Open Pit Mining Operations During Q2 2021, open pit mining consisted of 412,529 ore tonnes at an average grade of 2.16 g/t. The majority of the open pit production came from Limon Central (“LC”) Phase 2 totaling 215,586 ore tonnes at an average grade of 2.63 g/t, with additional ore from Pavon Norte ore in the amount of 59,621 tonnes at a grade of 3.38 g/t, 135,678 tonnes at a grade of 0.74 g/t of previously processed “spent ore”, and 1,644 tonnes at 12.96 g/t from artisanal small miners. Effective June 1, 2020, the Company considers LC Phase 2 to be in commercial production and defer stripping waste material above the average life of mine waste:ore strip ratio. Pavon Norte began operations in Q1 2021 with initial ore deliveries to the Libertad mill in January 2021 and the Company achieving commercial production status in March 2021