Bird Watch: Sightings from Greater Newburyport and beyond :

Bird Watch: Sightings from Greater Newburyport and beyond

These recent sightings are compiled by Sue McGrath of the Newburyport Birders. Report your sightings to Newburyport Birders at or 978-204-2976. Visit

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Canada , Tennessee , United States , Turkey , Regret , Afyonkarahisar , Sandy Point , New Hampshire , Woodpecker , British Columbia , Blue Jay , Alberta , American , Raven Merlin , Cooper Hawk , Parker River National Wildlife Refuge , Sue Mcgrath , Newburyport Birders , Canada Goose , Northern Mockingbird , European Starling , House Sparrow , Song Sparrow , Eastern Phoebe , Northern Cardinal , Gray Catbird , American Crow , American Goldfinch , Cedar Waxwing , Eastern Meadowlark , Barn Swallow , Tree Swallow , Great Blue Heron , Chimney Swift , Black Capped Chickadee , Tufted Titmouse , Pileated Woodpecker , Carolina Wren , Double Crested Cormorant , Herring Gull , Ring Billed Gull , Great Black Backed Gull , American Robin , River National Wildlife Refuge , Plum Island , Common Raven Merlin , Short Billed Dowitcher , Buff Breasted Sandpiper , Stilt Sandpiper , Least Bittern , Red Knot , Orchard Oriole , Willow Flycatcher , Yellow Rumped Warbler , Tennessee Warbler , Cape May Warbler , Bay Breasted Warbler , Pine Warbler , Black And White Warbler , Purple Martin , Peregrine Falcon , American Avocet , Black Tern , Spotted Sandpiper , Semipalmated Sandpiper , Pied Billed Grebe , Green Winged Teal , Black Bellied Plover , American Golden Plover , Black Crowned Night Heron , Great Egret , Yellow Warbler , Red Eyed Vireo , White Rumped Sandpiper , Red Tailed Hawk , Turkey Vulture , Yellow Shafted Flicker , Hampshire Seacoast , Laughing Gull , Western Sandpiper , Semipalmated Plover , Common Eider , Great Shearwater , Manx Shearwater , Black Guillemot , Ruddy Turnstone , Little Blue Heron , Point State Reservation , Atkinson Common Fields , Northern Flicker , Downy Woodpecker , Eastern Screech Owl , Pectoral Sandpiper , Springs Road , Eastern Wood Pewee , White Breasted Nuthatch , Brown Creeper , Blue Gray Gnatcatcher , American Redstart , Rose Breasted Grosbeak , Ornithology , Oology ,

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