Transcripts For BBCNEWS HARDtalk 20240917 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS HARDtalk 20240917

In the russian orthodox church, choose to speak out against the invasion. When you did that, did you feel that this would be the end of your career in the russian orthodox church? i think that when the war has begun, very few of us could actually give a prediction of what is going to come through. So i think that many people would suggest that the war would be over in a very short period of time. So i don't think that any of us was acting out of any kind of prediction. And i think when i spoke out against the war, i don't think that i really felt any choice. I thought that it was a moral imperative on behalf of any christian or any sensible and reasonable person, to try to stop it, or at least not to be a part of what one may call a moraljustification of evil. But you didn't actually just speak out yourself. Within days, you were a cosignatory to a declaration that, i think, involved almost 300 russian orthodox priests, who were opposed to this invasion. So, it wasn't just yourself. You were at the beginnings of creating a movement. Well, we tried to show that the church is not really a communist party, when on the one side you have someone who speaks on behalf of everyone, and on the other side, you have the silence of the lambs. So, of course, i think many people were very much disappointed with the rhetoric that was taken by the officially by the moscow patriarchate. But we wanted to show that it is not the, um, entire russian orthodox community, laypeople and priests, who do support it. We thought that if the people are expecting to hear some christian evaluation of what is happening, if it doesn't come from above, it has to come from below. If you had such moral qualms, which you felt you had to express in the wake of february 2022, why hadn't you expressed them very much earlier? afterall, russia's military operations in ukraine began in 2014. The annexation of crimea took place in 2014. I don't see you speaking out against that. Well, this was not the first time that we spoke out against a line that was taken by the government. For example, a few years before this open letter appeared, there was another open letter signed by the priest on the socalled moscow case. And i have published some articles, for example, where i questioned why, for example, ivan ilyin, who is essentially a fascist thinker, why he became the main, uh, the most central philosophicalfigure for the russian authorities. Or, for example, i participated in the discussion of blessing of the weapons, and i was actually warning that in this discourse it may happen that a war will be launched against a neighbouring country, which will be presented as defensive. Right, so that's my point, in a way. We'd had this sort of blessing of the weapons. We had the patriarch kirill and we'll talk some more about him, i'm sure, in the course of this interview, describing putin's leadership as a miracle of god. We had catherine belton, an author whose book, putin's people, is regarded as a definitive book on putin's power in russia, talking about the way the russian orthodox church was promoted in eastern ukraine before and after 2014. You, as a priest in that church, serving in madrid, saw and heard all of these things. I just wonder why it took the invasion of 2022 to become a tipping point for you? well, i think everyone has his own tipping point, and this was really the point of division, which required a choice on behalf of everyone, including the laity and the priests. But, you know, before that, before the full invasion of russia into ukraine has begun, all the russian church was really praying for peace and reconciliation in the east of ukraine. Was it, really? was the patriarch kirill praying for peace? well, these were the prayers that were in use, at least liturgically. And something has changed in a very radical way when the war has begun. And from the language of reconciliation, the official language has become that of victory. So, for example, most of the priests who are being repressed now in the russian church for not supporting the official line, they are being repressed because they refuse to read the socalled prayer for the holy rus. And one of the most famous cases is when a priest changed only one word in the prayer. The word victory he changed for the word peace. And so he was then defrocked. That's extraordinary. So by refusing to use the word victory and replacing it with the word peace, if you are a russian orthodox cleric inside russia, you will be punished and probably removed, will you? indeed. And, at present, i do not know any clergyman in the russian orthodox church who would openly oppose the war and the prowar rhetoric, and would still remain at service. So, how many. . . The repressions are numerous. . . Of the almost 300 priests who signed that that declaration in the early days after the february 2022 invasion, how many of them were, like yourself, expatriate priests working in foreign churches within the russian orthodox church? and how many were actual priests serving inside russia itself? well, i would say i don't remember the numbers exactly, but i would suggest that probably about 200 were in russia itself, and maybe about 100 would be outside of the country. But at least now. . . And what's happened to those 200 or so? how many of them do you think are still in the church? well, most of them, i think, would still be in the church, but those who kept themselves public in their antiwar discourse were either suspended as priests or they were defrocked. So, for example, a friend of mine, a priest in dusseldorf in germany, and myself, we organised a foundation, which is called mir vsem peace be unto all, in which we try to help the priests who are being repressed, who don't have any means to sustain their families. Some of them are in russia, so not all their names are in public, because they do not want to be public and attract attention of the ecclesiastical and of governmental bodies, but some of them had to emigrate. But, besides helping these people, we wanted to give them a voice, and we wanted to show, and we still want to show that the russian orthodox church is very far from supporting putin's rhetoric in its fullness. Just to be clear about your own situation, you are no longer inside the russian orthodox church. Technically, i think, you resigned, but was it a genuine resignation, or were you pushed? well, i was pushed because in the beginning of the year 2023, i was suspended as a priest by a secret resolution of the patriarch of moscow. So this came from kirill? this came from kirill directly. How do you know? well, i know because i was then a diocesan secretary, so i know things. But, for me, it was a clear move that if this was a temporary suspension, then the indefinite one will come sooner or later. So then i realised that i have to go. Do you feel entirely safe now? i know you've moved from madrid, where you were running the russian orthodox cathedral in madrid. You now live in germany. We know that the russian government doesn't like dissidents, opponents, to be vocal, to be active, whether they are operating inside russia or very farfrom russia. Do you feel threatened in any way? well, i wouldn't want to compare my own risks with the risk of the people who are physically in russia, and with the bravery of those people who are in russia. For example, with the people that i have met personally, the russian political prisoners who have been exchanged, on the one hand, and on the other hand, with the real risks of those people who remain in ukraine and defend their country. I just don't see myself in the same situation. What do you think the russian orthodox church makes of the fact that you're still preaching, albeit not in their church, but you are still an active orthodox priest, no longer tied to moscow? i didn't ask them. Do you use your pulpit to send a very clear message of opposition? well, i don't think that the pulpit is meant for opposition. I think that the pulpit is meant to proclaim the gospel and to proclaim the christian vision. But if what you preach contradicts the official narrative, then you are being accused of participation in the opposition. But, of course, i still keep in touch with the russian media, both in the country and abroad. Some people still carry on working in russia and they are the real heroes. Like, for example, dmitry muratov, who is the nobel prize winner and the editorinchief in the past of novaya gazeta. So, these people are the real heroes. And, of course, i try to support people and address people using the possibilities that i have, both the russian journalists who are in russia and abroad. At the beginning of this programme, i talked about the way in which putin's vision for a russian world, a greater russia, of course, is premised upon military power, but it also has a very strong cultural, spiritual element. The association between putin and the leadership of the russian orthodox church could not be stronger. Explain to me how this relationship actually works between church and state. Well, some of the experts, like, for example, father cyril hovorun, they would say that the war consists of two elements the weapons and the ideas, because the weapons do not shoot without the ideas and the ideology. So he would say that while the weapons are provided by the state, the ideology is provided by the church. This is true, but only in part. So, for example, if you look at the doctrine of the russian world, which you have mentioned, it was constructed artificially in the 19905 as an alternative to the postsoviet identity, basically of shame, after the collapse of the soviet union. But then it was taken up by kremlin and, for example, vladislav surkov, who was one of the politicians directly responsible for the policy of russia in eastern ukraine. He said that, for us, this concept was interesting because it corresponded to our desire to expand. And, in another interview, he said that for russia to be within its limits is boring and uncomfortable. The paper of the moscow patriarchate in this sense is that the doctrine is being sacralized. So it is the russian world, not simply as an ethnic or a national community, but as a community which is morally superior to the world because it lives according to the socalled traditional values, which have the divine origin. It's a supernatural community, which was born at the baptism of russia, etc. I guess what i'm really getting to is the degree to which vladimir putin dictates to the russian orthodox church and uses it as a tool. Is that the way you see it, or is it more complex than that? i think it's way more complex than that. And i think that it's also quite different from the situation in which the church found itself in the soviet union. So, for example, i remember a story which was told to me by metropolitan anthony bloom, who lived in london, who represented the russian church here for decades. And he said that once, it must have been the 19705, to london came metropolitan nikodim, who was a teacher of the patriarch, and he gave a press conference, probably here in the bbc. The journalists were asking him, you know, how is the church in russia? are there any persecutions? is there any pressure? he said, everything is fine, everything is brilliant. And after that he approached metropolitan anthony and asked, how did i sound? how was it? he said, it was terrible and everyone was laughing at you and noone believed you. He said, brilliant, because this is the way i meant it to be. Now, the difference now, is that the people who preach what we call *z theology*, i think they believe what they preach. I don't think that it's possible to persuade the patriarch to say something that he does not believe. So, i would not think. . . Hang on, this is important. I mean, the patriarch has basically, to paraphrase him somewhat, has basically described the war in ukraine as a holy war. He suggested that those who die fighting for russia in this war will be absolved of their sins. This makes it sound like some sort of holy crusade. Well, i mean, on the one hand, i think that what is really important here is that the relationship between the church and the state is not simply objects and subjects. I think that when you listen to these people, you have to understand that it is something very similar to an apocalyptic sect, which is absolutely assured in its own superiority, and it is sure that the world does not have any meaning. The existence of the world has no meaning without the existence of this community. So i think that we're speaking about something that these people actually share, rather than they impose one on the other. It's a shared vision. So let's talk about putin himself. Do you believe that vladimir putin is being cynical and opportunist in his relationship with the church, or is he actually a religious man? well, i think that in a way he is religious, but it is a kind of religion which has nothing to do with christianity. I have tried to analyse some of the things that he's said about his faith and, at some moment, i think it was earlier in the year 2023, he was criticising something that he has heard, which took place in britain, that god is gender neutral, and he could not accept that. Obviously, the discussion was not about god, but it was about the gender neutral language. But, obviously, for him, it was so difficult to accept. He does believe that god has a gender, and if god has a gender, obviously, it's a male god. And what does it mean to be a man in the postsoviet culture? you know, we have this word in russian, *muzhik*, which would really, if a man asks another, are you muzhik or not? it's really the capacity to resolve any conflict by violence and by aggression. So, for example, you may want to refer to a book written by hector garcia, which is called the alpha god, where he shows how sometimes in the evolution of humanity, the alpha males were inventing alpha gods to make them look like themselves. So i think that we are speaking about some kind of religion, but it's going to be a very, very basic one. Let's talk about another russian, who was very public in his religiosity, and that's alexei navalny. You agreed to officiate in a commemorative service just a few months ago after navalny*s death in prison, which involved his wife. And she thanked you for your involvement and you've spoken about your admiration for navalny*s courage. In a way, how can the same russian orthodox religion have fuelled the behaviours, the belief system of putin and of alexei navalny? well, i mean, if you look at the history of christianity, you can say that christianity has been fuelling all kinds of things not of which are going to improve. But i think that regarding navalny himself, i never knew him personally, but i think that we owe him a few things. One is that he, um, contributed to destroy a myth, which is one of the central ones in the russian propaganda that if someone thinks and acts not in accordance with the official line, it means that he is paid from abroad and he is directed from abroad. Now, obviously, there is no authority, and there is no money that can send someone to a place like kharp and to accept terrible death in that prison. The second thing is something that i spoke about at this memorial service is that, you know, being a christian is notjust about, um, quoting the bible, but it's about following christ in a very literal manner. So the image that i had in front of my eyes when he was boarding a plane from berlin to moscow is that of descent into hell. So one of the things that i said at the ceremony is that navalny taught us that you can be in hell and not be a part of it. You took navalny*s fight against putin as an example that others could follow. We've discussed

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