Canadian authorities declare Karima Baloch's death 'non-criminal' By Karima Mehrab Baloch's death ruled 'non-criminal' 37-year-old's body to arrive in Karachi on January 24 [today] Baloch activist had been living in exile for five years Canadian authorities have officially declared activist Karima Mehrab Baloch's death as 'non-criminal' in nature. Responding to a Pakistan High Commission request seeking information on the cause of death, the Toronto Police Service said her disappearance had been reported on December 20, 2020 by a family member. "An exhaustive search was commenced by officers which sadly resulted in the location of the deceased on December 21, 2020," it explained. Related: The letter said the officer in charge reported the details to the family shortly thereafter. “After a thorough investigation, officers determined that this was a non-criminal death and that no foul play was suspected.”