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Id front next israel could be just days away from a military operation on rafah. Fareed zakaria joins us. Lets go out front good evening. Im Erin Burnett Outfront tonight. A dramatic moment in court as trumps former gatekeeper and confidence on hope hicks broke down on the stand. Hicks was sitting just feet away from her former boss. This is the moment caught by the Sketch Artist immediately got emotional when trumps team began the crossexaminatio n and asked her about her time at Trump Organization now, that was that particular moment. The reality is from the moment he picks walked into that courtroom, the atmosphere change. This is an important witness. Are reporters who were there say it was almost electric in terms of the change in the room, hicks is as inner circle for trump as it gets and she did prove to be a key witness of the witnesses so far revealing never before known details that frankly were crucial to both sides for the prosecution. When asked if Michael Cohen would have paid Stormy Daniels without trumps approval, she said, quote, i didnt know michael to be in especially charitable person or selfless person. Hes the kind of person who seeks credit. Id say that would be out of character from michael that was crucial there, but then she also oh, painted cohen as someone who often went quote, rogue, helping the defense. She told them under crossexamination, quote, he liked to call himself a fixer or mr. Fix it and it was only because he first broke it. Will no love lost there after nearly three hours, hicks left the stand. Trump did turn and nod to her with a small smile, but she did not look at the man and that she had worked sidebyside for for so many years. So thats according to our reporters who were there. And its trump left chord. He showed little emotion when asked about seeing hope hicks he obeyed the gag gag order so im not allowed to comment on any of that. As you know, im under a gag which is very unprecedented. Paula reid is out front live outside the new york courthouse, and paula, obviously, this was a significant witness and a lot was said, although they did finish it, i guess with alacrity, it was done by the end of the day so what are you now looking for when the trial resumes Monday Morning . Hello, everybody is going to be looking to see who is going to take the stand, whos going to follow this Blockbuster Testimony from hope hicks . Prosecutors have remained at the tightlipped about the order in which theyre going to call their witnesses, even refusing to tell Defense Attorneys who theyre going to call next. Hanging out there is the fact that its onpoint to have to call Michael Cohen. Will that be next week . We just dont know right now who is going to take that stan and follow the fireworks we saw today . Today. Hope hicks, one of trumps former closest advisers, took the stand and the new york hush money trial. Im really nervous. She revealed to the court, as she began her testimony, she did have some warm words for her former boss praising his ability to message. He deserves the credit for the different metal suggests that the campaign focused on in terms of the agenda that he put forth, but she never looked at him during most of her testimony. Instead, focusing directly on the lawyers asking her questions. She testified at length about the impact of the access Hollywood Tape on the 2016 Trump Campaign and how it was a crisis she was the first person and the campaign to learn of the tape what she was contacted by a reporter. I was concerned. She said she also witnessed trumps reaction to the story asked if he was upset. She said, yes. Yeah, he was she also told the jury about conversations she had with former trump fixed sir Michael Cohen, and trump when reports of Karen Mcdougal and Stormy Daniels first surfaced in early November 2016 saying trump wanted to make sure that there was a denial of any kind of relationship in a significant moment for prosecutors, hicks revealed trunk communicated directly her about the payment to daniels. I only know about one instance sometime in the middle of february, mr. Trump told me about it and trump was relieved that the story did not come out before the election. It was mr. Trumps opinion that it was better to be dealing with it now and that it would have been bad to have had that story come out before the election. Hicks appeared nervous throughout her appearance on the stand. And after that key exchange, as Defense Attorneys were starting their crossexamination, hicks broke down in tears. Sorry about that. She said that she returned to the stand. And when trumps attorneys have the chance to question her they got her to confirm that he was worried about his wife, melania is reaction to some of the stories President Trump really values mrs. Trumps opinion and she doesnt weigh in all the time. But when she does, its really meaningful to him we learned this afternoon that trump has that 9,000 fine issued by a judge on tuesday after the judge found that trump has violated the gag order nine times. Now, interestingly, aaron, he paid the fine and two separate cashiers checks, one for 2,000. 01 147000 dollars. Were still waiting for the judges decision on those other for alleged violations of the gag order and understood about the checks to it seemed interesting. Theres got to be a specific reason for it. All right, paula, thank you very much, paul, outside that courthouse where she has been reporting inevitably, through the week. All right. Everyones with me, jeremy herb, let me start with with you because you were there in the courtroom today this moment certainly the most dramatic moment in the room of the trial when who picks is there already a witness that everybody is seeing whats she going to say . The room had already changed and then breaking down at that moment when crossexamination began, how did trump react to that moment and to her testimony . Yeah, that seemed to be the one one point when trump really did express concern about hope hicks and how she was doing as she walked out, he started on his face watching her walk by up until that point, he had not been paying too much attention. The two of them, they did not seem to make eye contact when she was on the stand and it was such an interesting moment because it it felt like it was the end, right . She had just gotten done with the prosecution and gotten done with the hard questions and trumps attorney, emile bove, he was not asking her difficult question. It was not a difficult question that led to this dramatic moment. He pasty, just talk about your time at the Trump Organization, but She Kinda Felt overwhelmed by the moment and perhaps let her guard down. And that is what led to her having breaking down a little. Its also notable when she left the Witness Stand at the end of the day, the president , he gave a look at hurried nodded to her and he gave her a small smile, which is something we really have not seen very often, right . Reiser terror when you were there, i know youve been there every day. You were watching the jury during hopes testimony and also during this particular moment so how did they react and you know, where they all, focused on her, were they looking at what was the reaction in that moment and what do you think caused her emotion . Well, the room was shocked. Ive got to tell you, not just the jury, but also all of The Press Corps was shocked and i think the parties were shocked. She didnt actually start crying. She stopped and she turned to the side and then just kinda got choked up and then bove they asked, do you want to take a break . Lets take a break, judge, has lets take a break. So i think the jury and everyone else was wondering whats going on and i believe the reaction was because just like jeremy said, she had just finished testifying. She said something that was damaging towards trumps. She said yes, he did say its better that this happened before the election then after the election, and i think when beauvais got up there, she felt comfortable. She felt at home. This is my family and sometimes thats a very sensitive moment. Thats when you break down just as fascinating. I mean, daniel hertz as a former manhattan assistant District Attorney you can bend in these rooms, not this particular one in this sense, but, you know whats happening here. So how does a dramatic moment like that effect a jury . I mean, i think jurors are human beings and theyre moved in ways that we all are. But i think at the end of the de, theyre gonna Pay Attention to whether this witness was credible or not, and the fact that she broke down, i think as a message to the jury that this is a witness who we can trust. We understand that she worked for donald trump. We understand that shes here by subpoena, not willingly also, im surely understand and appreciate that this is a sophisticated person, this is somebody who has appeared in front of large crowds. She deals with the media. This is somebody who has worked under incredible pressure and yet here she is breaking down on the stand. This is somebody who takes it serious. Exactly. Is credible so ryan, part of this was the question that came up with her was whether trump was doing this to protect his family, right. As opposed to for the campaign and when it gets, you get to the burden for the jury of whether you can have a little but of one and a lot of the other and still convict. Thats the Question Hicks made points on both sides of that she did say he was concerned about the story. He was concerned about how it would be viewed by his wife, and he wanted me to make sure that the newspapers werent delivered to his residence that morning but then she also detailed how did how involved the campaign wasnt a response and admitted she was very concerned in that capacity by the story, which side wins out here i think the sayyed that wins out as the prosecution because the prosecution old, they have to prove is that one of the substantial motives is the Hush Money Scheme to affect the outcome the olathe only just right. And that human being beings are human beings in which they might have mixed motive. And one is to protect ones wife and then the other one is to try to win the election. And that the damaging material coming out would affect both. So the prosecutors actually one that means that hopes hit hope hicks has actually provided very direct evidence, including donald trump himself telling her this would have been better. Its better than it came out now it did not come up before the election yeah, thats really important for the prosecution so she also when it came to Michael Cohen, terry also gave some really important points the prosecution, but also to the defense. She said he wasnt looped in on daytoday Campaign Strategy and he would go rogue. All right, so thats, that helps the defense, but then she also said he was not at the quote i read at the top and especially the charitable person or selfless person. So the idea he would pay 130,000 his own money out of the kindness of his heart, doesnt really fit. So again, which of those is more powerful . The fact that he would go rogue and wasnt involved or the fact that he never would have done if trump didnt prove it. Well, heres what i think. Trump basically micromanagers, and thats what she said. So the two issues that i would put against each other is one, Michael Cohen goes rogue to donald trump. Michael manages. And so by doing that, it means he knows whats going on. He knows where these checks are going. He knows whats in the ledgers and in fact, he knows about the invoices. So i think that her saying, Michael Cohen goes rogue and saying things about his personality that he wouldnt pay. Okay. Fine. The real issue is whether or not donald trump was involved with a he knew this is an intent crime. We have to show that he actually intended to falsify these Business Records and that he knew about the fact that hes breaking the law here. So did did she help the prosecution get there on that point of Beyond A Reasonable Doubt when it came to trump knowing what cohen was doing. I think they did and i think that you just hit on a very important point. Shes an insider whos worked in the Trump Organization, not just the white house. Shes work with that family for a long time. Shes credible. She knows how what the what the dynamic is between donald trump and Allen Weisselberg and Michael Cohen. And so when she comes in front of the jury after years of working with the trump family and saying, this is how it works. I think there is credibility there about his knowing about what happens with how these payments are characterized in the books and records. So jaime, one thing weve all had been in the courtroom and notice trump has a few specific ways of his carrying his comportment, right . Theres the lean back with the legs forward. Theres the lean in theres the straight. I shot. And youve been able to watch when he uses each of those methods and today you observed him watching hope hicks, but when shes talking about access Hollywood Tape and Karen Mcdougal, he does the sit back with the eyes closed. Okay. What do you observe there . What have you now put together about how he is . Using his Body Language i mean, i think hes trying its better in his mind and probably really in his lawyers mine for him to not be reacting even if his eyes are closed and if the jurors observed him sleeping, thats probably better than the jurors observing him getting angry about these things during the fall when he was in the civil fraud trial, where it was just a judge there was no jury. Trump would react those so much more than what weve seen, what this trial he would shake his head. He would it was just night. It was all out on asleep and so today, one thing that was interesting with hope hicks testimony is you know, he was not completely 20 out as we saw, i think in some cases with david pecker and some of the other testimony, he was watching. Sometimes theres screens up also in the course courtroom that he was looking up and look at the screens where you basically can watch himself, watched hope from there, rather than looking at her, but it felt today, he was certainly more in tune to what to what was going on then perhaps something that screen, i got to say you got to need some kind of eyewear to be able to see this five different cameras is very tiny up there, but but absolutely so ryan, Michael Cohen, going to be a crucial witness. How difficult is his testimony going to be . I mean, honestly, what theyre trying to do leading in is to put all the bad out there and to prove what they need to prove. And then hes obviously crucial, but theyre saying you dont have to rely on him for every one of these pieces. Hope corroborates this Keith Davidson, some corroborates that how crucial is he going to be though thanks so far it still looks like hes crucial because the piece that we dont have is the insight into how exactly the records were structured and he has direct conversations with donald trump about that, apparently, according to Michael Cohen, according to his books and tapes of sun that weve heard. Yeah. And so there are tapes of summer unfortunately, for him or for the prosecution. The tape is out of the Karen Mcdougal scheme. Its not of the Stormy Daniels scheme in which trump is deeply in the weeds about exactly how the payments are going to work. So it really might rely on Michael Cohens testimony. Theres been a lot of layering by the prosecution that a lot of corroboration of other things that cohen will say. Yeah, but some pieces of it might just be Michael Coe Cohen when do they do Michael Cohen knowing everyone on the team . Yeah. What theyre doing is theyre going to make up Michael Cohens sandwich if he would. And what theyre gonna do is theyre going to as they have, theres going to be a crescendo of witnesses that are going to ultimately corroborate him, then theyre going to call him and then theyre going to end the case by again and watching him with witnesses that come to me. The letters out exactly right and terry, whats your whats your expectation for whats next here . Well, its not gonna be Michael Cohen next, but i do think we might have to see a couple more custodial witnesses just because the defense is not agreeing to stick relate to get some of these main mundane documents into the evidence and they could very well do that. We might see some of that i mean, i think we could also see gina rodriguez. I mean, shes been brought up a couple of times. I thought the Talent Manager exactly. I think she might come up to corroborate some of the things theyve been trying to say. And stormy will come up at some point, whether she comes before or after is unknown, but i think were going to go the sixday weeks. All right. Well, thank you all very much. Its been a very busy week and next week even more all right. Next someone who knows trump very well. What she noted but its between the two in court today, trump and hope hicks, Stephanie Grisham is next plus cnn learning israel is now briefing Biden Administration ahead of its plans to enter southern gaza, which could be hours away, days away, the who warning tonight, it could be a bloodbath. Fareed zakaria is out front and a revealing looked tonight inside the struggle that more more than half of american households are facing as we speak lets talk those real everybodys trying to make ends meet the whole myth has to be reimagined fee if you didnt know whether you were next they were both tied up . Yeah. Yeah. 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I remember doing an interview with him. We all went to trump tower where a film the apprentice, it was him. And it was hope x that was that was how crucial that relationship was and how important she was out front. Now, Stephanie Grisham, who was the White House Press secretary for former President Trump, also the former chief of staff for then first lady melania trump. And stephanie, you were among the very first few on that campaign. And in that role, you not only worked so closely and absurd donald trump, but you work closely with Hope Hicks She made clear today that she was very nervous and obviously broke down at one point why do you think that happened you know, i felt nervous for her today. I felt anxiety for her and i have not spoken to hope since i left the white house on january 6th, i think that when you work with somebody for so long, i worked with the trumps for six years. She worked with them for much longer and obviously youre going to become post to them and youre going to see a side of them that the public doesnt see. And so i imagined she felt like any human being would that she was betraying him and that shows she felt nervous. We have to remember she was there under subpoena. She wasnt there willingly. Lets say i cant imagine how she felt because i who have spoken out against him publicly for years now, i still felt anxiety for her. So stephanie obviously, you know, her and many have spoken about her memory and how great it is. Some its even been described as photographic today. She did say she did not call some very key moments not was it january or february, but she said she didnt recall whether she was president that key trump tower meeting with david pecker, head of the fbi donald trump. I mean, do you believe that ill just say this. Anybody whos been prepped very well by an attorney has been told over and over again that theres never anything wrong with saying that you dont recall or you dont remember . She does have a great memory. Shes a very, very intelligent woman. And so when i heard that it didnt surprise me, i think a few weeks ago, i even maybe had said that i so i thought that she would probably do a lot of i dont recalls one take, we do want to say was that i do think that she really did in part to the jury that people dont maybe know yet, but you dont go row with donald trump. And so i know that thats a thing that the defense is going to try to say is that Michael Cohen went rogue. You do not . Ill go rogue with him and it reminded me listening to her or listening to the news. Tell me about her. That when i was traveling with the press on the campaign, i would literally have to ask her if i could tell the press that were going to be somewhere the next day, some things so easy like were gonna be an iowa the next day and she would have to Ask Donald Trump if it was okay for me to tell them where they were going to be the next day. So you dont go rogue with him. He is aware of everything thats being said, whether its on the record, off the record, what have you and you thats really important because it does it does put the context on the concept of fixing, that. So when, when i hicks, obviously his inner circle as it gets when i was telling that anecdote from trump tower that i recall stephanie as she clearly remains loyal to him, as you point out, having known him for so long today, though, she did avoid eye contact for most of her testimony, trump often had a scowl on his face as he was watching her speak passing notes with his attorneys as hes done throughout this trial closing his eyes, when she testified about the access Hollywood Tape, what do you think is going on here when you hear those descriptions of how he reacted today . I could think was that again, she was in such the inner circle, especially there in the very beginning. And she was privy to so many conversations and so many people and all i could think was that he was wondering what else she could say. I think it was very clear that she didnt want to say too much. She only answered the questions that were asked of her and she didnt really expand on them. But to me, i think he was a little bit nervous in an anecdotal used for myself you know, Everybody Knows i was pretty close to millennia. There are many, many stories ive never shared about millennia for various reasons. And i think that hope probably feels the same way. And i imagine that he was a little worried about what else was going to come out of her mouth now its interesting the other day when Keith Davidson was testifying about Karen Mcdougal and the affair details, i was watching him in the room for a lot of that testimony and at that moment, when the talking about the affair hes looking up at the ceiling he has a sort of either personal look up at the ceiling, eyes closed, or leaning back is closed during those moments, access Hollywood Tape comes up. Same of reaction. And i know weve been trying to understand why i know. You see something happening here as someone who knows him well, what is it . Ive been its its humiliating. I dont care who you are. I dont care if youre the most confident narcissist in the world whos had a lot of good fortune and who has been president of the United States . Its got to be humiliating. And in fact, hearing the Anecdote Today that hope hicks said that he wanted the newspapers to not be sent to trump tower, so his wife wouldnt see them. Well, melania didnt read hardcopy papers ever, ever i think he didnt want to see those things. I dont think thats ever going to be easy for anyone. I think hes humiliated. That is really interesting as you point out, she would read on her ipad oh, yeah, hes not a technological person. Youre right. He would be the one to pick up the New York Post and look at it in paper apps, id never saw her pick up a paper ever. Not once know. Thats fascinating. So that comment from hope hicks should he didnt want to deliver to the residents as if it was to protect millennia could be seen as very different all right. Thank you very much, stephanie, glad to see you thank you next, Stormy Daniels, longtime friend of 15 years, is my guest. He has been speaking to are regularly and he has new details on what is weighing on his friend right now. Plus israel now briefing the Biden Administration ahead of its plan to enter rafah, where more than 1 Million People are trapped the World Health Organization tonight warning of a bloodbath and Fareed Zakaria is next welcome to the world of Spy Craft Garage glued to the action. 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United nations in a briefing today says the intensity and scale of the destruction in gaza is like nothing the world has seen since world war ii when youve had seen whats going on the ground in places like ukraine. That is an absolutely stunning thing to say. Id find now freed zakaria, host of cnns Fareed Zakaria gps and all author of the new book, age of revolutions get it online or like it isnt my bookstore. Im sure it is on the front shelf of every bookstore. You walk into right now. So fareed the lets just start with this Bloodbath Warning from the who about what they say will happen if israel goes into rafah are they right . Are those words fair bloodbath it sounds pretty fair. Remember this is oneandahalf Million People who had been herded into rafah because they were forced in there when the Israeli Government displaced most of them from Northern Gaza and Northern Gaza was then essentially destroy. It doesnt un report. I think its i think its a un that says it will take 80 years to rebuild the homes and schools and hospitals that have been destroyed in Northern Gaza. So all these people and now clustered gaza was already densely populated. There. Now in the tiny area called rough if is what goes in. And again, the truth is hamas does use human beings as shields. It does use civilian facilities are shields. But the reality of that means devastation. For ordinary people so the Biden Administration theyre demanding answers from israel on what theyre gonna do to protect civilians theres a lot of talk about demanding and yet israel continues to continue to do what it seems to want to do. Is bite administration, pushing hard enough. Does israel care what they have to say . Do they think theres real teeth behind it . Whats happening there . The Biden Administration has tried a strategy from the start, which was hugging is were close supported publicly and privately. Express your disagreements. They were opposed to the major massive ground invasion. There were opposed to not setting up many humanitarian corridors. There were, theyd been opposed to the way in which it should be netanyahu has waged this war from the start. Theyve gotten nowhere. So i think the answer to your question is no, its whatever theyre doing, it isnt working. And so the question its a hard one is do they condition some of the aid that is coming to israel and say, you cant use this and raffa, i think we are getting two point where there may be a major break between washington and israel, and we havent seen this in a long time if that happens, biden faces this very difficult choice. Does he withhold delay condition some of the aid because the Israeli Government is simply not listening to them for advice. Thats going to be an incredible moment if that happens. But as you point out, they have not been listening. And it comes in the context of more propalestinian protests, as weve seen through the week, fareed right on campuses across the country. These pictures youre looking at here on the screen are from new york university. More than 2,100 were arrested all in as the demonstrations have now ill spread at last count free to more than 40 campuses across the entire United States. I know though that in the complexity of this, where these situations are very complex, some words are thrown around very lightly that shouldnt be you see a double standard in how colleges are treating speech on campus. What do you mean . In by that so i think that all of this in some way has been exacerbated by the fact that over the last ten years, colleges have not seemed neutral in terms of, you know free speech versus hate speech versus intimidation. In other words, theyve jumped in almost sided with salt im protesters particularly after the george floyd protests. And in other cases, theyve said, well, its free speech. We can, we can get involved in this. So give you a simple example. Would colleges take have been as reluctant to disperse some of these protests . If they had been i supremacists, if they had even been big rallies and favor of trump and maga and things like that. You wonder, right . Part of the reason you wonder is that colleges have not been new, neutral and the wave they have, theyve kind of applied these principles. So what happened particularly for jewish groups is when they started to hear what was often unfortunately antisemitic rhetoric. And College President said, oh, this is all protected free speech. A lot of jewish groups said, wait a minute, you didnt say that when it was antiblack rhetoric. You didnt say that so theres, theres a sense in which why is it free speech sometimes and not free speech other times that that adds to this is a difficult challenge, but i think one thing we should always remember, Civil Disobedience is okay. It is one of the great traditions of american protest the key to it, as Martin Luther king said in 1965, is you have to be willing to take the punishment if you know, if you are breaking the law because you want to call attention to something youve got to accept the consequences are aching the law, right . And that means it being arrested, maybe being expelled, right. And thats thats the price. And if you do it, you have to be willing to pay it. But the price of this for biden whats at stake . Thank right . Is a deep passion that is clearly felt by many young people across this country. We knew that before these protests, but these protests certainly cemented it for people. And Bernie Sanders told Christiane Amanpour that biden is out of step with much of the democratic pace on this issue in terms of how he sees it. And his support is his support for israels so let me just play what Senator Sanders said this maybe bidens vietnam. I worry very much that President Biden is putting himself in session where he has alienated not just young people, but a lot of the Democratic Base in terms of his views on israel and this war it says he worries. It may be bidens vietnam. Do you agree i think i think that is an exaggeration. Remember vietnam was worthy, United States was waging. We had 500,000 troops there. College students were being recruited to go there. This is very different. This is a war yeah, it certainly true that the United States is supporting israel, but it is true the fundamental point Bernie Sanders made, its true biden doesnt seem to get how strongly the base fields about this and what could happen. And the replay that is possible is the Democratic Convention this year is being held in the same city it wasnt 19 68. And that here, the protests around vietnam send a signal to the world that the Democratic Party was in disarray, was divided. And that signal could easily be sent to the world. Again from chicago. And it could, it could impair bidens chances for reelection. All right. Very good. Thank you. Pretty much. And i hope that everywill watch freed zakaria zp, a gps. Sundays at 10 00 a. M. And 1 00 p. M. Eastern next, what is weighing on Stormy Daniels tonight as she prepares to testify and trumps trial. Some point we expect to see her there for who has been talking to her is out front next, and especially report on the striking number of households struggling to pay for the most basic need its taking being a serious tool you want to help when you cant lower the price its, its heartbreaking everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. 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The woman at the center of the trump trial, Stormy Daniels watching the testimony and coverage as she prepares to testify. And tonight we are learning that something is weighing on her very heavily. And one of her best friends for the past 15 years is out front tonight sharing these exclusive photos and they speak all the time out front. Now, is duane crawford, Stormy Daniels, longtime friend and former manager. And so duane, youve known her for many years in different ways. I know you speak to or almost daily now. And youve said to us that there is something weighing very heavily on her as she prepares to possibly testify what is it well, i think its the same thing thats weighing on everybody thats been following this case and thats just the fact that i mean, is he going to get away with it . That puts so much of a burden on her, right. If she does testify or she is she is at the center of this will of course. I mean it would mean that this was all for nothing. If i know her, thats definitely going to drive her nuts i mean, shes shes been through hell to get this far and honestly it would just be awful to not get some sort of justice out of this now, as i, as i said, i know you guys met more than 15 years ago. Your best friends. In the earliest stays of your friendship, weve got Pictures Of You that you shared with us and i say this in the context of you met her not long after her encounter with donald trump so what do people watching this trial, who are watching tonight, who are watching it and trying to understand whats happening every day, need to know about her i think people need to understand that she doesnt get anything out of this. Theres no reason for her to go through this other than to get the truth out there. And thats really the important thing so for anybody thats thinking, shes gut ulterior motives, or shes making money off of this. Its quite the opposite. And just watched this eid at her and eat at her and to be honest with you, i i just think the truth needs to be out there. You know, what she has gone through. She has faced a barrage of horrifying threats and i know theres been times theyve been horrible, but as this trial has started, i know its intensified duane and she shared some of them with us and i know, you know, about so many more just to give everyone a sense of them, im only going to be part of this one. Its vile. Im going to physics particularly abuse your entire family for what youve done to this country. This is a death threat and i swear to god i will murder you and im leaving out horrific, horrific things. It goes on to threaten unspeakable acts to her family what has she told you about these threats . Well you know honestly its just kind of sharing them and, and the overwhelming weight that comes with having to constantly be in fear of Something Like that i mean, we dealt with this in 2018, 2019 when everything was really getting out there and its just its like reliving it. Its coming back and honestly, i think this is probably a little worse because theres more at stake here. In this video, were watching a urine. This video. And theres a moment in the documentary stormy, where you are together with stormy and columbus, ohio two undercover cops are Trump Supporters and they tried to learn stormy into committing a crime. I want to play the clip theres no one here youre going to go with them so im going to put us on the two female officers they were in the merchandise line. They bought shirts, they took pictures with her hug der thanked her and then immediately they were ready to arrest her and that you recounting that story, duane, the charges charges were dropped against daniels within 24 hours, but not before police took her mug shot and after, you know, they wanted pictures, they thanked or they did all this than they arrest her. How have these . Variance is changed, your friend i mean, it just wears on you emotionally and i mean shes a pretty optimistic person and honestly is one of the strongest people that ive ever, ever known. I mean, shes just seeing everything that shes adored, but i mean, even her shes it definitely beats down on you. Will, duane. Thank you very much. Appreciate your time tonight thank you next, the struggle is real. Thats the exact words of a father of five who was working two jobs and still does not earn enough to put food on the table for his children he is far from alone a Special Report next the whole myth has to be reimagined you didnt know whether you were next they were both tied up . Yeah. Yeah. I was called in and i saw what turned out to be the biggest heist in history went from gold medal winning icon to a pariah would really happen with jesse l. Martin. Sundays at nine on cnn water would help with this dry spots. Thats wrong disease. But scotts health plus will cure It Lung Disease going around so like other people have it and its not recover bag of the newest Got Field Are Healthy Plus Lawn through today its treating a look at so here guys were everything down to she died from design and products to removal and installation, rebound this with you through every step of your remodel color visit rebirth. 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Im a Cfp Profsional Cop Professionals are committed to acting in your b best interest. Thats why and theyre all coming . Those who are still with us, yes. Grandpa whats this . Your wings. Light em up gentlemen, its a beautiful. Day to fly. Super beta prostate find it at walmart im Arlette Saenz at the white house, and this is cnn tonight. The 60 is real. Those are the words of this father of five who cant put enough food on the table for his family, even though we worked two fulltime jobs he is far from alone, more than half of the households in the United States who are stretched to feed their families, work full allison kim, is out front for our series. The real economy okay. I have a family of four family four. Then you get one of the large or two from that sounds great. Thank you so much this is carlos weekly trip Grocery Shopping for her family so is there any limit on what you can get . Yeah. Right here you get thats right here. Oh, thanks. So get one of each. Karla has been coming to this food bank and enfield, connecticut where everything is free since 2021 . Yeah thats the year she had a heart attack, law thats true job and could no longer afford the basics. What was happening before you started coming here . I was borrowing, getting money from Family Members so i found out about this place and im like, oh, lets try it and it was great. Its saved me every customer has a different story many once considered themselves middleclass or even welloff though inflation is generally subsiding, groceries, now cost 33 more than they did at the start of the covid19 pandemic. Today, more than one in ten American Adults live in a household where there was not enough to eat in the past week, according to the census what would you like in the Fruit Section . Yeah. I grew up very poor. I didnt want my kids to blow up like that, so i wanted to make sure that it worked two jobs and i wouldnt work seven days you worked seven days . Make ends meet or youre five children compile, worked at hours a week then he was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy as his health declined. So did his work hours and his income i, still do. I still work two jobs now, have you been surprised by any of the fellow customers . Ive seen some people here that have been financially welloff, like myself, but, you know, struggles everybodys trying to make ends meet. The people that were seeing in our lines. The super majority of them that are not Senior Citizens are working. They have jobs, they sometimes have two jobs jason, jakob, all ski, runs, connecticut food, share a massive food bank and the distributes free food good to 600 Food Pantries across the state. One of the tough things that we have here in connecticut is that we are the richest state in the country. But theres also a tremendous amount of poverty backup ascii says the need for food here has never been greater. 10 of households in the state are on snap. The government program, formerly known as food stamps ive been here seven years and this is definitely the most difficult time in that seven years to explain that, why is this the most difficult time . Yeah. I think that during the pandemic there was obviously a tremendous amount of need. You had pandemic era, free food coming from the federal government unemployment benefits, moratorium on Student Loan Payments Artoria mine housing payments, all of those things have gone away. Those pandemic benefits, which congress led expire, had pushed poverty to its lowest level on record since unemployment has gone down and things have improved. Why is the need the same would really is happening . Is that the cost of living in general has gone up specifically the cost of groceries have gone up no one knows this better than molly di fani, her family has been in the Grocery Store business for 90 years. Its more challenging to do Business Today than ever. Is that right . It is the struggle of pricing, the cost of products, the cost of labor. Everything is going through the roof is this a more emotional time . Because of this . Yeah, i think so because people are struggling, you see them struggling and you want to help. And when you cant lower the price, its, its heartbreaking. We absolutely have the ability here during the United States south hunger, ill tell you two things that congress can do tomorrow. They can increase the eligibility for snap and they can pass a child tax credit. It worked during the pandemic to help keep people out of poverty would work again. For now, karla and come pi plan to keep relying on the generosity of this food bank i think in the end its not about pride, its about what you need all right. Mary will help you are on one of the things that weve learned is that what people do when the price of necessities goes up. So their rent, their gas, there are one of the first things that they lose or cut back on its food because they think they can skip a meal, or they think they can skip a week of Grocery Shopping. But obviously when you have kids, that equation is totally different and you cant do that while i was just amazing that people would would make that sacrifice would think that way even new memoir out, allison combat love and you talk about some of the challenges that you faced in your teenage years. And obviously basically not like some of what youre reporting on here. But but but a part of your life that makes it it seems possible for you to relate to some of the struggles people are going through. I certainly relate to the instability. So as i write in the pages of the book some of my teenage years in my 20s were rife with instability. I was broke much of the time. I didnt know where i would be living sometimes a month from, then. And so i understand having to rely on the kindness of friends and acquaintances and sometimes strangers. And i really relate to that Beautiful Community where its the generosity of strangers at these Food Pants Trees that allow for people to make it through their periods of instability and how important that community, the people are buying and providing that food for others in their community. Allison, thank you so much. Thanks so much. And thanks so much to all of you for joining us. Ac30 60 starts now

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