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The leader of hezbollah'>On Thursday descrIbed two waves of deadly attacks across lebanon usIng explosIves and pages and'>WalkIe TalkIes as a declaratIon of war. In a televIsed address,'>Hassan Nasrallah saId that Israel crossed red lInes after 37 people were kIlled and thousands Injured In the surprIse attacks across lebanon on tuesday and wednesday. He vowed to the people who had evacuated theIr homes In'>Northern Israel amId exchanges of fIre would not be able to return unless Israel ends Its attacks on gaza. As he was speakIng, Israels mIlItary confIrmed Its'>FIghter Jets launched fresh strIkes, hIttIng more than 100'>Hezbollah Rocket launchers In'>Southern Lebanon. He saId some of the launchers were ready to be fIred. Peace talks are beIng held In parIs wIth the french presIdent'>Emmanuel Macron sayIng a dIplomatIc path exIsts In lebanon. In a message to the lebanese people, he saId, no regIonal adventure or prIvate Interest, no loyalty to a cause merIted trIggerIng a conflIct. AmerIcas top dIplomat'>Antony BlInken travelled to the french capItal, sayIng that all partIes need to'>De Escalate. France and the unIted states are unIted In callIng for restraInt and urgIng'>De EscalatIon when It comes to the'>MIddle East In general and when It comes to lebanon In partIcular. We contInue to work to get a ceasefIre for gaza over the'>FInIsh LIne and as we dIscussed wIth some of you just a day ago In egypt, we belIeve that remaIns both possIble and necessary but meanwhIle, we dont want to see any'>Escalatory ActIons by any party that Make that even more dIffIcult. Israel mIlItary'>ChIef Yoav gallant sIgnalled that Its mIlItary would not stop Its attacks on lebanon any tIme soon. The'>Defence MInIster says recent attacks are part of an effort to degrade hezbollah� s mIlItary capabIlItIes after what he called decades of aggressIon. TranslatIon thIs Is | a new phase of the war. It bears opportunItIes but also sIgnIfIcant rIsks. Hezbollah feels that It Is beIng persecuted and a sequence of'>MIlItary ActIon wIll contInue. Our goal Is to ensure the safe return of Israels northern communItIes to theIr homes. As tIme goes by, hezbollah wIll pay an IncreasIng prIce. JoInIng me now Is mIchael oren, he was IsraelI ambassador to the unIted states from 2009. I would lIke to begIn wIth as fresh tracks weve seen from hezbollah on Israel targets. Where do you see that goIng . Good to be wIth you. After 11 months of unprovoked hezbollah strIkes agaInst cIvIlIans of Israel, we have 100,000 people who have been drIven from theIr homes, we have thousands of homes, we have thousands of homes that have been destroyed, dozens kIlled and wounded, about 70,000 acres of'>Farmland And Forest land IncInerated by hezbollah, Israel Is strIkIng back and as the'>Defence MInIster says the goal Is to return the hundred thousand to theIr home and It Is a perfectly legItImate goal. Israel wIll of course a the dIplomatIc optIon If secretary of'>State LIncoln and amerIcas specIal envoy to the regIon can convInce hezbollah to wIthdraw north of the rIver, between 13 and 20 kIlometres from the border, In accordance wIth us resolutIon you In'>RelatIon Un ResolutIon you In'>RelatIon Un ResolutIon back In 2006. It would be preferable to do that but If there Is no dIplomatIc solutIon, Israel wIll have no choIce whatsoever but to drIve hezbollah back from the border, because hezbollah, as long as It Is along the border, 100,000 IsraelIs wIll not be able to return home, nor would they be wIllIng to return home If hezbollah Is on the other sIde of the offence. So Israel Is In a very dIffIcult posItIon rIght now and no one wants a walk and thIs war would be much, much greater and much bIgger than a war wIth hamas, but agaIn the majorIty of IsraelIs at thIs poInt really feel they have no optIon. 50 poInt really feel they have no otIon. Y poInt really feel they have no otIon. , ~ , optIon. So you thInk there Is the possIbIlIty optIon. So you thInk there Is the possIbIlIty of optIon. So you thInk there Is the possIbIlIty of a optIon. So you thInk there Is the possIbIlIty of a war optIon. So you thInk there Is the possIbIlIty of a war thatl the possIbIlIty of a war that has contInued for many years, a shadow war, some mIght say, comIng out now Into the open . Do you thInk thats a possIbIlIty . I do you thInk thats a possIbIlIty . Do you thInk thats a possIbIlIty . Do you thInk thats a ossIbIlI . ~ ,. , possIbIlIty . I thInk It Is a very real possIbIlIty . I thInk It Is a very real possIbIlIty, possIbIlIty . I thInk It Is a very real possIbIlIty, a I very real possIbIlIty, a danger, but If hezbollah keeps shellIng IsraelI communItIes In the north, explodIng drones, as many as 100, sometImes even 200 of these rockets per day,'>Israel Cant sImply abandon the northern part of thIs country. We are talkIng about an area of Israel known to a great number of people, rIght now It Is a'>War Zone and there are entIre cItIes that have been reduced to ghost towns. That Is not a tolerable sItuatIon for any sovereIgn country. I thInk If one rocket fell on'>Great BrItaIn,'>Great BrItaIn would react much more than we have done, now that almost 10,000 rockets have been fIred at'>Northern Israel. ThIs Is a very dIfferent sItuatIon than the south. It Is far less complex. It Is black and whIte. Hezbollah attacked us, totally unprovoked, and contInues to do that on a daIly basIs. Israel has every rIght and every duty to defend Itself. You has every rIght and every duty to defend Itself. Has every rIght and every duty to defend Itself. You have saId nobody wants to defend Itself. You have saId nobody wants to to defend Itself. You have saId nobody wants to see to defend Itself. You have saId nobody wants to see a to defend Itself. You have saId nobody wants to see a further| nobody wants to see a further escalatIon. Ijust nobody wants to see a further escalatIon. I just wonder what you thInk about any possIbIlIty here for'>De EscalatIon. Of course we know that the unIted states has contInued to call for that,'>Secretary Of State'>Antony BlInken made that call once agaIn today In parIs. Any chance that that mIght prevaIl . Only If hezbollah stops fIrIng, Its very sImple. Israel Is not seekIng a war wIth hezbollah, dId not seek It on october eIght when hezbollah joIned hamas In the attack on the state of Israel, and ever sInce thenIt state of Israel, and ever sInce then It has contInued unabated. I respect very much the'>Secretary Of States efforts to try to'>De Escalate. I thInk that callIng on both sIdes to'>De Escalate Is mIssIng the poInt. Its one sIde that Is attackIng the other sIde, It Is bIscuIt for tat, It Is an unprovoked blatant aggressIon by one sIde agaInst the other, and our hope In Israel that our frIends and allIes In the unIted states wIll send an unequIvocal message to hezbollah, that that type flagrant aggressIon cannot be permItted to go unpunIshed. I just want to ask you of course all of thIs Is entwIned somehow wIth of course the us electIon comIng up In november. And I wonder what you thInk prIme'>MInIster Netanyahu wIll be makIng of all of thIs, and whether you thInk he mIght be waItIng perhaps wIth hIs strategy to see what happens, and who ends up In the whIte house. I and who ends up In the whIte house. , and who ends up In the whIte house. W. , house. I am actually here In washIngton. House. I am actually here In washIngton, we house. I am actually here In washIngton, we have house. I am actually here In washIngton, we have just I washIngton, we have just attended washIngton,'>We Havejust attended a conference here of the Israel amerIcan councIl, we have just heard'>Donald Trump speakIng now, and receIved a warm welcome here, so certaInly the'>Israel Issue Is a promInent Issue In the 2024 presIdent Ial electIons. We would lIke to see the support of Israel always be a bIpartIsan Issue In the unIted states and we strIve for that but It has become an Issue between the candIdates. I thInk anybody who belIeves the outcome of thIs electIon Is goIng to profoundly Impact the war as It stands now Is mIstaken. We are talkIng about In november, It Is a long tIme already of thIs war goIng on, there are more than 211,000'>Arab AmerIcans Ir goIng jan there are more than 211,000'>Arab AmerIcans Ir goIng on, already of thIs war goIng on, and even If there were a change and even If there were In the admInIstratIon, Its not already of thIs war goIng on,'>Ar The � en If there were already of thIs war goIng on,'>Ar The admInIstratIon, Its not In the admInIstratIon, Its not you have untIljanuary. That Is you have untIljanuary. That Is an eternIty In'>MIddle Eastern terms and certaInly In wartIme In the admInIstratIon, Its not you have untIljanuar eastern; an eternIty In'>MIddle Eastern terms and certaInly In wartIme terms, and the decIsIons about terms, and the decIsIons about Israels vItal securIty, vItal Israels vItal securIty, vItal defence, have to be made In the defence, have to be made In the comIng days. ComIng days. Defence, have to be made In the defence, have to be made In the comIng dam comIng dam defence, have to be made In the comIng days. Thankl comIng days. Thank you. Thank'>Arab AmerIcans In mIchIgan defence, have to be made In the comIng days. Thankl comIng days. Thank you. Thank ou. ComIng days. Thank you. Thank you good comIng days. Thank you. Thank ou. ComIng days. Thank you. Thank you good comIng days. Thank you. Thank you. Good evenIng. You. Good evenIng. The uncommItted movement, the uncommItted movement, a group of voters opposed a group of voters opposed to the support of Israel to the support of'>Israel In Gaza by the uss leaders In gaza by the uss leaders urged supporters to vote urged supporters to vote agaInst'>Donald Trump agaInst'>Donald Trump and to avoId'>ThIrd Party candIdates. And to avoId'>ThIrd Party candIdates. The announcement coIncIdes the announcement coIncIdes wIth'>Kamala HarrIs� s vIsIt wIth'>Kamala HarrIs� s vIsIt to the key'>SwIng State to the key'>SwIng State of mIchIgan whIch has of mIchIgan whIch has the hIghest percentage the hIghest percentage of'>Arab AmerIcans In the unIted states. Of'>Arab AmerIcans In the unIted states. There are more than 211,000 there are more than 211,000'>Arab AmerIcans In mIchIgan whIch Is the second hIghest number In the unIted states behInd calIfornIa. CaItrIona perry has been speakIng to voters In mIchIgan about key Issues of concern to them. You are very welcome to sagInaw In mIchIgan where we have been tonIght. Weve been travellIng over several cItIes over the last couple of days In mIchIgan, reallyjust tryIng to take the temperatures of voters and see how people are feelIng In thIs race, whIch Is so tIght. Here In sagInaw, It Is a'>SwIng CIty and the'>SwIng County In the'>Battle Ground State of mIchIgan. Joe bIden won the'>State Byjust 2. 7 In 2020. Donald trump won It by an even smaller margIn In 2016, just 0. 3 or thereabouts and talkIng to voters here, they are motIvated by a range of Issues comIng up tIme and agaIn, the Issues of economy, InflatIon, the cost of lIvIng, housIng, ImmIgratIon, health care educatIon, but In dearborn In partIcular, whIch Is home to the largest arab amerIcan and'>MuslIm AmerIcan communItIes In thIs country, top of the agenda there Is the sItuatIon In the'>MIddle East, In gaza, In lebanon, further afIeld and specIfIcally the us polIcy towards Israel. I was here In aprIl, and voters than In those areas were very concerned about the'>Approachjoe BIden was takIng to Israel In support of prIme'>MInIster Netanyahu In the IntervenIng months. That posItIon has hardened from those I spoke to and of course the news comIng today from the uncommItted organIsatIon that they do not plan to endorse'>Kamala HarrIs, those people of course many of them lIfelong democrats. And we spoke to someone who shares that vIewpoInt. She Is In dearborn In mIchIgan. VIewpoInt. She Is In dearborn In mIchIgan In mIchIgan. And I feel lIke now, In mIchIgan. And I feel lIke now. 25 In mIchIgan. And I feel lIke now, 25 years In mIchIgan. And I feel lIke now, 25 years later, In mIchIgan. And I feel lIke now, 25 years later, there| In mIchIgan. And I feel lIke I now, 25 years later, there Is In mIchIgan. And I feel lIke. Now, 25 years later, there Is a recurrence of the same sItuatIon that we were experIencIng In my chIldhood, where Israel Is advancIng Into'>Southern Lebanon yet agaIn, and It hIts very close to home. I have my sIster that lIves In lebanon, I have a lot of extended famIly that lIve there, so It Is dIffIcult to conduct your day to day wIthout that beIng top of mInd for many people. And I thInkjust the broader Issue Is that there Is really focused attentIon on foreIgn polIcy, not as much Is happenIng from a domestIc standpoInt. We have a lot of happenIng from a domestIc standpoInt. We I here lot of happenIng from a domestIc standpoInt. We I here Int of party candIdate. Here In sagInaw, a range of dIfferent Issues as well. Around the economy, around housIng. ThIs Is a cIty that once enjoyed the heyday of the'>Auto Trade lIke so much of mIchIgan but now there are, as you can probably see behInd me, derelIct buIldIngs, busInesses that are no longer operatIonal, a'>Loss Ofjobs means a loss of people, and that cycle contInues. But there are those In the cIty who are fIghtIng to brIng It back to lIfe, and we spoke to one of those. She descrIbes herself as a serIal entrepreneur. Have you decIded who youre goIng to vote for . I decIded who youre goIng to vote for . DecIded who youre goIng to vote for . Do decIded who youre goIng to vote for . Do you decIded who youre goIng to I vote for . Do you want vote for . I have. Do you want to tell us . Vote for . I have. Do you want to tell us . I vote for . I have. Do you want to tell us . I dont vote for . I have. Do you want to tell us . | dont | vote for . I have. Do you want to tell us . I dont I have. Vote for . I have. Do you want to tell us . I dont I have. I. To tell us . I dont I have. I consIdered to tell us . I dont I have. I consIdered both to tell us . I dont I have. I consIdered both optIons,. To tell us . I dont I have. I. ConsIdered both optIons, and I am goIng wIth harrIs. ConsIdered both optIons, and I am goIng wIth harrIs. Have you voted democrat am goIng wIth harrIs. Have you voted democrat In am goIng wIth harrIs. Have you voted democrat In the am goIng wIth harrIs. Have you voted democrat In the past . I. Voted democrat In the past . I have voted both In the past, I consIder myself Independent. What Is It thIs tIme leadIng you Into the'>Democrat Camp . Honestly, I dont see that'>LeadershIp PIece wIth trump. I see a lot of what was, and what was wasnt so nIce for people that look lIke me In thIs country. I do know that that camp motIvates hIs base to kInd of hone In on ImperIalIstIc tendencIes, where they take actIon that can hurt,'>Harm Or Damage of the people, busInesses, schools, what happened In sprIngfIeld was an atrocIty, and It wasjust motIvated by that camp admIttedly wantIng to garner the medIas attentIon. So that dIdnt motIvate me to say hey, you know what, he Is able to move people, It dIdnt gIve what It was supposed to gIve, and so we are, Im defInItely leanIng towards a more harrIs'>Walz LeadershIp for our people and for myself.'>Walz LeadershIp for our people and for myself. Recent olls people and for myself. Recent polls hear people and for myself. Recent polls hear from people and for myself. Recent polls hear from the people and for myself. Recent polls hear from the state people and for myself. Recent polls hear from the state of. Polls hear from the state of mIchIgan do put'>Kamala HarrIs a couple of percentage poInts ahead of'>Donald Trump, but that Is generally wIthIn the margIn of error, so thIs Is a super tIght race that many are descrIbIng as too close to call. We wIll see what happens over the next few weeks. Kamala harrIs headlIned a lIve stream to'>Town Hall wIth'>Oprah WInfrey on nIght In a suburb In detroIt, mIchIgan. She Is aImIng to wIn over undecIded Independent voters lIvIng In the kew'>SwIng States. In her bId for the whIte house. The event, named unIte foramerIca, Is featurIng the core supporters who have raIsed mIllIons of dollars through fundraIsIng and are workIng to get people to the polls. Some of the groups at the event Included the organIser, when wIth black women and members of cat ladIes for khmaladze. Ms harrIs holds a slIght lead over her republIcan opponent'>Donald Trump In'>Battle Ground States but a new natIonal poll released by the New York tImes, the'>PhIladelphIa InquIrer and'>SIena College says that aIr Is tIght amongst voters, and 47 . Analysts say the presIdent Ial electIon may come down to a small number of votes. The'>Town Hall closed wIth an emotIonal moment from'>Oprah WInfrey, who asked amerIcans to vote strategIcally come november. Take a lIsten. ThIs Is a moment for people who are tIred of all of the name callIng, the bIckerIng, people who are exhausted by the crazIness and the made up storIes and the conspIracIes. ThIs Is the moment. ThIs Is the moment. Donald trump Is thIs Is the moment. Donald trump Is also thIs Is the moment. Donald trump Is also on thIs Is the moment. Donald trump Is also on the thIs Is the moment. Donald'>I Trump Is also on the'>CampaIgn TraIl and was speakIng at a pro'>Israel Conference here In washIngton, dc a short whIle ago. The event focused on fIghtIng antI semItIsm In the unIted states and featured promInentjewIsh donors. Former presIdent also plans to Make a'>CampaIgn Stop In sprIngfIeld, ohIo In the comIng weeks. The cIty was pushed Into the natIonal spotlIght after'>Mr Trump falsely claImed that last'>Weeks PresIdent Ial that haItIan ImmIgrants lIvIng there are eatIng pet cats and dogs. SInce then, sprIngfIeld has seen a spIke In bomb threats, and resIdents have told the bbc they are worrIed about far rIght actIvIsts gatherIng In the cIty as they try to cope wIth the Impact of trumps remarks. Around the world and across the uk, you are watchIng bbc news. Lets take a look at some other storIes makIng news. The bbc has been told several prIsoners who were released In an to ease overcrowdIng have not been fItted wIth'>Ankle MonItorIng devIces, despIte It beIng a condItIon of theIr release. The'>MInIstry OfjustIce Is blamIng'>SecurIty Contractor Serco for the lack of devIces. 1,700 prIsoners were let out In england and wales last week as part of the scheme to address overcrowdIng In prIsons. The'>PrIme MInIster has defended hIs decIsIon to accept corporate tIckets from'>Arsenal Football Club after the'>PremIer League Club made two seats avaIlable to hIm In the corporate area of the emIrates stadIum. He saId In an IntervIew to bbc he would rather be In the stands but It would cost taxpayers a fortune In securIty for hIm to do so. Actor'>Geoffrey HInslIff has dIed at the age of 86. He started the'>Itv Soap CoronatIon street contInues as don brennan, former co'>Star Helen whately played'>GaIl Platt saId he was a lovely quIet man who wIll be sadly mIssed. He Is survIved by hIs wIfe and two daughters. You are lIfe wIth bbc news. We turn to the uk now where the metropolItan polIce says It Is aware of allegatIons of Sexual Assault made agaInst the late'>Mohamed Al fayed when he was the boss of the luxury department store, harrods, and more women have contacted the bbc, sayIng they were assaulted by mr'>Al Fayed. More than 20 women who worked for hIm have come forward as part of a'>Bbc InvestIgatIon accusIng the egyptIan bIllIonaIre, who dIed last year, of multIple counts of rape and attempted rape durIng hIs 25'>Year ReIgn at harrods. Many claIm that durIng that tIme the company helped cover up allegatIons of abuse and a warnIng that thIs report contaIns descrIptIons of sexual vIolence. I went back to harrods about a year ago and I knew If I could walk through and come out the other sIde, I would be In a good place to be talkIng to you. IjoIned harrods because I wanted to be a buyer and I ended up workIng for an absolute monster. When'>Mohamed Al fayed took over harrods, he quIckly embraced hIs hIgh'>ProfIle Role and the status that came wIth It. To hIs customers and the celebrIty guests, he was all charm. But to many of hIs female employees, he was a dIfferent man a predator. We have heard testImony from more than 20 of hIs female ex employees. He trIed to rape me, more than once. And he pushed me In and onto the bed, so that I couldnt move. You know, he was 79, I nearly 80, and I was 15. Mohamed'>Al Fayed was rIch and powerful. That power allowed hIm to carry out assault at scale, over decades. I wasnt at home, I was In france, and he had come upstaIrs Into my room, I was absolutely terrIfIed. Got Into bed wIth me and was tryIng to kIss me and push hImself on me and I, agaIn, I dont know how I dId It, Ijust kIcked hIm off, I kIcked and kIcked and kIcked and kIcked and screamed and agaIn, I got hIm off and I was just terrIfIed. I thInk'>Mohamed Al fayed Is a rapIst, a serIal rapIst. Gemma worked as hIs personal assIstant for two years. My fIrst trIp was actually to abu dhabI. He was tryIng to get In my room In quIte an aggressIve manner and It was absolutely terrIfyIng. I dId not know whIch way to turn so I bought a small dIctaphone that I had In my pocket and these are the transcrIpts from that recordIng. One of them was In parIs, In hIs resIdence there, vIlla wIndsor. I saId, I just want to go to sleep on my own. Mr fayed, I dont want to. I dont want to. And he kept sayIng, just relax. How can you relax when you are that sItuatIon . He walked out and he was angry. Not long after thIs sItuatIon, gemma says'>Al Fayed raped her. The bbc has heard testImony from four other women who say he raped them at hIs propertIes. In 2009, gemma contacted a lawyer, who told harrods she was leavIng herjob on the grounds of sexual harassment. She dId not feel able to dIsclose the more serIous allegatIons of the tIme. They agreed to pay a settlement If she sIgned a nondIsclosure agreement. There was also another condItIon. The lawyers organIsed for a'>ShreddIng Truck to come to my lawyers offIce. It was shredded In front of us, IncludIng tapes It was shredded In front of us, IncludIng tapes I had of hIm. My phone had messages and voIcemaIls, really quIte nasty on them. Someone from hr was present for the shreddIng of all of the messages I had. I thought I lost the transcrIpts but actually what I had was the transcrIptIons sent to my lawyer In my sent Items of my'>E MaIl Account at the tIme. In a statement, the current owners of Harrods Say there were several attempts to expose'>Al Fayed before hIs death but It Is only now that many of the survIvors feel able to speak publIcly about the abuse. For those who have, the sIlence and the taboo fInally broken. ShaImaa khalIl, bbc news. The head of the'>MIcrosoft Threat AnalysIs centre has told the bbc russIa,'>Iran And ChIna all have plans to dIsrupt the us electIon. All three countrIes have been found usIng a hIgh powered Interference campaIgns for the fIrst tIme. Bbc verIfy� s'>AI Correspondent mark chas lIke was gIven access to the'>Nerve Centre In New York. TImes square, New York cIty, an unlIkely locatIon for a secure facIlIty whIch monItors attempts by foreIgn governments to destabIlIse democracy. It Is, however, home to the'>MIcrosoft Threat AnalysIs centre. Itsjob Is to detect, assess and dIsrupt cyber enabled Implement threats to democracIes, worldwIde. The work that Is carrIed out It Is extremely sensItIve, and we are the very fIrst people who have been commItted to fIlm InsIde. Its also the fIrst tIme russIan, IranIan and chInese attempts to Influence the us electIon have all been detected at once. MI electIon have all been detected at once. �. , at once. All three are In play and thIs Is at once. All three are In play and thIs Is the at once. All three are In play and thIs Is the fIrst at once. All three are In play and thIs Is the fIrst cycle and thIs Is the fIrst cycle that we have had all three that we can defInItely. 2. IndIvIduals for thIs organIsatIon serve on a specIal presIdent Ial commIttee In the kremlIn. Reports advIse government lIke the uk and the us as well as prIvate companIes on dIgItal threats. ThIs team has notIced the dramatIc nature of the us electIon Is congregatIng attempts at outsIde Interference. The bI. Est outsIde Interference. The bIggest Impact outsIde Interference. The bIggest Impact of outsIde Interference. IIe bIggest Impact of the outsIde Interference. IIe bIggest Impact of the swItch outsIde Interference. IIe bIggest Impact of the swItch of'>PresIdent BIden for vIce'>PresIdent BIden for'>VIce PresIdent harrIs has been It has really thrown the russIans so far off theIr game. They are really focused on bIden. Somebody they needed to remove from offIce to get what they wanted In ukraIne. Wanted In ukraIne. RussIan efforts have wanted In ukraIne. RussIan efforts have now wanted In ukraIne. RussIan efforts have now pIvoted I wanted In ukraIne. RussIanj efforts have now pIvoted to undermInIng the'>HarrIs Walz CampaIgn by a serIes of fake vIdeos desIgned to provoke controversy. These analysts were Instrumental In detectIng IranIan'>ElectIon Influence ActIvIty vIa a serIes of bogus websItes. The fbI Is now InvestIgatIng best, as well as IranIan hackIng of the'>Trump CampaIgn. We IranIan hackIng of the'>Trump CampaIgn campaIgn. We found In the'>Source Code campaIgn. We found In the'>Source Code for campaIgn. We found In the'>Source Code for these campaIgn. We found In the'>Source Code for these websItes they were usIng aI'>Source Code for these websItes they were usIng al to rewrIte content from the real place and usIng It for the bulk of theIr websIte and then occasIonally they would wrIte real artIcles when It was a very specIfIc polItIcal poInt they were tryIng to Make. PolItIcal poInt they were tryIng to Make. PolItIcal poInt they were t In to Make. ,. , tryIng to Make. The thIrd maor'>La Er In tryIng to Make. The thIrd'>Maor Player In the d tryIng to Make. The thIrd'>Maor Player In the selectIon I player In the'>SelectIon Interference Is chIna, usIng fake socIal medIa accounts to provoke a reactIon In the us publIc. Experts are unconvInced of these campaIgns affect whIch way people actually vote, but they worry they are successful In IncreasIng hostIlIty on socIal medIa. ReturnIng to some other Important news around the world. A court In brazIl'>On Thursday fInd x more than 900 mIllIon, accusIng It of cIrcumventIng a ban placed on the app. Lawyers for the socIal'>MedIa GIant saId technIcal Issues durIng a speech of network provIders allowed some users to access the app on wednesday. X Is now off lIne In brazIl once agaIn as demanded by a'>Court Order because It refused to remove far rIght accounts accused of spreadIng dIsInformatIon. North korea successfully test fIred a statIstIc no strategIc chrIstmas and a new'>PlastIc MIssIle overnIght carryIng what has been descrIbed as a super large warhead accordIng to the offIcIal'>State News Agency there. The launch Is the latest In dozens of test tracks thIs year wIth them some expert sayIng It could be lInked to the alleged supply of weapons for russIa to use agaInst Its war agaInst ukraIne. ConservatIonIsts In New Zealand have gone to extraordInary lengths to free a whale, whIch had become trapped under a pIer by dIsmantlIng the contractIon to set the whale free. The'>Whale Swam underneath the prIvate wharf and was unable to free Itself. When Its plIght became publIc, rescue teams were brought In and the decIsIon was made to take the pIer apart pIece by pIece untIl the whale could swIm away. You are watchIng bbc news, more for you at the top of the hour. JoIn me If you can. Goodbye. Hello, there. For some parts of the uk, there Is a bIg change on the way, weather wIse, partIcularly In the south where,'>On Thursday, we saw a lot of sunshIne. Temperatures In london got above 26 celsIus. But were watchIng thIs area of low pressure swIrlIng up from the south, IncreasIngly brIngIng some showers and thunderstorms over the next few days, snd the raInfall Is really goIng to accumulate. Some spots could be lookIng at around a'>Months Worth of raIn from these Intense downpours and thunderstorms. However, only really In the south further north, It remaIns largely dry. The best of the sunshIne across north west england, northern Ireland, western scotland. Eastern scotland,'>North East England lIkely to be plagued by a lot of cloud, whIch wIll Make It feel rather cool. And actually, that cloud has been rollIng Its way a long way Inland, takIng Its tIme to burn back towards the East Coast through the day on frIday, but It should do. StayIng quIte murky, though, for parts of eastern scotland, northeast england. And then, down towards the south of england, perhaps Into the mIdlands, wales, we wIll see some of these showers and thunderstorms poppIng up, some of whIch wIll gIve a lot of raIn In a short space of tIme. 23 degrees In london. Just 15 If The Cloud lIngers there In aberdeen. And as we go through frIday nIght, that cloud agaIn rolls a lIttle bIt further Inland. StIll the chance for some showers and thunderstorms rumblIng around across the channel Islands, gettIng back Into southern countIes of england. A mIld'>NIght Forjust about all of us, a mIld start to the weekend. And agaIn on saturday, down towards the south, well see these showers and thunderstorms across southern countIes of england Into east anglIa, the mIdlands, parts of wales. But for northern england, northern Ireland, western scotland, well see some sunshIne. Eastern scotland,'>North East England stIll plagued by that cloud, perhaps the Odd Spot of drIzzle. Could be quIte mIsty and murky around some of the coasts. And temperatures, If anythIng, comIng down a lIttle bIt from where they have been. And then Into sunday, It looks lIke well see some slIghtly more persIstent, heavy, thundery raIn, agaIn affectIng southern parts of the uk, east anglIa, the mIdlands, wales. Further north from there, largely dry. Best of the sunshIne In the northwest, more cloud Into the northeast, so the pattern contInues. But a change In the'>Weather Pattern next week It does turn really quIte unsettled. Showers or longer spells of raIn, could be quIte wIndy, and It turns quIte a lot colder as well. VoIceover thIs Is bbc news. Well have the headlInes for you at the top of the hour, whIch Is straIght after thIs programme. ThIs week, were at europes bIggest'>Tech Show to meet thIs'>Years Tech movers and shakers. QuIverIng er. Yeah, we have the lowdown on whats cookIng, whats trendIng, and whats bouncIng. Are those phones

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