Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240908 :

BBCNEWS Breakfast September 8, 2024

Yesterday. Ill have all the detaIls. Its saturday, 7 september. Our maIn story the PrIme MInIster, SIr KeIr Starmer, Is makIng hIs fIrst offIcIal vIsIt to Ireland today. Hell be In dublIn for talks wIth hIs opposIte number, SImon HarrIs. Theyll dIscuss topIcs IncludIng commerce across the IrIsh Sea And Theyll attend a NatIons League Football match between Ireland and england. Our Ireland Correspondent ChrIs Page reports. At the fIrst meetIng, SIr KeIr Starmer and SImon HarrIs were pIctured havIng a plate. The photo symbolIsed a better relatIonshIp between the two countrIes after some years of straIn. Today, Balgo To watch england take on Ireland In the uefa NatIons League, but beyond Impact on whIch wIll dIsrupt the dIplomacy. In recent weeks he has had trIps to germany and france. BrItIsh PrIme MInIster To MInIster to go to dublIn was borIsjohnson, fIve years ago. RelatIons had cooled sIgnIfIcantly. BrexIt was the major factor. The border wIth Northern Ireland was the uks only frontIer wIth the eu stop the Issue of how to avoId checkpoInts he became a huge stIckIng poInt. There was also tensIon between the governments over the questIon of how the conflIct known as the troubles should be InvestIgated. But SIr KeIr Starmer s ElectIon VIctory was broadly welcomed In dublIn Is a chance for a new start. There have already been sIgns of ImprovIng cooperatIon. The uk and Ireland are a multIbIllIon Pound TradIng partners, and theIr relatIonshIp matters and any negotIatIons between london and brussels. SImon harrIs has been meetIng other InternatIonal Leaders. ThIs week he was In ukraIne. Back home, he wIll be focusIng on Islands tIes wIth Its nearest Islands tIes wIth Its nearest neIghbour. Both PrIme MInIsters are hopIng for a surefooted summIt wIth tactIcal teamwork. ChrIs page, Bbc News. 6 03am. CharlIe has a look at the other days storIes. More than 60,000 people have sIgned a PetItIon CallIng for the extradItIon of a drIver suspected of kIllIng a 12 year old boy In a hIt and run. Dolars aleksanders Is thought to have fled to latvIa after the death of Keaton Slater Injune. 0ur Reporterjoan cummIns has the story. Its 12 weeks Its12 weeks sInce 12 year old Keaton Slater dIed after beIng hIt by a car In coventry. It Keaton Slater dIed after beIng hIt by a car In coventry. By a car In coventry. It ust broke my heart. By a car In coventry. It ust broke my heart. You h by a car In coventry. It ust broke my heart. You can by a car In coventry. It ust broke my heart. You can stIll by a car In coventry. Itjust broke my heart. You can stIll hear by a car In coventry. Itjust broke my heart. You can stIll hear hIs l my heart. You can stIll hear hIs voIce, stIll runnIng In hIs house wIth hIs mates, can I do thIs, can I do that. So at the mInute It Is just stIll raw. Do that. So at the mInute It Is ust stIll raw. do that. So at the mInute It Is ust stIll raw... stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef In stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef In the stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef In The CIty stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef In The CIty at of collectIve grIef In The CIty at the tIme. FundraIsIng, Balloon Releases, and a MInutes Applause at the school boys ben Lovett Coventry CIty have offered comfort to the famIly, but the grIef Is swamped by unanswered questIons. FamIly, but the grIef Is swamped by unanswered questIons. There Is only one monster. Unanswered questIons. There Is only one monster, but unanswered questIons. There Is only one monster, but there unanswered questIons. There Is only one monster, but there are unanswered questIons. There Is only I one monster, but there are thousands of people out there gIvIng a support, they dont know Is but they are reachIng out to us. Its support, they dont know Is but they are reachIng out to us. Are reachIng out to us. Its lIke to have not are reachIng out to us. Its lIke to have got someone are reachIng out to us. Its lIke to have got someone else are reachIng out to us. Its lIke to have got someone else on are reachIng out to us. Its lIke to have got someone else on my have got someone else on my Shoulders have got someone else on my Shoulders helpIng me through It. PolIce Shoulders helpIng me through It. PolIce appealed to the publIc for InformatIon about dolars aleksanders, wanted on suspIcIon of causIng death by dangerous drIvIng. But three months later, and wIth no arrest, the famIly have lost a PetItIon CallIng for the government to Intervene and extradIte hIm from latvIa, where he Is suspected of abscondIng to. LatvIa, where he Is suspected of abscondIng to. LatvIa, where he Is suspected of abscondIn to.. abscondIng to. Three months and Is nothIn for abscondIng to. Three months and Is nothIng for hIm. AbscondIng to. Three months and Is nothIng for hIm. RunnIng abscondIng to. Three months and Is nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIn as nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIng as long nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIng as long as nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIng as long as he nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIng as long as he has nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIng as long as He Hasjust. HIdIng as long as He Hasjust doesnt hIdIng as long as He Hasjust doesnt seem rIght. It hIdIng as long as he has ust doesnt seem rIght. hIdIng as long as he has ust doesnt seem rIght. It ust proves there Is no doesnt seem rIght. It ust proves there Is no justIce doesnt seem rIght. It ust proves there Is no justIce but doesnt seem rIght. Itjust proves there Is no justIce but we doesnt seem rIght. Itjust proves there Is no justIce but we need I doesnt seem rIght. Itjust proves there Is no justIce but we need to getjustIce. The there Is no ustIce but we need to getjustIce. GetjustIce. The FamIly Home has been fIlled getjustIce. The FamIly Home has been fIlled wIth getjustIce. The FamIly Home has been fIlled wIth poIgnant getjustIce. The FamIly Home has I been fIlled wIth poIgnant remInders of lIfe before loss. But both parents are sImply strugglIng to understand why. To parents are sImply strugglIng to understand why. Understand why. To me, thats another thIng understand why. To me, thats another thIng that understand why. To me, thats another thIng that Is understand why. To me, thats another thIng that Is goIng understand why. To me, thats another thIng that Is goIng through my head, If he had got out of the car and try to help our son. He dIdnt stop car and try to help our son. He dIdnt stop and, lIke, he was goIng excessIvely dIdnt stop and, lIke, he was goIng excessIvely over the speed lImIt. He has got excessIvely over the speed lImIt. He has got nokIa In the world. West mIdlands polIce has got nokIa In the world. West mIdlands polIce refused has got nokIa In the world. Ft mIdlands polIce refused to answer specIfIc questIons about theIr InvestIgatIon, but they dId Issue a statement where they saId that they were actIvely pursuIng strong lInes of enquIry. And, they added, that theIrfocus remaIns on of enquIry. And, they added, that theIr focus remaIns on gettIng justIce for keaton and hIs famIly. Joan cummIns, Bbc News. The unIted states and the UnIted NatIons have called for a full InvestIgatIon Into the death of an amerIcan turkIsh woman In the occupIed West Bank. EyewItnesses and palestInIan offIcIals say IsraelI soldIers shot Aysenur EzgI EygI as she took part In a protest. The IsraelI mIlItary has admItted fIrIng at a demonstrator and saId It was lookIng Into the IncIdent. A vIgIl has been held In memory of an 80 year old man who dIed after an alleged attack by a teenager. BhIm kohlI was walkIng hIs dog In leIcester when he was assaulted. A 14 year old boy has been charged wIth hIs murder. The VIgIl Saw Dozens of local resIdents attend, along wIth members of mr kohlIs famIly. MotorIsts have been warned to expect delays on the M62 Motorway thIs weekend as a sectIon between manchester and leeds has been closed. It wIll remaIn shut untIl 6am on monday to allow the InstallatIon of a new RaIlway BrIdge near rochdale. The PrIme MInIster has confIrmed that a MemorIal To Queen ElIzabeth II wIll be buIlt In St Jamess Park In london. ArchItects and artIsts wIll be InvIted to submIt proposals later thIs year, wIth the chosen desIgn confIrmed by 2026. In the last hour, BoeIngs StarlIner Spacecraft has returned to earth from the InternatIonal Space StatIon, but wIthout the astronauts It should have been carryIng. A technIcal fault means the paIr must remaIn on the Space StatIon untIl february. 0ur ScIence EdItor Rebecca Morelle was watchIng the landIng. Rebecca, good mornIng to you. So, thIs Isjust over an hour ago, take us through what happened. It dId look lIke a pretty us through what happened. It dId look lIke a pretty good us through what happened. It C C Look lIke a pretty good landIng. It took sIx hours for the spacecraft to travel back to earth, It unfurled Its three huge parachutes and opened up Its three huge parachutes and opened up Its aIrbags so It sort of cushIon as It landed In the desert of new mexIco. We wIll hear more from nasa In the next half an hour, but It dId look lIke everythIng went to plan, except for one major thIng, the arsenals that It was supposed to be carryIng were not InsIde. It was totally and d. Instead, Butch WIlmore and Sonny WIllIams actually watched the Spacecraft Undocked on the InternatIonal Space StatIon where they are goIng to stay for some tIme, because, basIcally, the spacecraft suffered quIte a few technIcal problems as It took the astronauts up Injune, It had helIum leaks, thrusters dIdnt work properly, nasa deemed It was de rIsk to carry the arsenals Back Home. Now the astronauts have watched theIr lIft home depart they are goIng to be on the Space StatIon for quIte a whIle, because the spacecraft that wIll come and brIng them home, well, It wIll not do It untIl february next year, that wIll be the rIval company, wIll brIng them Back Home. So that Is turnIng an eIght Day MIssIon Into an eIght month mIssIon. The QuestIon Everyone Is askIng Is that they have enough stuff wIth them . They were only supposed to be there for eIght days. We have heard nasa has sent them up some more specIfIc Crew Preference Items whIch, basIcally, IthInk specIfIc Crew Preference Items whIch, basIcally, I thInk means more underwear, so they have more stuff wIth them, so they seem to be settlIng and In good spIrIts, so I hear.. settlIng and In good spIrIts, so I hear.. ~ settlIng and In good spIrIts, so I hear.. ~ I. settlIng and In good spIrIts, so I hear... Hear. Rebecca, thank you very much. Fresh underwear, hear. Rebecca, thank you very much. Fresh underwear, what hear. Rebecca, thank you very much. Fresh underwear, what a hear. Rebecca, thank you very much. Fresh underwear, what a relIef. Hear. Rebecca, thank you very much. Fresh underwear, what a relIef. Its l fresh underwear, what a relIef. Its terrIble when you mIss your lIft, but you dont expect the follow up to be eIght months later. LIlo. But you dont expect the followup to be eIght months later. But you dont expect the followup to be eIght months later. No, not at all. Sarah, to be eIght months later. No, not at all. Sarah, how to be eIght months later. No, not at all. Sarah, how Is to be eIght months later. No, not at all. Sarah, how Is the to be eIght months later. No, not at all. Sarah, how Is the weather all. Sarah, how Is the weather lookIng at the weekend . Good mornIng. The weather Is lookIng pretty decent for many of us out there, but It wIll be another day of contrast, lIke It was yesterday, thIs Is yesterday, belfast, the warmest day of Is over In Northern Ireland, temperatures reached 27 celsIus. All the more of thIs, more warm sunshIne across parts of Northern Ireland, was a scholar, because of Northern England as well. But also a few showers around further south. But also a few showers around furthersouth. But but also a few showers around further south. But It certaInly wont be as wet as the past couple of days In southern England And South wales were we have seen some Flash FloodIng wIth the really persIstent raIn. ThIs mornIng what we have got to many areas Is submItted, some fog, some low cloud, that was so lIft and clear for many of us. StIll showers across south West England, South Wales, one or two through the mIdlands and East AnglIa as well as Into lIncolnshIre. Further north across Northern England, scotland, wales uses see some warm sunshIne, lIkeness, a pleasant 23 or 2a, the wants but stores the North West, I thInk most of us, partIcular If you keep the cloud, are goIng to be a few degrees cool cloud, are goIng to be a few degrees cool, a lIttle mIsty and murky for a good part of the day for some Central London areas. We wIll also see some lIngerIng low Cloud Close to the East Coast. Enter thIs evenIng well see low pressure movIng Its way In from the south. That wIll throw away some pretty heavy showers, perhaps thunderstorms that wIll push In from across parts of Southern England and wales Into the evenIng and stays dry further north. 0vernIght the showers become a lIttle more extensIve across parts of england and wales so you mIght hear the Odd Rumble of thunder wakIng you up overnIght. Further north, though, wIll stay dry once agaIn, but, lIke the last few nIghts, some mIst and some fog, we have kuyt humId aIr wIth us, damages no lower than 16 or 17 In the south, a few degrees cool anymore. Tomorrows weather, mostly dry day for Scotland And Northern Ireland, some showers In the southeast much later on, for england and wales well see scattered heavy showers, perhaps understood. We have a lIne of thunderstorms between Northern England and wales. Elsewhere they wIll be more scattered In nature. Doctor temperatures tomorrow, cooler than over recent days. 16 23 for most of us On Sunday. There wIll be some sunshIne In between those downpours we are lIkely to see, especIally across england and wales. All courtesy of thIs area of low pressure to ease away towards the east as we head on Into monday, so the weather gradually ImprovIng If you have had a lot of showers of recent days. Some sunshIne, showers lIngerIng for eastern areas for a tIme on monday. More sunshIne moves on from the west, but also clear skIes and a dIfferent AIr Mass, so It wIll turn a lIttle cooler, typIcally lookIng at the mId to hIgh teens durIng the day on monday, but thats a much Cooler AIr starts to move In through the course of next week, you can see the blue colours pushIng In from the North West, wIth a North Westerly wInd Sunny Spells and scattered showers really In the week ahead. Another warm day or two ahead and then look at those temperatures for All Of Us, they are goIng to push back down Into the low or mId teens Into next week. Back to you both. Or mId teens Into next week. Back to ou both.. ~ I. you both. Sarah, thank you very much, you both. Sarah, thank you very much. See you both. Sarah, thank you very much. See you you both. Sarah, thank you very much, see yoU Later. It Is 6 11am. Lets take a look at some of todays papers. The guardIan reports labour wIll soon ban landlords from evIctIng tenants wIthout cause, as part of a package of measures for renters. It says mInIsters wIll put forward the renters RIghts BIll for Its fIrst readIng In front of mps next week. The I reports that an ozempIc Style WeIght Loss pIll could be avaIlable In the uk wIthIn two years, accordIng to Industry InsIders. The paper says eIght drugs are In fInal stage tests worldwIde. The daIly telegraph leads on the story that englands InterIm football manager, Lee Carsley, has saId he would never sIng the NatIonal Anthem. The bIrmIngham born coach who played for Ireland saId he was always really focused on the game. And gIve back your gong Is the DaIly Express headlIne as It reports on comments reportedly made by the Actor SIr Ian Mckellen about the late Queen ElIzabeth. Royal BIographer Margaret Holder Is quoted suggestIng SIr Ian returns hIs knIghthood. Another story on The Front Page of the guardIan thIs mornIng, a double Page Spread InsIde Is about Sarah Storey wInnIng Her 19th gold In parIs. She Is so much a part of the furnIture that you thInk another goal, but when yoU Look at the numbers, It Is her 30th paralympIc medal and across two spots, nIne ParalympIc Games, she fIrst competed In barcelona In 1992, Her 19th Gold Medal, she Is 46 now and she saId her glutes were on fIre and she Is fIndIng ways to manage the Process And PrIvIlege of gettIng older as an athlete. WhIch apply ImplIes to me she Is not even stoppIng now. She Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. Me she Is not even stoppIng now. She Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I me she Is not even stoppIng now. She Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I have I Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I have had the pleasure Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I have had the pleasure of Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I have had the pleasure of speakIng Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I have had the pleasure of speakIng to Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I have| had the pleasure of speakIng to her before. We were speakIng to her later on. , before. We were speakIng to her later on. v. before. We were speakIng to her later on. ,. . later on. Thats at 20 to nIne. She Is lIve In parIs. CItIzens advIce Is a famIlIar servIce In many uk hIgh streets, and thIs week Its markIng Its 85th bIrthday. EstablIshed at the start of the second world war, some of the very fIrst branches operated out of horse boxes. One of those was In portsmouth, where our reporter Bryony Leyland has beenjoInIng In the celebratIons. CItIzens AdvIce Bureau . CItIzens AdvIce Bureau . Yes I can gIve you advIce about your poultry. The message and thIs wartIme MInIstry Of InformatIon fell was that the new CItIzens AdvIce bureau wIthout to help wIth every kInd of problem at a tIme of huge change. Some of the fIrst bureau operated out of horseboxes, these mobIle advIce centres were set up Into tImber I939, advIce centres were set up Into tImber 1939, just after war was declared. Portsmouth had one of the fIrst, seen here parked up In guIldhall square. Who do you thInk you are . Are kIddIng Mr HItler. 85 who do you thInk you are . Are kIddIng Mr HItler. KIddIng Mr HItler. 85 years on, the horsebox kIddIng Mr HItler. 85 years on, the horsebox was kIddIng Mr HItler. 85 years on, the horsebox was back, kIddIng Mr HItler. 85 years on, the horsebox was back, hIstory I the horsebox was back, hIstory celebrated by the team behInd the hIstorys modern day CItIzens AdvIce centre who see parallels between the challenges then and now. Back centre who see parallels between the cha

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