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Of the election and about the result of the election. He is making claims that are dangerous, completely false, and doing so with an interviewer who is not an interviewer at all. This was not hardball, not even softball. This was tee ball. Maria bartiromo once a feared and acclaimed journalist known for working the floor of the new york stock exchange, forcing ceos to tell the truth, now sits behind a desk and invites the president to lie and lie and lie. To do it for more than half an hour, to do it 26 days after the election. 22 days after fox and all of the other Major Networks called the election for President Elect joe biden. You might have thought after a week or after two weeks the president would start to accept the reality that he lost. You know, he hadnt given any interviews for three weeks. He had not even called into fox friends or newsmax. It was a good deal that he gave had interview. His very First Television interview since the election. I would tell you he was defiant and vowed to fight on, but those are words of strength. What we are seeing from the president is delusional weakness. Unable or unwilling to accept reality. So we are going to blow up our original plan to start this program and bring in two experts who understand the media and understand fox. Oliver darcy is cnns senior Media Reporter with Amanda Carpenter, cnn commentator and the author of gaslighting america. I want to summarize this interview without repeating the lies that are being spread. Why dont you start off and tell us why this was so disturbing. You know, history will not remember people like Maria Ba Bartiromo very well. The interview with trump, its an example of why not. I was trying to think of a word that would describe that interview and i dont think there is a word in the English Dictionary to describe how reckless and irresponsible and dangerous that interview was. It wasnt an interview. She was inviting him to lie and spin fantasies on her program suggesting that he won, which is just delusional at this point. She interviewed him like she was sw interviewing someone not spinning lies, Conspiracy Theories, you know. It was irresponsible. It was reckless. Thats the problem. You are absolutely right. Maria bartiromo is taking the president seriously when he is spinning up delusional stories about mass voter fraud, about machines being rigged, about the dodger and t doj and fbi being in on it. Fox agents like he is serious and telling the truth when they know he is full of you know what, full of b. S. Its gone on for four years now. Its not excusable. But it sure is heck not as excusable now when millions of people end up buying into these lies. Right. She is not being a journalist. She is being a propagandist. Thats what fox news employs. There would be outrage if fox news hired someone like inowe wars alex jones to be anchoring a show on the network. There is not much daylight between maria and alex jones. She is accepting the same delusional Conspiracy Theories that the president is spinning. She is encouraging him. She is acting shocked. Can you confirm this . He spins another lie and she acts shocked and said, wow, people dont believe the Election Results. Well, gee, i wonder why. Its so sad. Its sad for the president who is about to leave office and this is going to be the last chapter of his administration and its sad that a journalist like bartiromo, who had a storied career, is now not a journalist at all. She is now on there teeing up the president to lie to the viewers. I dont know if its for ratings. I dont know if its for her own career. She has a longterm contract. She shouldnt be worried about the next week or month. She can do the right thing. She goes on and on. For example, trump said World Leaders are calling him and telling him how messed up the u. S. Election is. Bartiromo didnt say which World Leaders. She pretended he was telling the truth. He said they stuffed the ballot boxes. She didnt ask who. She just sat there and listened. Lies about a Voting Machine Company dominion. So Amanda Carpenter, let me coucome to you. What stood out to you in this dialogue, really more of a monologue, the president delivering a series of speeches on fox vowing, claiming that he won the election . I think oliver hit the nail on the head when he described this as propaganda. Thats what we witnessed last hour between maria bart Roam Answerand the president. This is her choice, brian. I think this is a choice that many in the right of center media are making. They no longer see it as their job to deliver the news, to ask tough questions, but it act as a function of trumps republican party. This is a dynamic i think has been on a slow boil over time. When you see fox, this isnt just maria bartiromo. The Fox News Network decided to give the president almost a full hour to lie, not just a regular lie, but about our elections, and a way that will affect the incoming administration. And so they are playing with our government and our politics and not its not just donald trump. Its what maria did, what fox gave her the platform to do. I dont see any rolling this back. Its important that we diagnose this. This is propaganda. If the rnc, if the Trump Campaign produced a commercial, brian, it would be more constrained by the truth to go on the airwaves than what transpired that hour. It is embarrassing by fox, the murdochs, because they are putting this platform for trump not to be challenged whatsoever about the reality of the election. Think about the timeline here. Earlier in the week the government the gsa did go it ahead and accept reality and begin the transfer of power, begin the transition planning. That is all happening. President elect biden appointing Staff Members and aides and officials. Thats happening. Yet also this week trump brought reporters in and took questions for the first time in three weeks. He yelled at some of the reporters and made up lies about voter fraud. And now here he is giving his first Phone Interview and doing more of the same. This suggests to me not someone who is going through the five stages of grief, getting closer to acceptance. This suggests someone digging in. Doubling down on the grift. Trying to raise money off of this lie about winning the election. Yeah, and i actually wonder how much he is going to maybe now engage with some members of the media now that he has gone on marias show, engaged with reporters the past few days, maybe he is planning to spin these lies more and use media apratdis it to so. News organizations and i think fox claims to be one have a responsibility, you know, in this moment in american democracy where the president of the United States is trying to overturn the election, trying to undermine the integrity of our system. They have a responsibility to be very clear with viewers about whats going on. And you are not seeing it on fox. When you are seeing is executives sign off on people like maria to go on air, to lie to the viewers, spin Conspiracy Theories, and its dangerous i dont know whats worse. Bartiromo knows he is lying or if she believes it. Watch how she reacted to what trump said about fraud. This election was a fraud. It was a rigged election. This is disgusting. And we cannot allow americas election to be corrupted. Sometimes she seems like she believes this stuff. The real fraud is the president s claims about fraud. America has this wonderful decentralized system of elections. Things are not handled federally. They are handled at the local level. Its all working according to plan. Trump has tried to sue. He sued filed his his campaign filed dozens of cases. They have lost 20, 25, 50 times in the courts. So the system is working, and that is causing trump to claim the system is rigged. Amanda, you have a great family like i do. If i were on television talking this which, my wife would take the phone away. I am not kidding about that. If i was tweeting the kinds of crazy stuff that the president s been tweeting for four years, my wife would take the phone way. My Executive Producer would get hoo my ear. They would change the password. Why has no one successfully intervened in the president s delusions . Well, you talk about family. I think its because the people surrounding him dont love him. They fear him. Really . They fear him. So they cower in his presence. If you love someone you would direct them to a better path. Your wife would take the phone away and say, brian, this will not end well. No one does that because they live in fear of him. I was watching senator blount on state of the Union Earlier today. He is viewed as a responsible member. He was asked do you accept the Election Results . Is joe biden the Vice President elect . And he couldnt bring himself to say this. He kept going back to this over and over, we are going to kwwai for certification. Allowing that time to transpire, they give donald trump more runway to air these lies because no one will stand up and say, of course the election is settled, of course we havent found widespread voter fraud. We accept the results. When everyone kowers to him they give him more air time like we saw this morning to question the integrity of the election and destroy trust in government which is really the biggest problem we face right now with the pandemic. Right. Fundamentally, that is what this is about, destroying trust in the election system. Delegitimizing bidens presidency. This is something that maybe i naively thought would be owned by the end of november. We are living this Zombie Election because trump wont accept reality. Right. We can come on here, and i think we have been doing this for years, saying that fox is being irresponsible, being reckless, pumping out propaganda. I feel almost like even though its getting worse and worse and worse, people may not realize it. We need to be clear and explain to people. I dont know. Might need to be another word to describe the behavior we saw in the last hour. This is insanity. This is craziness coming interest the president , and again fox news executives, the biggest microphone in the country, they are letting him spin these lies. Its outrageous. I dont know what else to say. Frankly, i am out of words. Its frustrating to watch. It is frustrating to watch. It absolutely is. And as our colleague just pointed out on twitter, many members of the gop are echoing or indull jging this 26 days af the election. Thank you beth for setting us up here. I have a greatest guests coming up. The top editor of politico and the heads of the two top press Freedom Advocacy groups in america. This question. Can President Elect biden undo the years of damage done by trumps antimedia attacks . We will get into that. And later, walking away from accountability. Which governors are avoiding the press amid the covid19 crisis and why . Ill be home for christmas you can count on me ill be home for christmas if Only In My Dreams if Only In My Dreams hey kim with 5 cash back on travel purchased through chase from freedom unlimited, you can now earn even more. Book that hotel kim, because you are worth it. I am worth it. Now earn 5 on travel purchased through chase and so much more. Chase. Make more of whats yours. On all the food that makes you boogie. 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When you are delusional, you dont. He wanted to remind me there is something more dangerous than a liar. Someone who is delusional. What do you see happening with the Trump White House . Is it delusion . Is that whats happening . My next guest says that the president s behavior, the out goings attacks against the Election Integrity are attacks on reality itself. Jonathan rasch wrote this in 2018. He called it the constitution of knowledge. He is now turning it into a book. He joins me now, Senior Fellow at the brookings institution. Jonathan, delusion, i have been afraid not afraid. I have been sensitive about using that word, cautious about using that word in the trump years, not wanting to assume i know whats going on in the president s head. What could ydo you see . Is delusion a fair word for these election lies . No, actually, i dont think it is. Its hard to know, brian, whats going on in the mind of the president , but you dont really need to. What you need to know is that what he is running right now is a classic russianstyle Disinformation Campaign of a type known as the fire hose of falsehood. You utilize every channel, not just media, but also the bully pulpit, even litigation to push out as many different stories and Conspiracy Theories and lies and halftruths as you possibly can to flood the zone if with disinformation. The goal is to confuse people. He is doing very well at that. This is classic propaganda tactic. He is very good at it. Doesnt matter whats going on in his head. What matters is what he is doing. And you are saying its very effective. Is Information Warfare the way to think about this correctly . Yes. Information warfare is exactly the way to think about this. Information warfare is about manipulating and organizing the social environment and the media environment to confuse, discombobulate your enemies, to isolate them, to demoralize them to they dont know whats true or false anymore, they get very frustrated. We just heard on your show the intense frustration. How do we deal with that . Thats the point. You get demorized. You creed t you you cede the ground. A single lie can be debunked. A massive conspiracy theory, he is alleging a Pee Conspiracy Th which involved thousands of people. Isnt conspiracy theoryizing about collective identity in millions of people buy into a theory because its the in group, its their identity . There is no theory here, brian. A Fire Hose Falsehood campaign, its not about having one idea and pumping it out consistently. Its Throwing Spaghetti against the wall. I see. Its anything and everything. It can be wild. It can be random. Its to create confusion and ep stem i can chaos. Thats what we are seeing. Thats very hard for democracies to deal with it. Traditionally we dealt with it by not doing it. It was unthinkable before trump for anyone to run this kind of Disinformation Campaign from the white house against the american public. Once it happens, i think the best defense to start with is for people, at least a lot of people, to understand whats going on, to realize whats happening here. Thats where this show is very important. Fire hose falsehood, is the gop now the fire hose of falsehood party . I dont know about party. You know, well see. Trump is going to be out of office. He is going to continue using these tactics. A lot of republicans i think have realized these tactics are effective and can work and the electoral penalty for them is small to nonexistent. So now we have got a group in american politics, there are certainly more on the republican side than the democratic side, that have figured out that disinformation and confusion can be effective in politics. Trump is a master at using these tactics. I think he is better than putin. He is better innovator, adapted these things to the American Social media climate masterfully. I dont think anyone else in the party is that good at it or motivated. We will see if this will become a standard tactic from now on. Zooming out more widely, this idea that reality is under attack, traditionally knowledge is gained and knowledge is obtained and knowledge is shared and how that seems to be under attack. So, every society has what you might think of as an epistemic constitution. The way people try to figure out whats true and false, come to a public agreement about that and settle disagreements of opinion. And a lot of societies, thats authoritarian, a book, the bible, a preacher. Our society is different because it has this elaborate system of social institutions and networks, science, journalism, law, intelligence community, medicine, much more that are all sorting through this massive outflow of hypotheses, most wrong, ideas, and sorting them out and figuring out through criticism which ones are the right ones. Thats the funnel. You take massive amounts of free speech, you pour it in and only a few precious ideas come out, the ones that meet the test. That depends on having systems in place that do that work, professional systems, places like the National Institute ofs of health, for example. Tony future. Peop fauci. People like that. It tries to discredit those institutions. Its trying to take out the funnel and open the world to a flood of disinformation. Right. Where anything could be true or anything could be true, could be false, who is to say . Who even knows if there is such a thing as truth. Ultimately, when this kind of disinformation works, it makes us all confused whether there even is truth. Can the biden years restore any of this normalcy or are we too far gone, jonathan . I dont know. I dont know, brian. Well see. Its clear that i think President Elect biden has done a good job of doing something very important, which is not rising to the bait of every single conspiracy thats thrown out there. One of the things that the trolls do, disinformation do, is they plan your outrage circus. So they say this crazy stuff. They want you to rise to the bait. They want you to debunk it Becaus Debunking it repeats it and the more often people hear it they think that might be true because im hearing to all over the place. One of the things we have to learn to do is tamp it down. The media needs to deal with disinformation without repeating it, without saying trump said x, but just say what reality is. Biden is doing very well about not rising to it, not playing the outrage game. But we will see. We have never seen these instruments, this Information Warfare used in america the way they have been. Its is the genie out of the bottle . You tell me. I wish i could. Jonathan, thank you very much. Thank you. I am going to link to jonathans piece in our nightly newsletter tonight. Sign you will at reliablesources. Com. We will get to you in our inbox for free later tonight. What you need to know about covid19 data. The charts, graphics, cases, hospitalizations. What you need to know about the data this holiday season. Should get more. At tmu thats why weve merged with sprint. Now its about to get even better. And as we work to integrate sprints network, our nationwide 5g keeps getting stronger. With the capacity and coverage to reach more people and places across the country. Who says you cant have it all. Now is the time for 5g. Now is the time to join tmobile. Gnocchis. Raviolis. And them smokeys. Curry. Fried turkey. Cacciatori. Chimichurri. Berry. Mcflurry. 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We will never know how these graphs would have looked if this was, say, covid21, meaning in the year 2021. Heres what we know. New confirmed cases every day since labor day. With the rising cases come the highest number of hospitalizations. Since labor day, you see that rise just since the fall set in. Now, on The Sunday Show some of the Task Force Officials expressed concern about the recent spike in thanksgivingrelated travel. How do peoplearound the world think . International news outlets and foreign journal is covered thanksgiving travel in the u. S. Extensively with a mixture of concern, bewilderment, and schadenfreur defensive end. Others a riskfiled endeavor. Papers across the usc this weekend. Hospitals pushed to the limits. The Minneapolis Startribune shows Hospital Staff trying to help a man breathe. And in wisconsin front pages across the state Sfeeture Hundreds Of Roses representing the states losses in just one week. Quote, they had plans, they had dreams and potential. We will never see. So what do all those front pages have in common. They get the politicians and Talking Heads out of the way and focus on the patients, the nurses, the doctors, and the families that are suffering through this crisis. With me now is Amanda Carpenter jacqueline alemany. You wrote about your own experience with covid19. How are you feeling, first of all . Hey, brian, so much better. One of the lucky ones. I had a moderate case and didnt require hospitalization. Tell me about why you decided to write about this experience because some journalists have decided to keep theirs a secret. A guy at fox friends got sick. There was a lot of concern inside fox about whether others had been exposed and he didnt really talk about his covid19 illness until the media found out and a reporter was about to write about it. Why did you insidecide to Sharer Experience . As i was laid out on the couch i spent the majority of my time recovering, sleeping. In between those naps i was struck by the dissonance between my conversations with republican sources who were texting me checking to see how i was feeling and the continued public rhetoric we are seeing from a lot of Republican Leaders like the governors of missouri, you know, south dakota and oklahoma and how they were lamenting to me, you know, the fact that their losses still werent taking the virus seriously. They encouraged me to write about the virus because his boss didnt think that the virus was real. But look, i actually wow. But as i emailed you, you know, the night before we published the piece earlier last week, i was running through my reporting and decided to call a Trump Campaign source to wrap up some loose ties and then just out of selfconsciousness, any reporter gets nervous before publishing something about themselves, asked the source what they thought i, you know, how republicans would receive the piece, and the source responded that, one, you know, hearing from the Mainstream Media an account about the coronavirus probably wouldnt change their minds about whether or not they believed the virus is real and deadly. And then, two, you know, that people would perceive me to be weak. For some reason my immediate reaction, i chalk it up to the covid19 brain, wow, i probably should scrap this piece. I dont want to be perceived as weak until i snapped out of it an hour later. If you recall, our own president was medevaced from the white house to the hospital because he was so sick and fatigued with covid19. And actually in retrospect, this exchange i think decisiistilled its important to talk about the virus and emphasize that it is real and truthtell about it because it shows how pervasive, corrosive truth decay but you talk about on your show has bng in the society. Some folks how will it change the way you cover politics day to day . We see headlines about the economy. Congress still unable to reach a deal here. For an institution that hasnt exactly covered itself in glory in recent years, the inability for congress to reach a Relief Agreement stands out by a colossal failure even by its own very low standards. Is that on your mind now that you have been through this personally . 100 . All i kept thinking about is how lucky i am as a white privileged person with health care, amazing employer and a boss who insisted i take two weeks off. It drove home how fortunate i am and how so many other americans are actually in dire condition who dont have access to the health care and the support that i have. And i think that the press cannot cover enough just what a failure congress, you know, is right now, that a Stimulus Deal has eluded them for month. 5. 8 million americans are potentially facing eviction by the end of the year if congress doesnt reach a Stimulus Deal. Millions of americans are reporting that they are starving, they cant put food on the table and her hungrier at this point in the pandemic than any point before this time. So i think that, again, reporters cannot drive home enough just how in need americans are for an additional package right . That is our job. Thank you so much. Thank you for coming on. Thanks, brian. You will notice in the charts and the graphics showing covid19 cases in the coming days there is going to be lumpy data. Its not always going to make sense. This is guidance from cnn thats really important for reporters to share widely. Covid19 cases are expected to rise in the weeks after thanksgiving, but the stats are probably going it show a dip followed by a surge in cases. This is because Government Agencies lag in reporting data over the long weekend. Similar patterns happened after the July 4th Holiday and labor day. Something important to keep in mind as you see News Coverage in the days ahead. Coming up on reliable sources, how our newsrooms are preparing for trump withdrawal. I will ask the editor of politico about how she is preparing to cover the biden transition. Thats next. What do you want for lunch . Pizza. Tacos. Pizza what about subway . Its a good call and everyone loves it. We raised our kids on it. So it stopped the bickering . mocking tone mom, jjs copying me grow up. Mom knock it off try the new subway Buffalo Chicken or bbq chicken. We use 11. Eleven. 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N it comes to autism, finding understanding doesnt have to be. We can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. Go to autismspeaks. Org. Are you managing. Using fingersticks . With the new freestyle Libre 2 System, a continuous glucose monitor, you can check your glucose with a painless, onesecond scan. And now with optional alarms, you can choose to be notified if you go too high or too low. And for those who qualify, the freestyle Libre 2 System is now covered by medicare. Ask your doctor for a prescription. You can do it without fingersticks. Learn more at freestyle libre 2 dot u. S. President elect biden is on the way back to wilmington after a weekend down the shore. Wilmington basically the white house in waiting at this point. Many reporters camped out in wilmington. Biden and trump are sharing the news stage right now. They are often time a Double Feature in headlines, especially since trump is in denial about the results. Election. Biden gave an interview to lester holt the other day. I wonder what its like for newsrooms making this transition at the same time biden is and at the same time trump is transitioning out . The top editor of politico, Carrie Budoff brown. Is this also a transition time for a politicsthemed newsroom like yours, carrie . Absolutely. The transition is a big moment for us. As you said, we cover politics and policy solely, and so we have been invested deeply for many years in sources within federal Government Agencies and departments. So when there is a transition in power in washington, this is a super bowl, its a cliche, but true. Thats what we do. And so we, you know, playbook newsletter, one of our most popular newsletters. Until election day, we only had two Playbook Newsletters a day. We expanded to three to focus on the transition because of the consequence of this and because our audience is hungry to understand whats happening next, and we are here to provide, given that we have invested deeply in reporting in the federal government and other power centers. So we are here, and, you know, we are ready. A recent edition of playbook quoted brendan book saying biden is dae lightfully boring. What will that mean for the news media . I think he is right. You know, and we have to take it compared to what we have seen for the last four years. Right. Everything, comparatively speaking, we had to have a 24houraday sevendayaweek vigilance following President Trump. Thats because of his twitter feed. Already in the past three weeks we have seen a big difference in terms of how President Elect biden is choosing to make news. Its very traditional. Very conventional. I covered president obama for six years. It feels very similar to that. He is going to hold back, use the weight of his office and his voice much differently than President Trump, and the side effect of that, brian, as you know, is that journalists may be able to take a weekend every now and then and not be worried about being jolted out of bed with some major announcement practically at three in the morning. We are probably not going to see that. For journalists, thats somewhat welcomed. Versus trump having a presser on thanksgiving. The flip side of that is, has biden been accessible enough in recent weeks . Is that a frustration for your staffers . It goes back well into the campaign, brian. This is, you know, biden is not somebody who has made himself incredibly accessible. As a journalist, i would say he hasnt been accessible enough. When i covered president obama, i see biden using that playbook in that, like i said, he going to go to nontraditional outlets, until he gives interviews with favored reporters. And the White House Press corps or the reporters around him are going to have to fight for that access. And that is definitely how, you know, we are seeing him operate. At the same time, brian, it should be said that my newsroom is also not going to sit back. We put an accountabilitydriven lens on President Trumps administration. We are going to do the same with biden. It just probably means that us, we are going to have to work harder. As will the rest of the media. We dont have that direct filter or that direct line into the president s head. With trump, like biden, thats a reality. The job for the media, it will be tougher because we are going to have to penetrate these closed meetings, closed circles. Biden is known to be very leakfree and that makes the work on my team and the rest of the media, i would say, more challenging than under trump. Thats interesting. We have heard so much about leaks in the past four years. This white house is so leaky. It will be Something Different the next four years. Thank you very much. Best of luck. Great to be here. Thanks, brian. Let me show you something we noticed this week in the miami herald. They reported that the Florida Governor is basically in hiding refusing to hold press briefings. He is relying on video messages, pretaped stuff to inform the public about covid19. What other governors are staying silent in the midst of the pandemic . Cnn did the research and found out that desantis is the only governor to hold zero briefings in november. There are 14 others who have only held one press briefing all month long. Some are in such hardhit states. Awful covid19 surges in some of these states, and yet the governors are avoiding questions. You notice the majority of the governors are republican. Now, with thanksgiving this week, more holidays to come, the public needs leadership. Governors need to provide leadership. They need to be front and center informing the public what they need to know to stay safe and they need to answer questions from the press on behalf of you, the public. A quick break and then we are talking to two Press Freedom advocates about what the Biden Administration should do to try to undo some. Damage of the trump years. All of these antimedia attacks. What can biden do to restore Press Freedom leadership . Thats next. T they used your milk, matilda. Great job [moo] youre welcome. Breyers Natural Vanilla is made with 100 grade a milk and cream and only sustainably farmed vanilla. Better starts with breyers. You can count on me ill be home for christmas if Only In My Dreams finding the right words can be tough. N it comes to autism, finding understanding doesnt have to be. We can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. If theres anything that this year has taught us, its the things that matter family. Health. Thats it. 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You can see her piece that says biden must restore americas reputation as a beacon of Press Freedom. Joel, how can biden do that . Some of the damage trump has done is the erosion of public trust and democracy in the United States. A lot of the damage is global. Weve seen Record Numbers of journalists imprisoned during the trump administration. One reason is because authoritarian leaders have embraced the trumpian rhetoric of fake news. They put journalists in jail and cracked down during the covid19 pandemic, meaning they restricted the flow of information globally at a critical time. One way the Biden Administration can reverse some of the damage is to speak out consistently whenever juournalists are jaile or threatened. Incorporate the freedom into their foreign policy. They can appoint a president ial envoy for Press Freedom who can ensure that u. S. Foreign is focussed on protecting journalists. Thats one of your proposals, lets have an envoy to elevate the importance of this. One of them. Suzanne, you mentioned theres a proposal for a Congressional Commission to see what can be done to support local news. Tell us about that. I think what weve seen is the Press Freedom and the role of the media is so essential to democracy. That thats why President Trump went after the media, it was part of his larger effort to under cut democra democracy. The Biden Administration has to push back, part of that is the president s relationship with the press and handling agencies, like the u. S. Agency for global media. Part of it is local journalism across the country which has been decimated. We have a heart breaking tale of news rooms that have been slashed. Weve called for the creation of a Congressional Commission. We have some important support, senator shat, senate klobuchar, senator bennett. There are aspects of the solution and new Business Models that have been invented. Local media is the most trusted. Its an essential pillar. Joel, last 30 seconds, can biden make more of an impact internationally or domestically . They have to work together. The United States has to set an example for the world. The way to do that is incorporate some of the suggestions that suzanne made. Be transparent. You need a transparent, open administration domestically to set an example for the world. Then you need to stand up everywhere journalists are under threat. Thank you both for all you do. Finally today, i mentioned fact base. Its a great database for all the president s tweet. Theyll do the same for biden. Let me show you what they noticed. President trump is losing follows. This is the First Time Since 2015. Trump has been building followers. Hes been losing followers every day. The incoming President Joe Biden has gained more than 1 million follows. I know its just twitter. Why is this relevant . Even twitterers know that trump lost. His denial remains an important story. We must call it out and understand why those lies are appealing to people. We must stay on the side of truth, especially when its confusing. Thanks for joining us. Well see you online and a quick reminder for tonight lisa ling this is life premieres at 9 00 p. M. Eastern tonight. But not every tomato ends in the same kind of heinz ketchup. Because you cant be everyones Favorite Ketchup Without Making A ketchup for everyone. Sofor each Family Member with ththe features they want,tchup like hbo max. What was that . Happens every time i say hbo max. Hbo max. It can read . Its not complicated. At ts best plan includes hbo max so you can stream wonder woman 1984 the exact same day it premieres in theaters, at no extra cost. Now, theres skyrizi. Things are getting clearer yeah i feel free to bare my skin, yeah thats all me. Nothing and me go hand in hand nothing on my skin thats my new plan. Nothing is everything. Woman keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. 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