Becoming increasingly connected in Tararua 14 Apr, 2021 05:30 PM 5 minutes to read The official party of guests with Mel Poulton, Hon Damien O'Connor, Mayor Tracey Collis and MP Kieran McAnulty in the front row. The official party of guests with Mel Poulton, Hon Damien O'Connor, Mayor Tracey Collis and MP Kieran McAnulty in the front row. Bush Telegraph By: Dave Murdoch Pic 2: BTG190421CT2 Caption: Wairarapa MP Kieran McAnulty speaking to the Connect Tararua members and supporters at Mt Mable Angus Stud shortly after the visit of the above to the tower. Pic 3: BTG190421CT3 Caption: Kumeroa School pupils welcome Hon Damien O'Connor and visitors to Kumeroa.