Bird Watch: Sightings from Greater Newburyport and beyond :

Bird Watch: Sightings from Greater Newburyport and beyond

These recent sightings are compiled by Sue McGrath of the Newburyport Birders. Report your sightings to Newburyport Birders at or 978-204-2976. Visit

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Rockport , Ontario , Canada , Eagle Hill , Alberta , United States , Salisbury , Mashonaland East , Zimbabwe , Woodpecker , British Columbia , Blue Jay , Iceland , Turkey , American , Clark Sparrow , Cooper Hawk , Mourning Dove , Kingfisher , Parker River National Wildlife Refuge , Sue Mcgrath , Newburyport Birders , Hooded Merganser , American Wigeon , Mute Swan , Canada Goose , American Black Duck , Great Black Backed Gull , Herring Gull , Beach State Park , Long Tailed Duck , Red Breasted Merganser , Purple Sandpiper , Notre Dame Property , American Robin , American Goldfinch , Red Bellied Woodpecker , Green Winged Teal , Rock Pigeon , Ring Billed Gull , Turkey Vulture , Northern Harrier , Sharp Shinned Hawk , Red Tailed Hawk , Yellow Bellied Sapsucker , Downy Woodpecker , Hairy Woodpecker , American Crow , Black Capped Chickadee , Tufted Titmouse , Golden Crowned Kinglet , White Breasted Nuthatch , Red Breasted Nuthatch , Carolina Wren , European Starling , Northern Mockingbird , Eastern Bluebird , Cedar Waxwing , House Sparrow , House Finch , American Tree Sparrow , Dark Eyed Junco , White Throated Sparrow , Song Sparrow , Swamp Sparrow , Red Winged Blackbird , Common Grackle , Hill Boat Ramp , West Newbury , Beach State Reservation , Snow Bunting , Common Eider , Red Throated Loon , Little Necks , River National Wildlife Refuge , Plum Island , Bald Eagle , Northern Shoveler , Common Raven , Black Crowned Night Heron , Belted Kingfisher , Great Blue Heron , American Coot , Common Goldeneye , Common Merganser , American Tree , Eastern Phoebe , Red Shouldered Hawk , Eastern Screech Owl , Great Horned Owl , Barred Owl , Northern Saw Whet Owl , Northern Flicker , Hermit Thrush , Gray Catbird , Pine Warbler , Ornithology , Oology ,

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