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Comes like, i dont know, like a click. As an artist, that is, he sees his own, what he wants to put on the canvas, well, so do i , well, there are a lot of options, that is, you cant even put them in the menu, well, that is, there are a lot of things, pavel admits that if for several days he does not work with the test, there is a feeling that he is missing something, while he is the boss who decides all administrative issues, and then he gets close to his. I worked a lot, they saw how i work, they do the same thing that i do, this is also wrong, that is, open, open a restaurant and just teach how to leave, well, in italy they do the same the owners of the restaurants, st. Petersburg , work themselves, people are 7080 years old, and still stand at the stove. Pavel maksimchik from grodno, a real belarusian. Pizza, who treats his profession with the integrity of a true italian, he says my business story is not about money, but it is about dedication to the craft, even when he talks about success, quotes one famous italian master, who claimed that if you make pizza, all the good things will come into your life by itself, you have to work, work, work, work, i just cant imagine even without work, that is, what would i. i can do, well, go to the seaside, so what, well, every six months, like people , well, im not interested in this, work at a job i dont like and go to the seaside, well, something, i think, if if a person has a dream, then he has to go to it, work, plow, and open st. Petersburg, dont plow, i think its somehow, well, not in any business, where in the business, whoever hasnt worked hard. I dont know this. We sounded happy and happy, we were happy, we felt the connection of the hour and the heat, just respect. Every day is formed from tradition autumn, year, or even centuries ago, everything that was considered old was new, we ourselves do not respect it, we pass on the knowledge and experiences of the past, this is our smile, the wave of our hands. And in such a dear way, from simple, happy moments , the sacred traditions are formed, we are committed to the decline of our products, we appreciate the past for our suchasnae, belarus 24. The cis is the oldest interstate formation in the postsoviet space , created back in 91. Time shows how dialogue. The cis format platform is in demand, the commonwealth summit held in bishke once again confirmed this. The time has come for serious consolidation within the framework of the commonwealth, because we have enough examples of successful work, and i just say that today we have to consider a busy agenda, including a number of important joint statements. They confirm that countries have common approaches to such topical issues as freedom. Religion, inadmissibility of discrimination based on language, harmonization of Public Administration systems in the field of digital technologies. We will discuss the issues facing our cis country today with participants in the Interparliamentary Assembly of the commonwealth. Sergey anatolyevich, well, the cis format is one of the oldest, probably in the postsoviet space. And how strong its potential exists today. Different opinions about the effectiveness of this association, but nevertheless less, it is the oldest, it allowed the Union Republics to disperse quite calmly in 1991, it is very important that , after all, during these turbulent 30 years, quite turbulent from a political point of view, from an International Point of view, from the point of view of world politics, this. Has not been preserved, this is already a very great asset, because of course, the collective west did Everything Possible and continues to do the impossible, in order to separate us, to separate us into the old in different directions, and by the way, spoke about this very clearly, in detail our president at the summit, perhaps, in my opinion, this is a very important issue, although there are a lot of other topics, both topics on security and topics on the digital agenda and the fight against crime, but this is the preservation of the cis, the preservation of unity within the cis, and we see that is happening, now it has disconnected, georgia, ukraine, unfortunately, largely ignores it, armenia is now taking the leading position, so today this unity within, the preservation of the core, is extremely important for the modern geopolitical situation, there is a change in the world order, those who will win will be large and united, and Alexander Grigorevich and lukashenko spoke and continue to speak about this, so i think that a lot of projects have been implemented within the commonwealth, and first of all, these are not only political projects, but also economic ones, the creation of a free trade zone, and today the economy is everything, this is both. The present and the future, so i would answer the critics of the cis that they will not wait, you, as a representative of the youth wing, the cis Interparliamentary Assembly, do you think the cis is an interesting issue for young people today, of course, its interesting, yes, the president so seriously focused on the issue of young peoples participation in the problems of the cis, we at our. Youth Interparliamentary Assembly raise many questions, here is one of the issues that the president focused on the russian language, and as a language interethnic communication, just in the spring we had a meeting of the cis Interparliamentary Assembly, one of the issues at it was the promotion of the russian language in each cis member country, and i, as the head of the youth delegation, made a report at this topic, well, for belarus this is not a pressing issue, since the russian language is one of the state languages, but i remembered and quoted the words of our head of state, who voiced back in 2014, when there was a message to the belarusian people at the national assembly, about that the russian language is the property, first of all, of fraternal peoples, and if we lose the russian language, we will lose our minds, in my opinion, the main meaning here is in his words, he has been talking about this for many years, so of course, the russian language is important, the question was raised at the summit, including Alexander Lukashenko, about the multipolarity of the world, yes, about what is necessary to move in this direction, can the cis also play a role here . Yes, indeed, the president s adopted a separate statement on this matter about International Relations in a multipolar world, and Alexander Lukashenko drew attention to a fair multipolar world, namely a fair one, that is, we proceed from the fact that it is multipolarity that will allow interaction on an equal basis basis, build policies taking into account each others interests. If we talk about our partners about our potential partners , we find Common Ground so that we really speak the same language, understandable to each other, we understand what our values ​​are and what we dont need, this understanding exists, it would seem like another topic , which may seem to someone, but it is brought to the forefront by our president , why, because without understanding each other, without communicating in one language, and this is not just a figurative expression, in exactly one language, and such a language, well, the russian language has already traditionally become, this is as the president said, not the russian language, but the russian language is the language of interethnic communication, it is very important that especially. In the Central Asian republics the russian language is preserved so that students of these republics even more came, in particular to the republic of belarus for training, i must say that our relations with uzbekistan are now developing very well, and it is no coincidence that the president s of belarus and uzbekistan met and held a separate meeting within the framework of the cis summit, here now there are about 3,000 uzbek students studying and thanks to this, because they speak russian well, so we hope that other countries of the commonwealth will preserve and develop this means of interethnic communication, it will allow us, among other things, to implement economic projects and in the field of education, culture, humanitarian cooperation, if we. We have, are there many of them . Yes, a lot, and the most important thing is that they are the same problems, yet we must not forget that the ipa, the cis, the important problems we are raising are youth unemployment, yes, and Youth Participation in general in the economy, because the problem exists , it is not so relevant in our country, because we pay a lot of programs and a lot of attention to the employment of young people after they graduate from an Educational Institution, but other states have voiced the problem, namely the problem at the age of 2024, when a young man graduates from a university, this moment of his employment, and we remembered, you know , an interesting point, but about the example in the soviet union, about the example of mentoring, how it was it is important, a lot of attention was paid to this, now in many states this has been lost, in our country. In the state, too , this issue of mentoring is not spelled out in the regulatory legal acts and we discussed this issue, it is possible to develop some kind of model bill in which it will be given. What is mentoring and how will we promote it further in our countries, because we understand that it is very important for a young person when there is an experienced professional nearby who will tell and, of course, show how to work later on in this or that in other enterprises, the world is not becoming calmer now, we constantly see some kind of conflicts breaking out, to the extent that there is an understanding among our partners in the cis that we really can not stand in it alone, shoulder to shoulder. Is there this understanding . Today the cis countries are led by very experienced politicians. Of course, the most experienced politician is Alexander Grigoryevich lukashenko. I think, as the most experienced, he constantly raises topics that some may not think are the most relevant, but he sees the root, because preservation unity is the future. Thats why i think. That there is an understanding, but you understand, politics is a very complex thing, it is multifaceted, it is multifaceted, there are a lot of interests, national interests, plus the interests of major players, which, if you dont need to respond, then they need to be taken into account, and of course, many cis participants are understand and do it in practice, another question is that today we need to decide. Apparently the time has come when it is necessary to make a decision, and preserving the cis is very, very important, from the point of view of geopolitics and prospects world development, you see, the shanghai brix Cooperation Organization is being formed, now many countries are even queuing up to join brix, the collective west does not want to give up its positions, so to speak, the decisions of the g7 or the group of seven were not acceptable , the big seven, but nevertheless they meet, they smile at each other, pat each other on the shoulder, but still make some decisions, from the point of view of pr, global, use of the media, its people who seem to absorb it, they are guided by this, well, there is the practical policy of this group is connected primarily with the introduction of sanctions, this is a very serious instrument, this was discussed , by the way, at the cis summit, it is very good that not only Alexander Grigorievich lukashenko has already said, but it was also heard from other president s, that today it is necessary to unite from this point of view, in carrying out a more balanced and coordinated Economic Policy of our countries within, so it seems to me that this understanding of the importance of the cis within countries, it will grow, what do you think, what are they now . We need to develop the main directions within the cis so that this format expands and grows, all moments are important, we take any direction, someone thinks that economics, for example, is the most important thing, well, economics is generally the basis of the foundations, yes, because there will be no economy at all, and in principle there will be no state. Of course, the economy during the period of sanctions is generally very important, but we are already developing some other areas, not those that seemed to us before the sanctions period, these are the main, relevant ones and we, of course, we have always looked in different directions, it has always been important for us to develop certain sectors, but yes, yes, but now this emphasis is on unity within the cis, this is very important, one of the striking examples is our union. And we demonstrate this and the heads of state also demonstrate this within the framework of the cis platform, they give an example of how russia and belarus cooperate, within the framework of this cooperation, i hope that in the near future there will be even close Cooperation Among the countries of the cis commonwealth, here is a striking example of uzbekistan , we are already starting actively promote and cooperate within the framework of industry, cooperation between the industries of the two countries, so i think that everything is still ahead, the main economy is rightly noted. Especially for the common man, who may not live by some geopolitical realities, but lives by some of his own natural needs and needs, yes, but the cis is not only a truly negotiating platform, it is also a potentially large format when we can improve the lives of people who live in our countries, thats right, that is, economic projects, they have Great Potential within the cis, today it is very important for the cis to start more actively , to position itself in the International Arena and in interaction with other associations, first of all, this is, of course, the shanghai Cooperation Organization and brix, an interesting question and aspect of the new president Alexander Lukashenko during the summit , he hinted to the country that they would think about joining, for example, brix our association, or at least those countries that may be at a higher at an advanced stage of joining this organization, we must bring everyone else along in the commonwealth, this is a very interesting , promising and important idea, and if it is implemented, then we, of course, will be able to declare ourselves even more seriously on the International Arena, and this is before in total, economic opportunities, economic potential, because the largest economies in the world are already joining brix, they are primarily interested in cooperation, this organization is not against someone, as the United States creates coalitions, they are usually against someone, they are not for someone or something, they are against someone, and brix is ​​for development, cooperation and, above all , making life better for our people, what common projects exist, maybe within the cis, yes, well, just recently we celebrated the seventyfifth anniversary of the celebration of the victory of the great patriotic war, so we had a project which was initiated by the youth Interparliamentary Assembly, this is a media project of a line of memory, when parliamentarians, veterans, and simply famous people of each state, of course, young people, they read the lines a poem by our great famous poets, and in this way we showed about, well, precisely the great patriotic war, in this way we showed about what we remember, yes, we honor the memory and. We pass on to the next generation this pride for that , that nazism did not win, the continuity of generations, it exists, it can be traced, this is what is also remarkable, that every country that is part of the cis understands it all, feels it and passes it on to the next generation, that is, such projects, they important, our youth are very there are many projects, another important point we raised, especially during the postcovid period, you remember, when everything was closed, we all sat at home and we talked all about tourism, and the emphasis was always on domestic tourism, because we wont go anywhere and how we will move inside, and so we raised the topic specifically about tourism within the cis countries. Not all of us know how we can have a wonderful time in, for example, uzbekistan, there in armenia, in azerbaijan, and we raised this question about whether we we will promote tourism specifically among young people within the cis member countries. We made an emphasis. On youth tourism, because you need to understand that tourism for youth and tourism for other age categories are different things, it is important for youth now, some animated moments in tourism, maybe somewhere extreme types of tourism, and i also gave a report on this topic at meetings of the Youth Assembly and spoke about the experience of the republic of belarus, talked about ecoagrotourism, yes, this is our highlight, we always declare and talk about this, we have a lot made for. And also about such an ecological type of tourism as boloting, we have many swamps, one of the most famous swamps is yelnya and there are stupa swamps, when you can walk along certain paths, this aroused great interest among the cis countries , yes, yes, the lungs of europe, absolutely right , i also talked about this, that is, we probably have the largest forest area in europe in our country, i also voiced this topic, thats exactly what swamps are, what what for swamping, what kind of swamp is a stupa, that is and we found such an understanding that not even among representatives of youth delegations, on the parliamentary platform, we do not all know the subtleties and nuances and attractiveness of each country, and this must also be stated, that is, we are currently developing projects on youth tourism within the framework of the cis countries, one moment, the second moment, some launch of videos about the attractiveness of our countries, which will du. How many positive examples we have, we have not given up a lot, we have transferred a lot of positive things from the soviet union, preserving and having confirmed over time that this is the right path, in the cis they are looking at our example, they are definitely looking at and looking at, first of all, probably, our strategic line for interaction with the russian federation, because the integration of russia and belarus is a locomotive, not only in the eurasian economic union, but in the cis, and of course, many countries notice this, try to adopt the best experience, put forward some of their own initiatives that go, say, in parallel or correspond to our approaches, by the way, i also spoke about this president of the republic of belarus during the summit, and he drew attention to the fact that not only in the cis, they are looking closely at the experience of the republic of belarus, but they see it in the world, and unfortunately, for some it causes a certain jealousy, envy, rejection and corresponding unfriendly actions in regarding the republic of belarus, but this says that we are on the right path, we are on the right path, and many countries in the cis notice this, i have already named uzbekistan and tajikistan. Well, kazakhstan, too, colleagues Exchange Opinions and experiences with us, we have established excellent relations on the parliamentary side, recently, the speaker of the senate of uzbekistan came to us , it was a very effective, productive visit, the visit of the speaker of the parliament of kyrgyzstan ended for several days, during which there was a very intensive exchange of experience and. Belarus, including in the parliamentary dimension , are very interested, they always listen to our reports with such interest, they accept our experience, i also told one of the examples about how our enterprise naftan works, that is, they work with universities, they prepare for themselves future specialists, collaborating with an Educational Institution located in poloska, this is a wonderful practice. That is, we are getting such education in the country and we are actively working on it in a practiceoriented manner, that is, we are preparing those specialists who are needed in the real sector of the economy, this moment of connection is very important, then it turns out that when a young man chooses a specialty, he clearly understands that he will be employed, our state needs him in one industry or another. And here trend towards consolidation within the commonwealth of independent states, will it be heard by our partners, what do you think . I hope so, because our head of state is always very. Convincing and he always gives vivid examples, he doesnt just say some theses, he always gives vivid examples, life examples, and as a result. But by the way, today, what are the values ​​of young people who choose politics as the main sphere of their activity, and i cant answer for all young people, yes, i probably will conclusions, because what kind of youth i communicate with is still the most important value , i think that for our youth, and this is family. This is the homeland, that is, we are still preparing real patriots, to live in their homeland, to develop in their homeland, to create a family, a traditional family, to give birth to children, these are the most important values, and of course, tranquility, peace, care and the guarantee that the state gives, the guarantee we now have gives us many opportunities for active youth to develop , worked and grew promisingly, that the number one question for you today is to implement some interesting project that will be initiated by the republic of belarus, because literally next month we will have a meeting of the youth Interparliamentary Assembly and yes, the cis, indeed, according to tradition, coordination will be transferred from the republic of armenia belarus, we also do this alphabetically, for the year the republic of belarus will be the coordinator, and question number one is still some kind of initiative for the republic of belarus represented by. The cis. The number one question is the question of peace. You see what is happening on our planet. I will say again that the president also touched upon the topic of the middle east conflict. It would seem that this is somewhat far from us, but it is all interconnected. Conflict in ukraine, conflict in our neighbors. East, therefore, today the theme of peace, it is the dominant one, in order to win and ensure peace, it is necessary to be united, including in the community of independent states. The happy earth in our cuddly hands, our gallant wealth, let us rejoice in hell. So i want to settle down, create. And develop thrifty, Healthy Traditions for the sake of a happy and happy future, where the skins lifestyle is important. And life with navakolі in hellishness and kahanna, all the time. Here there are meetings of a whole series of heartfelt moments and family spectacles, one after another. Belarus 24 is what we are absolutely disgusted with. Hello everyone, hello, my name is wang youliu, my name is zhangshuo, we came to belarus from china, we are now studying and living in minsk. I came to belarus from china, well, my dear gorat of the chinese center, well, its called puya hana province, the city of puyang, when i arrived in belarus, i saw that the sky was very blue and the water was very clean, the air, the air was very good, and the people were kind and the girl was very beautiful, in minsk i like minsk the most the sea, well, there is a very good place there in the summer, well, i always barbecue and swim there with friends, i came from china from a province inside mongolia, when you. I recognized china, i heard this here is a completely different culture and i want to feel it, thats why i came to

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