This film is the second work of director Kazuyoshi Nagashima, whose first film The Calling was selected for the official invitation screening at the Hawaii International Film Festival of 2016. The director, a former Mayor of Zushi-city and a former member of the House of Representatives of the National Diet of Japan, sets himself up as candidate for the mayoral election of Yokohama-city, a metropolis of 3,7 million inhabitants. While running for the election, the director lays out on film the reality of running an election campaign, all the way to the backstage. The documentary is the story of a man taking on Yokohama, a city broiling in the midst of Japan's first incident of a city administration inviting a casino to town, with a campaign fund of just 30,000 dollars (about 3,6 million yen) and no official organization. 108 minutes. Similarly to the film The Calling, the core of the production staff consists of three members who studied together at the Graduate School of Tokyo University of the Arts: the director and producer Kazuyoshi Nagashima, the co-director and photographer Ryota Chida, and the sound designer Akio Chuma.