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So its just life for me, its a prospect of a future life and work. I wish the Industrial Park brilliant, uh prospects and achievements. Im ready to live with him. Hello greetings to all who are with us now . Lets start with poland. Lets analyze the mood of our western neighbor. Usually this topic is casual, but in the meantime there is a statement of the head of the polish ministry of internal affairs masha kamensky to talk about the countries bordering belarus, if nato poland lithuania latvia is completely isolated from it. Well, the godfather of the current warsaw regime, yaroslav kachinsky, the prime minister, the head of the party, rights , justice, we are restoring we are creating new military units, now a new Sixth Division is being created, so our army, which previously set out of only three , will be. 6 divisions and over time, it will probably be a reserve, Nothing Better came up with ukachinsky, so the main reason is called the activity of a dude in belarus ofigenvich. How does this suit you . How do you like this setup, but the fact is that poland , first of all, the United States, of course, is pumping up to pick up the flag of ukraine and after, uh, in fact, already todays counteroffensive allows us to judge that there , uh, ukraine is fizzling out and then there is the question of how to use warsaw in this way to use warsaw against belarus against russia, but, because the basic goal, in fact, of the ukrainian events for the United States is about our economic. Well, that is for the bath. Its probably a great thing. These are personally corrupt things that need to be hidden, and for the deep state of the United States, this is very understandable. Goals, which have already been achieved. Transfer european industry, the United States, and get europe hooked on American Energy carriers and, in fact, consolidate European Authority in relation to the United States and start business for the deep state nothing personal, therefore the deep state already says that, by and large, our goal has been achieved further costs we want, and then biden still presses in order to continue all this poland turns out , just like strange Eastern Europe in this the game is a big loser. They also made the maximum stakes in the expectation that it would be a longplaying game, that it would, in general, restore more speech to the commonwealth from her husband. Yes, we can, that all this will be implemented, but in a situation where the course of events leads to the fact that by and large. In poland, it can be left without a win, in general, only with losses, and losses are very significant economic ones. It just stimulates poland to push the same United States to a new confrontation, so that it can be either article 5 of nato or the direct participation of the United States a which indicates that everything is not going according to plan, and for poland yes e no for America Everything goes according to plan next for poland it does not go according to plan, because they expected that russia will be able to break through; they were counting on a ukrainian victory. They counted on the fact that, in general, they would receive five regions, by the way, in one of the regions, a full, and western ukrainian, and a fully pumped gas storage. That is, in general, the polish elites are looking at him because he is enough for about five. In general, an absolutely comfortable life. That is, in this regard, there are appetites for eating a fork with a spoon with a knife, but it doesnt work, and in this regard there is more. Lets say cut. Uh, its clear that this will be extremely unpleasant for poland in the development of events, therefore, poland will now strive to do everything to draw the United States in so that it could be said that, in general, it is necessary to use it, there the fifth article of nato must be directly participation in the United States that is, in principle, it will rely more on escalation, because with the current version, it loses to alekseev, how do you look at it . Well, yes, here, i guess i just added that in fact , here we were doing an analysis on the polish economy about three years ago and, in principle, the situation is only getting worse for them, and even then they had , uh, hmm, externally, the debt exceeded gdp and now, uh, it is somewhere around 11012 , this is gdp. That is, in fact, the polish economic miracle, which is praised. So they told on over the past, uh, 30 years. It was actually pumping due to various. European funds and us funds now its time to pay. Well, how to pay all the already enterprises . Uh relatively destroyed assets and so uh acquired either by european corporations or by the only american. And what about the political elite now . E porsche poland holds the power of the economy. This is only the path of militarization. This is what the americans are ready to give them money for. Therefore, they are so intensively starting to promote the topic of militarization. For them it is just the only way, and the retention is relatively there is not relative. Well, such average rates of Economic Growth, if there is no such project, of course, very strong socioeconomic upheavals, inflation, unemployment and, as a result, a change of political power will naturally begin. We are talking about how the administrators scared kachinsky and his team of president s yesterday, but they worked in the brest region. Uh, i talked a lot with the locals , there were many different questions, but this topic was also touched upon. I suggest remembering, i hear recently it went mad in poland that, allegedly , some detachment was coming here, as many as 100 people, no detachments of the wagner pmc and 100 people did not move here. And if they moved only in order to transfer combat experience to the brigade, which is concentrated in brest and in. Grodno, i have to teach my military, because an army that does not fight is half an army. You, too, understand this perfectly well. I dont want, i dont want our guys to die. Therefore, they must be taught. Here they pass on their experience by advising to say something, very pleased with our e warriors. They are very pleased. They say they are very trained people. The most important. Well, you probably hear they want to study, so being there, like before sifovichi in the center of belarus, these guys do not aspire anywhere. They are accustomed to fulfilling orders, some have gone to a subdivision of the Russian Armed forces, some see themselves in a different capacity, some work in africa, and a certain part will remain with us. The president spoke absolutely the truth. And this truth is confirmed by the opinion of ordinary poles when we talk about the polish regime. We all time must draw this line, so that i slide down to some kind of xenophobia. So recently, just a few days ago, on the euronews tv channel, they showed a big report from a polish program. I paid attention. And what sound arguments were expressed by ordinary polish residents on the air . That is, from this cut, you can draw a very hmm good conclusion, for example, uh, one woman on the air, says, our government scares us all the time with some kind of wagners, some Belarusian Military lukashenka scares us, but we dont see anyone here. We except our military, except our policemen, except our armored vehicles. And we also see the complete elimination of the tourist flow from belarus and a threefold reduction in the Domestic Tourist flow. This is how people ask the question. And what are we going to live for, but people dont hear people, because, but this is all a geopolitical situation superimposed even inside the political elections in poland in the fall. Uhhuh of course, to the ruling junti e coalition. Eh, different expert. They call her hydri kachinsky marovets duda. And that means winning the victory of the winner in this election. They need to create an image of the enemy, lets talk about it more, but the very fact wagner here is 100 wats well, its funny when they call the table of the wagnerites who are going towards poland as arguments for military fortification, this is a reason for them. Yes, what evgeny was talking about is that the point is to pull up the americans, uh, including a plus. You understand. Uh, when there is pumping and from the public and private media in poland it goes on 24 7 almost around the clock with these threats from the east, then a person no longer thinks. And what can 100 wagnerians or 1,000 wagnerians or 10,000 do . Can they really attack poland and enslave them, so to speak, a powerful army . Of course not. And there is no such desire, but the task is, uh, to pump up the appropriate emotions so that people get scared, so that the poles get scared. Well, in parallel with what you said, it is natural to promote your allies in the United States of america on update e, technical reequipment and modernization all the time mihailovich join. Well, if it means analyzing these statements of the militaryPolitical Leadership more. Its clear. E in the conditions of the information war. You can tell me one thing is completely different, and here is this statement about what to do, supposedly to organize a blockade, belarus is just to drive away the rich, belarus sometimes at least knows more about geography, where are belarus, what countries borders and then you say like this, lets say throw uh such slang. As for these specific actions, then, most likely, most likely, this is preparation and rehearsal. Lets say such military exercises lead to an open conflict with russia and just organize a blockade of those states. I mean now lithuania , latvia and poland in the kaliningrad region. They just can. And why are they deploying troops today to the borders of belarus so that we, the union state, cannot, through the suwalki, say, organize a passage corridor and help our territory today, which is 1. 000 years. This corridor cannot be for us, but the poles are calculating these issues and are preparing. Uh, to such a format, including, because they do not belong to themselves, the americans will give the command and right there, it means that such a blockade will be organized. And why is it pulling up and creating new military units near the very borders with our country . They understand that we have uh, today already lets say we have. E Tactical Nuclear weapons, maybe it was necessary to retreat, on the contrary, then, but there is no tactical grain of weapons, what is it for . Can it be applied . If, for example, there are troops near the border itself, that is, on the contrary, they minimize and complicate the process for us. In which case, in the most severe scenarios. Yes, the use of such weapons, therefore, deploys its military units near the very borders, so that later, as they say. E according to the blitzkrieg method. Uh, it means that our territory will be transferred, so that it would be problematic for us to use it, here is their tactics, if from the point of view an interesting phrase. It sounded yesterday. She is very important. I dont want the belarusian president said that my people, especially with me, fought important why is it important that alarmists hear it, including among those who are in belarus eh . Once again, i do not want my people to fight especially in my presence, that is, this is the motivation of the head of state today. Well, here, probably an important highlight for all of our viewers. Uh, the most important aspect is that the collective west, uh, hmm , has been very clearly promoting its line for the past three years, and we can see very well that it is not the president also stops, and denoting this one. The key, probably, idea is the thesis that the belarusians do not want to fight, they are not ready to fight, and it is for these purposes that they are on our territory. Here is an important aspect, uh, so that we have names of peace on our territory. We posted that is, we moved to precedent measures. We actually returned Tactical Nuclear weapons to our territory , we a transferred here. Yes, because we are because a political decision was made to transfer here. E divisions of wagner the beginning of the preparation of a very intensive combat training of our armed forces with the involvement, and the skills of the skills of the wagon. What is this talking about . These are the measures that allow us to maintain peace and order on our land, the plans that we have have the poles yes, the Political Leadership of poland they are, of course, hostile towards us and the president. What he says, we will do everything so that we belarusians do not fight, but in order for us not to fight, we must accept such e. Measures are political decisions that would a barrier to the implementation of e american there or nato plans on our territory. And they have only one plan this is definitely the capture of western belarus and the expansion of this svalkovsky transition, that is, when the poles talk about the svalkovsky transition. They are not talking about 78 km. They want to expand them to a border. Uh, almost next to minsk, thats their task so that the allied forces do not break through kaliningrad later. Here, as it was indicated, is the strategic task. In general, if you take it from them like that, and they have repeatedly denoted this as a cutting off the baltic sea from uh control of the Russian Federation one thing that, uh, how shall we say influence, no matter how much influence the United States has on poland , the instinct of selfpreservation is still something that every person has, including searches generals and polish politicians and they are wonderful, watching what is happening in our country. I mean, now the military training of our state is training our units to strengthen these units, including the latest models of equipment. Uh, they are see, and they naturally pose a threat to their stronger for their kindred weapons to our territory. And this is their statement by putin, who made it clear that aggression against belarus will be considered aggression against russia, while the short reference is the military budget of poland for this year is 26 billion. This is 4 of gdp, despite the fact that the United States is not particularly successful in getting fans from partners, at least 2 . Now the number of polish troops is 167,000 people plus 35,000 Territorial Defense in plans to increase, as we know, up to 300,000 military orders placed worth more than 117 billion dollars are planned to buy a thousand tanks and south korea 250 from the us 600 south korea selfpropelled howitzer 18 haim. 48 planes 96 helicopters and much much more for poland is extremely important, as soon as possible to increase the level of security we will only do this by creating a strong army says the minister of defense mariuszbulashchik the feeling that they behave like immortal absolutely not. Dont just act like theyre immortal. They are on the train, which will actually lead to one the end, because it is no longer possible to switch to other rails to another paradigm. But this is actually quite dangerous, because in fact, if we talk about the basic installations of the same polish society, this is how propaganda works today. This is the reduction of the world to a black and white picture to a dualistic one, when there is one side, the other one is painted black, the other white, mental activity is suppressed and it all comes down to choosing the right side in a normal situation. A normal person seems to him of todays belarus, the thought is always, and within the framework of three categories. A fourcategorical world, well, like christianity, the trinity was exactly, therefore, already about yes, but aristotle has the form of the content of the world, that is, what allows you to see the world as voluminous and what allows you to reason sensibly, what allows you to think in this regard. We need to take into account in relation to poland in relation to ukraine today that for some time societies have lost the ability to think, they have actually turned into a very highly manipulated social an object. Well, here it is clear that the polish leadership thinks with militarization, that is, it dreams of legitimizing itself the restoration of the new commonwealth, at least within the framework of these ukrainian territories, which are practically. It already relies on nuclear. In general, they continue to think about other things. Well, as we see polish, this is it. Uh, not that, something polish. Gonor. Yes, here is the polish inadequacy when you evaluate such political ambitions. Its when you try to eat repeatedly in history this led poland. A catastrophe, but even now it can, again, lead to those very close to a catastrophe, as it has happened many times in history, but in fact this is such a development, it is very dangerous. But, most likely, there wont be enough time for him anymore, and here is a moment that apparently we need to keep. Uh, as if in the focus of attention, well, first of all, we understand that not today, not yesterday, i began to pay more attention to my military training. We remember that even during the occupation of iraq by america, the polish contingent was the third after america and britain, the second factor is about how more than 30 of the population supports the party of law and justice. This suggests that there is a very serious support. Well, angie, yes. Until 1925, he will be president , that is, they still have a lot of leverage in their hands to ensure that all those plans, all this madness that we are now stating to try to put into practice. Yes, of course, what rate do they have why . This trio of kachinsky moravian spirit are ready to go for broke, given tactical nukes and domestic protest there are so many more people who dont want to share. Well, firstly, they are highly dependent on the United States. That is, in this regard , their own choice is extremely limited, because the United States says what needs to be done for the United States. Yes, its interesting with the United States, but poland is also not poles. Not fools. For them , an existential threat situation may arise, when they simply cease to exist. Maybe, uh, thats why on the scale they cant weigh their survival against washingtons desire and washingtons technology always boils down to allying with the elites at the expense of their own societies. That is, hysteria. You will not happen, and will not pay with your own company. They will pay. In general, many other things, but everything will be fine with them. That is, they know for sure and moreover, they know that everything will be abnormal for them if they do not fulfill the requirements very much there. That is, in this regard, the whip and gingerbread, that is, uh, the compromising evidence that everything is there, as a managerial toolkit, it is used extremely by the west. Eh, intense. Well, lets remember that they found a huge amount of cash with vitya, the speaker of the european parliament. It turned out that this was her money and a barrel. Yes, nothing commensurate with their salaries happened. Why a, because it was generally just a call that if you get along, so the aroma will work, then you can sit down. And if you follow the Steering Wheel that dictates to you, then everything will be fine. This information will be. This very stable control source. It is not necessary to think that they are dudom roveski, in general, without such levers of government there is. In the United States, they were interested in poland, as an alternative to britain within the european union, as, in general, that tool is a projectile that will destroy brussels , which will somehow weaken it further as the situation develops, they began to assign to poland, and hope that it will become a base west against russia, it is clear that this is not working now. Why do i say no more enough time, because judging by the mood, judging by the state. In general , he made a turning point in the armed forces of ukraine in ukraine. Its close enough there. Yes, that is, there is no longer any belief that this will work out, and therefore, most likely, these plans will remain highprofile plans, but nevertheless, today, we are seeing their peak, when they are now go, and they carry a fairly large danger. That is , it can, er, in general, be realized, again, i would say that today matteo buddha is already uh, that is, they are hostages of fate, that is, the bidens need, and in any case, to ensure some success on the european front before the active phase of the election campaign. And by the way, elections are ahead. Here they were. You said that you are generally deeply immersed in the polish agenda. We see that they are preparing actively. Now the political field is being cleared from there for the elections. This is the same law that has been talked about for many months. Theyve been waiting for them to accept the commission of inquiry russian influence. Everyone is talking about the fact that the kremlins main agent is called the main competitor. Dudy, dim. And in general, how do you feel there . What your connections say from there will be judged by the dim or will be held or agreed. I think they will agree, because uh colleague. He said very correctly that all the elites in strange Eastern Europe in almost all countries of europe , they were discharged by the United States of america because they worked for a very long time with broad goals. Uh, layers of these political activists, so we are similar father, apparently, not only in poland so you asked yourself a question. And why do they oppose their National Interests god bless her with america and america defends its interests. This is understandable, but because we are the same example, we see that we are in lithuania, which is destroying the Port Infrastructure and Railway Logistics there because it stopped cooperation with belarus. We see the same in latvia, we see the same in ukraine yes, which is a regime that destroys its own country, so uh, poland really opposes National Interests as opposed to opinion. E ordinary, so to speak, the polish people. Now, regarding the elections. This hysteria will be uh, militarization will continue to be escalated. Naturally. On the eve of the elections, they will need, uh, more obvious provocations, and we observed this with a flight of supposedly belarusian helicopters on their territory, which brought down our ministry of defense. Naturally, degrees. E frightening of the polish visitor will grow grow grow even more and perhaps quite likely. Well, some of the analysts say that the coalition of duda marovetsky kochinskiy will be defeated. Im not sure about this, because today. And this coalition concentrated in the hands. Not only all e fullness of power. Uh, but also uh, almost all Key Resources are inforesources and having American Technology is the best manipulation in the world. Ah, public sentiment. The masses, they will intimidate them and make such provocations, as in the case of supposedly belarusian helicopters that landed on their territory and provide the desired results. But the most important point is that the republics of belarus in poland are now, except for v support, so to speak, solidarity with the polish people there is no one for no one. E operation, because the Second Coalition led by tusk. She is the same antibelarusian antirussian, that is, to change the e horse indyka. We are, as it were, such a change, even if it happens it is not known whether it will be better or worse, or whether the round of militarization of the confrontation will reach another level for a couple of minutes of pause, after which we will continue . Stay with us. We continue with new revelations from a pulter prizewinning journalist, seven, hersh, behind both attacks on the crimean bridge is in washington further cited the role of the canoe administration in their attacks on the crimean bridge was essential, of course. This was our technology. The drone was controlled remotely wrote. He refers to an unnamed american official in his article, who answered the question of what putin would do. So we didnt think so far, our National Strategy is that zelensky can do whatever he wants, there is no adult supervision. Well, uh, with regard to these statements, yes, which are heard today in public hands of the United States of america and here, uh, understandable, we all understand perfectly well that the Ukrainian Special services. They are completely under the control of the special services in the United States of america and they are led by the same and the United States here, lets say no secrets. Here, look. We all know perfectly well what American Freedom of speech is worth, case, sanja. As they sawed out of all social networks, trump, but someone gives information on nord stream to yorsh and the opportunity to talk about it, what deep american politics are the signal. They say demons, so to speak, of specific surnames and without names. They give a specific message. Naturally, with e their goals, but again, what needs to be understood here. Thats American Society in general. What is it and what is our role. Here i mean Eastern Europe, ukraine , belarus more than other states in the eyes of americans. We are for them and the showdown that the americans have organized here today is like a showdown between Indian Tribes and whites are looking at it. They consider themselves white. Yeah well, uh higher race. Well, lets just say, how to look through comics, therefore, these are the games inside and their internal to us from people , firstly, who are here near the conflict, and secondly, sane people who, lets say social justice is in their blood belarusians, its hard for us to understand these conclusions of theirs that lead them to this kind of statement. Well, for the americans. What about destroying iraq , what about destroying ukraine, there are some small details and questions, which they allow. Well, lets say let out into society. For them, figuratively speaking, entertainment is no more, no less , these statements do not affect any serious geopolitical layout. E, of course, we are here. Yes, we are analyzing, we are watching, or we are. For us, this is important. Why what . We are here, and the americans do not care, they did not care about the millions of raks, whom they destroyed, they will not care about a million ukrainians, whom they, god forbid, but its also going to destroy you and me, so this is their internal such. Heres a game of cat and mouse is their uh, lets say the comics that they leaf through and have fun every day a human life. Its worth nothing to them. This must be understood. Here, probably, i will only add one aspect that if this expert is yes high enough. Ill give him the right to announce that the United States is involved, moreover, is directly involved in the commission of such terrorist attacks this is actually hmm uh, well, according to the classics of the information war in general this is the United States saying that we did this terrorist attack, so be afraid of us. They are thus to the rest of the world and europe and russia and china and everyone else are telling us the point or be afraid of us, not no, we are the metropolis. And whatever we want, we will do. And so we say that we committed a terrorist attack, but you will not do anything to us. Here is the most important message. This is actually a statement of this new concept, which they are constantly promoting, it is not, but there is no dominant restraining force. And all who will be against us, we will blow up the infrastructure for you. Economy and all other activities. This is dangerous. You see, that is, they are so selfconfident that they allow openly declare to recognize all terrorist attacks and thus, but impose. And here is a model when there is a metropolis, and there is the rest, and the other world and the rest the other world should work for this metropolis. All who, but only declare a certain protest will be destroyed. That was it. Well, in my opinion, so i would still be a little more difficult to interpret it. The fact is that yes, what you said, it absolutely applies to the biden team, the Democratic Party they privatized , and by and large to the neoconservatives. Although this is what is called on his conservatism, yes , neococoons, but in fact, because it is on that will become limp, because both ideological and physiological. These are then those who left easily davidovich, again. These are our people. Maximalism, which is what you derive from trotskyism, well, descendants, well, our former people. Yes, there is a deep state, which, as i said, it believes that there are losses further. There is a neocon game. You lost a couple of fixing losses, because it will get worse further. Yes, no more income come in handy. Then there will be losses, there is accounting. Yes, that is, the deep state. It is necessary to litter exactly on china, to try to steer the situation with china in some way acceptable to the United States, because the weighing strategy does not work, but in general , it will be very painful to fight china directly with the existing amount of economic interdependence, that is, it is necessary to decide this problem. Yes, and how to approach it either peacefully, or not peacefully, or by military means, it is clear that the approach does not work. This here, uh, a cowboy who, in fact, is trying to play herself a byte. Therefore, this is an internal conflict of the United States between neopons and the depth of the state, which in fact are literally a quote, then i will formulate the question once again to the prime minister, hungary viktor orban. A country that has no financial income, that cannot provide jobs for its citizens, says such words about ukraine. Not what finances the war is not sovereign, this thing is obvious, and further in the same article he reflects on the fact that it all depends on how what plans will be turned down before the election. Here he wants to curtail this proxy war, or somehow continue it. What scenarios are being prepared for kiev , what, in your opinion, is the most likely scenario in the near future, we will see the most likely scenario from the point of view of the United States is getting rid of zelensky with complications with imposing responsibility on him, completely failing to remove zelensky a in the literal sense, or its stylistically. Why am i asking . Because what if you noticed . The media appeared with enviable regularity articles about who will come to zelenskys place if suddenly, of course, russia they point to russia physically eliminate zelensky i, therefore, as an option, because it is actually more correct not so much zelensky as yermak if we talk about internal layouts , but one way or another, today zelensky began to bite the hand that gives, began to demonstrate , began to demonstrate obstinacy, even attempts to somehow influence older e comrades, and not be a pure performer in this regard rebooting the system is something that usually rolls in terms of Public Opinion and will keep ukraine more or less under control. Well, at least the americans think so. This is a change of scenery, a change, respectively, of political actors, and by way of elections, there are elections, romance can be added there in the form of the murder of zelensky , that is , this is not a meaning. Shes how much it will get. Uh, that is the main goal of the United States freeze the Current Situation strategically with regard to ukraine until the next round, because this round lost , that is, russia is not satisfied with this. In general, russia will continue, because it is clear that you won this round and further these successes need to be developed somehow. Here, but for the United States, the situation needs to be frozen in order to take a break for 810 years. In general, the fact that there are weapons, and then surely to proceed to the next round of confrontation mentioned gordon will be unfair. We somehow constantly we give an example, but he is not the only one whose voice sounds like an alternative. Uh, interesting opinions in the west. I propose to listen to the minister of defense of italy stealing in a career interview. The Current Situation is at an impasse, which makes us think about the long, if not very long timeframe for the end of the war, the ukrainian counteroffensive, as some of us supposed, has encountered a number of difficulties, Public Opinion is becoming more intolerant of the conflict and less solidarity, therefore, there may be Political Choice that determines the end of the conflict. Alexei, such moods in europe are getting tired. We must understand that here are the representatives of such a classic old europe italy germany france by making such statements, thereby, they give a message, first of all , in the structures of the euroatlantic community. Yes, that is, nato structures that the old europe is not ready to go further into confrontation in this region, because everyone understands perfectly well that and then further, if all this develops. It will lead to to directly involve nato means old europe and in a conflict with russia, they, uh, france germany italy are not ready for this. They do not want the European Society of these countries to be such wealthy burghers, yes, and uh, the prosperous italian french elite, not ready to fight, not ready, but to sacrifice something and sacrifice comfort. And they Start Talking about it, lets stop. Uh, this conflict is your blitzkrieg, your scam has not passed. Lets clean up this project. Lets move on to some, but some period, but peace and harmony, yes, in the future we can, maybe we will somehow move on to this stage, but now we do not have the resources. Ukraine is not the same. Uh, probably the flagship that should break ukraine. We lost. Here they speak openly. Meanwhile, the world is looking at the ukrainian fronts, the outcome of this battle will show the direction of further movement. Asia Africa Latin America is becoming louder and louder. Well , what does he raises the question of his week, too, concerned. Lets listen. This organization is turning hmm into such an organization. What . If you please, more from large states depends, its not normal. Given the pressure exerted by a large Western State, lets say. Uh, today tomorrow russia africa itself is a terrible pressure in the country of americans and europeans. Western europe is the result, of course. This is not a normal question. What to do approximately, if the Western State refused to actually cooperate , today we are transferring diplomats to those areas where we, uh, need to work, where we need to strengthen the situation in the general situation, maybe with the United Nations organization. So look and to put them in a row with Western States on the eve of the russias africa summit Vladimir Putin in his article, supplementing the topic of a new multipolar world order, contours , which have already been outlined will be more fair and democratic, has no doubt that africa, along with asia, the middle east will take latin america in it a worthy place will finally be freed from the heavy legacy of colonialism and not near realism, having attacked its modern practices. Well , africa declares that, by the way, security should be represented. He is with let me remind you of the right wind, now it is included. 15 countries, these are constantly members from the right wind. Well, firstly, there are several immediately questionable, firstly, africa still has a chance to fulfill its dream. I think its unlikely, it means such a right, because there is enormous pressure. They will never agree to raise their vassals, so to speak, to the west, to such a level, but state the key point here in your desire, which is already a serious step. But we see how a new geopolitical picture of the world is being formed now, because not one center is being formed, a new center is being formed. There, on the basis of the sco brix or some other organization, several world Regional Centers are being formed. And by the way, from africa just the same, to create such a regional center, including on the basis of the african union, it is quite possible that it works for them. They could determine , among other things, the policy of their region to protect their countries from some external threats, which is what the latin american countries of asia are now trying to do, and we are also here in the eurasian region. Create such centers, uh, decisionmaking and world security, because we understand that to create a single new one, for example, instead of the usual organization of certain nations. Well , today, this is no longer realistic, it does not work. This concept, lets say, won back. What did you play . Unfortunately, for a very short time. We need such an organization. We must organize this matter. Its open, but were here. And by the way, the concept of our work is such that , in general, of course, this is such a bolshoi theater, where we were assigned a role, so to speak, on the fences, and we, er, so to speak, especially and do not strive. Although of course, for us it is unacceptable such a course, but strange, but work. Yes, today this organization allows us to do in concrete places what we are doing in the countries of latin america with mexico, that is, also from brazil. So african countries. Today we see how this platform has become more active in the process , allowing us to establish individual contacts with them. Here, it is important to note that these countries are certainly forced to work with the same United States of america, because this is how world economy, but they fiercely hate this country. Even in mexico, we were, by the way , active on the parliamentary line, we are developing, lets say, connections and contacts with many statesmen of latin america, and so on. They say that they have had some sort of thing in politics for a long time. Lets say. Proverb saying that mexico hmm, far from god but close connected in places, that is , you cant run anywhere, far from paradise and this hell is very close, but they have to work with them, of course, an interesting image. Yes. Eh, speaking of the fact is that the meaning of it is actually the right of the african countries to put questions from the membership in the Security Council. Right. It is they who absolutely hit the bullseye, because the basic function of it is not global management. She did it for the global mirror, that is, a situation where the big players can solve the peaceful way of conflicts by themselves, by twisting the solutions, that is, by showing that i do not allow to go further. Yes, that is, further in this regard there will be a block and , in fact, this is the design it stood for, that is, not everything on the sombre rest. Its more of a decoration. Yes . These are such advisory bodies here, and the Security Council of the right veta yes, this is a key tool that is actually, uh, wonderful. By the way, if im sergey dollars, because every time a decision was endorsed, it performed its function and continues to perform if talk about the representation of african countries, yes, that is, it can be realized, but after its completion, the fact is that now we are not discussing the ukrainian theater, yes, but in fact, what is happening there is a division of the world into the western and in the west the western part, i will clarify after the completion of its what outcome, and in any case, it will be decided in one direction or the other, because the global alignment will show from its own, because if we talk, but about the Current Situation , but lets make a fateful decision there at the end of august. Uh, the decision of the brix countries, when a new currency based on gold will probably be introduced, and this will already be a very clear watershed that will change the global alignment very much, when it starts to turn out that the king is naked. So today we see a message about the event , and in fact, the king is naked and the french king is naked the american king is naked and in general it doesnt work anymore. It doesnt work anymore. That is a situation where a new design. Here it is gradually building up. She lines up nearby. She is more reliable. And most importantly, more interesting. Why do i say that, most likely, that from my predictions will end in the last way, that is, voiced, and the western economy generates one single meaning of life consumerism. This is life for the fact that you earn money in order to prove that you are saved, and then you no longer need to just earn money. That in order to earn money, and we have in china, in india, in africa, a huge number of different vital properties. Yes, for the sake of which these meanings need to be individual, this meaning allows you to create complex structures, yes, and c. While there the west is investing in transgender people. Uh, china is investing in currencies in Space Exploration other galaxies. This is much more interesting, therefore, i think that more interesting things, of course, and in this case will prevent the main issue so that she wins smoothly, because the shock can end globally too abruptly, when the term is literally, probably, a couple of theses about, africa, he and now, uh, in fact , the global world economy. Why is it like this now . The utmost strong attention to africa has been around since 2010, the main factories of thought institutions, even those that belong to western corporations, they began to write that profitability. Yes, marginality, for example in china, is starting to decline. Well, because, while the incomes of the chinese are growing, and of course, a high margin cannot be withdrawn. Yes, it will be necessary to pay more skilled labor. So, this is the model of the chinese model that pulled the entire Global Economy over the past 30 years or so. She has already stopped working. We need a new region with an extremely cheap labor force with a huge sales market. Only such a model , only this region, will solve the most important problem of capitalism. And in general here this model, and consumption is an overproduction of what we are now experiencing for ourselves. Since 2019, this model of overproduction yes, there is a crisis of overproduction , there is no one to consume a huge amount of goods , and now the main task that corporations are solving. Its just that no one talks about it, but already from the thirteenth year of many of the largest textile enterprises, and they , as you know, are litmus tests for all corporations, starting there from the 1617th century, they began to transfer all their production from the asiapacific region to the african region. The most powerful e, the most powerful e production corporations are being created there. E, who produce fabrics, shoes, clothes and all the rest. Why extremely cheap textiles are an indicator of the Global Economy. And this is the most important thing, now there is a struggle for this region, whoever divides it now, he will be, he will solve his problems of overproduction. This means that it will also determine world politics, supplementing our experts. In which, more than exhaustive, they told and expressed their position about the un, i want to say that, of course, in currently alternatives to the un no is an organization that brings together 193 states. She successfully solves social and humanitarian projects and programs. Including being implemented, including in african countries, and uh, that means, but this does not mean that we should not demand its hmm reform and uh, its more role in the political problems of society to reform this organization. At least it is necessary to voice this and what we observe. What bright speeches says the representative of belarus to the un here, if you paid attention to how he forms the meaning and forms the image of e, which means it conveys the position of the Political Leadership of belarus and belarus to the whole world. This is very important, that is, such a platform is needed. Of course , it is probably not worth expecting from it that it will intervene in military conflicts. And in short, lets then switch to our Traditional Program and always finish it with our agenda. We understand that we need to look around, but fix. E your interest is the efforts of attention to what is happening inside the state to strengthen it. We have elections soon, we are talking about polish elections. We will soon have electoral companies. First one, then the second, the president gathered the chairman from this republic, natalya kachanova, of the administration of president ilya sergienko, and so they talked. Ill highlight a few key points from the transcript, i think. So we are entering the electoral campaign. It will be long on the one hand. Uh, the mobilization of people is our mobilization from the other side. Of course, it is necessary to make sure that the country and society do not sway, as was the most important issue before. How about really pass . What should be our strategy, given both the time and the fact that the west does not hide at all that in our elections they have big plans to once again fuck their interests contrary to our interests. Heres what we must do. Uh, well, first of all, i want to say that the key feature of our politics has become. And the fact that all Political Forces are now acting and working within the framework of one, and the former, and e, basis for all is equally independent , independence, sovereignty, macroeconomic stability. E this is the first, that is all other Political Forces. They left, belarus is a fundamental moment, the second moment of our people compared to previous years. Thanks to, uh, our journalists and experts , they have become more informed; they have learned to start the truth from fakes ; it was they who learned not so, uh, to explode with emotions, as it was before this 2020 is no longer possible. Uh, 2020 is impossible in that form in any way, because society has been vaccinated. But it is not it means that we need to relax, of course, they will look for some kind of trigger. Most likely, most likely, this is a key moment in the economic plane, because this is what worries a simple person, first of all , problems. You have some questions related to the economy with a rent with communal quality of life with water with the quality of food water, that is, they will search somewhere here, because looking for a trigger in the political space no longer makes sense, it will not work. Thank you yes, yes, i would say that in the twentieth year, the basis of stability was industrial enterprises, because already the picture of the world uh working engineerindustrial enterprise. It is complex; it already implies an understanding that from the fact that you change symbols. It wont get better, it will only get worse. And now , since after the start of the code, and with the beginning of the sanctions regime in relation to both russia and belarus, it has long been living under sanctions. Uh, when the real and about this substitution began and the real reindustrialization began in belarus, an investment cycle began, which essentially turned the belarusian industry, and in the second heart of the union state. This is what is already generating Economic Growth, which means that Economic Growth will be more noticeable and this will be the most important argument, because the belarusians are of great happiness. Yes, everything is always about on the soup , yes, that is, any values ​​\u200b\u200bmust be worth something. Yes, and you show if it works, then you can do it, if you say that this is a value, then you are not ready to put in for 3 kopecks. But what is this value . Yes . This is a lie, and this is the way look try on the tooth and feel. I think that it will probably be the most decisive, because on the one hand there is e, i completely agree. And with yuri , which is well reflected on the twentieth year, and on the other hand, there are very understandable economic arguments in the form of the fact that it started to work, it started and thats it. It turns out. In fact, for the sake of which the belarusian industry was preserved in the nineties. After that, it is now beginning to bear its longawaited fruits. Thank you. Alexei yes, probably here, well, if take the classics of the political campaigns that we saw in the twentieth year against us, when they worked, they focused on the formation of the socalled failures. The obscurity in society, well, its understandable that they hit on different aspects, that somewhere at my grandmothers house next to her house, the asphalt was not made, the fence was not repaired, and thats it. This was scaled up to the level of the republic, and everyone discussed it. What is the bad government . Because my grandmother, you see, is not organized. When we talk about hmm our electoral campaign, we must understand that west is acting template. And he is exactly the same. And, probably, literally in a month, he will begin to actively massively work against us in an informational manner. And our task in the first place is a leader in the field. That is, do not let or allow to, and in some region in some mare a small village. Formation has begun. Thats it, and dissatisfaction will promptly respond will not be beaten in the capital will not be beaten in the Regional Centers will be beaten. Uh, somewhere in the villages , not only that, we sort of conditionally already understand how they work from experience. The twentieth year, that is, we can close the informational one, but the possibility is not ruled out, and they are. By the way , they are discussing that people can go to the populists to go and start. Unequivocally for us our task is to immediately identify such walkers as the local authority, Law Enforcement agencies. Uh, especially in the regions in the villages and they immediately stop that you came here, that you are filming this, you are telling, while not just talk. But, if there is a problematic place and deal with it, so that there is no e there is no emptiness, so that the surgeon says he tries on his teeth, belarus check that these are words or real deeds Sergey Mikhailovich please, well, we really need to state that external influence is inside our countries, it is minimized. This is a destructive field that has been working against our country for quite a long time, but today it has been cleared, therefore, of course, of course. E completely agree here, what eh . In our attention today should be. I mean the deputies and state bodies are concentrated and not only today, but in general, always on solving simple issues of our citizens. This is the one, really. Uh , that means the direction that will allow us to calmly, as we say, traditionally has always done it, to hold elections in the interests of the belarusian people. We must not let our enemies today. Uh, use some of our mistakes and miscalculation, lets say, or god forbid, so to speak. Uh, our callousness yes, the problem is in our citizens. These problems may to be very different, it was rightly said that they begin the entrance shop and ending with questions of the economy of the provision of work. Lets say jobs for our people that the economy, of course, all this comes from, so these are the questions the authorities are asking. In general, not only before the elections in general. Uh, attention should be concentrated, and then, uh , with this effective work, which is also being conducted by the power structures of our country. We have information that we are not afraid of any color revolutions. This is where the program ends. Thank you very much for opinions expressed today. Its funny or insulting if an artist combines a big head and a small torso, those who think its bad, the painted portrait are mistaken art with humorous overtones is thinner than it seems. Curved cartoon mirror. Watch the fashion for culture project this weekend on belarus 24 tv channel. All participants in the intellectual show i know are different. I remember that these mouths they belong to america only the problem is that i dont remember any south or north but they have a common trait. They go to school not for grades, but for knowledge with the letters n. Firstly, because to break what to do and because there is a dependent word here, i accidentally found out that 3 4 will be 81, if im not mistaken, and four in the third will be 64 they are ready to show off their minds and answer all questions. I answered no because i thought that 3 Million People for the xvi century is too large a part of the population. There is such a thing. It is called atacama but if speaking about the wet continent of the earth, then i also tend to answer, south america see project. I know on belarus 24 tv channel. In belarus, the new minister of agriculture Alexander Lukashenko today appointed sergei bardash to this position. He worked as an assistant to the president , an inspector for the gomel region, during the appointment of Alexander Lukashenko, he argued the choice of a candidate for this position of several candidates who were proposed to me a week ago. That at the level of farming, Agricultural Enterprises and an agronomist, you were and so on and at the level of the district link. You know well all processes in belarus today for more than 3 million tons of milk grain, excluding rapeseed, the president demands maximum mobilization of forces and means during this campaign, all key tasks were announced at the recent fuel selector, fodder preparation and fundamental approaches to personnel and labor discipline. Alexander lukashenko demands that the main attention be paid to all his winter crops in order to accelerate the pace and timing of the harvesting results of the economy in the future. Today let down in the government. The main goal from recovery to go to growth achieved was noted in the cabinet of ministers gdp of belarus added 2 in the first half of the year the belarusian economy is still operating under the sanctions, but the measures taken by the government allow us to solve key tasks and development in general, almost everything that was planned was implemented, growing industrial production. Trade export of goods inflation at a historic low out of five Key Development indicators four were met first of all, we met the indicators for Gross Domestic Product for exports. And, uh, by a wide margin, whats the percentage here . Eh, its just the export of goods and services with a target of about five percent growth, and we have completed the task of real disposable income of the population of 103 wages are growing at a growth rate, real wages are about 7 growth, and we have reached about 1800 rubles. And purely in june 190 , the consequences of bad weather were eliminated in belarus the day before , a thunderstorm front passed through the country due to strong winds and falling trees, about 2,000 were deenergized, the regions and the vitebsk, minsk and mogilev regions were affected the most tense situation has developed in the northern region. Three people were injured in the vitebsk region the day before because of a thunderstorm. More than 400 settlements of the Power Industry remained without electricity. In the vitebsk region , more than 200 brigades and 300 units of special equipment were involved in an intensive mode, workers from power grids from other regions were sent to help, as well as employees of the ministry of emergency situations, we know all the damaged areas of the place. Uh, the nature of the damage. Uh, all the necessary supplies are in place and power will be restored by the end of the day. In mostly damaged power lines remained today. This is the polotsk region in the vitebsk region, where the elements had the greatest impact on the reliability of power supply. The First Agricultural class will open this year in the capital. 250 renovated schools will introduce students to biotechnology. Minsk special colony at an increased level will organize the study of physics and mathematics classes. To pass on electives for the introduction to the agricultural specialty in the program as well as practical classes at the end of the general secondary education students will be able to enter the Agrarian University in the target area, we will plan work and are planning with the republican environmental center, and we are also ready to consider several options for our Greenhouse Complex from the academy, if the joint activities of the dairy plant, which is located in the zavodskoy district, the main sports forum of the year, and the second games of the cis countries continue to delight both fans and athletes. The first 3 days of the games brought 72 awards to the belarusian team. Of them 16 gold medals, belarus took second place in the medal standings above the russian team closes the top three, the team of uzbekistan, followed by azerbaijan and armenia, today the competition continued in five cities in nine sports and brought new victories and medals. We follow the sports life of our country returned to the sector after a yearlong break in the history of belarusian volleyball, the head coach of the main club of the country was appointed the women of the marketa fanrousheva, the winner of the wumbledon in the womens singles in the final the fortysecond racket of the world outplayed the sixth number of the world ranking. He sberbar know how to reach a new height of 24 for 17 years. I gave it to this sport, and i dont regret it a bit. You need to be emotional and restrain yourself at the same time, you need to win to win. At the same time, you must respect your opponent constantly, as we call him alive, when there is no auto without stopping. You have to accept everything yourself. Nobody helps you and show you how to stay in shape. We gently roll our shoulders back. Circle feel like we have going to the shoulder blades, these exercises will help you be alert and fill you with energy for the whole day. Watch sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel ready for an exciting adventure around the cities of belarus cozy places and medieval buildings the glacier is built of palchatkin brick, if you look closely you can still see the traces of the masters fingers, they say, thanks to this unique technique, part of the glacier was able to appreciate the ancient estates and the majestic cathedrals. Pay attention to the tower clock. They are not at all money is characteristic of orthodox architecture. The parishioners themselves gathered on them with thick faces and picturesque rivers. And today the sea is kneedeep to me. Here this phrase takes on a special meaning in the center of the reservoir Shallow Water , see the program of the city of belarus on our tv channel. Significance of belarus the geopolitical significance of belarus greatly exceeds the scale of our country and its resource potential. You know, i immediately liked the president that we are 30 years old. We live in a peaceful and peaceful independent belarus thanks to the fact that every day we preparing for war war does not forgive. Weakness aa war does not forgive unwillingness we are peaceful people these are the first lines of our National Anthem no one believes in the possibility of war. And why the hell are they progressively increasing their military spending, we understand that if we dont finish it here now, then well have to finish our money Nuclear Weapons means of ensuring our security means of deterring those madmen who would like to repeat at forty. The first year of the markov project nothing personal only the truth, which is always more interesting at home. Watch on tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, do not switch. Filmed our daily task is to tell about belarus in the country and abroad. More than 100 Million Viewers around the world have access to the projects of our tv channel. So what is it like, belarus business and developing and festival we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active , energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development, belarus can be different to understand and feel. She needs to be seen with her own eyes. Hello tv viewers on the belarus 24 tv channel watch us every day, after all, we are making belarus closer. I go through and natural belarus clothes. You are smart. You can jest off the thrower, there is a ball in the lake below crazy, call gods wok, called the lake tore off the dyakoy with its obrys and to guess the volga into the maya lake the shape of the correct circle from heaven and shmat them such brazier chandeliers in belarus data bottles people took away from the daunin between will think that the yanas were more reasonable for us architecture whole lands of knowledge minavitans this move, and we can understand it. Cathedral of the nation of the mother of god deep into the first pattern of the villian baroque on the belarusian lands, a magnificent rakako that came out of the interior onto the facades of a buddykol temple conceived by yak, an architectural assimilation of the tendencies and stylisticity of the carmelite princes and a pirated dance froze mention yakneradzh in all this masterpiece of wisegelatinous archi architecture

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