And a whole symphony orchestra, these exhibits can and should be touched not only by children, but their parents are delighted that everything is assembled by the hands of not even students, but schoolchildren, everything is done exclusively either following the example of a model or according to a verbally formulated task. Well , for example, uh, the task is to use planetary mechanism to create a device that has a gear ratio of 64. Thats all and you can see how our fifth graders. Done for fifth grade. No, no, this is a problem for the ninth grade, but we have fifth graders who solve these problems. This is a line of agricultural equipment. It would seem that it is made of paper at first glance, nothing surprising, but the guys from beshenkovic know how to impress. So its a technique. It still works, it seems to work. This is autonomous milk. Lets work on milk like a real one, right . Main, it is clean. This agrodrotrons use a drone to apply fertilizers and protective equipment, working in tandem with an Operational Intelligence officer who first conducts a preliminary analysis of the field, agriculture will never be the same in an hour. He can process. Uh, about 30 hectares of belarusian farms, such equipment is already appearing. It not only appears, it is already used. Eh, literally. This year, about 6,000 hectares were cultivated on one site. Those who are just getting acquainted with science and those who have chosen it, how these guys have been working on a serious problem of modern people for several years now, about ten percent of belarusians suffer from severe neuropathic pain from neuralgia, they are ready to write out a prescription for our drug. It is because it is inside this endogenous substance, and we excrete it from the body, and it does not possess. Such side effects, as already analogues, if possible, so to speak, in the future. We want to patent it so that people would live a full life. We have something to be proud of. Belarusian science can and should sound louder. This is the backbone of the state to create a strong economy. This is advertising our country on the world stage. This money is a technological breakthrough in over belarus assure. Our science learns to earn just from the director. Even this bytonian gardens from russia brought 300,000 dollars a Big Development with china and with india, here is a Pharmaceutical Company such as pakistan and iran. Uh, its now latino strange venezuela and we have guests from clubs and so on and so on, and even with the European Union , in spite of everything and not only against the backdrop of political turbulence, and ties with russian partners are growing stronger, the largest joint project of beelines. Now im thinking about creating. The investigative reactor is ready, a whole program, as if together, we will work with the peaceful atom, this is the creation of joint ventures, this is the implementation of hightech products. Thirdly, it is also joint scientific and technical activities. This is the connection of the national academy, the science of its institutions to the vast state corporation rusatom. And soon a joint flight to the iss was frankly spoken today about the future of electric transport both on earth and in space. Drones, lasers, thermal imagers, simulators. Many developments. We will be surprised no less than belarusian lemons or a bicycle with square wheels. As an impression, i would like to have the same bike. Yes, i wanted it to be uncomfortable. Well , i dont know, but its interesting to ride all this and not only created by the hands and intellect of our people. And this cannot but delight. Veronica is like ilya maximov and vitali the nozzle sphere, interesting. And look at this for today with the first interest three times a week tuesday , wednesday and thursday. Good luck with your business and see you soon. Nature culture people generosity once you joke off and dont get turned on again nicole is all refueling. My name is igor tura this is my propaganda, lets start about the second significant date from last week, which is the day of farewell and the day when the bonfires of mountain ash are burning, i will definitely say, but only at the end of the program, because about september 3 yesterday everyone felt like they wrote on their social networks, but the main day last week this, of course, is knowledge day on september 1 this is a significant date for each of us, even more significant. It becomes when we have our own children, and the most significant is when your child goes to first grade for the first time, just on friday my eldest daughter was on her first line in her life. And i believe that she will really enjoy being a schoolgirl, which i also liked as the father of propagandists. The main thing is what i have already talked about in this broadcast earlier. I believe that at all solemn events the National Anthem should to be executed completely i will remind. Why it somehow happened that we talk and think about ourselves, based on the first line of the anthem, we and belarusians, peaceful people. Thats how it is, but i personally consider it the main ones for us, especially now im proud of the last two lines. He weighed the clear. Vyse, with a tractor. You can enjoy my sixyearold, while i really learned it, only the first verse is further. She manages to sing Something Like this very emotionally, but she will definitely learn, but the guys in the National Childrens technopark are the anthem of their homeland sang. So even the president was impressed. Thanks no one has done it yet. So the anthem is inspired, how today you meet me with the youth Alexander Lukashenko, as always, in my address i said a lot of important things for those who listened to the president , personally and for all the children of the country and for all adult teachers of parents. Thats just adults. Let me show you one fragment where Alexander Grigorievich says, well, thats obvious, but very important, and then supplement it with your personal thoughts, which are debatable due to which some will have a desire to kick me with sticks, i always said and i will repeat today for belarus, talented people the intelligence of the nation, this is the greatest wealth. If there are such people, we will cope with any challenges. This can be done without a lot of oil and natural gas now, which, i think, with regards to our younger generation, despite the fact that now at the moment it is customary to say a lot and loudly that we should raise children as patriots. I consider being in full agreement with the need for a Patriotic Education in schools, that in the first place we must raise children smart, one does not exclude the other for all the same upbringing strategies, where either patriotism or smart intelligence is a priority. However, i think they are slightly different. I will go further on this thin ice. Im sure its from a very patriotic but not smart young man. For the country will be of little use at best. But a smart young man who will be able to independently see all the beauty and charm of his homeland will be able to understand it undoubted pluses, as well as being smart , he will also see its minuses, which are, like in any other country in the world, but the smart patriot saw it. Cons, not only wants these cons to fix it by making it more beautiful even better, smart also will know how to do it. That is, it is not limited. With only a sincere desire, but he will move on to specific and once he is smart with the right action last week. Alexander lukashenko had a birthday. As far as i understand Alexander Grigorievich, and you need to understand him, at least try, and not just be guided by him public quotes. On this day, the president , with great pleasure, will hear words not about himself, how wonderful he is. Although this, of course, is true, but about belarus , which with him and thanks to him is Getting Better and better. And now its time for the video, which was prepared by the telegram channel pull the first on lukashenkas birthday. Now we must endure, we must endure, we must guide our people on this very thin, fragile ice, in order not to fall through, this is the main thing for me now. We need to save our country. We are with you built and believe there is no such country in the world, i will take the liberty of telling that somehow to my president. I frankly told that i was learning from him, and to solve a problem or a task in the shortest way, and for sure , Alexander Grigorievich is amazing in this, because you can arrange long discussions. Either a market economy, or some other coordinate system, or you can take it and quickly solve the issue by immediately taking up some other. Here on friday, young inventors from the childrens technopark. Lukashenka says the following we will do everything and help you if you come up with something useful for production. For our country, if the industry is agriculture, transport, communications and so on. We are happy to have you. As a matter of priority, we will purchase this product here i will talk about the term positive discrimination, around which somehow there were disputes between smart people and the rest, what does this mean, for example, we have orphans and in in our country, the state provides them with disproportionately greater support than just children. If orphans enter universities without exams or on other preferential terms, then such measures are applied to other children. There is discrimination. But this discrimination is not disputed by anyone and is not considered bad, because by discriminating against the strong they support the really weak. Now, at those parks, Alexander Grigorievich says that if suddenly the same product is invented by talented children and no less talented adults, then the state, choosing between an identical product , will give priority to the one made by children in relation to adult scientists; this will be age discrimination. But discrimination is positive, because the priority purchase of goods from children will give the state, in addition to the goods themselves, inspired young scientists with burning eyes and a desire to perform new feats, because they have already been noticed and noted, and the president does not need much time to make such decisions. Coordination with government ministries. Commission meetings are not needed and even specialized working groups are not needed; enough will to make decisions to give someone a discriminatory, but essentially positive for the whole country, and now the phrase of Alexander Lukashenko, who is the head of state, seems to be very clear, even explained how to developed children, but for some reason it caused discussions on the internet fermenting sovereignty , roughly speaking, and simply they say this is power within the borders of our state independence, respected by my relationship sovereignty, independence of the concept is absolutely relative. There are no independent states in the world today. Take such large countries. Well, like our fraternal neighboring russia, it has shown that a specially independent military operation has shown that it is very dependent and in need of support and assistance from powerful china, india , and a half billion people. Are they independent . Far from it, too, needs support. Even here is a vivid example of the United States of america and the currency is printed and can fill the whole world with these green pieces of paper. They are independent, there was a war in ukraine they went around the world. Its their interest the war of the americans, first of all, but they alone did not get involved in this fight against there against us against russia in ukraine no , they dragged them to their side, 51. Maybe already now more than 51 countries are powerful advanced countries such as western europe, germany, japan in the east and and so on, because they are dependent on these countries, the independence of the concept is relative, but we have this independence and we have sovereignty. Let me outline my understanding on hype topics. What is the difference between independence and sovereignty, the most trendy is a concept invented for our wonderful women, who, even serious, have generated millions of jokes. Im talking about the concept that a woman should be strong and independent, what is meant by this female. This means that the husband has a decree for me, if the wife decides to do something or not to do something, buy a dress or go to the spa, no one. She is not obliged to ask permission, because she is also building a career and, you know , she did not find herself in the garbage dump. There are no questions. Its very independent more than that, i have nothing against, but the feature of this independence is that a woman only realizes her sovereign right to choose. What will she depend on . That is, she can give part of her independence in marriage, which is more typical for slavic culture in exchange for solving Financial Issues on the part of her man, whether in this case the wife is dependent on her husband, it is obvious that yes, but also strong and independent, which is not in the trash found herself. She, too, is simply dependent on another , she is dependent on her employer, who pays the money that such are needed for Financial Independence from her husband. It is just as dependent on the schedule of her work, because she cannot take and independently go to work, but go. To massage, because it threatens with dismissal, loss of income and transition to Financial Dependence on the employer already to her husband. It is dependent on circumstances such as the weather, because a breeze can blow through a demonstratively strong and independent. She will go on sick leave and will be dependent either on her husband, who will cook her broths, brew tea for years of doctors who will prescribe pills for her and put on their feet, that is, independence is relative. But sovereignty is absolute, if in a simple way it is the right to independently form a combination and its own dependencies. Do you want to be independent of your husband and build a career depends on her, please. Do you want to be, regardless of your career, sitting at home and depending on your husband, too, for health. This is your sovereign right. But there is no way to be independent from anyone. Which is impossible. The same goes for big politics. There is such a country of ukraine. Whether it is independent, in the narrow sense of the issue, what is written about School Textbooks somewhere beyond the seventh grade, and the independence of ukraine is written in the relevant documents. It has its own territory, its citizens, its government with the president , the flag, the coat of arms, the anthem, and everything else. Was there ever ukraine as a young state, formed in the nineties . Of course not. Ukraine needed markets for investment and development of production, and so on, and ukraine exercised its sovereign right to make profitable combinations dependencies, the essence of these combinations boiled down mainly to the fact that for the time being, political, economic, social and other dependencies on moscow were replaced with the same dependencies, first on europe then on the United States proudly, declaring themselves independent. Kiev has been very dependent on moscow for a very long time , but year after year. Yes, this dependence was replaced by another one by a western one, another thing is that ukraine has now lost sovereignty, that is, the right to independently determine its combinations of interdependence is not beneficial for kiev to fight with russia on its territory. And the people and the country, but independent of anyone from the outside, kiev can no longer make a decision because it has lost a significant part of its sovereignty. Belarus is also independent, if we proceed from the same definition of School Textbooks for the seventh grade. Unless adults have a picture of the world. That should somehow be different from the child, right . We are independent, but independence is relative, as Alexander Lukashenko says, whether we are dependent on russia in politics, economy, military sphere, social and cultural, obviously, that we depend, but we sovereignly independently choose to depend precisely on our older brother, and not on someone else, just as the sovereign determines the level of this dependence we want for ourselves. At the same time, we are sovereignly diversifying our dependence. What is called multivector . But in fact . Its just logic. We sovereignly compose our combinations of interdependence interdependence in different areas. With china , we are trying to establish economic interdependence with africa we are not abandoning reasonable interdependence with europe and agree to greater interdependence with the arab world. If suddenly the European Union with which we are ready for reasonable interdependence begins to behave badly, then we accept the sovereign right to reduce the level of our interdependence with it, because we do not give the right to make a sovereign decision to anyone. The global goal of our sovereign right to make combinations of interdependence is to make our interdependence with the world as beneficial as possible for us, and absolutely any country in the world strives to do exactly the same. If she didnt lose its sovereignty. Even africa consists of independent states that have long lost the sovereign right to choose who it depends on, and completely left depending on france, britain or the United States of america, they are tired of it all and many countries have come to the conclusion that it is more profitable for them to be interdependent with russia or china and paris london washington chase your neck, return your sovereignty and the right to independently determine on whom they depend on another interesting president. On friday they showed a program that can read emotions. I would like Pay Attention to start

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