teams and we have assembled, because i cannot say thank you enough to the incredible work of the National Guard, the public works and all the unsung heroes. These things do not happen because elves do it. It happens because human beings do it and we take that stuff for granted. You only get what you can get at the time but the 25 in the leadership that is going on right now, we have people who search the towers at 911 and i have reported here in folks who were not alive when that happened so think about that. You are not alive when that. You are not alive when that happened. So what people to understand reverence with which we are doing this. The head of the fema team conducting this research briefed the team when we went out at the beginning and spoke about this. It is notjust ash on your clothing when you take it off. It is our loved ones. That is the reference. That is why we cannot have you walking down there. We had to arrest somebody for trespassing and so we want to keep doing this and slowing it down, keep doing that. Do a Freedom Of Information Act and figure out who that person is, tell that story. Knock it off. We will do this right. We need you, so much, if you are a family of somebody missing out of state, we need you to contact the family assistance centre. We will make a connection with the local Law Enforcement agency to get that dna sample and make sure we get that. We have a dedicated team that will begin the investigation. Weve already started the Investigation Component and the federal government will come on the come on wednesday to augment the team so we will get notifications and we will get them done right. God bless you, godless maui. Godless maui. Mahalo, chief. Next, godless maui. Mahalo, chief. Next. The godless maui. Mahalo, chief. Next, the brigadier godless maui. Mahalo, chief. Next, the brigadier general, i next, the brigadier general, status next, the brigadier general, Status Commander of the joint task Status Commander of the jOint Task Force 50. Status commander of the Oint Task Force 50. � task force 50. Aloha and good afternoon task force 50. Aloha and good afternoon. I task force 50. Aloha and good afternoon. I was task force 50. Aloha and good afternoon. I was here task force 50. Aloha and good afternoon. I was here on afternoon. I was here on saturday and i gave my First Press Release and there has been a lot of Development Since then so let me cover some of those. We are up to a combined strength of 254 people. Let me talk a little about the status command headquarters. It is comprised of army National Guard and active Army Soldiers and airmen. They came together, traditionally we would not Work Together like this but because of my unique status, being appointed by the secretary of defence, i am able to command and control these forces to achieve unity of effort. Each organisation, has unique capabilities and this enables me to drawback to what is either on the rest of the army navy and through a process bring those assets here. Of the 254 soldiers and airmen that we have here, many are involved in the Security Operations in support of the chief of police. Most of that is either at a Shelter Centre or at the impact zone of lahaina to help facilitate recovery through this phase. Another bunch of those folks, about 47 of them, especially trained in that search and Recovery Effort so they are intertwined with fema and all those folks and they participate in that hard and emotional work. That is what we have done in the last 24 hours. In the next 24 hours we will bring forth in the Security Team that will fly in tomorrow and we have plans to bring another in on top of that. This is to further enforce the entry into the impact zone so that that work can go on unheeded and unimpeded. Tomorrow we will get a visit by the commander of the United States army pacific, general charles flynn. The State Of Hawaii general who normally see at this podium, and heart was also designated by the governor as the Incident Commander and a lot of his staff and the effort will be to come meet with the mayor and get his eyes on and basically show that he is all behind this effort. He and his team are constantly trying to look for ways to put more assets and capabilities in and we welcome him tomorrow. That is all i have for now and i think everybody for your time. I thank everybody for your time. Mahalo. Next up, shelley camorra. Aloha. Mahalo. Next up, shelley camorra. Aloha. I first want to start by recognising camorra. Aloha. I first want to start by recognising the start by recognising the extreme grief of those who are lost, extreme grief of those who are lost, family, friends, the entire lost, family, friends, the entire state is grieving with you entire state is grieving with Yow All Entire state is grieving with you. All of us are grieving with you. All of us are grieving with you you. All of us are grieving with you. We have employees on maui with you. We have employees on maui who with you. We have employees on maui who have also been impacted and we cover islands of maui. Impacted and we cover islands of maui, but three, molokai and others of maui, but three, molokai and others and of maui, but three, molokai and others and our entire company acrose others and our entire company across all others and our entire company across all our islands are in support across all our islands are in support of maui right now. I want support of maui right now. I want to support of maui right now. I want to open by saying that our employees will be there today and for employees will be there today and for however long it takes to help and for however long it takes to help maui recover. This is our to help maui recover. This is our home to help maui recover. This is our home and our 0hana and will not go our home and our 0hana and will not go anywhere. In the aftermath of windstorms and fires aftermath of windstorms and fires we aftermath of windstorms and fires we began to work with state fires we began to work with state and county agencies to assist state and county agencies to assist with Clearing Debris and ensuring assist with Clearing Debris and ensuring the safety of first responders. When the weather and fire responders. When the weather and fire conditions made it safe and fire conditions made it safe to and fire conditions made it safe to proceed on thursday we began safe to proceed on thursday we began our safe to proceed on thursday we began our Damage Assessment which began our Damage Assessment which included using helicopters and teams on the Ground Helicopters and teams on the ground and on foot in talent challenging terrain to determine the scope of the damage to our systems. It was ctear damage to our systems. It was clear that damage to our systems. It was clear that our system that serves clear that our system that serves 12,000 west maui customers had been severely damaged. All three Transmission Tines damaged. All three Transmission Tines that damaged. All three Transmission Lines that go over serving west maui lines that go over serving west maui were out of service. 0ne maui were out of service. One day after maui were out of service. One day after inspecting the lines our crew day after inspecting the lines our crew was able to restore almost our crew was able to restore almost half of all customers who almost half of all customers who lost almost half of all customers who lost power. The electric worked who lost power. The electric worked closely with state and county worked closely with state and county Emergency Management teams county Emergency Management teams who Prioritised Critical Circuits teams who Prioritised Critical Circuits for restoration including those serving stores, pharmacies, gas stations, county pharmacies, gas stations, county water, wastewater and safety county water, wastewater and safety facilities. That is where safety facilities. That is where we focused so that people will be where we focused so that people will be able to get groceries, ctean will be able to get groceries, clean water, medicine, fueland other clean water, medicine, fueland other essential needs. 0n other essential needs. On saturday we brought back circuits saturday we brought back circuits serving hotels and resorts circuits serving hotels and resorts along the coast making those resorts along the coast making those places available for housing and many people displaced by the fires through living displaced by the fires through living in displaced by the fires through living in emergency shelters. Even living in emergency shelters. Even outside lahaina there is significant damage to the electric system. This is in west electric system. This is in west maui. The repairs we have made west maui. The repairs we have made to west maui. The repairs we have made to Restore Power To Critical made to Restore Power To Critical Facilities is temporary. There is a lot of work temporary. There is a lot of work that temporary. There is a lot of work that still needs to be done work that still needs to be done. By the end of the day today done. By the end of the day today we done. By the end of the day today we are targeting to have power today we are targeting to have power restored to 80 of the customers affected and this does customers affected and this does not include the homes and businesses that were in lahaina. 0f businesses that were in lahaina. Of the 12,400 customers who lost power during the windstorms and fires in west the windstorms and fires in west maui, we have restored all but about west maui, we have restored all but about 2000. This does not include but about 2000. This does not include an but about 2000. This does not include an estimated 2200 homes and businesses that were destroyed. Today we safely energise the Lahaina Civic Centre energise the Lahaina Civic Centre and neighbouring areas and we centre and neighbouring areas and we are working to use a mobile and we are working to use a mobile substation to bring additional customers online. We are working with maui county and other agencies to set up Community Resource and Information Centres in west maui Information Centres in west maui to Information Centres in west maui to provide in person assistance and information to residents. Right now there is roughly residents. Right now there is roughly 400 employees from across roughly 400 employees from across all the islands we serve across all the islands we serve in across all the islands we serve. In addition we have numerous contractors from hawaii numerous contractors from hawaii on the continent focused on restoring power. We hawaii on the continent focused on restoring power. On restoring power. We will step away on restoring power. We will step away from on restoring power. We will step away from the on restoring power. We will step away from the press. Step away from the Press Conference just theyre coming to you live from maui and hawaii where the governor of hawaii, Doctorjosh Green has been giving an update on the recovery which he said is proceeding extremely vigorously but he confirms now 99 fatalities. Fly from washington this is a bbc news. We fatalities. Fly from washington this is a bbc news. This is a bbc news. We are awaiting this is a bbc news. We are awaiting a this is a bbc news. We are awaiting a possible this is a bbc news. We are awaiting a possible new. Awaiting a possible new indictment against former us President Donald Trump to be unsealed. In the last hour or so, a county clerk related a thick stack of documents from the courtroom to the Clerks Office three floors below. She would not comment on their contents other than to tell reporters they include 10 indictments you some though they could also refer to other matters besides Donald Trumps case. If confirmed, this would be his fourth indictment against mrtrump in less than five months. This is a live shot of Fulton Country Court house in georgia where those indictments which are due to be published shortly. The case relates to mr. Trump and his allies alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election in the state. Donald trump faces 78 criminal charges from the three other cases. The former president has already been indicted over allegations of 2020 election interference, hush money paid to a porn star, and for hoarding classified documents. Trump has denied any wrongdoing in all of his criminal cases and has repeatedly called the charges politically motivated. Lets bring in our North America correspondent

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