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Emission zone charge in the northwest, the guilty nurse lucy b is the most prolific killer in modern times. How could a nurse who was supposed to care for vulnerable ladies carry out these horrible murders . Hello and welcome to the bbc news at six. The nurse lucy letby has been found guilty of murdering seven babies and attempting to kill six others when they were in her care at a hospital in cheshire. It means the 33 year old is the uks biggest killer of babies in modern times. In a statement, the families of lucy letby� s victims said that justice could not reduce the extreme hurt, anger and distress they had experienced, adding that they were heartbroken. Lucy letby was also acquitted of two counts of attempted murder, and the jury were undecided on six charges of attempted murder. She will be sentenced on monday. Today the government have ordered an independent inquiry into the circumstances around the murders. 0ur north of england correspondent, judith moritz, has been folllowing this case throughout and she is here. And it is very, very disturbing case. Yes, and its thought to be britains longest running murder trial, 22 charges for the jury to consider, ten months worth, of very difficult evidence. And they took more than 100 hours before they finished deciding on verdicts today. Its notjust the length and scale of this case which has made it so very harrowing. Some of the detail we have not been able to report publicly, you may remember there are court orders, for example, which protect the anonymity of the babies and their families, protect the anonymity of the babies and theirfamilies, and some of the medics in this case. But i can tell you that inside that building, inside Court Room Number seven, where we have been day after day, no detail has been spared. It has been harrowing. We have heard terrible evidence about the way those babies were made to suffer. Imagine being those parents, listening to that evidence. They had left hospital thinking their children had become ill or had died from natural causes, and then one day the police came knocking and told them they had suspicions that crimes had been committed. Now tonight, they are coming to terms with the knowledge that their children had been murdered by the very woman who was supposed to care for them. She thought shed get away with it, but this was the moment the game was up. Lucy, is it . My name is. With the cheshire police. Do you mind if i step in for two seconds . Yes. Thank you. Behind the door of this ordinary suburban house, britains most prolific baby killer was finally arrested three years after her murder spree began. Just take a seat there for me, lucy. Ill move that seat forward a bit. Ive just had knee surgery. 0h, right, 0k. She worked here, on the Neonatal Unit at the countess of chester hospital. Her role to care for the most premature and vulnerable infants, but that couldnt have been further from her mind. The crying, ive never heard anything like it since. It was screaming. It was screaming, and i was like, whats the matter with them . Legally, we cant identify the families in this case, but the stories are distressing. These are the parents of twin boys born prematurely in 2015. Their mum was taking milk to them when she heard one of her sons crying loudly. He had blood round his mouth. And lucy was there, but faffing about and not really doing anything. Lucy said, dont worry, the registrar was coming. And then she told me to go back to the ward. The babys mum left him in this Intensive Care area and went to call her husband. They thought their son was in safe hands with nurse letby, but a short time later, they were told he was dangerously ill and they rushed back to find doctors trying to save him. We were taken in, and we were told to talk to him and hold his hand. And then. We had a conversation with the consultant, and he said, you know what, were going to stop because its not helping. We want him to die in your arms. 0n the unit, there were typically up to three deaths a year, but in 2015, they had that number in the month ofjune alone. And the pattern continued, with babies dying or coming close to death. The common factor lucy letby. This Staffing Sheet shows she was the only employee who was present every time there was a suspicious event. Dr Stephen Brearey led the team of seven consultants on the unit who shared joint concerns about letby. Hes now speaking publicly about their experience for the first time. Its something that nobody really wants to consider, you know, that a member of staff might be harming the babies under your care. Things came to a head when two out of three healthy triplets died within 2a hours of each other injune 2016. Afterwards, a meeting was held for staff. Lucy letby was there. She was sitting next to me. I spoke to her and said how tired and upset she must be after two days of this, and i hoped that she was going to have a restful weekend. And she turned to me and said, no, im back on shift tomorrow. The other staff were very traumatised by all of this. We were crumbling before your eyes, almost, and she was quite happy and confident to come into work. Lucy letby was eventually moved to a clerical role. The doctors kept trying to get managers to investigate the suspicious deaths and her connection to them. But we can now reveal that even though consultants here repeatedly made loud warnings to senior management, they say they were ignored and ultimately told that if they didnt stop raising questions about the nurse, thered be consequences. And the doctors say that even after lucy letby came off duty on the Neonatal Unit, executives tried to draw a line under the case, and it was only a year after she stopped working as a nurse that the Police Became involved. After her arrest, officers found all sorts of items in her bedroom babies medical records, her diary and notes covered in letby� s scrawl, with phrases including, i am evil. I did this. She is a killer, and using her words, she is evil. Youve spent time interviewing her and watching her in court, as well, giving evidence. Yes. What do you make of her . I think shes very emotionless. She doesnt respond to a typical Human Response that i wouldve expected. Did you have concerns that there was a rise in the Mortality Rate . Yes. There was no empathy or sympathy with whats gone on at all. I mean, there are people who look at her and say theres no way she can have done this. Its circumstantial evidence. She looks as though butter wouldnt melt. Its an example to us all of not judging a book by its cover. I weve got to accept, you know, and understand the evidence i in this case has been, i believe, significant, | and it has taken us to understand that lucy letby is a killer. As the trial ended today, letby refused to come into the courtroom. Prosecutors later reflecting on the scale of her deceit. In her hands, innocuous substances like air, milk or medication like insulin would become lethal. She perverted her learning and weaponised her craft to inflict harm, grief and death. The nurse even wrote this Sympathy Card to the parents of one baby and searched for many of the other families on facebook. Not a single thing that ive ever seen or witnessed of lucy would let me for a moment believe that she was capable of the things she was being accused of. Dawn is one of lucy letby� s childhood friends and has watched events unfold with disbelief. She is the kindest person that ive ever known. She would only ever want to help people. You seem utterly unshakeable on this, but isnt it possible that shes fooled you all . Unless lucy turned around and said, im guilty, i will never believe that shes guilty. The families of letby� s victims still have to live with unanswered questions, including what her motive was. I want her to be locked up, and i neverwant her to come out again. Because what shes done has changed the course of our life forever. Lucy letby had many faces party girl, graduate, bright young nurse. But each face was a mask for evil hiding in plain sight, and at last her cover has slipped. Lucy letby will now be known as one of britains most notorious criminals. Judith moritz, bbc news, manchester. Lucy letby has been convicted of seven murders, but the bbc has learned there were actually 13 deaths on the Neonatal Unit where she worked in a one year period. Thats five times the usual rate and lucy letby was on duty for all of them. And asjudith has just revealed doctors on the unit were raising concerns for months about letby but that senior managers ignored their warnings and protected her. 0ur social Affairs Correspondent Michael Buchanan has this exclusive report. This is the story of an nhs trust that didnt properly investigate why 13 babies died in a one year period. Instead, it turned against the very people who wanted the police to examine the deaths. There is only one Serial Killer of babies that has worked in that organisation, and the Executive Team were not the people who were responsible for the deaths of those babies. But they had some opportunities to get to the bottom of what was happening. Susan gilbyjoined The Countess Of Chester Nhs Trust as Medical Director a month after lucy letby was arrested. Within two months, she was made chief executive, a post she held until last december. Through documents and speaking to staff, she learned what the trust knew about the Serial Killer. The first three babies died injune 2015. The Executive Team held a meeting at which it was agreed that an external investigation into the deaths would be held. It never happened. By october, with seven babies now dead, a Staff Analysis of the incidents made a link between all the deaths and lucy letby being on shift, but it was still seen as coincidental. In february 2016, with ten babies now dead, the director of nursing, alison kelly, and ian harvey, the Medical Director, were asked for an urgent meeting to discuss the deaths and lucy letby� s links to all of them. They didnt respond for three months. The paediatricians were discussing, you know, the terrible nights on call that they were having. One of them said, every time im, you know, this is happening to me, that im being called in for these catastrophic events which were unexpected and unexplained, lucy letby is there, and then Somebody Else said, yes, ifound that. And then someone else had the same response. And they all realised that the common factor for each of them was letby� s presence on the unit. Injune 2016, two babies died on consecutive days. 13 children had now died. Lucy letby was on shift for all of them. The day after the second death, the nurse was due back on the unit. Paediatrician Steve Brearey rang the duty manager asking for letby to be replaced. The manager refused. I challenged her. I said, well, are you saying that youre making this decision against the wishes of seven Consultant Paediatricians . And she said, yes. And i said, well, if youre making this decision, are you taking responsibility of anything that might happen tomorrow to any other of our babies . And she said, yes. Letby went to work, and a baby unexpectedly collapsed. We were urging them to investigate our concerns appropriately, and most of us felt the most appropriate way to do that would be to go to the police. The response from the Medical Director was unsupportive. In an e mail to the paediatricians obtained by panorama, ian harvey wrote, action is being taken. All e mails cease forthwith. The police were not called. Instead, in september 2016, the Royal College of paediatrics and child health was asked to carry out a review of the Neonatal Unit. It urged the trust to investigate each death individually. This didnt happen. Around this time, lucy letby launched a Grievance Procedure against the paediatricians. The internal process concluded that shed been discriminated against and victimised by the doctors on the unit. With paediatricians wanting a police investigation, in january 2017, an extraordinary Board Meeting was held. The Medical Director, ian harvey, gave a verbal report. He said external reviews had not highlighted any individual as being linked to the deaths and that the trust was ready to draw a line under the issues. The chief executive, Tony Chambers, said hed met lucy letby and her parents to apologise for what had happened. A statement Written By Letby was read out detailing how hard the past few months had been for her. The meeting decided lucy letby would return to the Neonatal Unit after the paediatricians had written a Letter Apologising to her. This is the letter they sent lucy letby, signed by all seven paediatric consultants in the unit. Against their wishes, they apologised for any inappropriate comments that may have been made, going on to say, we are very sorry for the stress and upset that you have experienced in the last year. Though the paediatricians feared being reported to the regulator, they kept going, pressurising executives to call the police, something the trust did eventually in 2017. The reputation of the organisation and protecting that reputation was a big factor in how people responded to the concerns raised. They were dragged kicking and screaming, the Executive Team, to call in the police. That would certainly be the conclusion that i would reach. At the time letby was arrested in july 2018, she was still working at the trust. No disciplinary action had been taken against her. The strong opinion was that there would be nothing found. There was a Brief Overlap of three or four days between myself and the outgoing Medical Director, and his parting words to me, to my surprise, were, you need to refer the paediatricians to the gmc. They were not referred to the general medical council. Ina in a statement Tony Chambers said the former Medical Director said my thoughts are with the babies whom treatment has been focus of the trial and their parents as medical direct torque i was determined to keep the baby unit safe and support our staff, keep the baby unit safe and support ourstaff, i keep the baby unit safe and support our staff, i wanted the reviews and investigations carried out so we could tell the parents what had happened to their child. Both men say that co operate with the family have have been coming here to listen to evidence, and the parents of two brothers among lucy letby� s 13 victims say she should spend the rest of her life behind bars. Baby e was killed by an injection of air into his bloodstream, within 2a hours let by tried to kill his baby brother with insulin, meed dick edicts were able to save him but his parents say he has been left with severe learning difficulties. Judith moritz is here with me. Have been talking to the family concerned i with me. Have been talking to the family concerne with me. Have been talking to the family concerned i wont forget the time i have family concerned i wont forget the time i have smut family concerned i wont forget the time i have smut with family concerned i wont forget the time i have smut with that family concerned i wont forget the time i have smut with that family | time i have smut with that family who asked the bbc helped them tell their story, such a personal story, they spoke to me so bravely, openly, honestly i can tell you that eight years since those twin babies were attacked their feelings are still so raw they have open ended grief, and that their anger is clear. I am just so grateful they spoke to us about their experience. So grateful they spoke to us about their experience. Many . Many . The core doe you it felt more than crying. It was screaming. It was screaming, and i was like, what. Whats the matter with them . It felt more than crying. It was screaming. It was screaming, and i was like, what. Whats the matter with them . I walked into the room. I seen her with my boy, and he had blood round his mouth, and lucy was there. But faffing about. You know when it feels like somebody wants to look busy but theyre not actually doing anything . What did lucy letby say to you . Lucy said, now, dont worry. She has this really. Calm demeanour about her. And she is, you know, very, very softly spoken. And, dont worry, the registrar was coming, shed already contacted him, he was on his way, and she told me to go back to the ward. I was trying to reassure my wife that, listen, these people are experts and, you know, if they say there is not a problem, youve got nothing to worry about. That was the first phone call. Quickly followed up by a second phone call with a midwife saying, you need to get here now. And there was a third phone call telling me, where are you . The priest has been called. And ijust knew. I knew at that point, you know, you dont call a priest unless someones dying. What could you see . We were taken in. And we were told to talk to him and hold his hand. He was christened. The consultant said, you know what . Were going to stop. We want him to die in your arms. Rather than being worked on. So we said, ok. And they passed him to us. And he died. Can you just talk me through what happened in the aftermath of losing your first child . How was your other son doing . One of the nurses said, you know, hes not. Hes not well. His heart rate is really, really high. What was your first thought . Its happening again. I thought it was happening again. And. I said to my husband, please, not again. We cant do this again. This cant be happening. Its. Almost bang on 2a hours since our other son had died. So i went and. Isat. With him all night. His heartrate was absolutely through the roof. You know, it didnt come down, and i wasjust like, just come down, you know. And im almost trying to will the machine, you know. Bring his heartrate down, bring his heartrate. Make it ok. And did he recover easily . Hes got severe learning difficulties. Hes got a lot of complex needs. Is it your belief that thats connected. Yes. To what happened . Yes. Directly as a consequence . It was a consequence, and hes living with it. What do you think when you go into court and you look at lucy letby . I think shes a hateful human being. Shes taken everything from us. Absolutely everything. Itsjust beyond your imagination that somebodys on a ward, killing babies. Its unbelievable. Because what shes done. Has changed the course of our life forever. It is so upsetting listening to the testimony, is today the end of the matter . Testimony, is today the end of the matter . ,. ,. , ~. , matter . Parliament from it. Most immediately matter . Parliament from it. Most immediately we matter . Parliament from it. Most immediately we know matter . Parliament from it. Most immediately we know that matter . Parliament from it. Most immediately we know that lucy i matter . Parliament from it. Most immediately we know that lucy letby will be sentenced here on monday, we have been told by her legal team she wont appear, but we know that those families will be here, to read statements about their experience, so thejudge takes statements about their experience, so the judge takes those into account, beyond that, well the Department Of Health announced there will be an independent inquiry, the nhs has, we know, many questions to answer, as you have seen in those reports, and the police have not concluded their investigation, they have told us that they are looking actively at the entire footprint of lucy letby� s working life, from when she qualified as a nurse, and then went initially on work placement, including a time at a hospital in liverpool and then beyond, so from 2012 on wards, so, no, i dont think this is the end of the road, maybe the beginning of the end, but for those involved, you know, it is eight years since the first crimes were committed, it has been such a long and harrowing and terrible journey, for those families, and sadly, think, yes there is still a way to go. Judith, many thanks. There is a special panorama tonight on bbc one at 8pm and on bbc iplayer lucy letby the nurse who killed. And if youve been affected by this story, or need advice or support, theres advice available on bbc� s action line pages, or you can call free on 08000155 998. After a ten month trial, the longest murder trial in the uk history, lucy letby has finally been convicted of a series of heinous crimes . And although there is justice for most of the families, this is surely a dark day too for the nhs, with so many questions about why senior doctors concerns weren t listened to or acted on, and whether babies lives could have been saved if they had been. The word evil has been used to describe lucy letby, but the system that allowed her to go on killing is tonight under intense scrutiny. With that, it is back to within the last hour, police have been giving details of an International Search for three people, following the murder of a 10 year old girl. Sara sharif� s body was discovered at a house in woking last week. Detectives say her father, his partner and his brotherflew to pakistan the day before she was found. Helena wilkinson is in woking at the scene. Helena, what more can you tell us . Well, these are significant developments, clive in this murder investigation, after the death of ten year old sara sharif who was found in her home in the early hours of last thursday, in woking, as you have mentioned there, police have named herfather, urfan sharif, her stepmum and her uncle, as three people, they want to speak to in connection with this investigation, they travelled from the uk, the day before saras body was discovered on wednesday, and travelled to islamabad and police have tonight revealed that saras father made a 999 call after he landed in islamabad and that is what led police to the property in woking, a Postmortem Examination took place on tuesday. It is yet to reveal the cause how sara died but again tonight, police have revealed that the Postmortem Examination revealed she suffered multiple and extensive injury, likely to have been caused over a sustained period of time. And police are appealing to anyone who may know sara, to come forward, so they can build a picture of her lifestyle. Helena, thank you for that. The canadian authorities are stepping up Emergency Evacuation flights from the remote city of yellowknife, which is threatened by wildfires. A separate fire in british columbia, has caused the city of kelowna to declare a State Of Emergency and also begin evacuations. Canada is battling its worst Wildfire Season on record. The countrys environment minister, says the situation is dire and the evacuations are the largest canadas seen. Banks and Building Societies will soon face fines if they dont provide sufficient access to free cash withdrawals. The treasury has drawn up rules, making sure the vast majority of People Living in cities can withdraw money within one mile, and three miles if they live in a rural area. But campaigners say this wont stop the closure of bank branches, and are calling for more shared banking hubs to be set up. On sunday morning, englands lionesses face spain in the final of the womens football world cup in australia. Manager sarina wiegman, who led the team to victory in the euros last year, has been speaking of her sides strength, after losing key players to injury in the build up to the tournament and about what it would mean to add the world cup to their European Championship title. Making a final is special any way, but with this team, and with the challenges we had, before the tournament, when we were here, and how we, how we find a way all the time to solve problems, has been amazing, and the resilience of the team has been very good, and i think its very special being in the final, but now we want to win it too. It is going to be another fight, its going to be a big challenge and ijust hope it will be an incredible game, and of course i have a very preference who wants to win. Indeed, the england head it was time for a look at the weather. Heres helen. It should be fine for the match in australia on sunday, but here in the uk, oursecond australia on sunday, but here in the uk, our second storm of the summer it has been named storm betty which is bearing down upon us already, behind me, you can see the coasts and waves are being washed up on to the sea wale wall in the isle of man, so, we have got some really inclement weather on the way, this is a rapidly intensifying area of low pressure, storm betty, so a two pronged attack, more ever i have rain as clive said we had heavy rain this morning but also, some very unusually windy weather, 60, 70mph, we will see an autumn than august. Well owe warnings out from that, likely disruptive winds but combined with disruptive rainfall, large waves round the cost, now that rain becoming slow moving through parts of Northern Ireland and when it sweeps up into scotland. In Eastern England we could have intense thunderstorms overnight. A loud night, frequent lightning, large hail and intense downpours of rain, and then as i say it becomes slow moving inner city north so warnings for 40 60 million metres of rain, so a months worth of rain potentially coming tonight, and at first tomorrow. Slowly trundling northwards, strong winds, all though it is an improving picture in terms of drying up but more showers coming into scotland and Northern Ireland, really muggy overnight, definitely so and we are losing some of the humidity tomorrow as the Wind Shifteds into the

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