Catholicos of Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church passes away at 74 According to the medical bulletin, the Catholicos passed away at 2.35 am, he was in extremely critical condition since Sunday morning. Share Via Email | A+A A- By Express News Service KOCHI: Metropolitan Baselious Marthoma Paulose II, 74, Catholicos of the East and Supreme Head of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church (MOSC) breathed his last at St Gregorios Medical Mission Hospital, Parumala in Thiruvalla, on Monday. According to the medical bulletin, the Catholicos passed away at 2.35 am, he was in extremely critical condition since Sunday morning. "Even with very high external oxygen support through artificial ventilation, oxygen saturation in blood could not be maintained. His Holiness was ailing from Cancer of the lungs since December 2019 for which he was receiving treatment at St Gregorios International Cancer Care Centre, Parumala. He recovered from Covid-19 infection in February, the post-Covid lung complications worsened the health condition," said the Medical Superintendent of the hospital in a release.