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Theater is a powerful living organism in which all its constituent opera and ballet troupes function clearly and harmoniously. Symphony orchestra, choir, childrens musical theater studio, and also a painting workshop workshops props. And artists workshop for tailoring costumes. Give the viewer emotions, bring up the taste, immerse in feelings and fill with thoughts. Here, all of our tailors know how to do this. I have here today womens 12 mens conversations. We will do it here, but we do costumes of 250 to 300 costumes and the longest period of time we have is 3 months. And naturally. They put a lot of pressure on these people. Well, there has never been such a thing that we disrupted the performances, not a single element of the costume, not a single decor of the costumes was repeated when i look at my work, and my soul rejoices, because i rejoice for my people who did this work. Thats how i am a leader. I can trust them 100 . Why because people they love their work, they are responsible for their work, they perform well, they never fell into the dirt face. We have always kept the bar high and our face at the world level. It is not surprising that theatrical professionals. We have recently released all wild kingdoms photo. This is our nationality so on, when we saw the result on stage. It pleases the soul, we recently released sleeping beauty, and there were probably 350 costumes. Someone is inventing something new in this as well. Ah, the meaning of my life. Something from the show is better to make a creative train to the originality of impeccability. In all these principles, from season to season, the theater team follows the glorious history of the National Academic bolshoi opera and ballet theater of the republic belarus continues with highprofile premieres and performances that have been going on stage for years with a very rich classical repertoire. This one and the second this is the legacy of an outstanding choreographer of our time or a glow, nikolayevich is so. Eh, harmoniously in the repertoire everything is combined. What show are you not going to . Here you will enjoy. This is what i guarantee you. The very name of our theater is National Academic theatre. I have it all the time i have repeated it many times and i am convinced of this that this is a kind of, as you know, the chamber of peace and scales, the lighthouse with which it is compared. Well, what you can focus on our theatrical is a Repertory Theater every day. We have different performances. Opera ballet and repertoire. So huge. Oh, and so varied. If we talk about specifically, and the opera of which i represent the operas of all composers, the most magnificent hits in the world that go to all e theaters of the world, therefore , e, this is russian music and belarusian performances, italian and german and french, the entire palette of the opera is presented on stage of the bolshoi theater and this is wonderful, because the team that we have. Can sing all this music to play, the repertoire of the bolshoi theater of belarus today includes more than 80 opera and ballet performances, one of the main directions of de. Enrichment of the National Repertoire is now a trend in many theaters of the world, well, not so much, probably overseas, how much in europe when this desire to imitate the audience of directors. Well, it probably prevails in terms of hmm ethics and morality. We still have here this bias is not present in every performance, an interesting individual highquality and inspiring you somehow, there are no such empty and meaningless performances. This is what we are following closely. Swan lake this is probably our strong point. So to say theater melancholy. I like it was once on a letter, impressive, which struck with its grandeur. The nutcracker is my favorite. This is russian music, belarusian music, slavic because uh, when i sing in my native language, uh, i put it all in. Emotion connects some kind of force. These are the roots that are slavic and i feel completely different when i am in my repertoire, we have, uh, and the belarusian repertoire, national in our theater, this is the wild hunt of the king, stakh and the gray legend. We have two magnificent operas going on. Uh, thats why i invite, of course, all the spectators , first of all, to the belarusian opera, because these are our classics, major cultural projects of the Minsk International theater Christmas Opera Forum opera and ballet festival art. Evenings of the bolshoi theater in the radvilov castle are a big new years ball. At the bolshoi theater a ballet festival in the summer in the big i. I think about it very often, and why do i love my profession, probably, because i can, and somehow touch the souls of other people through my soul. It seems to me that through art, through plasticity, through emotional experience, through this line between the walls of the hall, and you spiritualize people. This is worth it for me. Yes, its hard work. This is a labor from which you are not you can leave. You are working on some works and on improving both at home and at night and instead of sleep and instead of rest, but with such a word, the ordinary word is work. I cant call it the highest level and the highest class of musicians and singers and dancers. We have all the ballets the most popular and the most amazing, which are performed all over the world. The secret of the success of the bolshoi theater of belarus is in the dedicated service to the stage for a common cause, love, and for the place of work and for the work itself. There are no random people here. Here everyone is generously endowed with talent, and everything is one whole and all. Here is the high, creative art of the bolshoi theater. For me, this is life. I dont know, its satisfaction. This is pleasure. This is the meaning of my life. As they say, for what i live, that is. Naturally, we live both for children and for the family for Something Else , probably, but also judges by human affairs, so , it seems to me, well, the bolshoi theater is the life of my spiritual impulses, to develop inspire, belarusian art. I invite everyone with pleasure. Come to us you will always have a great mood. And there was no blues for the glorified mizier, early that in the rules of the mlesse race. Ponadjah eyes fly up and wash the creatures. Yes, the shrine is removed. The skies are thrown on the tire the latitude lakes behind the woven grin under the sun. You look, he and nick are made of mura, the bottom is that gold has sandy beer. I would drink from their endless. I threw a lake on the tire. Im not bashirs belly, all the more so, i feel like it from stress, so as not to follow the mountains of the mora of the azeri utysh, nicole does not forget, loves the heart, like a channel. The significance of belarus the geopolitical significance of belarus significantly exceeds the scale of our country and its resource opportunity. You know, i immediately liked the president that we are 30 years old. We live in a peaceful, peaceful, independent belarus , thanks to the fact that every day we prepare for war, war does not forgive. Weakness and the war does not forgive unwillingness, we are peaceful people. The first lines of our National Anthem no one believes in the possibility of war. And why the fuck, and progressively increase their military spending. We understand that if we dont finish it here now, then we will have to finish our Money Nuclear weapons means of ensuring our security means of deterring those madmen who would like to repeat the fortyfirst year of the markov project nothing personal only the truth, which is always more interesting at home. Watch on belarus 24 tv channel for the cities of belarus. This is the seventeenth largest city in belarus by the number of inhabitants, the largest Industrial Center of the minsk region and the most important Railway Junction of the country. We will show that a unique architectural monument, a sample of a religious building at the same time resembles a fortress wall elements of the famous belarusian ornament, petal, cornflower, and share historical facts, bronze sculpture, appeared here in 2011. Many people think that this is the image of a typical traveler. The idea of ​​the author of this work was a little different, see the program of the city of belarus on our tv channel. Hello, i welcome everyone who is with us now, every meeting between lukashenka and putin keeps friends and foes in good shape, especially now , therefore, when it became clear that on july 23 a new contact somewhere in the Western Union state for fidgeting and not in vain. Well, first of all, putin said on friday. What they have been waiting for a long time, which convey a special spirit in the relations of minsk moscow, unleashing aggression against belarus will mean aggression against the Russian Federation, on this we will respond with all the means we have, but then the meeting of the two leaders itself, there and about the economy based on our own strength. Lets not bend. They have enough brains for whom these were quotes, but, but the formula is two states one fatherland. This is generally about everything and about the economy and about security, so over time, the enemy raises the stakes the counter failed us here, so they began to connect further. And actively connect mercenaries. I specially brought you a map on the transfer of the armed forces of poland to the borders of the union state. In what you said, we see that one of the brigades is getting ready. Eh, i found my place 40 km from brest. We stood 500 kilometers, transferred to 40 km, as i will show you can see it all, and a little more than 100 km from grodno the second brigade is being transferred, but so far the erolls have approached. Uh, opened. They repair leopath poles on their territory. Uh, and the same airfield is activated. There is something to discuss, of course, several of these very important episodes of ivanovich are really. Here are ready to put everything, including even in some. In what sense is your existence at stake going to the bank is all in order to somehow reduce your phantom pain called care not krese. Here. Is this really such a time for them than you know me the most now to date. Uh worries about such a problem as already creating the conditions of the condition factor for uh, proxy 2 for war proxy 2, that is, proxy 1 cm, consider ukraine but the west today believes that ukraine is still a military loser and instead of ukraines place is already being prepared as this sacrificial one. Uh, fragrances it will be more and in this case, uh, they have reason to do that the russophobic policy, poland, it has no reason at all, for months they dont even disagree with europe, therefore , on occasion, but another thing is real die fight for what you hate, uh russians cities and people cry. They dont want to fight. This is east west, ill tell you 87 , these are purely opponents. The russian state then such a question, look, here is the polish leadership, and she has a bad memory. Because in history it always looks like the east ended in failure for warsaw, or now someone has motivated them so much that they are convinced that, well, this time it will definitely work out. There are two questions here. The first is historical, they never , that is, they never looked at history. Today, yes, clearly very strongly motivated, motivated by the United States, but the ukrainians wanted to fight no, most ukrainians did not want the war, they dont want to now. And whoever asked them, no one will ask polyakov either. And even more so the polish leadership. The people do not want, they never wanted war in any country in europe, not a single person, if you walk through the streets, and the majority that want to live peacefully sit in a cafe, look at the iphone , raise children, only crazy people can want war and radical nationalists are extremists who in every country has a certain percentage more is also more how it behaves and behaves in europe we are currently a strongly european state germany weak to fight migrants. We cannot fight with migrants and we will really fight with russia and belarus, but whats the trouble is more at someone elses expense. With migrants at the expense of germany, and with russia, belarus at the expense of the americans, but why are there risks, and the americans just dont give money and weapons, they pumped up ukraine to start a war and the poles are pumped not for defense is not to defend europe, everyone knows all the American Centers that belarus and russia do not threaten anyone. We would never attack europe we dont need it. She is not a single centimeter of foreign land. This is for the war, so no one will ask the poles. If you need to throw them to the fronts , throw them to the bottom for a simple reason, and the americans want this fire of war to blaze much longer, they dont believe in the victory of ukraine , they dont need victory. They need to prolong the war in europe as long as possible for this time to make millions of dollars weaken the european union, try to weaken russia and get to china, thats the risk, huh . Thats the price of the issue, we have already shown that there is a movement of tactical Nuclear Weapons identified. Uh. Well, the word red line is already wrong to use, because it has discredited itself, but nevertheless they have designated their own. Well, lets just say the willingness to respond to threats. Who instills in them on earth, london washington what they love from where so . Here is my opinion that the president s of our our e countries russia and belarus, a union state, our leader lukashenko addresses the disorder, neither to poland, nor to lithuania, they turn to those who stand behind these dependent countries that can be abandoned. Uh, then, the fire of war, i want to recall one more words of our president , so that we know perfectly well where the adoption decision is at the center, and we will hit them and thats it. We are saying this now in order to prevent a war, so that those who stand for more and will make a decision , not the poles, not the polish leadership, understand what could be the case in unleashing a big war. Do you think the americans are afraid of a war in europe. They dont want them to have anything. The uk doesnt want them to have anything. And if there was such an opportunity to make the whole of europe blaze , and they continued to live in peace, riveting weapons and supplying the european union, it would suit them, of course, of course, according to the basics of russia in belarus Boris Gryzlov , the last steps of the polish government are impossible classify. Otherwise, as preparation for provocations or more ambitious the aggressive actions of yuri konstantinovna, how do you look at this matter, is that we must not forget that there is one more thing. The poles have their choice in the fall of the twentythird year. And, of course, such conditional nationalists and proeuropeans are much better for them. Uh, its more important to create some kind of unified threat in the east. How to fight, like poles with poles, this is one time and secondly, uh, poland with its ambitions in that state of destructive politics. We remember, uh, all their attempts. At the head of europe testify that they are there superpowers, but everyone remembers very well, uh, all of them with the aroma of their uh, all, so to speak, the theory of exit more like a National State that claims some kind of global role in the world, but at the same time we very clearly understand and remember how they are so say, European American partners used the poles for their own purposes, and then tritely betrayed and left them. Uh, on the sidelines dont really care what happens, so there s more here. Yes, they defend their supposedly national interests. They e develop here this threat is actively used in unleashing in heating in inciting the intended incitement of the conflict with ukraine but at the same time. Uh, most likely memory. Here they have a short one, again they will not achieve anything, all their attempts to put themselves somewhere higher above their peoples led to what . First of all, catastrophic consequences for poland itself. I believe that they were preparing more from the very beginning, as an alternative such platform ukraine number two, from the very beginning there was already an understanding that ukraine would not be able to cope with the tasks of leveling the Russian Federation is a union state, and therefore this one is from a safety net. He pumped up in every possible way and hot, so to speak, and the poles are already somewhere. With this swollen brain , they dont understand what is happening and that they are being led to the slaughter, that it will end in a lot of blood. And, of course, the loss and the state, which is already shining we see our ukraine e. I think we really need to conduct some sort of explanatory. Uh, politicians somehow explain to people that they need to get up now. Now you have to get up nasty. Some kind of hostilities against an allied state. Well, and so, or that we will win, they really just came here and tactical Nuclear Weapons and other special units. We are fully armed that the most important thing is that we are motivated people, including us, with our trainings, lessons of courage swept, we feel absolutely ready all over belarus. And now those very peoples squads the peoples militia are all ready to take up arms now being decided. Uh, the fate of the whole world and the place of our fatherland in in this global world, there is an understanding, among other things, that now those forces are somewhere over the hill, which, like 100 years ago, are still forging, axes violent heads and flogging , they decided to finally close. Here is the most russian slavic, how can you name the question to close, but the superpower, which , by its fact of existence, does not allow them to live in the Russian Federation, is our closest ally, brother and partner, and here they are ponulaty, as they want, that is, alexey, we are dealing with some some kind of geopolitical confrontation. And with such an existential threat to the survival of the existence of your civilization of our multinational world , our here is this cultural code, thanks to which we survived. Eh, centuries of these terrible trials. We are the only obstacle for them now. Hello e, such a global dominance throughout the world for the long term, no matter how we are strangled, no matter how we are destroyed, no matter how we are decapitated here and so on. Its always us , somehow, the phoenix bird got up , was reborn, and already looms on the horizon and now russia will be a superpower. This is uh, let it be the third, second third. You are the center of power, we do not feel sorry for, yes, but it will be, and they are very afraid of this. They, as before, while freely plunder their colony to export resources. Thats how you like it pirates yes , Great Britain is now the United States of america, along with its here these measurements. Yes, they are trying to eat pieces of devouring here. And now we are a union state, we are such a stronghold, and such forces are adequate. Here is some perception of the reality of that very fair the world to which he is now looking. Look i am africa and south america and all over the world and muslims. Now they are looking at russia with hope, and indeed at russia. China, we are like this. Hmm, such a friendly component, it is, uh, capable. Yes, to overcome all this from the details, the minister of defense of poland, mariusz, was also for his creation of a sapper battalion between russia and belarus. Eh, suwalkovsky corridor aleksandrovich, what do you think about this . Well, you know, its an old topic, first, they first create problems for themselves, take in nato those countries, well, lets say the baltic. And then, well, how does the suwalki corridor begin to take care of her, well, the question is that the sapper battalion has questions there. Here they decide no will decide. Back in the late eighties i was there on exercises. You know this lets say. So not so mean. Heres the order, if in a Straight Line its 100 km, uh 60 km, if on the road its about a hundred kilometers, well, its just that it has no military significance. Although why then is it, well, its just that hysteria always rises, what is there danger and so on. Although they are silent about the fact that the poles are being sent, the engineer battalion, but from the lithuanian side, there is already a lithuanian regiment from the polishlithuanianukrainian brigade. Here is the one that was created. Here, look at one side. We see there was a man of his, a sapper battalion, on the other hand, their Prime Minister morovets, who continues to engage in such political. Well , i dont know, but from training give us an atomic bomb. He repeats again. Poland deliberately, over time, to convince partners in nato in the need to deploy Nuclear Weapons in the country. That is, the rate goes up. In general, how far the poles are ready to go is one thing to say one thing to portray a threat and completely another to act. Thats how far oleg sergeevich they are ready to go in your opinion. Here is for me the biggest risk regarding. Poland is just in its complete lack of independence in making a decision , this is the trouble, that they can turn more into a second ukraine without the knowledge of the poles themselves if poland were actually sovereign a state of an independent state that we want we need a strong normal more regardless of the americans. Why never in the life of such relations with belarus would it be good, than ambitions are limited. Poland in your opinion. Or those who control the modern warsaw polish elites would dream of western ukraine and its redistribution has already begun, the president spoke about this at a meeting. So, uh, when they met and this redistribution was already going on, there was all the talk that accepting ukraine in parts of nato is actually the occupation of western ukraine and and fully. So, uh, depriving her of sovereignty. They dream of western belarus in the twentieth year. They would have invaded here, if the coup had turned out, there would have been polish troops here. They didnt hide it. Today they have these plans, but, apparently, the power that belarus will build today

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