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Good afternoon. There are warnings of extreme disruption in hospitals in england this week. This morning, Junior Doctors and consultants walked out on strike for three days, bringing non Emergency Care to a near standstill. The doctors and consultants want above inflation wage rises. The government says its made fair and final pay offers. Our Health Correspondent Sophie Hutchinson reports. Whose nhs . Our nhs. Picket lines of medics in what whose nhs . Our nhs. Picket lines of medics in what is whose nhs . Our nhs. Picket lines of medics in what is the whose nhs . Our nhs. Picket lines of medics in what is the most medics in what is the most significant strike to hit the nhs in england. Forthe significant strike to hit the nhs in england. For the next few days hospitals will survive on minimum coverfrom hospitals will survive on minimum cover from consultants and Junior Doctors. Only Emergency Care will be provided and with almost 8 million patients already on waiting lists, the situation for them will only get worse. I the situation for them will only get worse. , the situation for them will only get worse. ,. , worse. I am used to the pain, sometimes worse. I am used to the pain, sometimes it worse. I am used to the pain, sometimes it is worse. I am used to the pain, sometimes it is worse worse. I am used to the pain, sometimes it is worse than i worse. I am used to the pain, sometimes it is worse than others. Miss mitchell knows how frustrating it is to have an appointment council. She has way to two years for a Shoulder Replacement and had surgery delayed for a doctors strike. It surgery delayed for a doctors strike. , , surgery delayed for a doctors strike. , ,. , strike. It is depressing, it affects eve art strike. It is depressing, it affects every part of strike. It is depressing, it affects every part of your strike. It is depressing, it affects every part of your life strike. It is depressing, it affects every part of your life because i strike. It is depressing, it affects l every part of your life because you are in pain and you cant sleep properly and you dont know what is coming up and also it is on your mind. Ijust want to get it out of the way and start to get back to some kind of normal life. In the way and start to get back to some kind of normal life. In past decades seems some kind of normal life. In past decades seems like some kind of normal life. In past decades seems like this some kind of normal life. In past decades seems like this with some kind of normal life. In past decades seems like this with doctors at all levels walking out of hospitals in protest would have been almost unimaginable. There have been past disputes between the government and doctors but nothing on this scale. And it is hard to see how the two site can resolve it. They havent spoken in more than 100 days and neither are set to back down. How long this goes on for is up to the government. We are open to be negotiated with and we have already had constructive conversations but the government needs to go further if they want the consultants and Junior Doctors to go back to work. The office they have made are not very good and they need to restore our pay back to 2008. It has fallen by a third since then. The government by a third since then. The government says by a third since then. The government says this by a third since then. The government says this years rises of 6 for consultants and almost 9 for Junior Doctors are fair and final and it is not prepared to go back to the negotiating table. While the two size persist in their dispute, over the next few days patients will face extreme disruption according to the nhs and the only certainty seems to be that more strikes will follow. Sophie is here now. The doctors and the government have been at loggerheads over pay for months, and now this 72 hour strike in the week of the Tory Party Conference . Yes, well, iam yes, well, i am sure many will see the staging of this historic strike by doctors as deliberate in the week of the conservative Party Conference. It certainly sends a clear message to governments that doctors are not afraid to press on with this industrial action unless they get the deal they are looking for. And the escalation in this dispute that we have seen in england risks spreading to other parts of the united kingdom. In Wales Consultants and Junior Doctors have been balloted for Strike Action and the same is taking place now in Northern Ireland. We heard from the bma there today. Potentially governments everywhere apart from in scotland could face real pressure from doctors to improve doctors pat from doctors to improve doctors pay. It comes at a time when the nhs can ill afford Strike Action and this dispute. It cost them a lot of money on strike days, there are eye watering amounts of money some time spent on covering doctors shifts and also getting to the backlog will become harder and harder. Sophie, many thanks become harder and harder. Sophie, many thanks indeed. Sophie, many thanks indeed. Water Companies Want to put up average bills by more than £150 a year by the end of the decade, to pay for new infrastructure. They say it would allow them to almost double investment to £96 billion, including ten new reservoirs and a modernised sewage system. If the regulator ofwat approves the plans, the average annual bill would go up by £81; in 2025, rising gradually each year to £156 extra by 2030. Our environment correspondent, jonah fisher, is in cardiff. Jonah. In the past these Price Reviews have always been about cutting costs and in practice sometimes cutting Customer Bills as well. Things are very different now. The dumping of sewage into our rivers and seas has become a hot political issue and warmer, driersummers become a hot political issue and warmer, drier summers has made it harderfor warmer, drier summers has made it harder for our Water Companies to maintain supplies. These are not easy or cheap problems to fix. As can be seen by the sheer scale of the proposals being put forward by the proposals being put forward by the Water Companies today. We will run out of water, not within the next 50 years, but within the next five to ten if we do nothing. East anglia is the driest part of the uk, and making sure theres enough water for everyone is a recurring headache for the local water company. Climate change is the biggest challenge we face as a company. This is part of the solution. A huge Pipeline Project costing more than £500 million. It will transport water from the wettest to the driest areas and eventually stretch more than 180 miles. Its taking water from north lincolnshire, where we know we have more rain, bringing it down to norfolk, suffolk and essex, where we have a lot less. East anglias pipeline is one example of the massive investment which the Water Companies say is needed. They want to build new reservoirs, Fix Leaking Pipes and reduce the amount of raw sewage being spilled. Today the Water Companies have submitted to the regulator, ofwat, their wish lists, what they want to spend between 2025 and 2030. And its a huge number, nearly £100 billion. Thats almost twice as much as in the previous five year period. And the cost of all that is ultimately going to fall on customers. It is estimated that by 2030, bills will rise on average by about £156. It will now be up to the regulator to dig into the details and decide if the plans are in the best interest of customers. We will be challenging and scrutinising Company Plans to make sure their costs are efficient, and to ensure that they are good value for money and that companies are able to deliver on their promises to clean up rivers and seas. Its got into a dreadful state. Peter says his river in kings lynn used to be crystal clear, so how does he feel about higher bills if it means a cleaner river . Im not personally inclined to pay any more. Theyve had tens of billions of pounds of our money over the last 30 years, since they were privatised, so i would suggest that they start getting some money back from their australian Pension Funds and their other investors that theyve paid out enormous dividends to before they start asking customers to pay more. Do you accept that Water Companies have in the past got it wrong, that profit has been put ahead of stopping pollution . I think that Water Companies have got work to do on Building Trust with customers again, but hopefully seeing schemes like this today shows that we have the environment and looking after our customers at the heart of what we do. A final decision on which projects go ahead, and how much bills will rise, will be taken late next year. Jonah fisher, bbc news. The chancellor, jeremy hunt, will confirm a rise in the National Living wage when he addresses the conservative Party Conference this afternoon. It would increase the hourly minimum pay for workers over 23, to at least £11 an hourfrom april. Mr hunt will also say he wants tougher sanctions for people on benefits who dont take steps to find work. Our Political Correspondent Damian Grammaticas reports from manchester. A conservative Chancellor Striding into a conservative conference. This should be the most welcoming of territory. Jeremy hunt and rishi sunak are facing Friendly Fire today. On every appearance and interview one subject, tax. It has risen to the highest levels on record on their watch and they are under pressure to say whether they will cut it before the next election. I will cut it before the next election will cut it before the next election. , � ~. ,. , election. I dont know what will ha en election. I dont know what will happen in election. I dont know what will happen in the election. I dont know what will happen in the spring election. I dont know what will happen in the spring or election. I dont know what will happen in the spring or later i election. I dont know what will| happen in the spring or later on next year, but if you are asking me do i want to bring down the tax burden . The answer is absolutely yes. What i cant say is when i will be able to do that. I think people will be able to understand there are no short cuts to these things. We want to make sure that the nhs has money and that schools are properly supported. We what fantastic Public Services and we need to grow the economy, be more efficient in the way we spend money, then we can start to bring down taxes. find way we spend money, then we can start to bring down taxes. Start to bring down taxes. And this blast from the start to bring down taxes. And this Blast From The Past start to bring down taxes. And this Blast From The Past is start to bring down taxes. And this Blast From The Past is what start to bring down taxes. And this Blast From The Past is what is Blast From The Past is what is fuelling the debate. Somebody had been calling it brass neck. Here to Sayjeremy Hunt and rishi sunak are getting it wrong is liz truss. Share getting it wrong is liz truss. Are ou ust getting it wrong is liz truss. Are you just causing trouble . Getting it wrong is liz truss. Are i you just causing trouble . Speaking you ust causing trouble . Speaking out you just causing trouble . Speaking out even after you just causing trouble . Speaking out even after her you just causing trouble . Speaking out even after her tax you just causing trouble . Speaking out even after her tax plans out even after her tax plans imploded her own premiership. I am imploded her own premiership. I am callin imploded her own premiership. I am calling upon imploded her own premiership. I am calling upon the imploded her own premiership. I n calling upon the chancellor at the Autumn Statement to put Corporation Tax back down to 19 . Frankly, if we can get it lower, the better. Mani; can get it lower, the better. Many tories do believe can get it lower, the better. Many tories do believe taxes can get it lower, the better. Many tories do believe taxes are can get it lower, the better. Many tories do believe taxes are too i tories do believe taxes are too high. The economic reality next year it may be that there really is not much scope for major cuts. If it may be that there really is not much scope for major cuts. Much scope for maor cuts. If you have not much scope for major cuts. If you have got significant much scope for major cuts. If you have got significant tax much scope for major cuts. If you have got significant tax cuts much scope for major cuts. If you have got significant tax cuts you | have got significant tax cuts you need to align that with some pretty difficult Spending Cuts as well. That is really hard given where we are, given how much we are spending on health and pension and interest and so on. The on health and pension and interest and so on. ,. , and so on. The issue for the conservative and so on. The issue for the conservative party and so on. The issue for the conservative party is and so on. The issue for the conservative party is how i and so on. The issue for the L Conservative Party is how will and so on. The issue for the conservative party is how will this favourite people beyond this conference . Will rishi sunak and jeremy hunt be able to win the votes they desperately need . Or will people see a party that is still focused on arguing with itself . Later it was full safety gear for the chancellor, not because of Criticism Swirling around him, but because while he waits to make tax cuts he wants to see more people in work so the living wage is going to go work so the living wage is going to 9 up, work so the living wage is going to go up, but at the same time there will be a tightening of rules around benefits to try to get the long term unemployed back intojobs. Damian grammaticas, bbc news, manchester. Our Political Correspondent, nick eardley, is in manchester. Lets look at the bigger picture, with an election expected sometime next year, how important do you think this Party Conference is for the conservatives . Think this Party Conference is for the conservatives . There is no doubt it is crucial the conservatives . There is no doubt it is crucial l the conservatives . There is no doubt it is crucial. I think the conservatives . There is no doubt it is crucial. I think with the conservatives . There is no doubt it is crucial. I think with this it is crucial. I think with this conference and labour� s next week you are going to see the two main parties are starting to see the long race towards a general election next year. It is even more important for the conservatives because rishi sunak has made it clear that over the next few days he wants to persuade all of us he has big ideas to change the country. We had the rishi sunak who pitched himself as the man who would stabilise the economy and he has now got to sell himself to voters as a man who has big ideas, but policies and big pledges. I have got to say, chatting to Tory Activists and politicians over the past couple of days i think there is a bit of a sense of this conference has got off pretty slowly. If that race has begun, rishi sunak is not out of the traps yet. Although we have heard some policy that you heard reflected in the peace and no doubt we will hear a bit more from the chancellor this afternoon, there has not really been afternoon, there has not really been a big bang moment yet and a lot of attention so far has been on quite familiar debates within the conservative party, such as the one on tax. It might seem a bit surprising to some people that liz truss is still getting so much attention, given that when she got a chance to sit in number ten it didnt and particularly well. But it is a reminder that there are a lot of people in the conservative party who agree with and embrace her ideas. Rishi sunak now has to try and grab some of the momentum and some of the initiative back and start setting out his alternative. Nick, thank you very much. There are plans for a blanket ban on pupils using Mobile Phones in schools in england. The government is expected to issue guidance to headteachers saying mobile devices should not be used during the school day. The education secretary, Gillian Keegan, is said to think mobiles distract children and cause bad behaviour. Our education reporter Vanessa Clarke is in salford. Whats the reaction to this so far . Well, what i have heard a lot of this morning is this is the first time we have heard of this, so successive Education Ministers have mentioned a ban on Mobile Phones in schools. At the moment all schools have their own policies, so some may already have this in place, others may only allow students to use their phonein may only allow students to use their phone in a break. But the Department For Education did a consultation on this last year and it found that actually the government dont need to intervene in this because schools have really well placed plans in place already for this. But the education secretary Gillian Keegan will talk about this in her speech, she will talk about how Mobile Phones can be linked to bullying and they are a distraction and that she will update the guidance. All four Teaching Unions have come out today and said this is a distraction from the main issues in schools at the moment and it really is unachievable because at the moment head teachers are in control of their behaviour policies. Last year, a schools bill was scrapped at the very last minute which would have given the government more control over Behaviour Policy in some academy schools. This issue is really important to students and to parents, but an update to the guidelines would make very little difference. A teenager has been stabbed to death in london, the second in a week. Police say the 16 year old boy was found on a residential street in edmonton last night. A Murder Investigation has been launched. No arrests have been made so far. West Yorkshire Police say a second man has died after a triple stabbing in halifax on sunday. Three men were taken to hospital after the attack in the early hours of the morning. A 21 year old died a short time later and a 19 year old was pronounced dead last night. Three men, two aged 18 and one aged 19, have been arrested. Thames Valley Police has confirmed its investigating harassment and stalking allegations against russell brand, made by a woman living in the force area. The bbc has approached mr brand for a response to these allegations. It follows a joint investigation by the sunday times, the times and channel 4s dispatches, in which four women accused mr brand of Sexual Assaults and rape. Mr brand has denied those claims. Our correspondent who uncovered this latest investigation is nikki mitchell, whojoins us from reading now. What more can you tell us about this . This what more can you tell us about this . ~ ,. , what more can you tell us about this . A what more can you tell us about this . As you say, these are very different allegations, this . As you say, these are very different allegations, not this . As you say, these are very different allegations, not of this . As you say, these are very| different allegations, not of rape or Sexual Assault but of harassment and stalking. We understand that the woman made numerous reports to the police against russell brand, accusing him of harassing and stalking her. They made numerous reports between 2018 and 2022, but no further action was taken by the police. Mr brand also accused the woman of harassing him back in 2017. Now, thames Valley Police have told us that the woman contacted the force around two weeks ago with what they say is new information in relation to the harassment and stalking allegations. The force has confirmed that her information is being investigated and said, as such, it would be inappropriate to comment on an ongoing investigation. The bbc has, of course, but these specific allegations to russell brand. We havent had a replyjust yet, but as you know, the comedian has denied serious allegations of aggressive tax, which he absolutely refused. Refutes. Englands Deputy Chief Medical Officer has warned that coronavirus will continue to surprise us ahead of what is expected to be a Difficult Winterfor the nhs. Dr thomas waite is encouraging those eligible for free covid and flu jabs to get themselves vaccinated. Dr waite says the disease does not yet behave in a seasonal way, making it less predictable than other winter illnesses. The Nobel Prize For Medicine has been awarded to a pair of scientists who developed the technology that led to the mrna covid vaccines. Dr Katalin Kariko from hungary and dr Drew Weissman from the United States will share the prize. The technology was experimental before the pandemic, but has now been used for millions ofjabs around the world. The time is 13 19. Our top story this lunchtime Junior Doctors and consultants in england begin the longestjoint strike in the history of the National Health service. And still to come the first baby beaver spotted in london for centuries. Coming up on bbc news englands final warm up match before the Cricket World Cup has got off to a good start. They are playing bangladesh to help with preparations for their opening match of the tournament on thursday, against new zealand. Europes golfers have been celebrating their victory over the United States in the ryder cup in rome. Europes players are now calling for their captain, luke donald, to stay on and lead the team in new york in two years time. Well, luke donald has been speaking to our sports correspondent, andy swiss. Singing when they are winning europes players celebrating on the bus home. After their sensational ryder cup triumph. Even the trophy itself was soon being put to good use, and this morning their captain Fantastic Wasjust a use, and this morning their captain fantastic was just a little fatigued. I fantastic was ust a little fatigued. Fantastic was ust a little fatiuued. ~ , fatigued. I think i was in bed about four, 4 30am. Fatigued. I think i was in bed about four, 4 30am. You fatigued. I think i was in bed about four, 4 30am. You can fatigued. I think i was in bed about four, 4 30am. You can hear fatigued. I think i was in bed about four, 4 30am. You can hear it fatigued. I think i was in bed about| four, 4 30am. You can hear it from four, liz30am. You can hear it from my voice. I wanted to enjoy it. Those scenes on the bus, that was just so much fun. We were singing some of those chants, on the right side of the bus, the left side of the bus. The heads are all sore but it was worth it. We the bus. The heads are all sore but it was worth it. The bus. The heads are all sore but it was worth it. We saw rory michael roy leading it was worth it. We saw rory michael roy leading the it was worth it. We saw rory michael roy leading the celebrations. It was worth it. We saw rory michael roy leading the celebrations. He it was worth it. We saw rory michael| roy leading the celebrations. He was obviously very emotional yesterday. How much of a figurehead is he for the team now . He how much of a figurehead is he for the team now . How much of a figurehead is he for the team now . , ,. , the team now . He has been very vocal in uolf in the team now . He has been very vocal in golf in the the team now . He has been very vocal in golf in the last the team now . He has been very vocal in golf in the last couple the team now . He has been very vocal in golf in the last couple of the team now . He has been very vocal in golf in the last couple of years, in golf in the last couple of years, but to be honest, in the ryder cup, i wanted his clubs to do the talking. We saw the emotion two years ago when we lost, and what that meant to him. This was about a little bit of redemption. Little bit of redemption. Europes win certainly little bit of redemption. Europes win certainly went little bit of redemption. Europes win certainly went down little bit of redemption. Europes win certainly went down well little bit of redemption. Europes| win certainly went down well with this fan. Talk about soaking in the atmosphere. But will their captain now carry on . His team want him to, chanting, two more years. But donald has not decided. It is chanting, two more years. But donald has not decided. Has not decided. It is a long ourne has not decided. It is a long journey and has not decided. It is a long journey and a has not decided. It is a long journey and a long has not decided. It is a long journey and a long process, j journey and a long process, something i would have to think about hard, if thats what they wanted me to do. Yeah, im trying to enjoy this moment right now, to be honest. To come here as captain and have this great little gold trophy by my side is unbelievable, it really is. And its something i will rememberforever. Andy swiss reporting. For the first time, Foreign Ministers and representatives from all the European Union countries are meeting in the ukrainian capital, kyiv. The eus top diplomat, josep borrell, said its funding for ukraine will not waver. Well, our ukraine correspondent, james waterhouse, is in kyiv. An important show of faith, really, i suppose, from the eu Foreign Ministers in ukraine. Are there concerns at the same time about a certain fatigue with the war in Western Nations . I think there is no doubt about that. This was meant to be a meeting of all 27 memberForeign Ministers, and three, we have learned from a government source, havent made it hungary, poland and latvia. Two of those, poland and hungary, having ongoing political problems, shall we say, on the idea of continued support for ukraine. When you are talking about an attempted show of unity, with billions of pounds� worth of military and humanitarian aid at stake in the long term for ukraine, it� s pretty farfrom ideal for kyiv. I asked the eu� s most senior diplomat, josep borrell, whether the western per league, the political fatigue that ukraine four years and that Vladimir Putin of russia is holding out for might be starting to materialise. Yes, we see all that, but allow me to say, we have also seen the stronger unity of europeans to support ukraine. We have seen unanimity on approving i dont know how many sanctions packages. We see unity in order to support military aid. So, that� s the sentiment from the west. As for the east, the kremlin spokesman has reacted to this political turmoil that we are starting to see, saying he had predicted it, that there would be this kind of fragmentation in western commitment, and that it would affect what he described as the absurd sponsorship of ukraine� s military effort. This is, of course, someone representing a country that is only increasing its spending behind its continued invasion of ukraine. Kyiv has relied on Military Progress in the past to ease worries. It is now relying on its diplomatic skills more than ever since the full scale invasion of last year. Since the fullscale invasion of last year since the fullscale invasion of last ear. ,. , last year. James, thank you very much. The boss ofjohn lewis, dame sharon white, has announced she will step down after her five term ends, making her the shortest serving chair in the partnership� s 100 year history. Let� s talk to our business editor, simonjack, who broke this story this morning. This is important Becausejohn Lewis is one of the uk� s biggest retailers. It is one of the uks biggest retailers is one of the uks biggest retailers. ,. ,. , retailers. It is, and it has a particular retailers. It is, and it has a particular place retailers. It is, and it has a particular place in retailers. It is, and it has a particular place in the retailers. It is, and it has a particular place in the uk l retailers. It is, and it has a particular place in the uk retail landscape, and there have only ever been six chairs of thejohn lewis partnership. Typically people serve a decade or two, so leaving after five years in 2025 counts as an early exit. Dame sharon white, a trailblazer in many ways the first woman in the first black person to be the chair, and she will also be additional to serving. To be fair, she had her share of challenges. She was pitched into thejob she had her share of challenges. She was pitched into the job during the first flush of the pandemic, she has had the cost of living crisis to cope with, and last Yearjohn Lewis lost £237 million. It lost £57 million in the First Six Months of this year. She shot 15 department stores, cut1000 this year. She shot 15 department stores, cut 1000 managementjobs, stores, cut 1000 management jobs, and stores, cut 1000 managementjobs, and said recently that the road back to profitability was a long one. It now transpires that she may not be there at the time when they finally get there. There at the time when they finally let there. ,. ,. , i. , get there. Simon, thank you very much. It was one of the most famous concerts of all time now live aid is to be turned into a Stage Musical at london� s Old Vic Theatre. The show is called just for one day, and it will feature many of the songs sung at Wembley Stadium back injuly 1985, by the likes of queen, u2 and david bowie. And, as our entertainment correspondent Colin Paterson has been finding out, live aid� s co founder, bob geldof, has given the show his blessing. Its 12 noon in london, 7am in philadelphia, l and around the world, its time for live aid. I one of the most famous concerts of all time has been turned into a musical. Live aid, which raised Money Forfamine relief in ethiopia, was watched by an estimated 1. 5 billion people in 1985. Now, a Stage Version is heading to the Old Vic Theatre in london, with the blessing of the original organiser, bob geldof. Oh, tell me why i don� t like mondays. Live aid the musical why . Who would have thought . You know, live aid the musical happened a0 years ago in wembley, you know . They came and said, we know you are going to say no, but we want to do it because our dads have never stopped talking about this day. We think it� s theatre. You know, let� s put on a show . We can be heroes just for one day. The musical is called just for one day, after the line in david bowie� s heroes. Are there people playing david bowie and bono and Freddie Mercury . No, no. It� s not a tribute thing. Well, tonight thank god its them instead of you. The songs drive the drama along very cleverly. There� s a story, and the story is based on actual testimony from the day. Let it be. The Band Aid Charity will receive 10 of all ticket sales, but there� s one thing bob geldof has not been enjoying going to early script reads and seeing someone play him. It� s bad enough being bob geldof. It� s slightly worse seeing somebody pretending to be you. The one upside for me is that he� s got an amazing voice, stage bob, so people will actually think that i sing as good as that. Live aid lives again. Colin paterson, bbc news. A baby beaver has been born in london for the first time in 400 years. It comes 18 months after an initiative to reintroduce the species to the capital. Enfield council began london� s beaver Reintroduction Programme as part of a wider rewilding and natural flood management project, as anna o� neill reports. Spotted on night vision camera, a new arrival. London� s first baby beaver to be born in the capital for hundreds of years. A male and female were reintroduced to the forty hall estate in the London Borough Of Enfield in spring last year, bringing beavers to the capital for the first time in 400 years with the hope that they might start their own family. To start the build on a beaver lodge, theyjust start piling sticks and it will normally be on the bank of the pond or that sort of area and what they have done is they have piled the sticks, piled the sticks, they then have an entrance at one end so they dug in under the water into a pod above water and they will dig into banks and make their houses there. The project is managed through london� s only Environmental College and is giving students first hand experience of wildlife conservation. It forms part of their animal Management Studies and they will be down here helping and observing and doing things to do with the cameras and data and research which is an integral part of their studies. There is a good reason the beavers have been introduced here. The beavers are doing the work that we can� t do and it is naturalflood management. As you can see here, they are doing a fantasticjob of chomping through these trees and the fact that they� ve had a baby is really exciting, you know. No news yet as to whether the kit is male or female but the new baby has been spotted beavering away, helping his parents to build this impressive home. Anna o� neill, bbc news. Time for a look at the weather. Here� s elizabeth rizzini. You might have noticed it was really warm yesterday. In fact, it is the warmer start to october in 12 years. Temperatures in North East Scotland got to 20 celsius. We saw 2a celsius in surrey, and it could turn even warmer still into next weekend. For today, we still have the warmth and humidity across england and wales. Misty and murky earlier on. The best of the sunshine has been across scotland. Also true for Northern Ireland and northern england. There are still a few showers here. You can see nicely the boundary between those two are as, marked by this warm front that will push north and east across england and wales for the rest of the afternoon. There will be showery outbreaks of rain here, and some of that could

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