Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240908 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240908

Yesterday. Ill have all the detaIls. Its saturday, 7 september. Our maIn story the'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster,'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmer, Is makIng hIs fIrst offIcIal vIsIt to Ireland today. Hell be In dublIn for talks wIth hIs opposIte number,'>News/sImon-harrIs'>SImon HarrIs. Theyll dIscuss topIcs IncludIng commerce across the IrIsh'>News/sea-and-theyll'>Sea And Theyll attend a'>News/natIons-league-football'>NatIons League Football match between Ireland and england. Our'>News/Ireland-correspondent'>Ireland Correspondent'>News/chrIs-page'>ChrIs Page reports. At the fIrst meetIng,'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmer and'>News/sImon-harrIs'>SImon HarrIs were pIctured havIng a plate. The photo symbolIsed a better relatIonshIp between the two countrIes after some years of straIn. Today,'>News/balgo-to'>Balgo To watch england take on Ireland In the uefa'>News/natIons-league'>NatIons League, but beyond Impact on whIch wIll dIsrupt the dIplomacy. In recent weeks he has had trIps to germany and france. BrItIsh'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIster'>News/to-mInIster'>To MInIster to go to dublIn was borIsjohnson, fIve years ago. RelatIons had cooled sIgnIfIcantly. BrexIt was the major factor. The border wIth'>News/northern-Ireland'>Northern Ireland was the uks only frontIer wIth the eu stop the Issue of how to avoId checkpoInts he became a huge stIckIng poInt. There was also tensIon between the governments over the questIon of how the conflIct known as the troubles should be InvestIgated. But'>News/sIr-keIr-starmer'>SIr KeIr Starmer� s'>News/electIon-vIctory'>ElectIon VIctory was broadly welcomed In dublIn Is a chance for a new start. There have already been sIgns of ImprovIng cooperatIon. The uk and Ireland are a multIbIllIon'>News/pound-tradIng'>Pound TradIng partners, and theIr relatIonshIp matters and any negotIatIons between london and brussels. SImon harrIs has been meetIng other'>News/InternatIonal-leaders'>InternatIonal Leaders. ThIs week he was In ukraIne. Back home, he wIll be focusIng on Islands tIes wIth Its nearest Islands tIes wIth Its nearest neIghbour. Both'>News/prIme-mInIster'>PrIme MInIsters are hopIng for a surefooted summIt wIth tactIcal teamwork. ChrIs page,'>News/'>News'>Bbc News. 6 03am. CharlIe has a look at the other days storIes. More than 60,000 people have sIgned a'>News/petItIon-callIng'>PetItIon CallIng for the extradItIon of a drIver suspected of kIllIng a 12 year old boy In a hIt and run. Dolars aleksanders Is thought to have fled to latvIa after the death of'>News/keaton-slater'>Keaton Slater Injune.'>News/0ur-reporter'>0ur Reporterjoan cummIns has the story. Its 12 weeks Its12 weeks sInce 12 year old'>News/keaton-slater'>Keaton Slater dIed after beIng hIt by a car In coventry. It'>News/keaton-slater'>Keaton Slater dIed after beIng hIt by a car In coventry. By a car In coventry. It ust broke my heart. By a car In coventry. It ust broke my heart. You h by a car In coventry. It ust broke my heart. You can by a car In coventry. It ust broke my heart. You can stIll by a car In coventry. Itjust broke my heart. You can stIll hear by a car In coventry. Itjust broke my heart. You can stIll hear hIs l my heart. You can stIll hear hIs voIce, stIll runnIng In hIs house wIth hIs mates, can I do thIs, can I do that. So at the mInute It Is just stIll raw. Do that. So at the mInute It Is ust stIll raw. , do that. So at the mInute It Is ust stIll raw. ,. ,. , stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef In stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef In the stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef'>In The CIty stIll raw. There was an outpourIng of collectIve grIef'>In The CIty at of collectIve grIef'>In The CIty at the tI

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