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This is bbc news, the headlines. The un warns that israels continuing siege and air strikes are leaving gazas Health System on the verge of collapse. The us president Will Visit Tel Aviv on wednesday, reaffirming support for israel as it prepares a Ground Offensive into gaza. Faith leaders in london, including the archbishop of canterbury, call for peace in the middle east. Indias Supreme Court rules against legalising Same Sex Marriage. More now on our main news. Israeli air strikes have continued through the night in gaza before wednesdays visit to israel by the us president , joe biden. Dozens of palestinians are reported to have been killed, including 28 people in one house in the rafah area, close to the crossing into egypt. Mr biden� s visit is designed to show us support for israel in its war against hamas, after the deadly attacks in Southern Israel ten days ago. Hes expected to be briefed on israels strategy, as well as how it will try to minimise civilian casualties. Live now to marina miron, a post doctoral researcher in war studies at Kings College london. Just talk me through how you see israel moving in the next few days. It is a very difficult question because it seems like israel is prepared indeed to launch a Ground Offensive. We have to understand that past advances into the gaza strip have not produced any desired results, and the problem is that hamas is very well trained, it has been expecting this response to its attack, therefore they will make use of their fortified positions, attack, therefore they will make use of theirfortified positions, but most importantly they have very sophisticated underground Tunnel Systems which can go as far as 30 metres deep and have different layers, and most of those tunnels are in northern gaza, presumably where the Israeli Military will be entering, so in order to fight hamas, israel will have to have very good intelligence on the location of the command and control points on Storage Facilities and so on in order to be able to neutralise and to hamper hamas� s capabilities, and now we have the problem of civilians and hostages being in play, because we dont know where the hostages are located so that will make it difficult for the idf to conduct this operation because defence in this operation because defence in this sense is easier than offence, evenif this sense is easier than offence, even if the Israeli Forces are now reinforced by the americans, the American Military presence in the region, and are also better equipped and have better capabilities, airpower and maritime capabilities. However, for hamas, this will be a critical point, they will be able to use civilians as Human Shields in order to complicate idf� s operation, in order to create a negative political fallout for the idf because of collateral damage, and the other problem with that is the palestinians who are not necessarily supporting hamas seeing their fellows being killed by the idf might switch sides, so this will become a perpetual problem. Let me ask ou become a perpetual problem. Let me ask you just become a perpetual problem. Let me ask you just one become a perpetual problem. Let me ask you just one thing, become a perpetual problem. Let me ask you just one thing, you become a perpetual problem. Let me ask you just one thing, you talk ask you just one thing, you talk about this being different to other elements or times during which we have had flare ups, how difficult do you think those extra issues you talk about will make this, for example the nearly 200 hostages held in gaza, the intricate Tunnel System around the north gaza area . It will be difficult from around the north gaza area . It will be difficult from the around the north gaza area . It ll be difficult from the perspective of trying firstly to locate the hostages and obviously hamas will play the hostage card and will be threatening to kill the hostages if the idf does whatever they do, if the idf does whatever they do, if the incursion starts, so there is a risk that hostages will perish at the hands of hamas if the operation starts, so the idea is to try to get the hostages out before the ground operation starts. The other problem is the political ramifications and their support for hamas in the region, we know that hezbollah has announced its support and readiness to enter the war and potentially open a new front, we have heard irans position as well, and the broader problem is also otherjihadi groups like alqaeda who have issued calls to muslims all across the world to targetjewish people, and those countries supporting israel, so it is notjust a matter of regional war, the threat of terrorism will be growing, including to those countries such as the us and europe, all of whom are supporting israel and israels decision, specifically to launch this incursion, meaning that there is a potential that president biden� s visit to israel might try to lower the tensions and try to push for negotiations. For negotiations. Thank you very much indeed for negotiations. Thank you very much indeed for for negotiations. Thank you very much indeed forjoining for negotiations. Thank you very much indeed forjoining us for negotiations. Thank you very much indeed forjoining us and l much indeed forjoining us and talking to see on bbc news. Thank ou for talking to see on bbc news. Thank you for me diplomatic efforts to contain the war are intensifying. Turkey says a peace summit is planned in egypt while King Abdullah ofjordan is in berlin, where hes held talks with chancellor 0laf scholz. Hes said that as long as efforts to find a long term political solution fail, the cycle of violence will continue. Hundreds of thousands have no access to food, water, electricity, and other basic services. This is unacceptable on all levels, legal and human. This year is already the bloodiest year for palestinians and israelis in recent memory. It will get much worse unless we stop this war and the Human Catastrophe it is creating, and stop it we must. We must all stand against all forms of violence, and with its victims, no matter their identity, nationality or religion. Your excellency, the whole region is at the brink of falling into the abyss that this new cycle of death and destruction is pushing us towards. Enough is enough. We cannot continue the cycle of violence every single year. Unless there is a political horizon that brings israelis and palestinians together that then allows israelis and arabs to come together, this will continue to be a cycle of violence that none of us can afford. The Un Security Council has rejected a russian led draught resolution that called for a ceasefire in the war between israel and hamas. The uk, the us and france all voted against. Russia has complained that the council is being held hostage by western countries. The result of the voting is as follows. Five votes in favour, four votes against, six abstentions. The draft resolution has not been adopted, having failed to obtain the required number of votes. After the vote, the Us Ambassador explained that the draught� s failure to condemn hamas was indefensible. Unfortunately, russias resolution presented today does not meet all of these responsibilities. Russias resolution, put forward without any consultations, make no mention of hamas none. By failing to condemn hamas, russia is giving cover to a Terrorist Group that brutalises innocent civilians. We will continue to urge our israeli partners to work to minimise the risk of civilian casualties. The archbishop of canterbury, justin welby, this morning joined muslim and jewish leaders to address the ongoing conflict. Heres a little of what they said. 0ur faith and ethics reporter, harry farley, was at lambeth palace, for the meeting. And we heard just a few moments ago from justin welby, the archbishop of canterbury. Sheikh ibrahim mogra, whos an imam from leicester. And rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, whos a senior rabbi in masorti judaism, uk. They spoke of their shared concern for the situation in israel and in gaza, and they spoke also for their communities here. And they said they stand together against any form of hatred or violence againstjewish people or any other community here. Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg and Sheikh Ibrahim mogra spoke of their personal friendship and spoke of their many connections between the muslim and thejewish communities here in the uk. They did acknowledge that they sometimes stand on opposite sides and they sometimes disagree with each other. But they called for an end to any kind of hatred or violence against their communities here in the uk. The context, of course, of all this, ben, and the reason these Faith Leaders felt they needed to come out and make this statement is there has been a significant rise, in anti semitic incidents in particular, since those attacks by hamas the weekend before last. The metropolitan Police Telling us that, in the week since those attacks, there were 105 anti semitic incidents and 75 offences in london alone. And to put that in context, the same week last year, there were 14 anti semitic incidents and i2 offences. And the metropolitan police also said there had also been a rise in islamophobic incidents, although not as such a significant rise. So thats the context. Thats why these Faith Leaders felt they needed to come out and make the statement, as you say, and appealfor an end to any kind of discrimination against any of their communities. All of us are profoundly concerned by what is happening in israel and gaza. And here at lambeth palace, we are praying constantly for all those who are caught up in this war that has already brought so much suffering to so many people. But today we have come together out of shared concern for our communities and neighbourhoods here in the uk, and to stand together against any form of hatred or violence againstjewish people or any other community. It is deplorable and wrong that Ourjewish Community here has been the target of hate crimes. It is unacceptable thati synagogues and jewish centres have been targeted. There has been a 500 rise in Anti Semitism. I i condemn these attacks and call on all fellow citizens to stand up| and speak out against all and every form of hate your solidarity in standing up and speaking out clearly against all forms of Anti Semitism and anti semitic intimidation at this most deeply painful time means a great deal. Thejewish community, led by the board of deputies, Thejewish Leadership Council and the Community Security trust, has long condemned and continues to condemn all racism directed against muslims from whatever source. The family of a british teenager killed in the hamas attacks has released a statement paying tribute to her. They describe 13 year old yahel as a bundle of unbridled energy and joy. They say they � will forever miss her, but are grateful for the light she brought into our lives in the too short time she was with us�. Yahel� s sister noiya and father are still missing. The Prime Minister has apparently updated the Cabinet Office on the uks response to the situation in israel and gaza, and Downing Street has said this, the Prime Minister updated the cabinet on the uk governments response to the terrible Terror Attacks on israel, he underscored the abhorrence of hamass targeting of civilians and said the uk will continue to stand with israel and respect their right to self and said the uk will play its part to help alleviate the unfolding humanitarian crisis, recognising that hamas is actively seeking to endanger Palestinian Civilians and goes on to say the Prime Minister added that hamas were responsible for the murder and abduction of british nationals. Meanwhile the Foreign Secretary outlined the sport the uk is providing including £10 million of aid announced to the occupied Palestinian Territories and continues to work closely with partners in the region. The cabinet has also recognised that many in the uk will have been deeply and directly affected by events in israel and gaza and agreed the vital importance of the government continuing to take every step possible to provide reassurance to the uks jewish possible to provide reassurance to the uksjewish community and take a zero tolerance approach to those who sought to use the Terror Attack as an excuse the anti semitic attacks, so there you have a statement from Downing Street as the Prime Minister updates the cabinet in the uk on the response here to the situation in israel and gaza. Around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. Bringing you different stories from across the uk. Residents have Learning Disabilities or autism. Its not easy to recruit because retail and nhs jobs generally pay more. It worries me for the people that we support. It worries me whats going to happen to them and how are we going to make sure that we can keep recruiting and we can keep supporting them to live the best life ever . The government has put an extra £2. 11 billion into social care, but its only to match the increase in inflation. Care worker pay is a really big issue. Its an issue that the local Government Association has lobbied hard on and to make a step change is difficult. It needs funding to councils to increase and of course it needs to increase in a way that it gets through to the care worker pay. Many at the summit believe better wages wont solve everything, but Care Organisations like karens say if staff were rewarded for what they do, theyd be more personalised help to go around. For more stories from across the uk, head to the bbc news website. Youre live with bbc news. Swedens Prime Minister has called on the eu to strengthen its Border Controls and internal security after a gunman killed two swedish Football Fans in belgium on monday. Ulf kristersson says the bloc cannot afford to be naive. Belgian Authorities Say police have shot dead the gunman. Police confirmed that 45 year old Abdesalem Al Guilani opened fire in Central Brussels on monday evening. Prosecutors are treating the attack as terrorism. Belgiums Prime Minister has been speaking about the shooting. Lets hear some of what he had to say. Last night, three people left for what was supposed to be a wonderful soccer party. Two of them lost their lives in a brutal terrorist attack. Their lives were cut short in full flight, cut down by extreme brutality. Our thoughts go first and foremost to the families and to the friends of the victims. We share your pain and we offer our condolences. Last night, terrible attacks affected all of us. Terrorism is directed against people everywhere. Perpetrators they try to instill fear, distrust and division in our free societies. Terrorism terrorists must understand that they will never succeed in their intent. They will never be able to subjugate our free societies with their hatred and their violence. They only show the importance that terrorism will never defeat us. 0ur Correspondent Sofia Bettiza has been at the scene. 0ne one man has been shot dead in a cafe in the street which has been cordoned off, and there is quite a big Police Presence this morning in brussels. Authorities have confirmed that the men shot dead is indeed the gunman who last night in Central Brussels opened fire and killed two swedish nationals. Now, the federal prosecutor in belgium believes the man was inspired by the Islamic State group, we have seen a video where he was filming himself, speaking in arabic and saying that he killed people in the name of god. Authorities are treating this as a terrorist attack, and that is why the alert level here in brussels has been raised to four, the highest level, and it means that a threat could be imminent. This morning here in brussels, several schools are closed, people are being urged to work from home if they can, and authorities have opened an investigation into what happened. Indias Supreme Court has ruled that legalising Same Sex Marriage is a matter for parliament to decide and not the countrys highest court. But the five Supreme Courtjudges were unanimous in saying same sex unions should be allowed and the country had a duty to protect lgbtq relationships from discrimination. The ruling bjp government has argued against Same Sex Marriage, saying it was a concept reserved only for the urban elite. Joining me are indian Lgbt Activist and author raga 0lga dsilva and her partner, nicola fenton. Let me ask you first of all your reaction to this news . The let me ask you first of all your reaction to this news . The word i use is despondent reaction to this news . The word i use is despondent because reaction to this news . The word i use is despondent because as reaction to this news . The word i use is despondent because as i i reaction to this news . The word i i use is despondent because as i said in my last bbc interview, we were very hopeful all through the morning as well, so i feel extremely gutted, in a way. As well, so i feel extremely gutted, in a wa. ~. As well, so i feel extremely gutted, inawa. ~. As well, so i feel extremely gutted, inawa. ~. ,. , as well, so i feel extremely gutted, inawa. ,. , in a way. What are you gutted about . I feel that these in a way. What are you gutted about . I feel that these are in a way. What are you gutted about . I feel that these are rights in a way. What are you gutted about . I feel that these are rights that in a way. What are you gutted about . I feel that these are rights that we. I feel that these are rights that we needed, these are equal rights, human rights, and i will give you an example of our life, i am of indian origin, iam example of our life, i am of indian origin, i am legally married to nicola in the uk, but as soon as we get on a flight to india we lose all those rights, in the eyes of the law we are single again, so that is the problem, there are millions of us in india who come from the lgbtq community, we dont have legal rights, we are not recognised as same sex same gender couples, so there are no rights given to us. Explain to people watching at home why those rights are so important to you because obviously you are recognised as a couple here in the uk in that sense, so why does it matter, when you walk on indian soil, what you are legally . In matters in two ways, at a soil, what you are legally . I� i matters in two ways, at a personal level because it is my country of birth, i do have family there, i do Travel To India at least once a week, i want to have something there. I week, i want to have something there. ,. ,. , there. I mean, once a year iwas auoin to there. I mean, once a year iwas going to say. There. I mean, once a year iwas going to say. That there. I mean, once a year iwas going to say, that is there. I mean, once a year iwas going to say, that is a there. I mean, once a year iwas going to say, that is a very going to say, that is a very difficult trip to make once a week wonderful. Going back to india, you could have a medical emergency for instance like we had last time we were there, i couldnt make a decision on behalf of her, basic things, if you want to open a bank account for instance, we cant open account for instance, we cant open a Joint Bank Account as partners, if i want to buy a property there, there are weird Inheritance Laws for couples like us. Basic things, so i am talking about social rights, i want to stand up there, feel free, like i feel free here, we enjoy the freedom and benefits of a couple, we dont even think we are to people. I dont even think we are to people. I dont think that is right, it is very unfair. Dont think that is right, it is very unfair dont think that is right, it is ve unfair. , very unfair. Nicola, being in hiding a lot, not feeling very unfair. Nicola, being in hiding a lot, not feeling like very unfair. Nicola, being in hiding a lot, not feeling like you very unfair. Nicola, being in hiding a lot, not feeling like you can very unfair. Nicola, being in hiding a lot, not feeling like you can be i a lot, not feeling like you can be your true selves in india, that must be really hard. It is your true selves in india, that must be really hard be really hard. It is hard. I find this whole be really hard. It is hard. I find this whole thing be really hard. It is hard. I findi this whole thing disappointing, be really hard. It is hard. I find l this whole thing disappointing, it is not this whole thing disappointing, it is not about us, i dont think it is about is not about us, i dont think it is about the urban elite. There are many about the urban elite. There are many gay about the urban elite. There are many gay couples in india, and a lot of had many gay couples in india, and a lot of had weddings but there is not a marriage, of had weddings but there is not a marriage, there is no legality to it. Marriage, there is no legality to it even marriage, there is no legality to it. Evenjust renting a house together, it. Evenjust renting a house together, we lived there for a while and try together, we lived there for a while and try to together, we lived there for a while and try to rent a house together, we couldnt and try to rent a house together, we couldnt as and try to rent a house together, we couldnt as a and try to rent a house together, we couldnt as a couple, we cant get a bank couldnt as a couple, we cant get a bank account couldnt as a couple, we cant get a bank account together as a couple, we enjoy that here in the uk and in my country we enjoy that here in the uk and in my country of birth in new zealand, but my my country of birth in new zealand, but my wifes country of birth, we cannot but my wifes country of birth, we cannot enjoy that, and i feel disappointed. Cannot enjoy that, and i feel disappointed. Cannot enjoy that, and i feel disauointed. � ,. , ~. , disappointed. Lets talk about the cultural aspects disappointed. Lets talk about the cultural aspects in disappointed. Lets talk about the cultural aspects in india disappointed. Lets talk about the cultural aspects in india because l cultural aspects in india because obviously here we talk about legal aspects, where are the differences there between cultural acceptance and legal acceptance, are the two intertwined . If legally there is acceptance culturally with that move forward as well . If acceptance culturally with that move forward as well . Forward as well . If you have legal rirhts, forward as well . If you have legal rights. That forward as well . If you have legal rights. That is forward as well . If you have legal rights, that is a forward as well . If you have legal rights, that is a start forward as well . If you have legal rights, that is a start in forward as well . If you have legal rights, that is a start in the rights, that is a start in the beginning, so thats the first thing we have to remember. Culturally, we are a long way away, in april the Government Of India came out with a statement saying they are opposed because Same Sex Marriages would break the fabric of indian society, that it break the fabric of indian society, thatitis break the fabric of indian society, that it is against our culture there, which i dont agree with because it is not true, we are rich culturally, we have had instances and in the hindu mythology there are people who are same gender, so from a cultural Point Of View, i come from a catholic family and a hindu country, and my family have still not accepted me which means when i go back to india i still have to continue. I dont say i hide with my family but they reject me, they dont talk to me, i am not allowed into my own home, so from a cultural Point Of View we have a long way to go so well the law is in place, the activists we talk about, lots of people in india are working towards changing that in india on a day to day basis but when you go to a hindu or muslim or catholic own, we face the same kind of dangers and fears. Home. 50 we face the same kind of dangers and fears home fears. Home. So important to talk about this, fears. Home. So important to talk about this, i fears. Home. So important to talk about this, i thank fears. Home. So important to talk about this, i thank you fears. Home. So important to talk about this, i thank you both fears. Home. So important to talk about this, i thank you both are about this, i thank you both are taking the time to speak to us. Thank you very much. Stay with us here on bbc news. Hello. The weathers going to turn really rough over the coming days, but today is actually not bad at all. Lots of bright, if not sunny weather, and thats how its going to stay for the rest of the day. But then, midweek onwards, its going to be really horrible. And i think, by thursday, strong winds and the rain is going to be the biggest problem, i think, associated with storm babet, visible on the Satellite Picture here spiralling to the west of portugal. The Weather Fronts extending northwards. And, in fact, well see a series of Weather Fronts sweeping across the uk, delivering a lot of rainfall. And here is the Rainfall Accumulation as the days go by. The heaviest of the rain initially in the south of the country. And then i think by thursday and Friday In Eastern Scotland and along the north sea coast and further inland around the north of england, in some spots in excess of 100 millimetres of rain. But heres tuesday, the rest of the day, so dry and bright across the bulk of the country. But the weather front is starting to approach us. You can see the rain here approaching southern and western ireland, temperatures between 12 and 15 degrees celsius. So the winds start to strengthen through tuesday night into wednesday, by the early hours with heavy showers in the south of england into wales, Western Parts of scotland too. But still, for most of us, i think the weather is generally dry. Now, heres the weather map for wednesday and storm babet� s, weatherfront, in fact, multiple Weather Fronts, Pressure Lines here close by. So that means strong winds and the winds run along those Pressure Lines more or less. Now, normally when we get gales, they tend to tend to sweep in off the atlantic out of the west, these Gale Force Winds will start to develop out of the east, south east, now in some spots, gusting to about 50 miles an hour. And then actually as the days go by, they even get stronger in some northern areas. So look at all of that rain in the south, south west, into northern ireland, really torrential in places. And then, through early thursday, that rain moves northwards and these Rain Clouds Kind of align themselves like a Conveyor Belt along that strong to Gale Force Wind blowing out of the south east. So thats why those rain clouds will keep coming at this part of the country here. So hence the most amount of rainfall here and the possibility of some disruption. Thats it. Bye bye. Today at one. We are live in Southern Israel. Less tha n less than a mile from the border of gaza. The gaza city of khan yunis is hit by strikes overnight, as hundreds of thousands of people continue to arrive after fleeing the north. The us Secretary Of State says america and israel have agreed to develop a plan to get badly needed aid in to gaza. The United States and israel have agreed to develop a plan that will enable humanitarian aid from donor nations and multilateral organisations to reach civilians in gaza, and them alone. Its been announced that President Joe Biden will visit israel on wednesday to hear about its plans for a Ground Attack in gaza. Well be live injerusalem, Northern Israel and lebanon this lunchtime. Also on the programme. A british teenager missing since the hamas attacks on Southern Israel is now known to have been killed. And in the days other news. Wages have outpaced prices for the first time in nearly two years. We find out whether people are feeling any better off

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