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spent the day in walsall, taking a look at the race there. the way england is governed is changing. new or newish political power lines, directly elected regional mayors and more of them — with real consequences. yeah, so the role of mayors in england has really been growing over the last decade. and that's what's so exciting about these upcoming elections. you know, these are increasingly powerful figures. they've got powers over policy areas such as transport and skills, local economy, local environment. visiting a building site in walsall, the conservative mayor of the west midlands talking up his own record, rather than his party affiliation. i actually call it brand andy. it's that first name piece. and that's the pitch. it's who is going to lead this region. we're not choosing a party to run the region, we're choosing an individual. you are up against it, aren't you, this time? given where the national opinion polls are.

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