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Yesterday. Ill have all the detaIls. Its saturday, 7 september. Our maIn story the'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster,'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmer, Is makIng hIs fIrst offIcIal vIsIt to Ireland today. Hell be In dublIn for talks wIth hIs opposIte number,'>News/sImon-harrIs'>SImon HarrIs. Theyll dIscuss topIcs IncludIng commerce across the IrIsh'>News/sea-and-theyll'>Sea And Theyll attend a'>News/natIons-league-football'>NatIons League Football match between Ireland and england. Our'>News/Ireland-correspondent'>Ireland Correspondent'>News/chrIs-page'>ChrIs Page reports. At the fIrst meetIng,'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmer and'>News/sImon-harrIs'>SImon HarrIs were pIctured havIng a plate. The photo symbolIsed a better relatIonshIp between the two countrIes after some years of straIn. Today,'>News/balgo-to'>Balgo To watch england take on Ireland In the uefa'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League, but beyond Impact on whIch wIll dIsrupt the dIplomacy. In recent weeks he has had trIps to germany and france. BrItIsh'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster'>News/to-mInIster'>To MInIster to go to dublIn was borIsjohnson, fIve years ago. RelatIons had cooled sIgnIfIcantly. BrexIt was the major factor. The border wIth'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland was the uks only frontIer wIth the eu stop the Issue of how to avoId checkpoInts he became a huge stIckIng poInt. There was also tensIon between the governments over the questIon of how the conflIct known as the troubles should be InvestIgated. But'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmer� s'>News/electIon-vIctory'>ElectIon VIctory was broadly welcomed In dublIn Is a chance for a new start. There have already been sIgns of ImprovIng cooperatIon. The uk and Ireland are a multIbIllIon'>News/pound-tradIng'>Pound TradIng partners, and theIr relatIonshIp matters and any negotIatIons between london and brussels. SImon harrIs has been meetIng other'>News/InternatIonal-leaders'>InternatIonal Leaders. ThIs week he was In ukraIne. Back home, he wIll be focusIng on Islands tIes wIth Its nearest Islands tIes wIth Its nearest neIghbour. Both'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIsters are hopIng for a surefooted summIt wIth tactIcal teamwork. ChrIs page,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. 6 03am. CharlIe has a look at the other days storIes. More than 60,000 people have sIgned a'>News/petItIon-callIng'>PetItIon CallIng for the extradItIon of a drIver suspected of kIllIng a 12 year old boy In a hIt and run. Dolars aleksanders Is thought to have fled to latvIa after the death of'>News/keaton-slater'>Keaton Slater Injune.'>News/0ur-reporter'>0ur Reporterjoan cummIns has the story. Its 12 weeks Its12 weeks sInce 12 year old'>News/keaton-slater'>Keaton Slater dIed after beIng hIt by a car In coventry. It'>News/keaton-slater'>Keaton Slater dIed after beIng hIt by a car In coventry. By a car In coventry. It ust broke my heart. By a car In coventry. It ust broke my heart. You h by a car In coventry. It ust broke my heart. You can by a car In coventry. It ust broke my heart. You can stIll by a car In coventry. Itjust broke my heart. You can stIll hear by a car In coventry. Itjust broke my heart. You can stIll hear hIs l my heart. You can stIll hear hIs voIce, stIll runnIng In hIs house wIth hIs mates, can I do thIs, can I do that. So at the mInute It Is just stIll raw. Do that. So at the mInute It Is ust stIll raw. , do that. So at the mInute It Is ust stIll raw. ,. ,. , stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef In stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef In the stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef'>In The CIty stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef'>In The CIty at of collectIve grIef'>In The CIty at the tIme. FundraIsIng,'>Balloon Releases, and a'>News/mInutes-applause'>MInutes Applause at the school boys ben'>News/lovett-coventry-cIty'>Lovett Coventry CIty have offered comfort to the famIly, but the grIef Is swamped by unanswered questIons. FamIly, but the grIef Is swamped by unanswered questIons. There Is only one monster. Unanswered questIons. There Is only one monster, but unanswered questIons. There Is only one monster, but there unanswered questIons. There Is only one monster, but there are unanswered questIons. There Is only I one monster, but there are thousands of people out there gIvIng a support, they dont know Is but they are reachIng out to us. Its support, they dont know Is but they are reachIng out to us. Are reachIng out to us. Its lIke to have not are reachIng out to us. Its lIke to have got someone are reachIng out to us. Its lIke to have got someone else are reachIng out to us. Its lIke to have got someone else on are reachIng out to us. Its lIke to have got someone else on my have got someone else on my'>Shoulders have got someone else on my'>Shoulders helpIng me through It. PolIce'>Shoulders helpIng me through It. PolIce appealed to the publIc for InformatIon about dolars aleksanders, wanted on suspIcIon of causIng death by dangerous drIvIng. But three months later, and wIth no arrest, the famIly have lost a'>News/petItIon-callIng'>PetItIon CallIng for the government to Intervene and extradIte hIm from latvIa, where he Is suspected of abscondIng to. LatvIa, where he Is suspected of abscondIng to. LatvIa, where he Is suspected of abscondIn to. ,. , abscondIng to. Three months and Is nothIn for abscondIng to. Three months and Is nothIng for hIm. AbscondIng to. Three months and Is nothIng for hIm. RunnIng abscondIng to. Three months and Is nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIn as nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIng as long nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIng as long as nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIng as long as he nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIng as long as he has nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIng as long as'>He Hasjust. HIdIng as long as'>He Hasjust doesnt hIdIng as long as'>He Hasjust doesnt seem rIght. It hIdIng as long as he has ust doesnt seem rIght. � hIdIng as long as he has ust doesnt seem rIght. It ust proves there Is no doesnt seem rIght. It ust proves there Is no justIce doesnt seem rIght. It ust proves there Is no justIce but doesnt seem rIght. Itjust proves there Is no justIce but we doesnt seem rIght. Itjust proves there Is no justIce but we need I doesnt seem rIght. Itjust proves there Is no justIce but we need to getjustIce. The there Is no ustIce but we need to getjustIce. GetjustIce. The'>News/famIly-home'>FamIly Home has been fIlled getjustIce. The'>News/famIly-home'>FamIly Home has been fIlled wIth getjustIce. The'>News/famIly-home'>FamIly Home has been fIlled wIth poIgnant getjustIce. The'>News/famIly-home'>FamIly Home has I been fIlled wIth poIgnant remInders of lIfe before loss. But both parents are sImply strugglIng to understand why. To parents are sImply strugglIng to understand why. Understand why. To me, thats another thIng understand why. To me, thats another thIng that understand why. To me, thats another thIng that Is understand why. To me, thats another thIng that Is goIng understand why. To me, thats another thIng that Is goIng through my head, If he had got out of the car and try to help our son. He dIdnt stop car and try to help our son. He dIdnt stop and, lIke, he was goIng excessIvely dIdnt stop and, lIke, he was goIng excessIvely over the speed lImIt. He has got excessIvely over the speed lImIt. He has got nokIa In the world. West mIdlands polIce has got nokIa In the world. West mIdlands polIce refused has got nokIa In the world. Ft mIdlands polIce refused to answer specIfIc questIons about theIr InvestIgatIon, but they dId Issue a statement where they saId that they were actIvely pursuIng strong lInes of enquIry. And, they added, that theIrfocus remaIns on of enquIry. And, they added, that theIr focus remaIns on gettIng justIce for keaton and hIs famIly. Joan cummIns,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. The unIted states and the'>UnIted NatIons have called for a full InvestIgatIon Into the death of an amerIcan turkIsh woman In the occupIed'>News/west-bank'>West Bank. EyewItnesses and palestInIan offIcIals say IsraelI soldIers shot'>Aysenur EzgI EygI as she took part In a protest. The IsraelI mIlItary has admItted fIrIng at a demonstrator and saId It was lookIng Into the IncIdent. A vIgIl has been held In memory of an 80 year old man who dIed after an alleged attack by a teenager. BhIm kohlI was walkIng hIs dog In leIcester when he was assaulted. A 14 year old boy has been charged wIth hIs murder. The'>VIgIl Saw Dozens of local resIdents attend, along wIth members of mr kohlIs famIly. MotorIsts have been warned to expect delays on the'>News/m62-motorway'>M62 Motorway thIs weekend as a sectIon between manchester and leeds has been closed. It wIll remaIn shut untIl 6am on monday to allow the InstallatIon of a new'>News/raIlway-brIdge'>RaIlway BrIdge near rochdale. The'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster has confIrmed that a'>MemorIal To'>News/queen-elIzabeth'>Queen ElIzabeth II wIll be buIlt In'>News/st-jamess-park'>St Jamess Park In london. ArchItects and artIsts wIll be InvIted to submIt proposals later thIs year, wIth the chosen desIgn confIrmed by 2026. In the last hour,'>News/boeIngs-starlIner-spacecraft'>BoeIngs StarlIner Spacecraft has returned to earth from the InternatIonal'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon, but wIthout the astronauts It should have been carryIng. A technIcal fault means the paIr must remaIn on the'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon untIl february.'>News/0ur-scIence-edItor'>0ur ScIence EdItor'>News/rebecca-morelle'>Rebecca Morelle was watchIng the landIng. Rebecca, good mornIng to you. So, thIs Isjust over an hour ago, take us through what happened. It dId look lIke a pretty us through what happened. It dId look lIke a pretty good us through what happened. It'>News/c-c-look'>C C Look lIke a pretty good landIng. It took sIx hours for the spacecraft to travel back to earth, It unfurled Its three huge parachutes and opened up Its three huge parachutes and opened up Its aIrbags so It sort of cushIon as It landed In the desert of new mexIco. We wIll hear more from nasa In the next half an hour, but It dId look lIke everythIng went to plan, except for one major thIng, the arsenals that It was supposed to be carryIng were not InsIde. It was totally and d. Instead,'>News/butch-wIlmore'>Butch WIlmore and'>Sonny WIllIams actually watched the'>Spacecraft Undocked on the InternatIonal'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon where they are goIng to stay for some tIme, because, basIcally, the spacecraft suffered quIte a few technIcal problems as It took the astronauts up Injune, It had helIum leaks, thrusters dIdnt work properly, nasa deemed It was de rIsk to carry the arsenals'>News/back-home'>Back Home. Now the astronauts have watched theIr lIft home depart they are goIng to be on the'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon for quIte a whIle, because the spacecraft that wIll come and brIng them home, well, It wIll not do It untIl february next year, that wIll be the rIval company, wIll brIng them'>News/back-home'>Back Home. So that Is turnIng an eIght'>News/day-mIssIon'>Day MIssIon Into an eIght month mIssIon. The'>News/questIon-everyone'>QuestIon Everyone Is askIng Is that they have enough stuff wIth them . They were only supposed to be there for eIght days. We have heard nasa has sent them up some more specIfIc'>News/crew-preference'>Crew Preference Items whIch, basIcally, IthInk specIfIc'>News/crew-preference'>Crew Preference Items whIch, basIcally, I thInk means more underwear, so they have more stuff wIth them, so they seem to be settlIng and In good spIrIts, so I hear. ,. , settlIng and In good spIrIts, so I hear. ,. , ~ settlIng and In good spIrIts, so I hear. ,. ~ I. , settlIng and In good spIrIts, so I hear. ,. ,. Hear. Rebecca, thank you very much. Fresh underwear, hear. Rebecca, thank you very much. Fresh underwear, what hear. Rebecca, thank you very much. Fresh underwear, what a hear. Rebecca, thank you very much. Fresh underwear, what a relIef. Hear. Rebecca, thank you very much. Fresh underwear, what a relIef. Its l fresh underwear, what a relIef. Its terrIble when you mIss your lIft, but you dont expect the follow up to be eIght months later. LIlo. But you dont expect the followup to be eIght months later. But you dont expect the followup to be eIght months later. No, not at all. Sarah, to be eIght months later. No, not at all. Sarah, how to be eIght months later. No, not at all. Sarah, how Is to be eIght months later. No, not at all. Sarah, how Is the to be eIght months later. No, not at all. Sarah, how Is the weather all. Sarah, how Is the weather lookIng at the weekend . Good mornIng. The weather Is lookIng pretty decent for many of us out there, but It wIll be another day of contrast, lIke It was yesterday, thIs Is yesterday, belfast, the warmest day of Is over In'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland, temperatures reached 27 celsIus. All the more of thIs, more warm sunshIne across parts of'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland, was a scholar, because of'>News/northern-england'>Northern England as well. But also a few showers around further south. But also a few showers around furthersouth. But but also a few showers around further south. But It certaInly wont be as wet as the past couple of days In southern'>News/england-and-south'>England And South wales were we have seen some'>News/flash-floodIng'>Flash FloodIng wIth the really persIstent raIn. ThIs mornIng what we have got to many areas Is submItted, some fog, some low cloud, that was so lIft and clear for many of us. StIll showers across south'>News/west-england'>West England,'>South Wales, one or two through the mIdlands and'>East AnglIa as well as Into lIncolnshIre. Further north across'>News/northern-england'>Northern England, scotland, wales uses see some warm sunshIne, lIkeness, a pleasant 23 or 2a, the wants but stores the'>News/north-west'>North West, I thInk most of us, partIcular If you keep the cloud, are goIng to be a few degrees cool cloud, are goIng to be a few degrees cool, a lIttle mIsty and murky for a good part of the day for some'>Central London areas. We wIll also see some lIngerIng low'>News/cloud-close'>Cloud Close to the'>East Coast. Enter thIs evenIng well see low pressure movIng Its way In from the south. That wIll throw away some pretty heavy showers, perhaps thunderstorms that wIll push In from across parts of'>Southern England and wales Into the evenIng and stays dry further north. 0vernIght the showers become a lIttle more extensIve across parts of england and wales so you mIght hear the'>Odd Rumble of thunder wakIng you up overnIght. Further north, though, wIll stay dry once agaIn, but, lIke the last few nIghts, some mIst and some fog, we have kuyt humId aIr wIth us, damages no lower than 16 or 17 In the south, a few degrees cool anymore. Tomorrows weather, mostly dry day for'>News/scotland-and-north'>Scotland And Northern Ireland, some showers In the southeast much later on, for england and wales well see scattered heavy showers, perhaps understood. We have a lIne of thunderstorms between'>News/northern-england'>Northern England and wales. Elsewhere they wIll be more scattered In nature. Doctor temperatures tomorrow, cooler than over recent days. 16 23 for most of us'>On Sunday. There wIll be some sunshIne In between those downpours we are lIkely to see, especIally across england and wales. All courtesy of thIs area of low pressure to ease away towards the east as we head on Into monday, so the weather gradually ImprovIng If you have had a lot of showers of recent days. Some sunshIne, showers lIngerIng for eastern areas for a tIme on monday. More sunshIne moves on from the west, but also clear skIes and a dIfferent'>News/aIr-mass'>AIr Mass, so It wIll turn a lIttle cooler, typIcally lookIng at the mId to hIgh teens durIng the day on monday, but thats a much'>News/cooler-aIr'>Cooler AIr starts to move In through the course of next week, you can see the blue colours pushIng In from the'>News/north-west'>North West, wIth a'>News/north-west'>North Westerly wInd Sunny Spells and scattered showers really In the week ahead. Another warm day or two ahead and then look at those temperatures for All Of Us, they are goIng to push back down Into the low or mId teens Into next week. Back to you both. Or mId teens Into next week. Back to ou both. ,. , ~ I. , you both. Sarah, thank you very much, you both. Sarah, thank you very much. See you both. Sarah, thank you very much. See you you both. Sarah, thank you very much, see'>News/u-l'>U Later. It Is 6 11am. Lets take a look at some of todays papers. The guardIan reports labour wIll soon ban landlords from evIctIng tenants wIthout cause, as part of a package of measures for renters. It says mInIsters wIll put forward the renters'>News/rIghts-bIll'>RIghts BIll for Its fIrst readIng In front of mps next week. The I reports that an ozempIc'>News/style-weIght-loss'>Style WeIght Loss pIll could be avaIlable In the uk wIthIn two years, accordIng to Industry InsIders. The paper says eIght drugs are In fInal stage tests worldwIde. The daIly telegraph leads on the story that englands InterIm football manager,'>News/lee-carsley'>Lee Carsley, has saId he would never sIng the'>NatIonal Anthem. The bIrmIngham born coach who played for Ireland saId he was always really focused on the game. And gIve back your gong Is the'>DaIly Express headlIne as It reports on comments reportedly made by the'>News/actor-sIr'>Actor SIr'>News/Ian-mckellen'>Ian Mckellen about the late'>News/queen-elIzabeth'>Queen ElIzabeth. Royal'>News/bIographer-margaret-holder'>BIographer Margaret Holder Is quoted suggestIng'>News/sIr-Ian'>SIr Ian returns hIs knIghthood. Another story on'>The Front Page of the guardIan thIs mornIng, a double'>News/page-spread'>Page Spread InsIde Is about'>News/sarah-storey'>Sarah Storey wInnIng'>Her 19th gold In parIs. She Is so much a part of the furnIture that you thInk another goal, but when'>News/u-l'>U Look at the numbers, It Is her 30th paralympIc medal and across two spots, nIne'>ParalympIc Games, she fIrst competed In barcelona In'>92,'>Her 19th'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medal, she Is 46 now and she saId her glutes were on fIre and she Is fIndIng ways to manage the'>News/process-and-prIvIlege'>Process And PrIvIlege of gettIng older as an athlete. WhIch apply ImplIes to me she Is not even stoppIng now. She Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. Me she Is not even stoppIng now. She Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I me she Is not even stoppIng now. She Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I have I Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I have had the pleasure Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I have had the pleasure of Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I have had the pleasure of speakIng Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I have had the pleasure of speakIng to Is formIdable. UnbelIevable. I have| had the pleasure of speakIng to her before. We were speakIng to her later on. , � , before. We were speakIng to her later on. , v. , before. We were speakIng to her later on. � ,. , . , later on. Thats at 20 to nIne. She Is lIve In parIs. CItIzens advIce Is a famIlIar servIce In many uk hIgh streets, and thIs week Its markIng Its 85th bIrthday. EstablIshed at the start of the second world war, some of the very fIrst branches operated out of horse boxes. One of those was In portsmouth, where our reporter'>News/bryony-leyland'>Bryony Leyland has beenjoInIng In the celebratIons. CItIzens'>News/advIce-bureau'>AdvIce Bureau . CItIzens'>News/advIce-bureau'>AdvIce Bureau . Yes I can gIve you advIce about your poultry. The message and thIs wartIme'>MInIstry Of InformatIon fell was that the new'>News/cItIzens-advIce'>CItIzens AdvIce bureau wIthout to help wIth every kInd of problem at a tIme of huge change. Some of the fIrst bureau operated out of horseboxes, these mobIle advIce centres were set up Into tImber I939, advIce centres were set up Into tImber 1939, just after war was declared. Portsmouth had one of the fIrst, seen here parked up In guIldhall square. Who do you thInk you are . Are kIddIng'>News/mr-hItler'>Mr HItler. 85 who do you thInk you are . Are kIddIng'>News/mr-hItler'>Mr HItler. KIddIng'>News/mr-hItler'>Mr HItler. 85 years on, the horsebox kIddIng'>News/mr-hItler'>Mr HItler. 85 years on, the horsebox was kIddIng'>News/mr-hItler'>Mr HItler. 85 years on, the horsebox was back, kIddIng'>News/mr-hItler'>Mr HItler. 85 years on, the horsebox was back, hIstory I the horsebox was back, hIstory celebrated by the team behInd the hIstorys modern day'>News/cItIzens-advIce'>CItIzens AdvIce centre who see parallels between the challenges then and now. Back centre who see parallels between the challenges then and now. Challenges then and now. Back In 1939 we may challenges then and now. Back In 1939 we may have challenges then and now. Back In 1939 we may have been challenges then and now. Back In 1939 we may have been dealIng l challenges then and now. Back In I 1939 we may have been dealIng wIth thIngs lIke'>News/loss-ratIon'>Loss RatIon books, strugglIng to afford food for our famIlIes, cost Issues, that Is very sImIlar to the problems we are experIencIng today. HousIng Issues, certaInly,'>DIsrepaIr Issues, the cause may be dIfferent, back then In 1939 It would have been because the houses have come under fIre but whereas today they may be lIvIng In overcrowded propertIes or other Issues such as damp and mould. Cheer Issues such as damp and mould. Over decades the Issues such as damp and mould. Over decades the servIce Issues such as damp and mould. 0ver decades the servIce has changed from beIng government funded to a charIty that relIes on donatIons and grants. But Its core values of beIng free and ImpartIalare but Its core values of beIng free and ImpartIal are unchanged. But Its core values of beIng free and ImpartIalare unchanged. Many people here have cause to thank'>News/cItIzens-advIce'>CItIzens AdvIce IncludIng sInger wendy. She sought help when her late sIsterjackIe was dIagnosed wIth early'>News/onset-dementIa'>Onset DementIa and the famIly struggled to get support. She early'>News/onset-dementIa'>Onset DementIa and the famIly struggled to get support. Struggled to get support. She fell throu. H struggled to get support. She fell through the struggled to get support. She fell through the cracks, struggled to get support. She fell through the cracks, It struggled to get support. She fell through the cracks, It was struggled to get support. She fell through the cracks, It was a struggled to get support. She fell through the cracks, It was a very | through the cracks, It was a very lonely place for us and the'>News/cItIzens-advIce'>CItIzens AdvIce came In and just gave of theIr tIme and knowledge, and got her, because you couldnt work, she got too Ill to work, they get her some fundIng to keep her goIng and gave theIr advIce on tIme so wIllIngly. So I wIll never forget the help that we had when there was no other help. The help that we had when there was no other help no other help. Portsmouth team has never been no other help. Portsmouth team has never been busIer, no other help. Portsmouth team has never been busIer, advIsIng no other help. Portsmouth team has never been busIer, advIsIng 1500 never been busIer, advIsIng 1500 people last year. The horsebox may be a thIng of the past but the offer of a'>LIstenIng Ear and practIcal help Is stIll In hIgh demand. That was'>News/bryony-leyland'>Bryony Leyland reportIng. Around 300,000 people receIve end of'>News/lIfe-care'>LIfe Care In a'>News/uk-hospIce'>Uk HospIce every year wIth patIents benefItIng from'>News/paIn-relIef'>PaIn RelIef and'>News/expert-care'>Expert Care In a more calm and relaxed settIng than a hospItal. However, the sector Is warnIng of Its worse fInancIal crIsIs In 20 years, and callIng for government InterventIon. There are 210 hospIces throughout the uk, IncludIng adults and chIldrens servIces.'>92 of them thats around 190 are predIctIng a defIcIt thIs fInancIal year. Thats up from 64 last year. Of those expectIng a defIcIt, one thIrd are predIctIng It to be more than £1 mIllIon. WIth many strugglIng to balance the books, one hospIce In'>News/west-sussex'>West Sussex Is sheddIng more than'>News/a0-staff'>A0 Staff as It trIes to save £1. 5 mIllIon.'>News/0ur-reporter'>0ur Reporter'>News/pIers-hopkIrk'>PIers HopkIrk went to fInd out more. DIane nIchols Is 60. She has stage four cancer. DIane nIchols Is 60. She has stage four cancer four cancer. You are holdIng your face, are four cancer. You are holdIng your face. Are you four cancer. You are holdIng your face, are you In four cancer. You are holdIng your face, are you In paIn . Four cancer. You are holdIng your face, are you In paIn . She four cancer. You are holdIng your face, are you In paIn . She has I four cancer. You are holdIng your I face, are you In paIn . She has come to'>News/saInt-catherIne'>SaInt CatherInes face, are you In paIn . She has come to'>News/saInt-catherIne'>SaInt CatherInes hospIce face, are you In paIn . She has come to'>News/saInt-catherIne'>SaInt CatherInes hospIce for to'>News/saInt-catherIne'>SaInt CatherInes hospIce for help managIng her paIn. News of the charItys fInancIal plIght has been met wIth a shock. CharItys fInancIal plIght has been met wIth a shock. When I heard that thIs lace met wIth a shock. When I heard that thIs place has met wIth a shock. When I heard that thIs place has got met wIth a shock. When I heard that thIs place has got 24 met wIth a shock. When I heard that thIs place has got 24 beds, met wIth a shock. When I heard that thIs place has got 24 beds, but met wIth a shock. When I heard that thIs place has got 24 beds, but they| thIs place has got 24 beds, but they can only open 12 Its terrIble. People need places lIke thIs. There Is not enough care In hospItals, they dont keep'>News/u-l'>U Long enough anymore, Itsjust. Anymore, Its ust. VItal. Her mother anymore, Itsjust. VItal. Her mother knows anymore, Itsjust. VItal. Her mother knows just anymore, Itsjust. VItal. Her mother knows just what anymore, Itsjust. VItal. Her mother knows just what It anymore, Itsjust. VItal. Her mother knowsjust what It has| anymore, Itsjust. VItal. Her mother knowsjust what It has meant mother knows just what It has meant to be here. It mother knows ust what It has meant to be here. , mother knows ust what It has meant to be here. , to be here. It has been'>LIfe ChangIng to be here. It has been'>LIfe ChangIng. She to be here. It has been'>LIfe ChangIng. She Is to be here. It has been'>LIfe ChangIng. She Is a to be here. It has been lIfe| changIng. She Is a dIfferent to be here. It has been'>LIfe ChangIng. She Is a dIfferent gIrl agaIn changIng. She Is a dIfferent gIrl agaIn. She has got some hope now. And thIs agaIn. She has got some hope now. And thIs Is agaIn. She has got some hope now. And thIs Is what these people gIve you. And thIs Is what these people gIve ou. And thIs Is what these people gIve ou. ,. ,. , and thIs Is what these people gIve ou. ,. ,. , and thIs Is what these people gIve ou. ,. ,. ,. , you. SaInt catherIne Is havIng to save £1. 5 mIllIon, you. SaInt catherIne Is havIng to save £1. 5 mIllIon, It you. SaInt catherIne Is havIng to save £1. 5 mIllIon, It means you. SaInt catherIne Is havIng to save £1. 5 mIllIon, It means reducIng theIr servIces out In the communIty and cuttIng more than 40 jobs, IncludIng nurses. George fortune has prostate cancer. He says'>News/communIty-care'>CommunIty Care provIded by'>News/saInt-catherIne'>SaInt CatherIne put hIm back on hIs feet. HIm back on hIs feet. Wasnt for the hos Ice, hIm back on hIs feet. Wasnt for the hosIce, I hIm back on hIs feet. Wasnt for the hospIce, I wouldnt hIm back on hIs feet. Wasnt for the hospIce, I wouldnt be hIm back on hIs feet. Wasnt for the hospIce, I wouldnt be here hIm back on hIs feet. Wasnt for the hospIce, I wouldnt be here today. | hIm back on hIs feet. Wasnt for the hospIce, I wouldnt be here today. I| hospIce, I wouldnt be here today. I would stIll be stuck at home In a wheelchaIr. But they have been really marvellous, I couldnt have done It wIthout them. The really marvellous, I couldnt have done It wIthout them. Done It wIthout them. The'>News/charIty-sa'>CharIty Sa s It Is done It wIthout them. The'>News/charIty-sa'>CharIty Says It Is caught done It wIthout them. The'>News/charIty-sa'>CharIty Says It Is caught In done It wIthout them. The'>News/charIty-sa'>CharIty Says It Is caught In a done It wIthout them. The'>News/charIty-sa'>CharIty Says It Is caught In a 3way says It Is caught In a 3 way squeeze. Cost of hIttIng donatIons, IncreasIng runnIng costs, and a'>News/government-fundIng-model'>Government FundIng Model that has fallen way behInd the rIsIng InflatIon. Ih fallen way behInd the rIsIng InflatIon. , ,. , InflatIon. In the last ten years, InflatIon. In the last ten years, InflatIon has InflatIon. In the last ten years, InflatIon has been InflatIon. In the last ten years, InflatIon has been around InflatIon. In the last ten years, | InflatIon has been around 30 , InflatIon. In the last ten years, InflatIon has been around 30 , but 24 of that has been In the last four years. 24 of that has been In the last fouryears. Donors 24 of that has been In the last four years. Donors cannot keep pace wIth that level of InflatIon. Surely the government should recognIse that keepIng hospIces goIng, supportIng us to support the very'>News/le-t'>Le They are helpIng and supportIng as well, through nhs servIces, surely they can'>Step Up and help us. find through nhs servIces, surely they can'>Step Up and help us. Can'>Step Up and help us. And thIs hosIce can'>Step Up and help us. And thIs hospIce Is can'>Step Up and help us. And thIs hospIce Is not can'>Step Up and help us. And thIs hospIce Is not alone. Can'>Step Up and help us. And thIs hospIce Is not alone. ThIs can'>Step Up and help us. And thIs hospIce Is not alone. ThIs echoes | can'>Step Up and help us. And thIs I hospIce Is not alone. ThIs echoes as It Is facIng a £60 mIllIon defIcIt thIs year. It It Is facIng a £60 mIllIon defIcIt thIs ear. , thIs year. It Is lookIng dIre, these are the worst thIs year. It Is lookIng dIre, these are the worst fInancIal thIs year. It Is lookIng dIre, these are the worst fInancIal results thIs year. It Is lookIng dIre, these are the worst fInancIal results we | are the worst fInancIal results we have seen for the sector for 20 years. There Is an urgent need for government to step In, provIdes an'>News/emergency-fundIng'>Emergency FundIng that wIll protect the servIces that the sector offers and safeguard them for the future, and safeguard them for the future, and then In the long term we need a sustaInable'>News/fundIng-framework'>FundIng Framework that fIxes the way hospIces are funded so It Is faIr and they can support the communItIes that need theIr support. The'>Department Of Health and socIal'>News/care-spokesperson'>Care Spokesperson saId the government had InherIted huge challenges In the'>News/hospIce-sector'>HospIce Sector and these problems wIll take tIme to fIx. But for those who rely on them, tIme Is a commodIty many sImply dont have. PIers hopkIrk,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. At 9 15 we wIll be speakIng to'>News/charlIe-kIng'>CharlIe KIng from hospIce uk. TIme now for sport. TalkIng about the'>News/us-open'>Us Open, who wIll get to the fInal,'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper was In the mIx. Jack drapers fIrst'>News/grand-slam'>Grand Slam'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal. An remInder that sport Is more about what Is goIng on In here that your physIcal abIlItIes. We know he has what It takes to get to the very top but he has suffered wIth'>News/anxIety-and-anyone'>AnxIety And Anyone who has been to a'>News/job-IntervIew'>Job IntervIew and has felt that sIck feelIng, I had every saturday before strIctly, I was not actually sIck but It felt. DId before strIctly, I was not actually sIck but It felt. SIck but It felt. DId you feel physIcally sIck but It felt. DId you feel physIcally nauseous . SIck but It felt. DId you feel physIcally nauseous . We sIck but It felt. DId you feel. PhysIcally nauseous . We have sIck but It felt. DId you feel physIcally nauseous . We have all been there. He physIcally nauseous . We have all been there physIcally nauseous . We have all been there. ,. ,. , been there. He got so anxIous durIng the semIfInal been there. He got so anxIous durIng the semIfInal but been there. He got so anxIous durIng the semIfInal but he been there. He got so anxIous durIng the semIfInal but he was been there. He got so anxIous durIng the semIfInal but he was physIcallyl the'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal but he was physIcally sIck on the court. Good mornIng. But what a year It has been. Jack draper has enjoyed a boundary breakIng season, In whIch he has won hIs fIrst atp tItle, and In'>New York, reached the semIfInals of a grand'>News/slam-tournament'>Slam Tournament for the fIrst tIme, but ultImately, the occasIon trIggered anxIety and sIckness, and'>News/world-number'>World Number one'>News/jannIk-sInner'>JannIk SInner proved a'>Step Up In class too farfor hIm. Just to warn you, thIs report by our'>News/sports-reporter'>Sports Reporter laura scott, does contaIn Images'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper beIng sIck on court. The occasIon'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper the'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper had long dreamt of, but not the endIng. Before the match the brItIsh'>News/number-one'>Number One dId not lack motIvatIon or InspIratIon. HIs Idol, andy murray, had been the last brItIsh man to reach the fInal four of the'>News/us-open'>Us Open. AwaItIng hIm was hIs good frIend and'>News/world-number'>World Number one,'>News/jannIk-sInner'>JannIk SInner. The bIggest match of hIs lIfe, the bIggest match of hIs lIfe, the bIggest stage of hIs lIfe. Early nerves no surprIse. But wIll done by famIly who had flown In last mInute, draper went'>Toe To toe wIth the ItalIan. But swept drIppIng off the brItIsh, he struggled to keep a grIp on hIs racket and the set. TIme for some dIrectIon from hIs team. It was never goIng to be easy, thIs was anythIng but. Draper left everythIng on the court, vomIt Included. And soon there was more drama,'>News/jannIk-sInner'>JannIk SInnerfallIng heavIly soon there was more drama,'>News/jannIk-sInner'>JannIk SInner fallIng heavIly on soon there was more drama,'>News/jannIk-sInner'>JannIk SInnerfallIng heavIly on hIs soon there was more drama,'>News/jannIk-sInner'>JannIk SInner fallIng heavIly on hIs wrIst. It dIdnt stop hIm domInatIng the'>News/tIe-break'>TIe Break to lead 2 0. Draper trIed to clIng on, strugglIng, sufferIng but fInally succumbIng. JannIk sInner through to the fInal and draper headIng to the door. I am defInItely'>News/someone-draper'>Someone Draper headIng to the door. I n defInItely someone who Is quIte an anxIous human beIng, so I thInk when you had added all that together sometImes, I do feel a bIt cautIous on court and I do feel a lIttle bIt sIck when It gets tough. So yeah, I dIdnt have any problems before the match but It obvIously does buIlt up. It match but It obvIously does buIlt u. ,. , match but It obvIously does buIlt'>News/u-l'>U L ,. ,. ,. ,. , up. It was a gruellIng and at tImes cruesome up. It was a gruellIng and at tImes gruesome grand up. It was a gruellIng and at tImes gruesome'>News/grand-slam'>Grand Slam up. It was a gruellIng and at tImes gruesome grand'>News/slam-semIfInal'>Slam SemIfInal. Up. It was a gruellIng and at tImes I gruesome grand'>News/slam-semIfInal'>Slam SemIfInal but gruesome'>News/grand-slam'>Grand Slam'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal but all the sIgns here In'>New York are that there Is so much more to come from'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. Laura scott,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News, flushIng meadows. Now to football and the'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League, and'>News/craIg-bellamy'>CraIg Bellamy� s fIrst match In charge of wales ended In a 0 0 draw agaInst ten'>News/man-turkey'>Man Turkey In cardIff, and he has promIsed thIs Is the worst they are goIng to be under hIm. Because he wIll have tIme to bond the players more as they go forward. Wales had by the far the better chances In theIr openIng'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League match,'>News/asjoe-rodon'>Asjoe Rodon blazed over In the fIrst half. That was from a sorba'>Thomas Cross the huddersfIeld forward whos on loan at nantes, and who also had a goal dIsallowed for offsIde. England InterIm boss'>News/lee-carsley'>Lee Carsley wIll want a vIctory In'>News/dublIn-tonIght'>DublIn TonIght to strengthen hIs chances of keepIng the job. HIs sIde play the republIc of Ireland In the'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League. Carsley was capped 40 tImes by Ireland as a player, but says he wont sIng eIther'>NatIonal Anthem tonIght. He says he respects the anthems, but has never sung one, just because of hIs own personal match preparatIon. Two england players declan'>News/rIce-and-jack'>RIce And Jack grealIsh also played for Ireland earlIer In theIr careers. So what sort of receptIon does the currently england boss thInk theyll get In dublIn . We spoke about the atmosphere, they are expectIng It to be loud, passIonate, excItIng, but It wIll be no dIfferent to what players are used to In'>News/premIer-league'>PremIer League games or hIgh level games, wIth the receptIon that we had after the'>News/kIds-sIde'>KIds SIde was anythIng to go by It wIll be very posItIve. There are just two days left at the paralympIcs In parIs, and great brItaIn have surpassed theIr tokyo'>News/games-tally'>Games Tally of 41'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medals. Theyve also met the target'>News/uk-sport'>Uk Sport set them of wInnIng at least 100 medals In total. Joe lynskey rounds up of the best of the actIon. That Is the shot that captures gold all across parIs on the courts and on the roads,'>ParalympIcs Gb goes the dIstance together. Gordon'>News/reId-and-alfIe'>ReId And AlfIe hewItt thIs was the mIssIng'>PIece. And'>News/alfIe-hewItt'>AlfIe HewItt thIs was the mIssIn Iece. ,. , mIssIng'>PIece. OutstandIng tennIs. The la mIssIng'>PIece. OutstandIng tennIs. They play doubles mIssIng'>PIece. OutstandIng tennIs. They play doubles for mIssIng'>PIece. OutstandIng tennIs. They play doubles for a mIssIng'>PIece. OutstandIng tennIs. They play doubles for a decade mIssIng'>PIece. OutstandIng tennIs. J they play doubles for a decade and 121 majors, but In'>News/rIo-and-tokyo'>RIo And Tokyo they were beaten In the fInal, the'>ParalympIc TItle completes theIr'>Golden Slam. ParalympIc tItle completes theIr'>Golden Slam'>ParalympIc TItle completes theIr'>Golden Slam. ThIrd tIme lucky for'>News/alfIe-hewItt'>AlfIe HewItt'>Golden Slam. ThIrd tIme lucky for'>News/alfIe-hewItt'>AlfIe HewItt and'>Golden Slam. ThIrd tIme lucky for'>News/alfIe-hewItt'>AlfIe HewItt and gordon'>Golden Slam. ThIrd tIme lucky for'>News/alfIe-hewItt'>AlfIe HewItt and gordon reId, I'>Golden Slam. ThIrd tIme lucky for. AlfIe'>News/hewItt-and-gordon'>HewItt And Gordon reId, they cannot belIeve they have fInally done It. ,. , cannot belIeve they have fInally done It. ,. ,. , done It. Three years, dImItrI kIa has chased d done It. Three years, dImItrI kIa has chased the d done It. Three years, dImItrI kIa has chased the same I done It. Three years, dImItrI kIa has chased the same medal. I done It. Three years,'>DImItrI KIja Has chased the same medal. In I done It. Three years,'>DImItrI KIja Has chased the same medal. In tokyo he won four medals but no goals, to when the epee fInal brought the second of hIs games. In the pool,'>News/pppy-second'>Pppy Second of hIs games. In the pool,'>News/poppy-maskell'>Poppy Maskell has three. The relay, the butterfly another 100 metres bus backstroke. At 19, the podIum Is a place she Is gettIng used to. And at 21,'>News/ben-sandland'>Ben Sandland made hIs entrance on the bell. He moved up from thIrd to the 1500'>News/metre-lead'>Metre Lead In a sprInt for the front that brought hIm a world record. A gold they watched back at home at bens'>Old School In fIfe. The late search for gold came as well from sophIe unwIn, on the tandem wIth'>News/guIdejenny-hogg'>GuIdejenny Hogg they went past IrIsh wrIters who had beaten In the'>TIme TrIal stop thIs was the'>News/road-race'>Road Race and'>News/sarah-storey'>Sarah Storey� s latest chapter. BrItaIns'>Greatest ParalympIan was pushed the'>News/goal-number'>Goal Number 19, a 46 year old In a sprInt wIth a'>News/teenagerfrom-number'>Teenagerfrom Number 19, a 46 year old In a sprInt wIth a teenager from france. IeraIhat wIth a teenager from france. What has sarah story wIth a teenager from france. What has sarah story got wIth a teenager from france. What has sarah story'>Got Left, wIth a teenager from france. KwIsgt has sarah story'>Got Left, has she done It, she has she has sarah story'>Got Left, has she done It, she has has sarah story'>Got Left, has she done It, she has she stIll plans to no on to done It, she has she stIll plans to'>Go On to thIs done It, she has she stIll plans to'>Go On to thIs months done It, she has she stIll plans to'>Go On to thIs months parIs done It, she has she stIll plans to'>Go On to thIs months'>News/parIs-cyclIng'>ParIs CyclIng|'>Go On to thIs months'>News/parIs-cyclIng'>ParIs CyclIng world champIonshIps. Across to sport It Is now 32 years at the top, and yet thIs Is a story stIll wIthout an endIng. Joe lynskey,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. So wIll great brItaIn add more golds to theIr'>News/tally-today'>Tally Today .'>News/0ur-reporter'>0ur Reporter'>News/sally-hurst'>Sally Hurst Is In parIs thIs mornIng. Great to see you sally, so where could be potentIally look for'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medals for'>News/paralympIcs-gb-today'>ParalympIcs Gb Today . Yes, great brItaIn had a whole slew of medals yesterday, they currently have 42 golds whIch Is already surpassIng the tItle of gold they got In tokyo. There was a'>News/sIlver-yesterday'>SIlver Yesterday for'>News/le-t'>Le TennIs, a controversIal one because In the decIder he was deducted a poInt, judged to have kIcked the ball In frustratIon. He saId afterwards that he often trIes to kIck the ball up to retrIeve It, especIally when he Is tIred, he was absolutely devastated wIthout loss because he saId he had been In the form of hIs lIfe goIng Into It. DIsappoIntment for hIm. But plenty to look forward to today, we have'>News/youth-and-experIence'>Youth And ExperIence In actIon, I own who was the youngest member of the great'>News/brItaIn-team'>BrItaIn Team at 13, she has a'>News/sIlver-medal'>SIlver Medal In these'>News/games-commIttee'>Games CommIttee Is goIng on the 500 metres butterfly. At the other end of the scale, the oldest member of the team, an absolute legend of para canoe. She Is through to the'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal thIs mornIng, hopIng to get through to the fInal as well. And It was a'>News/prIvIlege-yesterday'>PrIvIlege Yesterday to watch'>News/alfIe-hewItt'>AlfIe HewItt when hIs fIrst ever paralympIc'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medal In the sIngles In wheelchaIr tennIs, today he has another chance, he Is goIng, sorry, It was the doubles yesterday, he Is goIng on the sIngles today, another chance for a medalfor hIm. And In wheelchaIr basketball,'>Great BrItaIn WhereIn BrIllIant Form agaInst germany In the'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal earlIer In the way, tonIght they face usa, a tough opponent but another chance for a medalfor them, they got bronze In tokyo, they wIll hope for a'>News/gold-or-sIlver'>Gold Or SIlver tonIght they wIll get a'>News/gold-or-sIlver'>Gold Or SIlver tonIght. Lots more prospects IncludIng'>News/hannah-cockroft'>Hannah Cockroft In the 800 metres, It Is an lots more prospects IncludIng'>News/hannah-cockroft'>Hannah Cockroft In the 800 metres, It Is an excItIng fInal for the paralympIc excItIng fInal for the'>ParalympIc Games ahead In parIs. Games ahead In parIs. ExcItIng fInal for the paralympIc excItIng fInal for the'>ParalympIc Games ahead In parIs. Games ahead In parIs. Englands crIcketers wIll resume'>News/englands-crIcketers'>Englands CrIcketers wIll resume on top, on 221 3 In theIr fIrst on top, on 221 3 In theIr fIrst InnIngs on day two of theIr thIrd and fInal test agaInst'>News/srI-lanka'>SrI Lanka at the oval thIs mornIng. At the oval thIs mornIng. They were frustrated by some bad'>News/lIght-and-lIght'>LIght And LIght'>News/drIzzle-yesterday'>DrIzzle Yesterday whIch delayed play for a few whIch delayed play for a few hours, but'>News/ben-duckett'>Ben Duckett as usual made up for lost hours, but'>News/ben-duckett'>Ben Duckett tIme wIth a dashIng 86, and there was a welcome return to form for stand In captaIn 0llIe pope. He reached an unbeaten century before more bad lIght ended play. England, remember, already have an unassaIlable 2 0 lead In the serIes. In the serIes. So much to look forward to thIs so much to weekend, fInal weekend of the weekend of the weekend, fInal weekend of the paralympIcs, and just lookIng back paralympIcs, and just lookIng back'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper agaIn, It was so onjack was so refreshIng and open and honest of'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper agaIn, It was so refreshIng and open and honest of hIm to admIt, because that Is half the problem, If you can admIt It Is'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper agaIn, It was so refreshIng and open anl admIt ;t of'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper agaIn, It was so refreshIng and open anl admIt It of'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper agaIn, It was so refreshIng and open anl admIt It Is the problem, If you can admIt It Is the anxIety that Is causIng the the problem, If you can admIt It Is the problem, If you can admIt It Is the anxIety that Is causIng the sIckness you can start to deal wIth sIckness you can start to deal wIth It. �. ,. ,. , hannah It. � ,. , sIckness you can start to deal wIth It. � ,. , It. And one of the thIngs and he was sa In In It. And one of the thIngs and he was sayIng In the It. And one of the thIngs and he was sayIng In the commentary It. And one of the thIngs and he was sayIng In the commentary Is, It. And one of the thIngs and he was sayIng In the commentary Is, the I sayIng In the commentary Is, the practIcal Issue Is because he was beIng sIck, the the'>Armed Forces Is well known for Its camaraderIe, but some'>News/ex-servIcemen'>Ex ServIcemen and women'>News/le-t'>Le To adapt to everyday lIfe when they retIre. Now an'>News/army-Instructor'>Army Instructor has created a charIty to support veterans and Its based around hIs passIon for flyIng.'>News/0ur-reporter'>0ur Reporterjacob tomlInson took to the skIes to fInd out more. Ill be home, Ill Ill be home, Ill check the'>News/weather-forecast'>Weather Forecast to make sure nothIng Is goIng on In the local area. And then, one sunset, Ill goIng on In the local area. And then, one sunset, Ill get my gear ready, take the palamo out of the garage, and Im fortunate enough to have a fIeld that I have been allowed to fly on. Are you stIll feel nervous, not so much anymore, just fIll happy to get flyIng,'>ElIjah Suares kInd of dIssIpate. You feel lIke you are In your own realm. MusIc plays. Meat paul goodman,'>AfterjoInIng The Army at 16, he has gone on servIng countrIes all over the world, IncludIng Iraq and a. Now he Is an Instructor at the'>News/army-foundatIon-couegeIn'>Army FoundatIon CouegeIn Instructor at the'>News/army-foundatIon-college'>Army FoundatIon College In harrogate, but when hes not doIng that youll probably fInd hIm, well, In the skye. I not doIng that youll probably fInd hIm, well, In the skye. HIm, well, In the skye. I thInk fl In hIm, well, In the skye. I thInk flyIng has hIm, well, In the skye. I thInk flyIng has always hIm, well, In the skye. I thInk flyIng has always been hIm, well, In the skye. I thInk flyIng has always been somethIng Ive wanted to do. Remember beIng a kId watchIng a cartoon called superted and I remember one of my very early memorIes jumpIng off the couch wIth a cape on thInkIng I could fly. Abet couch wIth a cape on thInkIng I could fl. �. , couch wIth a cape on thInkIng I could fl. �. , couch wIth a cape on thInkIng I couldfl. �. , couch wIth a cape on thInkIng I could fly could fly. At any poInt you get scared, could fly. At any poInt you get scared. Do could fly. At any poInt you get scared. Do you could fly. At any poInt you get scared, do you get could fly. At any poInt you get scared, do you get nervous I could fly. At any poInt you get. Scared, do you get nervous about what you are doIng . So. Scared, do you get nervous about what you are doIng . What you are doIng . So, there Is adrenalIne what you are doIng . So, there Is adrenalIne and what you are doIng . So, there Is adrenalIne and theres what you are doIng . So, there Is adrenalIne and theres you what you are doIng . So, there Is| adrenalIne and theres you know, euphorIa, but It Is enjoyable,'>News/le-t'>Le Type, petrIfIed. FollowIng the death of one'>News/le-t'>Le Type, petrIfIed. FollowIng the death of one of'>News/le-t'>Le Type, petrIfIed. FollowIng the death of one of hIs'>News/le-t'>Le Type, petrIfIed. FollowIng the death of one of hIs fellow the death of one of hIs fellow soldIers he and hIs'>FrIend Tom decIded to create a charIty wIth mIssIon In lIfe. The decIded to create a charIty wIth mIssIon In lIfe. DecIded to create a charIty wIth mIssIon In lIfe. The army can be lIke'>News/nevernever-mIssIon'>Nevernever MIssIon In lIfe. The army can be lIke nevernever land, mIssIon In lIfe. The army can be lIke nevernever land, Is mIssIon In lIfe. The army can be lIke nevernever land, Is great, | mIssIon In lIfe. The army can be lIke nevernever land, Is great,'>News/u-l'>U LIke never never land, Is great, you get looked after and you get a marvellous career In the mIlItary and I thInk sometImes Its dIffIcult when'>News/u-l'>U Leave to keep that adventurous spIrIt, the camaraderIe. And wIth the people we are helpIng at the moment we have found that we have reInjected that Into them. So the'>News/charItys-purpose'>CharItys Purpose Is to fInd veterans and servIcemen and women Into recreatIonal avIatIon. IeIIaIheh veterans and servIcemen and women Into recreatIonal avIatIon. Into recreatIonal avIatIon. When I left the mIlItary, Into recreatIonal avIatIon. When I left the mIlItary, Its Into recreatIonal avIatIon. When I left the mIlItary, Its a Into recreatIonal avIatIon. When I left the mIlItary, Its a lonely left the mIlItary, Its a lonely place. Left the mIlItary, Its a lonely place. I left the mIlItary, Its a lonely place, I felt lIke are lost everythIng, and as soon as I started meetIng everythIng, and as soon as I started'>MeetIng Guys who were flyIng, Ive made'>MeetIng Guys who were flyIng, Ive made a'>MeetIng Guys who were flyIng, Ive made a new bond of frIends, It feels lIke Ive made a new bond of frIends, It feels lIke Ive got made a new bond of frIends, It feels lIke Ive got purpose agaIn, It feels lIke Ive got purpose agaIn, It feels lIke lIke Ive got purpose agaIn, It feels lIke Im part of somethIng and Its changed my lIfe. Im always constantly Its changed my lIfe. Im always constantly checkIng the'>News/weather-app'>Weather App now, checkIng If they can get down the fIeld now, checkIng If they can get down the fIeld and go for a fly. What does the future the fIeld and go for a fly. What does the future look the fIeld and go for a fly. What does the future look lIke . The fIeld and go for a fly. What does the future look lIke . We | the fIeld and go for a fly. What does the future look lIke . We carry on auoIn does the future look lIke . We carry on goIng the does the future look lIke . We carry on goIng the way does the future look lIke . We carry on goIng the way were does the future look lIke . We carry on goIng the way were goIng, does the future look lIke . We carry on goIng the way were goIng, the l on goIng the way were goIng, the skyeIs on goIng the way were goIng, the skye Is the lImIt. Very ImpressIve. It Is a 6 33am. Well be back wIth the headlInes at 7 00. But fIrst, hes arguably the most famous brItIsh artIst of thIs century and yet most of us dont know hIs real name or what he looks lIke. TIme for a deep dIve Into the'>News/work-and-career'>Work And Career of banksy. GraffItI artIst,'>News/stencIl-guru-extraordInaIre'>StencIl Guru ExtraordInaIre banksy, to you and me. Hes just an unknown talent. HIs IdentIty, the subject of lengthy speculatIon. I could be banksy. BreakIng'>News wIth banksy, Its about the surprIse, the shock factor, the reveal. Weve had banksys people on the phone and they want to brIng a project to brIstol museums. Well, I couldnt belIeve It. Fans flock to hIs work, but wIth publIc art comes rIsks. Crowd gasp, shout four very large gentleman turned up wIth sledgehammers to destroy It. I thought, thIs guy understands messagIng. Its become one of the most famous and notorIous IncIdents In the hIstory of modern art. From anImals poppIng up across london, to dIsmaland, we explore the art, the man and the tactIcs. He Is the pIcasso of the 21st century. Hes prolIfIc, hes profound. ThIs Is banksy the mystery. A quIet'>News/monday-mornIng'>Monday MornIng In london In the summer of 2024, and there It appeared a stencIlled'>News/mountaIn-goat'>MountaIn Goat precarIously perched on a ledge In rIchmond, west london. In quIck successIon, more artworks appeared. Monkeys hangIng from a'>News/raIlway-brIdge'>RaIlway BrIdge. Two elephants lovIngly reachIng for each others long trunks from opposIte wIndows. AgaIn, banksy had managed to get All Of Us talkIng and wonderIng what thIs new anImal traIl across london was all about. Whats the message behInd these new'>PIeces . I own the canvas of thIs. ThIs Isjust a posterfrom when It was In the museum, In moco In amsterdam. Well,'>News/john-brandler'>John Brandler knows a thIng or two about banksy. Oh, I thInk the anImal traIl Is very clever. The'>News/polIce-booth'>PolIce Booth In london lookIng lIke a'>News/fIsh-tank'>FIsh Tank phenomenal, brIllIant. Whats scary about that Is thIs Is part of what Is supposed to be the rIng of steel protectIng the cIty of london, and somebody can go Into It and paInt In It . Brandlers collectIon of Banksy Artworks varIes from world famous motIfs to lesser known, more provocatIve works. The one I really love Is the gorIlla lIftIng the shutter and lettIng the anImals out, but they are all about what humans have done to the planet. Were kIllIng everythIng off. Weve overfIshed the seas, weve polluted the aIr. Were. The whole of the Human Race Is lIke the goats on a tIny pInnacle. I thought the rhInoceros that was caught In flagrante In charlton, tryIng to sort of Mount A nIssan mIcra, I thought that was an absolutely beautIful'>PIece because the message was thIs rhIno, hes near extInctIon and he hasnt got a mate, and thIs Is the closest thIng that weve left hIm wIth. After nIne days of anImal artworks poppIng up across london, the serIes ended wIth a gorIlla on the shutters of'>News/london-zoo'>London Zoo. Free the bIrds. And seals. But, as wIth all banksys, they mIght not stay untouched or where he Intended. The rhIno was quIckly vandalIsed and'>News/london-zoo'>London Zoo have moved theIrs for safekeepIng. I thInk those london'>PIeces, In some ways, are old'>News/school-banksy'>School Banksy In that he has. Found very quIrky, humorous, but also, you know, theres a message behInd them. From hIs most recent serIes In london, to brIstol, where It all began for banksy. My name Is marc leverton. I am the author of a book called banksy myths and legends, whIch Is a collectIon of kInd of storIes from around brIstol, InItIally, relatIng to banksy. I found everybody had a story about banksy, InItIally, whIch I found amazIng, that one person can be kInd of, touch so many peoples lIves. The fIrst banksy'>News/wall-mural'>Wall Mural appeared In brIstol In 1999, called mIld, mIld west. Hed been actIve'>In The CItys graffItI scene, but not everyone was a fan. The InItIal perceptIon of banksy was that he was a vandal,'>News/spray-paIntIng-kInd'>Spray PaIntIng KInd of wIlly nIlly all over the cIty. He was very, very prolIfIc. ThIs was one of the thIngs that really stood hIm out and made hIm kInd of notIced by the local councIl. And he buIlt a strong'>News/fan-base'>Fan Base In brIstol. Yeah, I mean, I thInk It adds to, lIke, the art culture. And obvIously hes from brIstol, hes, lIke, part of the culture here. Who do you thInk banksy Is . I have no Idea but hIs artwork Is amazIng so. There are a couple of key moments In the'>News/banksy-story'>Banksy Story that kInd of show that transItIon from beIng a vandal who does graffItI to somethIng that youd now call street art. One was the well hung lover'>PIece. He found the wall opposIte the councIl, who were on hIs traIl, tryIng to kInd of scrub out all the work he was doIng all over the cIty. He got some scaffoldIng put up and, at hIs leIsure, under cover, he drew thIs wonderful pIcture of a naked man danglIng outsIde a bedroom. InsIde the bedroom you can see a lady, not very many clothes, and her very angry husband, lookIng for the well hung lover. That was a moment when the councIl were under real pressure to remove the work, but then dId an onlIne campaIgn to see what brIstolIans thought, whether the work should stay or go, and 96 voted In favour of keepIng that'>PIece. Its'>News/thought-banksy'>Thought Banksy then moved to'>News/east-london'>East London In the early noughtIes, and artwork started appearIng there too. I used to walk around and see lIttle rats and lIttle stencIls that were everywhere, In'>News/east-london'>East London, partIcularly, west end, down on the south bank, all over the place, really, and I began to thInk, Is thIs just one person doIng thIs . Because hes the hardest workIng man In street art, If so. Thought, thIs guy understands messagIng and understands marketIng, and hes doIng somethIng thats really fun and subversIve and countercultural, because hes drawIng on walls he shouldnt be drawIng on. In 2002, banksy created one of hIs most famous'>PIeces, the gIrl wIth the balloon. OrIgInally stencIlled on to a brIdge In london, he later paInted It on canvas and released It. The one that I see the most Is the one wIth the lIttle gIrl wIth the balloon that she loses. I lIke that one. The youth throwIng a bunch of flowers. Its quIte an old one, yeah. Looks lIke a rIoter, but hes got a posy of flowers In hIs hand and hes just about to throw them. They try to provoke dIscussIon and debate. They try to provoke dIscussIon and debate. I was aware of the one I was aware of the one In glastonbury wIth the boat. In glastonbury wIth the boat. That was very InterestIng. That was very InterestIng. But also I thInk the onesI but also I thInk the onesI In london at the moment In london at the moment are tryIng to lIghtenj are tryIng to lIghtenj the mood a lIttle bIt the mood a lIttle bIt so I thInk, yeah, hes tryIng so I thInk, yeah, hes tryIng to gIve back a bIt to the. I to gIve back a bIt to the. I. To the people. To the people. I could be banksy. BreakIng'>News I could be banksy. BreakIng'>News oh, god, dont claIm It oh, god, dont claIm It I thInk everybody enjoys I thInk everybody enjoys beIng part of the banksy beIng part of the'>News/banksy-kInd'>Banksy KInd of game, If'>News/u-l'>U LIke. KInd of game, If'>News/u-l'>U LIke. I thInk thIs Is I thInk thIs Is one of the InterestIng thIngs one of the InterestIng thIngs about the sort of'>News/banksy-phenomenon'>Banksy Phenomenon Is the fact that everybody feels lIke theyre part of the kInd of lIke experIence. Its notjust a kInd of a passIve'>News/consumer-artIst-kInd'>Consumer ArtIst KInd of relatIonshIp, you know, youre actually Involved. People rush out to see the work before It gets graffItIed, before It gets taken down, before It gets cut out and sold. Banksy Is where he Is In the'>News/world-today'>World Today you can understand hIs pIcture, you can understand hIs message Instantly. The Imagery becomes so powerful and popular that banksy starts producIng lImIted prInts of hIs works as early as 2002 the bIrth of banksy as a global mass market phenomenon. Everyone was now'>News/le-t'>Le To own a'>PIece. And then he does thIs amazIng exhIbItIon In la. ThIs exhIbItIon was absolutely besIeged. It was only on for a few days. It was besIeged by loads of hollywood stars. Suddenly,'>News/brad-pItt'>Brad PItt and others want to hang Banksy Artworks In theIr hollywood mansIons. All of thIs only fuelled the fIre that was the speculatIon around who banksy actually Is. I thInk before my contact wIth hIm, I always found hIm very IntrIguIng. And quIte dIffIcult to work out. Many names have been thrown around durIng the years. I dont thInk banksy wIll be unmasked because I thInk there have been so many attempts to try that already and every tIme somebody poInts at a photo and says, thIs Is banksy, theres another story that pops up sayIng, thIs Is also banksy. Theres lots of people who, you know, eIther want to be banksy or have had a kInd of fInger poInted at them. NeIl buchanan from art attack. Then It was robert'>News/del-naja'>Del Naja from massIve attack. JamIe hewlett from gorIllaz he was potentIally banksy. NeIl buchanan from art attack. Theres a guy called'>News/robIn-gunnIngham'>RobIn GunnIngham who dId some work In brIstol once upon a tIme. It Is that spartacus thIng. Every tIme'>News/somebody-sort'>Somebody Sort of says, thIs Is banksy, somebody else Is also sort of thrown Into the mIx, and that wIll probably forever happen. Theres any number of people who, you know, may or may not be banksy. Theres also the Idea that banksy Is not a person, Its an Idea or a team. Banksy and hIs team never denIed or confIrmed any of these names. Any of these names. In fact, the only'>News/'>PIece'>OffIcIal'>PIece In fact, the only'>News/'>PIece'>OffIcIal'>PIece Is hIs Instagram account. Is hIs Instagram account. If a pIcture of an artwork If a pIcture of an artwork Is uploaded here, Is uploaded here, It pretty much means It has the It pretty much means It has the'>News/offIcIal-stamp'>OffIcIal Stamp of'>News/authentIcIty-offIcIal-stamp'>AuthentIcIty OffIcIal Stamp of'>News/authentIcIty-and-part'>AuthentIcIty And Part of the'>News/banksy-and-part'>Banksy And Part of the banksy unIverse. UnIverse. He lIkes to control hIs market. He lIkes to control hIs market. He lIkes to control he lIkes to control who has hIs art. A year. Who has hIs art. Guess what . Im not guess what . Im not on hIs'>News/chrIstmas-card'>ChrIstmas Card lIst. On hIs'>News/chrIstmas-card'>ChrIstmas Card lIst. He lIkes to be he lIkes to be a control freak, If'>News/u-l'>U LIke. A control freak, If'>News/u-l'>U LIke. Now, I dont know whether now, I dont know whether that Influences that Influences who he sells hIs art to who he sells hIs art to and how much he sells hIs art for. And how much he sells hIs art for. I dont know how much money I dont know how much money he Is on today he Is on today but In the past he was on some but In the past he was on some very, very serIous numbers. Very, very serIous numbers. I worked out, I guesstImated I worked out, I guesstImated at one poInt he was on at one poInt he was on between 40 and 45 mIllIon between 40 and 45 mIllIon a year. And'>News/team-banksy'>Team Banksy actually go by a dIfferent, more IncognIto name. Pest control was an agency desIgned to keep the pests away the'>News/le-t'>Le That were pesterIng banksy about hIs IdentIty, the people who were tryIng to buy hIs work when there Isnt very much of hIs work for sale. And so he surrounded hImself, wIth very, very expensIve and brIllIant lawyers, very, very brIllIant and presumably expensIve'>News/hollywood-agent'>Hollywood Agent types who were really used to managIng and organIsIng logIstIcs and keepIng people at bay. Pest control are crucIal to banksys'>News/busIness-strategy'>BusIness Strategy but more on that later and some thInk they have the mystery about hIs IdentIty all fIgured out. Hes not a doctor on the sIde, hes a street artIst. He got the InspIratIon for what hes doIng or how he Is doIng It, I should say, from a man called'>News/blek-le-rat'>Blek Le Rat In parIs. Blek got arrested, and numerous tImes, because If you thInk of the streets In parIs, theyre wIde, theyre straIght, there are no trees, so blek came up wIth the Idea of Instead of spendIng every other week In prIson, spendIng every other week cuttIng stencIls In hIs studIo, and then he could'>Go Onto any street In parIs, Have A Look, see that therere no polIce around, four bIts of blu tack, put the stencIl up, spray It and be gone In two mInutes. Hed heard about blek In the past, but he was doIng somethIng In partIcular and he thought, thIs Is a much better Idea. People wIll want to know everythIng about everybody these days, whIch I thInk Is part of the frustratIon for some people, but I thInk It would also ruIn the mystIque and ruIn the. The surprIse and the kInd ofm that myth that we have, and actually, I thInk Its more funjust to not know. WIth IncreasIng fame and notorIety, exhIbItIons started poppIng up Around The World showIng banksys work. The most comprehensIve was In hIs home town, called'>News/banksy-versus-brIstol'>Banksy Versus BrIstol museum, In 2009. LIke everythIng, It was kept secret. We had to sIgn agreements It was just a usual day In the offIce, when one of my colleagues came In to see me and saId, weve had banksys people on the phone and they want to brIng a project to brIstol museums, and I was. Well, I couldnt belIeve It, and so I questIoned my colleague and I was lIke, surely somebody Is havIng us on. It transpIred It was true, and It grew and grew to what became'>News/banksy-versus-brIstol'>Banksy Versus BrIstol museum. It was a bIt of a'>News/love-letter'>Love Letter to hIs home cIty. Normally, when you work wIth normally, when you work wIth an artIst or. Or a partner an artIst or. Or a partner to make an exhIbItIon, to make an exhIbItIon, of course Its all about of course Its all about'>News/advance-publIcIty-advance'>Advance PublIcIty Advance publIcIty and gettIng Interest. And gettIng Interest. But wIth hIm, of course, but wIth hIm, of course, It was all about It was all about have queued patIently It had to be kept quIet, It had to be kept quIet, because It had to be somethIng because It had to be somethIng that was launched on the publIc that was launched on the publIc at the very last mInute, at the very last mInute, whIch Is the way they work whIch Is the way they work to buIld excItement and for It to buIld excItement and for It to be a surprIse. To be a surprIse. ArchIve all day,'>News/thousands-archIve'>Thousands ArchIve all day, thousands have queued patIently to get the fIrst glImpse of. The new banksy exhIbItIon. And It was so popular, people came from all over and queued for hours. We had over 300,000 people and that was over a three month perIod. Now, we mIght normally welcome 50,000 people, maybe a few more If It was a really popular exhIbItIon, maybe 80,000. Banksy descrIbed It as unsuItable for chIldren. It was a temporary'>News/art-project'>Art Project where he collaborated wIth other artIsts to create the dystopIan theme park. IncludIng a game where you could drIve your own boat fIlled wIth mIgrants, and a'>News/photo-opportunIty'>Photo OpportunIty where a'>News/kIller-whale'>KIller Whale leapt out of a toIlet. Other artIsts who vIsIted reckon the park reflected some of the pressIng polItIcal problems of the tIme. He contInues to surprIse, he contInues to do amazIng events and opportunItIes, and, whether thats the weston super'>News/mare-dIsmaland'>Mare DIsmaland through to, you know, the recent InterventIons In london, I thInk he contInues to grab the attentIon of the art world, and the publIc. Though, as banksys career,'>News/wealth-and-status'>Wealth And Status have grown, some have questIoned the very Issues he rooted hImself In. A frIend of mIne descrIbed hIm as a champagne socIalIst. HIs vIews are very much socIalIst, but he Is earnIng tens of mIllIon pounds a year, whIch gIves hIm the fInancIal freedom to Indulge hIs socIal Ideals. Banksys polItIcal artworks go beyond the uk. ThIs Is the walled'>News/off-hotel'>Off Hotel In bethlehem, whIch he desIgned wIth other creatIves. OpposIte the IsraelI'>News/west-bank'>West Bank barrIer, Its bIlled as havIng the worst vIew of any hotel In the world. Due to the Israel gaza conflIct, Its currently not takIng any reservatIons. He defInItely has a conscIence In hIs work In that hes drawIng attentIon to socIal Issues and sItuatIons both home and abroad that he, you know, wants to brIng to our attentIon. ArchIve Its become one of the most famous and notorIous IncIdents. And banksys stunts have only got bIgger and better, lIke In 2018, when famous auctIoneers sothebys came to sell a rather expensIve paIntIng of hIs. And It shredded. Oh, what a surprIse. Well, It was at the end of the sale, It should have been In the mIddle, normally. In my opInIon, sothebys must have known what was goIng on, because you dont allow a box wIth mechanIcs In It to be plugged Into your wall. And It was worth £1 mIllIon each, then one went to auctIon and It fetched £18 mIllIon. So then, hIs collectIon of them has gone from beIng worth £5 mIllIon to £100 mIllIon. Thats very clever marketIng. By doIng the'>News/street-work'>Street Work where he, you know, makes a bIg statement and gets everybody talkIng, gets the press coverage, that kInd of enhances the brand, whIch means that the work wIll then sell for more money. Whether banksy always Is the benefIcIary of that Is not somethIng that I thInk Is wIdely known. I thInk people buy work from banksy, maybe secretly, but a lot of the work that we see that gets the bIg pound sIgns, bIg dollar sIgns on the'>News/auctIon-market'>AuctIon Market Is In the secondary market, so'>News/thats-somebody'>Thats Somebody whos already bought the'>PIece and Is resellIng It agaIn for a greater value. So does'>News/banksy-profIt'>Banksy ProfIt from that . Banksys. He profIts from the story, but maybe not from the money. HIm and hIs team were very, very clear about theIr commercIal aspIratIon and what they controlled, and that, I assume, Is how they were also very generous wIth us In terms of they fInanced much of the work, and they gIfted us an artwork, dId a lot of support wIth the pr and other facIlItatIon of the exhIbItIon, so It was a very clear'>News/busIness-deal'>BusIness Deal and transactIon, but It was also an understandIng of the context that they were operatIng In. Just because banksy has become a household name, It doesnt mean the'>News/wrItIng-Isnt'>WrItIng Isnt on the walls when It comes to vandalIsm or authorItIes wantIng to wade In. Ive bought a number of'>PIeces of street art, of walls, fIve of them, In fact, rIght . The most famous one, obvIously, Is seasons greetIngs In wales, where, wIthIn a couple of hours of It beIng recognIsed as a banksy, four very large gentleman turned up wIth sledgehammers to destroy It, and, wIthIn half an hour of them beIng turned away, somebody else turned up wIth a large, you know, huge pot of black paInt they were tryIng to pour over It, but the locals stopped that happenIng. But others are happy to welcome hIm to theIr neIghbourhood wIth open arms. In kew can you belIeve It . No. Thank you, banksy. We apprecIate It. Hes rewrItten the'>News/rule-book'>Rule Book for contemporary artIsts by sayIng to the artIsts, youve got to become famous and then people wIll buy your work. He has made a crImInal act, whIch Is vandalIsm, Into somethIng socIally acceptable. He contInues to endure because he reInvents hImself, and In a way whIch does grasp the publIc Interest, and hIs anonymIty has to be part of that. But can banksys'>News/legend-and-legacy'>Legend And Legacy contInue to endure . Its the mystIcIsm. I mean, everybody knows'>News/magIcIans-arent'>MagIcIans Arent actually doIng magIc theyre trIckIng you. Its sleIght of hand, theyre usIng a mIrror, theyre usIng dIstractIon technIques Its not magIc, Its trIckery. Thats what banksy does wIth art. Everyone loves a mystery, rIght . Its super excItIng to thInk that theres thIs guy wanderIng around, he could pass you In the street, wearIng a hIgh vIsjacket, you wouldnt look at hIm twIce, and hes thIs mystery guy. Thats cool. Thats always goIng to be cool. So lets leave hIm alone. Lets leave hIm alone to do hIs thIng anonymously because whenever he does somethIng, Its usually pretty brIllIant. Its very dIffIcult to thInk about an artIst who has quIte the wIde appeal and global coverage of an artIst lIke banksy. He contInues to gaIn that sort of publIc Interest and ImagInatIon In a way that Its actually quIte dIffIcult to thInk of Anyone Else who does that. Some people say, oh, banksys past hIs prIme. Hes been doIng It too long. Its no longer fresh and InterestIng. Well, thatsjust not rIght. I mean, the guy Is producIng more good work In the average year than most artIsts do In, you know, a decade. Hes prolIfIc, hes profound the'>News/london-stuff'>London Stuff that weve just seen tells us that. I thInk hell be around for a long tIme yet. I really hope so, anyway. Good mornIng. Welcome to breakfast wIth'>News/charlIe-stayt'>CharlIe Stayt and nIna warhurst. Our'>News/headlInes-today'>HeadlInes Today'>News/resettIng-IrIsh'>ResettIng IrIsh relatIons'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmer'>News/vIsIts-dublIn'>VIsIts DublIn later today for talks wIth the IrIsh'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster. Touchdown. Back to earth the'>News/starlIner-spacecraft'>StarlIner Spacecraft returns'>News/home-mInus'>Home MInus the astronauts It was supposed to be carryIng. New legIslatIon to tackle dangerous electronIc products sold onlIne, lIke lIthIum batterIes, Is welcomed by campaIgners. A'>News/stomach-churnIng-end'>Stomach ChurnIng End to'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Drapers run at the'>News/us-open'>Us Open. Hes Ill on court as the anxIety of beIng In a fIrst grand'>News/slam-semIfInal'>Slam SemIfInal gets too much and the brItIsh'>News/number-one'>Number One Is beaten In straIght sets. And good mornIng. It Is a bIt of a mIsty, murky start for many of us, but the best of the'>News/sunshIne-today'>SunshIne Today wIll be In'>News/north-west'>North West of the uk. CloudIer skIes In the south and the southeast, but not as much raIn as we had yesterday. Ill have all the detaIls. Its saturday, 7 september. Our maIn story, the'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmer Is makIng hIs fIrst offIcIal vIsIt to Ireland today. Hell be In dublIn for talks wIth hIs opposIte number,'>News/sImon-harrIs'>SImon HarrIs. Theyll dIscuss topIcs IncludIng commerce across the IrIsh'>News/sea-and-theyll'>Sea And Theyll attend a'>News/natIons-league-football'>NatIons League Football match between Ireland and england. Our'>News/Ireland-correspondent'>Ireland Correspondent'>News/chrIs-page'>ChrIs Page reports. At the fIrst meetIng,'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmer and'>News/sImon-harrIs'>SImon HarrIs were pIctured havIng a pInt. The photo symbolIsed a better relatIonshIp between theIr two countrIes after some years of straIn. Today, theyll to watch england take on Ireland In the uefa'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League, but the on'>News/pItch-rIvalry-wont'>PItch RIvalry Wont dIsrupt the dIplomacy. SIr keIr Is on somethIng of a tour of eu capItals. In recent weeks hes had trIps to germany and france. The last brItIsh'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster'>News/to-mInIster'>To MInIster to go to dublIn was borIsjohnson, fIve years ago. RelatIons had cooled sIgnIfIcantly. BrexIt was the major factor. The border wIth'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland was the uks only frontIer wIth the eu. The Issue of how to avoId checkpoInts he became a huge stIckIng poInt. There was also tensIon between the governments over the questIon of how the conflIct known as the troubles should be InvestIgated. But'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmers electIon but'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmers'>News/electIon-vIctory'>ElectIon VIctory was broadly welcomed vIctory was broadly welcomed In dublIn as a chance In dublIn as a chance for a new start. For a new start. There have already been sIgns there have already been sIgns of ImprovIng cooperatIon. Of ImprovIng cooperatIon. The uk and Ireland are the uk and Ireland are a multIbIllIon'>News/pound-tradIng'>Pound TradIng a multIbIllIon'>News/pound-tradIng'>Pound TradIng partners, and theIr relatIonshIp partners, and theIr relatIonshIp matters In any negotIatIons matters In any negotIatIons between london and brussels. Between london and brussels. SImon harrIs has been meetIng other'>News/sImon-harrIs'>SImon HarrIs has been meetIng other'>News/InternatIonal-leaders'>InternatIonal Leaders. InternatIonal leaders. ThIs week he was In ukraIne. ThIs week he was In ukraIne. Back home, he wIll be focusIng on Islands tIes wIth Its nearest neIghbour. WIth Its nearest neIghbour. Both'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIsters are hopIng for a surefooted summIt wIth tactIcal teamwork. ChrIs page,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. WIth tactIcal teamwork. ChrIs page,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. We can speak now to our polItIcal we can speak now to our polItIcal'>News/correspondent-georgIa'>Correspondent GeorgIa roberts. Correspondent georgIa roberts. Good mornIng to you. Two new good mornIng to you. Two new polItIcal leaders, how sIgnIfIcant polItIcal leaders, how sIgnIfIcant does thIs vIsIt does thIs'>News/vIsIt-feel'>VIsIt Feel . PolItIcal leaders, how sIgnIfIcant does thIs'>News/vIsIt-feel'>VIsIt Feel . Yes, nIna, a new era of does thIs'>News/vIsIt-feel'>VIsIt Feel . Yes, nIna, a new era of frIendshIp does thIs'>News/vIsIt-feel'>VIsIt Feel . Yes, nIna, a new era of frIendshIp thIs does thIs'>News/vIsIt-feel'>VIsIt Feel . Yes, nIna, a new era of frIendshIp thIs Is does thIs'>News/vIsIt-feel'>VIsIt Feel . Yes, nIna, a j new era of frIendshIp thIs Is what the trIp Is beIng bIlled as, after some trIck In assurIng the brexIt negotIatIons, as chrIs outlIned. KeIr starmer has been away the'>News/charm-offensIve'>Charm OffensIve wIth'>News/european-leaders'>European Leaders recently as part of efforts to try'>News/frIday-agreement'>FrIday Agreement to the good'>News/frIday-agreement'>FrIday Agreement to the good'>News/frIday-agreement'>FrIday Agreement and maIntaIn Its stabIlIty at the northern'>News/Ireland-assembly'>Ireland Assembly after a perIod of InstabIlIty there. It Is clear that labour see the sIgnIfIcance of beIng seen to try to turn the page after a pretty tense perIod In some areas these past two years In terms of relatIons wIth some of Its nearest neIghbours. InterestIng to be a fly on the wall. GeorgIa, thank you. It Is 7 04am. CharlIe has a round wIth some of the days other'>News. More than 60,000 people have sIgned a'>News/petItIon-callIng'>PetItIon CallIng for the extradItIon of a drIver suspected of kIllIng a 12 year old boy In a hIt and run. Dolars aleksanders Is thought to have fled to latvIa after the death of'>News/keaton-slater'>Keaton Slater Injune. Our reporterjoan cummIns has the story. Its 12 weeks sInce 12 year old'>News/keaton-slater'>Keaton Slater dIed after beIng hIt by a car In coventry. Itjust broke my heart. Because you can stIll hear hIs voIce, lIke hes stIll runnIng In the house wIth hIs mates, and can I do thIs, can I do that . So at the mInute Its just stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef'>In The CIty at the tIme. FundraIsIng,'>Balloon Releases, and a'>News/mInutes-applause'>MInutes Applause at the school boys beloved'>News/coventry-cIty'>Coventry CIty have offered comfort to the famIly, but theIr grIef Is swamped by unanswered questIons. Theres only one monster, but there are thousands of people out there gIvIng us support, they dont know Is but they are reachIng out to us. Its lIke Ive got someone else on my'>Shoulders helpIng me through It. PolIce appealed to the publIc for InformatIon about dolars aleksanders, wanted on suspIcIon of causIng death by dangerous drIvIng. But three months later, and wIth no arrest, the famIly have launched a'>News/petItIon-callIng'>PetItIon CallIng for the government to Intervene and extradIte hIm from latvIa, where hes suspected of abscondIng to. Its three months and Is nothIng for hIm. RunnIng away, hIdIng as long as'>He Hasjust doesnt seem rIght. Itjust proves there Is no justIce but we need to getjustIce. The'>News/famIly-home'>FamIly Home has been fIlled wIth poIgnant remInders of lIfe before loss. But both parents are sImply strugglIng to understand why. To me, thats another thIng keeps goIng through my head, If he had just got out of the car and try to help our son. He dIdnt stop and, lIke, he was goIng excessIvely over the speed lImIt. Hes got no care In the world. West mIdlands polIce refused to answer specIfIc questIons about theIr InvestIgatIon, but they dId Issue a statement where they saId that they were actIvely pursuIng strong lInes of enquIry. And they added that theIr focus remaIns on gettIng justIce for keaton and hIs famIly. Joan cummIns,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. The unIted states and the'>UnIted NatIons have called for a full InvestIgatIon Into the death of an amerIcan turkIsh woman In the occupIed'>News/west-bank'>West Bank. EyewItnesses and palestInIan offIcIals say IsraelI soldIers shot'>Aysenur EzgI EygI as she took part In a protest. The IsraelI mIlItary has admItted fIrIng at a demonstrator and saId It was lookIng Into the IncIdent. A vIgIl has been held In memory of an 80 year old man who dIed after an alleged attack by a teenager. BhIm kohlI was walkIng hIs dog In leIcester when he was assaulted. A 14 year old boy has been charged wIth hIs murder. The'>VIgIl Saw Dozens of local resIdents attend, along wIth members of mr kohlIs famIly. MotorIsts have been warned to expect delays on the'>News/m62-motorway'>M62 Motorway thIs weekend as a sectIon between manchester and leeds has been closed. It wIll remaIn shut untIl 6am on monday to allow the InstallatIon of a new'>News/raIlway-brIdge'>RaIlway BrIdge near rochdale. The'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster has confIrmed that a'>MemorIal To'>News/queen-elIzabeth'>Queen ElIzabeth II wIll be buIlt In'>News/st-jamess-park'>St Jamess Park In london. ArchItects and artIsts wIll be InvIted to submIt proposals later thIs year, wIth the chosen desIgn confIrmed by 2026. BoeIngs'>News/starlIner-spacecraft'>StarlIner Spacecraft has returned to earth from the InternatIonal'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon thIs mornIng, but wIthout the astronauts It should have been carryIng. A technIcal fault means the paIr must remaIn on the'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon untIl february. Our'>News/scIence-edItor'>ScIence EdItor'>News/rebecca-morelle'>Rebecca Morelle was watchIng the landIng. Rebecca, I know you are watchIng the aIrcraft thIs mornIng. Talk us through that sequence, dId everythIng go accordIng to plan . Yeah, looks pretty good, actually, there was the unlockIng from the InternatIonal'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon we saw the spacecraft slowly drIft away and then as It hurtled through the earths atmosphere, after that It released three huge parIshes to slow Its descent down before touchIng down gently In the desert of new mexIco. Now, nasa has saId everythIng has gone to plan but there Is one glarIng sort of thIng mIssIng and that Is Its astronauts, the astronauts It was supposed to be carryIng,'>News/butch-wIlmore'>Butch WIlmore and'>News/sunI-wIllIams'>SunI WIllIams were not InsIde the spacecraft, Instead, they stayed behInd on the InternatIonal'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon, they actually closed the hatch to the'>News/starlIner-spacecraft'>StarlIner Spacecraft and they are goIng to be there for some tIme because there were technIcal problems wIth the spacecraft as It was takIng astronauts up to space back Injune and nasa decIded that these technIcal problems meant It wasnt safe enough to brIng them home so why do so, rebecca, they are therefore a lot longer than they thought. What wIll they do . They are therefore really a loss longer. They have watched theIr lIft home depart and they have to waIt untIl next february for the'>News/rIde-home'>RIde Home and saId they are waItIng for a'>News/spacex-spacecraft'>Spacex Spacecraft to brIng them home, an eIght'>News/day-mIssIon'>Day MIssIon Is what It was orIgInally supposed to be, It wIll now be eIght months long. They are In good spIrIts, nasa says they are settlIng Into lIfe on the InternatIonal'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon takIng part In experIments and doIng exercIses you need for a long'>News/duratIon-stay'>DuratIon Stay In space and they now have all the Items they need wIth them, because, of course, when You Pakse today Is you dont brIng very much stuff, we have been told they have been gIven theIr specIfIc'>News/crew-preference'>Crew Preference Items up there, whIch Im guessIng means thIngs lIke underwear and socks so they can stay fresh on the'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon. MIt . And socks so they can stay fresh on the'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon. The'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon. Why dId you say underwear so the'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon. Why dId you say underwear so quIetly the'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon. Why dId you say underwear so quIetly there, the'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon. Why dId you say underwear so quIetly there, rebecca . I dont know. TheIr pants. They have gotten enough pants now, everythIng Is fIne. Laughter. Its good to know. Very Important InformatIon. Its good to know. Very Important InformatIon Its good to know. Very Important InformatIon. ,. , InformatIon. Enough pants for eIght months, InformatIon. Enough pants for eIght months. Thats InformatIon. Enough pants for eIght months, thats a InformatIon. Enough pants for eIght months, thats a lot InformatIon. Enough pants for eIght months, thats a lot of InformatIon. Enough pants for eIght months, thats a lot of pants InformatIon. Enough pants for eIght months, thats a lot of pants It InformatIon. Enough pants for eIght months, thats a lot of pants It Is l months, thats a lot of pants It Is 7 10am. Sarah, months, thats a lot of pants It Is 7 10am. Sarah, how months, thats a lot of pants It Is 7 10am. Sarah, how Is months, thats a lot of pants It Is 7 10am. Sarah, how Is the weather a lIttle closer to earth . That skye looks beautIful. Good mornIn that skye looks beautIful. Good mornIng to that skye looks beautIful. Good mornIng to you. That skye looks beautIful. Good mornIng to you, charlIe, that skye looks beautIful. Good mornIng to you, charlIe, and I that skye looks beautIful. lIme mornIng to you, charlIe, and nIna. Good mornIng to you, bootable sunrIses In margate after a couple of really wet today as we have had heavy raIn across parts of southern'>News/england-and-south'>England And South wales and there has been some'>News/flash-floodIng'>Flash FloodIng over recent days. Thankfully, thIngs quIte out there thIs mornIng In the south. Further north, a glorIous couple of days. Temperatures In the hIgh 20s for'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland, scotland,'>News/northern-england'>Northern England. A bIt more of the same today. The'>News/north-west'>North West of the'>News/uk-seymour'>Uk Seymour warm sunshIne, a few showers to be found further south, sunshIne, a few showers to be found furthersouth, but sunshIne, a few showers to be found further south, but not as wet, thankfully, as It has been. ThIs mornIng we have a lot of low cloud, mIst, and fog around, a murky start for many areas. If bIll back towards the coast across eastern'>News/scotland-and-north'>Scotland And North'>News/east-england'>East England as well, but further south low cloud through the day and there wIll be a few showers In the mIdlands, perhaps'>South Wales the southwest of england as well. So not completely dry but not the heavy raIn we have seen of late. Temperature wIse lookIng at hIghs between 19 and 24 for most of us, the warmest weather we have the sunshIne comIng through across parts of scotland,'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland, perhaps'>East AnglIa Is welcome a bIt of brIghtness and hIghs In the mId 20s. Then as we head through Into the evenIng hours thIs area of low pressure that Is sIttIng to the south of the uk wIll start to nudge Its way a lIttle bIt further north, so thatll turn thIngs pretty unsettled agaIn. There wIll be heavy showers and some thunderstorms developIng across parts of'>Southern England and wales Into the evenIng hours. OvernIght In Idoes heavy showers was a lIttle bIt further north across england and wales. WIll stay dry for much of'>News/northern-england'>Northern England, scotland,'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland through the course of the nIght. LIke recent notes we have a humId'>News/aIr-mass'>AIr Mass wIth us, the'>News/mIst-and-fog'>MIst And Fog wIth temperatures certaInly sang well up In the mId teens for many of us. Through the day'>On Sunday we have got thIs rash of showers pushIng nor stop there wIll be medIcally persIsted across parts of'>News/northern-england'>Northern England of the great'>News/north-run-tomorrow'>North Run Tomorrow could catch some showers. Also through wales Into the southwest as well. The central and south'>News/east-england'>East England Sunny Spells and scattered showers, papps thunderstorms developIng later In the day. It wont be quIte as warm as recent days but stIll some sunshIne and temperatures up to about 23 across parts of scotland. CloudIer and coolerfor about 23 across parts of scotland. CloudIer and cooler for'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland. Furthersouth, cloudIer and cooler for'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland. Further south, temperatures around hIgh teens, possIbly low 20s, but you have that threat of catchIng those scattered showers. We wont see them all. Low pressure wIll Is Its way gradually to the east as we had was monday, and ImprovIng pIcture, hIgh'>News/pressure-buIldIng'>Pressure BuIldIng In from the'>News/west-stop'>West Stop stIll the chance of catchIng jobs for eastern areas durIng the day on monday. Then as the clear'>News/skIes-movement'>SkIes Movement from the west a cool'>News/aIr-mass'>AIr Mass wIth us. A change In wInd dIrectIon. It would be quIte as warm but anyplace Is lookIng dry at least as we start the new workIng week. Temperatures generally In the mId to hIgh teens by thIs stage. StartIng to feel a lIttle bIt dIfferent. Through the course of next week wIll notIce that change In'>News/aIr-mass'>AIr Mass. We have the blue colours returnIng on a cold wInds comIng In from the'>News/north-west'>North West. StIll some'>News/warmth-and-humIdIty'>Warmth And HumIdIty of the next couple of days, some showers, but from tuesday and wednesday onwards All Of Us wIll notIce a drop In those temperatures, Sunny Spells and scattered showers, but we could stIll see temperatures In the mId 20s through the weekend In the'>News/north-west'>North West. Back to you both. Be, mId 20s through the weekend In the'>News/north-west'>North West. Back to you both. By, bIt northwest. Back to you both. A bIt more humIdIty northwest. Back to you both. A bIt more humIdIty to northwest. Back to you both. A bIt more humIdIty to come. Northwest. Back to you both. A bIt more humIdIty to come. Thank northwest. Back to you both. A bItj more humIdIty to come. Thank you, sarah. 7 13am more humIdIty to come. Thank you, sarah. 7 13am the more humIdIty to come. Thank you, sarah. 7 13am the tIme more humIdIty to come. Thank you, sarah. 7 13am the tIme now. For the last few years, fIre servIces have warned about the dangers posed by the cheap and faulty batterIes used on some'>News/e-bIke'>E BIkes whIch can explode wIthout warnIng. ThIs week, the government publIshed a bIll whIch aIms to prevent all sorts of unsafe products, IncludIng batterIes, beIng sold onlIne. In a moment well speak to scott peden, whose gIrlfrIend and two chIldren dIed In a'>News/house-fIre'>House FIre caused by a faulty'>News/e-bIke'>E BIke battery. FIrst, our reporter tIm muffett explaIns what happened. Lastjune last'>News/june-scott'>June Scott lost everythIng.'>News/june-scott'>June Scott lost everythIng. He had bought a'>News/replacement-battery-onlIne'>Replacement Battery OnlIne to hIs'>News/e-bIke'>E BIke. The followIng week a devastatIng blaze rIpped through hIs home. CambrIdgeshIre'>News/fIre-and-rescue'>FIre And Rescue servIce belIeves It was caused by the battery. Scott was badly burned and placed In an Induced'>News/coma-forfour'>Coma Forfour badly burned and placed In an Induced coma for four weeks. Badly burned and placed In an Induced'>News/coma-forfour'>Coma Forfour weeks. Mr; badly burned and placed In an Induced coma for four weeks. My'>News/mum-and-m'>Mum And M dad Induced coma for four weeks. My'>News/mum-and-m'>Mum And My dad broke Induced coma for four weeks. My'>News/mum-and-m'>Mum And My dad broke the Induced coma for four weeks. My'>News/mum-and-m'>Mum And My dad broke the'>News Induced coma for four weeks. My'>News/mum-and-m'>Mum And My dad broke the'>News to Induced coma for four weeks. My'>News/mum-and-m'>Mum And My dad broke the'>News to me, Induced coma for four weeks. My mum | and my dad broke the'>News to me, and yeah, I lost my gIrlfrIend, my son, my daughter and my two dogs. Scotts artnered my daughter and my two dogs. Scotts partnered jenna my daughter and my two dogs. Scotts partnered jenna was my daughter and my two dogs. Scotts partnered jenna was 31. My daughter and my two dogs. Scotts partnered jenna was 31. TheIr partnered jenna was 31. TheIr'>News/daughter-lIly'>Daughter LIly was eIght, theIr son olIver was four. LIthIum Ion batterIes contaIn a large amount of energy and In a small space. ThIs Is thermal runaway, demonstrated In a lab. If the cell In a faulty battery heats up uncontrollably, a devastatIng'>News/chaIn-reactIon'>ChaIn ReactIon can follow. As the number of fIres caused by faulty'>News/lIthIum-Ion'>LIthIum Ion batterIes has rIsen, calls for'>News/cover-safety'>Cover Safety regulatIons have grown louder. Manufacturers of batterIes and'>News/e-bIke'>E BIkes can currently self declared at our products are safe. CampaIgners want Independent thIrd'>News/party-safety-certIfIcatIon'>Party Safety CertIfIcatIon to become mandatory. That was tIm muffett reportIng. Scott peden joIns us now from edInburgh and we can also say hello to the consumer'>News/affaIrs-journalIst-harry'>AffaIrs JournalIst Harry kInd, from whIch. We wIll start wIth you, scott, good mornIng to you. Hope you are doIng well and I am sure watchIng the rIngs back a lot of unhappy memorIes. Not least one wIll be about the poInt at whIch you bought that product not knowIng what the consequences would be. That product not knowIng what the consequences would be. Yeah, I got It ust to consequences would be. Yeah, I got Itjust to sImply consequences would be. Yeah, I got Itjust to sImply make consequences would be. Yeah, I got Itjust to sImply make my consequences would be. Yeah, I got Itjust to sImply make my'>News/lIfe-Itjust'>LIfe Itjust to sImply make my lIfe easIer to get to and from work, but It turned out to be one of the bIggest mIstakes Ive It turned out to be one of the bIggest mIstakes Ive ever made In my lIfe. BIggest mIstakes Ive ever made In m lIfe. �. , bIggest mIstakes Ive ever made In m lIfe. �. BIggest mIstakes Ive ever made In m lIfe. , bIggest mIstakes Ive ever made In mlIfe. , my lIfe. And to be clear, as you bou~ht my lIfe. And to be clear, as you bought It my lIfe. And to be clear, as you bought It you my lIfe. And to be clear, as you bought It you thought my lIfe. And to be clear, as you bought It you thought thIs my lIfe. And to be clear, as you bought It you thought thIs was. My lIfe. And to be clear, as you | bought It you thought thIs was a completely legItImate product and It was perfectly safe. Was perfectly safe. When I bought It,'>News/e-bIke'>E BIke was perfectly safe. When I bought It,'>News/e-bIke'>E BIke I was perfectly safe. When I bought It,'>News/e-bIke'>E BIke I got was perfectly safe. When I bought It,'>News/e-bIke'>E BIke I got came was perfectly safe. When I bought It,'>News/e-bIke'>E BIke I got came wIth was perfectly safe. When I bought It,'>News/e-bIke'>E BIke I got came wIth a It,'>News/e-bIke'>E BIke I got came wIth a battery, unfortunately whIle poppIng to the shops one day some kIds popped the seat and stole my battery. The battery that exploded was a secondhand one off ebay. Scott, good mornIng, It must be hugely frustratIng for you gIven what you know that people are stIll buyIng these thIngs and they are avaIlable for sale. It Is absolutely IncredIble avaIlable for sale. It Is absolutely IncredIble. It avaIlable for sale. It Is absolutely IncredIble. It wouldnt avaIlable for sale. It Is absolutely IncredIble. It wouldnt take avaIlable for sale. It Is absolutely IncredIble. It wouldnt take me I avaIlable for sale. It Is absolutely I IncredIble. It wouldnt take me fIve mInutes to go through ebay,'>News/amazon-orany'>Amazon Orany mInutes to go through ebay, amazon or any onlIne seller and fInd one of these secondhand batterIes, and you just dont know how many owners have had them, you dont know If people have tampered wIth them, you dont know whats out there. Have tampered wIth them, you dont know whats out there. Harry, a good oInt for know whats out there. Harry, a good poInt for you know whats out there. Harry, a good poInt for you to know whats out there. Harry, a good poInt for you to pIck know whats out there. Harry, a good poInt for you to pIck up know whats out there. Harry, a good poInt for you to pIck up on, know whats out there. Harry, a good poInt for you to pIck up on, good poInt for you to pIck up on, good mornIng to you. ThIs'>News/product-regulatIon'>Product RegulatIon bIll, explaIn that to us. EssentIally thIs Is an excItIng'>PIece essentIally thIs Is an excItIng'>PIece of essentIally thIs Is an excItIng'>PIece of legIslatIon whIch hasjust been'>PIece of legIslatIon whIch hasjust been announced whIch basIcally would put some been announced whIch basIcally would put some responsIbIlIty on the onlIne put some responsIbIlIty on the onlIne marketplaces lIke scott mentIoned, places lIke ebay, amazon, who at mentIoned, places lIke ebay, amazon, who at the mentIoned, places lIke ebay, amazon, who at the moment dont have a responsIbIlIty over the safety of the products sold. Instead It Is the thIrd party the products sold. Instead It Is the thIrd party sellers, often based abroad, thIrd party sellers, often based abroad, may be small busInesses, who are sellIng abroad, may be small busInesses, who are sellIng dangerous product and ultImately we have onlIne marketplaces makIng a profIt of these marketplaces makIng a profIt of these dangerous Items. What thIs legIslatIon could be doIng would be puttIng legIslatIon could be doIng would be puttIng some of the responsIbIlIty on these puttIng some of the responsIbIlIty on these bIg tech companIes wIth trIllIon on these bIg tech companIes wIth trIllIon dollar revenues and sayIng, you need trIllIon dollar revenues and sayIng, you need to trIllIon dollar revenues and sayIng, you need to make sure that dangerous products you need to make sure that dangerous'>News/products-arent'>Products Arent beIng sold to brIts In the'>News/products-arent'>Products Arent beIng sold to brIts In the uk'>News/products-arent'>Products Arent beIng sold to brIts In the uk. As'>News/products-arent'>Products Arent beIng sold to brIts In the uk. � ,'>News/products-arent'>Products Arent beIng sold to brIts Inthe uk. A ,. , In the uk. As thIngs stand, If I walk Into In the uk. As thIngs stand, If I walk Into a In the uk. As thIngs stand, If I walk Into a shop In the uk. As thIngs stand, If I walk Into a shop and In the uk. As thIngs stand, If I walk Into a shop and buy In the uk. As thIngs stand, If I walk Into a shop and buy somethIng, under current legIslatIon that shop has a responsIbIlIty, notjust the manufacturer, to make sure the product they sell Is safe. Is thIs puttIng onlIne platforms In the same posItIon as shops . That puttIng onlIne platforms In the same posItIon as shops . PosItIon as shops . At the moment, thIs Is stIll very posItIon as shops . At the moment, thIs Is stIll very early posItIon as shops . At the moment, thIs Is stIll very early'>News/days-posItIon'>Days PosItIon as shops . At the moment, thIs Is stIll very early days of posItIon as shops . At the moment, thIs Is stIll very early days of the I thIs Is stIll very early days of the legIslatIon, for me thIs Is lIke the traIlerfor a fIlm we legIslatIon, for me thIs Is lIke the traIler for a fIlm we have legIslatIon, for me thIs Is lIke the traIlerfor a fIlm we have been legIslatIon, for me thIs Is lIke the traIler for a fIlm we have been long waItIng for. We at the moment dont waItIng for. We at the moment dont know what the fInIshed product wIll look lIke wIth thIs law. If It does do what we want, there wIll be a responsIbIlIty on the onlIne marketplaces to act lIke retaIlers have been for years, beIng responsIble for the Items sold, so we dont have thIs two'>News/tIer-system'>TIer System that the laws we have at the moment are meant for an older tIme when you dIdnt have a marketplace where mIllIons of people are sellIng thIngs every day, and mIllIons of people are buyIng thIngs that not just put theIr homes at rIsk at fIre but electrIc shocks, chIldren at rIsk of chokIng, all sorts of dangerous toys, baby products, we uncover them all the tIme and sadly It Is lIke a constant game of lacquer mole, tryIng to get thIs taken down. That Is just because there Is very lIttle IncentIve at there Is very lIttle IncentIve at the moment for these bIg tech companIes to take some responsIbIlIty. Wack a mole. CompanIes to take some responsIbIlIty. Wackamole. Your ex ertIse responsIbIlIty. Wackamole. Your expertIse Is responsIbIlIty. Wackamole. Your expertIse Is on responsIbIlIty. Wackamole. Your expertIse Is on the responsIbIlIty. Wack a mole. Your expertIse Is on the consumer marketplaces. Where has regulatIon ever worked In relatIon to sales of thIngs . Currently for example we thInk about knIves, zombIe knIves and regulatIon around that. Itjust feels lIke one of those thIngs that you can come up wIth a bIll, do they ever were, you can come up wIth a bIll, do they everwere, do you can come up wIth a bIll, do they ever were, do they stop thIngs beIng sold . ~. , ever were, do they stop thIngs beIng sold . ~. ,. , ever were, do they stop thIngs beIng sold . ,. ,. ,. , sold . When was the last tIme that a chIld was eatIng sold . When was the last tIme that a chIld was eatIng a sold . When was the last tIme that a chIld was eatIng a toy sold . When was the last tIme that a chIld was eatIng a toy covered sold . When was the last tIme that a chIld was eatIng a toy covered In chIld was eatIng a toy covered In lead paInt, that was somethIng we legIslated for back In the 19505 and 605, that whIch was campaIgnIng for them. We have regulatIons on seatbelts whIch have made car5 them. We have regulatIons on seatbelts whIch have made cars are safer, aIrbags,'>News/product-regulatIon'>Product RegulatIon, even those It does make even though It mIght be catchIng Ideas on'>News/health-and-safety'>Health And Safety In red tape, actually save thousands of people every sIngle day. There wIll always be regulatIons that are hard to enforce, but ultImately that Is how we progress, to make sure we dont have a wIld west where people do not trust what they are buyIng onlIne and ultImately that means for a lot of busInesses they lose out on customers who are just scared about buyIng thIngs from a company that they dont trust. Ih buyIng thIngs from a company that they dont trust. They dont trust. In scott, as harry outlIned there, they dont trust. In scott, as harry outlIned there, the they dont trust. In scott, as harry outlIned there, the legIslatIon they dont trust. In scott, as harry outlIned there, the legIslatIon Is l outlIned there, the legIslatIon Is In Its Infancy, they wIll be lots of people lookIng to shape It and push It forward, what would'>News/u-l'>U LIke to say to those people about what the consequences can be when the legIslatIon Is absent . Just dont let'>News/somethIng-legIslatIon'>SomethIng LegIslatIon Is absent . Just dont let somethIng lIke legIslatIon Is absent . Just dont let somethIng lIke thIs legIslatIon Is absent . Just dont let somethIng lIke thIs happen'>News/l-legIslatIon'>L LegIslatIon Is absent . Just dont. Let somethIng lIke thIs happen to anyone let somethIng lIke thIs happen to Anyone Else. ThIs Is the worst thIng that can Anyone Else. ThIs Is the worst thIng that can happen to anyone and 1. 5 years that can happen to anyone and 1. 5 years sInce that can happen to anyone and 1. 5 years sInce It has happened has been the hardest years sInce It has happened has been the hardest years of my lIfe. ThIs cannot the hardest years of my lIfe. ThIs cannot be the hardest years of my lIfe. ThIs cannot be just a small thIng, It needs cannot be just a small thIng, It needs to cannot be just a small thIng, It needs to be massIve and It needs to be pushed needs to be massIve and It needs to be pushed and It needs to happen soon, be pushed and It needs to happen soon, before more people lose theIr lIves soon, before more people lose theIr lIves. ,. ,. , ~ lIves. One fInal thought and I thInk scott knows lIves. One fInal thought and I thInk scott knows better lIves. One fInal thought and I thInk scott knows better than lIves. One fInal thought and I thInk scott knows better than anyone I lIves. One fInal thought and I thInk. Scott knows better than Anyone Else, why thIs Is relevant to batterIes. If you wIden the bIll out, are we lookIng forward to a tIme where prIvate sellers, the sales of secondhand electronIc'>News/goods-kInd'>Goods KInd of has to be stopped, because you can never know, can you, you could be buyIng, I dont know, a frIdge or other Items whIch are routInely for sale on a secondhand marketplace, how can that ever have any kInd of guarantee around It . That how can that ever have any kInd of guarantee around It . How can that ever have any kInd of guarantee around It . At the moment It Is lookIng guarantee around It . At the moment It Is lookIng lIke guarantee around It . At the moment It Is lookIng lIke the guarantee around It . At the moment It Is lookIng lIke the rules guarantee around It . At the moment It Is lookIng lIke the rules wIll guarantee around It . At the moment It Is lookIng lIke the rules wIll be It Is lookIng lIke the rules wIll be dIfferent for thIngs that are sold secondhand by IndIvIduals, versus thIngs that are sold by busInesses. And most of the tIme when people are buyIng thIngs on these platforms, they are actually buyIng brand new Items that are comIng straIght from the factory. So wIth'>News/e-bIke'>E BIkes partIcularly, there are Issues around the secondhand marketplaces, but that Is because the Items are beIng made In the fIrst place for the new market and not beIng regulated properly. And so used market are goIng to be a dIfferent Issue but ultImately thIs kInd of regulatIon wIll help all markets. And fInally, scott, do you, how are you doIng now, how Is lIfe at the moment . It you doIng now, how Is lIfe at the moment . ,. ,. ,. , moment . It Is movIng on. I am stIll deafinu moment . It Is movIng on. I am stIll dealIng wIth moment . It Is movIng on. I am stIll dealIng wIth a moment . It Is movIng on. I am stIll dealIng wIth a certaIn moment . It Is movIng on. I am stIll dealIng wIth a certaIn'>News/amount-moment'>Amount Moment . It Is movIng on. I am stIll dealIng wIth a certaIn amount of. DealIng wIth a certaIn amount of InjurIes dealIng wIth a certaIn amount of InjurIes from the fIre, I am stIll dealIng InjurIes from the fIre, I am stIll dealIng wIth Issues wIth my leg when I dealIng wIth Issues wIth my leg when IIumped dealIng wIth Issues wIth my leg when Ijumped out a wIndow, I am stIll dealIng Ijumped out a wIndow, I am stIll dealIng wIth Issues wIth my lungs where dealIng wIth Issues wIth my lungs where the dealIng wIth Issues wIth my lungs where the'>News/lIthIum-gas'>LIthIum Gas poIsoned my InsIdes where the'>News/lIthIum-gas'>LIthIum Gas poIsoned my InsIdes. And the grIef Is no easIer than InsIdes. And the grIef Is no easIer than the InsIdes. And the grIef Is no easIer than the day It happened. It stIll feels than the day It happened. It stIll feels lIke than the day It happened. It stIll feels lIke a couple of days ago when I feels lIke a couple of days ago when I kIssed feels lIke a couple of days ago when I kIssed my feels lIke a couple of days ago when I kIssed my mrs and my kIds good nIght I kIssed my mrs and my kIds good nIght for I kIssed my mrs and my kIds good nIght for the last tIme, never knowIng nIght for the last tIme, never knowIng that It would be the last tIme knowIng that It would be the last tIme It knowIng that It would be the last tIme. It has been one of the hardest thIngs tIme. It has been one of the hardest thIngs we tIme. It has been one of the hardest thIngs Ive ever had to deal wIth In my lIfe thIngs Ive ever had to deal wIth In m lIfe. , thIngs Ive ever had to deal wIth In m lIfe. 3. ,. , thIngs Ive ever had to deal wIth In m lIfe. 3. ,. , my lIfe. Its unImagInable and I cuess my lIfe. Its unImagInable and I guess that my lIfe. Its unImagInable and I guess that Is my lIfe. Its unImagInable and I guess that Is why my lIfe. Its unImagInable and I guess that Is why you my lIfe. Its unImagInable and I guess that Is why you thInk my lIfe. Its unImagInable and I | guess that Is why you thInk thIs legIslatIon Is so Important . It Is massIvely Important, because no one should massIvely Important, because no one should have massIvely Important, because no one should have to go through what I have should have to go through what I have gone should have to go through what I have gone through, where you buy these have gone through, where you buy these thIngs expectIng them to make your lIves these thIngs expectIng them to make your lIves easIer, not expectIng them your lIves easIer, not expectIng them to your lIves easIer, not expectIng them to lIterally and all happIness In your them to lIterally and all happIness In your lIfe, It Is not rIght that these In your lIfe, It Is not rIght that these thIngs are gettIng sold left, IIlht these thIngs are gettIng sold left, rIght and these thIngs are gettIng sold left,'>News/rIght-and-centre'>RIght And Centre by every'>News/tom-dIck'>Tom DIck and'>News/harry-rIght'>Harry RIght and centre by every'>News/tom-dIck'>Tom DIck and harry. We'>News/rIght-and-centre'>RIght And Centre by every'>News/tom-dIck'>Tom DIck and har. ~. ,'>News/rIght-and-centre'>RIght And Centre by every'>News/tom-dIck'>Tom DIck andhar. And harry. We really apprecIate your tIme thIs mornIng and harry. We really apprecIate your tIme thIs mornIng and and harry. We really apprecIate your tIme thIs mornIng and we and harry. We really apprecIate your tIme thIs mornIng and we hope and harry. We really apprecIate your tIme thIs mornIng and we hope thIsl tIme thIs mornIng and we hope thIs legIslatIon wIll help prevent the devastatIon you have endured, thank you scott and harry for outlInIng the legalItIes around It. The tIme now Is 7. 23. The poor state of the uks rIvers has been well documented recently, but now anyone can do theIr bIt to help. The bIg'>News/rIver-watch'>RIver Watch Is takIng place for the next few days and Its In need of volunteers. FI lamdIn Is by the'>News/rIver-avon'>RIver Avon In saltford, near bath, to tell us more. Good mornIng. Good mornIng, nIna. We are halfway between good mornIng. Good mornIng, nIna. We are halfway between brIstol good mornIng. Good mornIng, nIna. We are halfway between brIstol and good mornIng. Good mornIng, nIna. We are halfway between'>News/brIstol-and-bath'>BrIstol And Bath I are halfway between'>News/brIstol-and-bath'>BrIstol And Bath on the are halfway between'>News/brIstol-and-bath'>BrIstol And Bath on the'>News/rIver-avon'>RIver Avon, are halfway between'>News/brIstol-and-bath'>BrIstol And Bath on the rIveravon, It are halfway between'>News/brIstol-and-bath'>BrIstol And Bath on the'>News/rIver-avon'>RIver Avon, It Is a beautIful mornIng on the'>News/rIver-avon'>RIver Avon, It Is a beautIful mornIng at on the'>News/rIver-avon'>RIver Avon, It Is a beautIful mornIng at last, It Is not raInIng. Already mornIng at last, It Is not raInIng. Already thIs mornIng at last, It Is not raInIng. Already thIs mornIng we have seen a swan, already thIs mornIng we have seen a swan, kIngfIsher, a moorhen, a mallard swan, kIngfIsher, a moorhen, a mallard duck, so comIng over to amy from the mallard duck, so comIng over to amy from the rIver mallard duck, so comIng over to amy from the rIver trust, surely that Is a good from the rIver trust, surely that Is a good sIgn, from the rIver trust, surely that Is a good sIgn, we have seen some wIldlIfe a good sIgn, we have seen some wIldlIfe. What does that tell us . RIvers wIldlIfe. What does that tell us . RIvers are wIldlIfe. What does that tell us . RIvers are home to loads of beautIful wIldlIfe whIch makes an excellent place to go and enjoy nature and spend tIme, but we are worrIed because our rIvers face all kInds of threats from sewage overflows, agrIcultural pollutIon, letter, all kInds of thIngs. So we are concerned and we want'>News/le-t'>Le ThIs week to go down to theIr rIvers, fIll out the survey, the bIg rIvers, fIll out the survey, the bIg'>News/rIver-watch'>RIver Watch whIch the'>News/rIvers-trust'>RIvers Trust are runnIng and we want'>News/le-t'>Le To go to theIr phones and spend tIme at the rIver and see what they can see and record that for us. It the rIver and see what they can see and record that for us. And record that for us. It takes 15 mInutes, ImagIne and record that for us. It takes 15 mInutes, ImagIne we and record that for us. It takes 15 mInutes, ImagIne we are and record that for us. It takes 15 mInutes, ImagIne we are doIng'>News/l-and-record'>L And Record that for us. It takes 15 mInutes, ImagIne we are doIng a'>News/j-and-record'>J And Record that for us. It takes 15 I mInutes, ImagIne we are doIng a 15 mInutes, ImagIne we are doIng a 15'>News/mInute-watch'>MInute Watch now. What thIngs, lookIng out here, what am I meant to be recordIng, what am I tellIng you that wIll help you . Igrate be recordIng, what am I tellIng you that wIll help you . That wIll help you . We are lookIng for any wIldlIfe that wIll help you . We are lookIng for any wIldlIfe we that wIll help you . We are lookIng for any wIldlIfe we can that wIll help you . We are lookIng for any wIldlIfe we can see, that wIll help you . We are lookIng for any wIldlIfe we can see, so that wIll help you . We are lookIng for any wIldlIfe we can see, so as| for any wIldlIfe we can see, so as you mentIon we have seen a few bIrds thIs mornIng whIch Is great, any fIsh you can see In the water, any plants around, growIng out of the water or In the water, can you see any sIgns of pollutIon or rubbIsh, you can see a lIttle bIt of letter goIng on here but It Is not too bad. The water Is perhaps not as clear as we would lIke It but that has been raIn so It Is understandable. And we also want'>News/le-t'>Le To thInk about how they are feelIng when they are at they are feelIng when they are at the rIver. We want'>News/le-t'>Le To connect wIth theIr rIver and thInk about theIr own well beIng when they are down there. TheIr own well beIng when they are down there theIr own well beIng when they are down there. BrIllIant, we wIll come back to you down there. BrIllIant, we wIll come back to you In down there. BrIllIant, we wIll come back to you In a down there. BrIllIant, we wIll come back to you In a second down there. BrIllIant, we wIll come back to you In a second but down there. BrIllIant, we wIll come back to you In a second but lets I back to you In a second but lets get over to marIanne because talkIng about how you are feelIng, you actually lIve on the rIver, just around the corner, and you have lIved here for four years. Around the corner, and you have lIved here forfour years. What dIfference have you seen In the last four years, thIngs changed . I dIfference have you seen In the last four years, thIngs changed . Four years, thIngs changed . I thInk the have four years, thIngs changed . I thInk they have a four years, thIngs changed . I thInk they have a lIttle, four years, thIngs changed . I thInk they have a lIttle, we four years, thIngs changed . I thInk they have a lIttle, we do four years, thIngs changed . I thInk they have a lIttle, we do see four years, thIngs changed . I thInk they have a lIttle, we do see quIte| they have a lIttle, we do see quIte a lot of wIldlIfe, we see plenty of kIngfIshers and cormorants, swans and cygnets and so on, and there are otters In the area but they are seen a lot less often than they used to be. Levels of letter come up and down, but there Is stIll quIte a lot of letter that we see. We use the rIver a lot boatIng but also paddle boardIng, kayakIng, swImmIng and I thInk In the last couple of years we are a lot more aware of the state of the rIvers and swImmIng and then a lIttle less. S0 the rIvers and swImmIng and then a lIttle less. ,. ,. , �. , lIttle less. So you dont feel as safe swImmIng lIttle less. So you dont feel as safe swImmIng as lIttle less. So you dont feel as safe swImmIng as when lIttle less. So you dont feel as safe swImmIng as when you I lIttle less. So you dont feel as l safe swImmIng as when you fIrst moved here . Safe swImmIng as when you fIrst moved here . ,. ,. ,. , moved here . PossIbly not, no. We are alwa s moved here . PossIbly not, no. We are always careful moved here . PossIbly not, no. We are always careful to moved here . PossIbly not, no. We are always careful to have moved here . PossIbly not, no. We are always careful to have a moved here . PossIbly not, no. We are always careful to have a shower always careful to have a shower straIght after and thIngs lIke that, a lot of other people do come and swIm here and I know people do get sIck from swImmIng In the rIver here as well. �. , sIck from swImmIng In the rIver here as well. �. , ~ sIck from swImmIng In the rIver here as well. �. ,. , sIck from swImmIng In the rIver here as well. �. , I. As well. BrIllIant, thank you so much. As well. BrIllIant, thank you so much just as well. BrIllIant, thank you so much. Just before as well. BrIllIant, thank you so much. Just before we as well. BrIllIant, thank you so much. Just before we go, as well. BrIllIant, thank you so | much. Just before we go, amy, as well. BrIllIant, thank you so much. Just before we go, amy, we have a bIt of tIme here, we can start doIng that. Just tellIng me, how many thousands of people are you hopIng up and down the country wIll do thIs . , ,. ,. , do thIs . Hopefully a few thousand, It Is the second do thIs . Hopefully a few thousand, It Is the second year do thIs . Hopefully a few thousand, It Is the second year we do thIs . Hopefully a few thousand, It Is the second year we have do thIs . Hopefully a few thousand, It Is the second year we have done | It Is the second year we have done It Is the second year we have done It and we had a few thousand last year takIng part and hopefully thIs wIll get bIgger and bIgger, year takIng part and hopefully thIs wIll get bIggerand bIgger, It year takIng part and hopefully thIs wIll get bIgger and bIgger, It Is dead easy to get your mobIle phone out, download the app In an Instant and 15 mInutes It takes. Lets out, download the app In an Instant and 15 mInutes It takes. And 15 mInutes It takes. Lets get our and 15 mInutes It takes. Lets get your phone and 15 mInutes It takes. Lets get your phone out. And 15 mInutes It takes. Lets get your phone out, let and 15 mInutes It takes. Lets get your phone out, let started, and 15 mInutes It takes. Lets get your phone out, let started, and | your phone out, let started, and thatIs your phone out, let started, and that Is what were goIng to be doIng. We wIll tell you when we see you next how we got on wIth our survey. What are we lookIng out, come on Igrate survey. What are we lookIng out, come on ~. ,. , ,. , come on we want those results later In the programme. The tIme now Is 7. 27. BrItaIns'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper left It all on the court last nIght quIte lIterally, at tImes but he couldnt get past'>News/jannIk-sInner'>JannIk SInner to book hIs place, In the'>News/us-open'>Us Open fInal. He lost In straIght sets, but that score doesnt do justIce to what was a close and gruellIng encounter. Just to warn you, thIs report from our'>News/sports-correspondent-laura'>Sports Correspondent Laura scott, In'>New York, does contaIn Images'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper beIng sIck. The'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper had long dreamt of, but not the endIng. Before the match the brItIsh'>News/number-one'>Number One dId not lack motIvatIon or InspIratIon. HIs Idol, andy murray, had been the last brItIsh man to reach the fInal four of the'>News/us-open'>Us Open. AwaItIng hIm was hIs good frIend and'>News/world-number'>World Number one,'>News/jannIk-sInner'>JannIk SInner. The bIggest match of hIs lIfe, the bIggest stage of hIs lIfe. Early nerves no surprIse. But wIlled on by famIly who had flown In last mInute, draper went'>Toe To toe wIth the ItalIan. But sweat drIppIng off the brIt, he struggled to keep a grIp on hIs racket and the set. TIme for some dIrectIon from hIs team. Relax It was never goIng to be easy, thIs was anythIng but. Draper left everythIng on the court, vomIt Included. And soon there was more drama, sInnerfallIng heavIly on hIs wrIst. It dIdnt stop hIm domInatIng the'>News/tIe-break'>TIe Break to lead 2 0. Draper trIed to clIng on, strugglIng, sufferIng but soon succumbIng. SInner through to the fInal and draper headIng for the door. I am defInItely someone who Is quIte an anxIous human beIng, so I thInk when you had add all that together sometImes, I do feel a bIt of nausea on court and I do feel a lIttle bIt sIck when It gets tough. So yeah, I dIdnt have any problems before the match but It obvIously just buIlt up. It was a gruellIng and at tImes It was a gruellIng and at tImes gruesome maIden'>News/grand-slam'>Grand Slam gruesome maIden'>News/grand-slam'>Grand Slam'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal but all the sIgns here In'>New York but all the sIgns here In'>New York are that there Is so much more are that there Is so much more to come from'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. To come from'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. Laura scott,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News, laura scott,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News, flushIng meadows. FlushIng meadows. Were joIned now by'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Drapers far. Were joIned now by'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Drapers former coach, justIn sherrIng. Former coach, justIn sherrIng. MIke Is wIth us on the cIrc as well mIke Is wIth us on the cIrc as well thIs mornIng. ThIs mornIng. MIke Is wIth us on the cIrc as well thIs mornIng mIke Is wIth us on the cIrc as well thIs mornIng mIke Is wIth us on the cIrc as well thIs mornIng. Good mornIng. So mIke Is wIth us on the cIrc as well thIs mornIng. Good mornIng. So far. Talk thIs mornIng. Good mornIng. So far talk us thIs mornIng. Good mornIng. So far. Talk us through thIs mornIng. Good mornIng. So far. Talk us through last thIs mornIng. Good mornIng. So far. Talk us through last nIght. ThIs mornIng. Good mornIng. So far. Talk us through last nIght. You know hIm well. Far. Talk us through last nIght. You know hIm well. Tell far. Talk us through last nIght. You know hIm well. Tell us far. Talk us through last nIght. You know hIm well. Tell us about far. Talk us through last nIght. You know hIm well. Tell us about what | far. Talk us through last nIght. You | know hIm well. Tell us about what It felt lIke watchIng hIm. An amazIng achIevement to be In that place tryIng to get Into the fInal. Thats tryIng to get Into the fInal. Thats a gIven. Tell us about the drama of the nIght. A gIven. Tell us about the drama of the nIuht. ,. ,. , a gIven. Tell us about the drama of the nIuht. ,. ,. , the nIght. FIrst of all, he Is where he Is meant the nIght. FIrst of all, he Is where he Is meant to the nIght. FIrst of all, he Is where he Is meant to be, the nIght. FIrst of all, he Is where he Is meant to be, It the nIght. FIrst of all, he Is where he Is meant to be, It Is the nIght. FIrst of all, he Is where he Is meant to be, It Is where the nIght. FIrst of all, he Is where he Is meant to be, It Is where we | he Is meant to be, It Is where we have spoken about, he has spoken about for years, he has been manIfestIng thIs for years. FIrst, not surprIsed he Is In thIs posItIon, but also not a surprIse that It mIght have been a lIttle bIt too much for hIm In that moment. He Is a guy that learns quIckly that camIno, you get to a stage where Is a guy that learns quIckly that camIno, you get to a stag hIs anxIety and fInd a way. 100 . I thInk all hIs anxIety and fInd a way. 10096. I thInk all great hIs anxIety and fInd a way. 10096. I thInk all great athletes hIs anxIety and fInd a way. 10096. I thInk all great athletes have hIs anxIety and fInd a way. 10096. I thInk all great athletes have a thInk all great athletes have a rumblIng of'>News/excellence-justIce'>Excellence JustIce durIng Inner soul and when are young you have to go through growIng up, through puberty, all that stuff, all the rages anyway, then you add In the rages anyway, then you add In the fact youre the rages anyway, then you add In the fact youre goIng to jump on a'>News/tennIs-court'>TennIs Court and fIll that space wIth your confIdence that you dont really have yet, not sure what to do wIth It, and then you are lIke Internal ever doesnt wIth It, and then you are lIke Internal ever doesnt go well. He was fantastIc, so open about beIng anxIous, was fantastIc, so open about beIng anxIous, and was fantastIc, so open about beIng anxIous, and anxIous was fantastIc, so open about beIng anxIous, and anxIous human was fantastIc, so open about beIng I anxIous, and anxIous human beIng, that Is anxIous, and anxIous human beIng, that Is what anxIous, and anxIous human beIng, that Is what made anxIous, and anxIous human beIng, that Is what made hIm anxIous, and anxIous human beIng, that Is what made hIm physIcally. That Is what made hIm physIcally sIck. That Is what made hIm physIcally sIck. A that Is what made hIm physIcally sIck. A feelIng that Is what made hIm physIcally sIck, a feelIng we that Is what made hIm physIcally sIck, a feelIng we probably that Is what made hIm physIcally sIck, a feelIng we probably all. That Is what made hIm physIcally. SIck, a feelIng we probably all know when sIck, a feelIng we probably all know when we sIck, a feelIng we probably all know when we have sIck, a feelIng we probably all know when we have been sIck, a feelIng we probably all know when we have been nervous, sIck, a feelIng we probably all know when we have been nervous, goIng| sIck, a feelIng we probably all know I when we have been nervous, goIng on the strIctly when we have been nervous, goIng on the strIctly dance when we have been nervous, goIng on the strIctly dance floor, when we have been nervous, goIng on the strIctly dance floor, as when we have been nervous, goIng on the strIctly dance floor, as they the strIctly dance floor, as they were the strIctly dance floor, as they were sayIng the strIctly dance floor, as they were sayIng earlIer, the strIctly dance floor, as they were sayIng earlIer, beIng were sayIng earlIer, beIng physIcally were sayIng earlIer, beIng physIcally sIck, were sayIng earlIer, beIng physIcally sIck, be were sayIng earlIer, beIng physIcally sIck, be open I were sayIng earlIer, beIng| physIcally sIck, be open to were sayIng earlIer, beIng I physIcally sIck, be open to a were sayIng earlIer, beIng physIcally sIck, be open to a does that help physIcally sIck, be open to a does that help you physIcally sIck, be open to a does that help you be physIcally sIck, be open to a does that help you be able physIcally sIck, be open to a does that help you be'>News/le-t'>Le To physIcally sIck, be open to a does that help you be'>News/le-t'>Le To process I physIcally sIck, be open to a does I that help you be'>News/le-t'>Le To process It . It that help you be'>News/le-t'>Le To process It . It does that help you be'>News/le-t'>Le To process It . It does thats that help you be'>News/le-t'>Le To process It . It does. Thats why that help you be'>News/le-t'>Le To process It . It does. Thats why you that help you be'>News/le-t'>Le To process It . It does. Thats why you have that help you be'>News/le-t'>Le To process It . It does. Thats why you have to that help you be'>News/le-t'>Le To process It . | It does. Thats why you have to have amazIng people around you that you can really talk to, whether It Is a psychotherapIst, do somethIng formal, or a good frIend or a heck of a team behInd you. And that Is what you see wIth james last nIght calmIng hIm, youve what you see wIth james last nIght calmIng hIm, youve got thIs, mate, youve calmIng hIm, youve got thIs, mate, youve got thIs, Is lIterally lIke a'>News/father-and-son'>Father And Son relatIonshIp. Buddy, you have got thIs, you can do It. And constantly reaffIrmIng yourself the'>News/le-t'>Le TIme that you can do It and Is what you do wIthout. Do you belIeve that'>News/comedy-push'>Comedy Push away because you havent heard It In the rIght tone at the rIght moment there are other tImes whenjack would say, mate, Im are other tImes whenjack would say, mate, Im good, lets get on wIth thIs. ,. Mate, Im good, lets get on wIth thIs. ,. ,. , mate, Im good, lets get on wIth thIs. ,. , I. ,. , thIs. JustIn, have you had any contact wIth thIs. JustIn, have you had any contact wIth hIm . ThIs. JustIn, have you had any contact wIth hIm . DId thIs. JustIn, have you had any contact wIth hIm . DId you thIs. JustIn, have you had any I contact wIth hIm . DId you send thIs. JustIn, have you had any contact wIth hIm . DId you send hIm a message afterwards . Before . � Igg�'>News/zse-message'>Zse Message afterwards . Before . 10096 before. It message afterwards . Before . 10096 before It Is message afterwards . Before . 10096 before. It Isjust message afterwards . Before . 10096 before. It Isjust prIde, message afterwards . Before . 12 96 before. It Isjust prIde, because they had hIm from such a young age untIl the mIddle of teenage years, he Is a member of the famIly. And you have that relatIonshIp and you travel wIth hIm. HaIfa you have that relatIonshIp and you travelwIth hIm. Travel wIth hIm. How old was he here . Can travel wIth hIm. How old was he here . Can you travel wIth hIm. How old was he here . Can you see travel wIth hIm. How old was he here . Can you see the travel wIth hIm. How old was he here . Can you see the pIcture I travel wIth hIm. How old was he | here . Can you see the pIcture on travel wIth hIm. How old was he here . Can you see the pIcture on the screen . Here . Can you see the pIcture on the screen . ,. ,. , screen . Oh, thIs was In IndIa, In fact, screen . Oh, thIs was In IndIa, In fact. ThIs screen . Oh, thIs was In IndIa, In fact. ThIs was screen . Oh, thIs was In IndIa, In fact, thIs was goIng screen . Oh, thIs was In IndIa, In fact, thIs was goIng to screen . Oh, thIs was In IndIa, In fact, thIs was goIng to sIcIly screen . Oh, thIs was In IndIa, In fact, thIs was goIng to sIcIly forl fact, thIs was goIng to sIcIly for the under 14 champIonshIps whIch she lost to a tough russIan and he crIed for about three hours afterwards. DId he . He for about three hours afterwards. DId he . , for about three hours afterwards. DId he . , for about three hours afterwards. DIdhe . DId he . He was sayIng about contact, were hIm before dId he . He was sayIng about contact, were hIm before or dId he . He was sayIng about contact, were hIm before or have dId he . He was sayIng about contact, were hIm before or have you dId he . He was sayIng about contact, were hIm before or have you heard I were hIm before or have you heard from hIm sInce sent a message . IetIaIheh from hIm sInce sent a message . When'>News/ou-aet'>Ou Aet from hIm sInce sent a message . When you get beyond from hIm sInce sent a message . When you get beyond the from hIm sInce sent a message . When you get beyond the stage from hIm sInce sent a message . KwIeI you get beyond the stage of actually coachIng a'>News/player-day-today'>Player Day Today Is all very much about pretty much love you, buddy, you can do thIs, bIg love. And you would be here, chattIng to hIs brother as well who was hIs agent and who are used to go just well, IsentIa a message sayIng you have done a greatjob managIng your brother. The countrIes be easy. Im your brother. The countrIes be easy. Im just so really proud of these guys and It Is not the last we have heard of a 22 year old'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. What dId sIx year old'>News/jack-look'>Jack Look lIke . What dId sIxyearold'>News/jack-look'>Jack Look lIke . , ~. ,. , lIke . You know what, he bowled In It lIke . You know what, he bowled In It lIke I have done lIke . You know what, he bowled In It lIke I have done thIs lIke . You know what, he bowled In It lIke I have done thIs before. LIke I have done thIs before. Really . LIke I have done thIs before. Reall . ,. , really . Yeah, I have got thIs. Exce t really . Yeah, I have got thIs. Except when really . Yeah, I have got thIs. Except when he really . Yeah, I have got thIs. Except when he threw really . Yeah, I have got thIs. Except when he threw able I really . Yeah, I have got thIs. Except when he threw'>News/le-t'>Le To | really . Yeah, I have got thIs. Except when he threw'>News/le-t'>Le To see how far he could throw It because servIng Is about throwIng antI through It wIth hIs rIght hand, because he Is effectIvely rIght handed. Because he Is effectIvely rIghthanded. Because he Is effectIvely rIghthanded. But he plays lefthanded. RIghthanded. But he plays lefthanded. ThIs rIghthanded. But he plays lefthanded. ThIs Is rIghthanded. But he plays lefthanded. ThIs Is great, | lefthanded. ThIs Is great, confIdent lefthanded. ThIs Is great, confIdent kId, lefthanded. ThIs Is great, confIdent kId, really lefthanded. ThIs Is great, I confIdent kId, really focused, athletIc, edward, parents and grandparents play, hardys bay, what could be better and then he threw the ball wIth the wrong hand and we had to teach hIm how to throw left handed, that was a job. And we dId. Thats left handed, that was a job. And we dId. Thats why sometImes the cIrc can be a lIttle bIt off and on because It affects the co'>News/ordInatIon-chaIn'>OrdInatIon ChaIn and when you get anxIous It Is Interfered wIth and that Is what you can see a lIttle bIt. When he says better, when he says well he wIll be smashIng people off the court, Im smashIng people off the court, Im pretty sure. He smashIng people off the court, Im pretty sure smashIng people off the court, Im pretty sure. He Is very good frIends wIth hIs opponent pretty sure. He Is very good frIends wIth hIs opponent last pretty sure. He Is very good frIends wIth hIs opponent last nIght, pretty sure. He Is very good frIends I wIth hIs opponent last nIght,'>News/number-one'>Number One In the world,'>News/jannIk-sInner'>JannIk SInner, they are pals who have known each other for a they are pals who have known each otherfor a really long they are pals who have known each other for a really long tIme. They are pals who have known each otherfor a really long tIme. Yes. Other for a really long tIme. Yes, used to be other for a really long tIme. Yes, used to be around other for a really long tIme. Yes, used to be around the other for a really long tIme. Yes used to be around the tournaments I was around comaras welcome under 14 champIonshIps, and to be honest, you would thInk It would'>Go One way In the draw, kInd of backwards and saId It would'>Go One'>News/way-and-jack'>Way And Jack wood go the other, sInner was a bIg scare when he was younger, that was hIs maIn sport, he only came to denIs buckley, I thInk that Is why he has the legs. And'>News/thenjack-play'>Thenjack Play doubles wIth hIm a few weeks ago In cIncInnatI, whIch I thInk Is quIte a smart move, lets go hang out wIth my potentIal greatest rIval for the next few years. They get along great. You can see the warm embrace at the end of the match. Lovely guys. They wIsh them both well. Absolutely. When you speak to jack agaIn absolutely. When you speak to jack agaIn whIle absolutely. When you speak to jack agaIn whIle you absolutely. When you speak to jack agaIn whIle you say absolutely. When you speak to jack agaIn whIle you say about absolutely. When you speak to jack agaIn whIle you say about future, I agaIn whIle you say about future, next agaIn whIle you say about future, next tIme agaIn whIle you say about future, next tIme he agaIn whIle you say about future, next tIme he gets agaIn whIle you say about future, next tIme he gets was agaIn whIle you say about future, | next tIme he gets was'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal, how can next tIme he gets was'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal, how can he next tIme he gets was'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal, how can he deal next tIme he gets was'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal, how can he deal wIth next tIme he gets was'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal, how can he deal wIth the next tIme he gets was'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal, how can he deal wIth the anxIety, | how can he deal wIth the anxIety, tIck another how can he deal wIth the anxIety, tIck another one how can he deal wIth the anxIety, tIck another one off how can he deal wIth the anxIety, tIck another one off the how can he deal wIth the anxIety, tIck another one off the lIst . How can he deal wIth the anxIety, tIck another one off the lIst . I tIck another one off the lIst . I thInk tIck another one off the lIst . ThInk myjob from now on, tIck another one off the lIst . thInk myjob from now on, untIl tIck another one off the lIst . ThInk myjob from now on, untIl Im asked to do anythIng else, Is to send hIm lots of'>News/love-anthony'>Love Anthony mamads belIeve In hIm and tell hIm that we all thInk he Is great and everyone belIeves In hIm. Im lookIng for the next'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper everyone belIeves In hIm. Im lookIng for the'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper In a bIg event we have got to fInd all the young kIds. We a bIg event we have got to fInd all the young kIds. Ivejust a bIg event we have got to fInd all the young kIds. We just been sayIng we are also proud of you, keep goIng. It sayIng we are also proud of you, keep goIng keep goIng. Id bet It Is workIng alread , keep goIng. Id bet It Is workIng already, because keep goIng. Id bet It Is workIng already, because he keep goIng. Id bet It Is workIng already, because he Is keep goIng. Id bet It Is workIng already, because he Is cool, I keep goIng. Id bet It Is workIng already, because he Is cool, he| keep goIng. Id bet It Is workIng I already, because he Is cool, he Is young and I bet It Is workIng In terms of. Young peoples needs someone to look at and go eye can do that, maybe. I bet Is already workIng, Isnt that, maybe. I bet Is already workIng, Isnt It . That, maybe. I bet Is already workIng, Isnt It . 10096. When we were traInIng workIng, Isnt It . 10096. When we were traInIng younger workIng, Isnt It . 10096. When we were traInIng younger we workIng, Isnt It . 10096. When we were traInIng younger we were I workIng, Isnt It . 10096. When we I were traInIng younger we were lucky to have andy on the next court,'>News/dan-evans'>Dan Evans and others, thIs thIng, greatness rubs off,'>News/cant-waIt'>Cant WaIt to get to the days when they say I wIll be wanted black jack, wIll they put theIr hats on backwards . WIll they'>News/le-t'>Le The head before they shake hands . ThIs Is great. That'>News/le-t'>Le The head before they shake hands . ThIs Is great. Hands . ThIs Is great. That Is the thIn , hands . ThIs Is great. That Is the thIng. You hands . ThIs Is great. That Is the thIng. You need hands . ThIs Is great. That Is the thIng, you need to hands . ThIs Is great. That Is the thIng, you need to see hands . ThIs Is great. That Is the thIng, you need to see to hands . ThIs Is great. That Is the thIng, you need to see to bed. I hands . ThIs Is great. That Is the thIng, you need to see to bed. 10096, If It Is on your thIng, you need to see to bed. 10096, If It Is on your doorstep, thIng, you need to see to bed. 10096, If It Is on your doorstep, jack If It Is on your doorstep, jack comes down to the surrey county centre, he comes down wIth wonders of kIds and hIts wIth every sIngle one of them, he dId It at chrIstmas wIth sorrys other great grand'>News/slam-champIonjack-salIsbury'>Slam ChampIonjack SalIsbury gotten'>News/champIon-jack-salIsbury'>ChampIon Jack SalIsbury gotten co ordInated'>News/champIonjack-salIsbury'>ChampIonjack SalIsbury gotten co ordInated wIth the kIds and jack was absolutely drIppIng at the end of the sessIon. Im was absolutely drIppIng at the end of the sessIon. Im surprIsed he dIdnt start gettIng sIck there because he put such a shIft In. Heat because he put such a shIft In. Next tIme can we because he put such a shIft In. Next tIme can we come . Because he put such a shIft In. Next tIme can we come . You because he put such a shIft In. Next tIme can we come . You would because he put such a shIft In. Next tIme can we come . You would be I because he put such a shIft In. Next I tIme can we come . You would be very welcome. TIme can we come . You would be very welcome jacomes tIme can we come . You would be very welcome. Jacomes agent, tIme can we come . You would be very welcome. Jacomes agent, you tIme can we come . You would be very welcome. Jacomes agent, you can welcome. Jacomes agent, you can come In here. Welcome. Jacomes agent, you can come In here welcome. Jacomes agent, you can come In here. And they hIt as well. Absolutely come In here. And they hIt as well. Absolutely. And come In here. And they hIt as well. Absolutely. And you come In here. And they hIt as well. Absolutely. And you are come In here. And they hIt as well. Absolutely. And you are welcome I absolutely. And you are welcome back absolutely. And you are welcome back. Thank you very much. Lots look forward to for back. Thank you very much. Lots look forward to forjack back. Thank you very much. Lots look forward to'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. Back. Thank you very much. Lots look forward to'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. Only back. Thank you very much. Lots look forward to'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. Only 22. I forward to'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. Only 22. Lets forward to'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. Only 22. Lets get forward to'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. Only 22. Lets get the forward to'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. Only 22. Lets get the rest forward to'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. Only 22. Lets get the rest of forward to'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. Only 22. Lets get the rest of the forward to'>News/jack-draper'>Jack Draper. Only 22. Lets get the rest of the sport. Now to football and the'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League, and'>News/craIg-bellamy'>CraIg Bellamys fIrst match In charge of wales ended In a 0 0 draw agaInst ten'>News/man-turkey'>Man Turkey In cardIff. And he has promIsed thIs Is the worst they are goIng to be under hIm. Wales had by the far the better chances In theIr openIng'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League'>News/match-and-sorba'>Match And Sorba thomas, the huddersfIeld forward whos on loan at nantes, thought he had fInally broken the deadlock wIth a tIdy lob. But It was dIsallowed for offsIde. England InterIm boss'>News/lee-carsley'>Lee Carsley has defended hIs decIsIon not to sIng eIther'>NatIonal Anthem before the'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League match agaInst the republIc of Ireland In dublIn thIs evenIng. Carsley played for Ireland 40 tImes durIng hIs career and whIle he says he respects both anthems, he has never sung one due to the way he personally lIkes to focus before a match. Its englands fIrst game sInce losIng the euros fInal In the summer. Our'>News/sports-correspondent-nesta'>Sports Correspondent Nesta mcgregor reports musIc plays. In the dublIn sunshIne, a chance for england fans to look back on what mIght have been. But after the dIsappoIntments of euro 2020 for, reasons to be cheerful, a new focus and a new manager. He has worked hard new focus and a new manager. He has worked hard and new focus and a new manager. He has worked hard and he new focus and a new manager. He has worked hard and he worked new focus and a new manager. He has worked hard and he worked on new focus and a new manager. He has worked hard and he worked on the worked hard and he worked on the players comIng through, I thInk they wIll do a job for hIm, I thInk. I thInk we needed a change, really, but Id thInk we needed a change, really, but Id feel thInk we needed a change, really, but Id feel sorry for southgate because but Id feel sorry for southgate because he dId a good job, really. If because he dId a good job, really. If he because he dId a good job, really. If he does because he dId a good job, really. If he does well It wont be surprIsed If he does well It wont be surprIsed If If he does well It wont be surprIsed If he If he does well It wont be surprIsed If he gets If he does well It wont be surprIsed If he gets the I If he does well It wont be I surprIsed If he gets the job fulltIme surprIsed If he gets the ob funtImed surprIsed If he gets the ob fulltIme. Named as gareth southgates fulltIme. Named as gareth southgates InterIm fulltIme. Named as gareth southgates InterIm replacement,'>News/lee-carsley'>Lee Carsley made more than 400 appearances for everton, blackburn rovers, and derby county. ComIng aboard, he chose to represent the republIc of Ireland on the pItch, but earlIer thIs year turned down the chance to manage them. In charge of the three lIons for just a couple of the three lIons for just a couple of weeks, Is that tIme enough to make hIs mark . Tote of weeks, Is that tIme enough to make hIs mark . Of weeks, Is that tIme enough to make hIs mark . We have had three da s make hIs mark . We have had three'>News/days-traInIng'>Days TraInIng make hIs mark . We have had three'>News/days-traInIng'>Days TraInIng wIth make hIs mark . We have had three'>News/days-traInIng'>Days TraInIng wIth the make hIs mark . We have had three'>News/days-traInIng'>Days TraInIng wIth the players, make hIs mark . We have had three'>News/days-traInIng'>Days TraInIng wIth the players, they j'>News/days-traInIng'>Days TraInIng wIth the players, they have been so receptIve to not only myself but the rest of the coaches, we have done a loss of work on and off the pItch. It we have done a loss of work on and off the pItch off the pItch. It Is the 89th mInute. Off the pItch. It Is the 89th mInute, harry off the pItch. It Is the 89th mInute, harry scores off the pItch. It Is the 89th mInute, harry scores a off the pItch. It Is the 89th mInute, harry scores a penalty, you run around mInute, harry scores a penalty, you run around celebrate all you calmly enjoy run around celebrate all you calmly enjoy It . Run around celebrate all you calmly enjoy It . | run around celebrate all you calmly eno It . , run around celebrate all you calmly eno It . , run around celebrate all you calmly enjoy It . The enjoy It . I calmly enoy It. The soyeereuh enjoy It . I calmly enoy It. The 50yearold has enjoy It . I calmly enjoy It. The 50yearold has called enjoy It . I calmly enjoy It. The 50yearold has called up enjoy It . I calmly enjoy It. The | 50yearold has called up four 50 year old has called up four prevIously uncapped players, although he knows them well Im havIng worked wIth them at under 21s level, IncludIng the successful'>News/european-champIonshIp'>European ChampIonshIp campaIgn last july. Lee carsleys fIrst test wIll be here, a ground he Is famIlIar wIth and, as for theIr opponents, the republIc of Ireland, well, there are plenty of faces that wIll be famIlIar to the squad. The majorIty of the'>News/ahlIn-squad'>AhlIn Squad plIed theIr trade In england. Some of the facIng off agaInst teammates at club level. Another twIst,'>News/jack-grealIsh'>Jack GrealIsh and'>News/declan-rIce'>Declan RIce once wore the green of Ireland before swItchIng to england. The start of a new era, the sIgns are posItIve, everyone Involved open to leave a narsIngh lastIng ImpressIon. Nesta mcgregor,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. There are just two days left at the paralympIcs In parIs and great brItaIn have surpassed theIr tokyo'>News/games-tally'>Games Tally, of 41'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medals. Theyve also met the target,'>News/uk-sport'>Uk Sport set them of wInnIng, at least 100 medals In total. Joe lynskey rounds up of the best of the actIon. Commentator that Is the shot that captures gold all across parIs on the courts and on the roads,'>ParalympIcs Gb goes the dIstance together. Gordon'>News/reId-and-alfIe'>ReId And AlfIe hewItt thIs was the mIssIng'>PIece. OutstandIng tennIs. They play doubles for a decade and 121 majors, but In'>News/rIo-and-tokyo'>RIo And Tokyo they were beaten In the fInal, the'>ParalympIc TItle completes theIr'>Golden Slam. ThIrd tIme lucky for'>News/alfIe-hewItt'>AlfIe HewItt and gordon reId, they cannot belIeve they have fInally done It. Three years, dImItrI coutya has chased the same medal. In tokyo he won four medals but no goals, to when the epee fInal brought the second of hIs games. In the pool,'>News/poppy-maskell'>Poppy Maskell has three. The relay, the butterfly and the 100 metres backstroke. At 19, the podIum Is a place she Is gettIng used to. And at 21,'>News/ben-sandIlands'>Ben SandIlands made hIs entrance on the bell. He moved up from thIrd to the 1500'>News/metre-lead'>Metre Lead In a sprInt for the front that brought hIm a world record. A gold they watched back at home at bens'>Old School In fIfe. The late surge for gold came as well from sophIe unwIn, on the tandem wIth'>News/guIdejenny-hogg'>GuIdejenny Hogg they went past the IrIsh rIders who they had beaten In the'>TIme TrIal. ThIs was the'>News/road-race'>Road Race and'>News/sarah-storey'>Sarah Storeys latest chapter. BrItaIns'>Greatest ParalympIan was pushed the'>News/goal-number'>Goal Number 19, a 46 year old In a sprInt wIth a teenager from france. What has'>News/sarah-storey'>Sarah Storey'>Got Left, has she done It, she has she stIll plans to'>Go On to thIs months para'>News/cyclIng-world'>CyclIng World champIonshIps. Across to sport It Is now 32 years at the top, and yet thIs Is a story stIll wIthout an endIng. Joe lynskey,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. An IncredIble career. It Is not fInIshed yet. We wIll be speakIng to her atjust fInIshed yet. We wIll be speakIng to her at just after half fInIshed yet. We wIll be speakIng to her atjust after half past eIght. So, wIll great brItaIn add more golds to theIr'>News/tally-today'>Tally Today . Recommend probably wIll. Our reporter'>News/sally-hurst'>Sally Hurst Is In parIs thIs mornIng, sally, another medal laden day yesterday. Where can we expect them to come today, would you say . Today, would you say . There were coals today, would you say . There were goals galore today, would you say . There were goals galore yesterday, today, would you say . There were goals galore yesterday, 42 today, would you say . There were goals galore yesterday, 42 In today, would you say . There were goals galore yesterday, 42 In total now for great brItaIn, as you mentIoned. There was a sIlver for wIll baIley In the'>News/le-t'>Le TennIs. ThIs was a controversIal one because he was docked a poInt In the fInal set. He saId he was In the form of hIs lIfe goIng Into that, so he Is really dIsappoInted wIth that. He kIcked the ball In frustratIon, but he saId It Is because he often trIes to kIck the ball and retrIeve It. Really dIsappoIntIng for hIm. Today, In the next hour, we have the cyclIsts back In actIon, the c1 3'>News/mancz-race'>Mancz Race has four breads In It, IncludIng jacco vanegas who had two goals on the track. Use In the mIx wIth ben watson. There Is an opportunIty for them to work together. In the'>News/womens-c1'>Womens C1 3'>News/daphne-schrager'>Daphne Schrager and fran brown very much In the mIx, they both got medals on the track. It was a great prIvIlege last nIght to watch'>News/alfIe-hewett'>AlfIe Hewett at roland garros In the doubles when hIs fIrst ever paralympIc gold alongsIde gordon reId, tonIght he has another chance for a gold In the sIngle, It wIll be facIng hIs opponent, the same he faced In the doubles. And the unstoppable'>News/hannah-cockroft'>Hannah Cockroft goes In the 800m. She had a gold In the 100 metres earlIer In the week. Expect fIreworks. They dont call her the hurrIcane for nothIng. We are buIldIng up to a crescendo here In parIs In the fInal weekend of actIon at the'>ParalympIc Games. , weekend of actIon at the'>ParalympIc Games. ,. , weekend of actIon at the'>ParalympIc Games. ,. ~ ,. , weekend of actIon at the'>ParalympIc Games. ,. ,. , weekend of actIon at the'>ParalympIc Games. ,. , c games. Sally, thank you very much. Great story games. Sally, thank you very much. Great story to games. Sally, thank you very much. Great story to look games. Sally, thank you very much. Great story to look forward games. Sally, thank you very much. Great story to look forward to. Englands crIcketers wIll resume on top on 221 3 In theIr fIrst InnIngs on day two of theIr thIrd and fInal test agaInst'>News/srI-lanka'>SrI Lanka at the oval thIs mornIng. They were frustrated by some bad'>News/lIght-and-lIght'>LIght And LIght'>News/drIzzle-yesterday'>DrIzzle Yesterday whIch delayed play for a few hours, but'>News/ben-duckett'>Ben Duckett as usual made up for lost tIme wIth a dashIng 86. And there was a welcome return to form for stand In captaIn olllIe pope. He reached an unbeaten century, before more bad lIght ended play. England remember already have an unassaIlable 2 0 lead In the serIes. Imean, I mean, they have had the condItIons all day, beIng stuck In and the lIghts have been on an the pItch a lIttle bIt green. I thInk It was probably one of the better days of the summer, you know, we wIll see tomorrow we can kIck on and get really good score. I thInk hopefully less bad'>News/lIght-and-raIn'>LIght And RaIn InterruptIng today. Lets lets fInd out about the'>News/weekend-weather'>Weekend Weather, sarah has all the detaIls rIght now, good mornIng. Good'>News/mornIng-charlIe'>MornIng CharlIe and nIna. You mIght be wakIng up somethIng a lIttle lIke thIs wIth some mIst and low'>News/cloud-and-fog'>Cloud And Fog around thIs mornIng, thIs Is the pIcture In topsham In devon. Most of us the'>News/cloud-wealth'>Cloud Wealth In and breakup, and ImprovIng'>News/pIcture-today'>PIcture Today. Lots of wet weather over the recent days In the south, that Is not eatIng away completely, there wIll be some raIn In the south of england but some brIghter spells for'>East AnglIa and the southeast, agaIn, the'>News/lIon-share'>LIon Share of the sunshIne Is In the northwest of the uk. Western scotland,'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland seeIng temperatures get up to the mId 205 and place. Yesterday was the warmest day of the year so far In'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland, 27 degrees, so a'>News/touch-cooler'>Touch Cooler than that, very dry and pleasant weather In the north and northwest. Eastern'>News/coast-hold'>Coast Hold on to that'>News/mIst-and-fog'>MIst And Fog durIng the day. We have low pressure towards the south of us at the moment whIch wIll shIft further north as we had three tonIght and Into tomorrow as well, that could throw some heavy thundery showers across southern countIes of england and perhaps Into wales through the evenIng hours, then overnIght the showers become more extensIve through england and wales. Scotland and northern'>News/Ireland-state'>Ireland State dry through the evenIng and overnIght wIth some'>News/mIst-and-fog'>MIst And Fog towards the east wIth the onshore breeze. It wIll be another mIld, quIte humId'>News/feelIng-nIght'>FeelIng NIght especIally In the south, temperatures fallIng below 16 or 17. Through the'>News/day-tomorrow'>Day Tomorrow we have the lIne of heavy showers across'>News/northern-england'>Northern England, wales, the southwest as well, then scattered heavy showers and thunderstorms developIng elsewhere across central england. ThIs'>News/scotland-and-north'>Scotland And Northern Ireland a very dry day, mostly dry day, some raIn perhaps pushIng towards the east. Temperatures not as warm as recent days but stIll around 17 23, there could be some heavy showers for the great'>News/north-run-tomorrow'>North Run Tomorrow. Next week the change In'>News/weather-type'>Weather Type after the heat and humIdIty, thIngs turn more fresh wIth a mIx of sunshIne and showers as the'>News/wednesday-start'>Wednesday Start comIng from the northwest Into next week. A mIxed bag ahead, thank you sarah. Well be back wIth the headlInes at 8 00. Now Its tIme for'>Newswatch. Were back after a few weeks off the aIr, wIth your comments on'>News/'>News'>Bbc News coverage. Welcome to'>News/'>News-watch'>News Watch wIth me, samIra ahmed. ComIng up, we look back at the vIolent protests that spread around the country a month ago. DId'>News/'>News'>Bbc News help to fan the flames of the rIots . SInce we were last wIth you, Its been a busy summer of'>News, both at home and abroad. In thIs programme, were goIng to focus on the alarmIng sequence of events sparked by a'>News/knIfe-attack'>KnIfe Attack In southport at the end ofjuly In whIch three young gIrls were kIlled. JudIth morItz spoke at the tIme to eIght year old poppy, a frIend of one of the vIctIms. I lIterally knew that alIce was defInItely In there, so my fIngers were crossed that she wasnt Injured or anythIng because I knew she was In there. But then when I found out that she was In the hospItal, I was lIke, oh, Im crossIng my fIngers all week. Thats what weve done for all of them, havent we . Youre crossIng your fIngers all week . I yep, all week. And then you saId shes dIed from the IncIdent. Holly fItzgerald was one of a number of vIewers who contacted us about that IntervIew, wrItIng. MaggIe gabbe added. Soon after the attack, an artIcle started spreadIng wIdely on socIal medIa that Included a false name for the alleged assaIlant, and wrongly suggested he was an'>News/asylum-seeker'>Asylum Seeker who arrIved In the uk by boat last year. That rumour seems to have been a factor In the vIolence that followed, and It was only three days after the kIllIngs that a'>News/court-rulIng'>Court RulIng allowed medIa organIsatIons to broadcast the name of the actual suspect. Axel rudakubana, seen here In old photos, was born In cardIff but grew up In southport and went to local schools. Its understood he has a dIagnosIs of'>News/autIsm-spectrum-dIsorder'>AutIsm Spectrum DIsorder and has at tImes refused to leave the house. For the last seven years, hed been lIvIng In thIs close In the vIllage of banks, just outsIde southport, wIth hIs parents, who were orIgInally from rwanda. But the InclusIon of that last detaIl on'>News/bbc-tv'>Bbc Tv and onlIne reports annoyed vIewers such as helen pInk. ThIs person was a brItIsh cItIzen from cardIff. Why, therefore, was It relevant to mentIon that thIs persons parents came from rwanda . It was nothIng to do wIth the crIme, whIch was a non racIally motIvated crIme. All It dId was It IgnIted deep rooted anger agaInst ImmIgrants across the country. And the bbc must take some'>News/blame-and-responsIbIlIty'>Blame And ResponsIbIlIty for the rIots that followed. Whatever the causes, and they were much debated, dIsturbances broke out over several cItIes and towns In england and'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland In the days followIng the kIllIngs. A'>News/polIce-car'>PolIce Car In a'>News/sIde-street'>SIde Street vandalIsed. Around the next corner, a taxI overturned and set alIght. About 400 500 protesters here In the centre of sunderland. Weve got a polIce helIcopter overhead. You can probably see the rIot squads just gettIng out of theIr van. Weve had polIce on horseback chargIng through the crowd to dIsperse them. The termInology used In reports lIke that came In for some crItIcIsm, wIth an m wheal askIng. Others objected to what they saw as the excessIve and InapproprIate use of the phrase far rIght. Heres dennIs whIte. Well, lets dIscuss those poInts raIsed by'>Newswatch vIewers wIth rIchard burgess,'>News/whos-dIrector'>Whos DIrector of'>News/'>News-content'>News Content for'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. Thank you for comIng on'>Newswatch. Lets start wIth the language of the reportIng. DId you gIve them the veIl of respectabIlIty by callIng them protesters rather than rIoters . I thInk the way we descrIbed the IncIdents actually changed over the course of the days, because at fIrst there was some element of legItImate protest there around Issues. But I thInk as tIme went on, It became IncreasIngly clear that anybody who was out on the streets Involved In these type of actIvItIes was Involved In vIolence and rIotIng, and thats the type of language we IncreasIngly used. What about the term far rIght . Was that a mIstake . No. I mean, we were careful about our use of that. We trIed to talk about, um, the events beIng arranged and led by far rIght elements, and certaInly the evIdence of our reportIng and our reporters suggested as much. And I thInk the polIce and the government backed that up as well. So there were undoubtedly far rIght elements wIthIn thIs trouble, but I dont thInk It would be rIght to label everybody there as far rIght. That IntervIew wIth the eIght year old gIrl In southport. A lot of people are uncomfortable wIth It, It was about the kIllIng of herfrIend. Even wIth her mother sIttIng rIght there next to her, wasnt that a bad judgment . Well, we do thInk really carefully about IntervIews lIke that. And the welfare of chIldren Is absolutely paramount. And'>News/judIth-morItz'>JudIth MorItz Is a really experIenced reporter, and we put a lot of checks and balances In place, yes, IncludIng the consent of the parent, but also In terms of how long the IntervIew lasted, that they were'>News/le-t'>Le To stop the IntervIew If there were ever any concerns. UltImately, we thought that because thIs was a crIme, a horrIfIc crIme that affected chIldren and affected theIr frIends In school, the Issue of how chIldren would react to It and how parents could speak to them was a really Important one. So we felt, on balance that It was worth doIng the IntervIew. 0k. ConfusIon around the IdentIty of the teenager arrested for the stabbIngs fuelled racIal tensIons, as youll know. When you dId correctly name the suspect, why dId'>News/danIel-sandford'>DanIel Sandford say that the parents were ImmIgrants from rwanda . You must have known that would add to the tensIons. We felt that actually, It was Important that we gave as much InformatIon as we could about the IdentIty of the attacker because of the dIsInformatIon that was out there. We dId have dIscussIons, actually, even before the attacker was named, about how much InformatIon we would gIve out because we knew the name, but we werent'>News/le-t'>Le To, because of legal reasons, actually say that name on aIr. And our decIsIon was, In actual fact, It was better to gIve out more InformatIon, clear InformatIon, correct InformatIon at a tIme when there was an IncreasIng amount of really quIte dangerous dIsInformatIon onlIne. Its always a challenge wIth thIs kInd of dIsturbance, and I can remember back to the 2011 rIots across englIsh cItIes. DId you worry that showIng all that coverage, all that footage of street dIsturbances, mIght encourage and maybe dId encourage'>News/copycat-rIotIng'>Copycat RIotIng . I thInk whenever youre coverIng IncIdents of'>News/vIolence-and-trouble'>VIolence And Trouble on the streets, you do need to have that In mInd. are you amplIfyIng somethIng that really Is an Isolated IncIdent, and are you encouragIng It by gIvIng It aIrtIme . But I dont thInk that was the case on thIs occasIon. These were sIgnIfIcant rIots. And, you know, thats really clear by the polIce response, the'>News/government-response'>Government Response and the'>News/response-weve'>Response Weve seen more recently In the courts. So, yes, were careful. Yes, were careful not to use'>News/hyperbole-or-hype'>Hyperbole Or Hype them up. But at the same tIme, thIs was an Important new story that I thInk It was rIght that'>News/'>News'>Bbc News properly covered. RIchard burgess, thank you very much. Thank you. Just tIme to mentIon a couple of other topIcs that have been exercIsIng you recently. FIrst coverage of the dramatIc sInkIng of a superyacht off the coast of sIcIly last month, whIch kIlled seven people on board, IncludIng the'>News/tech-entrepreneur'>Tech Entrepreneur mIke lynch. ThIs tragedy receIved lots of aIrtIme across the medIa and drew the attentIon of large audIences. But frances robInson, among others, had her reservatIons. All the'>News programmes that I saw from the day of the sInkIng for at least three or four days, there was at least fIve mInutes and sometImes up to ten mInutes of coverage, usually as the maIn headlIne Item. WhIlst the sInkIng of the yacht and the loss of the seven lIves Is a tragedy, thIs extensIve coverage over multIple days Is not gIven when ordInary lIves are lost at sea or refugees drown In the'>News/englIsh-channel'>EnglIsh Channel as we have seen thIs week. It Is very sad that the bbc seems to have chosen to provIde thIs extensIve coverage based on the wealth and presumed Importance of those on the bayesIan yacht. FInally, If youve been consumIng the'>News at all over the past couple of weeks, you mayjust have notIced the reformIng of a certaIn band and a row over tIcket sales of theIr forthcomIng concerts. MIcky d dId. Thank you for all your comments thIs week. If you want to share your opInIons about what you see or hear on'>News/'>News'>Bbc News, on tv, radIo, onlIne and socIal medIa, emaIl or you can fInd us on x you can call us and do Have A Look at prevIous IntervIews on our websIte. Thats all from us for now. Thank you forjoInIng us. Do thInk about gettIng In touch and perhaps even comIng on the programme. We shall be back to hear more of your thoughts about how the bbc covers the'>News next week. Goodbye. Its'>News/saturday-september'>Saturday September the 7th. Good'>News/mornIng-welcome'>MornIng Welcome to breakfast wIth'>News/charlIe-stayt'>CharlIe Stayt and nIna warhurst. Our'>News/headlInes-today'>HeadlInes Today. ResettIng IrIsh relatIons'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmer'>News/vIsIts-dublIn'>VIsIts DublIn later today for talks wIth the IrIsh'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster. Back to earth the'>News/starlIner-spacecraft'>StarlIner Spacecraft returns'>News/home-mInus'>Home MInus the astronauts It was supposed to be carryIng. The number of people waItIng for an'>News/autIsm-dIagnosIs'>AutIsm DIagnosIs across the uk has hIt a record hIgh In some regIons. The number of people waItIng for an'>News/autIsm-dIagnosIs'>AutIsm DIagnosIs Its great brItaIns, never endIng story as dame'>News/sarah-storey'>Sarah Storey wIns the 19th'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medal of her 32'>News/year-career'>Year Career at the'>ParalympIc Games In parIs. We wIll be speakIng to her after half past 8. And murky start for many but the best of the sunshIne wIll be In the north and'>News/north-west'>North West of the'>News/uk-and-cloudy-skIes'>Uk And Cloudy SkIes In the south east but not as much raIn as yesterday. I wIll have all of the detaIls. Its'>News/saturday-september'>Saturday September the 7th. Our maIn story. The'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmer Is makIng hIs fIrst offIcIal vIsIt to Ireland today. Hell be In dublIn for talks wIth hIs opposIte number,'>News/sImon-harrIs'>SImon HarrIs. They ll dIscuss topIcs IncludIng commerce across the IrIsh'>News/sea-and-theyll'>Sea And Theyll attend a'>News/football-match'>Football Match between Ireland and england. Our'>News/Ireland-correspondent'>Ireland Correspondent'>News/chrIs-page'>ChrIs Page reports. At theIrfIrst meetIng,'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmer and'>News/sImon-harrIs'>SImon HarrIs were pIctured havIng a pInt. The photo symbolIsed a better relatIonshIp between theIr two countrIes after some years of straIn. Today theyll go to watch england take on Ireland In the uefa'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League, but the on'>News/pItch-rIvalry-wont'>PItch RIvalry Wont dIsrupt the dIplomacy. SIr keIr Is on somethIng of a tour of eu capItals. In recent weeks, hes had trIps to germany and france. The last brItIsh'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster to go to dublIn was borIsjohnson fIve years ago. RelatIons had cooled sIgnIfIcantly. BrexIt was the major factor. The border wIth'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland was the uks only frontIer wIth the eu. The Issue of how to avoId checkpoInts here became a huge stIckIng poInt. There was also tensIon between the governments over the questIon of how the conflIct, known as the troubles, should be InvestIgated. But'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmers'>News/electIon-vIctory'>ElectIon VIctory was broadly welcomed In dublIn as a chance for a new start. There have already been sIgns of ImprovIng co operatIon. The uk and Ireland are multI bIllIon'>News/pound-tradIng'>Pound TradIng partners and theIr relatIonshIp matters In any negotIatIons between london and brussels. SImon harrIs has been meetIng other'>News/InternatIonal-leaders'>InternatIonal Leaders thIs week he was In ukraIne. Back home, hell be focusIng on Irelands tIes wIth Its nearest neIghbour. Both'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIsters are hopIng for a sure footed summIt wIth tactIcal teamwork. ChrIs page,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. We can speak now to our polItIcal'>News/correspondent-georgIa'>Correspondent GeorgIa roberts. How sIgnIfIcant Is thIs vIsIt . A complIcated relatIonshIp between the prevIous two leaders so hope Is that there wIll be a smoother'>News/saIlIng-ad'>SaIlIng Ad. Tote that there wIll be a smoother'>News/saIlIng-ad'>SaIlIng Ad that there wIll be a smoother saIlIn ad. ,. ,. ,'>News/saIlIng-ad'>SaIlIng Ad. We are told the trIp or mark a new'>News/saIlIng-ad'>SaIlIng Ad. We are told the trIp or mark a new era'>News/saIlIng-ad'>SaIlIng Ad. We are told the trIp or mark a new era of'>News/saIlIng-ad'>SaIlIng Ad. We are told the trIp or mark a new era of frIendshIp'>News/saIlIng-ad'>SaIlIng Ad. We are told the trIp or mark a new era of frIendshIp between the two after some trIckIng us durIng the brexIt negotIatIons. KeIr starmer has been on somethIng of a busy'>News/charm-offensIve'>Charm OffensIve wIth'>News/european-leaders'>European Leaders more generally as parts of effort to reset relatIons and thIs Is part of that. He wIll also be vIsItIng joe bIden, the presIdent of the us next week. Plenty to talk about theIr but thIs trIp In dublIn Is also seen as an economIc opportunIty for the uk so the two wIll talk to busIness leaders and bIg companIes lIke prImark on Issues of'>News/trade-and-Investment'>Trade And Investment but we are also talkIng of resettIng relatIons and gettIng warm words from hIlary benn today, the secretary of state for'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland and he wIll be commIttIng to a new chapter and underlInIng the'>News/uk-governments'>Uk Governments commItment to the good'>News/frIday-agreement'>FrIday Agreement and maIntaInIng stabIlIty at the northern'>News/Ireland-assembly'>Ireland Assembly after a perIod of uncertaInty there, so Its clear the new'>News/labour-government'>Labour Government sees thIs as an opportunIty to reset relatIons and sees the sIgnIfIcance In beIng seen to try and do so after what has been a tense perIod between them and theIr nearest neIghbours. Shah theIr nearest neIghbours. An Important relatIonshIp. WIth the latest, thank you. More than 60,000 people have sIgned a'>News/petItIon-callIng'>PetItIon CallIng for the extradItIon of a drIver suspected of kIllIng a 12 year old boy In a hIt and run. Dolars aleksanders Is thought to have fled to latvIa after the death of'>News/keaton-slater'>Keaton Slater Injune. Our reporterjoan cummIns has the story. Its 12 weeks sInce 12 year old'>News/keaton-slater'>Keaton Slater dIed after beIng hIt by a car In coventry. Itjust breaks my heart because I can stIll hear hIs voIce and stIll runnIng In the house wIth hIs mates and so can I do thIs . Can I do that . And so at the mInute, Its just stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef'>In The CIty at the tIme. FundraIsIng,'>Balloon Releases and a'>News/mInutes-applause'>MInutes Applause at the schoolboys beloved'>News/coventry-cIty'>Coventry CIty have offered comfort to the famIly, but theIr grIef Is swamped by unanswered questIons. Theres only one monster, but theres amazIng thousands of people out there just gIvIng us'>News/support-and-love'>Support And Love that dont know us, and theyre just reachIng out to us. Its lIke Ive got someone else on my'>Shoulders helpIng me through It. PolIce appealed to the publIc for InformatIon about dolars alexanders wanted on suspIcIon of causIng death by dangerous drIvIng. But three months later, and wIth no arrest, the famIly have launched a'>News/petItIon-callIng'>PetItIon CallIng for the government to Intervene and extradIte hIm from latvIa, where hes he suspected of abscondIng to. Three months, and theres nothIng from hI. HIm'>RunnIng Away and hIdIng as long as he has, Itsjust dont seem rIght. It just proves that theres no justIce. But we need to getjustIce. The'>News/famIly-home'>FamIly Home has been fIlled wIth poIgnant remInders of lIfe before loss, but both parents are sImply strugglIng to understand why. To me, thats another thIng that keeps goIng through my head. If he just got out the car and even trIed to help my son. He dIdnt stop and lIke he was goIng excessIvely over the speed lImIt. Hes got no care In the world. West mIdlands polIce refused to answer specIfIc questIons about theIr InvestIgatIon, but they dId Issue a statement where they saId that they were actIvely pursuIng strong lInes of enquIry. And they added that theIr focus remaIns on gettIng justIce for keaton and hIs famIly. Joan cummIns,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. The unIted states and the'>UnIted NatIons have called for a full InvestIgatIon Into the death of an amerIcan turkIsh woman In the occupIed'>News/west-bank'>West Bank. EyewItnesses and palestInIan offIcIals say IsraelI soldIers shot'>Aysenur EzgI EygI as she took part In a protest. The IsraelI mIlItary has admItted fIrIng at a demonstrator and saId It was lookIng Into the IncIdent. A vIgIl has been held In memory of an 80 year old man who dIed after an alleged attack by a teenager. BhIm kohlI was walkIng hIs dog In leIcester when he was assaulted. A 14 year old boy has been charged wIth hIs murder. The'>VIgIl Saw Dozens of local resIdents attend, along wIth members of mr kohlIs famIly. MotorIsts have been warned to expect delays on the'>News/m62-motorway'>M62 Motorway thIs weekend as a sectIon between manchester and leeds has been closed. It wIll remaIn shut untIl 6am on monday to allow the InstallatIon of a new'>News/raIlway-brIdge'>RaIlway BrIdge near rochdale. The'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster has confIrmed that a'>MemorIal To'>News/queen-elIzabeth'>Queen ElIzabeth II wIll be buIlt In'>News/st-james-park'>St James Park In london. ArchItects and artIsts wIll be InvIted to submIt proposals later thIs year wIth the chosen desIgn confIrmed by 2026. BoeIngs'>News/starlIner-spacecraft'>StarlIner Spacecraft has returned to earth from the InternatIonal'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon thIs mornIng but wIthout the astronauts It should have been carryIng. A technIcal fault means the paIr must remaIn on the'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon untIl february. Our'>News/scIence-edItor'>ScIence EdItor'>News/rebecca-morelle'>Rebecca Morelle was watchIng the landIng. Rebecca, a succssful mIssIon but no homecomIng for the astronauts. It mIght not have had the astronauts on board, but otherwIse, all went accordIng to plan. AccordIng to plan. Thats rIght. Nasa saId accordIng to plan. Thats rIght. Nasa saId It accordIng to plan. Thats rIght. Nasa saId It was accordIng to plan. Thats rIght. Nasa saId It was a accordIng to plan. Thats rIght. Nasa saId It was a safe accordIng to plan. Thats rIght. Nasa saId It was a safe and nasa saId It was a safe and successful landIng. It took sIx hours to get from the InternatIonal'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon back down to earth and It would have hurtled through the atmosphere, experIencIng IncredIble heat before unfurlIng three huge parachutes to allow It to drIft back down to the desert over new mexIco. It dId go to plan and there were a few technIcal Issues wIth some of the thrusters but generally It works, but there was one glarIng thIng mIssIng, the astronauts and the cap shall It was empty capsule. The arsenal stayed on the InternatIonal'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon and closed the hatch to the starlIner rather than gettIng on It and they stayed there because there were technIcal problems wIth the spacecraft so when It took them up to'>News/space-Injune'>Space Injune It had helIum leaks, so nasa deemed It was not safe enough to carry the astronauts'>News/back-home'>Back Home. Safe enough to carry the astronauts'>News/back-home'>Back Home'>News/back-home'>Back Home. Theres been a lot of talk about'>News/back-home'>Back Home. Theres been a lot of talk about what'>News/back-home'>Back Home. Theres been a lot of talk about what they'>News/back-home'>Back Home. Theres been a lot of talk about what they wIll'>News/back-home'>Back Home. Theres been a lot of talk about what they wIll do'>News/back-home'>Back Home. Theres been a lot of talk about what they wIll do that| talk about what they wIll do that and quIte a lot of talk about may be that It and quIte a lot of talk about may be thatItIs and quIte a lot of talk about may be that It Is harder for theIr frIends and famIly who they wIll not be joInIng agaIn because they are scIentIsts, astronauts and they are prepared to do the work they do up there. Its prepared to do the work they do up there. . , prepared to do the work they do up there. � , , there. Its very InterestIng, because there. Its very InterestIng, because It there. Its very InterestIng, because It was there. Its very InterestIng, because It was an there. Its very InterestIng, | because It was an eIghtday there. Its very InterestIng, because It was an'>News/day-mIssIon'>Day MIssIon because It was an eIght'>News/day-mIssIon'>Day MIssIon and that has turned Into eIght months. Can you even ImagIne . They wIll be mIssIng chrIstmas, they mIght have weddIngs to go to our bIrthdays, thIngs lIke that. They are In regular touch wIth theIr famIlIes and In good spIrIts as well. As natIonal'>News/u-l'>U Love space and you would hope to be stuck there and they are takIng part In regular exercIse programmes and the experIments, because It Is an orbItIng laboratory up there. They are keepIng very busy Indeed and they seem pretty happy from the Images that have been beamed back down to earth. I Images that have been beamed back down to earth Images that have been beamed back down to earth. I was thInkIng, maybe they are quIetly down to earth. I was thInkIng, maybe they are quIetly chuffed down to earth. I was thInkIng, maybe they are quIetly chuffed about down to earth. I was thInkIng, maybe they are quIetly chuffed about the I they are quIetly chuffed about the extensIon of the trIp. They are quIetly chuffed about the extensIon of the trIp. PossIbly. The eauIvalent extensIon of the trIp. PossIbly. The equIvalent of extensIon of the trIp. PossIbly. The equIvalent of me extensIon of the trIp. PossIbly. The equIvalent of me goIng extensIon of the trIp. PossIbly. The equIvalent of me goIng on extensIon of the trIp. PossIbly. The equIvalent of me goIng on a extensIon of the trIp. PossIbly. The equIvalent of me goIng on a work. EquIvalent of me goIng on a'>News/work-trIp'>Work TrIp for eIght days and stayIng eIght months, so It depends where It was, and my husband would probably be happy but not my daughter. I suppose It depends where you are sent and If you are an astronaut, spaceIs sent and If you are an astronaut, space Is the plate to go to. Space Is the plate to go to. Lace space Is the plate to go to. Place to space Is the plate to go to. Place to go space Is the plate to go to. Place to go to space Is the plate to go to. Place to go to. Well, quIte. Heres sarah wIth a look at the weather. Good mornIng. The'>News/weekend-weather'>Weekend Weather not lookIng too bad for many of us. A bIt of a contrast dependIng on where you arbIter a start to the day In lancashIre wIth clear skIes and they are set to stIck around for much of the day, so there wIll be some warm sunshIne especIally across the'>News/north-west'>North West of the uk, so'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland, western scotland and a lIttle bIt of raIn In the forecast towards the south, and not as much as we have seen In recent days as weve had'>News/flash-floodIng'>Flash FloodIng across parts of'>South Wales and'>Southern England, so a bIt patchy raIn around the south coast may be south'>News/west-england'>West England and wales the mIdlands as well but certaInly not as extensIve as the raIn In the last couple of days. Elsewhere, generally cloud to start the day so a lot of low cloud,'>News/mIst-and-fog'>MIst And Fog and It wIll break up for most of us and lInger longer around the'>East Coast of scotland but In the sunshIne and temperatures to 23 to 24 degrees and there wIll be cloudy skIes across england and wales typIcally 220 celsIus and then as we head to the evenIng hours thIs area of low pressure wIll show Its hand and It moves In from the south and wIll be thunderstorms overnIght tonIght, so through the evenIng hours you mIght see heavy showers and thunderstorms arrIvIng across'>Southern England and wales and they become more extensIve across england and'>News/wales-tonIght'>Wales TonIght but much of'>News/northern-england'>Northern England,'>News/scotland-and-north'>Scotland And Northern Ireland stay dry but lIke the last few nIghts there wIll be'>News/mIst-and-fog'>MIst And Fog and low cloud and we stIll have moIst aIr so temperatures In the mId teens as we head through to tomorrow a lIne of downpours for'>News/northern-england'>Northern England, wales down to the south west and Sunny Spells and a few scattered heavy showers and thunderstorms. Scotland and'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland havIng the best of the dry weather and a few clouds but we could see 23 also and further south typIcally the hIgh teens or low 205 and Its the great'>News/north-run'>North Run and we mIght well see some wet weather InterruptIng thIngs at tImes. FaIrly lIght breeze from the north, certaInly wont be feelIng warm and that mIght be good'>News for some of the runners but you wIll leave the brolly If you are goIng to spectate. HeadIng Into monday, low pressure moves towards the east, stIll a few showers lIngerIng for parts of eastern england through the day on monday and brIghter skIes movIng In from the west but a change In'>News/aIr-mass'>AIr Mass, so a bIt more sunshIne developIng but It wIll feel fresher especIally In the north where we are lookIng at the mId or hIgh teens and further south you mIght get one or two spots touchIng 20 celsIus'>On Sunday but the cool aIr starts to move In through next week and you can see the blue colours, the colder aIr from the'>News/north-west'>North West, can see the blue colours, the colder aIrfrom the'>News/north-west'>North West, so squeezIng away the'>News/warmth-and-humIdIty'>Warmth And HumIdIty weve squeezIng away the'>News/warmth-and-humIdIty'>Warmth And HumIdIty weve seen and another couple of warm days and a drop In temperatures Into next week, sunshIne and showers In the bulk of the showers next week wIll be In the'>News/north-west'>North West. Thank you, sarah. It can be dIffIcult comIng to terms wIth a condItIon lIke autIsm but for people strugglIng to get an InItIal assessment, It can put theIr whole lIfe on hold. The number of people waItIng for an'>News/autIsm-dIagnosIs'>AutIsm DIagnosIs across the uk has hIt a record hIgh In some areas. Each of the four natIons gathers and quantIfIes data dIfferently makIng It dIffIcult to compare so lets take a look at the fIgures for england. Injune, there were more than 187,000 people waItIng for an autIsm assessment. GuIdance from the natIonal InstItute for'>News/health-and-care'>Health And Care excellence states that no one should be waItIng longer than 13 weeks for an'>News/autIsm-dIagnosIs'>AutIsm DIagnosIs. But the most recent data from'>News/nhs-england'>Nhs England revealed the average waIt for an'>News/autIsm-dIagnosIs'>AutIsm DIagnosIs was 300 days. In north'>News/east-england'>East England, more than 210,000 people are awaItIng an nhs assessment. Our reporter'>News/sharon-barbour'>Sharon Barbour has been to speak to two mothers who are stuck, waItIng for theIr chIldrens dIagnosIs. Two mothers who have never met before today, but theyre both on the same path, copIng wIth chIldren who are autIstIc. From nIne months old, he would not be cradled In my arms. He wouldnt be rocked to sleep. Instead, he wanted to headbang and that was hIs form of'>News/self-regulatIon'>Self RegulatIon would be to bang hIs head and he would self harm. So he would bIte hImself, bItIng, hIttIng, all kInds of behavIour. It puts a lot of'>News/straIn-and-pressure'>StraIn And Pressure on the famIlIes to try and help the chIld, when really, not everybody has the awareness and the understandIng of autIsm. DanIelle has two sons who are already dIagnosed as autIstIc, but a thIrd Is on the'>News/waItIng-lIst'>WaItIng LIst and shes refusIng to send hIm to school wIthout a dIagnosIs. The fIrst thIng most people ask a chIld Is what Is your name . £ you cant say hIs name. Were not goIng to send hIm to school untIl hes had a dIagnosIs, but as you dont feel he would be safe In the settIng . I dont feel hed be safe or supported In a settIng. No. And there are thousands of famIlIes across the regIon In the same posItIon. What I desperately needed was that practIcal help, but also just to feel me personally, If you want, our famIly to feel better about lIfe and that were all goIng to be ok. LeslIe henderson runs the toby henderson trust, named after her son toby, whos autIstIc. She recalls tryIng to cope 25 years ago. It used to really hIt me terrIbly. I trIed all sorts of thIngs because as he was doIng It, often he was laughIng and I sort of worked out over a perIod of tIme that I was gIven bIg reactIons to It. I had to understand that he dIdnt mean It. He dIdnt understand It. How great Is the need for autIstIc servIces In the regIon . In thIs localIty and know that they are very serIously long waIts. As Im sure they probably are In the whole of the uk. I absolutely dread to thInk. The nhs and the regIon says ImprovIng access to assessment, dIagnostIc and support servIces for chIldren Is a key prIorIty. AddIng natIonally, referral for chIldrens assessments have Increased sIgnIfIcantly and the'>News/north-east'>North East and'>News/north-cumbrIa'>North CumbrIa has seen sImIlarly hIgh Increases In referrals. For danIelle and gemma, both waItIng for assessments for theIr chIldren. The problem Is urgent. Its becomIng so apparent In socIety that so many parents, so many chIldren are goIng wIthout support. Its becomIng more and more drastIc where Its, you know, the'>News/waItIng-lIst'>WaItIng LIst Is just goIng to snowball and theres no end In sIght. Sharon barber,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. Were joIned now by steph sherratt, who co founded the charIty breakIng barrIers whIch supports autIstIc chIldren and young people, as well as chIef executIve of the nuffIeld trust, thea steIn. Welcome to you both. Steph, we wIll start wIth you because you have lIved the experIence. Start wIth you because you have lIved the experIence. Yes, I have. M son lIved the experIence. Yes, I have. My son Is lIved the experIence. Yes, I have. My son Is 27 lIved the experIence. Yes, I have. My son Is 27 now lIved the experIence. Yes, I have. My son Is 27 now and lIved the experIence. Yes, I have. My son Is 27 now and was lIved the experIence. Yes, I have. I my son Is 27 now and was dIagnosed when he was three. It Is quIte a tImely response, but If he had been there for the three years, It was at three years and thIngs were dIfferent there, It was a statement of dIfferent educatIonal needs and nobody dId anythIng untIl the statement was In place whIch needed the dIagnosIs, so for three years, was It, Is It somethIng I have done, where could I be lookIng and really there wasnt anythIng In there has been a cultural shIft wIth the law changIng In 2014 and the send reforms, that means that everythIng now should be needs lead and not dIagnosIs led but a huge problem Is the InformatIon Is not gettIng through to famIlIes and what you dont know, you dont know and If you really belIeve the dIagnosIs kIcks off the process for support then you wIll waIt, that Is what you do. As part of the work we do Its makIng sure the InformatIon gets over to famIlIes that the law says dIfferently. It does not mentIon dIagnosIs, It mentIons ImpaIrment and need, so In any'>News/settIng-or-anybody'>SettIng Or Anybody wIthholdIng support, pendIng anybody wIthholdIng support, pendIng a dIagnosIs of autIsm, they are actually breakIng the law and for some famIlIes to get that sport, although a dIagnosIs Is a huge explanatIon, and for some famIlIes It was a huge relIef. There was somethIng, that the support that those people have to talk to, the start of the buIldIng your people and the vIllage that wIll help you support and raIse your chIld wIth autIsm Is already there. And where you can look for It and Its ok to start to do that wIthout a dIagnosIs. And I thInk untIl we get the message spread an awful lot further than we are doIng and reassurIng parents It Is ok to ask for help and that legally you are backed up, and we wIll have storIes lIke the famIlIes you have just sewn shown. LIke the famIlIes you have ust sewn shown. ,. ,. , lIke the famIlIes you have ust sewn shown. ,. Shown. Such an Important'>News/poInt-steh'>PoInt Steh Is shown. Such an Important'>News/poInt-steph'>PoInt Steph Is makIng. Shown. Such an Important'>News/poInt-steph'>PoInt Steph Is makIng, why shown. Such an Important'>News/poInt-steph'>PoInt Steph Is makIng, why dont shown. Such an Important'>News/poInt-steph'>PoInt Steph Is makIng, why dont more I steph Is makIng, why dont more people know that . I steph Is makIng, why dont more people know that . Steph Is makIng, why dont more people know that . I dont know why more people people know that . I dont know why more people dont people know that . I dont know why more people dont know people know that . I dont know why more people dont know that. People know that . I dont know why more people dont know that. But I | more people dont know that. But I thInk more people dont know that. But I thInk the more people dont know that. But I thInk the way thIngs are happenIng at the thInk the way thIngs are happenIng at the moment Is really, In educatIonal settIngs, schools, unIversItIes, other places, partIcularly schools, they are needIng partIcularly schools, they are needIng to thInk about the resources they have needIng to thInk about the resources they have got whIch Isjust not at they have got whIch Isjust not at the level they have got whIch Isjust not at the level they need and therefore guIte the level they need and therefore quIte often schools, not all schools are usIng quIte often schools, not all schools are usIng dIagnosIs as a way of fIlterIng are usIng dIagnosIs as a way of fIlterIng access to the resource. Let fIlterIng access to the resource. Let me fIlterIng access to the resource. Let me plop thIs through a bIt. SupposIng you have a chIld and you are awaItIng a dIagnosIs mIght be a long waIt, but you are convInced that autIsm Is part of the pIcture and your school Is sayIng to you, we cant provIde any extra help In the classroom because you dont yet have a dIagnosIs. So what does the'>News/parent-sa'>Parent Say next . A dIagnosIs. So what does the'>News/parent-sa'>Parent Sa next . , ,. ,. , say next . They wIll speak to somebody say next . They wIll speak to somebody lIke say next . They wIll speak to somebody lIke steph. Say next . They wIll speak to somebody lIke steph. TheyI say next . They wIll speak to somebody lIke steph. They mIght not have a'>News/steph-somebody'>Steph Somebody lIke steph. They mIght not have a steph avaIlable, somebody lIke steph. They mIght not have a steph avaIlable, so somebody lIke steph. They mIght not have a steph avaIlable, so what somebody lIke steph. They mIght not have a steph avaIlable, so what do I have a steph avaIlable, so what do they do themselves . Thea; have a steph avaIlable, so what do they do themselves . Have a steph avaIlable, so what do they do themselves . They go to the school and say they do themselves . They go to the school and say, I they do themselves . They go to the school and say, I understand they do themselves . They go to the school and say, I understand the'>News/I-school'>I School and say, I understand the law supports need to get the care that I law supports need to get the care that I need for the needs that my chIld that I need for the needs that my chIld before they get the dIagnosIs. And'>News/thats-chIld'>Thats ChIld before they get the dIagnosIs. And thats a really hard thIng to do on your and thats a really hard thIng to do on your own and thats a really hard thIng to do on your own so whIlst they mIght not have a on your own so whIlst they mIght not have a steph, most areas of the country have a steph, most areas of the country have voluntary sector organIsatIons, there are natIonal organIsatIons, there are natIonal organIsatIons, local authorIty led support organIsatIons, local authorIty led support but Its gettIng the understandIng, because of'>News/somebody-authorIty'>Somebody AuthorIty understandIng, because of'>News/somebody-authorIty'>Somebody AuthorIty says you need thIs dIagnosIs before you can get somethIng, Its pretty hard to say, actually. SomethIng, Its pretty hard to say, actually. I somethIng, Its pretty hard to say, actually, I dont thInk thats the way actually, Idont thInk thats the way It actually, I dont thInk thats the way It Is actually, I dont thInk thats the wa It Is. � actually, I dont thInk thats the wa ItIs. �. , actually, I dont thInk thats the wa ItIs. �. , way It Is. But dIagnosIs Is Important way It Is. But dIagnosIs Is Important because way It Is. But dIagnosIs Is Important because as way It Is. But dIagnosIs Is I Important because as steph way It Is. But dIagnosIs Is Important because as steph outlIned, If you have a chIld who Is behavIng dIfferently, you do go a bIt crazy thInkIng maybe It Is me or somethIng we have done, so for It to go through the professIonals Is quIte Important to have a'>PIece of paper to a certaIn extent. Part of the Issue we are dIscussIng Is It Is so dIffIcult for famIlIes to get to the stage of havIng a dIagnosIs. It Is but to gIve stage of havIng a dIagnosIs. It 3 but to gIve famIlIes the understandIng that yes, go down the dIagnostIc pathway If thats what you choose to do as a famIly, get that word out because autIsm Is a word and theIr needs were the same the day before and the same as afterwards, but whIlst that Is goIng on know that those needs should be beIng met to the best of everybodys abIlIty. People should be beIng creatIve, makIng reasonable adjustments, schools should be havIng regard to the law, and thats the poInt, Its law, Its havIng regard to the law, and thats the poInt, Its law, Its not famIlIes makIng It up. Take us back to the fIgures famIlIes makIng It up. Take us back to the fIgures. Every famIlIes makIng It up. Take us back to the fIgures. Every statIstIc famIlIes makIng It up. Take us back to the fIgures. Every statIstIc Is famIlIes makIng It up. Take us back to the fIgures. Every statIstIc Is a I to the fIgures. Every statIstIc Is a human story. But we go back to the orIgInalfIgures and human story. But we go back to the orIgInal fIgures and tell me If human story. But we go back to the orIgInalfIgures and tell me If I got It wrong, no one offIcIally should waIt more than 13 weeks for a dIagnosIs that the average weIght Is 300 days, so how Is It we got to the poInt where, that Is a massIve dIscrepancy In the offIcIal guIdance Is not 13 weeks, because It never Is. The sImple answer Is the capacIty Is not there to deal wIth the demand comIng through the door and put In place for a level of demand that stayed pretty stable over a perIod of years. If demand that stayed pretty stable over a perIod of years. Demand that stayed pretty stable over a perIod of years. If'>News/u-l'>U Look at the graphs over a perIod of years. If'>News/u-l'>U Look at the graphs of over a perIod of years. If'>News/u-l'>U Look at the graphs of how over a perIod of years. If'>News/u-l'>U Look at the graphs of how It over a perIod of years. If'>News/u-l'>U Look at the graphs of how It has over a perIod of years. If'>News/u-l'>U Look at the graphs of how It has grown | over a perIod of years. If'>News/u-l'>U Look I at the graphs of how It has grown It Is vIrtually at the graphs of how It has grown It Is vIrtually lIke that. There are hundreds Is vIrtually lIke that. There are hundreds of thousands of people comIng hundreds of thousands of people comIng forward seekIng a dIagnosIs and. ComIng forward seekIng a dIagnosIs and Is comIng forward seekIng a dIagnosIs and. ComIng forward seekIng a dIagnosIs and. ,. ,. , and. Is there a way of turnIng It round that and. Is there a way of turnIng It round that thIs and. Is there a way of turnIng It round that thIs Is and. Is there a way of turnIng It round that thIs Is a and. Is there a way of turnIng It round that thIs Is a posItIve and. Is there a way of turnIng It round that thIs Is a posItIve as I round that thIs Is a posItIve as socIety we are more aware and seekIng a'>News/dIagnosIs-and-understandIng'>DIagnosIs And UnderstandIng more . I seekIng a'>News/dIagnosIs-and-understandIng'>DIagnosIs And UnderstandIng more . SeekIng a'>News/dIagnosIs-and-understandIn'>DIagnosIs And UnderstandIn more . ~ � ,. , understandIng more . I thInk Its a really Important understandIng more . I thInk Its a really Important part understandIng more . I thInk Its a really Important part where understandIng more . I thInk Its a really Important part where we I understandIng more . I thInk Its a I really Important part where we have come really Important part where we have come to really Important part where we have come to a really Important part where we have come to a socIety and there were a whole come to a socIety and there were a whole range of people who are nero dIverse whole range of people who are nero dIverse and there was a whole range of ways dIverse and there was a whole range of ways In dIverse and there was a whole range of ways In whIch we can understand most of ways In whIch we can understand most people and sport them and theIr famIlIes most people and sport them and theIr famIlIes and get them a better educatIonal experIence and get them a better educatIonal experIence and get them a better place In lIfe and we have too many a better place In lIfe and we have too many people In prIson at the moment too many people In prIson at the moment Im young'>News/offenders-InstItute'>Offenders InstItute who have moment Im young'>News/offenders-InstItute'>Offenders InstItute who have undIagnosed'>News/autIsm-or-asperger'>AutIsm Or Asperger who have undIagnosed'>News/autIsm-or-asperger'>AutIsm Or Asperger syndrome, so Its really crucIal asperger syndrome, so Its really crucIal we asperger syndrome, so Its really crucIal we get a dIagnosIs. You ust want to crucIal we get a dIagnosIs. You ust went to crucIal we get a dIagnosIs. You ust want to see resources I crucIal we get a dIagnosIs. You ust want to see resources catchIng I crucIal we get a dIagnosIs. You justj want to see resources catchIng up . Yes, I do and I want to see better InformatIon on famIlIes beIng reassured that whatever stage of the journey they are at that there Is support for them and I want to see much less focus on labels and language and gettIng back to usIng the names we gave our chIldren In the names we gave our chIldren In the fIrst place and lookIng at theIr needs and how as a socIety, communIty organIsatIons and schools we can best support the famIlIes and best bought the trIals knees. Thank best bought the trIals knees. Thank ou for best bought the trIals knees. Thank you for your best bought the trIals knees. Thank you for your tIme best bought the trIals knees. Thank you for your tIme thIs best bought the trIals knees. Thank you for your tIme thIs mornIng. You for your tIme thIs mornIng. Really InterestIng. Best support that chIld. CItIzens advIce Is a famIlIar servIce In many uk hIgh streets, and thIs week Its markIng Its 85th bIrthday. EstablIshed at the start of the second world war, some of the very fIrst branches operated out of horse boxes. One of those was In portsmouth, where our reporter'>News/bryony-leyland'>Bryony Leyland has beenjoInIng In the celebratIons. The cItIzen the 5'>News/advIce-bureau'>AdvIce Bureau. Yes, certaInly. I can gIve you advIce about your poultry. The message In thIs wartIme mInIstry of'>News/InformatIon-fIlm'>InformatIon FIlm was that the new'>News/cItIzens-advIce'>CItIzens AdvIce bureau were there to help wIth every kInd of problem at a tIme of huge change. Some of the fIrst bureau operated out of horseboxes. These mobIle advIce centres were set up In september 1939, just after war was declared. Portsmouth had one of the fIrst seen here parked up In guIldhall square. Who do you thInkyou are kIddIng,'>News/mr-hItler'>Mr HItler . If you thInk were on the run 85 years on the horsebox was back. HIstory celebrated by the team behInd the cItys modern day'>News/cItIzens-advIce'>CItIzens AdvIce centre, who see parallels between the challenges then and now. Back In 1939, we may have been dealIng wIth thIngs such as lost ratIon books, strugglIng to afford food for our famIlIes, the cost of lIvIng Issues. And thats very sImIlar to the problems were experIencIng today. HousIng Issues, certaInly'>DIsrepaIr Issues, but the cause may be dIfferent. So back then In 1939, It would have been because theIr houses have come under fIre. And whereas today they may be lIvIng In, In sort of overcrowded propertIes or propertIes wIth other'>DIsrepaIr Issues such as damp and mould. Over the decades, the servIce has changed from beIng government funded to becomIng a charIty that relIes on donatIons and grants. But the core values of beIng free and ImpartIal are unaltered. Run run run. Many people here have cause to thank'>News/cItIzens-advIce'>CItIzens AdvIce, IncludIng sInger wendy. She sought help when her late'>News/sIster-jackIe'>SIster JackIe was dIagnosed wIth early'>News/onset-dementIa'>Onset DementIa, and the famIly struggled to get support. She kInd of fell through the cracks, so It was a very lonely place for us. And then'>News/cItIzens-advIce'>CItIzens AdvIce came In and they were just gave of theIr tIme and knowledge and got her because she couldnt work. She got too Ill to work. They got her some, some fundIng to keep her goIng and just gave theIr advIce and tIme so wIllIngly. So Ill never forget the help that we had when there was no other help. The'>News/portsmouth-team'>Portsmouth Team has never been busIer, advIsIng 1,500 people last year. The horsebox may be a thIng of the past, but the offer of a'>LIstenIng Ear and practIcal help Is stIll In hIgh demand. FascInatIng to know how that Is startIng how It started and stIll In very hIgh demand. Dan whItworth from radIo'>News/4s-moneybox'>4s Moneybox and he Is here now. You sneaked In just a moment ago. And he Is here now. You sneaked In just a moment ago. You I and he Is here now. You sneaked In I just a moment ago. You came just a moment ago. Sneaky. You came In here to say just a moment ago. Sneaky. You came In here to say that just a moment ago. Sneaky. You came In here to say that you just a moment ago. Sneaky. You came In here to say that you have just a moment ago. Sneaky. You came In here to say that you have good In here to say that you have good'>News for us today. We lIke the sound of that around fInancIal Issues, so what are you goIng to explaIn . Im what are you goIng to explaIn . Im auoIn what are you goIng to explaIn . Im ttoIn to what are you goIng to explaIn . In goIng to tell you somethIng about the'>News/household-support-fund'>Household Support Fund and earlIer thIs week, and Its a £500 mIllIon fund to help people In fInancIal crIsIs across the uk and It was extended for another sIx months, so we started In October 2021 In response to the cost of lIvIng crIsIs and It has been extended agaIn. And the way It works Is thIs. Its £421 mIllIon for englIsh local councIls, and £79 mIllIon for devolved natIons and the way It works Is thIs. Theres a lot of local autonomy on councIls to gIve those funds to people who are In realfInancIal gIve those funds to people who are In real fInancIal crIsIs, gIve those funds to people who are In realfInancIal crIsIs, as we know a lot of people are. In the way It works Is that those councIls have a lot of autonomy, so some councIls have pages on theIr websItes where people can apply for the fund and other councIls work wIth trusted agencIes lIke'>News/cItIzens-advIce'>CItIzens AdvIce who we were hearIng about and other agencIes lIke gps or food banks and they can take referrals. That Is what tears and how It works. Each councIl, It Is up to them how they do It. He each councIl, It Is up to them how they do It they do It. He was elIgIble . It deends they do It. He was elIgIble . It depends on they do It. He was elIgIble . It depends on your they do It. He was elIgIble . It depends on your local they do It. He was elIgIble . It depends on your local councIl| depends on your local councIl because thIs degree of local autonomy Is the need for help wIth fInancIal crIsIs mIght be dIfferent In a area versus an urban area. One real'>News/world-example'>World Example I wIll gIve you Is I went to a place called'>News/dIsabIlIty-stockport'>DIsabIlIty Stockport thIs week, a trusted partner of stockport councIl, a charIty, because It Is a trusted partner can dIstrIbute money from the funds to people who need It. One quIte InspIratIonal young man I met Is called summer, he Is 28, he had two bIg problems that the money helped hIm. The fIrst was hIs health, he was goIng to appoIntments wIth a'>News/specIalIst-hospItal'>SpecIalIst HospItal away from hIm. He needed to hIp reconstructIons, he needed hIs knee beIng done, and couldnt afford the appoIntments and physIo. The fund helped hIm get hIs health back. Most crucIally, It helped hIm avoId sleepIng rough on the streets, when he ended up homeless, he was In a hostel, but the hostel had charges. Money was used from the fund to pay for the charges, and he saId It prevented hIm from sleepIng rough for a couple of months, the Impact on hIs lIfe was transformatIve. The'>News/su-tort'>Su Tort I on hIs lIfe was transformatIve. The support I have on hIs lIfe was transformatIve. The support I have receIved has been not ust support I have receIved has been not just'>News/lIfe-support'>LIfe Support I have receIved has been not just'>LIfe ChangIng, but lIfe savIng. When just'>LIfe ChangIng, but lIfe savIng. When I just'>LIfe ChangIng, but lIfe savIng. When I came here, I dIdnt feel I had anythIng to lIve for, I had nothIng had anythIng to lIve for, I had nothIng or had anythIng to lIve for, I had nothIng or no one, theyve gIven me the'>News/support-nothIng'>Support NothIng or no one, theyve gIven me the'>News/support-and-help'>Support And Help to not only get to my the'>News/support-and-help'>Support And Help to not only get to my appoIntments and not be homeless, but also a reason to lIve. And so homeless, but also a reason to lIve. And so really homeless, but also a reason to lIve. And so really good'>News for hIm. ThIs was last year when he was accessIng the funds. HIs lIfe has changed 180 degrees, hes accessIng the funds. HIs lIfe has changed 180 degrees, hes In a better place, hes changed 180 degrees, hes In a better place, hes got hIs own place and hopIng to complete the last year of hIs degree, whIch was Interrupted by everythIng goIng on. Me of hIs degree, whIch was Interrupted by everythIng goIng on. By everythIng goIng on. We are well aware the row by everythIng goIng on. We are well aware the row over by everythIng goIng on. We are well aware the row over stoppIng by everythIng goIng on. We are well aware the row over stoppIng the aware the row over stoppIng the wInter fuel allowance, there wIll be a lot of people who are caught up In that margIns, Its a lot of people who are caught up In that margIns, Its gone completely, who mIght be thInkIng, maybe I should present myself to one of the agencIes you are talkIng about. Is that wIthIn the realm, the terrItory you are talkIng about . You are talkIng about . Because of thIs hute you are talkIng about . Because of thIs huge degree you are talkIng about . Because of thIs huge degree of you are talkIng about . Because of thIs huge degree of local you are talkIng about . Because of. ThIs huge degree of local authorIty, one way the councIls are helpIng Is vouchers for energy bIlls, food vouchers. There Is crItIcIsm, not just a wInter fuel payment, but crItIcIsm from local councIls, from charItIes, that It Is too short term, the'>News/fundIng-Isnt'>FundIng Isnt charItIes, that It Is too short term, the'>News/fundIng-Isnt'>FundIng Isnt enough and It deals wIth crIses, rather thanIf and It deals wIth crIses, rather than If you had longer'>News/term-fundIng'>Term FundIng you could prevent It happenIng In the fIrst place. II you could prevent It happenIng In the fIrst place you could prevent It happenIng In the fIrst place. If the benchmarks are dIfferent the fIrst place. If the benchmarks are dIfferent dependIng the fIrst place. If the benchmarks are dIfferent dependIng on the fIrst place. If the benchmarks are dIfferent dependIng on the I are dIfferent dependIng on the councIl, If It Is up to them to decIde, there wIll be massIve InconsIstencIes. DecIde, there wIll be massIve InconsIstencIes. Yes, and some councIls have InconsIstencIes. Yes, and some councIls have struggled. InconsIstencIes. Yes, and some I councIls have struggled. Because InconsIstencIes. Yes, and some councIls have struggled. Because It only been extended by sIx months, councIls. The more longer'>News/term-plannIng'>Term PlannIng you can do, the more effIcIent they are. De department for work and pensIons, It told me It Is Important thIs fund Is extended, It was a'>News/clIff-edge'>ClIff Edge for some of the most fInancIally vulnerable In the country. You wIll hear the phrase, It Is workIng to fIx foundatIons of the country by growIng the economy. You can almost lose track sometImes, £500 mIllIon, statements from the dwp. When you hearfrom people lIke sam, he was InspIratIonal, the help he got was less than £1000. It has been transformatIve for hIm, I used the word agaIn. Some people havent accessed It, but you hear storIes lIke sam and It Is good to hear. Good to see the ImmedIacy. Thank you, Its been InterestIng. A34 Is the tIme. MIke, talk Is through a drama In'>New York. Jack drapers fIrst'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal at a'>News/grand-slam'>Grand Slam may have ended In stomach churnIng fashIon, but as he flIes back from'>New York to joIn great brItaIns davIs cup team, for next weeks fInals In manchester, he can reflect on a boundary breakIng season, In whIch he has won hIs fIrst atp tItle, and In'>New York reached that fIrst'>News/semI-fInal'>SemI FInal of a'>News/grand-slam'>Grand Slam. But ultImately, the occasIon trIggered anxIety and sIckness, and'>News/world-number'>World Number one'>News/yannIk-sInner'>YannIk SInner proved a'>Step Up In class, too farfor hIm. It was closer than the three'>News/set-defeat'>Set Defeat would suggest. In the bIggest match of drapers career, the 22 year old caused problems for sInner In a tIght fIrst set before losIng It 7 5. The second went to a'>News/tIe-break'>TIe Break, but as the contest became more physIcal, In that second set a peaky lookIng draper vomIted three tImes and was'>News/le-t'>Le To InflIct enough damage on sInners serve. DefInItely felt a lIttle bIt more, um, excIted today. You know, a few more nerves around. And, you know, Im defInItely someone whos, you know, I thInk quIte an anxIous human beIng. Um, so I thInk, you know, when, when you add all that together, sometImes I do feel a bIt nauseous. Nausea on court. And I do feel a lIttle bIt sIck when It gets tough. So, um. Yeah, I dIdnt have any problems before the match, but It obvIouslyjust buIlt up. Now to football and the'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League, and wales manager'>News/craIg-bellamy'>CraIg Bellamy saId theres much more to come from hIs team, after hIs fIrst match In charge ended In a 0 0 draw agaInst ten'>News/man-turkey'>Man Turkey In cardIff. Wales had by the far better chances In theIr openIng'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League match, and sorba thomas, the huddersfIeld forward whos on loan at nantes, thought he had fInally broken the deadlock wIth a tIdy lob, but It was dIsallowed for offsIde. Afterwards, the new boss promIsed It wont be as thIs agaIn under hIm. The more we learn, the more we spend tIme together, the fIner detaIls. I belIeve theres so much more, added such a good start, but theres way more to come from thIs team. Englands InterIm boss'>News/lee-carsley'>Lee Carsley wIll want a vIctory In'>News/dublIn-tonIght'>DublIn TonIght to strengthen hIs chances of keepIng thejob. HIs sIde play the republIc of Ireland In the'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League. Carsley was capped 40 tImes by Ireland as a player, but says he wont sIng eIther'>NatIonal Anthem tonIght. He says he respects the anthems, but has never sung one, just because of hIs own personal match preparatIon. Two england players declan'>News/rIce-and-jack'>RIce And Jack grealIsh also represented Ireland earlIer In theIr careers. So what sort of receptIon does the currently england boss thInk theyll get In dublIn . We spoke about the atmosphere. We expect It to be an excItIng, um, passIonate, uh, loud, um, but It wIll be no dIfferent to what the players are used to In'>News/premIer-league'>PremIer League games or hIgh level games. So, um, If the receptIon that we had after the the kIds outsIde was anythIng to go by, It would be very posItIve. Englands crIcketers wIll resume on top, on 221 3, In theIrfIrst InnIngs, on day two of theIr thIrd and fInal test agaInst'>News/srI-lanka'>SrI Lanka at the oval thIs mornIng. They were frustrated by some bad'>News/lIght-and-lIght'>LIght And LIght'>News/drIzzle-yesterday'>DrIzzle Yesterday whIch delayed play for a few hours, but'>News/ben-duckett'>Ben Duckett as usual made up for lost tIme wIth a dashIng 86. And there was a welcome return to form for stand In captaIn olllIe pope. He reached an unbeaten century, before more bad lIght ended play. England, remember, already have an unassaIlable 2 0 lead In the serIes. I mean, all day, I thInk, you know, theyve had the condItIons all day, but, you know, beIng stuck In and the lIghts have been on and the pItch a lIttle bIt green. So yeah, I thInk It was probably one of the better days of the summer. Um, you know, well see tomorrow If we can kIck on and get a really good score. Well, england wIll face australIa In three t20 matches and fIve one day InternatIonals startIng next wednesday. The tourIsts are preparIng for that wIth a'>News/t20-serIes'>T20 SerIes agaInst scotland. After wInnIng the fIrst match on wednesday, they showed no mercy yesterday, pIlIng up 196 4 from theIr 20 overs. Josh InglIs smashIng 103 from just 49 balls. Scotland were never In the hunt and collapsed to 126 all out InsIde 17 overs. So australIa wIn the three match serIes. The fInal game Is In edInburgh thIs afternoon. Now, It was a huge nIght In rugby league, wIth the top two teams goIng head to head. And It was wIgan warrIors who took a huge step towards retaInIng the league leaders shIeld as they beat super'>News/league-tItle'>League TItle'>News/rIvals-hull-kr'>RIvals Hull Kr to move above them at the top of the table. LIam marshall crossed the lIne twIce for wIgan to help send them two poInts clear at the top, wIth just two games of the regular season remaInIng. Onto'>News/e-bIke'>E BIkes, and'>News/welshman-stevIe'>Welshman StevIe wIllIams wIll take a 16 second lead Into what Is now the penultImate stage of the tour of brItaIn, In northampton later. He couldnt make It a'>News/hat-trIck'>Hat TrIck of stage wIns, In newark on trent yesterday, though. He fInIshed 26th, wIth'>News/frenchman-paul-magnIer'>Frenchman Paul MagnIer claImIng hIs second vIctory of the tour, havIng also won tuesdays openIng stage. WhIle over In spaIn, slovenIas prImoz roglIc domInated stage 19 of the vuelta a espana to take the vIctory, and overall lead. The three tIme champIon looks lIkely to make that four tItles now, because hIs lead Is almost two mInutes wIth just two stages to go. There are just two days left at the paralympIcs In parIs, and great brItaIn have surpassed theIr tokyo'>News/games-tally'>Games Tally, of 41'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medals. Theyve also met the target'>News/uk-sport'>Uk Sport set them of wInnIng, at least one 100 medals In total. Dame'>News/sarah-storey'>Sarah Storey won one of those'>News/golds-yesterday'>Golds Yesterday In a thrIllIng'>News/road-race'>Road Race. She fIrst competed at a paralympIcs In'>92. 32 years later havIng swapped the pool for a bIke shes stIll competIng, and stIll wInnIng. Yesterday she secured'>Her 19th gold, and her'>News/30th-medal'>30th Medal overall. Lets take a look at the wInnIng moment. In the fInIshIng straIght In the sunshIne In clIchy sous boIs. Its a desperate battle between these two. Its youth agaInst experIence. GauguIn comes agaIn. What has'>News/sarah-storey'>Sarah Storey'>Got Left . Has she done It . She has. Oh, what a story. A 19th'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medal. You dIdnt doubt her, dId you . For 32 years now, shes been doIng precIsely that. ClaImIng gold. Wonderful scenes and wonderful pIctures. A wonderful, never endIng story. A wonderful, never endIng story. Dame sarahjoIns us now. CongratulatIons on thIs 19th'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medal, I love to see you celebratIng. You had your two lovely chIldren wIth you to celebrate. Thank you, It was amazIng to see them at the fInIsh, and they posItIon themselves perfectly because we were gettIng taken away to do the mIxed zone In the'>News/post-race'>Post Race requIrements. FantastIc to have them, and It was so loud to have them, and It was so loud to have them bangIng. I them, and It was so loud to have them hangIng them, and It was so loud to have them banttIn. ,. , them bangIng. I can remember clearly when ou them bangIng. I can remember clearly when you fIrst them bangIng. I can remember clearly when you fIrst won them bangIng. I can remember clearly when you fIrst won a them bangIng. I can remember clearly when you fIrst won a gold them bangIng. I can remember clearly when you fIrst won a'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medal them bangIng. I can remember clearly when you fIrst won a'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medal back| when you fIrst won a'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medal back In 1982, because It Is 32 years ago, Im so old. 32 years ago today. I dIdnt know that happy annIversary. StIll goIng so strong. Why does It rank compared to all the rest . Does It the also specIal . It rank compared to all the rest . Does It the also specIal . It the also specIal . It does, and when you It the also specIal . It does, and when you see It the also specIal . It does, and when you see that It the also specIal . It does, and when you see that lIttle It the also specIal . It does, and. When you see that lIttle adversIty In a race, you deal wIth It. When she attacked, I knew It was a long go to the fInIsh, but It wasnt a foregone conclusIon. It feel specIal, I get goose bumps thInkIng about It. ThInkIng about the journey as an athlete, the ups and downs, Illnesses and InjurIes, the thIngs In traInIng to make sure youre In tIptop condItIon every tIme you get on the'>News/start-lIne'>Start LIne. It Is stIll very much a case of these hasnt sunk In yet, because they are heavy and round my neck, but cant belIeve Im at the end of my nInth games. We as at the end of my nInth games. We as a natIon have at the end of my nInth games. We as a natIon have started at the end of my nInth games. We as a natIon have started to at the end of my nInth games. We as a natIon have started to take at the end of my nInth games. We as a natIon have started to take you a natIon have started to take you for granted, because here she Is wIth another'>News/gold-medal'>Gold Medal, but every sIngle one takes an equal amount of dedIcatIon. , dedIcatIon. Yes, I thInk every tIme'>News/ou-tet'>Ou Tet dedIcatIon. Yes, I thInk every tIme you get on dedIcatIon. Yes, I thInk every tIme you get on the dedIcatIon. Yes, I thInk every tIme you get on the start dedIcatIon. Yes, I thInk every tIme you get on the'>News/start-lIne'>Start LIne dedIcatIon. Yes, I thInk every tIme you get on the'>News/start-lIne'>Start LIne you dedIcatIon. Yes, I thInk every tIme j you get on the'>News/start-lIne'>Start LIne you arent sure exactly how you wIll wIn. So the'>News/road-race'>Road Race because you have the tactIcs and efforts of the other competItors, because you can have your own plan but you need to make sure you have the reactIon to other peoples tactIcs. I was grateful to be a french student at school because I understood what the french coach was sayIng to heIdI In the last couple of laps on where she should attack. Every race, It needs a dIfferent set of skIlls to wIn, but Im very pleased Ive a dIfferent set of skIlls to wIn, but Im very pleased Ive managed to pull them out of the toolkIt. That Is so InterestIng. Pull them out of the toolkIt. That Is so InterestIng. They presumably dIdnt know you understood french . PotentIally not, I do speak pIdgIn french, but he saId slap on the left, and I made a mental note. I understand spoken french easIer than I can speak It. We have done press conferences where Ive delIberately not put the translatIon so I can expose myself to the language agaIn. It Is quIte a few years sInce I was at school, I admIt. At school, I admIt. Sarah, It Is charlIe here. At school, I admIt. Sarah, It Is charlIe here. Can at school, I admIt. Sarah, It Is charlIe here. Can I at school, I admIt. Sarah, It Is charlIe here. Can I add at school, I admIt. Sarah, It Is charlIe here. Can I add my charlIe here. Can I add my congratulatIons . Can I ask you to do a physIcal assessment, because I read the quotes you saId your glutes were on fIre. How are we feelIng today . I were on fIre. How are we feelIng toda . were on fIre. How are we feelIng toda . �. , were on fIre. How are we feelIng toda . �. ,. , today . I dIdnt get a warmdown yesterday. Today . I dIdnt get a warmdown yesterday. So today . I dIdnt get a warmdown yesterday. So I today . I dIdnt get a warmdown yesterday, so I booked today . I dIdnt get a warmdown yesterday, so I booked a today . I dIdnt get a warmdown yesterday, so I booked a lIttle I yesterday, so I booked a lIttle'>News/spaIn-today'>SpaIn Today to see how the legs are doIng. World champIonshIps In a couple of weeks, so I need to stay In tIptop condItIon. I was just on my lImIters whIle, the french'>News/rIder-heIdI'>RIder HeIdI Is an'>News/le-t'>Le Talent. Im heIdI Is an'>News/le-t'>Le Talent. Im so glad our careers have crossed, because she Is closer to my daughter In age louIsa bandy. It was fantastIc to have It In front of her'>News/home-crowd'>Home Crowd. I fantastIc to have It In front of her'>News/home-crowd'>Home Crowd fantastIc to have It In front of her'>News/home-crowd'>Home Crowd. ~. ,. ,. ,. ,'>News/home-crowd'>Home Crowd. I know you had a target on our'>News/home-crowd'>Home Crowd. I know you had a target on your back'>News/home-crowd'>Home Crowd. I know you had a target on your back for'>News/home-crowd'>Home Crowd. I know you had a target on your back for years'>News/home-crowd'>Home Crowd. I know you had a target on your back for years now,'>News/home-crowd'>Home Crowd. I know you had a target on your back for years now, but on your back for years now, but every paralympIcs that comes, the target gets bIgger. 19 year old who could be your daughter on your taIl. No, youre rIght, Its a great way of explaInIng It. The target gets bIgger, youre of explaInIng It. The target gets bIgger, youre the one who has to try and make the race and take the bull by the haunt and be proactIve. You have to be reactIve as well and realIse everyone Is on your wheels. It gets harder, the adrenalIne and nerves dont It gets harder, the adrenalIne and nerves dont get less, they get more because you know what Is at stake. It Is fIne not to wIn, but If you can, It Is better. It Is fIne not to wIn, but If you can, It Is better. That Is when the experIence can, It Is better. That Is when the experIence comes can, It Is better. That Is when the experIence comes In, can, It Is better. That Is when the experIence comes In, I can, It Is better. That Is when the experIence comes In, I love can, It Is better. That Is when the experIence comes In, I love the I can, It Is better. That Is when the'>News/I-experIence'>I ExperIence comes In, I love the top tIps. ExperIence comes In, I love the top tI s. ExperIence comes In, I love the top tIs. ,. , experIence comes In, I love the top tIs. T ,. , experIence comes In, I love the top tI 5. ,. ,. , �. , experIence comes In, I love the top tIs. ,. , tIps. ExperIence, you put. May be In the back tIps. ExperIence, you put. May be In the back of tIps. ExperIence, you put. May be In the back of your tIps. ExperIence, you put. May be In the back of your mInd tIps. ExperIence, you put. May be In the back of your mInd you tIps. ExperIence, you put. May be In the back of your mInd you dont I In the back of your mInd you dont realIse you are fIlIng them, but one thatIs realIse you are fIlIng them, but one that Is adversIty, and raIsIng Is much calmer than the buIld up. Once you are In It, you are In the'>News/computer-programme-part'>Computer Programme Part and you react on InstInct. It Is not In Iraq and then, It Is nerve rackIng thInkIng what you wIll do. It Is not nerve rackIng. I enjoy unpIckIng arrays and makIng another move or controllIng a sItuatIon. That experIence, It gets fIled away. I have saId that two athletes you havent achIeved what they came for and say, dont forget, It goes wIth you to the next event and paralympIcs and you can call upon It when you need It. ParalympIcs and you can call upon It when you need It. SometImes the word'>News/le-t'>Le T a when you need It. SometImes the'>News/word-leta'>Word Leta Is when you need It. SometImes the'>News/word-legacy'>Word Legacy Is overused when you need It. SometImes the'>News/word-legacy'>Word Legacy Is overused In when you need It. SometImes the'>News/word-legacy'>Word Legacy Is overused In sport, when you need It. SometImes the'>News/word-legacy'>Word Legacy Is overused In sport, but when you need It. SometImes the'>News/word-legacy'>Word Legacy Is overused In sport, but I legacy Is overused In sport, but I suspect one of the thIngs In amongst yourjoy suspect one of the thIngs In amongst your joy of competIng suspect one of the thIngs In amongst yourjoy of competIng and wInnIng, obvIously, you must over the years know by now you Impact on a lot of people. You must InspIre a lot of people. You must InspIre a lot of people who you probablyjust occasIonally come Into contact wIth who recognIse you and tell you what dIfferences you have made. It Is alwa s dIfferences you have made. It Is always so dIfferences you have made. It Is always so specIal dIfferences you have made. It 3 always so specIal when someone does take the tIme to come up and say somethIng. They always seem nervous oras somethIng. They always seem nervous or as If they are InterruptIng, but It Is lovely to hear when people remember you watchIng and It Impacted posItIvely on them. You dont ever apply for that role of a'>News/role-model'>Role Model or creatIng a legacy, but It Is somethIng you can put together, I suppose, just by racIng hard, racIng and enjoyIng It and tryIng to artIculate how youve done It. Its a huge prIvIlege, and'>News/I-cant'>I Cant thank people enough for the support, Its been amazIng. And the places people were when they were watchIng, the dIsruptIon In classrooms, buses and haIrdressers. Its been phenomenal to hear where the screams came from. You Its been phenomenal to hear where the screams came from. The screams came from. You were talkInt the screams came from. You were talkIng about the screams came from. You were talkIng about your the screams came from. You were talkIng about your warmdown, I the screams came from. You were I talkIng about your warmdown, and the screams came from. You were talkIng about your warmdown, and In talkIng about your warm down, and In the same breath lookIng forward to a fortnIght. WIll you ever stop . I dont know. I wIll come In a talk to you In person, I dont know where do ou you In person, I dont know where do you keep you In person, I dont know where do you keep all you In person, I dont know where do you keep all the you In person, I dont know where do you keep all the medals . You In person, I dont know where do you keep all the medals . Mostl do you keep all the medals . Most people have close racks wIth dressers, you probably need a whole extensIon for your models. Do your'>News/chIldrens-frIends'>ChIldrens FrIends see your medals when they come round . ChIldrens frIends see your medals when they come round . LouIsa has already asked when they come round . LouIsa has already asked If when they come round . LouIsa has already asked If she when they come round . LouIsa has already asked If she can when they come round . LouIsa has already asked If she can do when they come round . LouIsa has already asked If she can do a when they come round . LouIsa has already asked If she can do a show| already asked If she can do a show and tell, so we wIll make that happen. And tell, so we wIll make that ha ten. ,. , and tell, so we wIll make that ha. En. ,. ,. , and tell, so we wIll make that haten. ,. , happen. You wIll be welcome to come and have a chat happen. You wIll be welcome to come and have a chat wIth happen. You wIll be welcome to come and have a chat wIth us, happen. You wIll be welcome to come and have a chat wIth us, absolutely. I and have a chat wIth us, absolutely. Maybe you would gIve us more on what the plans are for the future. Everyone Is askIng the same questIon, whether you are at another paralympIcs, but you wont answer It. I paralympIcs, but you wont answer It. , ~. , It. I need to let It sInk In and focus on It. I need to let It sInk In and focus on the It. I need to let It sInk In and focus on the road It. I need to let It sInk In and focus on the road worlds It. I need to let It sInk In and'>News/j-focus'>J Focus on the road worlds and It. I need to let It sInk In and focus on the road worlds and have downtown wIth famIly, go to school and supervIse the show and tell. Just make a plan for what comes next. , next. She wIll defInItely wIn the show and tell next. She wIll defInItely wIn the show and tell at next. She wIll defInItely wIn the show and tell at school. Next. She wIll defInItely wIn the show and tell at school. Sarah, | show and tell at school. Sarah, lovely to see you. CongratulatIons. Ha. Lovely to see you. CongratulatIons. Happy annIversary. Lovely to see you. CongratulatIons. Happy annIversary, on lovely to see you. CongratulatIons. Happy annIversary, on thIs lovely to see you. CongratulatIons. Happy annIversary, on thIs day lovely to see you. CongratulatIons. Happy annIversary, on thIs day In I happy annIversary, on thIs day In'>92. ~. ,. , happy annIversary, on thIs day In'>92. ,. ,'>News/heres-sarah'>Heres Sarah wIth a look at the weather. Its lookIng mIxed, contrast In the weather. Yesterday was the warmest day of the year for'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland and lots of sunshIne across'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland,'>News/scotland-and-north'>Scotland And Northern england. Furthersouth, more cloud, we stIll have It. We have lost the heavy raIn causIng'>News/flash-floodIng'>Flash FloodIng across southern'>News/england-and-south'>England And South wales over the past few days. An ImprovIng'>News/pIcture-today'>PIcture Today for most, more of the one sunshIne to come across the'>News/north-west'>North West. A few showers further south and mIst, fog and murky condItIons fIrst thIng. A very great start for many. In the north, the'>News/fog-and-mIst'>Fog And MIst burns back to the coast of'>News/east-scotland'>East Scotland and england, keepIng cloud further south and a few spots of raIn In the mIdlands and wales. Try to the south east compared to recent days. We could see 24 degrees what knowledge, sImIlar In parts of western scotland. Northern Ireland not as warm but pleasant, wIth lIght wInds and cIty skIes. Into the evenIng and all change towards the south, because low pressure pushIng Its way north, throwIng heavy showers. You may hear some fund at thIs evenIng across'>Southern England Into'>South Wales. OvernIght, the heavy downpours becomIng more wIdespread across england and wales. Much of'>News/northern-england'>Northern England stay dry wIth'>News/mIst-and-fog'>MIst And Fog. SImIlar'>News/thoughts-scotland'>Thoughts Scotland and fog. SImIlar thoughts'>News/scotland-and-north'>Scotland And Northern Ireland. We stIll have the moIst, humId'>News/aIr-mass'>AIr Mass, so some mIst and the moIst, humId'>News/aIr-mass'>AIr Mass, so some mIstand mIld, the moIst, humId'>News/aIr-mass'>AIr Mass, so some mIst and mIld, temperatures In the mId teens. QuIte stIcky overnIght. HeadIng through the'>News/day-tomorrow'>Day Tomorrow, heavy showers across england and wales, the band of showers across'>News/northern-england'>Northern England, wales and the south. We have Sunny Spells and scattered showers and thunderstorms through central and southern parts, but'>News/scotland-and-north'>Scotland And Northern Ireland havIng a lot of dry weather. Some'>News/sunshIne-but-cooler'>SunshIne But Cooler and cloudIer compared to recent days. It Is the great'>News/north-run'>North Run, we are lIkely to see the raIn quIte slow movIng across the regIon. QuIte cloudy, outbreaks of raIn on and off, not all day, but a lot cooler than recent days, 14 or 15 degrees. Through Into monday, the low pressure brIngIng'>News/sundays-raIn'>Sundays RaIn gradually eases to the east, lIngerIng for the eastern parts, so some showers on monday. As hIgh pressure moves In from the west, an ImprovIng pIcture, more sunshIne compared to over the past few days. Temperatures are comIng down, so by'>News/monday-hIghs'>Monday HIghs between 13 and 19 degrees, norto'>News/monday-hIghs'>Monday HIghs between 13 and 19 degrees, nor to sell. The coolIng trend contInues next week. The wInds turn to more'>News/north-west'>North Westerly dIrectIon, you can see the blue colours brIng In the colder aIr. Another few colours brIng In the colder aIr. Anotherfew humId colours brIng In the colder aIr. Another few humId days for the next couple of days, but then the temperatures drop off next week, sunshIne and showers. Most of the showers wIll be towards the'>News/north-west'>North West. IfI If I were a radIo two dj, what would If I were a radIo two dj, what would I be hearIng from you about the weather . It I be hearIng from you about the weather . I be hearIng from you about the weather . ,. ,. , ~ I be hearIng from you about the weather . ,. ,. , ~. , weather . It Is lookIng decent, but then Is the weather . It Is lookIng decent, but then Is the'>News/chance-weather'>Chance Weather . It Is lookIng decent, but then Is the'>News/chance-tomorrow-weather'>Chance Tomorrow Weather . It Is lookIng decent, but then Is the'>News/chance-tomorrow'>Chance Tomorrow we I weather . It Is lookIng decent, but then Is the'>News/chance-tomorrow'>Chance Tomorrow we could see the umbrellas and comIng out for preston tomorrow. Istate] see the umbrellas and comIng out for preston tomorrow. See the umbrellas and comIng out for preston tomorrow. Well done, sarah,'>News/I-cant'>I Cant preston tomorrow. Well done, sarah,'>News/I-cant'>I Cant belIeve preston tomorrow. Well done, sarah, Icant belIeve ou preston tomorrow. Well done, sarah, Icant belIeve'>News/ou-tut-preston'>Ou Tut Preston tomorrow. Well done, sarah,'>News/I-cant'>I Cant belIeve ou tut her on the spot. Itjust shows how well versed she Is. Summer may be over but'>News/festIval-season-Isnt'>FestIval Season Isnt and radIo 2 In the park Is takIng place In preston thIs weekend. Sara cox appears to be lookIng forward to It. ShejoIns us now from preston. DId you hear the'>News/weather-forecast'>Weather Forecast . Yes, we wont need our wellIes, It was beautIful tomorrow and gorgeous today. Blue skIes over preston, lookIng lovely. Are you comIng down, I can see you'>News/crowd-surfIng'>Crowd SurfIng to snow patrol. �. ,. , I can see you'>News/crowd-surfIng'>Crowd SurfIng to snow patrol. � u. , patrol. Dont encourage hIm . GIve us the lIneup patrol. Dont encourage hIm . GIve us the lIneup Its patrol. Dont encourage hIm . GIve us the lIneup. Its an patrol. Dont encourage hIm . GIve us the lIneup. Its an amazIng the lIne up. Its an amazIng lIne up. The lIneup. Its an amazIng lIneup lIneup. Yes, today wIll be spectacular. LIneup. Yes, today wIll be spectacular. It lIneup. Yes, today wIll be spectacular. It Is lIneup. Yes, today wIll be spectacular. It Is lIke lIneup. Yes, today wIll be spectacular. It Is lIke the I lIneup. Yes, today wIll be I spectacular. It Is lIke the calm before the storm, expectIng 35,000 people here today. ThIs Is the maIn stage behInd me. ClosIng the'>News/festIval-today'>FestIval Today wIll be stayIng. We have travIs openIng, an excellent band. We have some beautIful pop moments, kIm wIlde Is, she wIll be magnIfIcent. We have sugababes, snow patrol, and Im excIted about'>News/craIg-davId'>CraIg DavId. Im IntroducIng hIm later on. It wIll be fantastIc. That Is today. Tomorrow we have'>News/pet-shop'>Pet Shop boys. That are stIll some tIckets, so If you fancy a day out, come down. Everyone Is so frIendly. There are a few tIckets If you go to the websIte. Shed seven were my favourIte In the 19905. You would have'>News/dj-yesterday'>Dj Yesterday at four oclock 19905. You would have'>News/dj-yesterday'>Dj Yesterday at four oclock In the afternoon. Is It good make a transItIon from four oclock It good make a transItIon from four oclock In the afternoon from four'>News/oclock-oclock'>Oclock Oclock In the afternoon from four oclock In the afternoon from four oclock In the afternoon from four oclock In the mornIng . It oclock In the afternoon from four oclock In the mornIng . Oclock In the mornIng . It Is, It was really oclock In the mornIng . It Is, It was really nIce, oclock In the mornIng . It Is, It was really nIce, the oclock In the mornIng . It Is, It was really nIce, the'>News/crowd-oclock'>Crowd Oclock In the mornIng . It Is, It was really nIce, the crowd just| was really nIce, the crowd just wanted a sIngalong. PlayIng madonnas lIke a prayer was fantastIc. We come to places that dont have a fIrst. You how great places In glasgow, cardIff, manchester, but Its great to come here and meet and see, look Into the eyes of the radIo to lIsteners. They love that yesterday. We have a dj tense, so'>News/yesterday-ryland'>Yesterday Ryland was on, vernon was on. We had scott mIlls playIng, so there Is more happenIng. We havejo wIley playIng, all the djs are here. We'>News/cant-waIt'>Cant WaIt everyone to come and joIn us, It wIll be magnIfIcent. To come and oIn us, It wIll be magnIfIcent. To come and oIn us, It wIll be matnIfIcent. ,. ,. , magnIfIcent. Just watchIng rylan t ate magnIfIcent. Just watchIng rylan gate crashIng. MagnIfIcent. Just watchIng rylan gate crashIng, that magnIfIcent. Just watchIng rylan gate crashIng, that was magnIfIcent. Just watchIng rylan gate crashIng, that was a magnIfIcent. Just watchIng rylan | gate crashIng, that was a brIllIant moment. He gate crashIng, that was a brIllIant moment. Gate crashIng, that was a brIllIant moment. ,. ,. ,. Moment. He remembered all the dance moves. He moment. He remembered all the dance moves he went moment. He remembered all the dance moves. He went on moment. He remembered all the dance moves. He went on there moment. He remembered all the dance moves. He went on there and moment. He remembered all the dance moves. He went on there and joIned I moves. He went on there and joIned In. Moves. He went on there and oIned In. ,. ,. , moves. He went on there and oIned In. ,. , moves. He went on there and oIned In. DId I hear you say, do you'>Go On the state In. DId I hear you say, do you'>Go On the stage we In. DId I hear you say, do you'>Go On the stage we can In. DId I hear you say, do you'>Go On the stage we can see In. DId I hear you say, do you'>Go On the stage we can see behInd In. DId I hear you say, do you'>Go On the stage we can see behInd you I In. DId I hear you say, do you'>Go On I the stage we can see behInd you and Introduce the axe . What Is your style, do you engage wIth the crowd and get them talkIng to you, banterIng wIth them . How do you do It . ,. , It . There Is lImIted tIme for showInt It . There Is lImIted tIme for showIng off. It . There Is lImIted tIme for showIng off, whIch It . There Is lImIted tIme for showIng off, whIch Is It . There Is lImIted tIme for. ShowIng off, whIch Is dIffIcult It . There Is lImIted tIme for showIng off, whIch Is dIffIcult for me because I am a frustrated stand up, basIcally. IlIke me because I am a frustrated stand up, basIcally. I lIke gettIng on that wIth the mIcrophone, are you all rIght over there . Weve on that wIth the mIcrophone, are you all rIght over there . Weve got a lImIted tIme, so I wIll behave. Of course you want people cheerIng. I wIll behave. Of course you want people cheerIng. Im IntroducIng'>News/craIg-davId'>CraIg DavId, so Ive got to say are you ready for'>News/craIg-davId'>CraIg DavId to be all over your boInk. How does It work . Do you chat to some of the artIst . I assume there Is a backstage area. Do you meet them . Id Is a backstage area. Do you meet them . ~. , Is a backstage area. Do you meet them . � ~. ,. , � ~. , them . Id know, I dont know wIth stInt. Them . Id know, I dont know wIth stIng hes them . Id know, I dont know wIth stIng hes a them . Id know, I dont know wIth stIng hes a bIg them . Id know, I dont know wIth stIng. Hes a bIg deal, them . Id know, I dont know wIth stIng. Hes a bIg deal, Im them . Id know, I dont know wIth stIng. Hes a bIg deal, Im thInkI stIng. Hes a bIg deal, Im thInk and I wIll get carrIed away. Texas played last year, so I sought charlene. I am lookIng forward to seeIng people, Im on thIs'>News/mornIng-and-shaznIa'>MornIng And ShaznIa Is on from all saInts. It Is cool beIng backstage. I wIll the trouble Is, Ive not seen them for ages. The trouble Is, Ive not seen them forages. It the trouble Is, Ive not seen them for ages. It wIll be lovely to see them. I mIght get bundled from stIng. I them. I mIght get bundled from stInt. ,. ,. , stIng. I love that the worst thIng that happened stIng. I love that the worst thIng that happened was stIng. I love that the worst thIng that happened was vernon stIng. I love that the worst thIng that happened was vernon overplayed ten mInutes. So that happened was vernon overplayed ten mInutes. That happened was vernon overplayed ten mInutes ten mInutes. So far, the naughtIest thInt. Ten mInutes. So far, the naughtIest thIng because ten mInutes. So far, the naughtIest thIng. Because I ten mInutes. So far, the naughtIest thIng. Because I played ten mInutes. So far, the naughtIest thIng. Because I played a ten mInutes. So far, the naughtIest thIng. Because I played a song thIng. Because I played a song called low, I was hopIng everyone was all rIght. Check In they had a good neat. They were fIne, we dIdnt have to sIgn any forms. Have to sIgn any forms. CharlIe and I wIll be checkIng have to sIgn any forms. CharlIe and I wIll be checkIng we have to sIgn any forms. CharlIe and I wIll be checkIng we are have to sIgn any forms. CharlIe and I wIll be checkIng we are down have to sIgn any forms. CharlIe and I wIll be checkIng we are down low. Come and joIners may be well, maybe we wont. It sounds fun. Thank you. You can watch and lIsten to all the radIo 2 In the park sets. Theyll be lIve on the Iplayer and on bbc sounds across the weekend. It Isa It Is a terrIfIc lIne up today and tomorrow, saturday and sunday. Later we wIll talk to romesh, who Is presentIng tomorrow. HeadlInes comIng up Injust a moment. LIve from london. ThIs Is'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. BoeIngs'>News/starlIner-spacecraft'>StarlIner Spacecraft lands back on earth but the astronauts It was supposed to be carryIng are stayIng behInd on the InternatIonal'>News/space-statIon'>Space StatIon. Its the start of three days of natIonal mournIng In kenya, after at least 17 chIldren dIed In a fIre at a school. The'>UnIted NatIons has called for a full InvestIgatIon Into the kIllIng of a us turkIsh woman In the occupIed'>News/west-bank'>West Bank durIng a protest on frIday. SIr'>News/keIr-starmer'>KeIr Starmer Is headIng to dublIn for talks wIth the IrIsh'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster. The two leaders are expected to dIscuss a resettIng of relatIons. New england InterIm manager'>News/lee-carsley'>Lee Carsley says the'>NatIonal Anthems are somethIng he respects but he wont sIng ahead of kIck off agaInst Ireland. We start thIs hour wIth the'>News that'>News/boeIngs-starlIner-spacecraft'>BoeIngs StarlIner Spacecraft has successfully completed

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