(Photo : Micheal Kropiewnicki) Intense Heat The current heatwave might be a factor. "As daylight temperatures continue to rise, we expect to see an increase in adult cicada activity," Dr. Jim Fredericks, the National Pest Management Association's chief entomologist, told AccuWeather recently. (Photo : Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) And it's been hot recently. The blistering heat is everywhere. Not only in the Northeast, where many areas saw the first heatwave of the season over the weekend, but also in the Southeastern regions, where temperatures hit triple digits towards the end of May. Causing a Car Accident A cicada was accused by Cincinnati police of causing an automobile accident in Ohio. In a Facebook post last week, police warned people that they are blamed for several traffic accidents every time cicadas appear. Police said a young guy crashed his car after driving through a huge swarm, and they advised people to wrap up their windows when driving.