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The defining battle of this century. Will, thank you very much. And thanks very much to all of you for joining us. You for joining us. Ac 360 starts now. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com it is 3 00 a. M. In tel aviv. Exactly 24 hours from now, President Biden will address americans from the oval office. The white house made that announcement shortly after he wrapped up his brief visit here to the region. The president met with according to his secretary, the president will focus on hamas attacks as well as russias war in ukraine. At a refuelling stop in germany, Cnns Kevin Liptak asked the president if he was disappointed. Lets listen. No. Disappointed . Look, i came to get something done. I got it done. Part of that appears to be an agreement with egypts president el sisi who he spoke with my phone instead of meeting face to face in aman. The president said el sisi agreed to open to humanitarian aid and affirmed israel was not responsible for the hospital explosion. What happened last night is not a murder mystery, but an open and shut case. It was a Palestinian Islamic rocket that misfired from the gaza strip and landed in the parking lot of that hospital. Israels neighbors, though, remain unconvinced. Tens of thousands of protesters turned out today. Tonight on the streets of the neighboring countries with large demonstrations in several locations in jordan and morocco. And with that anger rising, the State Department sent a cable to all u. S. Embassies and consulates around the world. The message ordering embassies to conduct Emergency Security reviews in light of Current Events to. The question of where events might lead and what israeli officials warn could be a long war, President Biden offered these words today. I understand and Many Americans understand, you cant look at what has happened here to your mothers, your fathers, your grandparents, sons, daughters, children, even babies and not scream out for justice. Justice must be done. But i caution this. While you feel that rage, dont be consumed by it. After 9 11, we were enraged in the United States. While we sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes. In a moment, my conversation with former israeli Prime Minister barack and a chilling report on the level of planning and extensive intelligence that hamas put into the murders and kidnappings that began this war. First, though, everything we know about how israel and american intelligence determined who was behind last nights strategy at al ahli arab baptist hospital. The explosion rocked Northern Gaza and lit up the night sky. Another angle appearing to show a rocket fired from inside gaza that explodes in the air. Seconds later, a blast is seen at the ahli baptist hospital. In tel aviv today, President Joe Biden said u. S. Intelligence matches israels version of what happened. Based on the information weve seen to date, it appears the result of an errant rocket fired by a Terrorist Group in gaza. Reporter biden didnt name the group, but israel said its Palestinian Islamic jihad, allied with hamas and linked to iran. The american assessment was based on what the white house now says is intelligence, activity, and open source video and images of the incident. The statement adding that some Palestinian Militants in gaza themselves believe it was carried out by Islamic Jihad. The u. S. To weigh in and the u. S. President to weigh in on this, this does strongly suggest this was likely not the israelis. The Israeli Military published recordings it claims are Audio Intercepts of hamas militants acknowledging the rocket came from inside gaza. [ speaking in a nonenglish language ] cnn cannot independently verify them. Its part of a vigorous israeli effort to prove it wasnt their rocket, arguing the damage from the strike was far lighter than the bombs they usually drop from the air, assaults that have left buildings across gaza flattened and huge craters in the ground. At the hospital today, charred vehicles littered the parking lot, which has a small crater. Sources say israel shared its intelligence with the u. S. , and taken together, the u. S. Now believes that the body of evidence paints a solid picture. You have to piece it together with other sources of information, not just from that ally. That may be biased. Reporter but the public outcry and blame of israel were swift and fierce. Bidens summit in jordan with arab leaders. I can understand why in this circumstance they wouldnt i can understand that. But you notice i dont say things like that unless i have faith in the source. Reporter the theory now threatening to deepen the crisis, even before israel launches a possible invasion of gaza. Alex marquardt joins me. Alex, you and i have talked about this before, how the u. S. Often relies on Israeli Intelligence in the region. Do we know how much of the Israeli Intelligence used to come to its conclusion from israel, how much is u. S. Intelligence . Quite a bit of it is from u. S. Intelligence themselves. Of course they do rely on Israeli Intelligence. And the israelis in this case, anderson, were very eager to share with the u. S. What they had to prove, in essence, that they were not behind this strike. And then of course just a few hours later, earlier today, the u. S. Agreed with that israeli assessment. Anderson, were also learning that the u. S. Has decided to devote a lot more intelligence resources to the region to help during this conflict. That is going to be primarily overhead intelligence collection assets. So, that would be aerial imagery, the kinds of things that can be picked up by satellites or spy planes, whatever kind of communication can be picked up from the ground. We also understand that some special Operations Support is being devoted to the region. One u. S. Military official who spoke with our colleague called this a major shift and says theres a lot of focus on this from across the intelligence community. It remains to be seen, anderson, how these new intelligence assets can help try to figure out what hamas may be planning, what theyre doing, as they have these hostages and as they brace for what israel may do in terms of incursion into gaza. You can also imagine, anderson, that the u. S. Wants to keep very close tabs on hezbollah and iran, as fears grow that they could also get involved in this conflict. Anderson . Alex marquardt, thanks. Joining us now, someone deeply familiar with how Battlefield Intelligence is gathered and use, general mark heartling. General hertling, i want to play some of what israel says is proof they did not cause the explosion at the gaza hospital. This is audio from operative allegedly discussing the rocket. Lets listen. [ speaking in a nonenglish language ] how conclusive is Something Like that . And also coupled with the lack of a crater and also the Rocket Trajectories that they showed . Anderson, id say that that audio that you just played is not the smoking gun. But it certainly contributes to it. There are all kinds of intelligence that contributes to an assessment of a kind of attack. You just mentioned a couple of them. Theres the signals intelligence, the collection of audio. Theres the measure of signals intelligence. Thats the ability to tell differences in the surface of the ground and what happens. Weve had tactical intelligence. The israelis provided tactical intelligence of our radar track of Missiles Being shot out of Southeastern Gaza southwestern gaza just to the west of the hospital. There are requirements to do Crater Analysis. You cant do that because you dont have anybody on the scene. But the crater we saw in the hospital parking lot is indicative of a small type of round like a rocket or a mortar. Its not a bomb crater. You also have the capability to look at things like the trajectory of the rounds, what the target was, the film that you have, the overhead film of the israeli claims they had a uav film. But also film of the rocket going out. I would suggest it didnt explode in the sky. It just lost trajectory. The rocket motor burned out. All those things contribute. What i saw last night were things that gave me pause. As a commander on the battlefield, you never immediately say, this is what happened, without an investigation. But yet thats what hamas did. The Hamas Medical Association In Gaza claimed that it was an israeli bomb within minutes of it going off. You cant do that that fast. The hospital is still standing. The parking lot, when you look at the charred cars and the fire bomb that occurred there, seems to be an indicator of a mortar or a rocket round landing with a Fuel Explosive after it, which is what happens when a rocket fails. And there have been hundreds of Rocket Failures from hamas firing it into israel. So, all of those things taken together are not final proof, but its about a 90 solution that says the israeli report is extremely compelling. Plus, i havent seen personally on any films coming out of gaza just yet, of the socalled 500 people that were killed in this attack. There doesnt look like there was a whole lot of carnage at that site from last night. So, all of those things add up to me to one other thing. In 2014, when israel did operation protective edge, doing the same kind of operation theyre doing now in gaza, they were decimated by repeated use of negative social images and false and misdirected information. Theyre going to see the same thing in this campaign, im sure of it, with probably in spades. There certainly was video of children and others being taken to Elsa Fa Hospital and seeking shelter outside, and as you pointed out, the rocket, whatever it was, assuming its the rocket from Islamic Jihad landed in the parking lot, you also mentioned a video that does show a rocket fired from inside gaza you said you dont think it explodes in the air, but it does seem to fall. Right. A blast is seen at the hospital. Can you talk about what you see when you look at the video . When i looked at that video last night, i was shown it by some folks at cnn, say, what do you see in this . What i said was, a rocket motor stopping. When that happens and you see it now on the screen when that rocket stops that one is a hit. That one is a hit probably by a iron dome missile. But when you see the other one right before this explosion, it appears like the rocket motor burns out. That tells me there was a failure in the rocket. When that happens, when its a mile off of the launch site and the israelis provided what looks to me like a radar, a q36, tracking of a rocket launcher, which they use to use the iron dome, it appears that that rocket just stopped in the air, flamed out, and then dropped. And when it hit the ground, the explosion you see is much bigger. That one right there is much bigger than a normal rocket explosion. It had to do with a fireball that came after it. And when you look at the cars in the parking lot, you see some cars that are burned, others that are untouched just feet away. So, all of these indicators, without actually doing a Crater Analysis on the scene and you have to be on the scene to do that and also seeing, you know, you pick up fragments of the rocket that hit you cant be 100 certain. But the evidence we have so far seems to indicate what the israelis are saying and President Biden backed up by saying there was additional intelligence from the department of defense, which probably included Satellite Imagery of a launch site. Alex just reported that, with u. S. Special operations, helping with planning and support. What does that mean to you . Well, theyre getting intelligence. You know, what weve heard so far is some of the hamas fighters who were killed during the attack on the 7th of october, theyve been searched. Special operators can get things like pocket litter. And that means things that these individuals are carrying. Maps, information, communication devices that will give them more of a feel for what that force was doing and what they were tasked to do. And one of the things they may have been tasked to do was brick hostages back to a certain location. They also can use aerial manages. Special operations are very good for allowing intelligence to drive their targeting. And what i mean by that Special Operators just dont go out to hit a target. They plan an operation based on intelligence. Its called intelligencedriven operations. So, they are contributing to what israel is collecting in terms of intelligence. So, they can conduct operations. And im sure theyre seeing some of the things on the battlefield today or in the area of gaza. General hertling, i appreciate your expertise. Thank you. More now on the president s brief today, and tomorrows oval office address, the sources Kaitlan Collins is with me tonight. Also cnns ben wedeman. Kaitlan, did the white house think this was a successful trip . I think its a tough trip. I dont think President Biden walked away with a lot of tangible achievements that they were hoping to have. Obviously they wanted him to really make that trip to jordan. But he did make that news, as he was flying back. This is something, i should note, we rarely see him do where he comes back and speaks with reporters. He agreed to allow up to 20, was the president s phrasing, humanitarian trucks into gaza. That is significant because theyve been at the Rafah Crossing, unable to get across and get to the people who desperately need it. They feel like theyve made progress on that front. I think the question is, when does it happen . Do we see those trucks cross the Rafah Crossing . And also the agreement that israel is going to let that aid go into gaza. We talked about it, but does it go forward. Also it seems critical on the part of israel is how that aid is distributed, who distributes it, and does it fall into the hands of hamas or another group . And israel said its not coming through israel. Its only going through egypt. Theyve said, if it does get into the hands of hamas, thats going to stop. Thats a big question because hamas, of course, runs gaza. Weve seen how they use civilians as human shields. Weve seen the way they use them, use money theyve gotten from the United Nations not to build schools but to help build up their arsenal. So, i think thats still a really big question. Theyre going to suddenly start using this for drinking water, medicine, all these things people desperately need. Interesting to see whether those shipments are contained in the south, where israel has urged gaza residents. Apparently theyre not allowed to go to Northern Gaza, is what i was told by israels ambassador to the United States. And also building shelters, some u. N. Tents and stuff up in the south. Whether more of those will be built. Ben, while speaking to reporters aboard air force one, as kaitlan was mentioning, President Biden flatly denied a report i wonder what you think of it. The time of israel report said the white house told israeli officials that if hezbollah attacked israel, u. S. Forces would fight alongside idf troops. Is it clear how direct support for israel . Reporter hezbollah is obviously watching closely the fact that the United States has sent two Carrier Groups to the eastern mediterranean, talking about deploying 2,000 marines on board those two Carrier Groups. And of course when you talk about u. S. Troops, of course the United States often times in conflicts doesnt always send bo boots on the ground. It focuses on air power. And the certainly weve seen in the past, going back to the 1980s, the United States has become involved in lebanon, using its air power, using its sea power. So, that doesnt necessarily negate american involvement in a potential shooting war here in lebanon. Obviously hezbollah is not in a position to counter the military strength of the United States. What were seeing until now on the border with israel is that every day, for instance today, six separate strikes these are not strikes on civilian targets. These are very focused on military targets. Now, are they just trying to, sort of, tick the participation box, say that we helped hamas during its war in gaza, or is this in preparation for Something Else . Its not at all clear. But it sent jitters throughout lebanon. For instance, the uk has said if any british nationals are in lebanon, they should book a flight out now because flights might not be available for much longer. So, there is worry that lebanon and hezbollah, of course, could become more deeply involved in this war. And if that happens, theres the very real possibility that the United States could become directly involved in a middle east war, perhaps not with troops on the ground, but with its air power. Anderson . And kaitlan, the president is going to be talking tomorrow night both about the situation here and also the war in ukraine. How much does the chaos in Congress Effect the plans moving forward for u. S. Support, u. S. Funding . It affects it a lot. I was told during his meetings today with Prime Minister netanyahu and his wartime cabinet, i was told President Biden brought up what was going on on capitol hill. It wasnt a big part of the conversation, but he himself brought it up. Hes promising an aid package to israel, ten of billions of dollars well wait to see what the request looks like. Right now theres No End In Sight to whats happening on capitol hill. I think the white house has mocked it at times, made fun of it. But now its becoming a real issue for them because they cannot elect anyone. They have not picked anyone. What hes going to be talking about tomorrow night is not just whats happening in israel but also making the argument for more funding for ukraine. Some people on the hill like Mitch Mcconnell want to tie those two together because they think they can get republicans to pass aid for israel. So, theyre going to tie the ukraine aid to that as well. Thank you, kaitlan will be back at the top of the hour. Ben wedeman, thank you so much. Earlier tonight, i spoke to someone who embodies tenth Prime Minister as former Lieutenant General in the idf. Thank you so much for being with us. What did you make of President Bidens visit, of the message he sent, particularly his reference to americas experience after 9 11 and mistakes that america made after 9 11 . I think it was an excellent visit, the right moment. It makes great selfconfidence about the future not sure of what will follow. At the same time, i should tell you that i never heard so emotionally and morally the speech from any israeli leader. Israeli leaders do not speak highly in mobile terms, moving, emotional. It appears it left a huge impact on israelis. So, from being the one that our Government Use to ridicule or denigrate hes viewed as a hero here now. Yeah, for sure. As a hero now, middle of a war, come, a steady firm position. The blast at the hospital, the idf has put out evidence that they have, that the nsc and the United States has also publicly said the u. S. Has intelligence preliminary that indicates they also agree with israels assessment. Obviously weve seen demonstrations all over the region. They are unlikely to be swayed by the evidence that has been put forward. But facts matter and the truth matters. When you heard of this blast, immediately of course hamas put out this statement. Youve seen this before. Yeah, weve seen it before. It happened more than once. Rocket fell very close to the launching place. In fact, i was 15 minutes afterward, i was interviewed by a tv station in the gulf, some uae station. And they asked me i can promise you that no israeli general ordered any time, anywhere, whatever circumstance, to target a hospital. You have an incredible Military Background and Military Experience as commando. You were head of the chief of the idf. You know what fighting in gaza is like. You know what Street Fighting is like. How difficult is this going to be . And how important is it to get as many civilians as possible in gaza down into the south . So, first of all, its very important to get as much of them to the south. Probably half a million already moved. But half a million stayed. And in a way, the hamas try to discourage them from leaving. They use them in a way as a human shield. I dont know to what extent its known in the world, but the Central Command post of the hamas used to be, for many years, in a Bunker Underneath the shifa hospital. People in gaza know exactly where the hamas locations are. So, if youre living in a neighborhood, you know the entrance to the tunnel is over there. Yeah. People know. Nobody talks about it, but people know. Those who did not leave, either pressured or despair. And you cannot impose it upon them. So, we issued some three days ago, a warning for 24 hours. But we for another day to make sure most of them will move. In fact, we understand that the leaders of hamas will also move. We wont find them in gaza, but we will find fighters and set booby traps. October 7th this may not be the time for israel to look back and to analyze and to investigate. But does it boggle your mind that that was able to happen . Its a most severe blow that israel suffered since its establishment. There is a more Shaking Event more than the Yom Kippur Rule . More. It shattered the very first commitment of the government toward its citizens. Before you have the selfevident rights of human being and before the right to pursue happiness, first of all, government has to protect your body physically. And we failed in a devastating way for providing it. Its a major failure in intelligence, both Early Warning and immediate warning, just hours before. Its a major failure of our population. Even though its no intention at all, you have these Terror Organizations just a few hundred yards on the other side. And the burial is something that people compare it to 9 11. In 9 11, the idea to use civilian airlines as a cruise missile, so to speak, was something new, never experienced it. Here, in order to take a position or a sentiment, it was high on the list of options of the enemy. Thank you so much. Pleasure. Thank you. Coming up next, new reporting on how hamas managed to bring about the worst single day loss of jewish life since the holocaust. Documentary evidence of the planning that went into taking as many human lives as possible on october 7th. When hamas launched the atrocities that started this war, the barbarity of what they did was compounded by shock at how thoroughly planned out the attacks on civilian targets appeared to be. We just heard mahmoud barack say this was bigger than the surprise of the yom kippur war. We have new insight, some gleaned from documents that the hamas gunmen carried with them and died with. Matthew chance joins us with more. Matthew, what have you learned . Reporter well, anderson, for the past week, weve been gathering this material from multiple sources, including from Israeli Government officials but also from First Responders in this country and from israelis who witnessed the attacks firsthand. What weve built up is very disturbing picture of just how highly organized and planned these hamas raids were. And of course how much detailed intelligence and information. The Palestinian Militant Group had collected on the israeli communities that they targeted. Take a listen. Reporter cnn has gathered chilling new insights and details on the hamas assault inside israel, including disturbing video, taken by the attackers themselves, as they rampaged through israeli homes, killing on sigte, and then bein killed. Searches of their dead bodies revealing a trove of highly specific hamas battle plans, including these detailed maps now shared with cnn by the Israeli Government, showing communities near gaza like kfar aza. These masked gunmen recorded themselves moving freely through the gardens of israeli homes. Code red, code red, the israeli loud speaker blairs in he brew. After the attack, israeli First Responders saw bullet holes and blood stains in room after room, in what looks like a coldly methodical killing spree. But while hundreds of israelis were killed, some israeli communities managed to repel the hamas gunmen and save lives. A kibbutz also near gaza, residents pushed back a hamas attack and found documents on the bodies of the militants they killed with disturbing, highly accurate intelligence on their homes. Including precise numbers of armed guards there, Regional Defense force, at least 20 residents, one document reads. And ten soldiers. They knew basically the size of our security team. They knew about the other three or four entrances to the kibbutz. It sounds like they knew everything. They knew everything. Where the generators are. They knew where the armory is. They knew about the rural roads around the kibbutz. Reporter Security Footage shows how hamas gunmen killed an israeli outside the Kibbutz Gates before being repelled. Even with detailed intelligence on their targets, not every hamas objective was achieved. Nearby kibbutz wasnt even attacked, but hamas planned to inflict street map found on another hamas gunman and obtained by cnn shows individual buildings in saad. The communal kitchen is described as the main place suitable for holding hostages. Inside the guard room, the soldiers must be neutralized, the instructions say. While the kibbutz Dental Clinic is designated a place for first aid for both enemies and friends. Israeli residents of saad said they also found that level of detail astounding. Shockingly, the details are very accurate. The map is a map of our kibbutz. Its very accurate. Its horribly accurate. If they had come to your settlement, they would have known exactly where to go, exactly where to cause the most damage. Yes. And we now see that their goal was to take hostages, including children. Reporter israeli Officials Say they found other documents too that advice attackers to kill anyone posing a threat or causing a distraction, to keep captives away from arms or means of suicide, and to use them as cannon fodder. It is a dark turn, even for a group seen here parading before the attacks, thats come to symbolize the uncompromising face of Palestinian Resistance and violence against israel. Israeli Officials Say a document referencing i. S. I. S. And al qaeda, which cnn has not been able to authenticate, was found on one hamas gunman killed during this attack in kibbutz beeri. Praises jihad against jews and crusaders. Israeli Officials Say thats evidence hamas is increasingly influenced by global jihadi ideology, an assessment many experts have dismissed. But in the wake of the unprecedented brutality of these attacks, u. S. Officials tell cnn the hamas threat may now be reassessed. Matthew, it just bears repeating, looking at these videos, many of these are hamas videos i have not seen before. These are civilians homes that they are firing into. Its childrens bedrooms. It is so sickening. Is it clear how they were able to get all of that detailed information about, you know, the location and the residence of these kibbutzim . Reporter no, its not actually. And i think we saw in that report, you know, when the residents of these kibbutzim are shown the maps that have been taken from dead hamas gunmen who attacked their communities, theyre absolutely visibly shocked that this Palestinian Militant Group could get so much information from inside, certainly without the help of somebody inside the kibbutzim or the communities. So, thats, i think, The Big Question tonight here in israel, at least one of them, how it was that hamas was able to build such a clear picture of the detail of life inside those communities that it targeted and attacked, anderson. Incredible report. Matthew chance, thank you. Want to get perspective from former Division Chief at the Israeli Intelligence agency. Rami, thanks for being with us. How do you think they were hamas was able to obtain detailed just not the kind of information you get from, you know, a Satellite Image or google maps. Well, its easy to explain. There are two sources here. First you said google maps and Satellite Information you can buy. And the other source is Gazan Palestinians that work in the kibbutzim. We, as part of our feeding the we spoke about this yesterday, we tried to give palestinians from the gaza strip work in israel. And by doing that, they visited and worked in the kibbutzim. All of them worked in the kibbutzim. All the kibbutzim had manpower from the gaza strip. And some of these people evidently collected information. Its easy to explain. I dont think that anybody that deals in the security of israel was surprised. Its this is again, ill go back to what we spoke about yesterday about the hospital, this shows us again how our humanity and our trying to be to provide and our thinking by providing we kill the ideology or at least we change the ideology, once we do that, these people have used us, come back to their operators, brought them the information, and here youve got the story. Given the level of planning and the level of detail and intelligence on the ground that they had, what does that tell you about i mean, obviously they knew doing this attack, whatever the results of this Terror Attack would be, that they knew there would be a strong israeli response, likely some sort of ground operation into gaza city. What does that tell you about what awaits Israeli Forces in gaza city in terms of planning for the defense of gaza city . It tells us that they are prepared. They are prepared. If you look at the documents being acquired, i will go back to what you just showed. Documents included plans to go all the way into israel, into much bigger cities, much further away, and commit their atrocities much larger than they were able to do. The israeli response, being late, being inadequate, was nonetheless enough to stop them, was nonetheless enough to stop the bigger tragedy, even though the tragedy we have is big enough. There will be fierce fighting in the gaza strip. We know that. But israel is a Strong Enough army to do it. It tells us that we have to fight here and we dont have any choice. Ive said this several times this week. There is no choice. I would like anderson, to speak a minute about what happened yesterday in the hospital. The hospital first of all, was proven even know not everybody believes it that it wasnt an israeli attack. It was a jihad missile. But look at the hospital. We are talking about the parking lot. The parking lot, like, 50car parking lot. How did they get 500 people to die there at 8 00 in the evening . And again, i told you yesterday, just said it to you in an interview, they have done this in the past. Terror groups use our humanity against us. They use the fact that we are very concerned about human lives, which are of the unattached civilians, and they use it against us. Theyve done this in the past. They will do this in the future. And this is one of the things that were going to see. And youre going to see in the next couple of days or weeks, as we go into the gaza strip. I predict many humanitarian stories, most of them fail. I prappreciate your time. Thank you so much for being with us. Were trying to report on whats going on in gaza. Its obviously difficult. Access is cut off. Last night we spoke to an Architecture Student who had moved south with her family. We were able to get her back on the phone this evening. She is in Southern Gaza, huddled with dozens of people sharing, as she told us last night, one room, one kitchen, and one bath. Heres what she said earlier. What have the last 24 hours been like for you and your family, since we last spoke . The last 24 hours, the morning, we got some bad news that my mothers aunt was murdered. So, its been very terrible for us. Weve buried some of our elders have been killed. So, we also worry that we might be the next people, that were going to be killed. Were more terrified, more scared. We dont know when all of this is going to end. So, things arent Getting Better here. And we worry about the supplys that we have. If we dont die from bombs, were going to die from starving or maybe from thirst because there is no water. So, its getting worse day by day. And we dont know what is going on or whats going to happen the next days. Have you hear President Biden visited israel today and had said that the u. S. Will be giving 100 million for humanitarian assistance and that israel has agreed to allow food, water, medicine, through the rafah gate, through the rafah border crossing, into Southern Gaza . Does that give you any hope . Its easy to say this. Theyve been saying that medical treatment and supplies are going to be in gaza in two days. But its easy to say this. But there is no actions. How are you getting information now in gaza about Evacuation Options or humanitarian aid . How does that information get to you . Luckily, and thank god we are staying in a house where theres an internet connection. Meanwhile, other people are literally isolated. Not from the outside world but also from the local area. So, we are trying here as the one with an internet connection, to inform my friends that doesnt have an internet connection, to tell them what is happening in the world and what is happening in the local area. Also some people may get the news after six or more hours that a cure if something happened, they dont know the news instantly. They know after few hours or maybe a day or more. So, were trying our best to stay connected with each other. Do you think much about the future . I mean, youre 22. Youre in school. Youre studying to be an architect. Do you think about your future now, or is it just day to day . As i said, im thinking a lot about the future. Most of us here are thinking about the future, whats going to happen in the next days. I do think about my future. I was supposed to graduate next summer. So, im worried if im going to graduate next year or not, i can be an architect or not, or maybe all the years that i spent studying are gone. So, i am worried and anxious about what is going on the next days or the next months. Is there anything else you want people to know . I hope that, as a civilian and as someone representing civilians here, that the next days next day is going to be better and this is going to end, hopefully. So, this is all i want to add. Dunia aburahma, thank you so much. Youre welcome. Thank you for having me. Coming up next, what happened to a young woman here, a medic who could have stayed in a safe room when hamas struck on october 7th. Instead, this 22yearold young woman gave her life to try to save her neighbors. Her story, next. From chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. Unlike chrome, the Duckduckgo Browser has privacy builtin. It comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesnâ– t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. And theres no catch. Its free. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you around. Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. We are still now just learning new details about what happened on october 7th here in israel. This next story, we want to warn you, contains graphic and disturbing images. Its about a young medic who can have possibly saved herself if she had remained in her apartment and in the safe room in her apartment. But she wanted to help other people, when gunmen attacked the kibbutz where she was. Amiteman is her name. She left the safety of her apartment, went toward danger. In the process, she documented those final moments of life with photos and messages with her sisters. When hamas gunmen arrived at the beeri kibbutz saturday morning, they waited for a car to arrive and entered the gate. Then they executed the people inside. A 22yearold medic was already in the clinic. She had run there when Rocket Sirens first sounded at 6 30 a. M. She can have stayed in her apartments safe room, but wanted to help. For the next seven hours, hamas gunmen roamed the grounds, burns homes, breaking into houses, hunting residents, slaughtering more than 120 men, women, and children. She wrote us that there is terrorists in the kibbutz. They heard shooting. They heard arab talking. They were there and she let us know that. Reporter these are two of her sisters. They exchanged messages with her on whatsapp. There are a lot of dead and injured here, [ bleep ] situation. I dont know what to do. All she ever wanted to do was to safe life and help people. Reporter 14 minutes later sent them this photo. A man lies dead in the clinic hal. E we blurred the image of his body. The floor is smeared with blood. At 11 02, she messages her sister about the gunmen. They went into houses and slaughtered people. 11 27, she writes, theres no way to get out. Her sisters want to see amite and ask her for a photo. You can see blood in the hallway behind her. Minutes late e amite wrote, where is the army. I dont understand. Its been hours. I told her it will be okay. I promise. I wrote it, i promise you. And i didnt keep my promise. I really believed she will be okay. Reporter at 1 50 p. M. , amite messaged, the terrorists, they are here, coming to us. They were coming inside the clinic. She was with a nurse and a doctor. The doctor got murdered as well. And two members of the kibbutz, the day came with weapon, to protect the clinic. Both of them also got murdered. Reporter at 1 54, amite wrote, they are here, i love you. Then minutes later, her last text, i dont think ill get out of here. Please be strong if something happens to me. And we, as you can imagine, wit we go crazy. We write, amite, please, amite, whats going on. And she doesnt answer. Then she send us an audio recording. You hear a lot of shooting and screaming. She sends it to us. Reporter this is the Recording Amite sent them at 2 05 p. M. We want to warn you, its disturbing. [ sound of gunfire ] [ screaming ] shes screaming, please make it stop. They are here. Please make it stop. Please, please, please. And shes calling the name of the member of the kibbutz that was murdered. Probably she saw him dying and then she understood she is next. So, in a desperate move, i called her on the phone. And she answers, and shes telling me, they shot me in the legs. And shes telling me, they murdered everybody in the clinic. And shes telling me, they are on me. On top of me. On top of me. And im telling her, amite, what do you mean . What do you mean . And shes telling me, i dont think im going to make it. Thats it. The call goes down, and that was the last time we heard from her. Reporter that was the last thing she said to you, i dont think im going to make it. Yes. Reporter it was two days before they found out for sure amite was dead. Her family buried her this week. At least we got to say goodbye. Yes. So many other families we got to say goodbye. We got to bury her. There are so many dead bodies that are missing. We try to find comfort in that. And also that she died doing what she loved the most, which is save lives. When i was younger i saw my Daddy Cry Reporter the other thing amite loved was singing. And before we left, they wanted us to hear her voice, not as it was in those final, awful seconds of her life, but as it was when she was at peace and my mama swore that she would never let herself again and that was the day that i promised id never sing of love if it does not exist but Darling Amite was just 22 years old. And well be right back

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