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Most countries who believe its a great promise, a great opportunity and some of the u. S. Media, some of the u. S. People who are wagging Information Warfare on russian vaccine we were not expecting anything else we are not trying to convince the u. S. White House Republicans and democrats blame each other for the impasse over a multitrillion dollar rescue plan as early futures point higher. President ial candidate joe biden chooses Kamala Harris. President trump is quickly on the offensive. One of the reasons it surprised me, she was very she was probably nastier than even pocahontas to joe biden she was very disrespectful to joe biden. Good morning let me take you through some of the Market Action were witnessing on the boards today it has been a bit stopped on the board. Investors here just picked up on some of the caution that we were witnessing on wall street as that market wrapped up sharp effectively a lot of the design is the impasse on washington negotiations republicans and democrats at loggerheads over various line items and also the extent of the stimulus, just how great the numbers should be. Many on the weekend were eyeing the executive orders from President Trump to effectively push through Unemployment Benefits of 400 a week but also to tackle the payroll tax they had hoped would lead to some sort of trans ak the sentiment fade has the profit taking on markets particularly in the tech space weve witnessed that in recent sessions here in europe today, it was a much weaker start. That has translated into some gains as weve managed to work through some of the noise at the start of the session corporate earnings crossing through here today thats had some bearing on the market activity. Were up 1 3 of a percent. European indices, you can see how that falls across the boards the xetra dax trading weaker technology in front but the dax is taking charge. That has put a bit into the u. K. Stock market elsewhere as you can see, frank stocks are trading by a quarter of a percent but the market at this point trying to shake off some of the weakness you can see the sector level, too. As we switch over the boards, we are fairly evenly split. The bulk of sectors in negative territory. At the top, telecom, theres been a lot about the stocks in the basket this morning. In fact, they were up more than 2 a fairly solid 1. 6 plus percent. In the other realm, banks has been a decent trade. Thats helping out the sector. Autos trading higher along with Financial Services now that retainer in the online space, decent performance upgrading the outlook. Weakness in real estate, travel today. U. S. Futures as we look forward to that session on wall street you can see tilted more in the green at this stage despite some red ink. Apple one of the stocks that impacted some of the market activity having some bearing on the s p and dow yesterday. Investors having concern over backlash Chinese Tech Companies are operating in states over fears of retaliation that just caused a setting in the stock. Pushing onto the politics, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has played down hopes for renewed talks over massive relief package saying white house officials and Congressional Democrats have not spoken to each other since negotiations broke down on friday they accused democrats of not acting quickly to provide support to americans. Families are suffering. Americans are dying. This is not a washington game. Its a National Crisis it would serve the nation better if the Democratic Leaders would act like its a crisis. Meanwhile, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer claims republicans have refused to compromise over the size of the stimulus plan. Democrats offered to come down by a trillion we asked our counterparts, secretary mnuchin, mr. Meadows to come up by a trillion meet us in the middle. They said no one of the big market meeting stories. That came out of russia yesterday. Were going to have a key interview as carol dmitry off has told cnbc nations that are skeptical of the vaccine will not be provided with the drug. This after the countrys Health Minister said allegations sputnik v is unsafe. Speaking to squawk box, dmitryov said this was not unexpected. Its a great promise. Its a great opportunity and some of the u. S. Media, some of the u. S. People are wagging Information Warfare on russian vaccine. It was very interesting for us to see all of this we keep on saying very clear things that this vaccine has been six years in development. This platform has been proven. All of the information will be published. We specifically created sputnik vaccine website and we are attacked by comments that, frankly, do not go into the science of the vaccine, do not go into the facts about the vaccine. We were not expecting anything else we are not trying to convince the u. S. I think our point is to the world, we have this technology it can be available in your country in november, december. People who want to take it and study it more we will provide that information people who are very skeptical will not have this vaccine and well wish them good luck in developing theirs. Demetriev said they have not shared information on development of the vaccine we will bring you that back shortly. Very interesting conversation about the technicals a couple of vectors being involved in the delivery of this vaccine as well. Questions have already been raised about the viability of the vaccine. White house covid advisor said he had quite serious doubts russia has proven the drug is safe and effective lets move on to the Senior Research fellow in Global Health in South Hampton michael, youre one of the critics showing skepticism about this vaccine talk us through why rchltsz g. D good morning. This appears to have been tested on about 70 or so people which is typically what we would call a phase 2 trial. At that stage we might have some evidence as to whether its promising. We wont know if it works yet. We wont know if it generates a useful response. We wont know if its effective. Then you scale up whats called a phase 3 trial which is tested on thousands thats where you can fell it works or not certainly at this stage no one can know if its definitely going to be a vaccine candidate that we could and should roll out to millions. I think russia is jumping the gun a little bit there in terms of some of its comments on it so far. We have been speaking to the head of the Sovereign Wealth Fund he does talk about some of that criticism. Lets listen in. Ill come back to you for some reaction. We acknowledge that they are valid and we agree nothing in detail has been published yet, we are just sending information to some of our partners today on the results of first phases of clinical trials. It will all be published in august and frankly our scientists are following protocols in russia where they need to send it to ministry of health first and they cannot send it outside first. This is a relic of russian law some of the other things are not valid. People forget this vaccine is based on human adeno virus which is much safer than monkey or mrna this has been studied on tens of thousands of people and this delivery mechanism has been proven then when you talk about the actual vaccine functioning, the delivery mechanism is really key. All of the vaccines pretty much deliver the code to produce a spike of coronavirus we believe that we can Save Technology we are not surprised by many people if we wanted to bring water to the United States, people will say oh, its polluted, oh, its not working, maybe it was stolen formula or, you know, some other stuff about it so we expect this reaction from the u. S. But we want to be open and say we have the technology were open to study to provide information. Information will be provided in august. Lets just stick with the facts for a moment and stay away from the politics. You mentioned in your first answer that this has been in development for six years yet most people would say weve only known about covid19 probably since late 2019. How do we correct con siel those two bits of information. You really got me there just kidding it was six years ebola and basically the delivery mechanism of coronavirus vectors was tried. Then we have mers and we tried adeno viruses on mers. It has been started by the military sputnik has that and its safe we were fortunate that coronavirus was very close to mers we had it already ready to go vaccine, started for two years on mers. Slightly more defined to be coronavirus vaccine. That is the real actual story, not politics russia has always been at the forefront of vaccine research. We were able to test it on animals. We are the only one to have best model. All of the animals will die from the virus w. This they get protected. We measured all of the antibody levels everything will be published when people see the factual information, i think lots of questions will disappear i agree with you, the information needs to be provided more i want to try to extract some clues about the vaccine. The president is talking about the vaccine that had been administered to his daughter and suggested there was a slight spike in fever, then there was a second dose of administration. This sounds like the astrazeneca that required two shots and there were problems with fever and then a second dose was administered how similar are the vaccines this is a great point now we go into detail. We believe it has great promise but monkey adeno virus has not been used. We have human adeno virus. Whats different is astrazeneca was hoping one shot would be enough they tried on thousands of people two shots was tried only on ten people they understoodyou actually need two shots for two shots its better to have two delivery mechanisms, two vectors. After you do the first shot, sorry to be technical, you develop immunoresponse the brilliance and simplicity of our approach, we have two different vectors. Two different trains first we deliver spike, then the body starts to protect this train and then we deliver it again with another train thats why our vaccine is better thats why it will last longer this is why the science is really behind our approach. I want to go back to michael. Looking at the latest evidence that has been put forward by rdif what do you make around the comments about having two vectors to deliver it and one shot and then a followup booster shot well, many vaccine candidates are being tested at the minute, including, for example, the university of oxford led vaccine which they were part of that trial. That uses the adeno virus vectors. That is a common approach. A bit like other strains of the coronavirus. So that in itself is a perfectly valid approach we shouldnt be too optimistic about any of the vaccines at this stage we can consider them promising for example, including hiv a few years back wouldnt it be a massive game changer. Those trials did fail at the phase 3 stage. So there is plenty that can theres plenty still to be proven and it does not mean because you have something promising at phase 2 that it will inevitably work so from a scientific perspective we need to remain skeptical about any claims until the evidence is on the table to see. We are waiting for the evidence to cross in august. This month we should get more information. Also just pick up on some of the criticism around the safety of this vaccine as we are hearing in the conversation, there has been a delivery mechanism that theyre using in this vaccine that comes on the back of other vaccines that are tried with other coronavirus. Does it make a difference . If you think of some of the other vaccines at the moment, some are using new delivery mechanisms that have not been tried and tiszed is that a significant plus for the russian vaccine . Well, i think it is potentially helpful in that we do have some knowledge about the platform upon which the vaccine is being delivered that is in part why some of their vaccine candidates can be fost jertd that is potentially useful many, many products, vaccines and therapeutics, so on, do fail afterphase 3 stage of research its important we do have the phase 3 so we can properly look at the effectiveness of the vaccine, i. E. , does it work is it safe in terms of having minimal side effects. Does this come down to what happens if there is a successful vaccine . Already were hearing from some of the antivax campaigners. Some are adamant theyre not going to take any vaccine. What does it do in the effort to fight coronavirus if a significant portion of the population will not be inoculated that is a really important point. Theyre already working up what side effects a future vaccine will have. Thats what were up against the public communication side of things is hugely important here. It is not just about the science, its about being open and transparent about the likely effectiveness and the likelihood of any side effects. That is where we can get Public Confidence as high as possible to get uptake of the vaccine as high as possible if the up take is low, it doesnt end. Simple as that. The Game Changing nature of this does seem to be successful, what does it mean for the profitability across the board clearly a lot of money has been thrown at the system to support some of these western vaccines if the russians are successful, does it up end the commercial viability of some of the other projects i think we probably will end up with more than one successful candidate. We have seen that with other vaccines the hpv vaccine, theres more than one model of delivering that vaccine even if the russians do end up with a successful candidate, even if they end up with one first, there will be other vaccines on from that. In terms of delivery around the world, we will need to scale up vaccine production to millions and billions of doses. That will inevidence bring lead to a lot of bickering in terms of who gets it first clearly if there are political divides, that really wont help matters either so it is something that we need to watch and be careful of certainly in terms of valuabulnl populations in the world theyre the ones that should get it first from an equitable point of view. We should see how it plays out thats a complex matter, not just about the science. Michael, i very much appreciate you touching on these points around the vaccine. Thank you for your time. Senior Research Fellow at Global Research health at South Hampton. Well squeeze in a break recession with the contraction you say the customers make their own rules. Lets talk data. Only Xfinity Mobile lets you switch up your wireless data whenever. I accept 5g, everybodys talking about it. How do i get it . Everyone gets 5g with our new data options at no extra cost. Thats good. Next item corner offices for everyone. Just have to make more corners in this building. Chad. Your wireless. Your rules. Only with Xfinity Mobile. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Switch and save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus, get 400 off when you preorder the new Samsung Galaxy note20 ultra 5g. U. K. Gdp has collapsed by more than onefifth in the Second Quarter that is the largest contraction posted by any so far it collapsed by 20. 4 through june they said they have confirmed that the, quote, hard times are here and that he expects many more job losses to follow. Were joined, head of economics, British Chamber of commerce. Nice to have you back on board what were your instant take aways from this gdp number that crossed a short time ago it pens a pretty grim picture in the Second Quarter of this year looking at the data, pretty much every sector took a major hit. What were seeing is those sectors, those industries are the most affected by the pandemic its hit hardest in the Second Quarter. When you start seeing improvements in june as theyre starting to reopen, restaurants, bars, pubs back in action, more people going into stores that are not just grocery shops at this point, what do you think that means in terms of what lies ahead with the economy and how concerned we should be with another quarter of weakness when we get the q3 numbers . We are positive when we have a pickup in growth from historically weak april. The key question is what is driving that improvement is it new demand new customer demand or new activity or is it nearly pentup demand or is it due to Government Support . I think its a mixture of the three which means some of the bounce back we sought was in the quarter. It was over the coming quarters. We are expecting the u. K. Economy to return back in the Third Quarter of this year given the economy is gradually reopening. Improvements are wealthy and uneven like to see sectors such as construction manufacturing where some of the restrictions such as social distancing are a bit easier to implement. Its much more difficult it will get you uneven what we may see is a net share and as they wind down through the Third Quarter and fourth quarter, that impact on the recovery as well the chancellor saying extending the furlough scheme is not sustainable which prompts the question, what comes next on the stimulus side. One of the concerns i have is we are getting support for companies that are back on their feet are you not getting support for companies, businesses, individuals that are hard hit during this stage in the economy . As we talked, the bank of england standing to do more on the qe side. Its hard to see how that helps. Its a more targeted approach. I wonder if that has to come at a fiscal level still. Yes theyre backing to an amount thats limited at the moment probably two areas as it winds down, there needs to be more support. The first big cut in the overall employment cost. It shows motivations that we think help theres more support for the industries that are struggling at the moment. Theyre facing more restrictions and support locally for those across the country that are experiencing local lockdowns a lot of support businesses in local areas that have been impacted by local restrictions it just got back after the first warning lockdown and they have some support measures in place not just in our location but also more widely. Thank you for joining us with your perspective on the data head of economics, British Chamber of commerce. Coming up on the show, the prospect of a u. S. Ban looms over tencent its going to be going to hong kong for the latest next these days, businesses are adapting to new ways of working. And innovation is at the heart of it. Verizon 5g ultra wideband is the fastest 5g in the world, with speeds up to 25 times todays 4g networks. Its massive capacity and ultralow lag time is already available in parts of select cities around the country. Which means businesses both large and small can innovate like never before. Welcome to street sieps. If you are just joining us, im karen tsao and these are your headlines. The gdp shrinking 20. 4 in the Second Quarter the worst contraction of a major economy so far. The ceo of russias Sovereign Wealth Fund accuses the u. S. Of politicizing its vaccine. Criticism of sputnik v is disappointing but not surprising. Its a great opportunity and some of the u. S. Media, some of the u. S. People are wagging Information Warfare on russian vaccine. We were not expecting anything else we are not trying to convince the u. S. White House Republicans and Top Democrats blame each other for the impasse as early futures point higher. President ial candidate joe biden chooses Kamala Harris as his running mate making her the first black woman to be nominated as Vice President candidate. President trump is quickly on the offensive. One of the reasons that surprised me she was very she was probably nastier than even pocahontas to joe biden. She was very disrespectful to joe biden. Lets take you to some of the Market Action we are watching here in modern trade today. Mostly negative territory. Some of the markets peeling away from the levels. The u. K. Stock market is certainly better than expected gdp numbers in the Second Quarter. Still deeply negative than anticipated given the reversal youve seen in many of the operations june is providing a little bit of activity. The overall print positive direction trade in the u. K the dax has been lagging behind. Down twotenths of a percent the French Market is struggling to hold on to some of those levels slightly positive. Italian stocks trading decent. The sectors, this is how it plays out. We are seeing a lot of appetite in the telecons. Banks closely behind the gainers and the losers, which is different than what we started after the trading. The bulk of the sectors trading and its long with real estate as well. Speaking of the banks, lets take you to one of the catalysts for what weve seen in the trading session. A Second Quarter loss from a abm amro abn amro announced an overhaul to the Corporate Bank. The dutch lender saying 800 employees would lose their jobs over the next three to four years. Stock price bouncing sharply cnbc was told the bank will turn its focus on europe and aim at reducing risks. In charge for q2 was around 700 million euros, and thats primarily in our Corporate Bank which operates in europe and around the world weve announced today the outcome of our review of the Corporate Bank and Going Forward well be focusing on europe, on winding down our activities outside europe that will improve the rich profile of the group and build our capital Going Forward. Rising credit costs have caused a 42 slump in the credit quarter. Uncertainty over loans will continue into next year. Christian scarafino joins us youve produced a comprehensive report card on the Banking Sector lets get into the detail. Tell us what it means for the Banking Sector for the next 6 to 12 months. The credit losses or expected credit losses will continue to be a main driver for profitability Going Forward. When we look at the first half of the quarter, we look at banks that are active in Trading Operations have seen a sharp increase, of course, in expected credit losses. On average they are about 1 percentage point of gross lows we see quite a difference between the individual banks there, so it ranges all the way from 30 basis points for the swiss banks or one of the swiss banks to over 200 basis points we see different banks will be reflected differently. Reflects the composition of the loan book but also the modeling applied. In the second half we really expect that credit cards will remain high. The thing for us in particular, the uncertainty that remains regarding the recovery or the performance of the economy Going Forward. And this will drive both credit cards but also rev very knew the disparities youre flagging out to us between loan books and down to jurisdictions. They have reported some of the highest credit losses. When we talk about covid19 it feels its been roaming across the globe in various directions. Why are these two banks in particular in your sights . I believe they that what drives really the credit losses or expected credit losses booked in the first half is the expectation by banks on how loans will perform lets not forget when you look at nonperforming loans in june, they have picked up. Theyre providing for the future and expectation of deterioration. When we look at segments to unsecured Consumer Credit and focus on large credit card portfolio will see higher provisions as well banks that are exposed to some of the segments in the corporate world so we have some sectors that are more effective travel and whose by talt, oil and gas and the sme book it also boils down on how banks are modeling the impact of the unprecedented gdt drops and the consumer supports, the corporate sector i think thats where we see differences in how banks are provisioning and how they will provision Going Forward. For the second half if under the accounting standards banks have really provided in a forward looking basis, based on their expectation for the future, credit losses should come down gradually. They have a huge amount of uncertainty over the how the economy will pan out or how it will play out. Banks indicated where they give expectations for full year losses we could expect a wide range of provisions Going Forward in the second half of the year. One of the stunning outcomes of a pandemic is the fitch has actually really done well on some trading that we witnessed on markets debt and equity on a strong pickup there do you expect this to continue certainly investment bank, trading and equity in the fitch space has been a good release. Its another thing to look out on the second half we would expect this will kick in and this is a special year. If volatility in the market persists, this could continue to help the banks to generate revenue. The volumes or increases and the u. Sm u. S. Peers, its likely to be a bit lower in the second half. Thank you for sharing the report fascinating with the fitch ratings. Lets go back to some of the corporate earnings tencent very much on the radar reports its Second Quarter earnings today watching the numbers closely this is anticipating strong numbers. How do they address the bounce of the app wechat. They were looking at apple concerning the market backlash because of some of the ramifications around wechat. What are the restrictions and what can the company do . We are waiting, karen, to see what happens within the next hour the market is close now. Any time they are able to release their results. Were going to be looking to their response and how theyre going to be addressing the concerns about the ban from President Trump. That is the impact on all wechat related transactions that will go into effect on september 20th the question is because of the wording of the directive is rather vague or unclear. Any transaction related to wechat by any person or with respect to any property subject to the jurisdiction of the United States with tencent holdings, so we know that tencent is the Worlds Largest gaming and social media company. Whether it is just wee chat or everything that touches tencent. Tencent has large stakes in many u. S. Video Game Companies including riot games which makes league of nations and fortnite and activation blizzard which makes world of war craft and tesla, snap, streaming guild, nba, nfl and Major League Baseball we are waiting on the update to come through from tencent. As far as forecasts are for the q2 numbers, refinitive expect a rise we look at the share price in the shares of tencent it closed close to 1. 5 . Shares at tencent done at 520 and change before President Trump announced these sanctions, if you will, on wechat and tencent, the shares were trading at 555 per share it has come down quite significantly since that, but all eyes now on the earnings to come through and it should be within the next hour when tencent reports. Back to you guys thank you very much to tesla shares which have been rising more than 6 in after hour trading after it announced a five for one stock split which was smaller in the highly valued car maker. Tesla said it will make Stock Ownership more for the dealers theyre going to get to the 1300 well see how they bring the price down thats the level were seeing including very heavy action in stock prices this year. Coming up on the share, joe biden picks a former rival as his running mate more on the historic nomination of Kamala Harris coming your way next look here, its your very own allinone Entertainment Experience xfinity x1. Its the easiest way to watch live tv and all your favorite streaming apps. Plus, x1 also includes peacock premium at no extra cost. This baby is the total package. It streams exclusive originals, the full peacock movie library, complete collections of iconic tv shows, and more. Yup, the best really did get better. Magnificent. Xfinity x1 just got even better, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. Infections and deaths in the United States saw the biggest rise in four days. California reported a daily increase of 12. 5,000 in mexico, daily cases jumped by nearly 7,000 australia saw the deaths rise. The state of victoria had 21 deaths new zealand has awardwarned another 4 probable coronavirus cases. They have ordered aukland to return to lockdown authorities are trying to track the source of the outbreak officials are investigating the virus getting into the country through freight. This stage we have not yet been able to determine the source of these cases. There is no immediate link that we have found as yet to our managed isolation facility that we are aware of and there is no yet nonconnection to any highrisk individuals such as those who work at our border therefore, we need to take a much more precautionary approach until we can find the source of this case and make sure that we reduce the risk of wider spread. A short time ago, we were waiting for numbers of tencent just hitting the tape now. Second quarter revenues at 114,883 million. This number is up from what you saw previously at 88,821 the Second Quarter has 33,107 rmb versus 24,136 million prior to that. So the numbers going in the right direction. Monthly average users at wechat are at 1206 million. So the numbers are showing improvement in the Monthly Average users on those major platforms as well. Talk about total smartphone games, revenues they were crossing at just under 36,000 million for the Second Quarter so the numbers showing it and theyve talked about delayed production and certain variety shows during the quarter thats been the impact of the coronavirus so thats clearly had an impact. As youre seeing cloud and other business services, theyre talking about lingering impact from covid19 and production has not resumed in cloud and other services in the Second Quarter advertising revenue fell sharply. Delayed production of certain shows we just mentioned. There has been an advertising impact although theyve got more eye balls than theyve had previously on the platform. Democratic president ial candidate joe biden has picked senator Kamala Harris to be his running mate for the november elections. Harris becomes the first black and south asian woman to run on a Major Party Ticket reporter california senator Kamala Harris drew National Attention as a president ial candidate herself. Guys, you know what, america does not want to witness a food fight, they want to know how were going to put food on their table. Reporter tonight joe bidens formal rival making history as his Vice President ial running mate the first black woman on a Major Party Ticket in the u. S. In a social Media Announcement biden calling the former prosecutor a fearless fighter for the little guy and one of the countrys finest Public Servants they sparred bitterly before. Thats why the federal government must step in. Reporter today harris promised biden can unify the American People saying he spent his life fighting for us the senator has been a strong voice against President Trump whos already posted a video attacking her and tonight recalling her debate performance against biden leveling a criticism he often uses against women. Very, very nasty. Reporter biden promised months ago to pick a woman for his running mate and pressure grew to select a woman of color ive had a couple of people face time me in tears for being so happy about this. Folks who never thought they would see on a ticket someone who looked like them. Reporter biden and harris are set to speak in person together tomorrow in bidens hometown of wilmington, delaware President Trump twice donated to harris back when he was a private citizen and she was running for reelection as California Attorney general. She was the first black woman to serve in that role in washington, alice barr, nbc news lets pick up on the political ramifications with melanie gossin thank you very much for joining us today you mentioned to us before the announcement of Kamala Harris that strategically good running mate and great vp are not always one and the same do you think joe biden has found that in harris i think he has. I think he would not be the Strategic Point of view as in the linden johnsonchoice it wa where its in order to carry a state. Theres a much wider strategic ramification in the sense that she carries with her a lot of the confidence of the Tech Community that they were worried about some of the other picks potentially like elizabeth warren, but hes found the qualities thats needed within a great vp as well the key for joe biden himself is this what he called the sim pat particular could he element. Hes trying to have the relationship that he knew he had with obama he knows what it is to be a good vp and he knows what he needs by his side to do that. If you just take a look at the messaging from harris in recent months on the front calling for police reform, we just had a sound bite and expected someone to look like them to be on the ticket, its more than just the messaging for a black and asian woman on the ticket she has credentials on police reform. She has a mixed bag of credentials. On the one side in her early career and it will be leveled at her, these criticisms, that she wasnt interventionist enough and she carried a certain level of respect with the Police Department on the other side of the scale that she didnt step in and support the Police Department enough, such as an occasion where she refused to support the Death Penalty when there was a shooting of a Police Officer and its a mixed bag she reevaluated her position. She worked with the open Justice Project which is a database which was successful and talked about, gave access to where there had been excessive use of force. Has been widely lauded from both sides. She has a certain measure of respect from the police and from the people despite criticisms that will come from both quarters. Melanie, the announcements around Vice President ial candidates takes up a lot of air time what impact does it have come voting day actually, on the general consensus is that it can have very little impact on the actual voting numbers as a whole except for the state of that candidate. I think that has happened previously were seeing a very, very, very different election as were Going Forward. I think the combination of the two of them. We have a prosecutor and defender theyre going to work well together although the polls suggested that having a woman was more important than having someone of color, having someone younger than biden was a primary point 49 of the polls in july said he had to have someone that was younger than him, somebody with experience 61 in the sector. I think they found that combination that could really set them well in the polls melanie in the election. Harris will go head to head with President Trumps running mate, Vice President mike pence in salt lake city, utah a key plates around elections. What do you expect i think its going to be an exciting showdown and theres already a bit of frenzy out there with the fighting talk of, look, youre putting them against each other and, you know, on one side she will shred him. On the other side, pence can hold his own pence is excellent shes an excellent orator. Shes a prosecutor she proved her worth at the Senatorial Committee for better or worse shes incurred some peoples wrath by the way shes approached it. Shes level headed and thats part of the reason hes got her standing by his side shes not afraid to take it on. Thank you so much for running us through the latest of the announcement that is all for today. Thank you very much for watching street gn sis look here, its your very own allinone Entertainment Experience xfinity x1. Its the easiest way to watch live tv and all your favorite streaming apps. Plus, x1 also includes peacock premium at no extra cost. This baby is the total package. It streams exclusive originals, the full peacock movie library, complete collections of iconic tv shows, and more. Yup, the best really did get better. Magnificent. Xfinity x1 just got even better, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. It is 5 a. M. On cnbc and heres your top five at 5. Stocks snapping their big win streak at seven. Today a good day to test it. Futures are higher historic pick. Former Vice President joe biden tapping Kamala Harris as his running mate well break down what that means for economic policies. Shares of moderna rising

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