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Zblnchs happening now, the race is on to find a new House Speaker after republican Rebels Dethrone Kevin Mccarthy. The chamber paralyzed and in total disarray until lawmakers unite around leader. One major priority in serious jeopardy right now, desperately needed military aid for ukraine. Will the house fund the fight against putins invasion or will kyivs counteroffensive face another setback . Also, former President Trump is lashing out once again on this the third day of his civil fraud trial in new york, but the states Attorney General isnt backing down, insisting she wont be bullied and that quote, The Donald Trump show is over. Her words. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. Our top story tonight, House Republicans scrambling right now to find a new speaker after the historic removal of Kevin Mccarthy. At least two serious contenders have emerged but for now, all House Business is frozen until lawmakers select a new leader. Lets go straight to melanie up on capitol hill. Who has announced already that theyre running for speaker . Well, wolf, the race to replace mccarthy is already starting to take shape. Two candidates have already officially jumped in. That includes congressman steve scalise. He is the number two republican in the house. I was told that he was already making calls last night and starting to line up supporters and allies. He made it official today with a letter to his colleagues and this is a man who has been waiting for this moment. He has been preparing for this scenario of Kevin Mccarthy potentially, one day stepping aside or stumbling. It is not going to be a coronation for him. Hes going to have to face off against jim jordan who is beloved by conservatives and on the right. But he could run into problems getting the support of the more moderate of his conference. Our colleague, manu raju, caught up with him today and asked whether his views are in line with the rest of his party. Heres what he had to say. I think were a conservative senate right party. I think my politics are entirely consistent with where conservatives and republicans are across the country. Now, both men made their case before the texas gop delegation, a powerful and big block of republicans in the house. Both men continue making calls and meeting with members over the next few days to make their case and some questions being asked include will you support more money for ukraine and will you reform that tool known as the motion to vacate the speakers chair. Wolf, the earliest theyre going to figure this out is next week and it is still unclear whether republicans with agree on someone to told them. Melanie, thank you. Joining us now, republican congressman, mike lawler of new york. Hes a key player in all of this. Congressman, thank you so much for joining us. I know youve called for matt gaetz, the ring leader of the effort to oust mccarthy, to be excelled from the gop conference. Do you think theres enough support from your colleagues for that to happen . Well, well find out. I think a lot of my colleagues are extremely frustrated by what happened yesterday. Very disappointed in the fact that we had eight republican members joined with 208 democrats including aoc, omar, talib, bowman, schiff and jeffries to remove a dually elected republican speaker. It was disgraceful and violated House Republican conference rules that require a majority of a majority to remove a House Speaker. And file that motion to vacate. They didnt adhere to that. It was wrong. As you know, steve scalise, jim jordan, and kevin hearn are actively soliciting support right now within the republican conference. Hearn, unlike the other two, hasnt formally announced hes running but do you have a preference right now, congressman . Would you first of all support any of them . No, i dont have a preference of these three. And i think we need to have a real reckoning within the conference when we meet next week. Number one, i want to hear how any of these candidates plan to handle holding these eight members accountable. They voted with 208 democrats to torpedo our House Republican majority. The American People elected us to govern. To serve as a check and balance on the biden agenda and everything that weve been focused on from Cutting Spending to securing our border was just imperilled by these eight individuals starting with matt gaetz. And it was purely petty, personal, and political reasons why they did this. This is not a policy dispute. This wasnt a situation where hey, you know what, my district believes this and were going to vote on this policy position. They voted with the democrats to torpedo our House Republican majority. So they need to explain that and there needs to be accountability. In addition, the motion to vacate needs to be changed. One person should not be able to hold a proverbial gun to the speakers head where eight people be able to demand changes using the motion to vacate threat against the wishes of the majority of the majority. Its wrong and you cannot govern this way. Will your party, congressman, have a new speaker when the house comes back next wednesday or could this Process Drag On And on and on like we saw back in january . Well, look. One thing is the American People expect us to govern. They expect us to put our big boy pants on, act like adults, and come to an agreement. I think its critically important that 218 republicans come to an agreement within the conference before coming to the floor. I think the fact is we cannot have a repeat of what occurred in january where it took 15 rounds to elect a speaker. There needs to be consensus and an agreement within the conference and then move to elect that person as speaker on the house floor. You were elected last year in a district won by President Biden in New York State just outside of new york city. Are you concerned this dysfunction right now in the republican party, in the house, endangers the gop majority and potentially your own reelection . No, im not. You know, look. My constituents know who i am. I won a district that joe biden won by ten points that has 70,000 more democrats than republicans. Because i talked about the issues that matter and that has been my focus since taking office in january and i will continue to deliver for my constituents. Im out every day in my community. My office does the work that is required for our constituents and we will continue to do that. So this is a unfortunate situation. It requires leadership. It requires people putting aside differences so that we can find consensus. Elect a speaker and get back to the work of the American People. The work that they wanted us to focus on. Reigning in spending. Securing our border. Taking on the maligned threats of china and russia and other bad actors around itthe globe. We will continue this conversation, congressman, down the road. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. Lets dig deeper now with our political experts and gloria, ill start with you. So next week potentially there could be a new speaker of the house of representatives. What do you think . Is there reason to think they can get their act together and come up with a new speaker next week . They have no choice. They have to come up with a speaker. I dont know if its going to be one vote or two votes. Theyre having speeches. Sounds like something in high school. Everybodys going to stand up and give their speeches then theyre going to see where they are. The choices they have are very different. The two top choices. Steve scalise and jim jordan. Jordans more of a conservative from the, one of the founders of the freedom caucus. You know. Hes very fiery. Scalise is a little more quiet. Conservative. Wasnt that close to mccarthy. People like him but i think these races are quite personal and so its very hard to see where theyre going to come out but they have to make sure as the congressman was just saying to you, that they dont wind up in this situation in another month or so. And they know theyve got a lot of work ahead of them including Passin Pas Passing Spending bills before the middle of november when theyre going to face another deadline. A huge, huge issue. Jimmy, youve been doing excellent reporting. One of the things youre reporting on was the acting speaker. Patrick mchenry. Hes kicked nancy pelosi and steny hoyer out of the their socalled getaway, Hideaway Offices on capitol hill. What do you make of that . So, we have learned it was actually not patrick mchenry. He made the Public Announcement but i would call this real estate revenge. Mchenry made The Public Order but multiple sources have told me and our colleague that it was in fact none other than Kevin Mccarthy who wanted this done. That hes the one whos responsible and we know also Kevin Mccarthy is moving into Nancy Pelosis old office. The one on the hill. The one that was just taken away. Because hes saying its for former speakers. He is a former speaker now. I dont know why you would want to claim that title but to each his own. People have been weirdly dismissive about their Candidate Forum and the amount of time theyre taking to figure this out. The truth is i think this party has been so kind of desensitized to brinkmanship that they were shocked when this happened and jordan really has to get up and say, okay t, its all Fun And Games but were here and im going to tell you what were going to do. These under currents like ukraine funding get at the core of divisions happening in the party nationally. Its weird the way its like echoing in this little petty space but it has big implications for all of us 40 days from now. In talking to republicans today about real estate revenge, i heard Something Else and that is these are the people who have announced or said they were considering. This may not be the final list. Right. There may be a compromise candidate and the name that i keep hearing is someone who im told wont actually announce, but that if this doesnt work out and who would that be . The acting speaker, patrick mchenry. Hes very close to Kevin Mccarthy. Hes quite popular. Hes very senior. So well see how things work out next week but it may not be one of these. Then you have the Gang Of Eight and you know, the question is anyone whos close to mccarthy would that get the approval of the Gang Of Eight who seem to have a veto over a lot of things. But theyre not a cohesive gang. If you actually break down and look at their records and things, its not always actually clear that they have all that much in common other than being tired of mccarthy at that moment. Im very curious. And youve done a lot of reporting on this as well, jamie. So far, trump has been pretty much silent on whats going on among the republican conference and the new speakership thats at play right now. He hasnt really said much, has he . No, loyalty as we know, how much time rs we going to say this. Loyalty with donald trump is a one way street. All you have to do is remember that very famous photo of Kevin Mccarthy going running back to maralago to bring back donald trump and guess what. Donald trump doesnt care. No matter what Kevin Mccarthy does, donald trump could have stepped up and saved Kevin Mccarthy. He did not. Interesting. But you know, donald trump also was for the shutdown. So, maybe he didnt approve of what Kevin Mccarthy did because he was always on truth social saying shut it down. Shut it down. And it didnt. Z and the government did not shut down. Lets hope it doesnt. L lots at stake. Quickly, this effort to kick matt gaetz out of the republican conference right now, the republicans only have a tiny little majority. If they start losing some members, that could potentially upset them. Also, theres not exactly like profiles in courage happening right now. Every time someone asks this question, the person relies oh, yeah, definitely. He should go. Are you going to do it . Well, i mean, no, we need to talk about that. Well, do you want it or not want it . Do you want to take that step or do you not . Theres obviously some kind of fear there and over the next few days, well have a better understanding of what gaetzs power is. Thank you very much. Just ahead, well go live to new york for the latest on Donald Trumps civil fraud trail. The states Attorney General defiant tonight, insisting she wont be quote, bullied, by the former president of the United States. Stay with us. Youre in the situation room. The new York Attorney general says she refuses to be quote bullied by donald trump after the former president attacked prosecutors yet again on this the third day of his civil fraud trial in new york. Cara is joining us from just outside the courthouse. Shes got details. How much is trump escalating his rhetoric now . Reporter well, wolf, after the judge already admonished him and put a gag order on trump, that doesnt apply to the judge, new York Attorney general, and trump continued taking every opportunity when hes walking through the Courthouse Hallways to make criticisms of the Attorney General, the judge, and the case. Heres what he said today. Prosecutor james is incompetent and you get sued by a political animal. We have a rogue judge. And the judge already knows what hes going to do. So trump left at the lunch break after sitting here for two and a half days of testimony and argument. Now james made her first public response this afternoon after trump had left the building. Heres what she said. Mr. Trumps comments were offensive. They are baseless. They were void of any facts or evidence. What they were, they were comments that unfortunately were meant to violence. Comments that i would describe as race baiting. Comments of what appeals to the bottom of our humanity. This case was brought simply because it was a case where individuals have engaged in a practice of fraud and i will not sit idly by and allow anyone to subvert the law. Lastly, i will not be bullied. So mr. Trump is no longer The Donald Trump show is over. Now before trump left, there was still high tension this morning in the courtroom. The judge becoming frustrated with his lawyers crossexamination of the states first witness, donald bender. They were going over the Financial Statements year by year. Apartment, property, golf course by golf course, and the judge was getting frustrated. At one point, he slammed his hand down on the bench and said this is ridiculous, youre not allowed to waste time. Now, after trump left, the mood if the courtroom really lighten. The judge wished one of the state attorneys a happy birthday and there was a lot more looseness to the room. A lot more levity. This is just the beginning of this trial. The accountant is back on the stand tomorrow for more crossexamination and one of trumps attorneys said that could go all day. Thank you very much. For more on all this, i want to bring in our chief legal analyst, laura coates and norm. Laura, how egregious is it for trump to reup these attacks a day after this gag order was imposed on him . Hes not only trying to poke the bear, hes showing you how little respect he has in regard for judicial order. The orders werent just put there as a happenstance. There was a threat, a sense of saying derogatory and disparaging comments against the person whos job it is to help prepare the judge, to research the case law. To ensure Fact Checking and to provide the court the security it has in making objective decisions. So to attack that person is just biz bizarre. Because theres not a jury in the courtroom, hes turning to the jury of the court of public opinion. Normally if you had a jury trial, youd be worried about having the jury pool really poisoned and having no longer the ability to be impartial towards either defendant because either their antics or their witness on the stand. Norm, what options does the judge have to put a stop to what trump is doing . His remarks, and others are suggesting, could incite violence . The judge has a very tough balancing act to do. I thought he struck the right balance with protecting his clerk and other court personnel. Laura and i spent our legal lives in court and there are thousands of those folks in every courthouse who make it work. Who typically dont get that attention. But hes striking a First Amendment balance, wolf, because he didnt say dont talk about me. He didnt say dont talk about tish james. I know ag james and she can take care of herself and you heard that today with her responding in the court of public opinion. So, i think that those kinds of comments the judge will allow to continue. First amendment. This is a judge though in the past as you know who has imposed fines on donald trump in this very regard for thumbing a courts order. That case was about contempt or not responding to subpoenas by james. We have a track record in appellate court, about 100,000 or more, 10,000 a day in fines. So theres the possibility that he could enforce provisions of his gag order. Otherwise, demonstrated he is serious about this. But norm is right. The balance that has to be struck because he knows quite well whats going to happen on appeal. Theyre trying this right now. He knows theres already the air of political politics at play with the accusations that james is merely trying to grind a political ax against trump. Hes aware of that. When it comes down to the bare bo bones of this case, sir, you have already committed fraud along with the other defendants. Now were just talking about whether youre going to have to pay a hefty sum or kind of hefty sum or whether youll actually retain any business rights. Thank you very much. Laura will be back later tonight, 11 00 p. M. Eastern, for cnn tonight. Come up, the ouster of House Speaker mccarthy is jeopardizing u. S. Aid for kyiv. Well have a live report from the front lines in Eastern Ukraine. Stay with us. Youre in the situation room. From chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. Unlike chrome, the Duckduckgo Browser has privacy builtin. It comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesnâ– t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. And theres no catch. Its free. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you around. Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. The historic removal of House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy could potentially have some major consequences for the war in ukraine. Listen to what one of mccarthys possible successors says about u. S. Aid for kyiv. What about ukraine . Are you willing to move forward with an aid package for ukraine in youre speaker . Im against that. President biden is also expressing concern in keeping up public pressure on House Republicans to pass more funding for ukraine. It does worry me but i know there are a Majority Members of the house and senate in both parties who have said that they support funding ukraine. I dont think we should let them games man ship get in the way of blocking it. Cnns Senior International correspondent is in Eastern Ukraine for us, fred. This is a debate in congress, but in ukraine, is this a matter of life or death . Yeah, i think it is for the ukrainians. I think one of the things were seeing when we speak to soldiers on the ground is they say this debate in washington, d. C. And congress is coming as ukrainians are trying to cross a major counteroffensive and already suffering from a major lack of ammunition. We spoke to soldiers on the front lines. Heres what they had to say. Three rockets, thats it. Even though this brad launcher would be more effective firing large salvos. Its not very precise, this soldier said. It also depend ons the weather and the rain. Soldiers from the 80th Airborne Assault brigade get ready to fire their western donated howitzer. The ukrainians call this the sn sniper rifle of their artillery because its so accurate. They have plenty of barrel to fire from but not enough ammunition to fire. The Battery Commander telling me the lack of shells means his forces are badly outgunned here. Its hard to give precise numbers, he says, but i think they fire ten times for every round we fire. Wolf, that same soldier told me he believes in some cases, it could even be 1001 in favor of the russians. Now, the u. S. Is trying to mitigate by giving ukraine some weapons it has seized from y iranian shipments that were supposed to go to yemen. Arms, rifles, bullets but also some anti tank weapons. The ukrainians saying this helps but cant make up for the massive shortfalls that they have in ammunition which they badly need and they say if theres any sort of delay in arms getting to them from the u. S. , it could make a pretty big difference in favor. Could make a huge difference. Thank you very much, fred. Stay safe over there. For more on this, im joined by the former u. S. Defense secretary, leon panetta. Also the former cia detector. Mr. Secretary, thanks very joining us. As you know by now, the next House Speaker could be even less open to aid for ukraine. Given that, did the democrats, do you believe, make a mistake by Doing Nothing Save Mccarthy from being ousted . Well, its critical that the new speaker understands he has a responsibility to protect the National Security of the United States. And obviously mr. Mccarthy thought it was important to support funding for ukraine and i hope the new speaker feels the same way. Because it does involve our security. Ukraine is not just fighting for their democracy. Theyre fighting for the principle of democracy in the world. In addition to that, theyre fighting against an adversary of the United States. Putin. Putin and russia would do everything in their power to undermine the United States of america. And i would remind a new speaker and i would remind those who are trying to undercut aid for ukraine that you cannot be tough on china and weak on russia. If you try to suddenly move away from our support on the ukraine, you are sending a message of weakness to the world. Is this dysfunction on whether to send in u. S. Aid to ukraine potentially, mr. Secretary, a gift to putin . Without question. Thats what putin is now working on because he sees the debate in this country. And he saw what has happened with regards to the funding that was removed from the continuing resolution. Hes aware of all of it. And hes going to try to do everything he can to try to influence those particularly on the republican side, to not support aid to ukraine. Thats his goal. And we have to understand that our goal is to make sure that ukraine stops putin. Putin democracy. We cant allow that to happen. So how concerned are you, mr. Secretary, that putin potentially will try to stoke u. S. Political division ahead of the 2024 president ial election . Without question. Thats what putin does. He implemented a bold cyber effort to undermine our Election Process in 2016. Thats been confirmed by all of our intelligence agency. He did the same thing in 2018. He did the same thing in 2020. 2022. And theres every indication from our Intelligence Agencies that hes going to continue to do the same thing in 2024. He will try to do everything in his power to try to elect someone who would be supportive of him and supportive of russia. That would undermine our National Security standing in the world. Former defense secretary panetta, also the former cia director, thank you so much for joining us. Good to be with you, wolf. In 2018, Senator Menendezs wife hit and killed a man with her car. Why new details are emerging and why it may play an Important Role in the federal Corruption Case against the couple. Theres a new twist. A deadly car crash apparently tied to an alleged briarry scheme. Accord lging to a police report, the senators soon to be wife struck a pedestrian with her mercedes in december of 2018. The collision left her without a car and alleged Senator Menendez illegally traded favors to help her obtain a new one. The New York Times which first reported the story says she was not tested for drugs or alcohol after the collision. The Police Dash Cam captured video of her interacting with officers at the scene. Watch this. Why was the guy in the middle of the street . Thats what were trying to figure out. Our job is to investigate everything that happens. Thats what were trying to do. Obviously, the more information i ddid i do anything wrong . No, i understand. It does expedite our investigation when people can help us out. Because and i if we can clear you from any wrong doing, i want to get you home and comfortable and not here anymore. You get what im saying . Nothing against you. Before you go, i just want to confirm that you do want to give me your phone, correct . Yeah. Thats your statement that you were driving this way. The guy came from this way and he ran into your vehicle. He jumped on my windshield. Okay. Speaking to reporters on capitol hill today, the senator called the crash a tragic accident and said hes thinking of the family. Lets bring in our chief Law Enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller. Thanks for joining us. How unusual is it for police not to test a driver involved in a deadly car accident for drugs or alcohol . In the state of new jersey, not that unusual for police to compel a test like that, they have to make an observation of something that gives them reasonable suspicious. The person might be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Slurred speech, unsteady on their feet. Statements that dont make sense. And as you can see from the video, she is articulating. Shes steady. And their report indicates none of those observations, so they wouldnt have been able to do that at that point. And john, cnn has obtained Surveillance Video of the scene that our viewers may find disturbing. Does this, what does the video show specifically . The video is from a Security Camera thats a distance away, but it shows nadines car coming into frame and the pedestrian being struck by it and then her stopping. For a period of time. After hes hit with him lying in the street. So you can see him lying in the street just about Center Screen down from the top. And her car remains there for about a minute. She doesnt get out of the car. She doesnt check on him. We dont know whats going on in that car. If shes calling 911. If shes calling someone else. If shes watching. A minute goes by and she moves the car up several car lengths, about 100 feet, then waits there, as far as we can tell from the video, for police to arrive. So theres certainly some Unanswered Questions there. The car accident as you know is referenced in the federal indictment against the senator and his wife because it left Nadine Menendez without a car. How could the new details emerging now about the accident play into the federal corruption charges case . Well, its actually probably the other way around, wolf. In that this was a sleeping tiger. This case. It hadnt made the newspapers. It wasnt the subject of public attention. It wasnt the subject of scrutiny. The very complaints the family of the victim have, they feel it didnt get enough attention. Now that the indictment has pointed to the accident and reporters in the bergen record first learned this was a fatal accident involving someone who was killed while she was driving that car. Its not as much how this case will affect the indictment as much how the indictment will affect this case. Will the Bergen County Prosecutors Office reopen what they had. Will they disclose why they didnt go forward with a charge or for instance, what was the result of the subpoena they gave for her Phone Records to determine was she texting or on the phone at the time of the accident. Thats an answer that isnt reflected in the records that have been turned over to us. Could they actually go back and charge her for this . Well, 2018. Its a question of the statute of limitations in new jersey, but it is a fatal accident, so there is a possibility of that. At minimum, it would open up potential information to civil claims by the family. Either way, something that the spotlight hadnt found is now right in the middle of the spotlight. Certainly is. Thank you very much. Coming up, the biggest Healthcare Strike in American History is now underway. How might it impact your next visit to the Doctors Office . Stay with us. Youre in the situation room. You know i got two home runs. You got two jacks. And then my grand slam. I signed a ball for you. Okay. And it says papa i love you. Why did you do that . Because youve taught me everything about baseball. Oh hunny bunny, thats so sweet. Tens Of Thousands of unionized Health Care Workers are taking to the streets right now in the Largest Health care strike in u. S. History. And it could affect patients seeking medical treatment. Cnns brian todd is outside the Kaiser Permanente building here in washington and is covering the strike and its potential impact for us. Whats the latest, brian . Reporter wolf, as of today, youve got more than 75,000 unionized employees of Kaiser Permanente on strike, which could affect everything from appointments to our prescriptions. Tonight we take a deeper look at america on strike between this walkout, the auto worker strike, and other labor problems. Striking employees of Kaiser Permanente walk the picket lines in springfield, virginia. Starting today, more than 75,000 unionized employees of kaiser have walked off the job, making it the Largest Health care worker strike in u. S. History. We feel like were overworked, stretched thin, rushing. Reporter workers say they have been hard pressed since the Crushing Covid pandemic. Theyre working 14, 16 hours so theyre tired. Reporter their demands, improved Staffing Levels and better pay and benefits. We want wages that keep up with the cost of living. Reporter kaiser says it has offered a wage bump and a plan to staff up, but no deal yet. Kaiser permanente serves 12. 7 Million People in the u. S. The company says some patients could see nonemergency and Elective Services affected. They may have trouble getting their prescription, getting access to health care, they may have to reschedule appointments. Reporter kaiser workers are not the only ones on strike right now. The United Auto Workers are in their third week of strikes against ford, gm, and stellantis, which makes vehicles under the chrysler, jeep, and dodge brands. A Work Stoppage that has slowly grown to 25,000 workers at dozens of locations. Their demands . Higher wages, better benefits, better job security. The automakers saying they have already made generous offers including a Wage Increase of 10 to start, reaching 20 by year four. Companies and organizations are really struggling to get enough workers these days. So, workers have the power now. They can leave, they can quit, they can go on strike, they can ask for better benefits, they can ask for a working wage. Reporter and while the Writers Strike in hollywood has been resolved with them getting significant advances and latenight talk shows resuming, the standoff between the actors union and the Hollywood Studios continues. So the production of new shows and movies is at a standstill. Are all these strikes hurting the economy . Theyre not helping, but theyre not damaging to a huge extent. The u. S. Economy is truly huge. What would be damaging in a bigger sense would be the longer the strikes go on, and the more there are of them. Reporter while the kaiser strike is temporary, there could be a longer, more contentious Kaiser Permanente strike in november if a deal isnt reached. And Gw University warns of another potential walkout which could affect large swaths of the country. A potential Airline Pilots strike in the coming months. Wolf . Brian todd reporting, thank you, brian. Just ahead, a teenage girl is hospitalized after allegedly being assaulted by irans socalled Morality Police in an incident reminiscent of the one that set off nationwide protests. A teenage girl in iran is hospitalized now after allegedly being assaulted by the socalled Morality Police. This comes a little more than a year after a similar incident involving mahsa amini, the young woman who died after being arrested for not wearing a head scarf. Her death triggered nationwide protests across iran. Cnns Jomana Karadsheh looks at the latest incident. Reporter wolf, iranian activist groups are accusing the Morality Police of accusing the 16yearold girl in a tehran Metro Station for not wearing the mandatory hijab. Activists say that Armita Geravand has been in a coma since sunday. She was admitted to hospital with head trauma. We have not yet been able to independently verify this information. State affiliated media posted a video of a group of girls seen entering the metro train. Some of the girls entering appeared not to be wearing their head scarves. Moments later, the video goes on to show a group of girls carrying her out of the metro Train Placing her on the platform. No altercation can be seen on the edited video that was posted on state media. And weve not been able to confirm its authenticity. They said there was no physical or verbal interaction between the girl and members of his staff. The iranian government has not yet responded to cnns request for comment. Her parents told state media in an interview that they were told that their daughter hit her head after fainting from low Blood Pressure while she was on her way to school. The parents said that there were no signs from the videos that they saw that she was assaulted. It is important to point out that we dont know the commun conditions under which this interview was conducted. In the past human Rights Groups have told us that families of protesters killed during last years protests were being coerced into Making Statements that were supportive of the governments narrative. A journalist who went to hospital to report on her condition was briefly arrested on tuesday and released according to her paper. Wolf. Jomana karadsheh, very disturbing story indeed, thank you very much. To our viewers, thanks very much for watching. I am wolf blitzer in the situation room. You can always

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