/ Posted on 15 February, 2021 8:30 With Singaporeans urged to play tourists on home ground, businesses are reinventing their content to excite local hearts. Pamela Chow finds out more. As the coronavirus continues to stalk global tourism, Singapore is sparing no effort to revive the country’s ailing sector, with the domestic market coming into play. In December 2020, the Singapore Tourism Board threw a lifeline to struggling tourism businesses by giving every adult citizen S$100 (US$75) in SingapoRediscovers Vouchers (SRV) to spend on hotel staycations, attraction tickets and tours, valid through June 30, 2021. This was accompanied by the Singapoliday campaign, detailing promotions and offerings available in 10 precincts, including the Civic District, Kampong Gelam and Sentosa.