The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois reported the following activities in the suit brought by Local Union No. 702, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, Trustees Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee Local Union 702 IBEW & Southern Illinois Chapter NECA, Trustees of the Local Union No. 702 Annual Benefit Fund, Trustees of the NECA-IBEW Pension Benefit Trust Fund and Trustees of the National Electrical Benefit Fund against T. K. Carlson Electric, Inc. on Feb. 9. 'Complaint Against T.k. Carlson Electric, Inc., Taner Carlson D/b/a T/k/ Carlson Electric, Inc. ( Filing Fee $ 402 Receipt Number 0754-4398456.), Filed By Local Union No. 702, International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers, Afl-cio, Trustees Of The Local Union No.702 Annual Benefit Fund, Southern Illinois Electrical Retiree Welfare Plan, Trustees Joint Apprenticeship And Training Committee Local Union 702 Ibew & Southern Illinois Chapter Neca, Trustees Of The Neca-ibew Pension Benefit Trust Fund, Trustees Of The National Electrical Benefit Fund. (attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit, # 4 Civil Cover Sheet, # 5 Summons Directed To T.k. Carlson Electric, Inc., # 6 Summons Directed To Taner Carlson D/b/A T.k. Carlson Electric, Inc.)(hansen, Amanda)'